/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * Copyright by The HDF Group.                                               *
 * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.         *
 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
 *                                                                           *
 * This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
 * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
 * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code       *
 * distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases.  *
 * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from     *
 * help@hdfgroup.org.                                                        *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

 * Programmer:  rky 980813
 * Purpose:	Functions to read/write directly between app buffer and file.
 * 		Beware of the ifdef'ed print statements.
 *		I didn't make them portable.

#include "H5Smodule.h"          /* This source code file is part of the H5S module */

#include "H5private.h"		/* Generic Functions			*/
#include "H5Dprivate.h"		/* Datasets				*/
#include "H5Eprivate.h"		/* Error handling		  	*/
#include "H5Fprivate.h"		/* File access				*/
#include "H5FDprivate.h"	/* File drivers				*/
#include "H5Iprivate.h"		/* IDs			  		*/
#include "H5MMprivate.h"        /* Memory management                    */
#include "H5Oprivate.h"		/* Object headers		  	*/
#include "H5Pprivate.h"         /* Property lists                       */
#include "H5Spkg.h"		/* Dataspaces 				*/
#include "H5VMprivate.h"        /* Vector and array functions		*/


static herr_t H5S_mpio_all_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size,
    MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type);
static herr_t H5S_mpio_none_type(MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count,
    hbool_t *is_derived_type);
static herr_t H5S_mpio_create_point_datatype(size_t elmt_size, hsize_t num_points, 
    MPI_Aint *disp, MPI_Datatype *new_type);
static herr_t H5S_mpio_point_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size,
    MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type,
    hbool_t do_permute, hsize_t **permute_map, hbool_t *is_permuted);
static herr_t H5S_mpio_permute_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size, 
    hsize_t **permute_map, MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count,
    hbool_t *is_derived_type);
static herr_t H5S_mpio_hyper_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size,
    MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type);
static herr_t H5S_mpio_span_hyper_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size,
    MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type);
static herr_t H5S_obtain_datatype(const hsize_t down[], H5S_hyper_span_t* span,
    const MPI_Datatype *elmt_type, MPI_Datatype *span_type, size_t elmt_size);
static herr_t H5S_mpio_create_large_type (hsize_t, MPI_Aint, MPI_Datatype , MPI_Datatype *);


#define TWO_GIG_LIMIT                   2147483648

#define H5S_MAX_MPI_COUNT               536870911  /* (2^29)-1  */

static hsize_t bigio_count = H5S_MAX_MPI_COUNT;

 * Function:  H5S_mpio_set_bigio_count
 * Purpose:   Allow us to programatically change the switch point
 *            when we utilize derived datatypes.  This is of
 *            particular interest for allowing nightly testing
 * Return:    the current/previous value of bigio_count.
 * Programmer: Richard Warren,  March 10, 2017
H5S_mpio_set_bigio_count(hsize_t new_count)
    hsize_t orig_count = bigio_count;
    if ((new_count > 0) && (new_count < TWO_GIG_LIMIT)) {
       bigio_count = new_count;
    return orig_count;

 * Function:	H5S_mpio_all_type
 * Purpose:	Translate an HDF5 "all" selection into an MPI type.
 * Return:	non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 * Outputs:	*new_type	  the MPI type corresponding to the selection
 *		*count		  how many objects of the new_type in selection
 *				  (useful if this is the buffer type for xfer)
 *		*is_derived_type  0 if MPI primitive type, 1 if derived
 * Programmer:	rky 980813
 * Modifications:
 *              Mohamad Chaarawi
 *              Adding support for large datatypes (beyond the limit of a
 *              32 bit integer.
static herr_t
H5S_mpio_all_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size,
    MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type)
    hsize_t	total_bytes;
    hssize_t	snelmts;                /* Total number of elmts	(signed) */
    hsize_t	nelmts;                 /* Total number of elmts	*/
    herr_t	ret_value = SUCCEED;    /* Return value */


    /* Check args */

    /* Just treat the entire extent as a block of bytes */
    if((snelmts = (hssize_t)H5S_GET_EXTENT_NPOINTS(space)) < 0)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "src dataspace has invalid selection")
    H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(nelmts, hsize_t, snelmts, hssize_t);

    total_bytes = (hsize_t)elmt_size * nelmts;
    /* Verify that the size can be expressed as a 32 bit integer */
    if(bigio_count >= total_bytes) {
      /* fill in the return values */
      *new_type = MPI_BYTE;
      H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(*count, int, total_bytes, hsize_t);
      *is_derived_type = FALSE;
    else {
      /* Create a LARGE derived datatype for this transfer */
      if (H5S_mpio_create_large_type (total_bytes, 0, MPI_BYTE, new_type) < 0) {
                      "couldn't create a large datatype from the all selection")
      *count = 1;
      *is_derived_type = TRUE;

} /* H5S_mpio_all_type() */

 * Function:	H5S_mpio_none_type
 * Purpose:	Translate an HDF5 "none" selection into an MPI type.
 * Return:	non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 * Outputs:	*new_type	  the MPI type corresponding to the selection
 *		*count		  how many objects of the new_type in selection
 *				  (useful if this is the buffer type for xfer)
 *		*is_derived_type  0 if MPI primitive type, 1 if derived
 * Programmer:	Quincey Koziol, October 29, 2002
static herr_t
H5S_mpio_none_type(MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type)

    /* fill in the return values */
    *new_type = MPI_BYTE;
    *count = 0;
    *is_derived_type = FALSE;

} /* H5S_mpio_none_type() */

 * Function:	H5S_mpio_create_point_datatype
 * Purpose:	Create a derived datatype for point selections.
 * Return:	non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 * Outputs:	*new_type	  the MPI type corresponding to the selection
 * Programmer:	Mohamad Chaarawi
static herr_t 
H5S_mpio_create_point_datatype (size_t elmt_size, hsize_t num_points,
    MPI_Aint *disp, MPI_Datatype *new_type) 
    MPI_Datatype   elmt_type;           /* MPI datatype for individual element */
    hbool_t        elmt_type_created = FALSE;   /* Whether the element MPI datatype was created */
    int            mpi_code;            /* MPI error code */
    int            *blocks = NULL;      /* Array of block sizes for MPI hindexed create call */
    hsize_t        u;                   /* Local index variable */
    herr_t	   ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Create an MPI datatype for an element */
    if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_contiguous((int)elmt_size, MPI_BYTE, &elmt_type)))
        HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_contiguous failed", mpi_code)
    elmt_type_created = TRUE;

