/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root * * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the * * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and * * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at * * http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have * * access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Created: H5Gtraverse.c * Sep 13 2005 * Quincey Koziol <koziol@ncsa.uiuc.edu> * * Purpose: Functions for traversing group hierarchy * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define H5F_PACKAGE /*suppress error about including H5Fpkg */ #define H5G_PACKAGE /*suppress error about including H5Gpkg */ /* Packages needed by this file... */ #include "H5private.h" /* Generic Functions */ #include "H5Eprivate.h" /* Error handling */ #include "H5Fpkg.h" /* File access */ #include "H5Gpkg.h" /* Groups */ #include "H5HLprivate.h" /* Local Heaps */ #include "H5MMprivate.h" /* Memory management */ /* Private typedefs */ /* User data for path traversal routine */ typedef struct { H5G_loc_t *obj_loc; /* Object location */ } H5G_trav_ud1_t; /* Private macros */ /* Local variables */ static char *H5G_comp_g = NULL; /*component buffer */ static size_t H5G_comp_alloc_g = 0; /*sizeof component buffer */ /* PRIVATE PROTOTYPES */ static herr_t H5G_traverse_link_cb(H5G_loc_t *grp_loc/*in*/, const char *name, const H5O_link_t *lnk, H5G_loc_t *obj_loc, void *_udata/*in,out*/); static herr_t H5G_traverse_slink(H5G_loc_t *grp_loc/*in,out*/, H5O_link_t *lnk, H5G_loc_t *obj_loc/*in,out*/, int *nlinks/*in,out*/, hid_t dxpl_id); static herr_t H5G_traverse_mount(H5G_loc_t *loc/*in,out*/); static herr_t H5G_traverse_real(const H5G_loc_t *loc, const char *name, unsigned target, int *nlinks, H5G_traverse_t op, void *op_data, hid_t dxpl_id); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5G_traverse_term_interface * * Purpose: Terminates part of the H5G interface - free the global * component buffer. * * Return: Success: Non-negative. * * Failure: Negative. * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Monday, September 26, 2005 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ herr_t H5G_traverse_term_interface(void) { FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT_NOFUNC(H5G_traverse_term_interface) /* Free the global component buffer */ H5G_comp_g = H5MM_xfree(H5G_comp_g); H5G_comp_alloc_g = 0; FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(SUCCEED) } /* end H5G_traverse_term_interface() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5G_traverse_link_cb * * Purpose: Callback for link traversal. This routine sets the * correct information for the object location. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Tuesday, September 13, 2005 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5G_traverse_link_cb(H5G_loc_t UNUSED *grp_loc, const char UNUSED *name, const H5O_link_t UNUSED *lnk, H5G_loc_t *obj_loc, void *_udata/*in,out*/) { H5G_trav_ud1_t *udata = (H5G_trav_ud1_t *)_udata; /* User data passed in */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5G_traverse_link_cb) /* Check for dangling soft link */ if(obj_loc == NULL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, FAIL, "component not found") /* Copy new location information for resolved object */ H5O_loc_copy(udata->obj_loc->oloc, obj_loc->oloc, H5_COPY_DEEP); done: /* Release the group location for the object */ /* (Group traversal callbacks are responsible for either taking ownership * of the group location for the object, or freeing it. - QAK) */ if(obj_loc) H5G_loc_free(obj_loc); FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5G_traverse_link_cb() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5G_traverse_slink * * Purpose: Traverses symbolic link. The link head appears in the group * whose entry is GRP_LOC and the link tail entry is OBJ_LOC. * * Return: Success: Non-negative, OBJ_LOC will contain information * about the object to which the link points and * GRP_LOC will contain the information about * the group in which the link tail appears. * * Failure: Negative * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Friday, April 10, 1998 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5G_traverse_slink(H5G_loc_t *grp_loc/*in,out*/, H5O_link_t *lnk, H5G_loc_t *obj_loc/*in,out*/, int *nlinks/*in,out*/, hid_t dxpl_id) { H5G_trav_ud1_t udata; /* User data to pass to link traversal callback */ H5G_name_t tmp_obj_path; /* Temporary copy of object's path */ hbool_t tmp_obj_path_set = FALSE; /* Flag to indicate that tmp object path is initialized */ H5O_loc_t tmp_grp_oloc; /* Temporary copy of group entry */ H5G_name_t tmp_grp_path; /* Temporary copy of group's path */ H5G_loc_t tmp_grp_loc; /* Temporary