/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root * * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the * * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and * * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at * * http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have * * access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* $Id$ */ #define H5P_PACKAGE /* prevent warning from including H5Ppkg.h */ #include "H5private.h" /* Generic functions */ #include "H5Eprivate.h" /* Error handling */ #include "H5FLprivate.h" /* Free lists */ #include "H5Iprivate.h" /* IDs */ #include "H5MMprivate.h" /* Memory management */ #include "H5Oprivate.h" /* Object headers */ #include "H5Ppkg.h" /* Property lists */ #if defined (WIN32) && !defined (__MWERKS__) #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> #endif /* Pablo mask */ #define PABLO_MASK H5O_plist_mask /* local prototypes */ static void *H5O_plist_decode(H5F_t *f, const uint8_t *p, H5O_shared_t *sh); static herr_t H5O_plist_encode(H5F_t *f, uint8_t *p, const void *_mesg); static size_t H5O_plist_size(H5F_t *f, const void *_mesg); static herr_t H5O_plist_free(void *_mesg); static herr_t H5O_plist_debug(H5F_t *f, const void *_mesg, FILE *stream, int indent, int fwidth); /* This message derives from H5O */ const H5O_class_t H5O_PLIST[1] = {{ H5O_PLIST_ID, /* message id number */ "plist", /* message name for debugging */ sizeof(H5P_genplist_t), /* native message size */ H5O_plist_decode, /* decode message */ H5O_plist_encode, /* encode message */ NULL, /* copy the native value */ H5O_plist_size, /* size of symbol table entry */ NULL, /* default reset method */ H5O_plist_free, /* free method */ NULL, /* get share method */ NULL, /* set share method */ H5O_plist_debug, /* debug the message */ }}; #define H5O_PLIST_VERSION 1 /* Is the interface initialized? */ static int interface_initialize_g = 0; #define INTERFACE_INIT NULL /* Declare external the free list for hsize_t arrays */ H5FL_ARR_EXTERN(hsize_t); /* Declare the external free list for the H5P_genprop_t struct */ H5FL_EXTERN(H5P_genprop_t); /* Declare the external free list for the H5P_genplist_t struct */ H5FL_EXTERN(H5P_genplist_t); #define UINT_ENCODE(dst, src) \ if (sizeof(src) == 2) { \ UINT16ENCODE(dst, src); \ } else if (sizeof(src) == 4) { \ UINT32ENCODE(dst, src); \ } else { \ /* sizeof(src) == 8 */ \ UINT64ENCODE(dst, src); \ } #define UINT_DECODE(src, dst) \ if (sizeof(dst) == 2) { \ UINT16DECODE(src, dst); \ } else if (sizeof(dst) == 4) { \ UINT32DECODE(src, dst); \ } else { \ /* sizeof(dst) == 8 */ \ UINT64DECODE(src, dst); \ } #define INT_ENCODE(dst, src) \ if (sizeof(src) == 2) { \ INT16ENCODE(dst, src); \ } else if (sizeof(src) == 4) { \ INT32ENCODE(dst, src); \ } else { \ /* sizeof(src) == 8 */ \ INT64ENCODE(dst, src); \ } #define INT_DECODE(src, dst) \ if (sizeof(dst) == 2) { \ INT16DECODE(src, dst); \ } else if (sizeof(dst) == 4) { \ INT32DECODE(src, dst); \ } else { \ /* sizeof(dst) == 8 */ \ INT64DECODE(src, dst); \ } /* * Function: H5O_plist_decode * Purpose: Decode a property list and return a pointer to a memory * struct with the decoded information. * * This function decodes the "raw" form of a serialized * property list in memory native format. The struct is * allocated within this function using malloc() and is * returned to the caller. * * H5F_t *f IN: pointer to the HDF5 file struct * uint8 *p OUT: the raw information buffer * H5O_shared_t *sh IN: not used; must be NULL * * Return: Success: Pointer to the new message in native order * Failure: NULL * Programmer: Bill Wendling, 24, September 2002 * Modifications: */ static void * H5O_plist_decode(H5F_t UNUSED *f, const uint8_t *p, H5O_shared_t UNUSED *sh) { H5P_genplist_t *new_plist = NULL; H5P_genclass_t *pclass; /* property list class to modify */ hid_t new_plist_id; /* property list ID of new list created */ int version; /* message version number */ unsigned int i, nprops; void *ret_value; FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5O_plist_decode, NULL); /* check args */ assert(f); assert(p); assert(!sh); /* Version number */ version = *p++; if (version != H5O_PLIST_VERSION) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "bad version number for property list message"); /* Reserved (for what?) */ ++p; /* * Decode the sizes of the parts of the property list. The sizes * stored in the file are exact but the parts are aligned on 8-byte * boundaries. */ /* * Retrieve the name of the property class with its parent(s). It's a * regular NULL terminated string. */ if ((pclass = H5P_open_class_path((const char *)p)) == NULL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTOPENOBJ, NULL, "can't open the class path"); if (*p) p += HDstrlen((const char *)p) + 1; /* + 1 for the NULL */ else ++p; UINT_DECODE(p, nprops); /* Allocate new property list */ if ((new_plist = H5FL_CALLOC(H5P_genplist_t)) == NULL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed"); /* Initialize