/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.         *
 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
 *                                                                           *
 * This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
 * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
 * the files COPYING and Copyright.html.  COPYING can be found at the root   *
 * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the  *
 * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and   *
 * is linked from the top-level documents page.  It can also be found at     *
 * http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html.  If you do not have     *
 * access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu. *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

/* Programmer:	Robb Matzke <matzke@llnl.gov>
 *		Friday, October 30, 1998
 * Purpose:	This file is included by all HDF5 library source files to
 *		define common things which are not defined in the HDF5 API.
 *		The configuration constants like H5_HAVE_UNISTD_H etc. are
 *		defined in H5config.h which is included by H5public.h.

#ifndef _H5private_H
#define _H5private_H

#include "H5public.h"		/* Include Public Definitions		*/

/* include the pthread header */
#include <pthread.h>

 * Include ANSI-C header files.
#   include <assert.h>
#   include <ctype.h>
#   include <errno.h>
#   include <fcntl.h>
#   include <float.h>
#   include <limits.h>
#   include <math.h>
#   include <signal.h>
#   include <stdarg.h>
#   include <stdio.h>
#   include <stdlib.h>
#   include <string.h>

 * If _POSIX_VERSION is defined in unistd.h then this system is Posix.1
 * compliant. Otherwise all bets are off.
#   include <sys/types.h>
#   include <unistd.h>
#   include <sys/wait.h>
#   include <pwd.h>

 * C9x integer types
#ifndef __cplusplus
#   include <stdint.h>

 * The `struct stat' data type for stat() and fstat(). This is a Posix file
 * but often apears on non-Posix systems also.	The `struct stat' is required
 * for hdf5 to compile, although only a few fields are actually used.
#   include <sys/stat.h>

 * If a program may include both `time.h' and `sys/time.h' then
 * TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME is defined (see AC_HEADER_TIME in configure.in).
 * On some older systems, `sys/time.h' includes `time.h' but `time.h' is not
 * protected against multiple inclusion, so programs should not explicitly
 * include both files. This macro is useful in programs that use, for example,
 * `struct timeval' or `struct timezone' as well as `struct tm'.  It is best
 * used in conjunction with `HAVE_SYS_TIME_H', whose existence is checked
 * by `AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/time.h)' in configure.in.
#if defined(H5_TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME)
#   include <sys/time.h>
#   include <time.h>
#elif defined(H5_HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)
#   include <sys/time.h>
#   include <time.h>

 * Longjumps are used to detect alignment constrants
#   include <setjmp.h>

 * Resource usage is not Posix.1 but HDF5 uses it anyway for some performance
 * and debugging code if available.
#   include <sys/resource.h>

 * Unix ioctls.	 These are used by h5ls (and perhaps others) to determine a
 * resonable output width.
#   include <sys/ioctl.h>

 * System information. These are needed on the DEC Alpha to turn off fixing
 * of unaligned accesses by the operating system during detection of
 * alignment constraints in H5detect.c:main().
#   include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#   include <sys/proc.h>
#ifdef H5_HAVE_IO_H
#   include <io.h>

#ifdef WIN32

#define VC_EXTRALEAN		/*Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers */
#include <windows.h>

#endif /*WIN32*/

/* H5_inline */
#ifndef H5_inline
#define H5_inline
#endif /* H5_inline */

#ifndef F_OK
#   define F_OK	00
#   define W_OK 02
#   define R_OK 04

 * MPE Instrumentation support
#ifdef H5_HAVE_MPE
 * Purpose:    Begin to collect MPE log information for a function. It should
 *             be ahead of the actual function's process.
 * Programmer: Long Wang
#include "mpe.h"
 * #define eventa(func_name)   h5_mpe_ ## func_name ## _a
 * #define eventb(func_name)   h5_mpe_ ## func_name ## _b
#define eventa(func_name)   h5_mpe_eventa
#define eventb(func_name)   h5_mpe_eventb
#define MPE_LOG_VARS(func_name)                                               \
    static int eventa(func_name) = -1;                                        \
    static int eventb(func_name) = -1;                                        \
    const char* p_end_funcname = #func_name;                                  \
    const char* p_event_start = "start" #func_name;

/* Hardwire the color to "red", since that's what all the routines are using
 * now.  In the future, if we want to change that color for a given routine,
 * we should define a "FUNC_ENTER_API_COLOR" macro which takes an extra 'color'
 * parameter and then make additional FUNC_ENTER_<foo>_COLOR macros to get that
 * color information down to the BEGIN_MPE_LOG macro (which should have a new
#define BEGIN_MPE_LOG(func_name)                                              \
  if (H5_MPEinit_g){							      \
    if (eventa(func_name) == -1 && eventb(func_name) == -1) {		      \
	const char* p_color = "red";					      \
         eventa(func_name)=MPE_Log_get_event_number();                        \
         eventb(func_name)=MPE_Log_get_event_number();                        \
         MPE_Describe_state(eventa(func_name), eventb(func_name), (char *)p_end_funcname, (char *)p_color); \
    }                                                                         \
    MPE_Log_event(eventa(func_name), 0, (char *)p_event_start); 	              \

 * Purpose:   Finish the collection of MPE log information for a function.
 *            It should be after the actual function's process.
 * Programmer: Long Wang
#define FINISH_MPE_LOG                                                       \
    if (H5_MPEinit_g) {                                                      \
        MPE_Log_event(eventb(func_name), 0, (char *)p_end_funcname);                 \

#else /* H5_HAVE_MPE */
#define MPE_LOG_VARS(func_name) /* void */
#define BEGIN_MPE_LOG(func_name) /* void */
#define FINISH_MPE_LOG   /* void */

#endif /* H5_HAVE_MPE */

 * dmalloc (debugging malloc) support
#include "dmalloc.h"
#endif /* H5_HAVE_DMALLOC_H */

 * NT doesn't define SIGBUS, but since NT only runs on processors
 * that do not have alignment constraints a SIGBUS would never be
 * raised, so we just replace it with SIGILL (which also should
 * never be raised by the hdf5 library).
#ifndef SIGBUS

 * Does the compiler support the __attribute__(()) syntax?  This is how gcc
 * suppresses warnings about unused function arguments.	 It's no big deal if
 * we don't.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#   define __attribute__(X)	/*void*/
#   define UNUSED		/*void*/
#else /* __cplusplus */
#   define UNUSED		__attribute__((unused))
#   define __attribute__(X)	/*void*/
#   define UNUSED		/*void*/
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * Does the compiler expand __FUNCTION__ to be the name of the function
 * currently being defined?  If not then define it to be some constant
 * string.
#   define __FUNCTION__	 "NoFunctionName"

