/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Purpose: This file contains declarations which define macros for the
* H5 package. Including this header means that the source file
* is part of the H5 package.
#ifndef H5module_H
#define H5module_H
/* Define the proper control macros for the generic FUNC_ENTER/LEAVE and error
* reporting macros.
#define H5_MODULE
#define H5_MY_PKG H5
#define H5_MY_PKG_ERR H5E_LIB
#define H5_MY_PKG_INIT NO
/** \page H5DM_UG The HDF5 Data Model and File Structure
* \section sec_data_model The HDF5 Data Model and File Structure
* \subsection subsec_data_model_intro Introduction
* The Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) implements a model for managing and storing data. The
* model includes an abstract data model and an abstract storage model (the data format), and
* libraries to implement the abstract model and to map the storage model to different storage
* mechanisms. The HDF5 library provides a programming interface to a concrete implementation
* of the abstract models. The library also implements a model of data transfer, an efficient
* movement of data from one stored representation to another stored representation. The figure
* below illustrates the relationships between the models and implementations. This chapter
* explains these models in detail.
* \image html Dmodel_fig1.gif "HDF5 models and implementations"
* |
* The Abstract Data Model is a conceptual model of data, data types, and data organization. The
* abstract data model is independent of storage medium or programming environment. The
* Storage Model is a standard representation for the objects of the abstract data model. The
* HDF5 File Format Specification
* defines the storage model.
* The Programming Model is a model of the computing environment and includes platforms from
* small single systems to large multiprocessors and clusters. The programming model manipulates
* (instantiates, populates, and retrieves) objects from the abstract data model.
* The Library is the concrete implementation of the programming model. The library exports the
* HDF5 APIs as its interface. In addition to implementing the objects of the abstract data model,
* the library manages data transfers from one stored form to another. Data transfer examples
* include reading from disk to memory and writing from memory to disk.
* Stored Data is the concrete implementation of the storage model. The Storage Model
* is mapped to several storage mechanisms including single disk files, multiple files (family of files),
* and memory representations.
* The HDF5 library is a C module that implements the programming model and abstract data
* model. The HDF5 library calls the operating system or other storage management software (for
* example, the MPI/IO Library) to store and retrieve persistent data. The HDF5 library may also
* link to other software such as filters for compression. The HDF5 library is linked to an
* application program which may be written in C, C++, Fortran, or Java. The application program
* implements problem specific algorithms and data structures and calls the HDF5 library to store
* and retrieve data. The figure below shows the dependencies of these modules.
* \image html Dmodel_fig2.gif "The library, the application program, and other modules"
* |
* It is important to realize that each of the software components manages data using models and
* data structures that are appropriate to the component. When data is passed between layers
* (during storage or retrieval), it is transformed from one representation to another. The figure
* below suggests some of the kinds of data structures used in the different layers.
* The Application Program uses data structures that represent the problem and algorithms
* including variables, tables, arrays, and meshes among other data structures. Depending on its
* design and function, an application may have quite a few different kinds of data structures and
* different numbers and sizes of objects.
* The HDF5 Library implements the objects of the HDF5 abstract data model. Some of these
* objects include groups, datasets, and attributes. The application program maps the application
* data structures to a hierarchy of HDF5 objects. Each application will create a mapping best
* suited to its purposes.
* The objects of the HDF5 abstract data model are mapped to the objects of the HDF5 storage
* model, and stored in a storage medium. The stored objects include header blocks, free lists, data
* blocks, B-trees, and other objects. Each group or dataset is stored as one or more header and data
* blocks.
* @see HDF5 File Format Specification
* for more information on how these objects are organized. The HDF5 library can also use other
* libraries and modules such as compression.
* Data structures in different layers
* \image html Dmodel_fig3_a.gif
* |
* \image html Dmodel_fig2.gif
* |
* \image html Dmodel_fig3_c.gif
* |
* The important point to note is that there is not necessarily any simple correspondence between
* the objects of the application program, the abstract data model, and those of the Format
* Specification. The organization of the data of application program, and how it is mapped to the
* HDF5 abstract data model is up to the application developer. The application program only
* needs to deal with the library and the abstract data model. Most applications need not consider
* any details of the
* HDF5 File Format Specification
* or the details of how objects of abstract data model are translated to and from storage.
* \subsection subsec_data_model_abstract The Abstract Data Model
* The abstract data model (ADM) defines concepts for defining and describing complex data
* stored in files. The ADM is a very general model which is designed to conceptually cover many
* specific models. Many different kinds of data can be mapped to objects of the ADM, and
* therefore stored and retrieved using HDF5. The ADM is not, however, a model of any particular
* problem or application domain. Users need to map their data to the concepts of the ADM.
* The key concepts include:
* - @ref subsubsec_data_model_abstract_file - a contiguous string of bytes in a computer
* store (memory, disk, etc.), and the bytes represent zero or more objects of the model
* - @ref subsubsec_data_model_abstract_group - a collection of objects (including groups)
* - @ref subsubsec_data_model_abstract_dataset - a multidimensional array of data elements with
* attributes and other metadata
* - @ref subsubsec_data_model_abstract_space - a description of the dimensions of a multidimensional
* array
* - @ref subsubsec_data_model_abstract_type - a description of a specific class of data element
* including its storage layout as a pattern of bits
* - @ref subsubsec_data_model_abstract_attr - a named data value associated with a group,
* dataset, or named datatype
* - @ref subsubsec_data_model_abstract_plist - a collection of parameters (some permanent and
* some transient) controlling options in the library
* - @ref subsubsec_data_model_abstract_link - the way objects are connected
* These key concepts are described in more detail below.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_abstract_file File
* Abstractly, an HDF5 file is a container for an organized collection of objects. The objects are
* groups, datasets, and other objects as defined below. The objects are organized as a rooted,
* directed graph. Every HDF5 file has at least one object, the root group. See the figure below. All
* objects are members of the root group or descendants of the root group.
* The HDF5 file
* \image html Dmodel_fig4_b.gif
* |
* \image html Dmodel_fig4_a.gif
* |
* HDF5 objects have a unique identity within a single HDF5 file and can be accessed only by their
* names within the hierarchy of the file. HDF5 objects in different files do not necessarily have
* unique identities, and it is not possible to access a permanent HDF5 object except through a file.
* For more information, see \ref subsec_data_model_structure.
* When the file is created, the file creation properties specify settings for the file. The file creation
* properties include version information and parameters of global data structures. When the file is
* opened, the file access properties specify settings for the current access to the file. File access
* properties include parameters for storage drivers and parameters for caching and garbage
* collection. The file creation properties are set permanently for the life of the file, and the file
* access properties can be changed by closing and reopening the file.
* An HDF5 file can be “mounted” as part of another HDF5 file. This is analogous to Unix file
* system mounts. The root of the mounted file is attached to a group in the mounting file, and all
* the contents can be accessed as if the mounted file were part of the mounting file.
* @see @ref sec_file.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_abstract_group Group
* An HDF5 group is analogous to a file system directory. Abstractly, a group contains zero or
* more objects, and every object must be a member of at least one group. The root group is a
* special case; it may not be a member of any group.
* Group membership is actually implemented via link objects. See the figure below. A link object
* is owned by a group and points to a named object. Each link has a name, and each link points to
* exactly one object. Each named object has at least one and possibly many links to it.
* \image html Dmodel_fig5.gif "Group membership via link objects"
* |
* There are three classes of named objects: group, dataset, and committed (named) datatype. See
* the figure below. Each of these objects is the member of at least one group, and this means there
* is at least one link to it.
* \image html Dmodel_fig6.gif "Classes of named objects"
* |
* @see @ref sec_group.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_abstract_dataset Dataset
* An HDF5 dataset is a multidimensional (rectangular) array of data elements. See the figure
* below. The shape of the array (number of dimensions, size of each dimension) is described by
* the dataspace object (described in the next section below).
* A data element is a single unit of data which may be a number, a character, an array of numbers
* or characters, or a record of heterogeneous data elements. A data element is a set of bits. The
* layout of the bits is described by the datatype (see below).
* The dataspace and datatype are set when the dataset is created, and they cannot be changed for
* the life of the dataset. The dataset creation properties are set when the dataset is created. The
* dataset creation properties include the fill value and storage properties such as chunking and
* compression. These properties cannot be changed after the dataset is created.
* The dataset object manages the storage and access to the data. While the data is conceptually a
* contiguous rectangular array, it is physically stored and transferred in different ways depending
* on the storage properties and the storage mechanism used. The actual storage may be a set of
* compressed chunks, and the access may be through different storage mechanisms and caches.
* The dataset maps between the conceptual array of elements and the actual stored data.
* \image html Dmodel_fig7_b.gif "The dataset"
* |
* @see @ref sec_dataset.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_abstract_space Dataspace
* The HDF5 dataspace describes the layout of the elements of a multidimensional array.
* Conceptually, the array is a hyper-rectangle with one to 32 dimensions. HDF5 dataspaces can be
* extendable. Therefore, each dimension has a current size and a maximum size, and the maximum
* may be unlimited. The dataspace describes this hyper-rectangle: it is a list of dimensions with
* the current and maximum (or unlimited) sizes. See the figure below.
* \image html Dmodel_fig8.gif "The dataspace"
* |
* Dataspace objects are also used to describe hyperslab selections from a dataset. Any subset of the
* elements of a dataset can be selected for read or write by specifying a set of hyperslabs. A
* non-rectangular region can be selected by the union of several (rectangular) dataspaces.
* @see @ref sec_dataspace.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_abstract_type Datatype
* The HDF5 datatype object describes the layout of a single data element. A data element is a
* single element of the array; it may be a single number, a character, an array of numbers or
* carriers, or other data. The datatype object describes the storage layout of this data.
* Data types are categorized into 11 classes of datatype. Each class is interpreted according to a set
* of rules and has a specific set of properties to describe its storage. For instance, floating point
* numbers have exponent position and sizes which are interpreted according to appropriate
* standards for number representation. Thus, the datatype class tells what the element means, and
* the datatype describes how it is stored.
* The figure below shows the classification of datatypes. Atomic datatypes are indivisible. Each
* may be a single object such as a number or a string. Composite datatypes are composed of
* multiple elements of atomic datatypes. In addition to the standard types, users can define
* additional datatypes such as a 24-bit integer or a 16-bit float.
* A dataset or attribute has a single datatype object associated with it. See Figure 7 above. The
* datatype object may be used in the definition of several objects, but by default, a copy of the
* datatype object will be private to the dataset.
* Optionally, a datatype object can be stored in the HDF5 file. The datatype is linked into a group,
* and therefore given a name. A committed datatype (formerly called a named datatype) can be
* opened and used in any way that a datatype object can be used.
* \image html Dmodel_fig9.gif "Datatype classifications"
* |
* @see @ref sec_datatype.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_abstract_attr Attribute
* Any HDF5 named data object (group, dataset, or named datatype) may have zero or more user
* defined attributes. Attributes are used to document the object. The attributes of an object are
* stored with the object.
* An HDF5 attribute has a name and data. The data portion is similar in structure to a dataset: a
* dataspace defines the layout of an array of data elements, and a datatype defines the storage
* layout and interpretation of the elements See the figure below.
* \image html Dmodel_fig10.gif "Attribute data elements"
* |
* In fact, an attribute is very similar to a dataset with the following limitations:
* - An attribute can only be accessed via the object
* - Attribute names are significant only within the object
* - An attribute should be a small object
* - The data of an attribute must be read or written in a single access (partial reading or
* writing is not allowed)
* - Attributes do not have attributes
* Note that the value of an attribute can be an object reference. A shared attribute or an attribute
* that is a large array can be implemented as a reference to a dataset.
* The name, dataspace, and datatype of an attribute are specified when it is created and cannot be
* changed over the life of the attribute. An attribute can be opened by name, by index, or by
* iterating through all the attributes of the object.
* @see @ref sec_attribute.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_abstract_plist Property List
* HDF5 has a generic property list object. Each list is a collection of name-value pairs. Each class
* of property list has a specific set of properties. Each property has an implicit name, a datatype,
* and a value. See the figure below. A property list object is created and used in ways similar to
* the other objects of the HDF5 library.
* Property Lists are attached to the object in the library, and they can be used by any part of the
* library. Some properties are permanent (for example, the chunking strategy for a dataset), others
* are transient (for example, buffer sizes for data transfer). A common use of a Property List is to
* pass parameters from the calling program to a VFL driver or a module of the pipeline.
* Property lists are conceptually similar to attributes. Property lists are information relevant to the
* behavior of the library while attributes are relevant to the user’s data and application.
* \image html Dmodel_fig11_b.gif "The property list"
* |
* Property lists are used to control optional behavior for file creation, file access, dataset creation,
* dataset transfer (read, write), and file mounting. Some property list classes are shown in the table
* below. Details of the different property lists are explained in the relevant sections of this
* document.
* Property list classes and their usage
* Property List Class |
* Used |
* Examples |
* Properties for file creation. |
* Set size of user block. |
* Properties for file access. |
* Set parameters for VFL driver. An example is MPI I/O. |
* Properties for dataset creation. |
* Set chunking, compression, or fill value. |
* Properties for raw data transfer (read and write). |
* Tune buffer sizes or memory management. |
* Properties for file mounting. |
* |
* @see @ref sec_plist.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_abstract_link Link
* This section is under construction.
* \subsection subsec_data_model_storage The HDF5 Storage Model
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_storage_spec The Abstract Storage Model: the HDF5 Format Specification
* The HDF5 File Format Specification
* defines how HDF5 objects and data are mapped to a linear
* address space. The address space is assumed to be a contiguous array of bytes stored on some
* random access medium. The format defines the standard for how the objects of the abstract data
* model are mapped to linear addresses. The stored representation is self-describing in the sense
* that the format defines all the information necessary to read and reconstruct the original objects
* of the abstract data model.
* The HDF5 File Format Specification is organized in three parts:
* - Level 0: File signature and super block
* - Level 1: File infrastructure
* - Level 1A: B-link trees and B-tree nodes
* - Level 1B: Group
* - Level 1C: Group entry
* - Level 1D: Local heaps
* - Level 1E: Global heap
* - Level 1F: Free-space index
* - Level 2: Data object
* - Level 2A: Data object headers
* - Level 2B: Shared data object headers
* - Level 2C: Data object data storage
* The Level 0 specification defines the header block for the file. Header block elements include a
* signature, version information, key parameters of the file layout (such as which VFL file drivers
* are needed), and pointers to the rest of the file. Level 1 defines the data structures used
* throughout the file: the B-trees, heaps, and groups. Level 2 defines the data structure for storing
* the data objects and data. In all cases, the data structures are completely specified so that every
* bit in the file can be faithfully interpreted.
* It is important to realize that the structures defined in the HDF5 file format are not the same as
* the abstract data model: the object headers, heaps, and B-trees of the file specification are not
* represented in the abstract data model. The format defines a number of objects for managing the
* storage including header blocks, B-trees, and heaps. The HDF5 File Format Specification defines
* how the abstract objects (for example, groups and datasets) are represented as headers, B-tree
* blocks, and other elements.
* The HDF5 library implements operations to write HDF5 objects to the linear format and to read
* from the linear format to create HDF5 objects. It is important to realize that a single HDF5
* abstract object is usually stored as several objects. A dataset, for example, might be stored in a
* header and in one or more data blocks, and these objects might not be contiguous on the hard
* disk.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_storage_imple Concrete Storage Model
* The HDF5 file format defines an abstract linear address space. This can be implemented in
* different storage media such as a single file or multiple files on disk or in memory. The HDF5
* Library defines an open interface called the Virtual File Layer (VFL). The VFL allows different
* concrete storage models to be selected.
* The VFL defines an abstract model, an API for random access storage, and an API to plug in
* alternative VFL driver modules. The model defines the operations that the VFL driver must and
* may support, and the plug-in API enables the HDF5 library to recognize the driver and pass it
* control and data.
* A number of VFL drivers have been defined in the HDF5 library. Some work with a single file,
* and some work with multiple files split in various ways. Some work in serial computing
* environments, and some work in parallel computing environments. Most work with disk copies
* of HDF5 files, but one works with a memory copy. These drivers are listed in the
* \ref table_file_drivers "Supported file drivers" table.
* @see @ref subsec_file_alternate_drivers.
* Each driver isolates the details of reading and writing storage so that the rest of the HDF5 library
* and user program can be almost the same for different storage methods. The exception to this
* rule is that some VFL drivers need information from the calling application. This information is
* passed using property lists. For example, the Parallel driver requires certain control information
* that must be provided by the application.
* \subsection subsec_data_model_structure The Structure of an HDF5 File
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_structure_file Overall File Structure
* An HDF5 file is organized as a rooted, directed graph. Named data objects are the nodes of the
* graph, and links are the directed arcs. Each arc of the graph has a name, and the root group has
* the name “/”. Objects are created and then inserted into the graph with the link operation which
* creates a named link from a group to the object. For example, the figure below illustrates the
* structure of an HDF5 file when one dataset is created. An object can be the target of more than
* one link. The names on the links must be unique within each group, but there may be many links
* with the same name in different groups. Link names are unambiguous: some ancestor will have a
* different name, or they are the same object. The graph is navigated with path names similar to
* Unix file systems. An object can be opened with a full path starting at the root group or with a
* relative path and a starting node (group). Note that all paths are relative to a single HDF5 file. In
* this sense, an HDF5 file is analogous to a single Unix file system.
* An HDF5 file with one dataset
* \image html Dmodel_fig12_a.gif
* |
* \image html Dmodel_fig12_b.gif
* |
* Note: In the figure above are two figures. The top figure represents a newly created file with one
* group, /. In the bottom figure, a dataset called /dset1 has been created.
* It is important to note that, just like the Unix file system, HDF5 objects do not have names. The
* names are associated with paths. An object has a unique (within the file) object identifier, but a
* single object may have many names because there may be many paths to the same object. An
* object can be renamed (moved to another group) by adding and deleting links. In this case, the
* object itself never moves. For that matter, membership in a group has no implication for the
* physical location of the stored object.
* Deleting a link to an object does not necessarily delete the object. The object remains available
* as long as there is at least one link to it. After all the links to an object are deleted, it can no
* longer be opened although the storage may or may not be reclaimed.
* It is important to realize that the linking mechanism can be used to construct very complex
* graphs of objects. For example, it is possible for an object to be shared between several groups
* and even to have more than one name in the same group. It is also possible for a group to be a
* member of itself or to be in a “cycle” in the graph. An example of a cycle is where a child is the
* parent of one of its own ancestors.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_structure_path HDF5 Path Names and Navigation
* The structure of the file constitutes the name space for the objects in the file. A path name is a
* string of components separated by ‘/’. Each component is the name of a link or the special
* character “.” for the current group. Link names (components) can be any string of ASCII
* characters not containing ‘/’ (except the string “.” which is reserved). However, users are advised
* to avoid the use of punctuation and non-printing characters because they may create problems for
* other software. The figure below gives a BNF grammar for HDF5 path names.
* A BNF grammar for path names
* \code
* PathName ::= AbsolutePathName | RelativePathName
* Separator ::= "/" ["/"]*
* AbsolutePathName ::= Separator [ RelativePathName ]
* RelativePathName ::= Component [ Separator RelativePathName ]*
* Component ::= "." | Name
* Name ::= Character+ - {"."}
* Character ::= {c: c in {{ legal ASCII characters } - {'/'}}
* \endcode
* An object can always be addressed by a full or absolute path which would start at the root group.
* As already noted, a given object can have more than one full path name. An object can also be
* addressed by a relative path which would start at a group and include the path to the object.
* The structure of an HDF5 file is “self-describing.” This means that it is possible to navigate the
* file to discover all the objects in the file. Basically, the structure is traversed as a graph starting at
* one node and recursively visiting the nodes of the graph.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_data_model_structure_example Examples of HDF5 File Structures
* The figures below show some possible HDF5 file structures with groups and datasets. The first
* figure shows the structure of a file with three groups. The second shows a dataset created in
* “/group1”. The third figure shows the structure after a dataset called dset2 has been added to the
* root group. The fourth figure shows the structure after another group and dataset have been
* added.
* \image html Dmodel_fig14_a.gif "An HDF5 file structure with groups"
* |
* Note: The figure above shows three groups; /group1 and /group2 are members of the root group.
* \image html Dmodel_fig14_b.gif "An HDF5 file structure with groups and a dataset"
* |
* Note: The figure above shows that a dataset has been created in /group1: /group1/dset1.
* \image html Dmodel_fig14_c.gif " An HDF5 file structure with groups and datasets"
* |
* Note: In the figure above, another dataset has been added as a member of the root group: /dset2.
* \image html Dmodel_fig14_c.gif " Another HDF5 file structure with groups and datasets"
* |
* Note: In the figure above, another group and dataset have been added reusing object names:
* /group2/group2/dset2.
* - HDF5 requires random access to the linear address space. For this reason it is not
* well suited for some data media such as streams.
* - It could be said that HDF5 extends the organizing concepts of a file system to the internal
* structure of a single file.
* - As of HDF5-1.4, the storage used for an object is reclaimed, even if all links are
* deleted.
* Next Chapter \ref sec_program
/** \page H5_UG The HDF5 Library and Programming Model
* \section sec_program The HDF5 Library and Programming Model
* \subsection subsec_program_intro Introduction
* The HDF5 library implements the HDF5 abstract data model and storage model. These models
* were described in the preceding chapter.
* Two major objectives of the HDF5 products are to provide tools that can be used on as many
* computational platforms as possible (portability), and to provide a reasonably object-oriented
* data model and programming interface.
* To be as portable as possible, the HDF5 library is implemented in portable C. C is not an
* object-oriented language, but the library uses several mechanisms and conventions to implement an
* object model.
* One mechanism the HDF5 library uses is to implement the objects as data structures. To refer to
* an object, the HDF5 library implements its own pointers. These pointers are called identifiers.
* An identifier is then used to invoke operations on a specific instance of an object. For example,
* when a group is opened, the API returns a group identifier. This identifier is a reference to that
* specific group and will be used to invoke future operations on that group. The identifier is valid
* only within the context it is created and remains valid until it is closed or the file is closed. This
* mechanism is essentially the same as the mechanism that C++ or other object-oriented languages
* use to refer to objects except that the syntax is C.
* Similarly, object-oriented languages collect all the methods for an object in a single name space.
* An example is the methods of a C++ class. The C language does not have any such mechanism,
* but the HDF5 library simulates this through its API naming convention. API function names
* begin with a common prefix that is related to the class of objects that the function operates on.
* The table below lists the HDF5 objects and the standard prefixes used by the corresponding
* HDF5 APIs. For example, functions that operate on datatype objects all have names beginning
* with H5T.
* Access flags and modes
* Prefix |
* Operates on |
* @ref H5A |
* Attributes |
* @ref H5D |
* Datasets |
* @ref H5E |
* Error reports |
* @ref H5F |
* Files |
* @ref H5G |
* Groups |
* @ref H5I |
* Identifiers |
* @ref H5L |
* Links |
* @ref H5O |
* Objects |
* @ref H5P |
* Property lists |
* @ref H5R |
* References |
* @ref H5S |
* Dataspaces |
* @ref H5T |
* Datatypes |
* @ref H5Z |
* Filters |
* \subsection subsec_program_model The HDF5 Programming Model
* In this section we introduce the HDF5 programming model by means of a series of short code
* samples. These samples illustrate a broad selection of common HDF5 tasks. More details are
* provided in the following chapters and in the HDF5 Reference Manual.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_create Creating an HDF5 File
* Before an HDF5 file can be used or referred to in any manner, it must be explicitly created or
* opened. When the need for access to a file ends, the file must be closed. The example below
* provides a C code fragment illustrating these steps. In this example, the values for the file
* creation property list and the file access property list are set to the defaults #H5P_DEFAULT.
* Creating and closing an HDF5 file
* \code
* hid_t file; // declare file identifier
* // Create a new file using H5F_ACC_TRUNC to truncate and overwrite
* // any file of the same name, default file creation properties, and
* // default file access properties. Then close the file.
* status = H5Fclose(file);
* \endcode
* Note: If there is a possibility that a file of the declared name already exists and you wish to open
* a new file regardless of that possibility, the flag #H5F_ACC_TRUNC will cause the operation to
* overwrite the previous file. If the operation should fail in such a circumstance, use the flag
* #H5F_ACC_EXCL instead.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_dset Creating and Initializing a Dataset
* The essential objects within a dataset are datatype and dataspace. These are independent objects
* and are created separately from any dataset to which they may be attached. Hence, creating a
* dataset requires, at a minimum, the following steps:
* - Create and initialize a dataspace for the dataset
* - Define a datatype for the dataset
* - Create and initialize the dataset
* The code in the example below illustrates the execution of these steps.
* Create a dataset
* \code
* hid_t dataset, datatype, dataspace; // declare identifiers
* // Create a dataspace: Describe the size of the array and
* // create the dataspace for a fixed-size dataset.
* dimsf[0] = NX;
* dimsf[1] = NY;
* dataspace = H5Screate_simple(RANK, dimsf, NULL);
* // Define a datatype for the data in the dataset.
* // We will store little endian integers.
* datatype = H5Tcopy(H5T_NATIVE_INT);
* status = H5Tset_order(datatype, H5T_ORDER_LE);
* // Create a new dataset within the file using the defined
* // dataspace and datatype and default dataset creation
* // properties.
* // NOTE: H5T_NATIVE_INT can be used as the datatype if
* // conversion to little endian is not needed.
* dataset = H5Dcreate(file, DATASETNAME, datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
* \endcode
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_close Closing an Object
* An application should close an object such as a datatype, dataspace, or dataset once the object is
* no longer needed. Since each is an independent object, each must be released (or closed)
* separately. This action is frequently referred to as releasing the object’s identifier. The code in
* the example below closes the datatype, dataspace, and dataset that were created in the preceding
* section.
* Close an object
* \code
* H5Tclose(datatype);
* H5Dclose(dataset);
* H5Sclose(dataspace);
* \endcode
* There is a long list of HDF5 library items that return a unique identifier when the item is created
* or opened. Each time that one of these items is opened, a unique identifier is returned. Closing a
* file does not mean that the groups, datasets, or other open items are also closed. Each opened
* item must be closed separately.
* For more information,
* @see Using Identifiers
* in the HDF5 Application Developer’s Guide under General Topics in HDF5.
* How Closing a File Effects Other Open Structural Elements
* Every structural element in an HDF5 file can be opened, and these elements can be opened more
* than once. Elements range in size from the entire file down to attributes. When an element is
* opened, the HDF5 library returns a unique identifier to the application. Every element that is
* opened must be closed. If an element was opened more than once, each identifier that was
* returned to the application must be closed. For example, if a dataset was opened twice, both
* dataset identifiers must be released (closed) before the dataset can be considered closed. Suppose
* an application has opened a file, a group in the file, and two datasets in the group. In order for
* the file to be totally closed, the file, group, and datasets must each be closed. Closing the file
* before the group or the datasets will not affect the state of the group or datasets: the group and
* datasets will still be open.
* There are several exceptions to the above general rule. One is when the #H5close function is used.
* #H5close causes a general shutdown of the library: all data is written to disk, all identifiers are
* closed, and all memory used by the library is cleaned up. Another exception occurs on parallel
* processing systems. Suppose on a parallel system an application has opened a file, a group in the
* file, and two datasets in the group. If the application uses the #H5Fclose function to close the file,
* the call will fail with an error. The open group and datasets must be closed before the file can be
* closed. A third exception is when the file access property list includes the property
* #H5F_CLOSE_STRONG. This property closes any open elements when the file is closed with
* #H5Fclose. For more information, see the #H5Pset_fclose_degree function in the HDF5 Reference
* Manual.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_data Writing or Reading a Dataset to or from a File
* Having created the dataset, the actual data can be written with a call to #H5Dwrite. See the
* example below.
* Writing a dataset
* \code
* // Write the data to the dataset using default transfer properties.
* status = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, data);
* \endcode
* Note that the third and fourth #H5Dwrite parameters in the above example describe the
* dataspaces in memory and in the file, respectively. For now, these are both set to
* #H5S_ALL which indicates that the entire dataset is to be written. The selection of partial datasets
* and the use of differing dataspaces in memory and in storage will be discussed later in this
* chapter and in more detail elsewhere in this guide.
* Reading the dataset from storage is similar to writing the dataset to storage. To read an entire
* dataset, substitute #H5Dread for #H5Dwrite in the above example.
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_partial Reading and Writing a Portion of a Dataset
* The previous section described writing or reading an entire dataset. HDF5 also supports access to
* portions of a dataset. These parts of datasets are known as selections.
* The simplest type of selection is a simple hyperslab. This is an n-dimensional rectangular sub-set
* of a dataset where n is equal to the dataset’s rank. Other available selections include a more
* complex hyperslab with user-defined stride and block size, a list of independent points, or the
* union of any of these.
* The figure below shows several sample selections.
* Dataset selections
* \image html Pmodel_fig5_a.gif
* |
* \image html Pmodel_fig5_b.gif
* |
* \image html Pmodel_fig5_c.gif
* |
* \image html Pmodel_fig5_d.gif
* \image html Pmodel_fig5_e.gif
* |
* Note: In the figure above, selections can take the form of a simple hyperslab, a hyperslab with
* user-defined stride and block, a selection of points, or a union of any of these forms.
* Selections and hyperslabs are portions of a dataset. As described above, a simple hyperslab is a
* rectangular array of data elements with the same rank as the dataset’s dataspace. Thus, a simple
* hyperslab is a logically contiguous collection of points within the dataset.
* The more general case of a hyperslab can also be a regular pattern of points or blocks within the
* dataspace. Four parameters are required to describe a general hyperslab: the starting coordinates,
* the block size, the stride or space between blocks, and the number of blocks. These parameters
* are each expressed as a one-dimensional array with length equal to the rank of the dataspace and
* are described in the table below.
* Parameter |
* Definition |
* start |
* The coordinates of the starting location of the hyperslab in the dataset’s dataspace. |
* block |
* The size of each block to be selected from the dataspace. If the block parameter
* is set to NULL, the block size defaults to a single element in each dimension, as
* if the block array was set to all 1s (all ones). This will result in the selection of a
* uniformly spaced set of count points starting at start and on the interval defined
* by stride. |
* stride |
* The number of elements separating the starting point of each element or block to
* be selected. If the stride parameter is set to NULL, the stride size defaults to 1
* (one) in each dimension and no elements are skipped. |
* count |
* The number of elements or blocks to select along each dimension. |
* Reading Data into a Differently Shaped Memory Block
* For maximum flexibility in user applications, a selection in storage can be mapped into a
* differently-shaped selection in memory. All that is required is that the two selections contain the
* same number of data elements. In this example, we will first define the selection to be read from
* the dataset in storage, and then we will define the selection as it will appear in application
* memory.
* Suppose we want to read a 3 x 4 hyperslab from a two-dimensional dataset in a file beginning at
* the dataset element <1,2>. The first task is to create the dataspace that describes the overall rank
* and dimensions of the dataset in the file and to specify the position and size of the in-file
* hyperslab that we are extracting from that dataset. See the code below.
* Define the selection to be read from storage
* \code
* // Define dataset dataspace in file.
* dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset); // dataspace identifier
* rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
* status_n = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, dims_out, NULL);
* // Define hyperslab in the dataset.
* offset[0] = 1;
* offset[1] = 2;
* count[0] = 3;
* count[1] = 4;
* status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, count, NULL);
* \endcode
* The next task is to define a dataspace in memory. Suppose that we have in memory a
* three-dimensional 7 x 7 x 3 array into which we wish to read the two-dimensional 3 x 4 hyperslab
* described above and that we want the memory selection to begin at the element <3,0,0> and
* reside in the plane of the first two dimensions of the array. Since the in-memory dataspace is
* three-dimensional, we have to describe the in-memory selection as three-dimensional. Since we
* are keeping the selection in the plane of the first two dimensions of the in-memory dataset, the
* in-memory selection will be a 3 x 4 x 1 array defined as <3,4,1>.
* Notice that we must describe two things: the dimensions of the in-memory array, and the size
* and position of the hyperslab that we wish to read in. The code below illustrates how this would
* be done.
* Define the memory dataspace and selection
* \code
* // Define memory dataspace.
* dimsm[0] = 7;
* dimsm[1] = 7;
* dimsm[2] = 3;
* memspace = H5Screate_simple(RANK_OUT,dimsm,NULL);
* // Define memory hyperslab.
* offset_out[0] = 3;
* offset_out[1] = 0;
* offset_out[2] = 0;
* count_out[0] = 3;
* count_out[1] = 4;
* count_out[2] = 1;
* status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset_out, NULL, count_out, NULL);
* \endcode
* The hyperslab defined in the code above has the following parameters: start=(3,0,0),
* count=(3,4,1), stride and block size are NULL.
* Writing Data into a Differently Shaped Disk Storage Block
* Now let’s consider the opposite process of writing a selection from memory to a selection in a
* dataset in a file. Suppose that the source dataspace in memory is a 50-element, one-dimensional
* array called vector and that the source selection is a 48-element simple hyperslab that starts at the
* second element of vector. See the figure below.
* \image html Pmodel_fig2.gif "A one-dimensional array"
* |
* Further suppose that we wish to write this data to the file as a series of 3 x 2-element blocks in a
* two-dimensional dataset, skipping one row and one column between blocks. Since the source
* selection contains 48 data elements and each block in the destination selection contains 6 data
* elements, we must define the destination selection with 8 blocks. We will write 2 blocks in the
* first dimension and 4 in the second. The code below shows how to achieve this objective.
* The destination selection
* \code
* // Select the hyperslab for the dataset in the file, using
* // 3 x 2 blocks, a (4,3) stride, a (2,4) count, and starting
* // at the position (0,1).
* start[0] = 0; start[1] = 1;
* stride[0] = 4; stride[1] = 3;
* count[0] = 2; count[1] = 4;
* block[0] = 3; block[1] = 2;
* ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(fid, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, stride, count, block);
* // Create dataspace for the first dataset.
* mid1 = H5Screate_simple(MSPACE1_RANK, dim1, NULL);
* // Select hyperslab.
* // We will use 48 elements of the vector buffer starting at the
* // second element. Selected elements are 1 2 3 . . . 48
* start[0] = 1;
* stride[0] = 1;
* count[0] = 48;
* block[0] = 1;
* ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(mid1, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, stride, count, block);
* // Write selection from the vector buffer to the dataset in the file.
* ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mid1, fid, H5P_DEFAULT, vector);
* \endcode
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_info Getting Information about a Dataset
* Although reading is analogous to writing, it is often first necessary to query a file to obtain
* information about the dataset to be read. For instance, we often need to determine the datatype
* associated with a dataset, or its dataspace (in other words, rank and dimensions). As illustrated in
* the code example below, there are several get routines for obtaining this information.
* Routines to get dataset parameters
* \code
* // Get datatype and dataspace identifiers,
* // then query datatype class, order, and size, and
* // then query dataspace rank and dimensions.
* datatype = H5Dget_type (dataset); // datatype identifier
* class = H5Tget_class (datatype);
* if (class == H5T_INTEGER)
* printf("Dataset has INTEGER type \n");
* order = H5Tget_order (datatype);
* if (order == H5T_ORDER_LE)
* printf("Little endian order \n");
* size = H5Tget_size (datatype);
* printf ("Size is %d \n", size);
* dataspace = H5Dget_space (dataset); // dataspace identifier
* // Find rank and retrieve current and maximum dimension sizes.
* rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims (dataspace, dims, max_dims);
* \endcode
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_compound Creating and Defining Compound Datatypes
* A compound datatype is a collection of one or more data elements. Each element might be an
* atomic type, a small array, or another compound datatype.
* The provision for nested compound datatypes allows these structures to become quite complex.
* An HDF5 compound datatype has some similarities to a C struct or a Fortran common block.
* Though not originally designed with databases in mind, HDF5 compound datatypes are
* sometimes used in a way that is similar to a database record. Compound datatypes can become
* either a powerful tool or a complex and difficult-to-debug construct. Reasonable caution is
* advised.
* To create and use a compound datatype, you need to create a datatype with class compound
* (#H5T_COMPOUND) and specify the total size of the data element in bytes. A compound
* datatype consists of zero or more uniquely named members. Members can be defined in any
* order but must occupy non-overlapping regions within the datum. The table below lists the
* properties of compound datatype members.
* Parameter |
* Definition |
* Index |
* An index number between zero and N-1, where N is the number of
* members in the compound. The elements are indexed in the order of their
* location in the array of bytes. |
* Name |
* A string that must be unique within the members of the same datatype. |
* Datatype |
* An HDF5 datatype. |
* Offset |
* A fixed byte offset which defines the location of the first byte of that
* member in the compound datatype. |
* Properties of the members of a compound datatype are defined when the member is added to the
* compound type. These properties cannot be modified later.
* Defining Compound Datatypes
* Compound datatypes must be built out of other datatypes. To do this, you first create an empty
* compound datatype and specify its total size. Members are then added to the compound datatype
* in any order.
* Each member must have a descriptive name. This is the key used to uniquely identify the
* member within the compound datatype. A member name in an HDF5 datatype does not
* necessarily have to be the same as the name of the corresponding member in the C struct in
* memory although this is often the case. You also do not need to define all the members of the C
* struct in the HDF5 compound datatype (or vice versa).
* Usually a C struct will be defined to hold a data point in memory, and the offsets of the members
* in memory will be the offsets of the struct members from the beginning of an instance of the
* struct. The library defines the macro that computes the offset of member m within a struct
* variable s:
* \code
* HOFFSET(s,m)
* \endcode
* The code below shows an example in which a compound datatype is created to describe complex
* numbers whose type is defined by the complex_t struct.
* A compound datatype for complex numbers
* \code
* Typedef struct {
* double re; //real part
* double im; //imaginary part
* } complex_t;
* complex_t tmp; //used only to compute offsets
* hid_t complex_id = H5Tcreate (H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof tmp);
* H5Tinsert (complex_id, "real", HOFFSET(tmp,re), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
* H5Tinsert (complex_id, "imaginary", HOFFSET(tmp,im), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
* \endcode
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_extend Creating and Writing Extendable Datasets
* An extendable dataset is one whose dimensions can grow. One can define an HDF5 dataset to
* have certain initial dimensions with the capacity to later increase the size of any of the initial
* dimensions. For example, the figure below shows a 3 x 3 dataset (a) which is later extended to
* be a 10 x 3 dataset by adding 7 rows (b), and further extended to be a 10 x 5 dataset by adding
* two columns (c).
* \image html Pmodel_fig3.gif "Extending a dataset"
* |
* HDF5 requires the use of chunking when defining extendable datasets. Chunking makes it
* possible to extend datasets efficiently without having to reorganize contiguous storage
* excessively.
* To summarize, an extendable dataset requires two conditions:
* - Define the dataspace of the dataset as unlimited in all dimensions that might eventually be
* extended
* - Enable chunking in the dataset creation properties
* For example, suppose we wish to create a dataset similar to the one shown in the figure above.
* We want to start with a 3 x 3 dataset, and then later we will extend it. To do this, go through the
* steps below.
* First, declare the dataspace to have unlimited dimensions. See the code shown below. Note the
* use of the predefined constant #H5S_UNLIMITED to specify that a dimension is unlimited.
* Declaring a dataspace with unlimited dimensions
* \code
* // dataset dimensions at creation time
* hsize_t dims[2] = {3, 3};
* hsize_t maxdims[2] = {H5S_UNLIMITED, H5S_UNLIMITED};
* // Create the data space with unlimited dimensions.
* dataspace = H5Screate_simple(RANK, dims, maxdims);
* \endcode
* Next, set the dataset creation property list to enable chunking. See the code below.
* Enable chunking
* \code
* hid_t cparms;
* hsize_t chunk_dims[2] ={2, 5};
* // Modify dataset creation properties to enable chunking.
* cparms = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
* status = H5Pset_chunk(cparms, RANK, chunk_dims);
* \endcode
* The next step is to create the dataset. See the code below.
* Create a dataset
* \code
* // Create a new dataset within the file using cparms creation properties.
* dataset = H5Dcreate(file, DATASETNAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, cparms, H5P_DEFAULT);
* \endcode
* Finally, when the time comes to extend the size of the dataset, invoke #H5Dextend. Extending the
* dataset along the first dimension by seven rows leaves the dataset with new dimensions of
* <10,3>. See the code below.
* Extend the dataset by seven rows
* \code
* // Extend the dataset. Dataset becomes 10 x 3.
* dims[0] = dims[0] + 7;
* size[0] = dims[0];
* size[1] = dims[1];
* status = H5Dextend (dataset, size);
* \endcode
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_group Creating and Working with Groups
* Groups provide a mechanism for organizing meaningful and extendable sets of datasets within
* an HDF5 file. The @ref H5G API provides several routines for working with groups.
* Creating a Group
* With no datatype, dataspace, or storage layout to define, creating a group is considerably simpler
* than creating a dataset. For example, the following code creates a group called Data in the root
* group of file.
* Create a group
* \code
* // Create a group in the file.
* grp = H5Gcreate(file, "/Data", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
* \endcode
* A group may be created within another group by providing the absolute name of the group to the
* #H5Gcreate function or by specifying its location. For example, to create the group Data_new in
* the group Data, you might use the sequence of calls shown below.
* Create a group within a group
* \code
* // Create group "Data_new" in the group "Data" by specifying
* // absolute name of the group.
* grp_new = H5Gcreate(file, "/Data/Data_new", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
* // or
* // Create group "Data_new" in the "Data" group.
* grp_new = H5Gcreate(grp, "Data_new", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
* \endcode
* This first parameter of #H5Gcreate is a location identifier. file in the first example specifies only
* the file. \em grp in the second example specifies a particular group in a particular file. Note that in
* this instance, the group identifier \em grp is used as the first parameter in the #H5Gcreate call so that
* the relative name of Data_new can be used.
* The third parameter of #H5Gcreate optionally specifies how much file space to reserve to store
* the names of objects that will be created in this group. If a non-positive value is supplied, the
* library provides a default size.
* Use #H5Gclose to close the group and release the group identifier.
* Creating a Dataset within a Group
* As with groups, a dataset can be created in a particular group by specifying either its absolute
* name in the file or its relative name with respect to that group. The next code excerpt uses the
* absolute name.
* Create a dataset within a group using a relative name
* \code
* // Create the dataset "Compressed_Data" in the group Data using
* // the absolute name. The dataset creation property list is
* // modified to use GZIP compression with the compression
* // effort set to 6. Note that compression can be used only when
* // the dataset is chunked.
* dims[0] = 1000;
* dims[1] = 20;
* cdims[0] = 20;
* cdims[1] = 20;
* dataspace = H5Screate_simple(RANK, dims, NULL);
* plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
* H5Pset_chunk(plist, 2, cdims);
* H5Pset_deflate(plist, 6);
* dataset = H5Dcreate(file, "/Data/Compressed_Data", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
* plist, H5P_DEFAULT);
* \endcode
* Alternatively, you can first obtain an identifier for the group in which the dataset is to be
* created, and then create the dataset with a relative name.
* Create a dataset within a group using a relative name
* \code
* // Open the group.
* grp = H5Gopen(file, "Data", H5P_DEFAULT);
* // Create the dataset "Compressed_Data" in the "Data" group
* // by providing a group identifier and a relative dataset
* // name as parameters to the H5Dcreate function.
* dataset = H5Dcreate(grp, "Compressed_Data", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT);
* \endcode
* Accessing an Object in a Group
* Any object in a group can be accessed by its absolute or relative name. The first code snippet
* below illustrates the use of the absolute name to access the dataset Compressed_Data in the
* group Data created in the examples above. The second code snippet illustrates the use of the
* relative name.
* Accessing a group using its relative name
* \code
* // Open the dataset "Compressed_Data" in the "Data" group.
* dataset = H5Dopen(file, "/Data/Compressed_Data", H5P_DEFAULT);
* // Open the group "data" in the file.
* grp = H5Gopen(file, "Data", H5P_DEFAULT);
* // Access the "Compressed_Data" dataset in the group.
* dataset = H5Dopen(grp, "Compressed_Data", H5P_DEFAULT);
* \endcode
* \subsubsection subsubsec_program_model_attr Working with Attributes
* An attribute is a small dataset that is attached to a normal dataset or group. Attributes share many
* of the characteristics of datasets, so the programming model for working with attributes is
* similar in many ways to the model for working with datasets. The primary differences are that an
* attribute must be attached to a dataset or a group and sub-setting operations cannot be performed
* on attributes.
* To create an attribute belonging to a particular dataset or group, first create a dataspace for the
* attribute with the call to #H5Screate, and then create the attribute using #H5Acreate. For example,
* the code shown below creates an attribute called “Integer attribute” that is a member of a dataset
* whose identifier is dataset. The attribute identifier is attr2. #H5Awrite then sets the value of the
* attribute of that of the integer variable point. #H5Aclose then releases the attribute identifier.
* Create an attribute
* \code
* int point = 1; // Value of the scalar attribute
* // Create scalar attribute.
* aid2 = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);
* attr2 = H5Acreate(dataset, "Integer attribute", H5T_NATIVE_INT, aid2, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
* // Write scalar attribute.
* ret = H5Awrite(attr2, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &point);
* // Close attribute dataspace.
* ret = H5Sclose(aid2);
* // Close attribute.
* ret = H5Aclose(attr2);
* \endcode
* Read a known attribute
* \code
* // Attach to the scalar attribute using attribute name, then
* // read and display its value.
* attr = H5Aopen_by_name(file_id, dataset_name, "Integer attribute", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
* ret = H5Aread(attr, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &point_out);
* printf("The value of the attribute \"Integer attribute\" is %d \n", point_out);
* ret = H5Aclose(attr);
* \endcode
* To read a scalar attribute whose name and datatype are known, first open the attribute using
* #H5Aopen_by_name, and then use #H5Aread to get its value. For example, the code shown below
* reads a scalar attribute called “Integer attribute” whose datatype is a native integer and whose
* parent dataset has the identifier dataset.
* To read an attribute whose characteristics are not known, go through these steps. First, query the
* file to obtain information about the attribute such as its name, datatype, rank, and dimensions,
* and then read the attribute. The following code opens an attribute by its index value using
* #H5Aopen_by_idx, and then it reads in information about the datatype with #H5Aread.
* Read an unknown attribute
* \code
* // Attach to the string attribute using its index, then read and
* // display the value.
* attr = H5Aopen_by_idx(file_id, dataset_name, index_type, iter_order, 2, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
* atype = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
* H5Tset_size(atype, 4);
* ret = H5Aread(attr, atype, string_out);
* printf("The value of the attribute with the index 2 is %s \n", string_out);
* \endcode
* In practice, if the characteristics of attributes are not known, the code involved in accessing and
* processing the attribute can be quite complex. For this reason, HDF5 includes a function called
* #H5Aiterate. This function applies a user-supplied function to each of a set of attributes. The
* user-supplied function can contain the code that interprets, accesses, and processes each attribute.
* \subsection subsec_program_transfer_pipeline The Data Transfer Pipeline
* The HDF5 library implements data transfers between different storage locations. At the lowest
* levels, the HDF5 Library reads and writes blocks of bytes to and from storage using calls to the
* virtual file layer (VFL) drivers. In addition to this, the HDF5 library manages caches of metadata
* and a data I/O pipeline. The data I/O pipeline applies compression to data blocks, transforms
* data elements, and implements selections.
* A substantial portion of the HDF5 library’s work is in transferring data from one environment or
* media to another. This most often involves a transfer between system memory and a storage
* medium. Data transfers are affected by compression, encryption, machine-dependent differences
* in numerical representation, and other features. So, the bit-by-bit arrangement of a given dataset
* is often substantially different in the two environments.
* Consider the representation on disk of a compressed and encrypted little-endian array as
* compared to the same array after it has been read from disk, decrypted, decompressed, and
* loaded into memory on a big-endian system. HDF5 performs all of the operations necessary to
* make that transition during the I/O process with many of the operations being handled by the
* VFL and the data transfer pipeline.
* The figure below provides a simplified view of a sample data transfer with four stages. Note that
* the modules are used only when needed. For example, if the data is not compressed, the
* compression stage is omitted.
* \image html Pmodel_fig6.gif "A data transfer from storage to memory"
* |
* For a given I/O request, different combinations of actions may be performed by the pipeline. The
* library automatically sets up the pipeline and passes data through the processing steps. For
* example, for a read request (from disk to memory), the library must determine which logical
* blocks contain the requested data elements and fetch each block into the library’s cache. If the
* data needs to be decompressed, then the compression algorithm is applied to the block after it is
* read from disk. If the data is a selection, the selected elements are extracted from the data block
* after it is decompressed. If the data needs to be transformed (for example, byte swapped), then
* the data elements are transformed after decompression and selection.
* While an application must sometimes set up some elements of the pipeline, use of the pipeline is
* normally transparent to the user program. The library determines what must be done based on the
* metadata for the file, the object, and the specific request. An example of when an application
* might be required to set up some elements in the pipeline is if the application used a custom
* error-checking algorithm.
* In some cases, it is necessary to pass parameters to and from modules in the pipeline or among
* other parts of the library that are not directly called through the programming API. This is
* accomplished through the use of dataset transfer and data access property lists.
* The VFL provides an interface whereby user applications can add custom modules to the data
* transfer pipeline. For example, a custom compression algorithm can be used with the HDF5
* Library by linking an appropriate module into the pipeline through the VFL. This requires
* creating an appropriate wrapper for the compression module and registering it with the library
* with #H5Zregister. The algorithm can then be applied to a dataset with an #H5Pset_filter call which
* will add the algorithm to the selected dataset’s transfer property list.
* Previous Chapter \ref sec_data_model - Next Chapter \ref sec_file
* \defgroup H5 H5
* Use the functions in this module to manage the life cycle of HDF5 library
* instances.
* Create | Read |
* \snippet{lineno} H5_examples.c create
* |
* \snippet{lineno} H5_examples.c read
* |
Update | Delete |
* \snippet{lineno} H5_examples.c update
* |
* \snippet{lineno} H5_examples.c closing_shop
* \snippet{lineno} H5_examples.c delete
* |
#endif /* H5module_H */