/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code * * distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. * * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from * * help@hdfgroup.org. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* * Purpose: This file contains declarations which define macros for the * H5F package. Including this header means that the source file * is part of the H5F package. */ #ifndef H5Fmodule_H #define H5Fmodule_H /* Define the proper control macros for the generic FUNC_ENTER/LEAVE and error * reporting macros. */ #define H5F_MODULE #define H5_MY_PKG H5F #define H5_MY_PKG_ERR H5E_FILE /** \page H5F_UG The HDF5 File * * \section sec_file The HDF5 File * \subsection subsec_file_intro Introduction * The purpose of this chapter is to describe how to work with HDF5 data files. * * If HDF5 data is to be written to or read from a file, the file must first be explicitly created or * opened with the appropriate file driver and access privileges. Once all work with the file is * complete, the file must be explicitly closed. * * This chapter discusses the following: * \li File access modes * \li Creating, opening, and closing files * \li The use of file creation property lists * \li The use of file access property lists * \li The use of low-level file drivers * * This chapter assumes an understanding of the material presented in the data model chapter. For * more information, @see @ref sec_data_model. * * \subsection subsec_file_access_modes File Access Modes * There are two issues regarding file access: * * * Four access modes address these concerns. Two of these modes can be used with #H5Fcreate, and * two modes can be used with #H5Fopen. * \li #H5Fcreate accepts #H5F_ACC_EXCL or #H5F_ACC_TRUNC * \li #H5Fopen accepts #H5F_ACC_RDONLY or #H5F_ACC_RDWR * * The access modes are described in the table below. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Access flags and modes
Access FlagResulting Access Mode
#H5F_ACC_EXCLIf the file already exists, #H5Fcreate fails. If the file does not exist, * it is created and opened with read-write access. (Default)
#H5F_ACC_TRUNCIf the file already exists, the file is opened with read-write access, * and new data will overwrite any existing data. If the file does not exist, * it is created and opened with read-write access.
#H5F_ACC_RDONLYAn existing file is opened with read-only access. If the file does not * exist, #H5Fopen fails. (Default)
#H5F_ACC_RDWRAn existing file is opened with read-write access. If the file does not * exist, #H5Fopen fails.
* * By default, #H5Fopen opens a file for read-only access; passing #H5F_ACC_RDWR allows * read-write access to the file. * * By default, #H5Fcreate fails if the file already exists; only passing #H5F_ACC_TRUNC allows * the truncating of an existing file. * * \subsection subsec_file_creation_access File Creation and File Access Properties * File creation and file access property lists control the more complex aspects of creating and * accessing files. * * File creation property lists control the characteristics of a file such as the size of the userblock, * a user-definable data block; the size of data address parameters; properties of the B-trees that are * used to manage the data in the file; and certain HDF5 Library versioning information. * * For more information, @see @ref subsubsec_file_property_lists_props. * * This section has a more detailed discussion of file creation properties. If you have no special * requirements for these file characteristics, you can simply specify #H5P_DEFAULT for the default * file creation property list when a file creation property list is called for. * * File access property lists control properties and means of accessing a file such as data alignment * characteristics, metadata block and cache sizes, data sieve buffer size, garbage collection * settings, and parallel I/O. Data alignment, metadata block and cache sizes, and data sieve buffer * size are factors in improving I/O performance. * * For more information, @see @ref subsubsec_file_property_lists_access. * * This section has a more detailed discussion of file access properties. If you have no special * requirements for these file access characteristics, you can simply specify #H5P_DEFAULT for the * default file access property list when a file access property list is called for. * * * * * * *
Figure 10 - More sample file structures
* \image html UML_FileAndProps.gif "UML model for an HDF5 file and its property lists" *
* * \subsection subsec_file_drivers Low-level File Drivers * The concept of an HDF5 file is actually rather abstract: the address space for what is normally * thought of as an HDF5 file might correspond to any of the following at the storage level: * \li Single file on a standard file system * \li Multiple files on a standard file system * \li Multiple files on a parallel file system * \li Block of memory within an application's memory space * \li More abstract situations such as virtual files * * This HDF5 address space is generally referred to as an HDF5 file regardless of its organization at * the storage level. * * HDF5 accesses a file (the address space) through various types of low-level file drivers. The * default HDF5 file storage layout is as an unbuffered permanent file which is a single, contiguous * file on local disk. Alternative layouts are designed to suit the needs of a variety of systems, * environments, and applications. * * \subsection subsec_file_program_model Programming Model for Files * Programming models for creating, opening, and closing HDF5 files are described in the * sub-sections below. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_program_model_create Creating a New File * The programming model for creating a new HDF5 file can be summarized as follows: * \li Define the file creation property list * \li Define the file access property list * \li Create the file * * First, consider the simple case where we use the default values for the property lists. See the * example below. * * Creating an HDF5 file using property list defaults * \code * file_id = H5Fcreate ("SampleFile.h5", H5F_ACC_EXCL, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) * \endcode * * Note: The example above specifies that #H5Fcreate should fail if SampleFile.h5 already exists. * * A more complex case is shown in the example below. In this example, we define file creation * and access property lists (though we do not assign any properties), specify that #H5Fcreate * should fail if SampleFile.h5 already exists, and create a new file named SampleFile.h5. The example * does not specify a driver, so the default driver, #H5FD_SEC2, will be used. * * Creating an HDF5 file using property lists * \code * fcplist_id = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_CREATE) * <...set desired file creation properties...