/* Version #'s of the major components of the file format */
#define HDF5_SUPERBLOCK_VERSION_DEF	0	/* The default super block format	  */
#define HDF5_SUPERBLOCK_VERSION_MAX	1	/* The maximum super block format	  */
#define HDF5_FREESPACE_VERSION	0	/* of the Free-Space Info	  */
#define HDF5_OBJECTDIR_VERSION	0	/* of the Object Directory format */
#define HDF5_SHAREDHEADER_VERSION 0	/* of the Shared-Header Info	  */
#define HDF5_DRIVERINFO_VERSION	0	/* of the Driver Information Block*/

/* B-tree internal 'K' values */
#define HDF5_BTREE_SNODE_IK_DEF         16
#define HDF5_BTREE_ISTORE_IK_DEF        32      /* Note! this value is assumed
                                                    to be 32 for older versions
                                                    of the superblock (<1) and
                                                    if it is changed, the code
                                                    must compensate. -QAK

 * Status return values for the `herr_t' type.
 * Since some unix/c routines use 0 and -1 (or more precisely, non-negative
 * vs. negative) as their return code, and some assumption had been made in
 * the code about that, it is important to keep these constants the same
 * values.  When checking the success or failure of an integer-valued
 * function, remember to compare against zero and not one of these two
 * values.
#define SUCCEED		0
#define FAIL		(-1)
#define UFAIL		(unsigned)(-1)

/* number of members in an array */
#ifndef NELMTS
#    define NELMTS(X)		(sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0]))

/* minimum of two, three, or four values */
#undef MIN
#define MIN(a,b)		(((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN2(a,b)		MIN(a,b)
#define MIN3(a,b,c)		MIN(a,MIN(b,c))
#define MIN4(a,b,c,d)		MIN(MIN(a,b),MIN(c,d))

/* maximum of two, three, or four values */
#undef MAX
#define MAX(a,b)		(((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX2(a,b)		MAX(a,b)
#define MAX3(a,b,c)		MAX(a,MAX(b,c))
#define MAX4(a,b,c,d)		MAX(MAX(a,b),MAX(c,d))

/* limit the middle value to be within a range (inclusive) */

/* absolute value */
#ifndef ABS
#   define ABS(a)		(((a)>=0) ? (a) : -(a))

/* sign of argument */
#ifndef SIGN
#   define SIGN(a)		((a)>0 ? 1 : (a)<0 ? -1 : 0)

/* test for number that is a power of 2 */
/* (from: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#DetermineIfPowerOf2) */
#  define POWER_OF_TWO(n)	(!(n & (n - 1)) && n)

 * HDF Boolean type.
#ifndef FALSE
#   define FALSE 0
#ifndef TRUE
#   define TRUE 1

 * Numeric data types.	Some of these might be defined in Posix.1g, otherwise
 * we define them with the closest available type which is at least as large
 * as the number of bits indicated in the type name.  The `int8' types *must*
 * be exactly one byte wide because we use it for pointer calculations to
 * void* memory.
#if H5_SIZEOF_INT8_T==0
    typedef signed char int8_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_INT8_T
#elif H5_SIZEOF_INT8_T==1
#   error "the int8_t type must be 1 byte wide"

#if H5_SIZEOF_UINT8_T==0
    typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_UINT8_T
#elif H5_SIZEOF_UINT8_T==1
#   error "the uint8_t type must be 1 byte wide"

#if H5_SIZEOF_INT16_T>=2
#elif H5_SIZEOF_SHORT>=2
    typedef short int16_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_INT16_T
#elif H5_SIZEOF_INT>=2
    typedef int int16_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_INT16_T
#   define H5_SIZEOF_INT16_T H5_SIZEOF_INT
#   error "nothing appropriate for int16_t"

#if H5_SIZEOF_UINT16_T>=2
#elif H5_SIZEOF_SHORT>=2
    typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_UINT16_T
#elif H5_SIZEOF_INT>=2
    typedef unsigned uint16_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_UINT16_T
#   error "nothing appropriate for uint16_t"

#if H5_SIZEOF_INT32_T>=4
#elif H5_SIZEOF_SHORT>=4
    typedef short int32_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_INT32_T
#elif H5_SIZEOF_INT>=4
    typedef int int32_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_INT32_T
#   define H5_SIZEOF_INT32_T H5_SIZEOF_INT
#elif H5_SIZEOF_LONG>=4
    typedef long int32_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_INT32_T
#   error "nothing appropriate for int32_t"

#if H5_SIZEOF_UINT32_T>=4
#elif H5_SIZEOF_SHORT>=4
    typedef short uint32_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_UINT32_T
#elif H5_SIZEOF_INT>=4
    typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_UINT32_T
#elif H5_SIZEOF_LONG>=4
    typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_UINT32_T
#   error "nothing appropriate for uint32_t"

#if H5_SIZEOF_INT64_T>=8
#elif H5_SIZEOF_INT>=8
    typedef int int64_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_INT64_T
#   define H5_SIZEOF_INT64_T H5_SIZEOF_INT
#elif H5_SIZEOF_LONG>=8
    typedef long int64_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_INT64_T
    typedef long_long int64_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_INT64_T
#   error "nothing appropriate for int64_t"

#if H5_SIZEOF_UINT64_T>=8
#elif H5_SIZEOF_INT>=8
    typedef unsigned uint64_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_UINT64_T
#elif H5_SIZEOF_LONG>=8
    typedef unsigned long uint64_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_UINT64_T
    typedef unsigned long_long uint64_t;
#   undef H5_SIZEOF_UINT64_T
#   error "nothing appropriate for uint64_t"

 * Maximum and minimum values.	These should be defined in <limits.h> for the
 * most part.
#ifndef LLONG_MAX
#   define LLONG_MAX	((long_long)(((unsigned long_long)1		      \
#   define LLONG_MIN    ((long_long)(-LLONG_MAX)-1)
#ifndef ULLONG_MAX
#   define ULLONG_MAX	((unsigned long_long)((long_long)(-1)))
#ifndef SIZET_MAX
#   define SIZET_MAX	((size_t)(ssize_t)(-1))
#   define SSIZET_MAX	((ssize_t)(((size_t)1<<(8*sizeof(ssize_t)-1))-1))
#define	HSIZET_MAX	((hsize_t)ULLONG_MAX)
#define	HSSIZET_MAX	((hssize_t)LLONG_MAX)
#else /* H5_HAVE_LARGE_HSIZET */
#define HSIZET_MAX	((hsize_t)SIZET_MAX)
#define HSSIZET_MAX	((hssize_t)SSIZET_MAX)
#endif /* H5_HAVE_LARGE_HSIZET */

