/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * Copyright by The HDF Group.                                               *
 * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.         *
 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
 *                                                                           *
 * This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
 * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
 * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code       *
 * distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases.  *
 * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from     *
 * help@hdfgroup.org.                                                        *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

/* Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              6/9/04
 *        This file contains tests for the cache implemented in
 *        H5C.c
#include "cache_common.h"
#include "H5MFprivate.h"

H5C_t * saved_cache = NULL; /* store the pointer to the instance of
                             * of H5C_t created by H5Fcreate()
                             * here between test cache setup and
                             * shutdown.

haddr_t saved_actual_base_addr = HADDR_UNDEF;   /* Store the address of the
                                                 * space allocated for cache items in the file between
                                                 * cache setup & takedown

hid_t saved_fapl_id = H5P_DEFAULT; /* store the fapl id here between
                                    * cache setup and takedown.  Note
                                    * that if saved_fapl_id == H5P_DEFAULT,
                                    * we assume that there is no fapl to
                                    * close.

hid_t saved_fcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT; /* store the fcpl id here between
                                    * cache setup and takedown.  Note
                                    * that if saved_fcpl_id == H5P_DEFAULT,
                                    * we assume that there is no fcpl to
                                    * close.

hid_t saved_fid = -1;  /* store the file id here between cache setup
                        * and takedown.
hbool_t write_permitted = TRUE;
hbool_t try_core_file_driver = FALSE;
hbool_t core_file_driver_failed = FALSE;

/* global variable declarations: */

const char *FILENAME[] = {

/* private typedef declarations: */

struct flush_cache_test_spec
    int            entry_num;
    int            entry_type;
    int            entry_index;
    hbool_t        insert_flag;
    unsigned int    flags;
    hbool_t        expected_deserialized;
    hbool_t        expected_serialized;
    hbool_t        expected_destroyed;

struct pe_flush_cache_test_spec
    int            entry_num;
    int            entry_type;
    int            entry_index;
    hbool_t        insert_flag;
    unsigned int    flags;
    int            num_pins;
    int            pin_type[MAX_PINS];
    int            pin_idx[MAX_PINS];
    hbool_t        expected_deserialized;
    hbool_t        expected_serialized;
    hbool_t        expected_destroyed;

struct fo_flush_entry_check
    int            entry_num;
    int            entry_type;
    int            entry_index;
    size_t        expected_size;
    hbool_t        in_cache;
    hbool_t        at_main_addr;
    hbool_t        is_dirty;
    hbool_t        is_protected;
    hbool_t        is_pinned;
    hbool_t        expected_deserialized;
    hbool_t        expected_serialized;
    hbool_t        expected_destroyed;

struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec
    int                entry_num;
    int                entry_type;
    int                entry_index;
    hbool_t            insert_flag;
    unsigned int        flags;
    hbool_t            resize_flag;
    size_t            new_size;
    int                num_pins;
    int                pin_type[MAX_PINS];
    int                pin_idx[MAX_PINS];
    int                num_flush_ops;
    struct flush_op        flush_ops[MAX_FLUSH_OPS];
    hbool_t            expected_deserialized;
    hbool_t            expected_serialized;
    hbool_t            expected_destroyed;

struct move_entry_test_spec
    int            entry_type;
    int            entry_index;
    hbool_t        is_pinned;
    hbool_t             is_protected;

/* private function declarations: */

static unsigned smoke_check_1(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned smoke_check_2(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned smoke_check_3(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned smoke_check_4(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned smoke_check_5(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned smoke_check_6(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned smoke_check_7(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned smoke_check_8(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned smoke_check_9(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned smoke_check_10(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned write_permitted_check(int express_test, unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_insert_entry(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_flush_cache(unsigned paged);
static void check_flush_cache__empty_cache(H5F_t * file_ptr);
static void check_flush_cache__multi_entry(H5F_t * file_ptr);
static void check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                          int test_num,
                                          unsigned int flush_flags,
                                          unsigned int spec_size,
                                          struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[]);
static void check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                        int test_num,
                                        unsigned int flush_flags,
                                        unsigned int spec_size,
                                        struct pe_flush_cache_test_spec spec[]);
static void check_flush_cache__single_entry(H5F_t * file_ptr);
static void check_flush_cache__single_entry_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                                 int test_num,
                                                 int entry_type,
                                                 int entry_idx,
                                                 hbool_t insert_flag,
                                                 unsigned int flags,
                                                 unsigned int flush_flags,
                                                 hbool_t expected_deserialized,
                                                 hbool_t expected_serialized,
                                                 hbool_t expected_destroyed);
static void check_flush_cache__pinned_single_entry_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                                 int test_num,
                                                 int entry_type,
                                                 int entry_idx,
                                                 hbool_t unprot_dirty_flag,
                            hbool_t mark_dirty,
                                                 hbool_t pop_mark_dirty_prot,
                                                 hbool_t pop_mark_dirty_pinned,
                                                 hbool_t unprotect_unpin,
                                                 unsigned int flags,
                                                 unsigned int flush_flags,
                                                 hbool_t expected_serialized,
                                                 hbool_t expected_destroyed);
static void check_flush_cache__flush_ops(H5F_t * file_ptr);
static void check_flush_cache__flush_op_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                        int test_num,
                                        unsigned int flush_flags,
                                        int spec_size,
                                        const struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[],
                        unsigned init_expected_index_len,
                        size_t init_expected_index_size,
                        unsigned expected_index_len,
                        size_t expected_index_size,
                    int check_size,
                                        struct fo_flush_entry_check check[]);
static void check_flush_cache__flush_op_eviction_test(H5F_t * file_ptr);
static unsigned check_get_entry_status(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_expunge_entry(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_multiple_read_protect(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_move_entry(unsigned paged);
static void check_move_entry__run_test(H5F_t * file_ptr, unsigned test_num,
    struct move_entry_test_spec * spec_ptr);
static unsigned check_pin_protected_entry(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_resize_entry(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_evictions_enabled(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_flush_protected_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_destroy_pinned_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_destroy_protected_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_duplicate_insert_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_double_pin_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_double_unpin_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_pin_entry_errs(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_double_protect_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_double_unprotect_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_mark_entry_dirty_errs(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_expunge_entry_errs(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_move_entry_errs(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_resize_entry_errs(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_unprotect_ro_dirty_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_protect_ro_rw_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_protect_retries(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_check_evictions_enabled_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_auto_cache_resize(hbool_t cork_ageout, unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_auto_cache_resize_disable(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_auto_cache_resize_epoch_markers(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_auto_cache_resize_input_errs(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_auto_cache_resize_aux_fcns(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_metadata_blizzard_absence(hbool_t fill_via_insertion, unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_flush_deps(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_flush_deps_err(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_flush_deps_order(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_notify_cb(unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_metadata_cork(hbool_t fill_via_insertion, unsigned paged);
static unsigned check_entry_deletions_during_scans(unsigned paged);
static void cedds__expunge_dirty_entry_in_flush_test(H5F_t * file_ptr);
static void cedds__H5C_make_space_in_cache(H5F_t * file_ptr);
static void cedds__H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries(H5F_t * file_ptr);
static void cedds__H5C_flush_invalidate_cache__bucket_scan(H5F_t * file_ptr);
static unsigned check_stats(unsigned paged);
static void check_stats__smoke_check_1(H5F_t * file_ptr);