copy of group's location */ hbool_t tmp_grp_path_set = FALSE; /* Flag to indicate that tmp group path is initialized */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5G_traverse_slink) /* Sanity check */ HDassert(grp_loc); HDassert(lnk); HDassert(lnk->type == H5G_LINK_SOFT); HDassert(nlinks); /* Set up temporary location */ tmp_grp_loc.oloc = &tmp_grp_oloc; tmp_grp_loc.path = &tmp_grp_path; /* Portably initialize the temporary objects */ H5G_loc_reset(&tmp_grp_loc); H5G_name_reset(&tmp_obj_path); /* Clone the group location, so we can track the names properly */ /* ("tracking the names properly" means to ignore the effects of the * link traversal on the object's & group's paths - QAK) */ H5G_loc_copy(&tmp_grp_loc, grp_loc, H5_COPY_DEEP); tmp_grp_path_set = TRUE; /* Hold the object's group hier. path to restore later */ /* (Part of "tracking the names properly") */ H5G_name_copy(&tmp_obj_path, obj_loc->path, H5_COPY_SHALLOW); tmp_obj_path_set = TRUE; /* Set up user data for traversal callback */ udata.obj_loc = obj_loc; /* Traverse the link */ if(H5G_traverse_real(&tmp_grp_loc, lnk->u.soft.name, H5G_TARGET_NORMAL, nlinks, H5G_traverse_link_cb, &udata, dxpl_id) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, FAIL, "unable to follow symbolic link") done: /* Restore object's group hier. path */ if(tmp_obj_path_set) { H5G_name_free(obj_loc->path); H5G_name_copy(obj_loc->path, &tmp_obj_path, H5_COPY_SHALLOW); } /* end if */ /* Release cloned copy of group path */ if(tmp_grp_path_set) H5G_name_free(&tmp_grp_path); FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5G_traverse_slink() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5G_traverse_mount * * Purpose: If LNK is a mount point then copy the entry for the root * group of the mounted file into LNK. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Tuesday, October 6, 1998 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5G_traverse_mount(H5G_loc_t *obj_loc/*in,out*/) { H5F_t *parent = obj_loc->oloc->file; /* File of object */ unsigned lt, rt, md = 0; /* Binary search indices */ int cmp; H5O_loc_t *oloc = NULL; /* Object location for mount points */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5G_traverse_mount, FAIL) /* Sanity check */ HDassert(obj_loc); /* * The loop is necessary because we might have file1 mounted at the root * of file2, which is mounted somewhere in file3. */ do { /* * Use a binary search to find the potential mount point in the mount * table for the parent */ lt = 0; rt = parent->mtab.nmounts; cmp = -1; while(lt < rt && cmp) { md = (lt + rt) / 2; oloc = H5G_oloc(parent->mtab.child[md].group); cmp = H5F_addr_cmp(obj_loc->oloc->addr, oloc->addr); if(cmp < 0) rt = md; else lt = md + 1; } /* end while */ /* Copy root info over to ENT */ if(0 == cmp) { /* Get the location for the root group in the child's file */ oloc = H5G_oloc(parent->mtab.child[md].file->shared->root_grp); /* Copy the entry for the root group */ if(H5O_loc_copy(obj_loc->oloc, oloc, H5_COPY_DEEP) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTCOPY, FAIL, "unable to copy object location") /* Switch to child's file */ parent = oloc->file; } /* end if */ } while(!cmp); done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5G_traverse_mount() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5G_traverse_real * * Purpose: Internal version of path traversal routine * * Return: Success: Non-negative if name can be fully resolved. * * Failure: Negative if the name could not be fully * resolved. * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * matzke@llnl.gov * Aug 11 1997 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5G_traverse_real(const H5G_loc_t *_loc, const char *name, unsigned target, int *nlinks, H5G_traverse_t op, void *op_data, hid_t dxpl_id) { H5G_loc_t loc; /* Location of start object */ H5O_loc_t grp_oloc; /* Object loc. for current group */ H5G_name_t grp_path; /* Path for current group */ H5G_loc_t grp_loc; /* Location of group */ H5O_loc_t obj_oloc; /* Object found */ H5G_name_t obj_path; /* Path for object found */ H5G_loc_t obj_loc; /* Location of object */ size_t nchars; /* component name length */ H5O_link_t lnk; /* Link information for object */ hbool_t link_valid = FALSE; /* Flag to indicate that the link information is valid */ hbool_t obj_loc_valid = FALSE; /* Flag to indicate that the object location is valid */ hbool_t group_copy = FALSE; /* Flag to indicate that the group entry is copied */ hbool_t last_comp = FALSE; /* Flag to indicate that a component is the last component in the name */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5G_traverse_real) /* Check parameters */ HDassert(_loc); HDassert(name); HDassert(nlinks); HDassert(op); /* * Where