/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Purpose: This file contains declarations which define macros for the
* H5VL package. Including this header means that the source file
* is part of the H5VL package.
#ifndef H5VLmodule_H
#define H5VLmodule_H
/* Define the proper control macros for the generic FUNC_ENTER/LEAVE and error
* reporting macros.
#define H5VL_MODULE
#define H5_MY_PKG H5VL
#define H5_MY_PKG_ERR H5E_VOL
#define H5_MY_PKG_INIT YES
/** \page H5VL_UG The HDF5 Virtual Object Layer (VOL)
* \section sec_vol The HDF5 Virtual Object Layer (VOL)
* \subsection subsec_vol_intro Introduction
* The virtual object layer is an abstraction layer in the HDF5 library that intercepts all API calls
* that could potentially access objects in an HDF5 container and forwards those calls to a VOL
* connector, which implements the storage. The user or application gets the benefit of using the
* familiar and widely-used HDF5 data model and API, but can map the physical storage of the HDF5 file
* and objects to storage that better meets the application’s data needs.
* \subsection subsec_vol_abstract_layer The VOL Abstraction Layer
* The VOL lies just under the public API. When a storage-oriented public APIcall is made, the library
* performs a few sanity checks on the input parameters and then immediately invokes a VOL callback,
* which resolves to an implementation in the VOL connector that was selected when opening or creating
* the file. The VOL connector then performs whatever operations are needed before control returns to the
* library, where any final library operations such as assigning IDs for newly created/opened datasets are
* performed before returning. This means that, for calls that utilize the VOL, all of the functionality
* is deferred to the VOL connector and the HDF5 library does very little work. An important consideration
* of this is that most of the HDF5 caching layers (metadata and chunk caches, page buffering, etc.) will
* not be available as those are implemented in the HDF5 native VOL connector and cannot be easily reused
* by external connectors.
* \image html vol_architecture.png "The VOL Architecture"
* |
* Not all public HDF5 API calls pass through the VOL. Only calls which require manipulating storage go
* through the VOL and require a VOL connector author to implement the appropriate callback. Dataspace,
* property list, error stack, etc. calls have nothing to do with storage manipulation or querying and
* do not use the VOL. This may be confusing when it comes to property list calls, since many of those
* calls set properties for storage. Property lists are just collections of key-value pairs, though, so
* a particular VOL connector is not required to set or get properties.
* Another thing to keep in mind is that not every VOL connector will implement the full HDF5 public API.
* In some cases, a particular feature like variable-length types may not have been developed yet or may
* not have an equivalent in the target storage system. Also, many HDF5 public API calls are specific to
* the native HDF5 file format and are unlikely to have any use in other VOL connectors. A
* feature/capabilities flag scheme is being developed to help navigate this.
* For more information about which calls go through the VOL and the mechanism by which this is implemented,
* see the connector author and library internals documentation.
* \subsection subsec_vol_connect VOL Connectors
* A VOL connector can be implemented in several ways:
* \li as a shared or static library linked to an application
* \li as a dynamically loaded plugin, implemented as a shared library
* \li and even as an internal connector, built into the HDF5 library itself
* This section mostly focuses on external connectors, both libraries and plugins, as those are expected
* to be much more common than internal implementations.
* A list of VOL connectors can be found here:
* Registered VOL Connectors
* This list is incomplete and only includes the VOL connectors that have been registered with
* The HDF Group.
* Not every connector in this collection is actively maintained by The HDF Group. It simply serves as a
* single location where important VOL connectors can be found. See the documentation in a connector's
* repository to determine its development status and the parties responsible for it.
* A VOL template that contains build scripts (Autotools and CMake) and an empty VOL connector "shell"
* which can be copied and used as a starting point for building new connectors is located here:
* VOL Connector Template
* This template VOL connector is for use in constructing terminal VOL connectors that do not forward
* calls to an underlying connector. The external pass-through VOL connector listed on the registered
* connector page can be used as a starting point for pass-through connectors.
* The only current (non-test) internal VOL connector distributed with the library is the native file
* format connector (the "native VOL connector") which contains the code that handles native HDF5 (*.h5/hdf5)
* files. In other words, even the canonical HDF5 file format is implemented via the VOL, making it a core
* part of the HDF5 library and not an optional component which could be disabled.
* It has not been completely abstracted from the HDF5 library, though, and is treated as a special case.
* For example, it cannot be unloaded and is always present.
* \section subsec_vol_use Connector Use
* Previous Chapter \ref sec_plist - Next Chapter \ref sec_map
*\defgroup H5VL VOL connector (H5VL)
* \todo Describe the VOL plugin life cycle.
* \defgroup ASYNC Asynchronous Functions
* \brief List of the asynchronous functions.
* \note The argument \p es_id associated with the asynchronous APIs is the \Emph{event set id}. See H5ES for
* \defgroup H5VLDEF Definitions
* \ingroup H5VL
* \defgroup H5VLDEV VOL Developer
* \ingroup H5VL
* \defgroup H5VLNAT Native VOL
* \ingroup H5VL
* \defgroup H5VLPT Pass-through VOL
* \ingroup H5VL
#endif /* H5VLmodule_H */