static H5F_t *setup_cache(size_t max_cache_size, size_t min_clean_size, unsigned paged);

static void takedown_cache(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                    hbool_t dump_stats,
                    hbool_t dump_detailed_stats);

/********************************* tests: *********************************/

 * Function:    smoke_check_1()
 * Purpose:    A basic functional test, inserts, destroys, and moves in
 *              the mix, along with repeated protects and unprotects.
 *        All entries are marked as clean.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/16/04

static unsigned
smoke_check_1(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = FALSE;
    int dirty_destroys = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    int32_t lag = 10;
    int32_t max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("smoke check #1P -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB cache")
        TESTING("smoke check #1 -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB cache")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(4 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ TRUE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                            /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ FALSE,
                            /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                            /* move_to_main_addr    */ TRUE,
                            /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
                /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr            */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr            */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_1() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_2()
 * Purpose:    A basic functional test, with inserts, destroys, and
 *        moves in the mix, along with some repeated protects
 *        and unprotects.  About half the entries are marked as
 *        dirty.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/24/04

static unsigned
smoke_check_2(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = TRUE;
    int dirty_destroys = TRUE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    int32_t max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;
    int32_t lag = 10;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("smoke check #2P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB cache")
        TESTING("smoke check #2 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB cache")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(4 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ TRUE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                            /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ FALSE,
                            /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                            /* move_to_main_addr    */ TRUE,
                            /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
                /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr            */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_2() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_3()
 * Purpose:    A basic functional test on a tiny cache, with inserts,
 *        destroys, and moves in the mix, along with repeated
 *        protects and unprotects.  All entries are marked as clean.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/16/04

static unsigned
smoke_check_3(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = FALSE;
    int dirty_destroys = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    int32_t max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;
    int32_t lag = 10;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("smoke check #3P -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 2/1 KB cache")
        TESTING("smoke check #3 -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 2/1 KB cache")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ TRUE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                            /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ FALSE,
                            /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                            /* move_to_main_addr    */ TRUE,
                            /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
                /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_3() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_4()
 * Purpose:    A basic functional test on a tiny cache, with inserts,
 *         destroys, and moves in the mix, along with repeated
 *        protects and unprotects.  About half the entries are
 *        marked as dirty.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/24/04

static unsigned
smoke_check_4(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = TRUE;
    int dirty_destroys = TRUE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    int32_t max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;
    int32_t lag = 10;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("smoke check #4P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 2/1 KB cache")
        TESTING("smoke check #4 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 2/1 KB cache")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ TRUE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                            /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ FALSE,
                            /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                            /* move_to_main_addr    */ TRUE,
                            /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
                /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr               */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_4() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_5()
 * Purpose:    A basic functional test on a cache with automatic cache
 *        resizing enabled, with inserts in the mix, along with
 *        repeated protects and unprotects.  All entries are marked
 *        as clean.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              10/14/04

static unsigned
smoke_check_5(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    int32_t max_index = 1024;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
#if 1
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ NULL,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ H5C_def_auto_resize_rpt_fcn,
        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (2 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.1f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (32 * 1024 * 1025),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 50000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
    /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 2.0f,
    /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.5f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.9f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.5f

        TESTING("smoke check #5P -- all clean, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 1")
        TESTING("smoke check #5 -- all clean, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 1")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                               /* max_index              */ max_index,
                               /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                               /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                               /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                               /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                               /* do_inserts             */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                              /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                               /* max_index              */ max_index,
                               /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                               /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                               /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                               /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                               /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                               /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_5() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_6()
 * Purpose:    A basic functional test on a cache with automatic cache
 *        resizing enabled, with inserts in the mix, along with
 *              repeated protects and unprotects.  About one half of all
 *        entries are marked as dirty.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              10/25/04

static unsigned
smoke_check_6(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    int32_t max_index = 1024;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
#if 1
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ NULL,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ H5C_def_auto_resize_rpt_fcn,
        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (2 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.1f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (32 * 1024 * 1025),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 50000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
    /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 2.0f,
    /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.5f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.9f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.05f

        TESTING("smoke check #6P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 1")
        TESTING("smoke check #6 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 1")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    pass = TRUE;