    /* Check whether standard or BIGIO processing will be employeed */
    if(bigio_count >= num_points) {
#if MPI_VERSION >= 3
      /* Create an MPI datatype for the whole point selection */
      if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block((int)num_points, 1, disp, elmt_type, new_type)))
         HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_indexed_block failed", mpi_code)
      /* Allocate block sizes for MPI datatype call */
      if(NULL == (blocks = (int *)H5MM_malloc(sizeof(int) * num_points)))
          HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of blocks")

      for(u = 0; u < num_points; u++)
          blocks[u] = 1;

      /* Create an MPI datatype for the whole point selection */
      if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hindexed((int)num_points, blocks, disp, elmt_type, new_type)))
          HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hindexed failed", mpi_code)

      /* Commit MPI datatype for later use */
      if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_commit(new_type)))
          HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_commit failed", mpi_code)
    else { 
      /* use LARGE_DATATYPE::
       * We'll create an hindexed_block type for every 2G point count and then combine
       * those and any remaining points into a single large datatype.
      int total_types, i;
      int remaining_points;
      int num_big_types;
      hsize_t leftover;

      int *inner_blocks;
      MPI_Aint *inner_disps;
      MPI_Datatype *inner_types = NULL;

      /* Calculate how many Big MPI datatypes are needed to represent the buffer */
      num_big_types = (int)(num_points/bigio_count);

      leftover = (hsize_t)num_points - (hsize_t)num_big_types * (hsize_t)bigio_count;
      H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(remaining_points, int, leftover, hsize_t);

      total_types = (int)(remaining_points) ? (num_big_types + 1) : num_big_types;

      /* Allocate array if MPI derived types needed */
      if(NULL == (inner_types = (MPI_Datatype *)H5MM_malloc((sizeof(MPI_Datatype) * (size_t)total_types))))
          HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of blocks")

      if(NULL == (inner_blocks = (int *)H5MM_malloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)total_types)))
          HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of blocks")

      if(NULL == (inner_disps = (MPI_Aint *)H5MM_malloc(sizeof(MPI_Aint) * (size_t)total_types)))
          HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of blocks")

      /* Allocate block sizes for MPI datatype call */
      if(NULL == (blocks = (int *)H5MM_malloc(sizeof(int) * bigio_count)))
          HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of blocks")

      for(u = 0; u < bigio_count; u++)
          blocks[u] = 1;

      for(i=0 ; i<num_big_types ; i++) {
#if MPI_VERSION >= 3
          if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block(bigio_count,
                                                                       &inner_types[i]))) {
              HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block failed", mpi_code);
          if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hindexed((int)bigio_count,
                                                                      &inner_types[i]))) {
              HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hindexed failed", mpi_code)
          inner_blocks[i] = 1;
          inner_disps[i]  = 0;

      if(remaining_points) {
#if MPI_VERSION >= 3
          if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block(remaining_points,
                                                                       &inner_types[num_big_types]))) {
              HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block failed", mpi_code);
          if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hindexed((int)remaining_points,
                                                                      &inner_types[num_big_types]))) {
              HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hindexed failed", mpi_code)
          inner_blocks[num_big_types] = 1;
          inner_disps[num_big_types] = 0;

      if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_struct(total_types,
                                                           new_type))) {
          HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_struct", mpi_code);
      for(i=0 ; i<total_types ; i++)


      /* Commit MPI datatype for later use */
      if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_commit(new_type)))
          HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_commit failed", mpi_code)

} /* H5S_mpio_create_point_datatype() */

 * Function:	H5S_mpio_point_type
 * Purpose:	Translate an HDF5 "point" selection into an MPI type.
 *              Create a permutation array to handle out-of-order point selections.
 * Return:	non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 * Outputs:	*new_type	  the MPI type corresponding to the selection
 *		*count		  how many objects of the new_type in selection
 *				  (useful if this is the buffer type for xfer)
 *		*is_derived_type  0 if MPI primitive type, 1 if derived
 *              *permute_map      the permutation of the displacements to create
 *                                the MPI_Datatype
 *              *is_permuted      0 if the displacements are permuted, 1 if not
 * Programmer:	Mohamad Chaarawi
static herr_t
H5S_mpio_point_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size, MPI_Datatype *new_type, 
    int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type, hbool_t do_permute, hsize_t **permute,
    hbool_t *is_permuted)
    MPI_Aint *disp = NULL;      /* Datatype displacement for each point*/
    H5S_pnt_node_t *curr = NULL; /* Current point being operated on in from the selection */
    hssize_t snum_points;       /* Signed number of elements in selection */
    hsize_t num_points;         /* Sumber of points in the selection */
    hsize_t u;                  /* Local index variable */
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Check args */

    /* Get the total number of points selected */
    if((snum_points = (hssize_t)H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(space)) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCOUNT, FAIL, "can't get number of elements selected")
    num_points = (hsize_t)snum_points;

    /* Allocate array for element displacements */
    if(NULL == (disp = (MPI_Aint *)H5MM_malloc(sizeof(MPI_Aint) * num_points)))
         HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of displacements")

    /* Allocate array for element permutation - returned to caller */
        if(NULL == (*permute = (hsize_t *)H5MM_malloc(sizeof(hsize_t) * num_points)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate permutation array")

    /* Iterate through list of elements */
    curr = space->select.sel_info.pnt_lst->head;
    for(u = 0 ; u < num_points ; u++) {
        /* calculate the displacement of the current point */
        disp[u] = H5VM_array_offset(space->extent.rank, space->extent.size, curr->pnt);
        disp[u] *= elmt_size;