new property list */ new_plist->pclass = pclass; new_plist->nprops = 0; /* Initially the plist has the same number of properties as the class */ new_plist->class_init = 0; /* Initially, wait until the class callback finishes to set */ /* Initialize the TBBT to hold the properties */ if((new_plist->props=H5TB_fast_dmake(H5TB_FAST_STR_COMPARE))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST,H5E_CANTMAKETREE,NULL,"can't create TBBT for properties"); /* Insert properties into property list */ for (i = 0; i < nprops; ++i) { H5P_genprop_t *tprop; unsigned str_len; /* * Allocate and initialize the property structure which is going * to hold the information we're reading in. */ if (NULL == (tprop = H5FL_CALLOC(H5P_genprop_t))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed"); /* Grab the length of the name */ UINT_DECODE(p, str_len); /* Allocate space for the name and copy it */ if (NULL == (tprop->name = H5MM_malloc(str_len + 1))) { H5FL_FREE(H5P_genprop_t,tprop); HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed"); } HDmemcpy(tprop->name, p, str_len + 1); p += str_len + 1; /* Grab the size of the "value" data */ UINT_DECODE(p, tprop->size); /* Allocate and memcpy the value part of the property. */ if ((tprop->value = H5MM_malloc(tprop->size)) == NULL) { H5MM_xfree(tprop->name); H5FL_FREE(H5P_genprop_t,tprop); HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed"); } HDmemcpy(tprop->value, p, tprop->size); p += tprop->size; /* Set the property's type */ tprop->type=H5P_PROP_WITHIN_LIST; /* Insert the initialized property into the property list */ if (H5P_add_prop(new_plist->props, tprop) < 0) { H5MM_xfree(tprop->value); H5MM_xfree(tprop->name); H5FL_FREE(H5P_genprop_t,tprop); HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTINSERT, NULL, "Can't insert property into list"); } /* Increment the number of properties in list */ ++new_plist->nprops; } /* Increment the number of property lists derived from class */ if (H5P_access_class(new_plist->pclass, H5P_MOD_INC_LST) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTINIT, NULL, "Can't increment class ref count"); /* Get an atom for the property list */ if ((new_plist_id = H5I_register(H5I_GENPROP_LST, new_plist)) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTREGISTER, NULL, "unable to atomize property list"); /* * Save the property list ID in the property list struct, for use in * the property class's 'close' callback */ new_plist->plist_id = new_plist_id; /* Set the class initialization flag */ new_plist->class_init = 1; /* Set return value */ ret_value = new_plist; /* success */ done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value); } /* * Function: H5O_plist_encode * Purpose: Encode a property list and return a pointer to a memory * struct with the encoded information. * * This function encodes the "raw" form of a property list * into a struct in memory native format. * * H5F_t *f IN: pointer to the HDF5 file struct * uint8 *p OUT: the raw information buffer * const void *mesg IN: pointer to the metadata to encode * * Return: Success: Non-negative * Failure: Negative * Programmer: Bill Wendling, 24, September 2002 * Modifications: */ static herr_t H5O_plist_encode(H5F_t UNUSED *f, uint8_t *p, const void *mesg) { const H5P_genplist_t *plist = (const H5P_genplist_t *)mesg; char *class_path; /* Pointer to class path generated for property list */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5O_plist_encode, FAIL); /* check args */ assert(f); assert(p); assert(plist); /* Version */ *p++ = H5O_PLIST_VERSION; /* Reserved */ *p++ = '\0'; /* * Encode the sizes of the parts of the property list. The sizes * stored in the file are exact but the parts are aligned on 8-byte * boundaries. */ /* * The class name encoded will look like: * * BaseClass/ParentClass/.../DerivedClass */ class_path = H5P_get_class_path(plist->pclass); if (class_path) { size_t s = HDstrlen(class_path) + 1; HDmemcpy(p, class_path, s); p += s; } else { *p++ = '\0'; } HDfree(class_path); UINT_ENCODE(p, plist->nprops); /* Encode the properties for this property list */ if(plist->nprops>0) { H5TB_NODE *curr_node; /* Current node in TBBT */ H5P_genprop_t *tprop; /* Pointer to property */ /* Walk through the properties in the old class */ curr_node=H5TB_first(plist->props->root); while(curr_node!