 * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
 * Software Development Group                                               *
 * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
 * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
 * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
 *                                                                          *
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
 * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
 *                                                                          *

 * This file contains macros & information for meta-objects
#ifndef _H5Mprivate_H
#define _H5Mprivate_H

#include <H5Mpublic.h>          /*include Public Definitions                 */

/* Private headers needed by this file */
#include <H5private.h>

 * A function table record for accessing interfaces which use the "meta"
 *  interface to create/open/close objects.
typedef struct meta_func_t {
    group_t     type;                     /*object type this interface is for*/
    hid_t       (*create) (hid_t, group_t, const char *);/*object creation function*/
    hid_t       (*access) (hid_t);                   /*object access function*/
    hid_t       (*copy) (hid_t);                       /*object copy function*/
    hid_t       (*find_name) (hid_t, group_t, const char *);/*find first object*/
    uint32      (*name_len) (hid_t);              /*get length of object name*/
    herr_t      (*get_name) (hid_t, char *);                /*get object name*/
    herr_t      (*set_name) (hid_t, const char *);          /*set object name*/
    hid_t       (*search) (hid_t, group_t, const char *);/*search for list of objects*/
    hid_t       (*index) (hid_t, group_t, uint32);/*get the OID for the n'th object*/
    herr_t      (*flush) (hid_t);                  /*flush the object to disk*/
    herr_t      (*delete) (hid_t);               /*delete an object from file*/
    hid_t       (*get_parent) (hid_t);   /*get the parent object of an object*/
    hid_t       (*get_file) (hid_t);           /*get the file ID of an object*/
    herr_t      (*close) (hid_t);                   /*end access to an object*/
} meta_func_t;

/* Private functions, not part of the publicly documented API */