> * faplist_id = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS) * <...set desired file access properties...> * file_id = H5Fcreate ("SampleFile.h5", H5F_ACC_EXCL, fcplist_id, faplist_id) * \endcode * Notes: * 1. A root group is automatically created in a file when the file is first created. * * 2. File property lists, once defined, can be reused when another file is created within the same * application. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_program_model_open Opening an Existing File * The programming model for opening an existing HDF5 file can be summarized as follows: * * * The code in the example below shows how to open an existing file with read-only access. * * Opening an HDF5 file * \code * faplist_id = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS) * status = H5Pset_fapl_stdio (faplist_id) * file_id = H5Fopen ("SampleFile.h5", H5F_ACC_RDONLY, faplist_id) * \endcode * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_program_model_close Closing a File * The programming model for closing an HDF5 file is very simple: * \li Close file * * We close SampleFile.h5 with the code in the example below. * * Closing an HDF5 file * \code * status = H5Fclose (file_id) * \endcode * Note that #H5Fclose flushes all unwritten data to storage and that file_id is the identifier returned * for SampleFile.h5 by #H5Fopen. * * More comprehensive discussions regarding all of these steps are provided below. * * \subsection subsec_file_h5dump Using h5dump to View a File * h5dump is a command-line utility that is included in the HDF5 distribution. This program * provides a straight-forward means of inspecting the contents of an HDF5 file. You can use * h5dump to verify that a program is generating the intended HDF5 file. h5dump displays ASCII * output formatted according to the HDF5 DDL grammar. * * The following h5dump command will display the contents of SampleFile.h5: * \code * h5dump SampleFile.h5 * \endcode * * If no datasets or groups have been created in and no data has been written to the file, the output * will look something like the following: * \code * HDF5 "SampleFile.h5" { * GROUP "/" { * } * } * \endcode * * Note that the root group, indicated above by /, was automatically created when the file was created. * * h5dump is described on the * Tools * page under * * Libraries and Tools Reference. * The HDF5 DDL grammar is described in the document \ref DDLBNF110. * * \subsection subsec_file_summary File Function Summaries * General library (\ref H5 functions and macros), (\ref H5F functions), file related * (\ref H5P functions), and file driver (\ref H5P functions) are listed below. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
General library functions and macros
#H5check_versionVerifies that HDF5 library versions are consistent.
#H5closeFlushes all data to disk, closes all open identifiers, and cleans up memory.
#H5dont_atexitInstructs the library not to install the atexit cleanup routine.
#H5garbage_collectPerforms garbage collection (GC) on all free-lists of all types.
#H5get_libversionReturns the HDF library release number.
#H5openInitializes the HDF5 library.
#H5set_free_list_limitsSets free-list size limits.
#H5_VERSION_GEDetermines whether the version of the library being used is greater than or equal * to the specified version.
#H5_VERSION_LEDetermines whether the version of the library being used is less than or equal * to the specified version.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
File functions
#H5Fclear_elink_file_cacheClears the external link open file cache for a file.
#H5FcloseCloses HDF5 file.
#H5FcreateCreates new HDF5 file.
#H5FflushFlushes data to HDF5 file on storage medium.
#H5Fget_access_plistReturns a file access property list identifier.
#H5Fget_create_plistReturns a file creation property list identifier.
#H5Fget_file_imageRetrieves a copy of the image of an existing, open file.
#H5Fget_filesizeReturns the size of an HDF5 file.
#H5Fget_freespaceReturns the amount of free space in a file.
#H5Fget_infoReturns global information for a file.
#H5Fget_intentDetermines the read/write or read-only status of a file.
#H5Fget_mdc_configObtains current metadata cache configuration for target file.
#H5Fget_mdc_hit_rateObtains target file's metadata cache hit rate.
#H5Fget_mdc_sizeObtains current metadata cache size data for specified file.
#H5Fget_mpi_atomicityRetrieves the atomicity mode in use.
#H5Fget_nameRetrieves the name of the file to which the object belongs.
#H5Fget_obj_countReturns the number of open object identifiers for an open file.
#H5Fget_obj_idsReturns a list of open object identifiers.
#H5Fget_vfd_handleReturns pointer to the file handle from the virtual file driver.
#H5Fis_hdf5Determines whether a file is in the HDF5 format.
#H5FmountMounts a file.
#H5FopenOpens an existing HDF5 file.
#H5FreopenReturns a new identifier for a previously-opened HDF5 file.
#H5Freset_mdc_hit_rate_statsResets hit rate statistics counters for the target file.
#H5Fset_mdc_configConfigures metadata cache of target file.
#H5Fset_mpi_atomicitySets the MPI atomicity mode.
#H5FunmountUnmounts a file.
