/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Programmer: Quincey Koziol
* Saturday, September 12, 2015
* Purpose: This file contains declarations which define macros for the
* H5P package. Including this header means that the source file
* is part of the H5P package.
#ifndef H5Pmodule_H
#define H5Pmodule_H
/* Define the proper control macros for the generic FUNC_ENTER/LEAVE and error
* reporting macros.
#define H5P_MODULE
#define H5_MY_PKG H5P
#define H5_MY_PKG_INIT YES
/**\defgroup H5P H5P
* Use the functions in this module to manage HDF5 property lists and property
* list classes. HDF5 property lists are the main vehicle to configure the
* behavior of HDF5 API functions.
* Typically, property lists are created by instantiating one of the built-in
* or user-defined property list classes. After adding suitable properties,
* property lists are used when opening or creating HDF5 items, or when reading
* or writing data. Property lists can be modified by adding or changing
* properties. Property lists are deleted by closing the associated handles.
* Create | Read |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c create
* |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c read
* |
Update | Delete |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c update
* |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c delete
* |
* \defgroup ALCAPL Attribute and Link Creation Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* Currently, there are only two creation properties that you can use to control
* the creation of HDF5 attributes and links. The first creation property, the
* choice of a character encoding, applies to both attributes and links.
* The second creation property applies to links only, and advises the library
* to automatically create missing intermediate groups when creating new objects.
* \defgroup DAPL Dataset Access Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* Use dataset access properties to modify the default behavior of the HDF5
* library when accessing datasets. The properties include adjusting the size
* of the chunk cache, providing prefixes for external content and virtual
* dataset file paths, and controlling flush behavior, etc. These properties
* are \Emph{not} persisted with datasets, and can be adjusted at runtime before
* a dataset is created or opened.
* \defgroup DCPL Dataset Creation Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* Use dataset creation properties to control aspects of dataset creation such
* as fill time, storage layout, compression methods, etc.
* Unlike dataset access and transfer properties, creation properties \Emph{are}
* stored with the dataset, and cannot be changed once a dataset has been
* created.
* \defgroup DXPL Dataset Transfer Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* Use dataset transfer properties to customize certain aspects of reading
* and writing datasets such as transformations, MPI-IO I/O mode, error
* detection, etc. These properties are \Emph{not} persisted with datasets,
* and can be adjusted at runtime before a dataset is read or written.
* \defgroup FAPL File Access Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* Use file access properties to modify the default behavior of the HDF5
* library when accessing files. The properties include selecting a virtual
* file driver (VFD), configuring the metadata cache (MDC), control
* file locking, etc. These properties are \Emph{not} persisted with files, and
* can be adjusted at runtime before a file is created or opened.
* \defgroup FCPL File Creation Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* Use file creation properties to control aspects of file creation such
* as setting a file space management strategy or creating a user block.
* Unlike file access properties, creation properties \Emph{are}
* stored with the file, and cannot be changed once a file has been
* created.
* \defgroup GAPL General Access Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* \todo Should this be as standalone page?
* \defgroup GCPL Group Creation Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* Use group creation properties to control aspects of group creation such
* as storage layout, compression, and link creation order tracking.
* Unlike file access properties, creation properties \Emph{are}
* stored with the group, and cannot be changed once a group has been
* created.
* \defgroup GPLO General Property List Operations
* \ingroup H5P
* Use the functions in this module to manage HDF5 property lists.
* Create | Read |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c create
* |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c read
* |
Update | Delete |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c update
* |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c delete
* |
* \defgroup GPLOA General Property List Operations (Advanced)
* \ingroup H5P
* You can create and customize user-defined property list classes using the
* functions described below. Arbitrary user-defined properties can also
* be inserted into existing property lists as so-called temporary properties.
* Create | Read |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c create_class
* |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c read_class
* |
Update | Delete |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c update_class
* |
* \snippet{lineno} H5P_examples.c delete_class
* |
* \defgroup LAPL Link Access Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* \defgroup OCPL Object Creation Properties
* \ingroup H5P
* \defgroup OCPPL Object Copy Properties
* \ingroup H5P
#endif /* H5Pmodule_H */