 * Copyright (C) 1998 NCSA
 *                    All rights reserved.
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke <matzke@llnl.gov>
 *              Wednesday, June 10, 1998
 * Purpose:	Operations on bit vectors.  A bit vector is an array of bytes
 *		with the least-significant bits in the first byte.  That is,
 *		the bytes are in little-endian order.
#define H5T_PACKAGE
#include <H5private.h>
#include <H5Eprivate.h>
#include <H5Iprivate.h>
#include <H5Tpkg.h>

/* Interface initialization */
#define PABLO_MASK	H5Tbit_mask
static intn interface_initialize_g = FALSE;

 * Function:	H5T_bit_copy
 * Purpose:	Copies bits from one vector to another.
 * Return:	void
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Wednesday, June 10, 1998
 * Modifications:
H5T_bit_copy (uint8 *dst, size_t dst_offset, const uint8 *src,
	      size_t src_offset, size_t size)
    intn	shift;
    uintn	mask_lo, mask_hi;
    intn	s_idx, d_idx;

     * Normalize the offset to be a byte number and a bit offset within that
     * byte.
    s_idx = (intn)src_offset / 8;
    d_idx = (intn)dst_offset / 8;
    src_offset %= 8;
    dst_offset %= 8;
     * Get things rolling. This means copying bits until we're aligned on a
     * source byte.  This the following example, five bits are copied to the
     * destination.
     *                      src[s_idx]
     *   +---------------+---------------+
     *   |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
     *   +---------------+---------------+
     *      ... : : : : : | | | | |
     *      ... v v v v v V V V V V
     *      ...+---------------+---------------+
     *      ...|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
     *      ...+---------------+---------------+
     *           dst[d_idx+1]      dst[d_idx]
    while (src_offset && size>0) {
	unsigned nbits = (unsigned)MIN3 (size, 8-dst_offset, 8-src_offset);
	unsigned mask = (1<<nbits) - 1;

	dst[d_idx] &= ~(mask<<dst_offset);
	dst[d_idx] |= ((src[s_idx]>>src_offset)&mask) << dst_offset;

	src_offset += nbits;
	if (src_offset>=8) {
	    src_offset %= 8;
	dst_offset += nbits;
	if (dst_offset>=8) {
	    dst_offset %= 8;
	size -= nbits;
     * The middle bits. We are aligned on a source byte which needs to be
     * copied to two (or one in the degenerate case) destination bytes.
     * 		      src[s_idx]
     * 		   +---------------+
     *  	   |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
     * 		   +---------------+
     *              | | | | | | | |
     * 		    V V V V V V V V
     *   +---------------+---------------+
     *   |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
     *   +---------------+---------------+
     *     dst[d_idx+1]      dst[d_idx]
     * Calculate shifts and masks.  See diagrams below.  MASK_LO in this
     * example is 0x1f (the low five bits) and MASK_HI is 0xe0 (the high three
     * bits). SHIFT is three since the source must be shifted right three bits
     * to line up with the destination.
    shift = (intn)dst_offset;
    mask_lo = (1<<(8-shift))-1;
    mask_hi = (~mask_lo) & 0xff;
    for (/*void*/; size>8; size-=8, d_idx++, s_idx++) {
	if (shift) {
	    dst[d_idx+0] &= ~(mask_lo<<shift);
	    dst[d_idx+0] |= (src[s_idx] & mask_lo) << shift;
	    dst[d_idx+1] &= ~(mask_hi>>(8-shift));
	    dst[d_idx+1] |= (src[s_idx] & mask_hi) >> (8-shift);
	} else {
	    dst[d_idx] = src[s_idx];

    /* Finish up */
    while (size>0) {
	unsigned nbits = (unsigned)MIN3 (size, 8-dst_offset, 8-src_offset);
	unsigned mask = (1<<nbits) - 1;

	dst[d_idx] &= ~(mask<<dst_offset);
	dst[d_idx] |= ((src[s_idx]>>src_offset)&mask) << dst_offset;

	src_offset += nbits;
	if (src_offset>=8) {
	    src_offset %= 8;
	dst_offset += nbits;
	if (dst_offset>=8) {
	    dst_offset %= 8;
	size -= nbits;

 * Function:	H5T_bit_get_d
 * Purpose:	Return a small bit sequence as a number.
 * Return:	Success:	The bit sequence interpretted as an unsigned
 *				integer.
 *		Failure:	0
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Tuesday, June 23, 1998
 * Modifications:
H5T_bit_get_d (uint8 *buf, size_t offset, size_t size)
    hsize_t	val=0;
    size_t	i, hs;
    FUNC_ENTER (H5T_bit_get_d, 0);
    assert (8*sizeof(val)>=size);

    H5T_bit_copy ((uint8*)&val, 0, buf, offset, size);
    switch (((H5T_t*)(H5I_object(H5T_NATIVE_INT_g)))->u.atomic.order) {
    case H5T_ORDER_LE:

    case H5T_ORDER_BE:
	for (i=0, hs=sizeof(val)/2; i<hs; i++) {
	    uint8 tmp = ((uint8*)&val)[i];
	    ((uint8*)&val)[i] = ((uint8*)&val)[sizeof(val)-(i+1)];
	    ((uint8*)&val)[sizeof(val)-(i+1)] = tmp;

	abort ();

    FUNC_LEAVE (val);