        /* This is a File Space used to set the file view, so adjust the displacements 
         * to have them monotonically non-decreasing.
         * Generate the permutation array by indicating at each point being selected, 
         * the position it will shifted in the new displacement. Example: 
         * Suppose 4 points with corresponding are selected 
         * Pt 1: disp=6 ; Pt 2: disp=3 ; Pt 3: disp=0 ; Pt 4: disp=4 
         * The permute map to sort the displacements in order will be:
         * point 1: map[0] = L, indicating that this point is not moved (1st point selected)
         * point 2: map[1] = 0, indicating that this point is moved to the first position, 
         *                      since disp_pt1(6) > disp_pt2(3)
         * point 3: map[2] = 0, move to position 0, bec it has the lowest disp between 
         *                      the points selected so far.
         * point 4: map[3] = 2, move the 2nd position since point 1 has a higher disp, 
         *                      but points 2 and 3 have lower displacements.
        if(do_permute) {
            if(u > 0 && disp[u] < disp[u - 1]) {
                unsigned s = 0, l = u, m = u / 2;

                *is_permuted = TRUE;
                do {
                    if(disp[u] > disp[m])
                        s = m + 1;
                    else if(disp[u] < disp[m])
                        l = m;
                    m = s + ((l - s) / 2);
                } while(s < l);

                if(m < u) {
                    MPI_Aint temp;

                    temp = disp[u];
                    HDmemmove(disp + m + 1, disp + m, (u - m) * sizeof(MPI_Aint));
                    disp[m] = temp;
                } /* end if */
                (*permute)[u] = m;                
            } /* end if */
                (*permute)[u] = num_points;
        } /* end if */
        /* this is a memory space, and no permutation is necessary to create
           the derived datatype */
        else {
            ;/* do nothing */
        } /* end else */

        /* get the next point */
        curr = curr->next;
    } /* end for */

    /* Create the MPI datatype for the set of element displacements */
    if(H5S_mpio_create_point_datatype(elmt_size, num_points, disp, new_type) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "couldn't create an MPI Datatype from point selection")

    /* Set values about MPI datatype created */
    *count = 1;
    *is_derived_type = TRUE;

    if(NULL != disp)

    /* Release the permutation buffer, if it wasn't used */
    if(!(*is_permuted) && (*permute)) {
        *permute = NULL;
    } /* end if */

} /* H5S_mpio_point_type() */

 * Function:	H5S_mpio_permute_type
 * Purpose:	Translate an HDF5 "all/hyper/point" selection into an MPI type,
 *              while applying the permutation map. This function is called if
 *              the file space selection is permuted due to out-of-order point
 *              selection and so the memory datatype has to be permuted using the
 *              permutation map created by the file selection.
 * Note:	This routine is called from H5S_mpio_space_type(), which is
 *              called first for the file dataspace and creates
 * Return:	non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 * Outputs:	*new_type	  the MPI type corresponding to the selection
 *		*count		  how many objects of the new_type in selection
 *				  (useful if this is the buffer type for xfer)
 *		*is_derived_type  0 if MPI primitive type, 1 if derived
 * Programmer:	Mohamad Chaarawi
static herr_t
H5S_mpio_permute_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size, hsize_t **permute, 
    MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type)
    MPI_Aint *disp = NULL;      /* Datatype displacement for each point*/
    H5S_sel_iter_t sel_iter;    /* Selection iteration info */
    hbool_t sel_iter_init = FALSE;      /* Selection iteration info has been initialized */
    hssize_t snum_points;       /* Signed number of elements in selection */
    hsize_t num_points;         /* Number of points in the selection */
    size_t max_elem;            /* Maximum number of elements allowed in sequences */
    hsize_t u;                  /* Local index variable */
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Check args */

    /* Get the total number of points selected */
    if((snum_points = (hssize_t)H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(space)) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCOUNT, FAIL, "can't get number of elements selected")
    num_points = (hsize_t)snum_points;

    /* Allocate array to store point displacements */
    if(NULL == (disp = (MPI_Aint *)H5MM_malloc(sizeof(MPI_Aint) * num_points)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of displacements")

    /* Initialize selection iterator */
    if(H5S_select_iter_init(&sel_iter, space, elmt_size) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize selection iterator")
    sel_iter_init = TRUE;	/* Selection iteration info has been initialized */

    /* Set the number of elements to iterate over */
    H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(max_elem, size_t, num_points, hsize_t);

    /* Loop, while elements left in selection */
    u = 0;
    while(max_elem > 0) {
        hsize_t off[H5D_IO_VECTOR_SIZE];        /* Array to store sequence offsets */
        size_t len[H5D_IO_VECTOR_SIZE];         /* Array to store sequence lengths */
        size_t nelem;               /* Number of elements used in sequences */
        size_t nseq;                /* Number of sequences generated */
        size_t curr_seq;            /* Current sequence being worked on */

        /* Get the sequences of bytes */
        if(H5S_SELECT_GET_SEQ_LIST(space, 0, &sel_iter, (size_t)H5D_IO_VECTOR_SIZE, max_elem, &nseq, &nelem, off, len) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "sequence length generation failed")

        /* Loop, while sequences left to process */
        for(curr_seq = 0; curr_seq < nseq; curr_seq++) {
            hsize_t curr_off;           /* Current offset within sequence */
            size_t curr_len;            /* Length of bytes left to process in sequence */

            /* Get the current offset */
            curr_off = off[curr_seq];

            /* Get the number of bytes in sequence */
            curr_len = len[curr_seq];

            /* Loop, while bytes left in sequence */
            while(curr_len > 0) {
                /* Set the displacement of the current point */
                disp[u] = curr_off;

                /* This is a memory displacement, so for each point selected, 
                 * apply the map that was generated by the file selection */
                if((*permute)[u] != num_points) {
                    MPI_Aint temp = disp[u];

                    HDmemmove(disp + (*permute)[u] + 1, disp + (*permute)[u], 
                             (u - (*permute)[u]) * sizeof(MPI_Aint));
                    disp[(*permute)[u]] = temp;
                } /* end if */

                /* Advance to next element */

                /* Increment offset in dataspace */
                curr_off += elmt_size;

                /* Decrement number of bytes left in sequence */
                curr_len -= elmt_size;
            } /* end while */
        } /* end for */

