 * Copyright (C) 1997	National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
 *			All rights reserved.
 * Created:		H5Oprivate.h
 *			Aug  5 1997
 *			Robb Matzke <matzke@llnl.gov>
 * Purpose:		Object header private include file.
 * Modifications:
#ifndef _H5Oprivate_H
#define _H5Oprivate_H

#include <H5Opublic.h>

/* Private headers needed by this file */
#include <H5private.h>
#include <H5Fprivate.h>
#include <H5Gprivate.h>
#include <H5HGprivate.h>
#include <H5Tprivate.h>
#include <H5Sprivate.h>
#include <H5Zprivate.h>

 * Align messages on 8-byte boundaries because we would like to copy the
 * object header chunks directly into memory and operate on them there, even
 * on 64-bit architectures.  This allows us to reduce the number of disk I/O
 * requests with a minimum amount of mem-to-mem copies.
#define H5O_ALIGN(X)		(8*(((X)+8-1)/8))

#define H5O_MIN_SIZE	H5O_ALIGN(32)	/*min obj header data size	     */
#define H5O_NMESGS	32		/*initial number of messages	     */
#define H5O_NCHUNKS	8		/*initial number of chunks	     */
#define H5O_NEW_MESG	(-1)		/*new message			     */
#define H5O_ALL		(-1)		/*delete all messages of type	     */

/* Flags which are part of a message */
#define H5O_FLAG_CONSTANT	0x01u
#define H5O_FLAG_SHARED		0x02u
#define H5O_FLAG_BITS		0x03u
#define H5O_VERSION		1

 * Size of object header header.
#define H5O_SIZEOF_HDR(F)						      \
    H5O_ALIGN(1 +		/*version number	*/		      \
	      1 +		/*alignment		*/		      \
	      2 +		/*number of messages	*/		      \
	      4 +		/*reference count	*/		      \
	      4)		/*header data size	*/

 * Size of message header
#define H5O_SIZEOF_MSGHDR(F)						      \
     H5O_ALIGN(2 +	/*message type		*/			      \
	       2 +	/*sizeof message data	*/			      \
	       4)	/*reserved		*/

struct H5O_shared_t;
typedef struct H5O_class_t {
    intn	id;				 /*message type ID on disk   */
    const char	*name;				 /*for debugging             */
    size_t	native_size;			 /*size of native message    */
    void	*(*decode)(H5F_t*, const uint8*, struct H5O_shared_t*);
    herr_t	(*encode)(H5F_t*, uint8*, const void*);
    void	*(*copy)(const void*, void*);    /*copy native value         */
    size_t	(*raw_size)(H5F_t*, const void*);/*sizeof raw val	     */
    herr_t	(*reset)(void *);		 /*free nested data structs  */
    herr_t	(*get_share)(H5F_t*, const void*, struct H5O_shared_t*);
    herr_t      (*set_share)(H5F_t*, void*, const struct H5O_shared_t*);
    herr_t	(*debug)(H5F_t*, const void*, FILE*, intn, intn);
} H5O_class_t;

typedef struct H5O_mesg_t {
    const H5O_class_t	*type;		/*type of message		     */
    hbool_t		dirty;		/*raw out of date wrt native	     */
    uint8		flags;		/*message flags			     */
    void		*native;	/*native format message		     */
    uint8		*raw;		/*ptr to raw data		     */
    size_t		raw_size;	/*size with alignment		     */
    intn		chunkno;	/*chunk number for this mesg	     */
} H5O_mesg_t;

typedef struct H5O_chunk_t {
    hbool_t	dirty;			/*dirty flag			     */
    haddr_t	addr;			/*chunk file address		     */
    size_t	size;			/*chunk size			     */
    uint8	*image;			/*image of file			     */
} H5O_chunk_t;

typedef struct H5O_t {
    hbool_t	dirty;			/*out of data wrt disk		     */
    intn	version;		/*version number		     */
    intn	nlink;			/*link count			     */
    intn	nmesgs;			/*number of messages		     */
    intn	alloc_nmesgs;		/*number of message slots	     */
    H5O_mesg_t	*mesg;			/*array of messages		     */
    intn	nchunks;		/*number of chunks		     */
    intn	alloc_nchunks;		/*chunks allocated		     */
    H5O_chunk_t *chunk;			/*array of chunks		     */
} H5O_t;

 * Null Message.
#define H5O_NULL_ID	0x0000
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_NULL[1];

 * Simple Data Space Message.
#define H5O_SDSPACE_ID	0x0001
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_SDSPACE[1];

/* operates on an H5S_simple_t struct */

 * Data Type Message.
#define H5O_DTYPE_ID	0x0003
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_DTYPE[1];