 * Function:	H5T_bit_set_d
 * Purpose:	Sets part of a bit vector to the specified unsigned value.
 * Return:	void
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Wednesday, June 24, 1998
 * Modifications:
H5T_bit_set_d (uint8 *buf, size_t offset, size_t size, hsize_t val)
    size_t	i, hs;
    assert (8*sizeof(val)>=size);

    switch (((H5T_t*)(H5I_object(H5T_NATIVE_INT_g)))->u.atomic.order) {
    case H5T_ORDER_LE:

    case H5T_ORDER_BE:
	for (i=0, hs=sizeof(val)/2; i<hs; i++) {
	    uint8 tmp = ((uint8*)&val)[i];
	    ((uint8*)&val)[i] = ((uint8*)&val)[sizeof(val)-(i+1)];
	    ((uint8*)&val)[sizeof(val)-(i+1)] = tmp;

	abort ();

    H5T_bit_copy (buf, offset, (uint8*)&val, 0, size);

 * Function:	H5T_bit_set
 * Purpose:	Sets or clears bits in a contiguous region of a vector
 *		beginning at bit OFFSET and continuing for SIZE bits.
 * Return:	void
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Wednesday, June 10, 1998
 * Modifications:
H5T_bit_set (uint8 *buf, size_t offset, size_t size, hbool_t value)
    intn	idx;

    /* Normalize */
    idx = (intn)offset / 8;
    offset %= 8;

    /* The first partial byte */
    if (size && offset%8) {
	size_t nbits = MIN (size, 8-offset);
	unsigned mask = (1<<nbits)-1;
	if (value) {
	    buf[idx++] |= mask << offset;
	} else {
	    buf[idx++] &= ~(mask << offset);
	size -= nbits;
    /* The middle bytes */
    while (size>=8) {
	buf[idx++] = value ? 0xff : 0x00;
	size -= 8;

    /* The last partial byte */
    if (size) {
	if (value) {
	    buf[idx] |= (1<<size)-1;
	} else {
	    buf[idx] &= ~((1<<size)-1);

 * Function:	H5T_bit_find
 * Purpose:	Finds the first bit with the specified VALUE within a region
 *		of a bit vector.  The region begins at OFFSET and continues
 *		for SIZE bits, but the region can be searched from the least
 *		significat end toward the most significant end with 
 * Return:	Success:	The position of the bit found, relative to
 *				the offset.
 *		Failure:	-1
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Wednesday, June 10, 1998
 * Modifications:
H5T_bit_find (uint8 *buf, size_t offset, size_t size, H5T_sdir_t direction,
	      hbool_t value)
    ssize_t	base=(ssize_t)offset;
    ssize_t	idx, i;

    /* Some functions call this with value=TRUE */
    assert (TRUE==1);

    switch (direction) {
    case H5T_BIT_LSB:
	/* Calculate index */
	idx = offset / 8;
	offset %= 8;
	/* Beginning */
	if (offset) {
	    for (i=offset; i<8 && size>0; i++, size--) {
		if (value==((buf[idx]>>i) & 0x01)) {
		    return 8*idx+i - base;
	    offset = 0;
	/* Middle */
	while (size>=8) {
	    if ((value?0x00:0xff)!=buf[idx]) {
		for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
		    if (value==((buf[idx]>>i) & 0x01)) {
			return 8*idx+i - base;
	    size -= 8;
	/* End */
	for (i=0; i<(ssize_t)size; i++) {
	    if (value==((buf[idx]>>i) & 0x01)) {
		return 8*idx+i - base;

    case H5T_BIT_MSB:
	/* Calculate index */
	idx = (offset+size-1) / 8;
	offset %= 8;
	/* Beginning */
	if (size>8-offset && (offset+size)%8) {
	    for (i=(offset+size)%8-1; i>=0; --i, --size) {
		if (value==((buf[idx]>>i) & 0x01)) {
		    return 8*idx+i - base;
	/* Middle */
	while (size>=8) {
	    if ((value?0x00:0xff)!=buf[idx]) {
		for (i=7; i>=0; --i) {
		    if (value==((buf[idx]>>i) & 0x01)) {
			return 8*idx+i - base;
	    size -= 8;
	/* End */
	if (size>0) {
	    for (i=offset+size-1; i>=(ssize_t)offset; --i) {
		if (value==((buf[idx]>>i) & 0x01)) {
		    return 8*idx+i - base;

    return -1;

 * Function:	H5T_bit_inc
 * Purpose:	Increment part of a bit field by adding 1.
 * Return:	Success:        The carry-out value, one if overflow zero
 *				otherwise.
 *		Failure:	FAIL
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Friday, June 26, 1998
 * Modifications:
H5T_bit_inc(uint8 *buf, size_t start, size_t size)
    size_t	idx = start / 8;
    unsigned	carry = 1;
    unsigned	acc, mask;

    start %= 8;

    /* The first partial byte */
    if (start) {
	if (size+start<8) mask = (1<<size)-1;
	else mask = (1<<(8-start))-1;
	acc = (buf[idx]>>start) & mask;
	acc += 1;
	carry = acc & (1<<MIN(size, 8-start));
	buf[idx] &= ~(mask<<start);
	buf[idx] |= (acc & mask) << start;
	size -= MIN(size, 8-start);

    /* The middle */
    while (carry && size>=8) {
	acc = buf[idx];
	acc += 1;
	carry = acc & 0x100;
	buf[idx] = acc & 0xff;
	size -= 8;

    /* The last bits */
    if (carry && size>0) {
	mask = (1<<size)-1;
	acc = buf[idx] & mask;
	acc += 1;
	carry = acc & (1<<size);
	buf[idx] &= ~mask;
	buf[idx] |= acc & mask;

    return carry ? TRUE : FALSE;