* * \anchor fcpl_table_tag File creation property list functions (H5P) * \snippet{doc} tables/propertyLists.dox fcpl_table * * \anchor fapl_table_tag File access property list functions (H5P) * \snippet{doc} tables/propertyLists.dox fapl_table * * \anchor fd_pl_table_tag File driver property list functions (H5P) * \snippet{doc} tables/propertyLists.dox fd_pl_table * * * \subsection subsec_file_create Creating or Opening an HDF5 File * This section describes in more detail how to create and how to open files. * * New HDF5 files are created and opened with #H5Fcreate; existing files are opened with * #H5Fopen. Both functions return an object identifier which must eventually be released by calling * #H5Fclose. * * To create a new file, call #H5Fcreate: * \code * hid_t H5Fcreate (const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fcpl_id, hid_t fapl_id) * \endcode * * #H5Fcreate creates a new file named name in the current directory. The file is opened with read * and write access; if the #H5F_ACC_TRUNC flag is set, any pre-existing file of the same name in * the same directory is truncated. If #H5F_ACC_TRUNC is not set or #H5F_ACC_EXCL is set and * if a file of the same name exists, #H5Fcreate will fail. * * The new file is created with the properties specified in the property lists fcpl_id and fapl_id. * fcpl is short for file creation property list. fapl is short for file access property list. Specifying * #H5P_DEFAULT for either the creation or access property list will use the library's default * creation or access properties. * * If #H5Fcreate successfully creates the file, it returns a file identifier for the new file. This * identifier will be used by the application any time an object identifier, an OID, for the file is * required. Once the application has finished working with a file, the identifier should be released * and the file closed with #H5Fclose. * * To open an existing file, call #H5Fopen: * \code * hid_t H5Fopen (const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fapl_id) * \endcode * * #H5Fopen opens an existing file with read-write access if #H5F_ACC_RDWR is set and read-only * access if #H5F_ACC_RDONLY is set. * * fapl_id is the file access property list identifier. Alternatively, #H5P_DEFAULT indicates that the * application relies on the default I/O access parameters. Creating and changing access property * lists is documented further below. * * A file can be opened more than once via multiple #H5Fopen calls. Each such call returns a unique * file identifier and the file can be accessed through any of these file identifiers as long as they * remain valid. Each of these file identifiers must be released by calling #H5Fclose when it is no * longer needed. * * For more information, @see @ref subsubsec_file_property_lists_access. * For more information, @see @ref subsec_file_property_lists. * * \subsection subsec_file_closes Closing an HDF5 File * #H5Fclose both closes a file and releases the file identifier returned by #H5Fopen or #H5Fcreate. * #H5Fclose must be called when an application is done working with a file; while the HDF5 * Library makes every effort to maintain file integrity, failure to call #H5Fclose may result in the * file being abandoned in an incomplete or corrupted state. * * To close a file, call #H5Fclose: * \code * herr_t H5Fclose (hid_t file_id) * \endcode * This function releases resources associated with an open file. After closing a file, the file * identifier, file_id, cannot be used again as it will be undefined. * * #H5Fclose fulfills three purposes: to ensure that the file is left in an uncorrupted state, to ensure * that all data has been written to the file, and to release resources. Use #H5Fflush if you wish to * ensure that all data has been written to the file but it is premature to close it. * * Note regarding serial mode behavior: When #H5Fclose is called in serial mode, it closes the file * and terminates new access to it, but it does not terminate access to objects that remain * individually open within the file. That is, if #H5Fclose is called for a file but one or more objects * within the file remain open, those objects will remain accessible until they are individually * closed. To illustrate, assume that a file, fileA, contains a dataset, data_setA, and that both are * open when #H5Fclose is called for fileA. data_setA will remain open and accessible, including * writable, until it is explicitly closed. The file will be automatically and finally closed once all * objects within it have been closed. * * Note regarding parallel mode behavior: Once #H5Fclose has been called in parallel mode, access * is no longer available to any object within the file. * * \subsection subsec_file_property_lists File Property Lists * Additional information regarding file structure and access are passed to #H5Fcreate and * #H5Fopen through property list objects. Property lists provide a portable and extensible method of * modifying file properties via simple API functions. There are two kinds of file-related property * lists: * \li File creation property lists * \li File access property lists * * In the following sub-sections, we discuss only one file creation property, userblock size, in detail * as a model for the user. Other file creation and file access properties are mentioned and defined * briefly, but the model is not expanded for each; complete syntax, parameter, and usage * information for every property list function is provided in the \ref H5P * section of the HDF5 Reference Manual. * * For more information, @see @ref sec_plist. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_property_lists_create Creating a Property List * If you do not wish to rely on the default file creation and access properties, you must first create * a property list with #H5Pcreate. * \code * hid_t H5Pcreate (hid_t cls_id) * \endcode * cls_id is the type of property list being created. In this case, the appropriate values are * #H5P_FILE_CREATE for a file creation property list and #H5P_FILE_ACCESS for a file access * property list. * * Thus, the following calls create a file creation property list and a file access property list with * identifiers fcpl_id and fapl_id, respectively: * \code * fcpl_id = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_CREATE) * fapl_id = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS) * \endcode * * Once the property lists have been created, the properties themselves can be modified via the * functions described in the following sub-sections. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_property_lists_props File Creation Properties * File creation property lists control the file metadata, which is maintained in the superblock of the * file. These properties are used only when a file is first created. * *