        /* Decrement number of elements left to process */
        max_elem -= nelem;
    } /* end while */

    /* Create the MPI datatype for the set of element displacements */
    if(H5S_mpio_create_point_datatype(elmt_size, num_points, disp, new_type) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "couldn't create an MPI Datatype from point selection")

    /* Set values about MPI datatype created */
    *count = 1;
    *is_derived_type = TRUE;

    /* Release selection iterator */
        if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&sel_iter) < 0)
            HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "unable to release selection iterator")

    /* Free memory */
    if(*permute) {
        *permute = NULL;
    } /* end if */

} /* H5S_mpio_permute_type() */

 * Function:	H5S_mpio_hyper_type
 * Purpose:	Translate an HDF5 hyperslab selection into an MPI type.
 * Return:	non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 * Outputs:	*new_type	  the MPI type corresponding to the selection
 *		*count		  how many objects of the new_type in selection
 *				  (useful if this is the buffer type for xfer)
 *		*is_derived_type  0 if MPI primitive type, 1 if derived
 * Programmer:	rky 980813
 * Modifications:
 *              Mohamad Chaarawi
 *              Adding support for large datatypes (beyond the limit of a
 *              32 bit integer.
static herr_t
H5S_mpio_hyper_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size,
    MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type)
    H5S_sel_iter_t sel_iter;    /* Selection iteration info */
    hbool_t sel_iter_init = FALSE;    /* Selection iteration info has been initialized */

    struct dim {	/* less hassle than malloc/free & ilk */
        hssize_t start;
        hsize_t strid;
        hsize_t block;
        hsize_t xtent;
        hsize_t count;
    } d[H5S_MAX_RANK];

    hsize_t		offset[H5S_MAX_RANK];
    hsize_t		max_xtent[H5S_MAX_RANK];
    H5S_hyper_dim_t	*diminfo;		/* [rank] */
    unsigned		rank;
    MPI_Datatype	inner_type, outer_type;
    MPI_Aint            extent_len, start_disp, new_extent;
    MPI_Aint            lb; /* Needed as an argument for MPI_Type_get_extent */
    unsigned		u;			/* Local index variable */
    int			i;			/* Local index variable */
    int                 mpi_code;               /* MPI return code */
    herr_t		ret_value = SUCCEED;


    /* Check args */
    HDassert(sizeof(MPI_Aint) >= sizeof(elmt_size));

    /* Initialize selection iterator */
    if(H5S_select_iter_init(&sel_iter, space, elmt_size) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize selection iterator")
    sel_iter_init = TRUE;	/* Selection iteration info has been initialized */

    /* Abbreviate args */
    diminfo = sel_iter.u.hyp.diminfo;

    /* make a local copy of the dimension info so we can operate with them */

    /* Check if this is a "flattened" regular hyperslab selection */
    if(sel_iter.u.hyp.iter_rank != 0 && sel_iter.u.hyp.iter_rank < space->extent.rank) {
        /* Flattened selection */
        rank = sel_iter.u.hyp.iter_rank;
        HDassert(rank <= H5S_MAX_RANK);	/* within array bounds */
#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
            HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "%s: Flattened selection\n",FUNC);
        for(u = 0; u < rank; ++u) {
            H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(diminfo[u].start, hsize_t, hssize_t)
            d[u].start = (hssize_t)diminfo[u].start + sel_iter.u.hyp.sel_off[u];
            d[u].strid = diminfo[u].stride;
            d[u].block = diminfo[u].block;
            d[u].count = diminfo[u].count;
            d[u].xtent = sel_iter.u.hyp.size[u];
#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
            HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "%s: start=%Hd  stride=%Hu  count=%Hu  block=%Hu  xtent=%Hu",
                FUNC, d[u].start, d[u].strid, d[u].count, d[u].block, d[u].xtent );
            if (u==0)
                HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "  rank=%u\n", rank );
                HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "\n" );
            if(0 == d[u].block)
                goto empty;
            if(0 == d[u].count)
                goto empty;
            if(0 == d[u].xtent)
                goto empty;
        } /* end for */
    } /* end if */
    else {
        /* Non-flattened selection */
        rank = space->extent.rank;
        HDassert(rank <= H5S_MAX_RANK);	/* within array bounds */
        if(0 == rank)
            goto empty;
#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
            HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S),"%s: Non-flattened selection\n",FUNC);
        for(u = 0; u < rank; ++u) {
            H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(diminfo[u].start, hsize_t, hssize_t)
            d[u].start = (hssize_t)diminfo[u].start + space->select.offset[u];
            d[u].strid = diminfo[u].stride;
            d[u].block = diminfo[u].block;
            d[u].count = diminfo[u].count;
            d[u].xtent = space->extent.size[u];
#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
    HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "%s: start=%Hd  stride=%Hu  count=%Hu  block=%Hu  xtent=%Hu",
              FUNC, d[u].start, d[u].strid, d[u].count, d[u].block, d[u].xtent );
    if (u==0)
        HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "  rank=%u\n", rank );
        HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "\n" );
            if(0 == d[u].block)
                goto empty;
            if(0 == d[u].count)
                goto empty;
            if(0 == d[u].xtent)
                goto empty;
        } /* end for */
    } /* end else */

    Compute array "offset[rank]" which gives the offsets for a multi-
    dimensional array with dimensions "d[i].xtent" (i=0,1,...,rank-1).
    offset[rank - 1] = 1;
    max_xtent[rank - 1] = d[rank - 1].xtent;
#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
  if(H5DEBUG(S)) {
     i = ((int)rank) - 1;
     HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), " offset[%2d]=%Hu; max_xtent[%2d]=%Hu\n",
                          i, offset[i], i, max_xtent[i]);
    for(i = ((int)rank) - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
        offset[i] = offset[i + 1] * d[i + 1].xtent;
        max_xtent[i] = max_xtent[i + 1] * d[i].xtent;
#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
    HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), " offset[%2d]=%Hu; max_xtent[%2d]=%Hu\n",
                          i, offset[i], i, max_xtent[i]);
    } /* end for */

