 * Copyright � 2000-2001 NCSA
 *                       All rights reserved.
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol <koziol@ncsa.uiuc.edu>
 *              Monday, April 17, 2000
 * Purpose:	The public header file for the log driver.
#ifndef H5FDlog_H
#define H5FDlog_H

#include "H5Ipublic.h"

#define H5FD_LOG	(H5FD_log_init())

/* Flags for H5Pset_fapl_log() */
/* Flags for tracking where reads/writes/seeks occur */
#define H5FD_LOG_LOC_READ   0x0001
#define H5FD_LOG_LOC_WRITE  0x0002
#define H5FD_LOG_LOC_SEEK   0x0004
/* Flags for tracking number of times each byte is read/written */
#define H5FD_LOG_FILE_READ  0x0008
#define H5FD_LOG_FILE_WRITE 0x0010
/* Flag for tracking "flavor" (type) of information stored at each byte */
#define H5FD_LOG_FLAVOR     0x0020
/* Flags for tracking total number of reads/writes/seeks */
#define H5FD_LOG_NUM_READ   0x0040
#define H5FD_LOG_NUM_WRITE  0x0080
#define H5FD_LOG_NUM_SEEK   0x0100
/* Flags for tracking time spent in open/read/write/seek/close */
#define H5FD_LOG_TIME_OPEN  0x0200      /* Not implemented yet */
#define H5FD_LOG_TIME_READ  0x0400      /* Not implemented yet */
#define H5FD_LOG_TIME_WRITE 0x0800      /* Partially implemented (need to track total time) */
#define H5FD_LOG_TIME_SEEK  0x1000      /* Partially implemented (need to track total time & track time for seeks during reading) */
#define H5FD_LOG_TIME_CLOSE 0x2000      /* Fully implemented */
/* Flag for tracking allocation of space in file */
#define H5FD_LOG_ALLOC      0x4000

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

__DLL__ hid_t H5FD_log_init(void);
#ifdef H5_WANT_H5_V1_4_COMPAT
__DLL__ herr_t H5Pset_fapl_log(hid_t fapl_id, char *logfile, int verbosity);
#else /* H5_WANT_H5_V1_4_COMPAT */
__DLL__ herr_t H5Pset_fapl_log(hid_t fapl_id, char *logfile, unsigned flags, size_t buf_size);
#endif /* H5_WANT_H5_V1_4_COMPAT */

#ifdef __cplusplus