Userblock Size

* \code * herr_t H5Pset_userblock (hid_t plist, hsize_t size) * herr_t H5Pget_userblock (hid_t plist, hsize_t *size) * \endcode * * The userblock is a fixed-length block of data located at the beginning of the file and is ignored * by the HDF5 library. This block is specifically set aside for any data or information that * developers determine to be useful to their applications but that will not be used by the HDF5 * library. The size of the userblock is defined in bytes and may be set to any power of two with a * minimum size of 512 bytes. In other words, userblocks might be 512, 1024, or 2048 bytes in * size. * * This property is set with #H5Pset_userblock and queried via #H5Pget_userblock. For example, if * an application needed a 4K userblock, then the following function call could be used: * \code * status = H5Pset_userblock(fcpl_id, 4096) * \endcode * * The property list could later be queried with: * \code * status = H5Pget_userblock(fcpl_id, size) * \endcode * and the value 4096 would be returned in the parameter size. * * Other properties, described below, are set and queried in exactly the same manner. Syntax and * usage are detailed in the @ref H5P section of the HDF5 Reference Manual. * *

Offset and Length Sizes

* This property specifies the number of bytes used to store the offset and length of objects in the * HDF5 file. Values of 2, 4, and 8 bytes are currently supported to accommodate 16-bit, 32-bit, * and 64-bit file address spaces. * * These properties are set and queried via #H5Pset_sizes and #H5Pget_sizes. * *

Symbol Table Parameters

* The size of symbol table B-trees can be controlled by setting the 1/2-rank and 1/2-node size * parameters of the B-tree. * * These properties are set and queried via #H5Pset_sym_k and #H5Pget_sym_k * *

Indexed Storage Parameters

* The size of indexed storage B-trees can be controlled by setting the 1/2-rank and 1/2-node size * parameters of the B-tree. * * These properties are set and queried via #H5Pset_istore_k and #H5Pget_istore_k. * *

Version Information

* Various objects in an HDF5 file may over time appear in different versions. The HDF5 Library * keeps track of the version of each object in the file. * * Version information is retrieved via #H5Pget_version. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_property_lists_access File Access Properties * This section discusses file access properties that are not related to the low-level file drivers. File * drivers are discussed separately later in this chapter. * For more information, @see @ref subsec_file_alternate_drivers. * * File access property lists control various aspects of file I/O and structure. * *

Data Alignment

* Sometimes file access is faster if certain data elements are aligned in a specific manner. This can * be controlled by setting alignment properties via the #H5Pset_alignment function. There are two * values involved: * \li A threshold value * \li An alignment interval * * Any allocation request at least as large as the threshold will be aligned on an address that is a * multiple of the alignment interval. * *

Metadata Block Allocation Size

* Metadata typically exists as very small chunks of data; storing metadata elements in a file * without blocking them can result in hundreds or thousands of very small data elements in the * file. This can result in a highly fragmented file and seriously impede I/O. By blocking metadata * elements, these small elements can be grouped in larger sets, thus alleviating both problems. * * #H5Pset_meta_block_size sets the minimum size in bytes of metadata block allocations. * #H5Pget_meta_block_size retrieves the current minimum metadata block allocation size. * *

Metadata Cache

* Metadata and raw data I/O speed are often governed by the size and frequency of disk reads and * writes. In many cases, the speed can be substantially improved by the use of an appropriate * cache. * * #H5Pset_cache sets the minimum cache size for both metadata and raw data and a preemption * value for raw data chunks. #H5Pget_cache retrieves the current values. * *

Data Sieve Buffer Size

* Data sieve buffering is used by certain file drivers to speed data I/O and is most commonly when * working with dataset hyperslabs. For example, using a buffer large enough to hold several pieces * of a dataset as it is read in for hyperslab selections will boost performance noticeably. * * #H5Pset_sieve_buf_size sets the maximum size in bytes of the data sieve buffer. * #H5Pget_sieve_buf_size retrieves the current maximum size of the data sieve buffer. * *