    /*  Create a type covering the selected hyperslab.
     *  Multidimensional dataspaces are stored in row-major order.
     *  The type is built from the inside out, going from the
     *  fastest-changing (i.e., inner) dimension * to the slowest (outer). */

*  Construct contig type for inner contig dims:
#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
  if(H5DEBUG(S)) {
    HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "%s: Making contig type %Zu MPI_BYTEs\n", FUNC, elmt_size);
    for(i = ((int)rank) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "d[%d].xtent=%Hu \n", i, d[i].xtent);

     * Check if the number of elements to form the inner type fits into a 32 bit integer. 
     * If yes then just create the innertype with MPI_Type_contiguous.
     * Otherwise create a compound datatype by iterating as many times as needed
     * for the innertype to be created.
    if(bigio_count >= elmt_size) {
      /* Use a single MPI datatype that has a 32 bit size */
      if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_contiguous((int)elmt_size, MPI_BYTE, &inner_type)))
        HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_contiguous failed", mpi_code)
    else {
      /* Create the compound datatype for this operation (> 2GB) */
      if (H5S_mpio_create_large_type (elmt_size, 0, MPI_BYTE, &inner_type) < 0) {
            "couldn't ccreate a large inner datatype in hyper selection")

*  Construct the type by walking the hyperslab dims
*  from the inside out:
    for(i = ((int)rank) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
          HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "%s: Dimension i=%d \n"
             "start=%Hd count=%Hu block=%Hu stride=%Hu, xtent=%Hu max_xtent=%d\n",
             FUNC, i, d[i].start, d[i].count, d[i].block, d[i].strid, d[i].xtent, max_xtent[i]);

#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
          HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "%s: i=%d  Making vector-type \n", FUNC,i);
       *  Build vector type of the selection.
       if (bigio_count >= d[i].count &&
           bigio_count >= d[i].block &&
           bigio_count >= d[i].strid) {

           /* All the parameters fit into 32 bit integers so create the vector type normally */
           mpi_code = MPI_Type_vector((int)(d[i].count),       /* count */
                                      (int)(d[i].block),       /* blocklength */
                                      (int)(d[i].strid),       /* stride */
                                      inner_type,              /* old type */
                                      &outer_type);            /* new type */

           if(mpi_code != MPI_SUCCESS)
              HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "couldn't create MPI vector type", mpi_code)
       else {
         /* Things get a bit more complicated and require LARGE_DATATYPE processing 
          * There are two MPI datatypes that need to be created: 
          *   1) an internal contiguous block; and
          *   2) a collection of elements where an element is a contiguous block(1).
          * Remember that the input arguments to the MPI-IO functions use integer
          * values to represent element counts.  We ARE allowed however, in the
          * more recent MPI implementations to use constructed datatypes whereby
          * the total number of bytes in a transfer could be :
          *   (2GB-1)number_of_blocks * the_datatype_extent.

            MPI_Aint stride_in_bytes, inner_extent;
            MPI_Datatype block_type;

            /* create a contiguous datatype inner_type x number of BLOCKS.
             * Again we need to check that the number of BLOCKS can fit into 
             * a 32 bit integer */
            if (bigio_count < d[i].block) {
                if (H5S_mpio_create_large_type(d[i].block, 0, inner_type, 
                                               &block_type) < 0) {
                                "couldn't ccreate a large block datatype in hyper selection")
            else {
                if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_contiguous((int)d[i].block, 
                    HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_contiguous failed", mpi_code)

            /* As of version 4.0, OpenMPI now turns off MPI-1 API calls by default,
             * so we're using the MPI-2 version even though we don't need the lb
             * value.
                MPI_Aint unused_lb_arg;
                MPI_Type_get_extent(inner_type, &unused_lb_arg, &inner_extent);
            stride_in_bytes = inner_extent * (MPI_Aint)d[i].strid;

            /* If the element count is larger than what a 32 bit integer can hold,
             * we call the large type creation function to handle that
            if (bigio_count < d[i].count) {
                if (H5S_mpio_create_large_type (d[i].count, stride_in_bytes, block_type,
                                                &outer_type) < 0) {
                                "couldn't create a large outer datatype in hyper selection")
            /* otherwise a regular create_hvector will do */
            else {
                mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hvector((int)d[i].count, /* count */
                                                   1,               /* blocklength */
                                                   stride_in_bytes, /* stride in bytes*/
                                                   block_type,      /* old type */
                                                   &outer_type);    /* new type */
                if(MPI_SUCCESS != mpi_code)
                    HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hvector failed", mpi_code)
        *  Then build the dimension type as (start, vector type, xtent).
        /* calculate start and extent values of this dimension */
	start_disp = d[i].start * offset[i] * elmt_size;
        new_extent = (MPI_Aint)elmt_size * max_xtent[i];
        if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_get_extent(outer_type, &lb, &extent_len)))
            HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_get_extent failed", mpi_code)

        *  Restructure this datatype ("outer_type")
        *  so that it still starts at 0, but its extent
        *  is the full extent in this dimension.
        if(start_disp > 0 || extent_len < new_extent) {
            MPI_Datatype interm_type;
            int block_len = 1;

            HDassert(0 == lb);

            mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hindexed(1, &block_len, &start_disp, outer_type, &interm_type);
            if(mpi_code != MPI_SUCCESS)
                HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hindexed failed", mpi_code)

            mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_resized(interm_type, lb, new_extent, &inner_type);
            if(mpi_code != MPI_SUCCESS)
                HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "couldn't resize MPI vector type", mpi_code)
        } /* end if */
            inner_type = outer_type;
    } /* end for */
*  End of loop, walking through dimensions.