=NULL) { size_t s; /* Length of property name */ /* Get a pointer to the property from the node */ tprop=curr_node->data; assert(tprop->name); /* Properties are guaranteed to have names */ /* * Copy the meat of the generic property: * * 1. The length of the property name * 2. The name of the property * 3. The size of the property value * 4. The property value */ /* Get the name's length & encode it */ s = HDstrlen(tprop->name); UINT_ENCODE(p, s); /* Encode the name itself */ HDmemcpy(p, tprop->name, s + 1); p += s + 1; /* Encode the property value's size & data */ UINT_ENCODE(p, tprop->size); HDmemcpy(p, tprop->value, tprop->size); p += tprop->size; /* Get the next property node in the TBBT */ curr_node=H5TB_next(curr_node); } /* end while */ } /* end if */ done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value); } /* * Function: H5O_plist_size * Purpose: Return the raw message size in bytes. * * This function returns the size of the raw elements on * success. (Not counting the message type or size fields, * only the data portion of the message). It doesn't take * into account alignment. * * H5F_t *f IN: pointer to the HDF5 file struct * const void *mesg IN: pointer to the metadata structure * * Return: Success: Size of message * Failure: 0 * Programmer: Bill Wendling, 24, September 2002 * Modifications: */ static size_t H5O_plist_size(H5F_t UNUSED *f, const void *mesg) { const H5P_genplist_t *plist = (const H5P_genplist_t *)mesg; char *class_path=NULL; /* Pointer to class path generated for property list */ size_t ret_value; FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5O_plist_size, 0); /* check args */ assert(plist); ret_value = 1 + /*version info */ 1; /*reserved */ class_path = H5P_get_class_path(plist->pclass); if (class_path) ret_value += HDstrlen(class_path) + 1; /*class path */ else ++ret_value; HDfree(class_path); ret_value += sizeof(plist->nprops); /*num properties */ /* Calculate the size of the properties for this property list */ if(plist->nprops>0) { H5TB_NODE *curr_node; /* Current node in TBBT */ H5P_genprop_t *tprop; /* Pointer to property */ /* Walk through the properties in the old class */ curr_node=H5TB_first(plist->props->root); while(curr_node!=NULL) { /* Get a pointer to the property from the node */ tprop=curr_node->data; ret_value += sizeof(size_t); /*length of the name */ ret_value += HDstrlen(tprop->name) + 1; /*the name */ ret_value += sizeof(tprop->size) + /*size of data size */ tprop->size; /*the data */ /* Get the next property node in the TBBT */ curr_node=H5TB_next(curr_node); } /* end while */ } /* end if */ done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value); } /* * Function: H5O_plist_free * Purpose: Free's the property list. * * const void *mesg IN: pointer to the property list to free * * Return: Success: Non-negative * Failure: Negative * Programmer: Bill Wendling, 24, September 2002 * Modifications: */ static herr_t H5O_plist_free(void *mesg) { H5P_genplist_t *plist = mesg; herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5O_plist_free, FAIL); assert(mesg); ret_value = H5P_close(plist); done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value); } /* * Function: H5O_plist_debug * Purpose: Prints debugging information for the property list message. * * H5F_t *f IN: pointer to the HDF5 file struct * const void *mesg IN: Pointer to the source property list struct * FILE *stream IN: Pointer to the stream for output data * int indent IN: Amount to indent information by * int fwidth IN: Field width (?) * * Return: Success: Non-negative * Failure: Negative * Programmer: Bill Wendling, 24, September 2002 * Modifications: */ static herr_t H5O_plist_debug(H5F_t UNUSED *f, const void *mesg, FILE *stream, int indent, int fwidth) { const H5P_genplist_t *plist = (const H5P_genplist_t *)mesg; herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED; FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5O_plist_debug, FAIL); /* check args */ assert(f); assert(plist); assert(stream); assert(indent >= 0); assert(fwidth >= 0); HDfprintf(stream, "%*s%-*s\n", indent, "", fwidth, "Property List:"); indent += 2; HDfprintf(stream, "%*sNumber of properties: %d\n", indent, "", plist->nprops); HDfprintf(stream, "%*sProperties {\n", indent, ""); indent += 2; /* Calculate the size of the properties for this property list */ if(plist->nprops>0) { H5TB_NODE *curr_node; /* Current node in TBBT */ H5P_genprop_t *tprop; /* Pointer to property */ /* Walk through the properties in the old class */ curr_node=H5TB_first(plist->props->root); while(curr_node!=NULL) { register unsigned int j; /* Get a pointer to the property from the node */ tprop=curr_node->data; HDfprintf(stream, "%*sProperty {\n", indent, ""); indent += 2; /* * Print the meat of the generic property: * * 1. The name of the property * 2. The size of the property value * 3. The property value */ HDfprintf(stream, "%*sName: %s\n", indent, "", tprop->name); HDfprintf(stream, "%*sValue Size: %d\n", indent, "", tprop->size); HDfprintf(stream, "%*sValue: ", indent, ""); for (j = 0; j < tprop->size; ++j) HDfprintf(stream, "%02x ", ((char *)tprop->value)[j]); indent -= 2; HDfprintf(stream, "\n%*s}\n", indent, ""); /* Get the next property node in the TBBT */ curr_node=H5TB_next(curr_node); } /* end while */ } /* end if */ indent -= 2; HDfprintf(stream, "%*s}\n", indent, ""); indent -= 2; HDfprintf(stream, "%*s}\n", indent, ""); done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value); }