 * Copyright (C) 1997	National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
 *			All rights reserved.
 * Created:		H5HLprivate.h
 *			Jul 16 1997
 *			Robb Matzke <matzke@llnl.gov>
 * Purpose:
 * Modifications:
#ifndef _H5HLprivate_H
#define _H5HLprivate_H

#include <H5HLpublic.h>

/* Private headers needed by this file. */
#include <H5private.h>
#include <H5Fprivate.h>

 * Feature: Define H5HL_DEBUG on the compiler command line if you want to
 *	    diagnostic messages from this layer.
#ifdef NDEBUG
#  undef H5HL_DEBUG

#define H5HL_MAGIC	"HEAP"		/*heap magic number		     */

#define H5HL_ALIGN(X)	(((X)+7)&(unsigned)(~0x07)) /*align on 8-byte boundary	*/

#define H5HL_SIZEOF_HDR(F)						      \
    H5HL_ALIGN(H5HL_SIZEOF_MAGIC +	/*heap signature		*/    \
	       4 +			/*reserved			*/    \
	       H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE (F) +	/*data size			*/    \
	       H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE (F) +	/*free list head		*/    \
	       H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR (F))	/*data address			*/

#define H5HL_SIZEOF_FREE(F)						      \
    H5HL_ALIGN(H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE (F) +	/*ptr to next free block	*/    \
	       H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE (F))	/*size of this free block	*/

 * Library prototypes...
herr_t H5HL_create (H5F_t *f, size_t size_hint, haddr_t *addr/*out*/);
void *H5HL_read (H5F_t *f, const haddr_t *addr, size_t offset, size_t size,
		 void *buf);
const void *H5HL_peek (H5F_t *f, const haddr_t *addr, size_t offset);
size_t H5HL_insert (H5F_t *f, const haddr_t *addr, size_t size,
		    const void *buf);
herr_t H5HL_write (H5F_t *f, const haddr_t *addr, size_t offset, size_t size,
		   const void *buf);
herr_t H5HL_remove (H5F_t *f, const haddr_t *addr, size_t offset, size_t size);
herr_t H5HL_debug (H5F_t *f, const haddr_t *addr, FILE * stream, intn indent,
		   intn fwidth);