/* operates on an H5T_t struct */

 * External File List Message
#define H5O_EFL_ID		0x0007	/*external file list id		     */
#define H5O_EFL_ALLOC		16	/*number of slots to alloc at once   */
#define H5O_EFL_UNLIMITED	H5F_UNLIMITED /*max possible file size	     */
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_EFL[1];	/*external file list class	     */

typedef struct H5O_efl_entry_t {
    size_t	name_offset;		/*offset of name within heap	     */
    char	*name;			/*malloc'd name			     */
    off_t	offset;			/*offset of data within file	     */
    hsize_t	size;			/*size allocated within file	     */
} H5O_efl_entry_t;

typedef struct H5O_efl_t {
    haddr_t	heap_addr;		/*address of name heap		     */
    intn	nalloc;			/*number of slots allocated	     */
    intn	nused;			/*number of slots used		     */
    H5O_efl_entry_t *slot;		/*array of external file entries     */
} H5O_efl_t;

 * Data Layout Message
#define H5O_LAYOUT_ID		0x0008
#define H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS	32
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_LAYOUT[1];

typedef struct H5O_layout_t {
    int		type;			/*type of layout, H5D_layout_t	     */
    haddr_t	addr;			/*file address of data or B-tree     */
    intn	ndims;			/*num dimensions in stored data	     */
    hsize_t	dim[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS];	/*size of data or chunk		     */
} H5O_layout_t;

 * Compression message.
#define H5O_COMPRESS_ID	0x000b
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_COMPRESS[1];

typedef struct H5O_compress_t {
    H5Z_method_t method;		/*algorithm ID			     */
    uintn	flags;			/*flags				     */
    size_t	cd_size;		/*client data size		     */
    uint8	*client_data;		/*client data passed to algorithm    */
} H5O_compress_t;

 * Attribute Message.
#define H5O_ATTR_ID	0x000C
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_ATTR[1];

/* operates on an H5A_t struct */

 * Object name message.
#define H5O_NAME_ID	0x000d
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_NAME[1];

typedef struct H5O_name_t {
    char	*s;			/*ptr to malloc'd memory	     */
} H5O_name_t;

 * Shared object message.  This message ID never really appears in an object
 * header.  Instead, bit 2 of the `Flags' field will be set and the ID field
 * will be the ID of the pointed-to message.
#define H5O_SHARED_ID	0x000f
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_SHARED[1];

typedef struct H5O_shared_t {
    hbool_t		in_gh;		/*shared by global heap?	     */
    union {
	H5HG_t		gh;		/*global heap info		     */
	H5G_entry_t	ent;		/*symbol table entry info	     */
    } u;
} H5O_shared_t;

 * Object header continuation message.
#define H5O_CONT_ID	0x0010
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_CONT[1];

typedef struct H5O_cont_t {
    haddr_t	addr;			/*address of continuation block	     */
    size_t	size;			/*size of continuation block	     */

    /* the following field(s) do not appear on disk */
    intn	chunkno;		/*chunk this mesg refers to	     */
} H5O_cont_t;

 * Symbol table message.
#define H5O_STAB_ID	0x0011
extern const H5O_class_t H5O_STAB[1];

void *H5O_stab_fast (const H5G_cache_t *cache, const H5O_class_t *type,
		     void *_mesg);

typedef struct H5O_stab_t {
    haddr_t	btree_addr;		/*address of B-tree		     */
    haddr_t	heap_addr;		/*address of name heap		     */
} H5O_stab_t;

/* General message operators */
herr_t H5O_create (H5F_t *f, size_t size_hint, H5G_entry_t *ent/*out*/);
herr_t H5O_open (H5G_entry_t *ent);
herr_t H5O_close (H5G_entry_t *ent);
intn H5O_link (H5G_entry_t *ent, intn adjust);
intn H5O_count (H5G_entry_t *ent, const H5O_class_t *type);
void *H5O_read (H5G_entry_t *ent, const H5O_class_t *type, intn sequence,
		void *mesg);
intn H5O_modify (H5G_entry_t *ent, const H5O_class_t *type, intn overwrite,
		 uintn flags, const void *mesg);
herr_t H5O_remove (H5G_entry_t *ent, const H5O_class_t *type, intn sequence);
herr_t H5O_reset (const H5O_class_t *type, void *native);
void *H5O_free (const H5O_class_t *type, void *mesg);
void *H5O_copy (const H5O_class_t *type, const void *mesg);
herr_t H5O_share (H5F_t *f, const H5O_class_t *type, const void *mesg,
		  H5HG_t *hobj/*out*/);
herr_t H5O_debug (H5F_t *f, const haddr_t *addr, FILE * stream, intn indent,
		  intn fwidth);

/* EFL operators */
hsize_t H5O_efl_total_size (H5O_efl_t *efl);
herr_t H5O_efl_read (H5F_t *f, const H5O_efl_t *efl, haddr_t *addr,
		     hsize_t size, uint8 *buf);
herr_t H5O_efl_write (H5F_t *f, const H5O_efl_t *efl, haddr_t *addr,
		      hsize_t size, const uint8 *buf);
