 * NCSA HDF								    *
 * Software Development Group						    *
 * National Center for Supercomputing Applications			    *
 * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign				    *
 * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820				    *
 *									    *
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying		    *
 * hdf/COPYING file.							    *
 *									    *

 * This file contains function prototypes for each exported function in
 * the H5I module.
#ifndef _H5Ipublic_H
#define _H5Ipublic_H

/* Public headers needed by this file */
#include "H5public.h"

 * Group values allowed.  Start with `1' instead of `0' because it makes the
 * tracing output look better when hid_t values are large numbers.  Change the
 * GROUP_BITS in H5I.c if the MAXID gets larger than 32 (an assertion will
 * fail otherwise).
typedef enum {
    H5I_BADID		= (-1),	/*invalid Group				    */
    H5I_FILE		= 1,	/*group ID for File objects		    */
    H5I_FILE_CLOSING,		/*files pending close due to open objhdrs   */
    H5I_TEMPLATE_0,		/*group ID for Template objects		    */
    H5I_TEMPLATE_1,	       	/*group ID for Template objects		    */
    H5I_TEMPLATE_2,	        /*group ID for Template objects		    */
    H5I_TEMPLATE_3,	        /*group ID for Template objects		    */
    H5I_TEMPLATE_4,	        /*group ID for Template objects		    */
    H5I_TEMPLATE_5,	        /*group ID for Template objects		    */
    H5I_TEMPLATE_6,	        /*group ID for Template objects		    */
    H5I_TEMPLATE_7,	        /*group ID for Template objects		    */
    H5I_TEMPLATE_MAX,	        /*not really a group ID			    */
    H5I_GROUP,		        /*group ID for Group objects		    */
    H5I_DATATYPE,	        /*group ID for Datatype objects		    */
    H5I_DATASPACE,	        /*group ID for Dataspace objects	    */
    H5I_DATASET,	        /*group ID for Dataset objects		    */
    H5I_ATTR,		        /*group ID for Attribute objects	    */
    H5I_TEMPBUF,	        /*group ID for Temporary buffer objects	    */
    H5I_REFERENCE,	        /*group ID for Reference objects	    */
    H5I_VFL,			/*group ID for virtual file layer	    */
    H5I_GENPROP_CLS,            /*group ID for generic property list classes */
    H5I_GENPROP_LST,            /*group ID for generic property lists       */
    H5I_NGROUPS		        /*number of valid groups, MUST BE LAST!	    */
} H5I_type_t;

/* Type of atoms to return to users */
typedef int hid_t;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

__DLL__ H5I_type_t H5Iget_type(hid_t id);

#ifdef __cplusplus