 * NCSA HDF								    *
 * Software Development Group						    *
 * National Center for Supercomputing Applications			    *
 * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign				    *
 * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820				    *
 *									    *
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying		    *
 * hdf/COPYING file.							    *
 *									    *

 * This file contains private information about the H5D module
#ifndef _H5Dprivate_H
#define _H5Dprivate_H

#include <H5Dpublic.h>

/* Private headers needed by this file */
#include <H5private.h>
#include <H5Fprivate.h>		/*for the H5F_t type			     */
#include <H5Gprivate.h>		/*symbol tables				     */
#include <H5Oprivate.h>		/*object Headers			     */
#include <H5Sprivate.h>		/*for the H5S_t type			     */
#include <H5Tprivate.h>		/*for the H5T_t type			     */

 * Feature: Define H5D_DEBUG on the compiler command line if you want to
 *	    debug dataset I/O. NDEBUG must not be defined in order for this
 *	    to have any effect.
#ifdef NDEBUG
#  undef H5D_DEBUG


/* Set the minimum object header size to create objects with */
#define H5D_MINHDR_SIZE 512

/* Dataset creation property list */
typedef struct H5D_create_t {
    H5D_layout_t	layout;		/*storage layout		     */
    intn		chunk_ndims;	/*chunk dimensionality		     */
    hsize_t		chunk_size[32];	/*chunk size if chunked storage	     */
    H5O_fill_t		fill;		/*fill value			     */
    H5O_efl_t		efl;		/*external file list		     */
    H5O_pline_t		pline;		/*data filter pipeline		     */
} H5D_create_t;

typedef struct H5D_t H5D_t;

__DLLVAR__ const H5D_create_t H5D_create_dflt;

/* Functions defined in H5D.c */
__DLL__ H5D_t *H5D_create(H5G_entry_t *loc, const char *name,
			  const H5T_t *type, const H5S_t *space,
			  const H5D_create_t *create_parms);
__DLL__ H5D_t *H5D_open(H5G_entry_t *loc, const char *name);
__DLL__ herr_t H5D_close(H5D_t *dataset);
__DLL__ htri_t H5D_isa(H5G_entry_t *ent);
__DLL__ herr_t H5D_read(H5D_t *dataset, const H5T_t *mem_type,
			const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space,
			hid_t dset_xfer_plist, void *buf/*out*/);
__DLL__ herr_t H5D_write(H5D_t *dataset, const H5T_t *mem_type,
			 const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space,
			 hid_t dset_xfer_plist, const void *buf);
__DLL__ herr_t H5D_extend(H5D_t *dataset, const hsize_t *size);
__DLL__ H5G_entry_t *H5D_entof(H5D_t *dataset);
__DLL__ H5T_t *H5D_typeof(H5D_t *dset);
__DLL__ H5S_t *H5D_get_space(H5D_t *dset);
__DLL__ H5D_t * H5D_open_oid(H5G_entry_t *ent);
__DLL__ H5F_t * H5D_get_file(const H5D_t *dset);
__DLL__ hsize_t H5D_get_storage_size(H5D_t *dset);
__DLL__ void *H5D_vlen_get_buf_size_alloc(size_t size, void *info);
__DLL__ herr_t H5D_vlen_get_buf_size(void *elem, hid_t type_id, hsize_t ndim, hssize_t *point, void *op_data);