does the searching start? For absolute names it starts at the * root of the file; for relative names it starts at CWG. */ /* Check if we need to get the root group's entry */ if('/' == *name) { H5G_t *root_grp; /* Temporary pointer to root group of file */ /* Look up root group for starting location */ root_grp = H5G_rootof(_loc->oloc->file); HDassert(root_grp); /* Set the location entry to the root group's info */ loc.oloc=&(root_grp->oloc); loc.path=&(root_grp->path); } /* end if */ else { loc.oloc = _loc->oloc; loc.path = _loc->path; } /* end else */ /* Set up group & object locations */ grp_loc.oloc = &grp_oloc; grp_loc.path = &grp_path; obj_loc.oloc = &obj_oloc; obj_loc.path = &obj_path; #if defined(H5_USING_PURIFY) || !defined(NDEBUG) /* Clear group location */ if(H5G_loc_reset(&grp_loc) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_CANTOPENOBJ, FAIL, "unable to reset location") #endif /* H5_USING_PURIFY */ /* Deep copy of the starting location to group location */ if(H5G_loc_copy(&grp_loc, &loc, H5_COPY_DEEP) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_CANTOPENOBJ, FAIL, "unable to copy location") group_copy = TRUE; /* Clear object location */ if(H5G_loc_reset(&obj_loc) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_CANTOPENOBJ, FAIL, "unable to reset location") /* Check for needing a larger buffer for the individual path name components */ if(HDstrlen(name) + 1 > H5G_comp_alloc_g) { H5G_comp_alloc_g = MAX3(1024, 2 * H5G_comp_alloc_g, HDstrlen(name) + 1); H5G_comp_g = H5MM_realloc(H5G_comp_g, H5G_comp_alloc_g); if(!H5G_comp_g) { H5G_comp_alloc_g = 0; HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "unable to allocate component buffer") } /* end if */ } /* end if */ /* Traverse the path */ while((name = H5G_component(name, &nchars)) && *name) { const char *s; /* Temporary string pointer */ herr_t lookup_status; /* Status from object lookup */ /* * Copy the component name into a null-terminated buffer so * we can pass it down to the other symbol table functions. */ HDmemcpy(H5G_comp_g, name, nchars); H5G_comp_g[nchars] = '\0'; /* * The special name `.' is a no-op. */ if('.' == H5G_comp_g[0] && !H5G_comp_g[1]) { name += nchars; continue; } /* end if */ /* Check if this is the last component of the name */ if(!((s = H5G_component(name + nchars, NULL)) && *s)) last_comp = TRUE; /* If there's valid information in the link, reset it */ if(link_valid) { #ifdef H5_GROUP_REVISION H5O_reset(H5O_LINK_ID, &lnk); #else /* H5_GROUP_REVISION */ /* Free information for link (but don't free link pointer) */ if(lnk.type == H5G_LINK_SOFT) lnk.u.soft.name = H5MM_xfree(lnk.u.soft.name); lnk.name = H5MM_xfree(lnk.name); #endif /* H5_GROUP_REVISION */ link_valid = FALSE; } /* end if */ /* Get information for object in current group */ /* (Defer issuing error for bad lookup until later) */ lookup_status = H5G_obj_lookup(grp_loc.oloc, H5G_comp_g, &lnk/*out*/, dxpl_id); /* If the lookup was OK, try traversing soft links and mount points, if allowed */ if(lookup_status >= 0) { /* Indicate that the link info is valid */ link_valid = TRUE; /* Build object's group hier. location */ if(H5G_name_set(grp_loc.path, obj_loc.path, H5G_comp_g) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "cannot set name") /* Set the object location, if it's a hard link set the address also */ obj_loc.oloc->file = grp_loc.oloc->file; if(lnk.type == H5G_LINK_HARD) obj_loc.oloc->addr = lnk.u.hard.addr; obj_loc_valid = TRUE; /* * If we found a symbolic link then we should follow it. But if this * is the last component of the name and the H5G_TARGET_SLINK bit of * TARGET is set then we don't follow it. */ if(H5G_LINK_SOFT == lnk.type && (0 == (target & H5G_TARGET_SLINK) || !last_comp)) { if((*nlinks)-- <= 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_LINK, FAIL, "too many links") if(H5G_traverse_slink(&grp_loc/*in,out*/, &lnk/*in*/, &obj_loc, nlinks, dxpl_id) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_SLINK, FAIL, "symbolic link traversal failed") } /* end if */ /* * Resolve mount points to the mounted group. Do not do this step if * the H5G_TARGET_MOUNT bit of TARGET is set and this is the last * component of the name. * * (If this link is a hard link, try to perform mount point traversal) * * (Note that the soft link traversal above can change the status of * the object (into a hard link), so don't use an 'else' statement * here. -QAK) */ if(H5F_addr_defined(obj_loc.oloc->addr) && (0 == (target & H5G_TARGET_MOUNT) || !last_comp)) { if(H5G_traverse_mount(&obj_loc/*in,out*/) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, FAIL, "mount point traversal failed") } /* end if */ } /* end if */ /* Check for last component in name provided */ if(last_comp) { H5O_link_t *tmp_lnk; /* Pointer to link info for callback */ H5G_loc_t *tmp_loc; /* Pointer to object location for callback */ /* Set callback parameters appropriately, based on link being found */ if(lookup_status < 0) { tmp_lnk = NULL; tmp_loc = NULL; } /* end if */ else { tmp_lnk = &lnk; tmp_loc = &obj_loc; } /* end else */ /* Operator routine will take care of object location, succeed or fail */ obj_loc_valid = FALSE; /* Call 'operator' routine */ if((op)(&grp_loc, H5G_comp_g, tmp_lnk, tmp_loc, op_data) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_CALLBACK, FAIL, "traversal operator failed") HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) } /* end if */ /* Handle lookup failures now */ if(lookup_status < 0) { /* If an intermediate group doesn't exist & flag is set, create the group */ if(target & H5G_CRT_INTMD_GROUP) { #ifdef H5_GROUP_REVISION H5O_ginfo_t ginfo; /* Group info message for parent group */ /* Get the group info for parent group */ if(NULL == H5O_read(grp_loc.oloc, H5O_GINFO_ID, 0, &ginfo, dxpl_id)) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_BADMESG, FAIL, "can't get group info") #endif /* H5_GROUP_REVISION */ /* Create the intermediate group */ /* XXX: Should we allow user to control the group creation params here? -QAK */ if(H5G_obj_create(grp_oloc.file, dxpl_id, #ifdef H5_GROUP_REVISION &ginfo, #endif /* H5_GROUP_REVISION */ obj_loc.oloc/*out*/) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to create group entry") /* Insert new group into current group's symbol table */ if(H5G_loc_insert(&grp_loc, H5G_comp_g, &obj_loc, TRUE, dxpl_id) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_CANTINSERT, FAIL, "unable to insert intermediate group") /* Close new group */ if(H5O_close(obj_loc.oloc) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to close") } /* end if */ else HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, FAIL, "component not found") } /* end if */ /* * Advance to the next component of the path. */ /* Transfer "ownership" of the object's information to the group object */ H5G_loc_free(&grp_loc); H5G_loc_copy(&grp_loc, &obj_loc, H5_COPY_SHALLOW); H5G_loc_reset(&obj_loc); obj_loc_valid = FALSE; /* Advance to next component in string */ name += nchars; } /* end while */ /* If we've fallen through to here, the name must be something like just '.' * and we should issue the callback on that. -QAK */ /* Reset "group copied" flag */ /* (callback will take ownership of group location, succeed or fail) */ HDassert(group_copy); group_copy = FALSE; /* Call 'operator' routine */ if((op)(&grp_loc, ".", NULL, &grp_loc, op_data) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_CANTNEXT, FAIL, "traversal operator failed") HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) done: /* If the object location is still valid (usually in an error situation), reset it */ if(obj_loc_valid) H5G_loc_free(&obj_loc); /* If there's valid information in the link, reset it */ if(link_valid) { #ifdef H5_GROUP_REVISION H5O_reset(H5O_LINK_ID, &lnk); #else /* H5_GROUP_REVISION */ /* Free information for link (but don't free link pointer) */ if(lnk.type == H5G_LINK_SOFT) lnk.u.soft.name = H5MM_xfree(lnk.u.soft.name); lnk.name = H5MM_xfree(lnk.name); #endif /* H5_GROUP_REVISION */ } /* end if */ /* If we copied something into the group location, free it */ if(group_copy) H5G_loc_free(&grp_loc); FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5G_traverse_real() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5G_traverse * * Purpose: Traverse a path from a location & perform an operation when * the last component of the name is reached. * * Return: Success: Non-negative if path can be fully traversed. * Failure: Negative if the path could not be fully * traversed. * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * koziol@ncsa.uiuc.edu * Sep 13 2005 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ herr_t H5G_traverse(const H5G_loc_t *loc, const char *name, unsigned target, H5G_traverse_t op, void *op_data, hid_t dxpl_id) { int nlinks = H5G_NLINKS; /* Link countdown value */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5G_traverse, FAIL) /* Check args */ if(!name || !*name) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, FAIL, "no name given") if(!loc) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, FAIL, "no starting location") if(!op) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, FAIL, "no operation provided") /* Go perform "real" traversal */ if(H5G_traverse_real(loc, name, target, &nlinks, op, op_data, dxpl_id) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, FAIL, "path traversal failed") done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5G_traverse() */