    /* At this point inner_type is actually the outermost type, even for 0-trip loop */
    *new_type = inner_type;
    if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_commit(new_type)))
        HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_commit failed", mpi_code)

    /* fill in the remaining return values */
    *count = 1;			/* only have to move one of these suckers! */
    *is_derived_type = TRUE;

    /* special case: empty hyperslab */
    *new_type = MPI_BYTE;
    *count = 0;
    *is_derived_type = FALSE;

    /* Release selection iterator */
        if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&sel_iter) < 0)
            HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "unable to release selection iterator")

#ifdef H5S_DEBUG
    HDfprintf(H5DEBUG(S), "Leave %s, count=%ld  is_derived_type=%t\n",
		FUNC, *count, *is_derived_type );
} /* end H5S_mpio_hyper_type() */

 * Function:	H5S_mpio_span_hyper_type
 * Purpose:	Translate an HDF5 irregular hyperslab selection into an
                MPI type.
 * Return:	non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 * Outputs:	*new_type	  the MPI type corresponding to the selection
 *		*count		  how many objects of the new_type in selection
 *				  (useful if this is the buffer type for xfer)
 *		*is_derived_type  0 if MPI primitive type, 1 if derived
 * Programmer:  kyang
 * Modifications:
 *              Mohamad Chaarawi
 *              Adding support for large datatypes (beyond the limit of a 
 *              32 bit integer.
static herr_t
H5S_mpio_span_hyper_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size,
    MPI_Datatype *new_type, int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type)
    MPI_Datatype  elmt_type;            /* MPI datatype for an element */
    hbool_t elmt_type_is_derived = FALSE;       /* Whether the element type has been created */
    MPI_Datatype  span_type;            /* MPI datatype for overall span tree */
    hsize_t       down[H5S_MAX_RANK];   /* 'down' sizes for each dimension */
    int           mpi_code;             /* MPI return code */
    herr_t        ret_value = SUCCEED;  /* Return value */


    /* Check args */

    /* Create the base type for an element */
    if (bigio_count >= elmt_size) {
      if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_contiguous((int)elmt_size, MPI_BYTE, &elmt_type))) {
           HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_contiguous failed", mpi_code)
    else {
        if (H5S_mpio_create_large_type (elmt_size, 0, MPI_BYTE, &elmt_type) < 0) {
                        "couldn't create a large element datatype in span_hyper selection")
    elmt_type_is_derived = TRUE;

    /* Compute 'down' sizes for each dimension */
    if(H5VM_array_down(space->extent.rank, space->extent.size, down) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGETSIZE, FAIL, "couldn't compute 'down' dimension sizes")

    /* Obtain derived data type */
    if(H5S_obtain_datatype(down, space->select.sel_info.hslab->span_lst->head, &elmt_type, &span_type, elmt_size) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "couldn't obtain  MPI derived data type")
    if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_commit(&span_type)))
        HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_commit failed", mpi_code)
    *new_type = span_type;

    /* fill in the remaining return values */
    *count = 1;
    *is_derived_type = TRUE;

    /* Release resources */
        if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_free(&elmt_type)))
            HMPI_DONE_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_free failed", mpi_code)

} /* end H5S_mpio_span_hyper_type() */

 * Function:	H5S_obtain_datatype
 * Purpose:	Obtain an MPI derived datatype based on span-tree
 *              implementation
 * Return:	non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 * Outputs:	*span_type	 the MPI type corresponding to the selection
 * Programmer:  kyang
static herr_t
H5S_obtain_datatype(const hsize_t *down, H5S_hyper_span_t *span,
    const MPI_Datatype *elmt_type, MPI_Datatype *span_type, size_t elmt_size)
    size_t                alloc_count = 0;      /* Number of span tree nodes allocated at this level */
    size_t                outercount = 0;       /* Number of span tree nodes at this level */
    MPI_Datatype          *inner_type = NULL;
    hbool_t inner_types_freed = FALSE;          /* Whether the inner_type MPI datatypes have been freed */
    hbool_t span_type_valid = FALSE;            /* Whether the span_type MPI datatypes is valid */
    hbool_t large_block = FALSE;                /* Wether the block length is larger than 32 bit integer */
    int                   *blocklen = NULL;
    MPI_Aint              *disp = NULL;
    H5S_hyper_span_t      *tspan = NULL;        /* Temporary pointer to span tree node */
    int                   mpi_code;             /* MPI return status code */
    herr_t                ret_value = SUCCEED;  /* Return value */


    /* Sanity check */

    /* Allocate the initial displacement & block length buffers */
    alloc_count = H5S_MPIO_INITIAL_ALLOC_COUNT;
    if(NULL == (disp = (MPI_Aint *)H5MM_malloc(alloc_count * sizeof(MPI_Aint))))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of displacements")
    if(NULL == (blocklen = (int *)H5MM_malloc(alloc_count * sizeof(int))))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of block lengths")

    /* if this is the fastest changing dimension, it is the base case for derived datatype. */
    if(NULL == span->down) {
        tspan = span;
        outercount = 0;
        while(tspan) {
            /* Check if we need to increase the size of the buffers */
            if(outercount >= alloc_count) {
                MPI_Aint     *tmp_disp;         /* Temporary pointer to new displacement buffer */
                int          *tmp_blocklen;     /* Temporary pointer to new block length buffer */

                /* Double the allocation count */
                alloc_count *= 2;

                /* Re-allocate the buffers */
                if(NULL == (tmp_disp = (MPI_Aint *)H5MM_realloc(disp, alloc_count * sizeof(MPI_Aint))))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of displacements")
                disp = tmp_disp;
                if(NULL == (tmp_blocklen = (int *)H5MM_realloc(blocklen, alloc_count * sizeof(int))))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of block lengths")
                blocklen = tmp_blocklen;
            } /* end if */

            /* Store displacement & block length */
            disp[outercount]      = (MPI_Aint)elmt_size * tspan->low;
            H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(tspan->nelem, hsize_t, int)
            blocklen[outercount]  = (int)tspan->nelem;
            tspan                 = tspan->next;

            if (bigio_count < blocklen[outercount]) {
                large_block = TRUE; /* at least one block type is large, so set this flag to true */