Garbage Collection References

* Dataset region references and other reference types use space in an HDF5 file's global heap. If * garbage collection is on (1) and the user passes in an uninitialized value in a reference structure, * the heap might become corrupted. When garbage collection is off (0), however, and the user reuses * a reference, the previous heap block will be orphaned and not returned to the free heap * space. When garbage collection is on, the user must initialize the reference structures to 0 or risk * heap corruption. * * #H5Pset_gc_references sets the garbage collecting references flag. * * \subsection subsec_file_alternate_drivers Alternate File Storage Layouts and Low-level File Drivers * The concept of an HDF5 file is actually rather abstract: the address space for what is normally * thought of as an HDF5 file might correspond to any of the following: * \li Single file on standard file system * \li Multiple files on standard file system * \li Multiple files on parallel file system * \li Block of memory within application's memory space * \li More abstract situations such as virtual files * * This HDF5 address space is generally referred to as an HDF5 file regardless of its organization at * the storage level. * * HDF5 employs an extremely flexible mechanism called the virtual file layer, or VFL, for file * I/O. A full understanding of the VFL is only necessary if you plan to write your own drivers * @see \ref VFL in the HDF5 Technical Notes. * * For our * purposes here, it is sufficient to know that the low-level drivers used for file I/O reside in the * VFL, as illustrated in the following figure. Note that H5FD_STREAM is not available with 1.8.x * and later versions of the library. * * * * * *
* \image html VFL_Drivers.gif "I/O path from application to VFL and low-level drivers to storage" *
* * As mentioned above, HDF5 applications access HDF5 files through various low-level file * drivers. The default driver for that layout is the POSIX driver (also known as the SEC2 driver), * #H5FD_SEC2. Alternative layouts and drivers are designed to suit the needs of a variety of * systems, environments, and applications. The drivers are listed in the table below. * * \snippet{doc} tables/fileDriverLists.dox supported_file_driver_table * * For more information, see the HDF5 Reference Manual entries for the function calls shown in * the column on the right in the table above. * * Note that the low-level file drivers manage alternative file storage layouts. Dataset storage * layouts (chunking, compression, and external dataset storage) are managed independently of file * storage layouts. * * If an application requires a special-purpose low-level driver, the VFL provides a public API for * creating one. For more information on how to create a driver, * @see @ref VFL in the HDF5 Technical Notes. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_id Identifying the Previously‐used File Driver * When creating a new HDF5 file, no history exists, so the file driver must be specified if it is to be * other than the default. * * When opening existing files, however, the application may need to determine which low-level * driver was used to create the file. The function #H5Pget_driver is used for this purpose. See the * example below. * * Identifying a driver * \code * hid_t H5Pget_driver (hid_t fapl_id) * \endcode * * #H5Pget_driver returns a constant identifying the low-level driver for the access property list * fapl_id. For example, if the file was created with the POSIX (aka SEC2) driver, * #H5Pget_driver returns #H5FD_SEC2. * * If the application opens an HDF5 file without both determining the driver used to create the file * and setting up the use of that driver, the HDF5 Library will examine the superblock and the * driver definition block to identify the driver. * See the HDF5 File Format Specification * for detailed descriptions of the superblock and the driver definition block. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_sec2 The POSIX (aka SEC2) Driver * The POSIX driver, #H5FD_SEC2, uses functions from section 2 of the POSIX manual to access * unbuffered files stored on a local file system. This driver is also known as the SEC2 driver. The * HDF5 Library buffers metadata regardless of the low-level driver, but using this driver prevents * data from being buffered again by the lowest layers of the library. * * The function #H5Pset_fapl_sec2 sets the file access properties to use the POSIX driver. See the * example below. * * Using the POSIX, aka SEC2, driver * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_sec2 (hid_t fapl_id) * \endcode * * Any previously-defined driver properties are erased from the property list. * * Additional parameters may be added to this function in the future. Since there are no additional * variable settings associated with the POSIX driver, there is no H5Pget_fapl_sec2 function. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_direct The Direct Driver * The Direct driver, #H5FD_DIRECT, functions like the POSIX driver except that data is written to * or read from the file synchronously without being cached by the system. * * The functions #H5Pset_fapl_direct and #H5Pget_fapl_direct are used to manage file access properties. * See the example below. * * Using the Direct driver * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_direct(hid_t fapl_id, size_t alignment, size_t block_size, size_t cbuf_size) * herr_t H5Pget_fapl_direct(hid_t fapl_id, size_t *alignment, size_t *block_size, size_t *cbuf_size) * \endcode * * #H5Pset_fapl_direct sets the file access properties to use the Direct driver; any previously defined * driver properties are erased from the property list. #H5Pget_fapl_direct retrieves the file access * properties used with the Direct driver. fapl_id is the file access property list identifier. * alignment is the memory alignment boundary. block_size is the file system block size. * cbuf_size is the copy buffer size. * * Additional parameters may be added to this function in the future. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_log The Log Driver * The Log driver, #H5FD_LOG, is designed for situations where it is necessary to log file access * activity. * * The function #H5Pset_fapl_log is used to manage logging properties. See the example below. * * Logging file access * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_log (hid_t fapl_id, const char *logfile, unsigned int flags, size_t buf_size) * \endcode * * #H5Pset_fapl_log sets the file access property list to use the Log driver. File access characteristics * are identical to access via the POSIX driver. Any previously defined driver properties are erased * from the property list. * * Log records are written to the file logfile. * * The logging levels set with the verbosity parameter are shown in the table below. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Logging levels
0Performs no logging.
1Records where writes and reads occur in the file.
2Records where writes and reads occur in the file and what kind of data is written * at each location. This includes raw data or any of several types of metadata * (object headers, superblock, B-tree data, local headers, or global headers).
* * There is no H5Pget_fapl_log function. * * Additional parameters may be added to this function in the future. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_win The Windows Driver * The Windows driver, #H5FD_WINDOWS, was modified in HDF5-1.8.8 to be a wrapper of the * POSIX driver, #H5FD_SEC2. In other words, if the Windows drivers is used, any file I/O will * instead use the functionality of the POSIX driver. This change should be transparent to all user * applications. The Windows driver used to be the default driver for Windows systems. The * POSIX driver is now the default. * * The function #H5Pset_fapl_windows sets the file access properties to use the Windows driver. * See the example below. * * Using the Windows driver * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_windows (hid_t fapl_id) * \endcode * * Any previously-defined driver properties are erased from the property list. * * Additional parameters may be added to this function in the future. Since there are no additional * variable settings associated with the POSIX driver, there is no H5Pget_fapl_windows function. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_stdio The STDIO Driver * The STDIO driver, #H5FD_STDIO, accesses permanent files in a local file system like the * POSIX driver does. The STDIO driver also has an additional layer of buffering beneath the * HDF5 Library. * * The function #H5Pset_fapl_stdio sets the file access properties to use the STDIO driver. See the * example below. * * Using the STDIO driver * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_stdio (hid_t fapl_id) * \endcode * * Any previously defined driver properties are erased from the property list. * * Additional parameters may be added to this function in the future. Since there are no additional * variable settings associated with the STDIO driver, there is no H5Pget_fapl_stdio function. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_mem The Memory (aka Core) Driver * There are several situations in which it is reasonable, sometimes even required, to maintain a file * entirely in system memory. You might want to do so if, for example, either of the following * conditions apply: * * * The Memory driver, #H5FD_CORE, provides a mechanism for creating and managing such in memory files. * The functions #H5Pset_fapl_core and #H5Pget_fapl_core manage file access * properties. See the example below. * * Managing file access for in-memory files * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_core (hid_t access_properties, size_t block_size, bool backing_store) * herr_t H5Pget_fapl_core (hid_t access_properties, size_t *block_size), bool *backing_store) * \endcode * * #H5Pset_fapl_core sets the file access property list to use the Memory driver; any previously * defined driver properties are erased from the property list. * * Memory for the file will always be allocated in units of the specified block_size. * * The backing_store Boolean flag is set when the in-memory file is created. * backing_store indicates whether to write the file contents to disk when the file is closed. If * backing_store is set to 1 (true), the file contents are flushed to a file with the same name as the * in-memory file when the file is closed or access to the file is terminated in memory. If * backing_store is set to 0 (false), the file is not saved. * * The application is allowed to open an existing file with the #H5FD_CORE driver. While using * #H5Fopen to open an existing file, if backing_store is set to 1 and the flag for #H5Fopen is set to * #H5F_ACC_RDWR, changes to the file contents will be saved to the file when the file is closed. * If backing_store is set to 0 and the flag for #H5Fopen is set to #H5F_ACC_RDWR, changes to the * file contents will be lost when the file is closed. If the flag for #H5Fopen is set to * #H5F_ACC_RDONLY, no change to the file will be allowed either in memory or on file. * * If the file access property list is set to use the Memory driver, #H5Pget_fapl_core will return * block_size and backing_store with the relevant file access property settings. * * Note the following important points regarding in-memory files: * * * Additional parameters may be added to these functions in the future. * * @see * HDF5 File Image Operations * section for information on more advanced usage of the Memory file driver, and * @see * Modified Region Writes * section for information on how to set write operations so that only modified regions are written * to storage. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_family The Family Driver * HDF5 files can become quite large, and this can create problems on systems that do not support * files larger than 2 gigabytes. The HDF5 file family mechanism is designed to solve the problems * this creates by splitting the HDF5 file address space across several smaller files. This structure * does not affect how metadata and raw data are stored: they are mixed in the address space just as * they would be in a single, contiguous file. * * HDF5 applications access a family of files via the Family driver, #H5FD_FAMILY. The * functions #H5Pset_fapl_family and #H5Pget_fapl_family are used to manage file family * properties. See the example below. * * Managing file family properties * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_family (hid_t fapl_id, * hsize_t memb_size, hid_t member_properties) * herr_t H5Pget_fapl_family (hid_t fapl_id, * hsize_t *memb_size, hid_t *member_properties) * \endcode * * Each member of the family is the same logical size though the size and disk storage reported by * file system listing tools may be substantially smaller. Examples of file system listing tools are * \code * ls -l * \endcode * on a Unix system or the detailed folder listing on an Apple or Microsoft Windows * system. The name passed to #H5Fcreate or #H5Fopen should include a printf(3c)-style integer * format specifier which will be replaced with the family member number. The first family * member is numbered zero (0). * * #H5Pset_fapl_family sets the access properties to use the Family driver; any previously defined * driver properties are erased from the property list. member_properties will serve as the file * access property list for each member of the file family. memb_size specifies the logical size, in * bytes, of each family member. memb_size is used only when creating a new file or truncating an * existing file; otherwise the member size is determined by the size of the first member of the * family being opened. Note: If the size of the off_t type is four bytes, the maximum family * member size is usually 2^31-1 because the byte at offset 2,147,483,647 is generally inaccessible. * * #H5Pget_fapl_family is used to retrieve file family properties. If the file access property list is set * to use the Family driver, member_properties will be returned with a pointer to a copy of the * appropriate member access property list. If memb_size is non-null, it will contain the logical * size, in bytes, of family members. * * Additional parameters may be added to these functions in the future. * *