    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                               /* max_index              */ max_index,
                               /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                               /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                               /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                               /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                               /* do_inserts             */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                              /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                               /* max_index              */ max_index,
                               /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                               /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                               /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                               /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                               /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                               /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_6() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_7()
 * Purpose:    A basic functional test on a cache with automatic cache
 *        resizing enabled, with inserts in the mix, along with
 *        repeated protects and unprotects.  All entries are marked
 *        as clean.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              12/2/04

static unsigned
smoke_check_7(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    int32_t max_index = 1024;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
#if 1
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ NULL,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ H5C_def_auto_resize_rpt_fcn,
        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (2 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.1f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (32 * 1024 * 1025),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 100000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (8 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
    /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 2.0f,
    /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.5f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.9f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.1f

        TESTING("smoke check #7P -- all clean, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 2")
        TESTING("smoke check #7 -- all clean, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 2")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                               /* max_index              */ max_index,
                               /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                               /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                               /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                               /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                               /* do_inserts             */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                              /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                               /* max_index              */ max_index,
                               /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                               /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                               /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                               /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                               /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                               /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_7() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_8()
 * Purpose:    A basic functional test on a cache with automatic cache
 *        resizing enabled, with inserts in the mix, along with
 *              repeated protects and unprotects.  About one half of all
 *        entries are marked as dirty.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              10/25/04

static unsigned
smoke_check_8(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    int32_t max_index = 1024;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
#if 1
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ NULL,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ H5C_def_auto_resize_rpt_fcn,
        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (2 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.1f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (32 * 1024 * 1025),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 100000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
    /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 2.0f,
    /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.5f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.9f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.1f

        TESTING("smoke check #8P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 2")
        TESTING("smoke check #8 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 2")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                               /* max_index              */ max_index,
                               /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                               /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                               /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                               /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                               /* do_inserts             */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                              /* max_index              */ max_index,
                              /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                              /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                              /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                              /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                              /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                              /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    hl_col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                               /* max_index              */ max_index,
                               /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                               /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                               /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                               /* display_detailed_stats */ FALSE,
                               /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                               /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_8() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_9()
 * Purpose:    A repeat of smoke check 1, only with the cache corked
 *         part of the time.
 *         Recall that smoke check 1 is a basic functional test,
 *         with inserts, destroys, and moves in the mix, along
 *         with repeated protects and unprotects.  All entries are
 *         marked as clean.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              8/1/07
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static unsigned
smoke_check_9(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = FALSE;
    int dirty_destroys = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_detailed_stats = FALSE;
    int32_t max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;
    int32_t lag = 10;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("smoke check #9P -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB, corked")
        TESTING("smoke check #9 -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB, corked")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(4 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), paged);
    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    /* disable evictions */

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't disable evictions 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions disabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ TRUE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    /* enable evictions */

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, TRUE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't enable evictions 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions enabled \n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                             /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                            /* do_inserts             */ FALSE,
                            /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                            /* move_to_main_addr    */ TRUE,
                            /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
                /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't disable evictions 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions disabled \n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, TRUE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't enable evictions 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions enabled \n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't disable evictions 3.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 12 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions disabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 13 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 14 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, TRUE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't enable evictions 3.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 15 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions enabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                            /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 16 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't disable evictions 4.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 17 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions disabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 18 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_9() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_10()
 * Purpose:    A repeat of smoke check 2, only with the cache corked
 *         part of the time.
 *         Recall that smoke check 2 is a basic functional test,
 *         with inserts, destroys, and moves in the mix, along
 *         with some repeated protects and unprotects.  About half
 *         the entries are marked as dirty.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              8/1/07
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static unsigned
smoke_check_10(int express_test, unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int dirty_unprotects = TRUE;
    int dirty_destroys = TRUE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_detailed_stats = FALSE;
    int32_t max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;
    int32_t lag = 10;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("smoke check #10P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB, corked")
        TESTING("smoke check #10 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB, corked")

    if ( paged && ( express_test > 0 ) ) {


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(4 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), paged);
    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions enabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ TRUE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't disable evictions 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions disabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                             /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                            /* do_inserts             */ FALSE,
                            /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                            /* move_to_main_addr    */ TRUE,
                            /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
                /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, TRUE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't enable evictions 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions enabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ dirty_destroys,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't disable evictions 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions disabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, TRUE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't enable evictions 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions enabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 12 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't disable evictions 3.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 13 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions disabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ FALSE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 14 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, TRUE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't enable evictions 3.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 15 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions enabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ display_detailed_stats,
                            /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ dirty_unprotects);

    if(show_progress) /* 16 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

        if(result < 0) {

             pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "can't disable evictions 4.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 17 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d -- evictions disabled\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 18 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* smoke_check_10() */

 * Function:    write_permitted_check()
 * Purpose:    A basic test of the write permitted function.  In essence,
 *        we load the cache up with dirty entryies, set
 *        write_permitted to FALSE, and then protect a bunch of
 *        entries.  If there are any writes while write_permitted is
 *        FALSE, the test will fail.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/24/04
 * Modifications:
static unsigned
express_test, unsigned paged)


    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    hbool_t display_stats = FALSE;
    int32_t max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;
    int32_t lag = 10;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;


        TESTING("write permitted check -- 1/0 MB cache (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("write permitted check -- 1/0 MB cache")


    switch (express_test)
    case 0:
        max_index = (10 * 1024) - 1;

    case 1:
        max_index = (1 * 1024) - 1;

    case 2:
        max_index = (512) - 1;

            HDfprintf(stdout, "    Long tests disabled.\n");
        return 0;  /* <========== note return */

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)0, paged);