        } /* end while */

        /* Everything fits into integers, so cast them and use hindexed */
        if (bigio_count >= outercount && large_block == FALSE) {

            if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hindexed((int)outercount, blocklen, disp, *elmt_type, span_type)))
               HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hindexed failed", mpi_code)
            span_type_valid = TRUE;
	else { /* LARGE_DATATYPE:: Something doesn't fit into a 32 bit integer */
            size_t i;

            for (i=0 ; i<outercount ; i++) {
	      MPI_Datatype temp_type = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, outer_type = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
                /* create the block type from elmt_type while checking the 32 bit int limit */
                if (blocklen[i] > bigio_count) {
                    if (H5S_mpio_create_large_type (blocklen[i], 0, *elmt_type, &temp_type) < 0) {
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL,
                                    "couldn't create a large element datatype in span_hyper selection")
                else {
                    if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_contiguous((int)blocklen[i], 
                        HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_contiguous failed", mpi_code)

                /* combine the current datatype that is created with this current block type */
                if (0 == i) { /* first iteration, there is no combined datatype yet */
                    *span_type = temp_type;
                else {
                    int bl[2] = {1,1};
                    MPI_Aint ds[2] = {disp[i-1],disp[i]};
                    MPI_Datatype dt[2] = {*span_type, temp_type};

                    if (MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_struct (2,              /* count */
                                                                           bl,             /* blocklength */
                                                                           ds,             /* stride in bytes*/
                                                                           dt,             /* old type */
                                                                           &outer_type))){ /* new type */
                        HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_struct failed", mpi_code)
		    *span_type = outer_type;

		if (outer_type != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL) 
		/* temp_type shouldn't be freed here...
		 * Note that we have simply copied it above (not MPI_Type_dup)
		 * into the 'span_type' argument of the caller. 
		 * The caller needs to deal with it there!
        } /* end (LARGE_DATATYPE::) */

    } /* end if */
    else {
        size_t u;               /* Local index variable */

        if(NULL == (inner_type = (MPI_Datatype *)H5MM_malloc(alloc_count * sizeof(MPI_Datatype))))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of inner MPI datatypes")

        tspan = span;
        outercount = 0;
        while(tspan) {
            MPI_Datatype down_type;     /* Temporary MPI datatype for a span tree node's children */
            MPI_Aint stride;            /* Distance between inner MPI datatypes */

            /* Check if we need to increase the size of the buffers */
            if(outercount >= alloc_count) {
                MPI_Aint     *tmp_disp;         /* Temporary pointer to new displacement buffer */
                int          *tmp_blocklen;     /* Temporary pointer to new block length buffer */
                MPI_Datatype *tmp_inner_type;   /* Temporary pointer to inner MPI datatype buffer */

                /* Double the allocation count */
                alloc_count *= 2;

                /* Re-allocate the buffers */
                if(NULL == (tmp_disp = (MPI_Aint *)H5MM_realloc(disp, alloc_count * sizeof(MPI_Aint))))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of displacements")
                disp = tmp_disp;
                if(NULL == (tmp_blocklen = (int *)H5MM_realloc(blocklen, alloc_count * sizeof(int))))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of block lengths")
                blocklen = tmp_blocklen;
                if(NULL == (tmp_inner_type = (MPI_Datatype *)H5MM_realloc(inner_type, alloc_count * sizeof(MPI_Datatype))))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate array of inner MPI datatypes")
                inner_type = tmp_inner_type;
            } /* end if */

            /* Displacement should be in byte and should have dimension information */
            /* First using MPI Type vector to build derived data type for this span only */
            /* Need to calculate the disp in byte for this dimension. */
            /* Calculate the total bytes of the lower dimension */
            disp[outercount]      = tspan->low * (*down) * elmt_size;
            blocklen[outercount]  = 1;

            /* Generate MPI datatype for next dimension down */
            if(H5S_obtain_datatype(down + 1, tspan->down->head, elmt_type, &down_type, elmt_size) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "couldn't obtain  MPI derived data type")

            /* Build the MPI datatype for this node */
            stride = (*down) * elmt_size;
            H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(tspan->nelem, hsize_t, int)
            if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hvector((int)tspan->nelem, 1, stride, down_type, &inner_type[outercount]))) {
                HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hvector failed", mpi_code)
            } /* end if */

            /* Release MPI datatype for next dimension down */
            if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_free(&down_type)))
                HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_free failed", mpi_code)

            tspan = tspan->next;
         } /* end while */

        /* building the whole vector datatype */
        H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(outercount, size_t, int)
        if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_struct((int)outercount, blocklen, disp, inner_type, span_type)))
            HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_struct failed", mpi_code)
        span_type_valid = TRUE;

        /* Release inner node types */
        for(u = 0; u < outercount; u++)
            if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_free(&inner_type[u])))
                HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_free failed", mpi_code)
        inner_types_freed = TRUE;
    } /* end else */

    /* General cleanup */
    if(inner_type != NULL) {
        if(!inner_types_freed) {
            size_t u;          /* Local index variable */

            for(u = 0; u < outercount; u++)
                if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_free(&inner_type[u])))
                    HMPI_DONE_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_free failed", mpi_code)
        } /* end if */

    } /* end if */
    if(blocklen != NULL)
    if(disp != NULL)

    /* Error cleanup */
    if(ret_value < 0) {
            if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_free(span_type)))
                HMPI_DONE_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_free failed", mpi_code)
    } /* end if */

} /* end H5S_obtain_datatype() */

 * Function:	H5S_mpio_space_type
 * Purpose:	Translate an HDF5 dataspace selection into an MPI type.
 *		Currently handle only hyperslab and "all" selections.
 * Return:	non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 * Outputs:	*new_type	  the MPI type corresponding to the selection
 *		*count		  how many objects of the new_type in selection
 *				  (useful if this is the buffer type for xfer)
 *		*is_derived_type  0 if MPI primitive type, 1 if derived
 * Programmer:	rky 980813
H5S_mpio_space_type(const H5S_t *space, size_t elmt_size, MPI_Datatype *new_type, 
    int *count, hbool_t *is_derived_type, hbool_t do_permute, hsize_t **permute_map,
    hbool_t *is_permuted)
    herr_t	ret_value = SUCCEED;    /* Return value */


