# Copyright by The HDF Group. # Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including # terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in # the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root # of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the # root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and # is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at # http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have # access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. # # This file is used to generate the various headers that are needed for the # error API. The bin/make_err script reads in this file and creates the # appropriate files in the src/ directory when the generated headers are out # of date with respect to this file. # # Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored # # The format of this file is as follows: # ,,, # # For example, the following sample input shows two major errors and two minor # errors in each section: # # MAJOR, H5E_ARGS, Invalid arguments to routine # MAJOR, H5E_RESOURCE, Resource unavailable # # SECTION, ARGS, Argument errors # SECTION, RESOURCE, Resource errors # # MINOR, ARGS, H5E_UNINITIALIZED, Information is uinitialized # MINOR, ARGS, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, Feature is unsupported # MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, No space available for allocation # MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_CANTCOPY, unable to copy object # # The section information is just used for grouping the information in the # files created and can have any value. They generally correspond to the # major errors, but don't have to. The section definition for each minor error # must come before any minor error that uses it. # # Programmer: Quincey Koziol # Creation Date: 2003/08/12 # Major errors MAJOR, H5E_ARGS, Invalid arguments to routine MAJOR, H5E_RESOURCE, Resource unavailable MAJOR, H5E_INTERNAL, Internal error (too specific to document in detail) MAJOR, H5E_FILE, File accessibilty MAJOR, H5E_IO, Low-level I/O MAJOR, H5E_FUNC, Function entry/exit MAJOR, H5E_ATOM, Object atom MAJOR, H5E_CACHE, Object cache MAJOR, H5E_LINK, Links MAJOR, H5E_BTREE, B-Tree node MAJOR, H5E_SYM, Symbol table MAJOR, H5E_HEAP, Heap MAJOR, H5E_OHDR, Object header MAJOR, H5E_DATATYPE, Datatype MAJOR, H5E_DATASPACE, Dataspace MAJOR, H5E_DATASET, Dataset MAJOR, H5E_STORAGE, Data storage MAJOR, H5E_PLIST, Property lists MAJOR, H5E_ATTR, Attribute MAJOR, H5E_PLINE, Data filters MAJOR, H5E_EFL, External file list MAJOR, H5E_REFERENCE, References MAJOR, H5E_VFL, Virtual File Layer MAJOR, H5E_TST, Ternary Search Trees MAJOR, H5E_RS, Reference Counted Strings MAJOR, H5E_ERROR, Error API MAJOR, H5E_SLIST, Skip Lists MAJOR, H5E_FSPACE, Free Space Manager MAJOR, H5E_SOHM, Shared Object Header Messages MAJOR, H5E_EARRAY, Extensible Array MAJOR, H5E_FARRAY, Fixed Array MAJOR, H5E_PLUGIN, Plugin for dynamically loaded library MAJOR, H5E_NONE_MAJOR, No error # Sections (for grouping minor errors) SECTION, ARGS, Argument errors SECTION, RESOURCE, Resource errors SECTION, FILEACC, File accessibilty errors SECTION, FILE, Generic low-level file I/O errors SECTION, FUNC, Function entry/exit interface errors SECTION, ATOM, Object atom related errors SECTION, CACHE, Cache related errors SECTION, LINK, Link related errors SECTION, BTREE, B-tree related errors SECTION, OHDR, Object header related errors SECTION, GROUP, Group related errors SECTION, TYPECONV, Datatype conversion errors SECTION, DSPACE, Dataspace errors SECTION, PLIST, Property list errors SECTION, MPI, Parallel MPI errors SECTION, HEAP, Heap errors SECTION, FSPACE, Free space errors SECTION, PIPELINE, I/O pipeline errors SECTION, SYSTEM, System level errors SECTION, PLUGIN, Plugin errors SECTION, NONE, No error # Minor errors # Argument errors MINOR, ARGS, H5E_UNINITIALIZED, Information is uinitialized MINOR, ARGS, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, Feature