 * A macro to portably increment enumerated types.
#ifndef H5_INC_ENUM
#  define H5_INC_ENUM(TYPE,VAR) (VAR)=((TYPE)((VAR)+1))

 * A macro to portably decrement enumerated types.
#ifndef H5_DEC_ENUM
#  define H5_DEC_ENUM(TYPE,VAR) (VAR)=((TYPE)((VAR)-1))

 * A macro for detecting over/under-flow when casting between types
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(var,vartype,casttype) \
{                                               \
    casttype _tmp_overflow=(casttype)(var);     \
    assert((var)==(vartype)_tmp_overflow);      \
#else /* NDEBUG */
#define H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(var,vartype,casttype)
#endif /* NDEBUG */

 * A macro for detecting over/under-flow when assigning between types
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(var,expr,exprtype,vartype)   \
{                                                       \
    exprtype _tmp_overflow=(exprtype)(expr);              \
    vartype _tmp_overflow2=(vartype)(_tmp_overflow);  \
    assert((vartype)_tmp_overflow==_tmp_overflow2);    \
    (var)=_tmp_overflow2;                               \
#else /* NDEBUG */
#define H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(var,expr,exprtype,vartype)   \
#endif /* NDEBUG */

 * Data types and functions for timing certain parts of the library.
typedef struct {
    double	utime;		/*user time			*/
    double	stime;		/*system time			*/
    double	etime;		/*elapsed wall-clock time	*/
} H5_timer_t;

H5_DLL void H5_timer_reset (H5_timer_t *timer);
H5_DLL void H5_timer_begin (H5_timer_t *timer);
H5_DLL void H5_timer_end (H5_timer_t *sum/*in,out*/,
			   H5_timer_t *timer/*in,out*/);
H5_DLL void H5_bandwidth(char *buf/*out*/, double nbytes, double nseconds);

/* Depth of object copy */
typedef enum {
    H5_COPY_SHALLOW,    /* Shallow copy from source to destination, just copy field pointers */
    H5_COPY_DEEP        /* Deep copy from source to destination, including duplicating fields pointed to */
} H5_copy_depth_t;

 * Redefine all the POSIX functions.  We should never see a POSIX
 * function (or any other non-HDF5 function) in the source!
#define HDabort()		abort()
#define HDabs(X)		abs(X)
#define HDaccess(F,M)		access(F, M)
#define HDacos(X)		acos(X)
#ifdef H5_HAVE_ALARM
#define HDalarm(N)              alarm(N)
#else /* H5_HAVE_ALARM */
#define HDalarm(N)              (0)
#endif /* H5_HAVE_ALARM */
#define HDasctime(T)		asctime(T)
#define HDasin(X)		asin(X)
#define HDassert(X)		assert(X)
#define HDatan(X)		atan(X)
#define HDatan2(X,Y)		atan2(X,Y)
#define HDatexit(F)		atexit(F)
#define HDatof(S)		atof(S)
#define HDatoi(S)		atoi(S)
#define HDatol(S)		atol(S)
#define HDBSDgettimeofday(S,P)	BSDgettimeofday(S,P)
#define HDbsearch(K,B,N,Z,F)	bsearch(K,B,N,Z,F)
#define HDcalloc(N,Z)		calloc(N,Z)
#define HDceil(X)		ceil(X)
#define HDcfgetispeed(T)	cfgetispeed(T)
#define HDcfgetospeed(T)	cfgetospeed(T)
#define HDcfsetispeed(T,S)	cfsetispeed(T,S)
#define HDcfsetospeed(T,S)	cfsetospeed(T,S)
#define HDchdir(S)		chdir(S)
#define HDchmod(S,M)		chmod(S,M)
#define HDchown(S,O,G)		chown(S,O,G)
#define HDclearerr(F)		clearerr(F)
#define HDclock()		clock()
#define HDclose(F)		close(F)
#define HDclosedir(D)		closedir(D)
#define HDcos(X)		cos(X)
#define HDcosh(X)		cosh(X)
#define HDcreat(S,M)		creat(S,M)
#define HDctermid(S)		ctermid(S)
#define HDctime(T)		ctime(T)
#define HDcuserid(S)		cuserid(S)
#define HDdifftime(X,Y)		difftime(X,Y)
#define HDdifftime(X,Y)		((double)(X)-(double)(Y))
#define HDdiv(X,Y)		div(X,Y)
#define HDdup(F)		dup(F)
#define HDdup2(F,I)		dup2(F,I)
/* execl() variable arguments */
/* execle() variable arguments */
/* execlp() variable arguments */
#define HDexecv(S,AV)		execv(S,AV)
#define HDexecve(S,AV,E)	execve(S,AV,E)
#define HDexecvp(S,AV)		execvp(S,AV)
#define HDexit(N)		exit(N)
#if defined __MWERKS__
#include <abort_exit.h>
#define HD_exit(N)		__exit(N)
#else /* __MWERKS __ */
#define HD_exit(N)		_exit(N)
#endif /* __MWERKS __ */
#define HDexp(X)		exp(X)
#define HDfabs(X)		fabs(X)
/* use ABS() because fabsf() fabsl() are not common yet. */
#define HDfabsf(X)		ABS(X)
#define HDfabsl(X)		ABS(X)
#define HDfclose(F)		fclose(F)
/* fcntl() variable arguments */
#define HDfdopen(N,S)		fdopen(N,S)
#define HDfeof(F)		feof(F)
#define HDferror(F)		ferror(F)
#define HDfflush(F)		fflush(F)
#define HDfgetc(F)		fgetc(F)
#define HDfgetpos(F,P)		fgetpos(F,P)
#define HDfgets(S,N,F)		fgets(S,N,F)
#ifdef WIN32
#define HDfileno(F)		_fileno(F)
#else /* WIN32 */
#define HDfileno(F)		fileno(F)
#endif /* WIN32 */
#define HDfloor(X)		floor(X)
#define HDfmod(X,Y)		fmod(X,Y)
#define HDfopen(S,M)		fopen(S,M)
#define HDfork()		fork()
#define HDfpathconf(F,N)	fpathconf(F,N)
H5_DLL int HDfprintf (FILE *stream, const char *fmt, ...);
#define HDfputc(C,F)		fputc(C,F)
#define HDfputs(S,F)		fputs(S,F)
#define HDfread(M,Z,N,F)	fread(M,Z,N,F)
#define HDfree(M)		free(M)
#define HDfreopen(S,M,F)	freopen(S,M,F)
#define HDfrexp(X,N)		frexp(X,N)
/* Check for Cray-specific 'frexpf()' and 'frexpl()' routines */
#define HDfrexpf(X,N)		frexpf(X,N)
#else /* H5_HAVE_FREXPF */
#define HDfrexpf(X,N)		frexp(X,N)
#endif /* H5_HAVE_FREXPF */
#define HDfrexpl(X,N)		frexpl(X,N)
#else /* H5_HAVE_FREXPL */
#define HDfrexpl(X,N)		frexp(X,N)
#endif /* H5_HAVE_FREXPL */
/* fscanf() variable arguments */
#define HDfseek(F,O,W)		fseek(F,O,W)
#define HDfsetpos(F,P)		fsetpos(F,P)
/* definitions related to the file stat utilities.
 * Windows have its own function names.
 * For Unix, if off_t is not 64bit big, try use the pseudo-standard
 * xxx64 versions if available.
#ifdef WIN32
    #ifdef __MWERKS__
    #define HDfstat(F,B)        fstat(F,B)
    #define HDstat(S,B)   	stat(S,B)
    typedef struct stat		h5_stat_t;
    typedef off_t               h5_stat_size_t;
    #else /*MSVC*/
    #define HDfstat(F,B)	_fstati64(F,B)
    #define HDstat(S,B)		_stati64(S,B)
    typedef struct _stati64	h5_stat_t;
    typedef __int64             h5_stat_size_t;
#elif H5_SIZEOF_OFF_T!=8 && H5_SIZEOF_OFF64_T==8 && defined(H5_HAVE_STAT64)
    #define HDfstat(F,B)        fstat64(F,B)
    #define HDstat(S,B)  	stat64(S,B)
    typedef struct stat64       h5_stat_t;
    typedef off64_t             h5_stat_size_t;
    #define HDfstat(F,B)        fstat(F,B)
    #define HDstat(S,B)  	stat(S,B)
    typedef struct stat         h5_stat_t;
    typedef off_t               h5_stat_size_t;