Unix Tools and an HDF5 Utility

* It occasionally becomes necessary to repartition a file family. A command-line utility for this * purpose, h5repart, is distributed with the HDF5 library. * * \code * h5repart [-v] [-b block_size[suffix]] [-m member_size[suffix]] source destination * \endcode * * h5repart repartitions an HDF5 file by copying the source file or file family to the destination file * or file family, preserving holes in the underlying UNIX files. Families are used for the source * and/or destination if the name includes a printf-style integer format such as %d. The -v switch * prints input and output file names on the standard error stream for progress monitoring, -b sets * the I/O block size (the default is 1KB), and -m sets the output member size if the destination is a * family name (the default is 1GB). block_size and member_size may be suffixed with the letters * g, m, or k for GB, MB, or KB respectively. * * The h5repart utility is described on the Tools page of the HDF5 Reference Manual. * * An existing HDF5 file can be split into a family of files by running the file through split(1) on a * UNIX system and numbering the output files. However, the HDF5 Library is lazy about * extending the size of family members, so a valid file cannot generally be created by * concatenation of the family members. * * Splitting the file and rejoining the segments by concatenation (split(1) and cat(1) on UNIX * systems) does not generate files with holes; holes are preserved only through the use of h5repart. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_multi The Multi Driver * In some circumstances, it is useful to separate metadata from raw data and some types of * metadata from other types of metadata. Situations that would benefit from use of the Multi driver * include the following: * * * In either case, access to the metadata is substantially easier with the smaller, and possibly more * localized, metadata files. This often results in improved application performance. * * The Multi driver, #H5FD_MULTI, provides a mechanism for segregating raw data and different * types of metadata into multiple files. The functions #H5Pset_fapl_multi and * #H5Pget_fapl_multi are used to manage access properties for these multiple files. See the example * below. * * Managing access properties for multiple files * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_multi (hid_t fapl_id, const H5FD_mem_t *memb_map, const hid_t *memb_fapl, * const char * const *memb_name, const haddr_t *memb_addr, * bool relax) * herr_t H5Pget_fapl_multi (hid_t fapl_id, const H5FD_mem_t *memb_map, const hid_t *memb_fapl, * const char **memb_name, const haddr_t *memb_addr, bool *relax) * \endcode * * #H5Pset_fapl_multi sets the file access properties to use the Multi driver; any previously defined * driver properties are erased from the property list. With the Multi driver invoked, the application * will provide a base name to #H5Fopen or #H5Fcreate. The files will be named by that base name as * modified by the rule indicated in memb_name. File access will be governed by the file access * property list memb_properties. * * See #H5Pset_fapl_multi and #H5Pget_fapl_multi in the HDF5 Reference Manual for descriptions * of these functions and their usage. * * Additional parameters may be added to these functions in the future. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_split The Split Driver * The Split driver, H5FD_SPLIT, is a limited case of the Multi driver where only two files are * created. One file holds metadata, and the other file holds raw data. * The function #H5Pset_fapl_split is used to manage Split file access properties. See the example * below. * * Managing access properties for split files * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_split (hid_t access_properties, const char *meta_extension, * hid_t meta_properties,const char *raw_extension, hid_t raw_properties) * \endcode * * #H5Pset_fapl_split sets the file access properties to use the Split driver; any previously defined * driver properties are erased from the property list. * * With the Split driver invoked, the application will provide a base file name such as file_name to * #H5Fcreate or #H5Fopen. The metadata and raw data files in storage will then be named * file_name.meta_extension and file_name.raw_extension, respectively. For example, if * meta_extension is defined as .meta and raw_extension is defined as .raw, the final filenames will * be file_name.meta and file_name.raw. * * Each file can have its own file access property list. This allows the creative use of other lowlevel * file drivers. For instance, the metadata file can be held in RAM and accessed via the * Memory driver while the raw data file is stored on disk and accessed via the POSIX driver. * Metadata file access will be governed by the file access property list in meta_properties. Raw * data file access will be governed by the file access property list in raw_properties. * * Additional parameters may be added to these functions in the future. Since there are no * additional variable settings associated with the Split driver, there is no H5Pget_fapl_split * function. * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_alternate_drivers_par The Parallel Driver * Parallel environments require a parallel low-level driver. HDF5's default driver for parallel * systems is called the Parallel driver, #H5FD_MPIO. This driver uses the MPI standard for both * communication and file I/O. * * The functions #H5Pset_fapl_mpio and #H5Pget_fapl_mpio are used to manage file access * properties for the #H5FD_MPIO driver. See the example below. * * Managing parallel file access properties * \code * herr_t H5Pset_fapl_mpio (hid_t fapl_id, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_info info) * herr_t H5Pget_fapl_mpio (hid_t fapl_id, MPI_Comm *comm, MPI_info *info) * \endcode * * The file access properties managed by #H5Pset_fapl_mpio and retrieved by * #H5Pget_fapl_mpio are the MPI communicator, comm, and the MPI info object, info. comm and * info are used for file open. info is an information object much like an HDF5 property list. Both * are defined in MPI_FILE_OPEN of MPI-2. * * The communicator and the info object are saved in the file access property list fapl_id. * fapl_id can then be passed to MPI_FILE_OPEN to create and/or open the file. * * #H5Pset_fapl_mpio