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ TRUE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    write_permitted = FALSE;

    row_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                             /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ FALSE,
                            /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                            /* move_to_main_addr    */ TRUE,
                            /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
                /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                            /* dirty_destroys         */ FALSE,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ NO_CHANGE);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    write_permitted = TRUE;

    row_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* do_moves             */ TRUE,
                           /* move_to_main_addr    */ FALSE,
                           /* do_destroys            */ FALSE,
            /* do_mult_ro_protects    */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_destroys         */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* flush and destroy all entries in the cache: */

    flush_cache(/* file_ptr           */ file_ptr,
                /* destroy_entries     */ TRUE,
                /* dump_stats          */ FALSE,
                /* dump_detailed_stats */ FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    col_major_scan_forward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                           /* lag                    */ lag,
                           /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                           /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                           /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                           /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                           /* do_inserts             */ TRUE,
                           /* dirty_unprotects       */ TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    write_permitted = FALSE;

    col_major_scan_backward(/* file_ptr              */ file_ptr,
                    /* max_index              */ max_index,
                            /* lag                    */ lag,
                            /* verbose                */ FALSE,
                            /* reset_stats            */ TRUE,
                            /* display_stats          */ display_stats,
                            /* display_detailed_stats */ TRUE,
                            /* do_inserts             */ FALSE,
                            /* dirty_unprotects       */ NO_CHANGE);

    write_permitted = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, display_stats, TRUE);

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);


    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);



    HDfprintf(stdout, "    Clean and dirty LRU lists disabled.\n");


    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* write_permitted_check() */

 * Function:    check_insert_entry()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_insert_entry behaves as expected.
 *        Test the behaviour with different flags.
 *        This test was added primarily to test basic insert
 *        pinned entry functionallity, but I through in explicit
 *        tests for other functionallity that is tested implicitly
 *        elsewhere.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              8/10/06
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_insert_entry(unsigned paged)
    int                        entry_type = PICO_ENTRY_TYPE;
    int                        i;
    herr_t                     result;
    hbool_t                    in_cache;
    hbool_t                    is_dirty;
    hbool_t                    is_protected;
    hbool_t                    is_pinned;
    size_t                     entry_size;
    H5F_t *                    file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t *                    cache_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t *             base_addr;
    test_entry_t *             entry_ptr;
    struct H5C_cache_entry_t * search_ptr;

        TESTING("H5C_insert_entry() functionality (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("H5C_insert_entry() functionality")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* Allocate a cache, and insert entries into it using all
     * combinations of flags.  Verify that the entries are inserted,
     * and that the flags have the desired effects.
     * Note that the dirty parameter in insert_entry is no longer
     * used, as we have decided that all inserted entries are
     * dirty by definition. (Which sounds very reasonable, but didn't
     * used to be the case.)

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), paged);
        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

        insert_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        insert_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG);
        insert_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);
        insert_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, (H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG | H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG));

    /* Verify that the entries are inserted as desired. */

    i = 0;
    base_addr = entries[0];
    while(pass && (i < 4))
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[i]);

    /* Start by checking everything we can via H5C_get_entry_status() */

    result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                        &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected,
                    &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure.";

    if(pass) {

        /* check the universals */
        if((!in_cache) || (!is_dirty) || (is_protected) ||
                 (entry_size != entry_sizes[entry_type])) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 1.";

    if(pass) {

            /* verify that the pinned flag got set correctly */
        if((i == 2) || (i == 3)) {

        if(!is_pinned) {

                    pass = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 2.";
        } else if(is_pinned) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 3.";

        } else if(is_pinned != ((entry_ptr->header).is_pinned)) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 4.";

    /* Thats all we can get from H5C_get_entry_status().
    * Now start looking at the cache data structures directly.

    if(pass) {

            /* Verify that the flush marker got set correctly */
        if((i == 1) || (i == 3)) {

        if(!((entry_ptr->header).flush_marker)) {

                    pass = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 5.";
        } else if((entry_ptr->header).flush_marker) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 6.";

    if(pass) {

        /* Verify that pinned entries are in the pinned entry list */
        if((entry_ptr->header).is_pinned) {

        search_ptr = cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr;

        while((search_ptr != NULL) &&
            (search_ptr !=
            (struct H5C_cache_entry_t *)entry_ptr))
            search_ptr = search_ptr->next;

        if(search_ptr == NULL) {

                    pass = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 7.";

    if(pass) {

        /* Verify that unpinned entries are in the LRU list */
        if(!((entry_ptr->header).is_pinned)) {

        search_ptr = cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr;

        while((search_ptr != NULL) &&
            (search_ptr !=
            (struct H5C_cache_entry_t *)entry_ptr))
            search_ptr = search_ptr->next;

        if(search_ptr == NULL) {

                    pass = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 8.";

    if(pass) {

        /* Verify that unpinned entries are in the dirty LRU list */
        if(!((entry_ptr->header).is_pinned)) {

        search_ptr = cache_ptr->dLRU_head_ptr;

        while((search_ptr != NULL) &&
            (search_ptr !=
            (struct H5C_cache_entry_t *)entry_ptr))
            search_ptr = search_ptr->aux_next;

        if(search_ptr == NULL) {

                    pass = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 9.";


    } /* while */

    /* So much for looking at the individual entries.  Now verify
     * that the various counts and sized in the cache header are
     * as expected.

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 4 * entry_sizes[entry_type]) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 4 * entry_sizes[entry_type]) ||
        (cache_ptr->pl_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->pl_size != (size_t)0) ||
        (cache_ptr->pel_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->pel_size != 2 * entry_sizes[entry_type]) ||
        (cache_ptr->LRU_list_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->LRU_list_size != 2 * entry_sizes[entry_type])
        || (cache_ptr->dLRU_list_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->dLRU_list_size != 2 * entry_sizes[entry_type]) ||
        (cache_ptr->cLRU_list_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->cLRU_list_size != (size_t)0)
             ) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 10.";

    /* Finally, if stats collection is enabled, verify that the expected
     * stats are collected.
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->insertions[entry_type] != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[entry_type] != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->pins[entry_type] != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->unpins[entry_type] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[entry_type] != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->max_index_len != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->max_index_size != 4 * entry_sizes[entry_type]) ||
        (cache_ptr->max_slist_len != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->max_slist_size != 4 * entry_sizes[entry_type]) ||
        (cache_ptr->max_pl_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->max_pl_size != (size_t)0) ||
        (cache_ptr->max_pel_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->max_pel_size != 2 * entry_sizes[entry_type])) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected insert results 11.";

    /* Unpin the pinned entries so we can take down the cache cleanly. */

    if(pass) {

        unpin_entry(entry_type, 2);
    unpin_entry(entry_type, 3);

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_insert_entry() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache()
 * Purpose:    Verify that flush_cache behaves as expected.  In particular,
 *        test the behaviour with different flags.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              1/10/05
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_flush_cache(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t *      file_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("H5C_flush_cache() functionality (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("H5C_flush_cache() functionality")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, and flush it under various circumstances.
     * To the extent possible, verify that the desired actions took
     * place.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

    /* first test behaviour on an empty cache.  Can't do much sanity
     * checking in this case, so simply check the return values.

    if(pass) {


    /* now do a series of similar tests with a cache with a single entry.
     * Start with a clean entry, with no flags set.

    if(pass) {


    if(pass) {


    if(pass) {


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_flush_cache() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__empty_cache()
 * Purpose:    Verify that flush_cache behaves as expected with an empty
 *              cache.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              1/12/05
 * Modifications:

static void
check_flush_cache__empty_cache(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    herr_t     result;

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to empty cache case.";
    else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
              (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "cache not empty at beginning of empty cache case.";

    /* Test behaviour on an empty cache.  Can't do much sanity
     * checking in this case, so simply check the return values.

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "flush with flags = 0x00 failed on empty cache.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "flush with flags = 0x04 failed on empty cache.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "flush with flags = 0x08 failed on empty cache.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "flush with flags = 0x10 failed on empty cache.\n";

} /* check_flush_cache__empty_cache() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__multi_entry()
 * Purpose:    Verify that flush_cache behaves as expected when the cache
 *        contains multiple elements.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              1/14/05
 * Modifications:
 *         JRM -- 4/5/06
 *         Added pinned entry tests.

static void
check_flush_cache__multi_entry(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t *cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to multi entry case.";
    else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
              (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "cache not empty at beginning of multi entry case.";

        int test_num                         = 1;
        unsigned int flush_flags             = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE

        check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                            flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                         = 2;
        unsigned int flush_flags             = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE

        check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                            flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                         = 3;
        unsigned int flush_flags             = H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG;
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE

        check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                            flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                         = 4;
        unsigned int flush_flags             = H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG;
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE

        check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                            flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                         = 5;
        unsigned int flush_flags             = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE

        check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                            flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                         = 6;
        unsigned int flush_flags             = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE

        check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                            flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                         = 7;
        unsigned int flush_flags             = H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE

        check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                            flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                         = 8;
        unsigned int flush_flags             = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                               H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE

        check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                            flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

    /* verify that all other flags are ignored */
        int test_num                         = 9;
        unsigned int flush_flags             = (unsigned)
                                               ~(H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                                H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE

        check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                            flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

    /* Now do pinned entry tests:
     * For the most part, this test is directed at testing the ability
     * of the flush routine to unravel collections of pinned entries.

        int test_num                            = 1;
        unsigned int flush_flags                = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct pe_flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 2,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, 75, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 3,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, 75, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 4,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                    -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, 75, 25, 50, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 5,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                    -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, 75, 25, 50, 10, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 6,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                    -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, 75, 25, 50, 10, 20, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 7,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, 75, 25, 50, 10, 20, 30, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ FALSE

        check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                               flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                            = 2;
        unsigned int flush_flags                = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct pe_flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 2,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]  = */ {100, 75, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 3,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, 75, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
                    -1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {10, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 2,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
                    -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {10, 20, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 3,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
                    -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {10, 20, 30, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE

        check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                               flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                            = 3;
        unsigned int flush_flags                = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct pe_flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE

        check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                               flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                            = 4;
        unsigned int flush_flags                = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct pe_flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 4,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                    -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, 75, 25, 50, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 4,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                    -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, 75, 25, 50, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE

        check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                               flush_flags, spec_size, spec);

        int test_num                            = 5;
        unsigned int flush_flags                = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                                  H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
        unsigned int spec_size               = 8;
        struct pe_flush_cache_test_spec spec[8] =
            /* entry_num             = */ 0,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 100,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 0,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 1,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 75,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 2,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 25,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 3,
            /* entry_type            = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 50,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 4,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 10,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 5,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 20,
            /* insert_flag           = */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 6,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 30,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num             = */ 7,
            /* entry_type            = */ MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_index           = */ 40,
            /* insert_flag           = */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 = */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* num_pins              = */ 1,
        /* pin_type[MAX_PINS]    = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
                                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        /* pin_idx[MAX_PINS]     = */ {100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
            /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   = */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    = */ TRUE

        check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test(file_ptr, test_num,
                                               flush_flags, spec_size, spec);


} /* check_flush_cache__multi_entry() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test()
 * Purpose:    Run a multi entry flush cache test.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              1/13/05
 * Modifications:

static void
check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                    int test_num,
                                    unsigned int flush_flags,
                                    unsigned int spec_size,
                                    struct flush_cache_test_spec spec[])
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    static char    msg[128];
    herr_t       result;
    unsigned       u;
    size_t       total_entry_size = 0;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

#if 0 /* JRM */
    /* This gets used a lot, so lets leave it in. */

    HDfprintf(stdout, "check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test: test %d\n",
#endif /* JRM */

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache_ptr NULL on entry to single entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
              (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

        pass = FALSE;

        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache not empty at beginning of multi entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((spec_size < 1) || (spec == NULL)) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "missing/bad test spec on entry to multi entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;

    u = 0;
    while(pass && (u < spec_size))
        if(((unsigned)spec[u].entry_num != u) ||
             (spec[u].entry_type < 0) ||
             (spec[u].entry_type >= NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_TYPES) ||
             (spec[u].entry_index < 0) ||
             (spec[u].entry_index > max_indices[spec[u].entry_type])) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "bad data in spec[%u] on entry to multi entry test #%d.",
                       u, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    u = 0;
    while(pass && (u < spec_size))
        if(spec[u].insert_flag) {

            insert_entry(file_ptr, spec[u].entry_type, spec[u].entry_index,

        } else {

            protect_entry(file_ptr, spec[u].entry_type, spec[u].entry_index);