#define HDftell(F)		ftell(F)
#define HDftruncate(F,L)        ftruncate(F,L)
#define HDfwrite(M,Z,N,F)	fwrite(M,Z,N,F)
#define HDgetc(F)		getc(F)
#define HDgetchar()		getchar()
#define HDgetcwd(S,Z)		getcwd(S,Z)
#define HDgetegid()		getegid()
#define HDgetenv(S)		getenv(S)
#define HDgeteuid()		geteuid()
#define HDgetgid()		getgid()
#define HDgetgrgid(G)		getgrgid(G)
#define HDgetgrnam(S)		getgrnam(S)
#define HDgetgroups(Z,G)	getgroups(Z,G)
#define HDgetlogin()		getlogin()
#define HDgetpgrp()		getpgrp()
#define HDgetpid()		getpid()
#define HDgetppid()		getppid()
#define HDgetpwnam(S)		getpwnam(S)
#define HDgetpwuid(U)		getpwuid(U)
#define HDgetrusage(X,S)	getrusage(X,S)
#define HDgets(S)		gets(S)
#define HDgettimeofday(S,P)	gettimeofday(S,P)
#define HDgetuid()		getuid()
#define HDgmtime(T)		gmtime(T)
#define HDisalnum(C)		isalnum((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDisalpha(C)		isalpha((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDisatty(F)		isatty(F)
#define HDiscntrl(C)		iscntrl((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDisdigit(C)		isdigit((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDisgraph(C)		isgraph((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDislower(C)		islower((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDisprint(C)		isprint((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDispunct(C)		ispunct((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDisspace(C)		isspace((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDisupper(C)		isupper((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDisxdigit(C)		isxdigit((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
#define HDkill(P,S)		kill(P,S)
#define HDlabs(X)		labs(X)
#define HDldexp(X,N)		ldexp(X,N)
#define HDldiv(X,Y)		ldiv(X,Y)
#define HDlink(OLD,NEW)		link(OLD,NEW)
#define HDlocaleconv()		localeconv()
#define HDlocaltime(T)		localtime(T)
#define HDlog(X)		log(X)
#define HDlog10(X)		log10(X)
#define HDlongjmp(J,N)		longjmp(J,N)
#ifdef WIN32
     #ifdef __MWERKS__
        #define HDlseek(F,O,W)  lseek(F,O,W)
     #else /*MSVS */
        #define HDlseek(F,O,W)  _lseeki64(F,O,W)
#define HDlseek(F,O,W)		lseek(F,O,W)
#define HDmalloc(Z)		malloc(Z)
#define HDmblen(S,N)		mblen(S,N)
#define HDmbstowcs(P,S,Z)	mbstowcs(P,S,Z)
#define HDmbtowc(P,S,Z)		mbtowc(P,S,Z)
#define HDmemchr(S,C,Z)		memchr(S,C,Z)
#define HDmemcmp(X,Y,Z)		memcmp(X,Y,Z)
 * The (char*) casts are required for the DEC when optimizations are turned
 * on and the source and/or destination are not aligned.
#define HDmemcpy(X,Y,Z)		memcpy((char*)(X),(const char*)(Y),Z)
#define HDmemmove(X,Y,Z)	memmove((char*)(X),(const char*)(Y),Z)
 * The (void*) cast just avoids a compiler warning in WIN32
#ifdef WIN32
#define HDmemset(X,C,Z)		memset((void*)(X),C,Z)
#else /* WIN32 */
#define HDmemset(X,C,Z)		memset(X,C,Z)
#endif /* WIN32 */
#ifdef WIN32
#define HDmkdir(S,M)		_mkdir(S)
#else /* WIN32 */
#define HDmkdir(S,M)		mkdir(S,M)
#endif /* WIN32 */
#define HDmkfifo(S,M)		mkfifo(S,M)
#define HDmktime(T)		mktime(T)
#define HDmodf(X,Y)		modf(X,Y)
#ifdef _O_BINARY
#define HDopen(S,F,M)		open(S,F|_O_BINARY,M)
#define HDopen(S,F,M)		open(S,F,M)
#define HDopendir(S)		opendir(S)
#define HDpathconf(S,N)		pathconf(S,N)
#define HDpause()		pause()
#define HDperror(S)		perror(S)
#define HDpipe(F)		pipe(F)
#define HDpow(X,Y)		pow(X,Y)
/* printf() variable arguments */
#define HDputc(C,F)		putc(C,F)
#define HDputchar(C)		putchar(C)
#define HDputs(S)		puts(S)
#define HDqsort(M,N,Z,F)	qsort(M,N,Z,F)
#define HDraise(N)		raise(N)

#ifdef H5_HAVE_RAND_R
#define HDrandom()		HDrand()
H5_DLL int HDrand(void);
#define HDrand()		random()
#define HDrandom()		random()
#define HDrand()		rand()
#define HDrandom()		rand()

#define HDread(F,M,Z)		read(F,M,Z)
#define HDreaddir(D)		readdir(D)
#define HDrealloc(M,Z)		realloc(M,Z)
#ifdef H5_VMS
#define HDremove(S) 		HDremove_all(S)
int HDremove_all(char * fname);
#define HDremove(S)		remove(S)
#endif /*H5_VMS*/
#define HDrename(OLD,NEW)	rename(OLD,NEW)
#define HDrewind(F)		rewind(F)
#define HDrewinddir(D)		rewinddir(D)
#define HDrmdir(S)		rmdir(S)
/* scanf() variable arguments */
#define HDsetbuf(F,S)		setbuf(F,S)
#define HDsetgid(G)		setgid(G)
#define HDsetjmp(J)		setjmp(J)
#define HDsetlocale(N,S)	setlocale(N,S)
#define HDsetpgid(P,PG)		setpgid(P,PG)
#define HDsetsid()		setsid()
#define HDsetuid(U)		setuid(U)
#ifndef WIN32
#define HDsetvbuf(F,S,M,Z)	setvbuf(F,S,M,Z)
#define HDsigaction(N,A)	sigaction(N,A)
#define HDsigaddset(S,N)	sigaddset(S,N)
#define HDsigdelset(S,N)	sigdelset(S,N)
#define HDsigemptyset(S)	sigemptyset(S)
#define HDsigfillset(S)		sigfillset(S)
#define HDsigismember(S,N)	sigismember(S,N)
#define HDsiglongjmp(J,N)	siglongjmp(J,N)
#define HDsignal(N,F)		signal(N,F)
#define HDsigpending(S)		sigpending(S)
#define HDsigprocmask(H,S,O)	sigprocmask(H,S,O)
#define HDsigsetjmp(J,N)	sigsetjmp(J,N)
#define HDsigsuspend(S)		sigsuspend(S)
#define HDsin(X)		sin(X)
#define HDsinh(X)		sinh(X)
#define HDsleep(N)		sleep(N)
#ifdef WIN32
#define HDsnprintf              _snprintf /*varargs*/
#define HDsnprintf		snprintf /*varargs*/
/* sprintf() variable arguments */
#define HDsqrt(X)		sqrt(X)
#ifdef H5_HAVE_RAND_R
H5_DLL void HDsrand(unsigned int seed);
#define HDsrandom(S)		HDsrand(S)
#define HDsrand(S)		srandom(S)
#define HDsrandom(S)		srandom(S)
#define HDsrand(S)		srand(S)
#define HDsrandom(S)		srand(S)
/* sscanf() variable arguments */

#define HDstrcat(X,Y)		strcat(X,Y)
#define HDstrchr(S,C)		strchr(S,C)
#define HDstrcmp(X,Y)		strcmp(X,Y)
#define HDstrcoll(X,Y)		strcoll(X,Y)
#define HDstrcpy(X,Y)		strcpy(X,Y)
#define HDstrcspn(X,Y)		strcspn(X,Y)
#define HDstrerror(N)		strerror(N)
#define HDstrftime(S,Z,F,T)	strftime(S,Z,F,T)
#define HDstrlen(S)		strlen(S)
#define HDstrncat(X,Y,Z)	strncat(X,Y,Z)
#define HDstrncmp(X,Y,Z)	strncmp(X,Y,Z)
#define HDstrncpy(X,Y,Z)	strncpy(X,Y,Z)
#define HDstrpbrk(X,Y)		strpbrk(X,Y)
#define HDstrrchr(S,C)		strrchr(S,C)
#define HDstrspn(X,Y)		strspn(X,Y)
#define HDstrstr(X,Y)		strstr(X,Y)
#define HDstrtod(S,R)		strtod(S,R)
#define HDstrtok(X,Y)		strtok(X,Y)
#define HDstrtol(S,R,N)		strtol(S,R,N)
H5_DLL int64_t HDstrtoll (const char *s, const char **rest, int base);
#define HDstrtoul(S,R,N)	strtoul(S,R,N)
#define HDstrxfrm(X,Y,Z)	strxfrm(X,Y,Z)
#define HDsysconf(N)		sysconf(N)
#define HDsystem(S)		system(S)
#define HDtan(X)		tan(X)
#define HDtanh(X)		tanh(X)
#define HDtcdrain(F)		tcdrain(F)
#define HDtcflow(F,A)		tcflow(F,A)
#define HDtcflush(F,N)		tcflush(F,N)
#define HDtcgetattr(F,T)	tcgetattr(F,T)
#define HDtcgetpgrp(F)		tcgetpgrp(F)
#define HDtcsendbreak(F,N)	tcsendbreak(F,N)
#define HDtcsetattr(F,O,T)	tcsetattr(F,O,T)
#define HDtcsetpgrp(F,N)	tcsetpgrp(F,N)
#define HDtime(T)		time(T)
#define HDtimes(T)		times(T)
#define HDtmpfile()		tmpfile()
#define HDtmpnam(S)		tmpnam(S)
#define HDtolower(C)		tolower(C)
#define HDtoupper(C)		toupper(C)
#define HDttyname(F)		ttyname(F)
#define HDtzset()		tzset()
#define HDumask(N)		umask(N)
#define HDuname(S)		uname(S)
#define HDungetc(C,F)		ungetc(C,F)
#ifdef WIN32
#define HDunlink(S)             _unlink(S)
#define HDunlink(S)		unlink(S)
#define HDutime(S,T)		utime(S,T)
#define HDva_arg(A,T)		va_arg(A,T)
#define HDva_end(A)		va_end(A)
#define HDva_start(A,P)		va_start(A,P)
#define HDvasprintf(RET,FMT,A)  vasprintf(RET,FMT,A)
#define HDvfprintf(F,FMT,A)	vfprintf(F,FMT,A)
#define HDvprintf(FMT,A)	vprintf(FMT,A)
#define HDvsprintf(S,FMT,A)	vsprintf(S,FMT,A)
#ifdef WIN32
#   define HDvsnprintf(S,N,FMT,A) _vsnprintf(S,N,FMT,A)
#   define HDvsnprintf(S,N,FMT,A) vsnprintf(S,N,FMT,A)
#define HDwait(W)		wait(W)
#define HDwaitpid(P,W,O)	waitpid(P,W,O)
#define HDwcstombs(S,P,Z)	wcstombs(S,P,Z)
#define HDwctomb(S,C)		wctomb(S,C)

#if defined (__MWERKS__)
/* workaround for a bug in the Metrowerks version 6.0 header file for write
 which is not defined as const void*
#define HDwrite(F,M,Z)		write(F,(void*)M,Z)
#define HDwrite(F,M,Z)		write(F,M,Z)

 * And now for a couple non-Posix functions...  Watch out for systems that
 * define these in terms of macros.
#ifdef WIN32
#define HDstrdup(S)    _strdup(S)
#else /* WIN32 */

#if !defined strdup && !defined H5_HAVE_STRDUP
extern char *strdup(const char *s);

#define HDstrdup(S)     strdup(S)

#endif /* WIN32 */

 * These macros check whether debugging has been requested for a certain
 * package at run-time.	 Code for debugging is conditionally compiled by
 * defining constants like `H5X_DEBUG'.	 In order to see the output though
 * the code must be enabled at run-time with an environment variable
 * HDF5_DEBUG which is a list of packages to debug.
 * Note:  If you add/remove items from this enum then be sure to update the
 *	  information about the package in H5_init_library().
typedef enum {
    H5_PKG_A,				/*Attributes			*/
    H5_PKG_AC,				/*Meta data cache		*/
    H5_PKG_B,				/*B-trees			*/
    H5_PKG_D,				/*Datasets			*/
    H5_PKG_E,				/*Error handling		*/
    H5_PKG_F,				/*Files				*/
    H5_PKG_G,				/*Groups			*/
    H5_PKG_HG,				/*Global heap			*/
    H5_PKG_HL,				/*Local heap			*/
    H5_PKG_I,				/*Interface			*/
    H5_PKG_MF,				/*File memory management	*/
    H5_PKG_MM,				/*Core memory management	*/
    H5_PKG_O,				/*Object headers		*/
    H5_PKG_P,				/*Property lists		*/
    H5_PKG_S,				/*Data spaces			*/
    H5_PKG_T,				/*Data types			*/
    H5_PKG_V,				/*Vector functions		*/
    H5_PKG_Z,				/*Raw data filters		*/
    H5_NPKGS				/*Must be last			*/
} H5_pkg_t;

typedef struct H5_debug_t {
    FILE		*trace;		/*API trace output stream	*/
    hbool_t             ttop;           /*Show only top-level calls?    */
    hbool_t             ttimes;         /*Show trace event times?       */
    struct {
	const char	*name;		/*package name			*/
	FILE		*stream;	/*output stream	or NULL		*/
    } pkg[H5_NPKGS];
} H5_debug_t;

extern H5_debug_t		H5_debug_g;
#define H5DEBUG(X)		(H5_debug_g.pkg[H5_PKG_##X].stream)

 * Purpose:	These macros are inserted automatically just after the
 *		FUNC_ENTER() macro of API functions and are used to trace
 *		application program execution. Unless H5_DEBUG_API has been
 *		defined they are no-ops.
 * Arguments:	R	- Return type encoded as a string
 *		T	- Argument types encoded as a string
 *		A0-An	- Arguments.  The number at the end of the macro name
 *			  indicates the number of arguments.
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 * Modifications:
#ifdef H5_DEBUG_API
#define H5TRACE_DECL			   const char *RTYPE=NULL;                                      \
                                           double CALLTIME;
#define H5TRACE0(R,T)			   RTYPE=R;                                                     \
#define H5TRACE1(R,T,A0)		   RTYPE=R;			                                \
#define H5TRACE2(R,T,A0,A1)		   RTYPE=R;                                                     \
#define H5TRACE3(R,T,A0,A1,A2)		   RTYPE=R;			                                \
#define H5TRACE4(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3)	   RTYPE=R;                                                     \
#define H5TRACE5(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4)	   RTYPE=R;                                                     \
					   CALLTIME=H5_trace(NULL,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,#A2,A2,#A3,A3,   \
#define H5TRACE6(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)	   RTYPE=R;                                                     \
					   CALLTIME=H5_trace(NULL,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,#A2,A2,#A3,A3,   \
#define H5TRACE7(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6) RTYPE=R;                                                     \
					   CALLTIME=H5_trace(NULL,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,#A2,A2,#A3,A3,   \
#define H5TRACE8(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7) RTYPE=R;                                                  \
                                           CALLTIME=H5_trace(NULL,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,#A2,A2,#A3,A3,   \
#define H5TRACE9(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8) RTYPE=R;                                               \
                                           CALLTIME=H5_trace(NULL,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,#A2,A2,#A3,A3,   \
#define H5TRACE10(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9) RTYPE=R;                                           \
                                           CALLTIME=H5_trace(NULL,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,#A2,A2,#A3,A3,   \
#define H5TRACE11(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10) RTYPE=R;                                       \
                                           CALLTIME=H5_trace(NULL,FUNC,T,#A0,A0,#A1,A1,#A2,A2,#A3,A3,   \
                                                             #A4,A4,#A5,A5,#A6,A6,#A7,A7,#A8,A8,#A9,A9, \
#define H5TRACE_RETURN(V)		   if (RTYPE) {                                                 \
					      H5_trace(&CALLTIME,FUNC,RTYPE,NULL,V);                    \
					      RTYPE=NULL;                                               \
#define H5TRACE_DECL			                /*void*/
#define H5TRACE0(R,T)			                /*void*/
#define H5TRACE1(R,T,A0)		                /*void*/
#define H5TRACE2(R,T,A0,A1)		                /*void*/
#define H5TRACE3(R,T,A0,A1,A2)		                /*void*/
#define H5TRACE4(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3)	                /*void*/
#define H5TRACE5(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4)	                /*void*/
#define H5TRACE6(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)	                /*void*/
#define H5TRACE7(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6)              /*void*/
#define H5TRACE8(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7)           /*void*/
#define H5TRACE9(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8)        /*void*/
#define H5TRACE10(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9)    /*void*/
#define H5TRACE11(R,T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10) /*void*/
#define H5TRACE_RETURN(V)		                /*void*/

H5_DLL double H5_trace(const double *calltime, const char *func, const char *type, ...);

 * Purpose:	Register function entry for library initialization and code
 *		profiling.
 * Notes:	Every file must have a file-scope variable called
 *		`initialize_interface_g' of type hbool_t which is initialized
 *		to FALSE.
 *		Don't use local variable initializers which contain
 *		calls to other library functions since the initializer
 *		would happen before the FUNC_ENTER() gets called.  Don't
 *		use initializers that require special cleanup code to
 *		execute if FUNC_ENTER() fails since a failing FUNC_ENTER()
 *		returns immediately without branching to the `done' label.
 * Programmer:	Quincey Koziol
 * Modifications:

/* `S' is the name of a function which is being tested to check if its */
/*      an API function */
#define H5_IS_API(S) ('_'!=S[2] && '_'!=S[3] && (!S[4] || '_'!=S[4]))

/* global library version information string */
extern char	H5_lib_vers_info_g[];

/* Lock headers */

/* Include required thread-safety header */
#include "H5TSprivate.h"

/* replacement structure for original global variable */
typedef struct H5_api_struct {
    H5TS_mutex_t init_lock;  /* API entrance mutex */
    hbool_t H5_libinit_g;    /* Has the library been initialized? */
} H5_api_t;

/* Macros for accessing the global variables */
#define H5_INIT_GLOBAL H5_g.H5_libinit_g

/* Macro for first thread initialization */
#define H5_FIRST_THREAD_INIT                                                  \
   pthread_once(&H5TS_first_init_g, H5TS_first_thread_init);

/* Macros for threadsafe HDF-5 Phase I locks */
#define H5_API_LOCK                                                           \
#define H5_API_UNLOCK                                                         \

/* Macros for thread cancellation-safe mechanism */
#define H5_API_UNSET_CANCEL                                                   \

#define H5_API_SET_CANCEL                                                     \

extern H5_api_t H5_g;

#else /* H5_HAVE_THREADSAFE */

/* disable any first thread init mechanism */

/* disable locks (sequential version) */
#define H5_API_LOCK
#define H5_API_UNLOCK

/* disable cancelability (sequential version) */

/* extern global variables */
extern hbool_t H5_libinit_g;    /* Has the library been initialized? */

/* Macros for accessing the global variables */
#define H5_INIT_GLOBAL H5_libinit_g

#endif /* H5_HAVE_THREADSAFE */


/* Include required function stack header */
#include "H5CSprivate.h"

#define H5_PUSH_FUNC(func_name) H5CS_push(#func_name)
#define H5_POP_FUNC             H5CS_pop()
#else /* H5_HAVE_CODESTACK */
#define H5_PUSH_FUNC(func_name) /* void */
#define H5_POP_FUNC             /* void */
#endif /* H5_HAVE_CODESTACK */

#ifdef H5_HAVE_MPE
extern hbool_t H5_MPEinit_g;   /* Has the MPE Library been initialized? */

/* Check if the function name is correct (if the compiler supports __FUNCTION__) */
#define H5_CHECK_FUNCNAME(func_name) \
    assert(!HDstrcmp(#func_name, __FUNCTION__))
#else /* H5_HAVE_FUNCTION */
#define H5_CHECK_FUNCNAME(func_name) \
#endif /* H5_HAVE_FUNCTION */

/* Macros for defining interface initialization routines */
static int		H5_interface_initialize_g = 0;
static herr_t		H5_INTERFACE_INIT_FUNC(void);
#define H5_INTERFACE_INIT(err)						      \
   /* Initialize this interface or bust */				      \
   if (!H5_interface_initialize_g) {					      \
      H5_interface_initialize_g = 1;					      \
      if (H5_INTERFACE_INIT_FUNC()<0) {					      \
         H5_interface_initialize_g = 0;				              \
         HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, err,		              \
            "interface initialization failed")		                      \
      }								              \
#define H5_INTERFACE_INIT(err)

#ifndef NDEBUG
#define FUNC_ENTER_COMMON_NOFUNC(func_name,asrt)                              \
    static hbool_t func_check = FALSE;          			      \
    if(!func_check) {			   				      \
        /* Check API status */               				      \
        HDassert(asrt);				                              \
        /* Check function name */               			      \
        H5_CHECK_FUNCNAME(func_name);					      \
        /* Don't check again */                 			      \
        func_check = TRUE;						      \
    } /* end if */
#else /* NDEBUG */
#define FUNC_ENTER_COMMON_NOFUNC(func_name,asrt)
#endif /* NDEBUG */

#define FUNC_ENTER_COMMON(func_name,asrt)                                     \
    static const char FUNC[]=#func_name;                                      \

/* Threadsafety initialization code for API routines */
#define FUNC_ENTER_API_THREADSAFE                                             \
   /* Initialize the thread-safe code */				      \
   H5_FIRST_THREAD_INIT                                                       \
   /* Grab the mutex for the library */ 				      \
   H5_API_UNSET_CANCEL                                                        \

/* Threadsafety termination code for API routines */
#define FUNC_LEAVE_API_THREADSAFE                                             \
    H5_API_UNLOCK                                                             \

/* Local variables for API routines */
#define FUNC_ENTER_API_VARS(func_name)                                        \
    MPE_LOG_VARS(func_name)                                                   \

/* Use this macro for all "normal" API functions */
#define FUNC_ENTER_API(func_name,err) {{                                      \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_VARS(func_name)                                            \
    FUNC_ENTER_COMMON(func_name,H5_IS_API(#func_name));                       \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_THREADSAFE;                                                \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_COMMON(func_name,err);		                      \
    /* Clear thread error stack entering public functions */		      \
    H5E_clear_stack(NULL);				                      \

 * Use this macro for API functions that shouldn't clear the error stack
 *      like H5Eprint and H5Ewalk.
#define FUNC_ENTER_API_NOCLEAR(func_name,err) {{                              \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_VARS(func_name)                                            \
    FUNC_ENTER_COMMON(func_name,H5_IS_API(#func_name));                       \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_THREADSAFE;                                                \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_COMMON(func_name,err);		                      \

 * Use this macro for API functions that shouldn't perform _any_ initialization
 *      of the library or an interface, just perform tracing, etc.  Examples
 *      are: H5check_version, etc.
#define FUNC_ENTER_API_NOINIT(func_name) {{                                   \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_VARS(func_name)                                            \
    FUNC_ENTER_COMMON(func_name,H5_IS_API(#func_name));                       \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_THREADSAFE;                                                \
    H5_PUSH_FUNC(func_name);                                                  \
    BEGIN_MPE_LOG(func_name);                                                 \

 * Use this macro for API functions that shouldn't perform _any_ initialization
 *      of the library or an interface or push themselves on the function
 *      stack, just perform tracing, etc.  Examples
 *      are: H5close, etc.
#define FUNC_ENTER_API_NOINIT_NOFS(func_name) {{                              \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_VARS(func_name)                                            \
    FUNC_ENTER_COMMON(func_name,H5_IS_API(#func_name));                       \
    FUNC_ENTER_API_THREADSAFE;                                                \
    BEGIN_MPE_LOG(func_name);                                                 \

/* Use this macro for all "normal" non-API functions */
#define FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(func_name,err) {                                     \
    FUNC_ENTER_COMMON(func_name,!H5_IS_API(#func_name));                      \
    FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_INIT(func_name,err)		                      \

/* Use this macro for all non-API functions which don't issue errors */
#define FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOFUNC(func_name) {                                  \
    FUNC_ENTER_COMMON_NOFUNC(func_name,!H5_IS_API(#func_name));               \
    FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_INIT(func_name,err)		                      \

 * Use this macro for non-API functions which fall into these categories:
 *      - static functions, since they must be called from a function in the
 *              interface, the library and interface must already be
 *              initialized.
 *      - functions which are called during library shutdown, since we don't
 *              want to re-initialize the library.
#define FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(func_name) {                                        \
    FUNC_ENTER_COMMON(func_name,!H5_IS_API(#func_name));                      \
    H5_PUSH_FUNC(func_name);                                                  \

 * Use this macro for non-API functions which fall into these categories:
 *      - static functions, since they must be called from a function in the
 *              interface, the library and interface must already be
 *              initialized.
 *      - functions which are called during library shutdown, since we don't
 *              want to re-initialize the library.
 * This macro is used for functions which fit the above categories _and_
 * also don't use the 'FUNC' variable (i.e. don't push errors on the error stack)
#define FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT_NOFUNC(func_name) {                           \
    FUNC_ENTER_COMMON_NOFUNC(func_name,!H5_IS_API(#func_name));               \
    H5_PUSH_FUNC(func_name);                                                  \

 * Use this macro for non-API functions which fall into these categories:
 *      - functions which shouldn't push their name on the function stack
 *              (so far, just the H5CS routines themselves)
 * This macro is used for functions which fit the above categories _and_
 * also don't use the 'FUNC' variable (i.e. don't push errors on the error stack)
#define FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOFUNC_NOFS(func_name) {                             \
    FUNC_ENTER_COMMON_NOFUNC(func_name,!H5_IS_API(#func_name));               \

#define FUNC_ENTER_API_COMMON(func_name,err)			       	      \
   /* Initialize the library */           				      \
   if (!(H5_INIT_GLOBAL)) {                                                   \
       H5_INIT_GLOBAL = TRUE;                                                 \
       if (H5_init_library()<0)  					      \
          HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, err,		              \
            "library initialization failed")		                      \
   }								              \
   /* Initialize the interface, if appropriate */		              \
   H5_INTERFACE_INIT(err)						      \
   /* Push the name of this function on the function stack */                 \
   H5_PUSH_FUNC(func_name);                                                   \

#define FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_INIT(func_name,err)			       	      \
   /* Initialize the interface, if appropriate */		              \
   H5_INTERFACE_INIT(err)						      \
   /* Push the name of this function on the function stack */                 \

 * Purpose:	Register function exit for code profiling.  This should be
 *		the last statement executed by a function.
 * Programmer:	Quincey Koziol
 * Modifications:
 *	Robb Matzke, 4 Aug 1997
 *	The pablo mask comes from the constant PABLO_MASK defined on a
 *	per-file basis.	 The pablo_func_id comes from an auto variable
 *	defined by FUNC_ENTER.
 *      PABLO was deleted on January 21, 2005 EIP
#define FUNC_LEAVE_API(ret_value)                                             \
        FINISH_MPE_LOG;                                                       \
        H5TRACE_RETURN(ret_value);					      \
        H5_POP_FUNC;                                                          \
        FUNC_LEAVE_API_THREADSAFE                                             \
        return (ret_value);						      \
    } /*end scope from end of FUNC_ENTER*/                                    \
}} /*end scope from beginning of FUNC_ENTER*/

#define FUNC_LEAVE_API_NOFS(ret_value)                                        \
        FINISH_MPE_LOG;                                                       \
        H5TRACE_RETURN(ret_value);					      \
        FUNC_LEAVE_API_THREADSAFE                                             \
        return (ret_value);						      \
    } /*end scope from end of FUNC_ENTER*/                                    \
}} /*end scope from beginning of FUNC_ENTER*/

#define FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value)                                           \
        H5_POP_FUNC;                                                          \
        return (ret_value);						      \
    } /*end scope from end of FUNC_ENTER*/                                    \
} /*end scope from beginning of FUNC_ENTER*/

#define FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI_VOID                                                 \
        H5_POP_FUNC;                                                          \
        return;						                      \
    } /*end scope from end of FUNC_ENTER*/                                    \
} /*end scope from beginning of FUNC_ENTER*/

 * Use this macro for non-API functions which fall into these categories:
 *      - functions which didn't push their name on the function stack
 *              (so far, just the H5CS routines themselves)
#define FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI_NOFS(ret_value)                                      \
        return (ret_value);						      \
    } /*end scope from end of FUNC_ENTER*/                                    \
} /*end scope from beginning of FUNC_ENTER*/

/* Macro for "glueing" together items, for re-scanning macros */
#define H5_GLUE(x,y)       x##y
#define H5_GLUE3(x,y,z)    x##y##z

/* Private functions, not part of the publicly documented API */
H5_DLL herr_t H5_init_library(void);
H5_DLL void H5_term_library(void);

/* Functions to terminate interfaces */
H5_DLL int H5A_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5AC_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5D_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5E_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5F_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5FS_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5G_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5I_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5P_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5R_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5S_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5T_term_interface(void);
H5_DLL int H5Z_term_interface(void);

/* Functions for debugging */
H5_DLL herr_t H5_buffer_dump(FILE *stream, int indent, uint8_t *buf,
    uint8_t *marker, size_t buf_offset, size_t buf_size);