and #H5Pget_fapl_mpio are available only in the parallel HDF5 Library and * are not collective functions. The Parallel driver is available only in the parallel HDF5 Library. * * Additional parameters may be added to these functions in the future. * * \subsection subsec_file_examples Code Examples for Opening and Closing Files * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_examples_trunc Example Using the H5F_ACC_TRUNC Flag * The following example uses the #H5F_ACC_TRUNC flag when it creates a new file. The default * file creation and file access properties are also used. Using #H5F_ACC_TRUNC means the * function will look for an existing file with the name specified by the function. In this case, that * name is FILE. If the function does not find an existing file, it will create one. If it does find an * existing file, it will empty the file in preparation for a new set of data. The identifier for the * "new" file will be passed back to the application program. * For more information, @see @ref subsec_file_access_modes. * * Creating a file with default creation and access properties * \code * hid_t file; // identifier * * // Create a new file using H5F_ACC_TRUNC access, default * // file creation properties, and default file access * // properties. * file = H5Fcreate(FILE, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); * * // Close the file. * status = H5Fclose(file); * \endcode * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_examples_props Example with the File Creation Property List * The example below shows how to create a file with 64-bit object offsets and lengths. * * Creating a file with 64-bit offsets * \code * hid_t create_plist; * hid_t file_id; * * create_plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE); * H5Pset_sizes(create_plist, 8, 8); * file_id = H5Fcreate(“test.h5”, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, create_plist, H5P_DEFAULT); * . * . * . * * H5Fclose(file_id); * \endcode * * \subsubsection subsubsec_file_examples_access Example with the File Access Property List * This example shows how to open an existing file for independent datasets access by MPI parallel * I/O: * * Opening an existing file for parallel I/O * \code * hid_t access_plist; * hid_t file_id; * * access_plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS); * H5Pset_fapl_mpi(access_plist, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL); * * // H5Fopen must be called collectively * file_id = H5Fopen(“test.h5”, H5F_ACC_RDWR, access_plist); * . * . * . * * // H5Fclose must be called collectively * H5Fclose(file_id); * \endcode * * \subsection subsec_file_multiple Working with Multiple HDF5 Files * Multiple HDF5 files can be associated so that the files can be worked with as though all the * information is in a single HDF5 file. A temporary association can be set up by means of the * #H5Fmount function. A permanent association can be set up by means of the external link * function #H5Lcreate_external. * * The purpose of this section is to describe what happens when the #H5Fmount function is used to * mount one file on another. * * When a file is mounted on another, the mounted file is mounted at a group, and the root group of * the mounted file takes the place of that group until the mounted file is unmounted or until the * files are closed. * * The figure below shows two files before one is mounted on the other. File1 has two groups and * three datasets. The group that is the target of the A link has links, Z and Y, to two of the datasets. * The group that is the target of the B link has a link, W, to the other dataset. File2 has three * groups and three datasets. The groups in File2 are the targets of the AA, BB, and CC links. The * datasets in File2 are the targets of the ZZ, YY, and WW links. * * * * * *
* \image html Files_fig3.gif "Two separate files" *
* * The figure below shows the two files after File2 has been mounted File1 at the group that is the * target of the B link. * * * * * *
* \image html Files_fig4.gif "File2 mounted on File1" *
* * Note: In the figure above, the dataset that is the target of the W link is not shown. That dataset is * masked by the mounted file. * * If a file is mounted on a group that has members, those members are hidden until the mounted * file is unmounted. There are two ways around this if you need to work with a group member. * One is to mount the file on an empty group. Another is to open the group member before you * mount the file. Opening the group member will return an identifier that you can use to locate the * group member. * * The example below shows how #H5Fmount might be used to mount File2 onto File1. * * Using H5Fmount * \code * status = H5Fmount(loc_id, "/B", child_id, plist_id) * \endcode * * Note: In the code example above, loc_id is the file identifier for File1, /B is the link path to the * group where File2 is mounted, child_id is the file identifier for File2, and plist_id is a property * list identifier. * For more information, @see @ref sec_group. * * See the entries for #H5Fmount, #H5Funmount, and #H5Lcreate_external in the HDF5 Reference Manual. * * Previous Chapter \ref sec_program - Next Chapter \ref sec_group * */ /** * \defgroup H5F Files (H5F) * * Use the functions in this module to manage HDF5 files. * * In the code snippets below, we show the skeletal life cycle of an HDF5 file, * when creating a new file (left) or when opening an existing file (right). * File creation is essentially controlled through \ref FCPL, and file access to * new and existing files is controlled through \ref FAPL. The file \c name and * creation or access \c mode control the interaction with the underlying * storage such as file systems. * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* \snippet{lineno} H5F_examples.c create * * \snippet{lineno} H5F_examples.c read *
* \snippet{lineno} H5F_examples.c update * * \snippet{lineno} H5F_examples.c delete *
* * In addition to general file management functions, there are three categories * of functions that deal with advanced file management tasks and use cases: * 1. The control of the HDF5 \ref MDC * 2. The use of (MPI-) \ref PH5F HDF5 * 3. The \ref SWMR pattern * * \defgroup MDC Metadata Cache * \ingroup H5F * \defgroup PH5F Parallel * \ingroup H5F * \defgroup SWMR Single Writer Multiple Readers * \ingroup H5F */ #endif /* H5Fmodule_H */