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, spec[u].entry_type, spec[u].entry_index,

        total_entry_size += entry_sizes[spec[u].entry_type];


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, flush_flags);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "flush with flags 0x%x failed in multi entry test #%d.",
                       flush_flags, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    u = 0;
    while(pass && (u < spec_size))
        base_addr = entries[spec[u].entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[spec[u].entry_index]);

        if((entry_ptr->deserialized != spec[u].expected_deserialized) ||
             (entry_ptr->serialized != spec[u].expected_serialized) ||
             (entry_ptr->destroyed != spec[u].expected_destroyed)) {

#if 0 /* This is useful debugging code.  Lets keep it around. */

              "deslzd = %d(%d), slzd = %d(%d), dest = %d(%d)\n",


            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                "Bad status on entry %u after flush in multi entry test #%d.",
                u, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        if((((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) == 0)
               ((cache_ptr->index_len != spec_size)
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != total_entry_size)
             (((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) != 0)
               ((cache_ptr->index_len != 0)
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)
          ) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
              "Unexpected cache len/size after flush in multi entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;

    /* clean up the cache to prep for the next test */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "Flush failed on cleanup in multi entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
            "Unexpected cache len/size after cleanup in multi entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;


    u = 0;
    while(pass && (u < spec_size))
        base_addr = entries[spec[u].entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[spec[u].entry_index]);

        entry_ptr->deserialized = FALSE;
        entry_ptr->serialized   = FALSE;
        entry_ptr->destroyed    = FALSE;



} /* check_flush_cache__multi_entry_test() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test()
 * Purpose:    Run a multi entry flush cache test.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/5/06
 * Modifications:

static void
check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                       int test_num,
                                       unsigned int flush_flags,
                                       unsigned int spec_size,
                                       struct pe_flush_cache_test_spec spec[])
    H5C_t *cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    static char    msg[128];
    herr_t       result;
    unsigned       u;
    int            j;
    size_t       total_entry_size = 0;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

#if 0 /* JRM */
    /* This is useful debugging code.  Leave it in for now. */

    HDfprintf(stdout, "check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test: test %d\n",
#endif /* JRM */

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache_ptr NULL on entry to pe multi entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
              (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

        pass = FALSE;

        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache not empty at beginning of pe multi entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((spec_size < 1) || (spec == NULL)) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "missing/bad test spec on entry to pe multi entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;

    u = 0;
    while(pass && (u < spec_size))
        if(((unsigned)spec[u].entry_num != u) ||
             (spec[u].entry_type < 0) ||
             (spec[u].entry_type >= NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_TYPES) ||
             (spec[u].entry_index < 0) ||
             (spec[u].entry_index > max_indices[spec[u].entry_type]) ||
        (spec[u].num_pins < 0) ||
        (spec[u].num_pins > MAX_PINS)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                    "bad data in spec[%u] on entry to pe multi entry test #%d.",
                    u, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    u = 0;
    while(pass && (u < spec_size))
        if(spec[u].insert_flag) {

            insert_entry(file_ptr, spec[u].entry_type, spec[u].entry_index,

        } else {

            protect_entry(file_ptr, spec[u].entry_type, spec[u].entry_index);

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, spec[u].entry_type, spec[u].entry_index,

        total_entry_size += entry_sizes[spec[u].entry_type];

    for (j = 0; j < spec[u].num_pins; j++)


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, flush_flags);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                     "flush with flags 0x%x failed in pe multi entry test #%d.",
                     flush_flags, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    u = 0;
    while(pass && (u < spec_size))
        base_addr = entries[spec[u].entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[spec[u].entry_index]);

        if((entry_ptr->deserialized != spec[u].expected_deserialized) ||
             (entry_ptr->serialized != spec[u].expected_serialized) ||
             (entry_ptr->destroyed != spec[u].expected_destroyed)) {

#if 0 /* This is useful debugging code.  Lets keep it around. */

              "desrlzd = %d(%d), srlzd = %d(%d), dest = %d(%d)\n",


            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
               "Bad status on entry %u after flush in pe multi entry test #%d.",
               u, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        if((((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) == 0)
               ((cache_ptr->index_len != spec_size)
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != total_entry_size)
             (((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) != 0)
               ((cache_ptr->index_len != 0)
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)
          ) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
            "Unexpected cache len/size after flush in pe multi entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;

    /* clean up the cache to prep for the next test */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "Flush failed on cleanup in pe multi entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
          "Unexpected cache len/size after cleanup in pe multi entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;


    u = 0;
    while(pass && (u < spec_size))
        base_addr = entries[spec[u].entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[spec[u].entry_index]);

        entry_ptr->deserialized = FALSE;
        entry_ptr->serialized   = FALSE;
        entry_ptr->destroyed    = FALSE;