    /* Check args */

    /* Create MPI type based on the kind of selection */
    switch(H5S_GET_EXTENT_TYPE(space)) {
        case H5S_NULL:
        case H5S_SCALAR:
        case H5S_SIMPLE:
            /* If the file space has been permuted previously due to
             * out-of-order point selection, then permute this selection which
             * should be a memory selection to match the file space permutation.
            if(TRUE == *is_permuted) { 
                switch(H5S_GET_SELECT_TYPE(space)) {
                    case H5S_SEL_NONE:
                        if(H5S_mpio_none_type(new_type, count, is_derived_type) < 0)
                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "couldn't convert 'none' selection to MPI type")

                    case H5S_SEL_ALL:
                    case H5S_SEL_POINTS:
                    case H5S_SEL_HYPERSLABS:
                        /* Sanity check */

                        if(H5S_mpio_permute_type(space, elmt_size, permute_map, new_type, count, is_derived_type) < 0)
                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "couldn't convert 'all' selection to MPI type")

                    case H5S_SEL_ERROR:
                    case H5S_SEL_N:
                        HDassert("unknown selection type" && 0);
                } /* end switch */
            } /* end if */
            /* the file space is not permuted, so do a regular selection */
            else {
                switch(H5S_GET_SELECT_TYPE(space)) {
                    case H5S_SEL_NONE:
                        if(H5S_mpio_none_type(new_type, count, is_derived_type) < 0)
                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL,"couldn't convert 'none' selection to MPI type")

                    case H5S_SEL_ALL:
                        if(H5S_mpio_all_type(space, elmt_size, new_type, count, is_derived_type) < 0)
                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL,"couldn't convert 'all' selection to MPI type")

                    case H5S_SEL_POINTS:
                        if(H5S_mpio_point_type(space, elmt_size, new_type, count, is_derived_type, do_permute, permute_map, is_permuted) < 0)
                           HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "couldn't convert 'point' selection to MPI type")

                    case H5S_SEL_HYPERSLABS:
                        if((H5S_SELECT_IS_REGULAR(space) == TRUE)) {
                            if(H5S_mpio_hyper_type(space, elmt_size, new_type, count, is_derived_type) < 0)
                                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL,"couldn't convert regular 'hyperslab' selection to MPI type")
                        } /* end if */
                        else {
                            if(H5S_mpio_span_hyper_type(space, elmt_size, new_type, count, is_derived_type) < 0)
                                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL,"couldn't convert irregular 'hyperslab' selection to MPI type")
                        } /* end else */

                    case H5S_SEL_ERROR:
                    case H5S_SEL_N:
                        HDassert("unknown selection type" && 0);
                } /* end switch */
            } /* end else */

        case H5S_NO_CLASS:
            HDassert("unknown dataspace type" && 0);
    } /* end switch */

} /* end H5S_mpio_space_type() */

 * Function:    H5S_mpio_create_large_type
 * Purpose:     Create a large datatype of size larger than what a 32 bit integer 
 *              can hold.
 * Return:      non-negative on success, negative on failure.
 *              *new_type    the new datatype created
 * Programmer:  Mohamad Chaarawi
static herr_t H5S_mpio_create_large_type (hsize_t num_elements,
                                          MPI_Aint stride_bytes,
                                          MPI_Datatype old_type,
                                          MPI_Datatype *new_type)
    int           num_big_types;          /* num times the 2G datatype will be repeated */
    int           remaining_bytes;        /* the number of bytes left that can be held in an int value */
    hsize_t       leftover;
    int           block_len[2];
    int           mpi_code;               /* MPI return code */
    MPI_Datatype  inner_type, outer_type, leftover_type, type[2];
    MPI_Aint      disp[2], old_extent;
    herr_t        ret_value = SUCCEED;    /* Return value */


    /* Calculate how many Big MPI datatypes are needed to represent the buffer */
    num_big_types = (int)(num_elements/bigio_count);
    leftover = num_elements - num_big_types * (hsize_t)bigio_count;
    H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(remaining_bytes, int, leftover, hsize_t);

    /* Create a contiguous datatype of size equal to the largest
     * number that a 32 bit integer can hold x size of old type.
     * If the displacement is 0, then the type is contiguous, otherwise
     * use type_hvector to create the type with the displacement provided
    if (0 == stride_bytes) {
        if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_contiguous(bigio_count,
                                                          &inner_type))) {
            HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_contiguous failed", mpi_code)
    else {
        if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hvector (bigio_count,
                                                               &inner_type))) {
            HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hvector failed", mpi_code)

    /* Create a contiguous datatype of the buffer (minus the remaining < 2GB part)
     * If a stride is present, use hvector type
    if (0 == stride_bytes) {
        if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_contiguous(num_big_types,
                                                          &outer_type))) {
            HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_contiguous failed", mpi_code)
    else {
        if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hvector (num_big_types,
                                                               &outer_type))) {
            HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hvector failed", mpi_code)


    /* If there is a remaining part create a contiguous/vector datatype and then
     * use a struct datatype to encapsulate everything.
    if(remaining_bytes) {
        if (stride_bytes == 0) {
            if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_contiguous (remaining_bytes,
                                                               &leftover_type))) {
                HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_contiguous failed", mpi_code)
        else {
            if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_create_hvector
                               ((int)(num_elements - (hsize_t)num_big_types*bigio_count),
                                &leftover_type))) {
                HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_hvector failed", mpi_code)

        /* As of version 4.0, OpenMPI now turns off MPI-1 API calls by default,
         * so we're using the MPI-2 version even though we don't need the lb
         * value.
            MPI_Aint unused_lb_arg;
            MPI_Type_get_extent(old_type, &unused_lb_arg, &old_extent);

        /* Set up the arguments for MPI_Type_struct constructor */
        type[0] = outer_type;
        type[1] = leftover_type;
        block_len[0] = 1;
        block_len[1] = 1;
        disp[0] = 0;
        disp[1] = (old_extent+stride_bytes)*num_big_types*(MPI_Aint)bigio_count;

        if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code =
                           MPI_Type_create_struct(2, block_len, disp, type, new_type))) {
            HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_create_struct failed", mpi_code)

    else {
        /* There are no remaining bytes so just set the new type to
         * the outer type created */
        *new_type = outer_type;

    if(MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Type_commit(new_type)))
        HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Type_commit failed", mpi_code)

} /* end H5S_mpio_create_large_type */

#endif  /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */