 * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
 * Software Development Group                                               *
 * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
 * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
 * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
 *                                                                          *
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
 * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
 *                                                                          *

/* $Id$ */

 * This file contains macros & private information for general HDF5 functions.
 * Every HDF5 source file will include this file immediately after any
 * system include files but before any other private include files.
#ifndef _H5private_H
#define _H5private_H
#include <H5public.h>           /* Include Public Definitions     */

/* Version #'s of the major components of the file format */
#define HDF5_BOOTBLOCK_VERSION  0       /* of the boot block format       */
#define HDF5_FREESPACE_VERSION  0       /* of the Free-Space Info         */
#define HDF5_OBJECTDIR_VERSION  0       /* of the Object Directory format */
#define HDF5_SHAREDHEADER_VERSION 0     /* of the Shared-Header Info      */

 * Include those things that almost all source files need.
#   include <assert.h>
#   include <fcntl.h>
#   include <stdio.h>
#   include <stdlib.h>
#   include <string.h>
#   include <sys/types.h>
#   include <unistd.h>

 * Pablo support files.
#   define IOTRACE
#   include "IOTrace.h"
#   include "ProcIDS.h"

/* Does the compiler support the __attribute__(()) syntax? */
#   define __attribute__(X)	/*void*/
#   define __unused__		/*void*/
#   define __unused__		__attribute__((unused))

/* Does the compiler expand __FUNCTION__? */
#   define __FUNCTION__  "NoFuntionName"

/* number of members in an array */
#ifndef NELMTS
#    define NELMTS(X)		(sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0]))

/* minimum of two, three, or four values */
#ifndef MIN
#   define MIN(a,b)		(((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b))
#   define MIN2(a,b)		MIN(a,b)
#   define MIN3(a,b,c)		MIN(a,MIN(b,c))
#   define MIN4(a,b,c,d)	MIN(MIN(a,b),MIN(c,d))

/* maximum of two, three, or four values */
#ifndef MAX
#   define MAX(a,b)    		(((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b))
#   define MAX2(a,b)		MAX(a,b)
#   define MAX3(a,b,c)		MAX(a,MAX(b,c))
#   define MAX4(a,b,c,d)	MAX(MAX(a,b),MAX(c,d))

/* absolute value */
#ifndef ABS
#   define ABS(a)		(((a)>=0) ? (a) : -(a))

/* sign of argument */
#ifndef SIGN
#   define SIGN(a)		((a)>0 ? 1 : (a)<0 ? -1 : 0)

/* maximum value of various types */
#define MAX_SIZET	((hsize_t)(size_t)(ssize_t)(-1))
#define MAX_SSIZET	((hsize_t)(ssize_t)((size_t)1<<(8*sizeof(ssize_t)-1)))
#define MAX_HSIZET	((hsize_t)(hssize_t)(-1))
#define MAX_HSSIZET	((hsize_t)1<<(8*sizeof(hssize_t)-1))

 * HDF Boolean type.
#ifndef FALSE
#   define FALSE 0
#ifndef TRUE
#   define TRUE (!FALSE)

 * Numeric data types
typedef char            char8;
typedef signed char int8;
typedef unsigned char   uchar8, uint8;

typedef short int16;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef int int16;              /*not really */
typedef unsigned uint16;        /*not really */

typedef int int32;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
#elif SIZEOF_LONG==4
typedef long int32;
typedef unsigned long uint32;
typedef int int32;              /*not really */
typedef unsigned uint32;        /*not really */

typedef int             int64;
typedef unsigned        uint64;
#elif SIZEOF_LONG==8
typedef long            int64;
typedef unsigned long   uint64;
typedef long long       int64;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
#  error "no 64-bit integer type"

typedef float float32;
typedef float float32;          /*not really */

typedef float float64;
typedef double float64;
#  error "no 64-bit floating point type"

 * Define a type for generic integers.  Use this instead of `int' to
 * show that some thought went into the algorithm.
typedef int intn;
typedef unsigned uintn;

 * Status return values for the `herr_t' type.
 * Since some unix/c routines use 0 and -1 (or more precisely, non-negative
 * vs. negative) as their return code, and some assumption had been made in
 * the code about that, it is important to keep these constants the same
 * values.  When checking the success or failure of an integer-valued
 * function, remember to compare against zero and not one of these two
 * values.
#define SUCCEED         0
#define FAIL            (-1)
#define UFAIL           (unsigned)(-1)

 * File addresses.
typedef struct {
    uint64                  offset;     /*offset within an HDF5 file    */
} haddr_t;

#define H5F_ADDR_UNDEF {((uint64)(-1L))}

 * Some compilers have problems declaring auto variables that point
 * to string constants.  Use the CONSTR() macro so it's easy to fix
 * those compilers.
#ifndef CONSTR
#  define CONSTR(VAR,STR) static const char VAR[]=STR

 * Data types and functions for timing certain parts of the library.
typedef struct {
    double	utime;		/*user time			*/
    double	stime;		/*system time			*/
    double	etime;		/*elapsed wall-clock time	*/
} H5_timer_t;

void H5_timer_reset (H5_timer_t *timer);
void H5_timer_begin (H5_timer_t *timer);
void H5_timer_end (H5_timer_t *sum/*in,out*/, H5_timer_t *timer/*in,out*/);

 * Redefine all the POSIX functions.  We should never see a POSIX
 * function (or any other non-HDF5 function) in the source!
#define HDabort()               abort()
#define HDabs(X)                abs(X)
#define HDaccess(F,M)           access(F, M)
#define HDacos(X)               acos(X)
#define HDalarm(N)              alarm(N)
#define HDasctime(T)            asctime(T)
#define HDasin(X)               asin(X)
#define HDassert(X)             assert(X)
#define HDatan(X)               atan(X)
#define HDatan2(X,Y)            atan2(X,Y)
#define HDatexit(F)             atexit(F)
#define HDatof(S)               atof(S)
#define HDatoi(S)               atoi(S)
#define HDatol(S)               atol(S)
#define HDbsearch(K,B,N,Z,F)    bsearch(K,B,N,Z,F)
#define HDcalloc(N,Z)           calloc(N,Z)
#define HDceil(X)               ceil(X)
#define HDcfgetispeed(T)        cfgetispeed(T)
#define HDcfgetospeed(T)        cfgetospeed(T)
#define HDcfsetispeed(T,S)      cfsetispeed(T,S)
#define HDcfsetospeed(T,S)      cfsetospeed(T,S)
#define HDchdir(S)              chdir(S)
#define HDchmod(S,M)            chmod(S,M)
#define HDchown(S,O,G)          chown(S,O,G)
#define HDclearerr(F)           clearerr(F)
#define HDclock()               clock()
#define HDclose(F)              close(F)
#define HDclosedir(D)           closedir(D)
#define HDcos(X)                cos(X)
#define HDcosh(X)               cosh(X)
#define HDcreat(S,M)            creat(S,M)
#define HDctermid(S)            ctermid(S)
#define HDctime(T)              ctime(T)
#define HDcuserid(S)            cuserid(S)
#define HDdifftime(X,Y)         difftime(X,Y)
#define HDdiv(X,Y)              div(X,Y)
#define HDdup(F)                dup(F)
#define HDdup2(F,I)             dup2(F,I)
/* execl() variable arguments */
/* execle() variable arguments */
/* execlp() variable arguments */
#define HDexecv(S,AV)           execv(S,AV)
#define HDexecve(S,AV,E)        execve(S,AV,E)
#define HDexecvp(S,AV)          execvp(S,AV)
#define HDexit(N)               exit(N)
#define HD_exit(N)              _exit(N)
#define HDexp(X)                exp(X)
#define HDfabs(X)               fabs(X)
#define HDfclose(F)             fclose(F)
/* fcntl() variable arguments */
#define HDfdopen(N,S)           fdopen(N,S)
#define HDfeof(F)               feof(F)
#define HDferror(F)             ferror(F)
#define HDfflush(F)             fflush(F)
#define HDfgetc(F)              fgetc(F)
#define HDfgetpos(F,P)          fgetpos(F,P)
#define HDfgets(S,N,F)          fgets(S,N,F)
#define HDfileno(F)             fileno(F)
#define HDfloor(X)              floor(X)
#define HDfmod(X,Y)             fmod(X,Y)
#define HDfopen(S,M)            fopen(S,M)
#define HDfork()                fork()
#define HDfpathconf(F,N)        fpathconf(F,N)
int HDfprintf (FILE *stream, const char *fmt, ...);
#define HDfputc(C,F)            fputc(C,F)
#define HDfputs(S,F)            fputs(S,F)
#define HDfread(M,Z,N,F)        fread(M,Z,N,F)
#define HDfree(M)               free(M)
#define HDfreopen(S,M,F)        freopen(S,M,F)
#define HDfrexp(X,N)            frexp(X,N)
/* fscanf() variable arguments */
#define HDfseek(F,O,W)          fseek(F,O,W)
#define HDfsetpos(F,P)          fsetpos(F,P)
#define HDfstat(F,B)            fstat(F,B)
#define HDftell(F)              ftell(F)
#define HDfwrite(M,Z,N,F)       fwrite(M,Z,N,F)
#define HDgetc(F)               getc(F)
#define HDgetchar()             getchar()
#define HDgetcwd(S,Z)           getcwd(S,Z)
#define HDgetegid()             getegid()
#define HDgetenv(S)             getenv(S)
#define HDgeteuid()             geteuid()
#define HDgetgid()              getgid()
#define HDgetgrgid(G)           getgrgid(G)
#define HDgetgrnam(S)           getgrnam(S)
#define HDgetgroups(Z,G)        getgroups(Z,G)
#define HDgetlogin()            getlogin()
#define HDgetpgrp()             getpgrp()
#define HDgetpid()              getpid()
#define HDgetppid()             getppid()
#define HDgetpwnam(S)           getpwnam(S)
#define HDgetpwuid(U)           getpwuid(U)
#define HDgets(S)               gets(S)
#define HDgetuid()              getuid()
#define HDgmtime(T)             gmtime(T)
#define HDisalnum(C)            isalnum(C)
#define HDisalpha(C)            isalpha(C)
#define HDisatty(F)             isatty(F)
#define HDiscntrl(C)            iscntrl(C)
#define HDisdigit(C)            isdigit(C)
#define HDisgraph(C)            isgraph(C)
#define HDislower(C)            islower(C)
#define HDisprint(C)            isprint(C)
#define HDispunct(C)            ispunct(C)
#define HDisspace(C)            isspace(C)
#define HDisupper(C)            isupper(C)
#define HDisxdigit(C)           isxdigit(C)
#define HDkill(P,S)             kill(P,S)
#define HDlabs(X)               labs(X)
#define HDldexp(X,N)            ldexp(X,N)
#define HDldiv(X,Y)             ldiv(X,Y)
#define HDlink(OLD,NEW)         link(OLD,NEW)
#define HDlocaleconv()          localeconv()
#define HDlocaltime(T)          localtime(T)
#define HDlog(X)                log(X)
#define HDlog10(X)              log10(X)
#define HDlongjmp(J,N)          longjmp(J,N)
#define HDlseek(F,O,W)          lseek(F,O,W)
#define HDmalloc(Z)             malloc(Z)
#define HDmblen(S,N)            mblen(S,N)
#define HDmbstowcs(P,S,Z)       mbstowcs(P,S,Z)
#define HDmbtowc(P,S,Z)         mbtowc(P,S,Z)
#define HDmemchr(S,C,Z)         memchr(S,C,Z)
#define HDmemcmp(X,Y,Z)         memcmp(X,Y,Z)
#define HDmemcpy(X,Y,Z)         memcpy(X,Y,Z)
#define HDmemmove(X,Y,Z)        memmove(X,Y,Z)
#define HDmemset(X,C,Z)         memset(X,C,Z)
#define HDmkdir(S,M)            mkdir(S,M)
#define HDmkfifo(S,M)           mkfifo(S,M)
#define HDmktime(T)             mktime(T)
#define HDmodf(X,Y)             modf(X,Y)
/* open() variable arguments */
#define HDopendir(S)            opendir(S)
#define HDpathconf(S,N)         pathconf(S,N)
#define HDpause()               pause()
#define HDperror(S)             perror(S)
#define HDpipe(F)               pipe(F)
#define HDpow(X,Y)              pow(X,Y)
/* printf() variable arguments */
#define HDputc(C,F)             putc(C,F)
#define HDputchar(C)            putchar(C)
#define HDputs(S)               puts(S)
#define HDqsort(M,N,Z,F)        qsort(M,N,Z,F)
#define HDraise(N)              raise(N)
#define HDrand()                rand()
#define HDread(F,M,Z)           read(F,M,Z)
#define HDreaddir(D)            readdir(D)
#define HDrealloc(M,Z)          realloc(M,Z)
#define HDremove(S)             remove(S)
#define HDrename(OLD,NEW)       rename(OLD,NEW)
#define HDrewind(F)             rewind(F)
#define HDrewinddir(D)          rewinddir(D)
#define HDrmdir(S)              rmdir(S)
/* scanf() variable arguments */
#define HDsetbuf(F,S)           setbuf(F,S)
#define HDsetgid(G)             setgid(G)
#define HDsetjmp(J)             setjmp(J)
#define HDsetlocale(N,S)        setlocale(N,S)
#define HDsetpgid(P,PG)         setpgid(P,PG)
#define HDsetsid()              setsid()
#define HDsetuid(U)             setuid(U)
#define HDsetvbuf(F,S,M,Z)      setvbuf(F,S,M,Z)
#define HDsigaction(N,A)        sigaction(N,A)
#define HDsigaddset(S,N)        sigaddset(S,N)
#define HDsigdelset(S,N)        sigdelset(S,N)
#define HDsigemptyset(S)        sigemptyset(S)
#define HDsigfillset(S)         sigfillset(S)
#define HDsigismember(S,N)      sigismember(S,N)
#define HDsiglongjmp(J,N)       siglongjmp(J,N)
#define HDsignal(N,F)           signal(N,F)
#define HDsigpending(S)         sigpending(S)
#define HDsigprocmask(H,S,O)    sigprocmask(H,S,O)
#define HDsigsetjmp(J,N)        sigsetjmp(J,N)
#define HDsigsuspend(S)         sigsuspend(S)
#define HDsin(X)                sin(X)
#define HDsinh(X)               sinh(X)
#define HDsleep(N)              sleep(N)
/* sprintf() variable arguments */
#define HDsqrt(X)               sqrt(X)
#define HDsrand(N)              srand(N)
/* sscanf() variable arguments */
#define HDstat(S,B)             stat(S,B)
#define HDstrcat(X,Y)           strcat(X,Y)
#define HDstrchr(S,C)           strchr(S,C)
#define HDstrcmp(X,Y)           strcmp(X,Y)
#define HDstrcoll(X,Y)          strcoll(X,Y)
#define HDstrcpy(X,Y)           strcpy(X,Y)
#define HDstrcspn(X,Y)          strcspn(X,Y)
#define HDstrerror(N)           strerror(N)
#define HDstrftime(S,Z,F,T)     strftime(S,Z,F,T)
#define HDstrlen(S)             strlen(S)
#define HDstrncat(X,Y,Z)        strncat(X,Y,Z)
#define HDstrncmp(X,Y,Z)        strncmp(X,Y,Z)
#define HDstrncpy(X,Y,Z)        strncpy(X,Y,Z)
#define HDstrpbrk(X,Y)          strpbrk(X,Y)
#define HDstrrchr(S,C)          strrchr(S,C)
#define HDstrspn(X,Y)           strspn(X,Y)
#define HDstrstr(X,Y)           strstr(X,Y)
#define HDstrtod(S,R)           strtod(S,R)
#define HDstrtok(X,Y)           strtok(X,Y)
#define HDstrtol(S,R,N)         strtol(S,R,N)
int64 HDstrtoll (const char *s, const char **rest, int base);
#define HDstrtoul(S,R,N)        strtoul(S,R,N)
#define HDstrxfrm(X,Y,Z)        strxfrm(X,Y,Z)
#define HDsysconf(N)            sysconf(N)
#define HDsystem(S)             system(S)
#define HDtan(X)                tan(X)
#define HDtanh(X)               tanh(X)
#define HDtcdrain(F)            tcdrain(F)
#define HDtcflow(F,A)           tcflow(F,A)
#define HDtcflush(F,N)          tcflush(F,N)
#define HDtcgetattr(F,T)        tcgetattr(F,T)
#define HDtcgetpgrp(F)          tcgetpgrp(F)
#define HDtcsendbreak(F,N)      tcsendbreak(F,N)
#define HDtcsetattr(F,O,T)      tcsetattr(F,O,T)
#define HDtcsetpgrp(F,N)        tcsetpgrp(F,N)
#define HDtime(T)               time(T)
#define HDtimes(T)              times(T)
#define HDtmpfile()             tmpfile()
#define HDtmpnam(S)             tmpnam(S)
#define HDtolower(C)            tolower(C)
#define HDtoupper(C)            toupper(C)
#define HDttyname(F)            ttyname(F)
#define HDtzset()               tzset()
#define HDumask(N)              umask(N)
#define HDuname(S)              uname(S)
#define HDungetc(C,F)           ungetc(C,F)
#define HDunlink(S)             unlink(S)
#define HDutime(S,T)            utime(S,T)
#define HDva_arg(A,T)           va_arg(A,T)
#define HDva_end(A)             va_end(A)
#define HDva_start(A,P)         va_start(A,P)
#define HDvfprintf(F,FMT,A)     vfprintf(F,FMT,A)
#define HDvprintf(FMT,A)        vprintf(FMT,A)
#define HDvsprintf(S,FMT,A)     vsprintf(S,FMT,A)
#define HDwait(W)               wait(W)
#define HDwaitpid(P,W,O)        waitpid(P,W,O)
#define HDwcstombs(S,P,Z)       wcstombs(S,P,Z)
#define HDwctomb(S,C)           wctomb(S,C)
#define HDwrite(F,M,Z)          write(F,M,Z)

 * And now for a couple non-Posix functions...
extern char *strdup(const char *s);
#define HDstrdup(S)             strdup(S)

 * Purpose:	These macros are inserted automatically just after the
 *		FUNC_ENTER() macro of API functions and are used to trace
 *		application program execution. Unless H5_DEBUG_API has been
 *		defined they are no-ops.
 * Arguments:	R	- Return type encoded as a string
 *		T	- Argument types encoded as a string
 *		A0-An	- Arguments.  The number at the end of the macro name
 *		          indicates the number of arguments.
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 * Modifications:
#ifdef H5_DEBUG_API
#define H5TRACE_DECL			   const char *RTYPE=NULL
#define H5TRACE0(R,T)			   RTYPE=R;			      \
#define H5TRACE1(R,T,A0)		   RTYPE=R;			      \
#define H5TRACE2(R,T,A0,A1)		   RTYPE=R;			      \
#define H5TRACE3(R,T,A0,A1,A2)	  	   RTYPE=R;			      \
                                           H5_trace(0,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,   \
#define H5TRACE4(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3)	   RTYPE=R;			      \
                                           H5_trace(0,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,   \
#define H5TRACE5(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4)	   RTYPE=R;			      \
                                           H5_trace(0,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,   \
#define H5TRACE6(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)	   RTYPE=R;			      \
                                           H5_trace(0,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,   \
                                                    #A2,A2,#A3,A3,#A4,A4,     \
#define H5TRACE7(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6) RTYPE=R;			      \
                                           H5_trace(0,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,   \
                                                    #A2,A2,#A3,A3,#A4,A4,     \
#define H5TRACE_RETURN(V)		   if (RTYPE) {			      \
                                              H5_trace(1,NULL,RTYPE,NULL,V);  \
                                              RTYPE=NULL;		      \
#define H5TRACE_DECL			   /*void*/
#define H5TRACE0(R,T)			   /*void*/
#define H5TRACE1(R,T,A0)		   /*void*/
#define H5TRACE2(R,T,A0,A1)		   /*void*/
#define H5TRACE3(R,T,A0,A1,A2)		   /*void*/
#define H5TRACE4(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3)	   /*void*/
#define H5TRACE5(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4)	   /*void*/
#define H5TRACE6(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)	   /*void*/
#define H5TRACE7(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6) /*void*/
#define H5TRACE_RETURN(V)		   /*void*/

void H5_trace (hbool_t returning, const char *func, const char *type, ...);

 * Purpose:     Register function entry for library initialization and code
 *              profiling.
 * Notes:       Every file must have a file-scope variable called
 *              `initialize_interface_g' of type hbool_t which is initialized
 *              to FALSE.
 *              Don't use local variable initializers which contain
 *              calls to other library functions since the initializer
 *              would happen before the FUNC_ENTER() gets called.  Don't
 *              use initializers that require special cleanup code to
 *              execute if FUNC_ENTER() fails since a failing FUNC_ENTER()
 *              returns immediately without branching to the `done' label.
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 * Modifications:
 *      Robb Matzke, 4 Aug 1997
 *      The `interface_init_func' can be the null pointer.  Changed
 *      HGOTO_ERROR() to HRETURN_ERROR() since no clean-up needs to occur
 *      when an error is detected at this point since this must be the
 *      first executable statement in a function.  This allows functions
 *      to omit the `done:' label when convenient to do so.
 *      Robb Matzke, 4 Aug 1997
 *      The pablo mask comes from the constant PABLO_MASK defined on
 *      a per-file basis.  The `pablo_func_id' is generated from the
 *      `func_name' argument by prepending an `ID_' to the name.  The
 *      pablo function identifier should be saved in a local variable
 *      so FUNC_LEAVE() can access it.
 *      Robb Matzke, 4 Aug 1997
 *      It is safe to call this function even inside various library
 *      initializing functions.  Infinite recursion is no longer a
 *      danger.
 *      Robb Matzke, 3 Dec 1997
 *      The interface initialization function is no longer passed as an
 *      argument unless the `FUNC_ENTER_INIT' form is called.  Instead, the
 *      function comes from the `INTERFACE_INIT' constant which must be
 *      defined in every source file.
 * 	Robb Matzke, 17 Jun 1998
 *	Added auto variable RTYPE which is initialized by the tracing macros.
extern hbool_t library_initialize_g;   /*good thing C's lazy about extern! */
extern hbool_t thread_initialize_g;    /*don't decl interface_initialize_g */

/* Is `S' the name of an API function? */
#define H5_IS_API(S) ('_'!=S[2] && '_'!=S[3] && (!S[4] || '_'!=S[4]))

#define FUNC_ENTER(func_name,err) FUNC_ENTER_INIT(func_name,INTERFACE_INIT,err)

#define FUNC_ENTER_INIT(func_name,interface_init_func,err) {		      \
   CONSTR (FUNC, #func_name);						      \
   H5TRACE_DECL;							      \
   PABLO_SAVE (ID_ ## func_name);					      \
   PABLO_TRACE_ON (PABLO_MASK, pablo_func_id);				      \
   /* Initialize the library */						      \
   if (!library_initialize_g) {						      \
      library_initialize_g = TRUE;					      \
      if (H5_init_library()<0) {					      \
         HRETURN_ERROR (H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, err,			      \
                        "library initialization failed");		      \
      }									      \
   }									      \
   /* Initialize this thread */						      \
   if (!thread_initialize_g) {						      \
      thread_initialize_g = TRUE;					      \
      if (H5_init_thread()<0) {						      \
         HRETURN_ERROR (H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, err,			      \
                        "thread initialization failed");		      \
      }									      \
   }									      \
   /* Initialize this interface */					      \
   if (!interface_initialize_g) {					      \
      interface_initialize_g = TRUE;					      \
      if (interface_init_func &&					      \
          ((herr_t(*)(void))interface_init_func)()<0) {			      \
         HRETURN_ERROR (H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, err,			      \
                        "interface initialization failed");		      \
      }									      \
   }									      \
   /* Clear thread error stack entering public functions */		      \
   if (H5E_clearable_g && H5_IS_API (FUNC)) {		                      \
       H5E_clear ();							      \
   }									      \

 * Purpose:     Register function exit for code profiling.  This should be
 *              the last statement executed by a function.
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 * Modifications:
 *      Robb Matzke, 4 Aug 1997
 *      The pablo mask comes from the constant PABLO_MASK defined on a
 *      per-file basis.  The pablo_func_id comes from an auto variable
 *      defined by FUNC_ENTER.
#define FUNC_LEAVE(return_value) HRETURN(return_value)}}

 * The FUNC_ENTER() and FUNC_LEAVE() macros make calls to Pablo functions
 * through one of these two sets of macros.
#  define PABLO_SAVE(func_id)   intn pablo_func_id = func_id
#  define PABLO_TRACE_ON(m, f)  TRACE_ON(m,f)
#  define PABLO_TRACE_OFF(m, f) TRACE_OFF(m,f)
#  define PABLO_SAVE(func_id)   /*void */
#  define PABLO_TRACE_ON(m, f)  /*void */
#  define PABLO_TRACE_OFF(m, f) /*void */

/* Private functions, not part of the publicly documented API */
herr_t H5_init_library(void);
void H5_term_library(void);
herr_t H5_add_exit(void (*func) (void));
herr_t H5_init_thread(void);
void H5_term_thread(void);