is unsupported MINOR, ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, Inappropriate type MINOR, ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, Out of range MINOR, ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, Bad value # Resource errors MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, No space available for allocation MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_CANTALLOC, Can't allocate space MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_CANTCOPY, Unable to copy object MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_CANTFREE, Unable to free object MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_ALREADYEXISTS, Object already exists MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_CANTLOCK, Unable to lock object MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_CANTUNLOCK, Unable to unlock object MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_CANTGC, Unable to garbage collect MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_CANTGETSIZE, Unable to compute size MINOR, RESOURCE, H5E_OBJOPEN, Object is already open # File accessibilty errors MINOR, FILEACC, H5E_FILEEXISTS, File already exists MINOR, FILEACC, H5E_FILEOPEN, File already open MINOR, FILEACC, H5E_CANTCREATE, Unable to create file MINOR, FILEACC, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, Unable to open file MINOR, FILEACC, H5E_CANTCLOSEFILE, Unable to close file MINOR, FILEACC, H5E_NOTHDF5, Not an HDF5 file MINOR, FILEACC, H5E_BADFILE, Bad file ID accessed MINOR, FILEACC, H5E_TRUNCATED, File has been truncated MINOR, FILEACC, H5E_MOUNT, File mount error # Generic low-level file I/O errors MINOR, FILE, H5E_SEEKERROR, Seek failed MINOR, FILE, H5E_READERROR, Read failed MINOR, FILE, H5E_WRITEERROR, Write failed MINOR, FILE, H5E_CLOSEERROR, Close failed MINOR, FILE, H5E_OVERFLOW, Address overflowed MINOR, FILE, H5E_FCNTL, File control (fcntl) failed # Function entry/exit interface errors MINOR, FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, Unable to initialize object MINOR, FUNC, H5E_ALREADYINIT, Object already initialized MINOR, FUNC, H5E_CANTRELEASE, Unable to release object # Object atom related errors MINOR, ATOM, H5E_BADATOM, Unable to find atom information (already closed?) MINOR, ATOM, H5E_BADGROUP, Unable to find ID group information MINOR, ATOM, H5E_CANTREGISTER, Unable to register new atom MINOR, ATOM, H5E_CANTINC, Unable to increment reference count MINOR, ATOM, H5E_CANTDEC, Unable to decrement reference count MINOR, ATOM, H5E_NOIDS, Out of IDs for group # Cache related errors MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, Unable to flush data from cache MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTSERIALIZE, Unable to serialize data from cache MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTTAG, Unable to tag metadata in the cache MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTLOAD, Unable to load metadata into cache MINOR, CACHE, H5E_PROTECT, Protected metadata error MINOR, CACHE, H5E_NOTCACHED, Metadata not currently cached MINOR, CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, Internal error detected MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTINS, Unable to insert metadata into cache MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTPROTECT, Unable to protect metadata MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, Unable to unprotect metadata MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTPIN, Unable to pin cache entry MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPIN, Unable to un-pin cache entry MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKDIRTY, Unable to mark a pinned entry as dirty MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTDIRTY, Unable to mark metadata as dirty MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTEXPUNGE, Unable to expunge a metadata cache entry MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTRESIZE, Unable to resize a metadata cache entry MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTDEPEND, Unable to create a flush dependency MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTUNDEPEND, Unable to destroy a flush dependency MINOR, CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, Unable to notify object about action # B-tree related errors MINOR, BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, Object not found MINOR, BTREE, H5E_EXISTS, Object already exists MINOR, BTREE, H5E_CANTENCODE, Unable to encode value MINOR, BTREE, H5E_CANTDECODE, Unable to decode value MINOR, BTREE, H5E_CANTSPLIT, Unable to split node MINOR, BTREE, H5E_CANTREDISTRIBUTE, Unable to redistribute records MINOR, BTREE, H5E_CANTSWAP, Unable to swap records MINOR, BTREE, H5E_CANTINSERT, Unable to insert object MINOR, BTREE, H5E_CANTLIST, Unable to list node MINOR, BTREE, H5E_CANTMODIFY, Unable to modify record MINOR, BTREE, H5E_CANTREMOVE, Unable to remove object # Object header related errors MINOR, OHDR, H5E_LINKCOUNT, Bad object header link count MINOR, OHDR, H5E_VERSION, Wrong version number MINOR, OHDR, H5E_ALIGNMENT, Alignment error MINOR, OHDR, H5E_BADMESG, Unrecognized message MINOR, OHDR, H5E_CANTDELETE, Can't delete message MINOR, OHDR, H5E_BADITER, Iteration failed MINOR, OHDR, H5E_CANTPACK, Can't pack messages MINOR, OHDR, H5E_CANTRESET, Can't reset object MINOR, OHDR, H5E_CANTRENAME, Unable to rename object # Group related errors MINOR, GROUP, H5E_CANTOPENOBJ, Can't open object MINOR, GROUP, H5E_CANTCLOSEOBJ, Can't close object MINOR, GROUP, H5E_COMPLEN, Name component is too long MINOR, GROUP, H5E_PATH, Problem with path to object # Datatype conversion errors MINOR, TYPECONV, H5E_CANTCONVERT, Can't convert datatypes MINOR, TYPECONV, H5E_BADSIZE, Bad size for object # Dataspace errors MINOR, DSPACE, H5E_CANTCLIP, Can't clip hyperslab region MINOR, DSPACE, H5E_CANTCOUNT, Can't count elements MINOR, DSPACE, H5E_CANTSELECT, Can't select hyperslab MINOR, DSPACE, H5E_CANTNEXT, Can't move to next iterator location MINOR, DSPACE, H5E_BADSELECT, Invalid selection MINOR, DSPACE, H5E_CANTCOMPARE, Can't compare objects # Property list errors MINOR, PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, Can't get value MINOR, PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, Can't set value MINOR, PLIST, H5E_DUPCLASS, Duplicate class name in parent class MINOR, PLIST, H5E_SETDISALLOWED, Disallowed operation # Link errors MINOR, LINK, H5E_TRAVERSE, Link traversal failure MINOR, LINK, H5E_NLINKS, Too many soft links in path MINOR, LINK, H5E_NOTREGISTERED, Link class not registered MINOR, LINK, H5E_CANTMOVE, Can't move object MINOR, LINK, H5E_CANTSORT, Can't sort objects # Parallel MPI errors MINOR, MPI, H5E_MPI, Some MPI function failed MINOR, MPI, H5E_MPIERRSTR, MPI Error String MINOR, MPI, H5E_CANTRECV, Can't receive data # Heap errors MINOR, HEAP, H5E_CANTRESTORE, Can't restore condition MINOR, HEAP, H5E_CANTCOMPUTE, Can't compute value MINOR, HEAP, H5E_CANTEXTEND, Can't extend heap's space MINOR, HEAP, H5E_CANTATTACH, Can't attach object MINOR, HEAP, H5E_CANTUPDATE, Can't update object MINOR, HEAP, H5E_CANTOPERATE, Can't operate on object # Free space manager errors MINOR, FSPACE, H5E_CANTMERGE, Can't merge objects MINOR, FSPACE, H5E_CANTREVIVE, Can't revive object MINOR, FSPACE, H5E_CANTSHRINK, Can't shrink container # I/O pipeline errors MINOR, PIPELINE, H5E_NOFILTER, Requested filter is not available MINOR, PIPELINE, H5E_CALLBACK, Callback failed MINOR, PIPELINE, H5E_CANAPPLY, Error from filter 'can apply' callback MINOR, PIPELINE, H5E_SETLOCAL, Error from filter 'set local' callback MINOR, PIPELINE, H5E_NOENCODER, Filter present but encoding disabled MINOR, PIPELINE, H5E_CANTFILTER, Filter operation failed # System level errors MINOR, SYSTEM, H5E_SYSERRSTR, System error message # No error, for backward compatibility */ MINOR, NONE, H5E_NONE_MINOR, No error