} /* check_flush_cache__pe_multi_entry_test() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__flush_ops()
 * Purpose:    Run the flush ops cache tests.
 *         These are tests that test the cache's ability to handle
 *         the case in which the flush callback dirties, resizes,
 *         and/or moves entries.
 *         Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              9/3/06
 * Modifications:

static void
check_flush_cache__flush_ops(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t *cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to flush ops test.";
    else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
              (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "cache not empty at beginning of flush ops test.";

    if(pass) /* test #1 */
    /* start with a very simple test, in which there are two entries
    * resident in cache, and the second entry dirties the first in
    * the flush callback.  No size changes, and no flush flags.
        int test_num            = 1;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 2;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 2;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 2 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 2;
    size_t expected_index_size    = 2 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[2] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #2 */
    /* Same as test 1, only this time set the flush invalidate flag.
    * Note that we must repeat all tests with the flush invalidate flag
    * as this triggers a different set of code to execute the flush.
    * Create two entries resident in cache, and have the second entry
    * dirty the first in the flush callback.
        int test_num            = 2;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
    int spec_size            = 2;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 2;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 2 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 0;
    size_t expected_index_size    = 0;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[2] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr*/
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #3 */
    /* Single entry test verifying that the cache can handle the case in
    * which the call back function resizes the entry for which it has
    * been called.
        int test_num            = 3;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 1;
    size_t expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:            idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr:*/
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #4 */
    /* Repeat test #4 with the flush invalidate flag.
    * Single entry test verifying that the cache can handle the case in
    * which the call back function resizes the entry for which it has
    * been called.
        int test_num            = 4;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 0;
    size_t expected_index_size    = 0;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:            idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #5 & #6 */
    /* Single entry test verifying that the cache can handle the case in
    * which the call back function first resizes and then moves the
    * entry for which it has been called.
    * Run this entry twice, as the first run moves the entry to its
    * alternate address, and the second moves it back.
         * 10/8/07 -- JRM
         * Added a resize operation to this test to satisfy the new
         * requiremnt that any resize of an entry on flush will always
         * be accompanied by a resize.  Note that as a result, this
         * test becomes redundant with later tests.
        int test_num            = 5; /* and 6 */
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 1;
    size_t expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 2,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:            idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    /* this change forces the move to move the target entry back to its
    * main address.  The first test moved it to its alternate address.
    * Note that these two tests are not the same, as in the first test,
    * the moved entry is moved forward in the slist.  In the second
    * it is moved backwards.
    * Since there is only one entry in the cache, this doesn't really
    * matter in this case.  But we will do similar tests later with
    * other entries in the cache.
    if(pass) {

        spec[0].flush_ops[1].flag = TRUE;
        test_num = 6;


    if(pass) /* test #7 & #8 */
    /* Run tests 5 & 6 again, using the flush invalidate flag on the
    * second test.
    * Single entry test verifying that the cache can handle the case in
    * which the call back function moves the entry for which it has
    * been called.
    * Run this entry twice, as the first run moves the entry to its
    * alternate address, and the second moves it back.
         * 10/8/07 -- JRM
         * Added a resize operation to this test to satisfy the new
         * requiremnt that any resize of an entry on flush will always
         * be accompanied by a resize.  Note that as a result, this
         * test becomes redundant with later tests.
        int test_num            = 7; /* and 8 */
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 1;
    size_t expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 2,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:            idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    /* this change forces the move to move the target entry back to its
    * main address.  The first test moved it to its alternate address.
    * Note that these two tests are not the same, as in the first test,
    * the moved entry is moved forward in the slist.  In the second
    * it is moved backwards.
    * Since there is only one entry in the cache, this doesn't really
    * matter in this case.  But we will do similar tests later with
    * other entries in the cache.

    if(pass) {

            test_num = 8;
        flush_flags = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
        expected_index_len = 0;
        expected_index_size    = 0;
        spec[0].flush_ops[1].flag = TRUE;
        spec[0].expected_destroyed = TRUE;


    if(pass) /* test #9 & #10 */
    /* Single entry test verifying that the cache can handle the case in
    * which the call back function both resizes and moves the entry
    * for which it has been called.
    * Again, we run this entry twice, as the first run moves the entry
         * to its alternate address, and the second moves it back.
        int test_num            = 9; /* and 10 */
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 1;
    size_t expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 2,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:            idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    /* this change forces the move to move the target entry back to its
    * main address.  The first test moved it to its alternate address.
    * Note that these two tests are not the same, as in the first test,
    * the moved entry is moved forward in the slist.  In the second
    * it is moved backwards.
    * Since there is only one entry in the cache, this doesn't really
    * matter in this case.  But we will do similar tests later with
    * other entries in the cache.
    if(pass) {

        spec[0].flush_ops[1].flag = TRUE;
        test_num = 10;


    if(pass) /* test #11 & #12 */
    /* Repeat the previous test with the flush invalidate flag on the
    * second test.
    * Single entry test verifying that the cache can handle the case in
    * which the call back function both resizes and moves the entry
    * for which it has been called.
    * Again, we run this entry twice, as the first run moves the entry to its
    * alternate address, and the second moves it back.
        int test_num            = 11; /* and 12 */
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 1;
    size_t expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 2,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:            idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    /* this change forces the move to move the target entry back to its
    * main address.  The first test moved it to its alternate address.
    * Note that these two tests are not the same, as in the first test,
    * the moved entry is moved forward in the slist.  In the second
    * it is moved backwards.
    * Since there is only one entry in the cache, this doesn't really
    * matter in this case.  But we will do similar tests later with
    * other entries in the cache.
    if(pass) {

            test_num = 12;
        flush_flags = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
        expected_index_len = 0;
        expected_index_size    = 0;
        spec[0].flush_ops[1].flag = TRUE;
        spec[0].expected_destroyed = TRUE;


    if(pass) /* test #13 */
    /* Test the ability of the cache to handle the case in which
    * the flush function of an entry that is resident in cache
    * dirties two entries that are not in cache.  No size
    * changes.
    * At present, I am assured that this case will never occur, but
    * lets make sure we can handle it regardless.
        int test_num            = 13;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 1 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 3;
    size_t expected_index_size    = 3 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 2,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    0,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 2;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[2] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ PICO_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2,
        /* expected_size      = */ PICO_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #14 */
    /* Repeat previous test with the flush invalidate flag.
    * Test the ability of the cache to handle the case in which
    * the flush function of an entry that is resident in cache
    * dirties two entries that are not in cache.  No size
    * changes.
    * At present, I am assured that this case will never occur, but
    * lets make sure we can handle it regardless.
        int test_num            = 14;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 1 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 0;
    size_t expected_index_size    = (size_t)0;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 2,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    0,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
    int check_size = 2;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[2] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ PICO_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2,
        /* expected_size      = */ PICO_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE


    if(pass) /* test #15 */
    /* Test the ability of the cache to handle the case in which
    * the flush function of an entry that is resident in cache
    * resizes and dirties two entries that are not in cache.
    * At present, I am assured that this case will never occur, but
    * lets make sure we can handle it regardless.
        int test_num            = 15;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 3;
    size_t expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE +
                                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                    (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2);
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 4,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:            idx:    flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,            0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 2;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[2] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #16 */
    /* Repeat previous test with the flush invalidate flag.
    * Test the ability of the cache to handle the case in which
    * the flush function of an entry that is resident in cache
    * resizes and dirties two entries that are not in cache.
    * At present, I am assured that this case will never occur, but
    * lets make sure we can handle it regardless.
        int test_num            = 16;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 0;
    size_t expected_index_size    = (size_t)0;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 4,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
    int check_size = 2;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[2] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE


    if(pass) /* test #17 & #18 */
    /* Test the ability of the cache to handle the case in which
    * the flush function of an entry that is resident in cache
    * resizes, dirties, and moves two entries that are not in cache.
    * At present, I am assured that this case will never occur, but
    * lets make sure we can handle it regardless.
        int test_num            = 17; /* and 18 */
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 3;
    size_t expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE +
                                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                    (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2);
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 6,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 2;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[2] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    /* this change forces the moves to move the target entries back to
    * their main address.  The first test moved them to their alternate
    * address.
    * Note that these two tests are not the same, as in the first test,
    * the moved entries are moved forward in the slist.  In the second
    * they are moved backwards.
    if(pass) {

        test_num = 18;
        spec[0].flush_ops[2].flag = TRUE;
        spec[0].flush_ops[5].flag = TRUE;
        checks[0].at_main_addr = TRUE;
        checks[1].at_main_addr = TRUE;


    if(pass) /* test #19 & #20 */
    /* Repeat the above test with the flush invalidate flag on the
    * second test.
    * Test the ability of the cache to handle the case in which
    * the flush function of an entry that is resident in cache
    * resizes, dirties, and moves two entries that are not in cache.
    * At present, I am assured that this case will never occur, but
    * lets make sure we can handle it regardless.
        int test_num            = 19; /* and 20 */
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 1;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 1;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 3;
    size_t expected_index_size    = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE +
                                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                    (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2);
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[1] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 6,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 2;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[2] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    /* this change forces the moves to move the target entries back to
    * their main address.  The first test moved them to their alternate
    * address.
    * Note that these two tests are not the same, as in the first test,
    * the moved entries are moved forward in the slist.  In the second
    * they are moved backwards.
    if(pass) {

        test_num = 20;
        flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
        expected_index_len = 0;
        expected_index_size    = (size_t)0;
            spec[0].expected_destroyed = TRUE;
        spec[0].flush_ops[2].flag = TRUE;
        spec[0].flush_ops[5].flag = TRUE;
        checks[0].at_main_addr = TRUE;
        checks[0].in_cache = FALSE;
        checks[0].expected_destroyed = TRUE;
        checks[1].at_main_addr = TRUE;
        checks[1].in_cache = FALSE;
        checks[1].expected_destroyed = TRUE;


    if(pass) /* test #21 */
    /* Now mix things up a bit.
    * Load several entries, two of which have flush functions that
    * resize, dirty, and move two entries that are not in the
    * cache.  Mark only one of these entries, and then flush the
    * cache with the flush marked entries flag.
    * This is the only test in which we test the
    * H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG.  The hope is that since
    * we test the two features extensively by themselves, so
    * it should be sufficient to verify that they play together
    * as expected.
        int test_num            = 21;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG;
    int spec_size            = 4;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 4;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) + (2 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE);
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 6;
    size_t expected_index_size    = (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                    (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                    (2 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE);
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[4] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 6,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 11,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 6,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 2,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 3,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 4;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[4] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ TRUE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ TRUE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 2,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 10,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 3,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 12,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #22 */
    /* Mix things up some more.
    * Load lots of entries, some of which have flush functions that
    * resize, dirty, and move two entries that are not in the
    * cache.
    * Also load entries that have flush ops on entries that are in
    * cache.
        int test_num            = 22;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 6;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 6;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) + (4 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE);
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 10;
    size_t expected_index_size    = (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                (2 * (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4)) +
                    (2 * (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2)) +
                    (4 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE);
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[6] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 6,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 11,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 6,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 2,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 3,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 4,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 10,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,0,FALSE,0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 5,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 20,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,0,FALSE,0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 4;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[4] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 2,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 10,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 3,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 12,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #23 */
    /* Repeat test #23 with the flush invalidate flag set.
    * Mix things up some more.
    * Load lots of entries, some of which have flush functions that
    * resize, dirty, and move two entries that are not in the
    * cache.
    * Also load entries that have flush ops on entries that are in
    * cache.
        int test_num            = 23;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
    int spec_size            = 6;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 6;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) + (4 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE);
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 0;
    size_t expected_index_size    = 0;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[6] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 6,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 11,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 6,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 2,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 3,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 4,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 10,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,0,FALSE,0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 5,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 20,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,0,FALSE,0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
    int check_size = 4;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[4] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
        /* entry_num          = */ 2,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 10,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
        /* entry_num          = */ 3,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 12,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE


    /* So much for tests involving only flush operations.
     * Now create some tests mixing flush ops and pins.
    if(pass) /* test #24 */
    /* Pico entries 50 and 150 pin pico entry 100, and also dirty
    * pico entry 100 on flush.
        int test_num            = 24;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 3;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 3;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 3 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 3;
    size_t expected_index_size    = 3 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[3] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 100,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 50,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,100,FALSE,0,  NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 2,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 150,
        /* insert_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,100,FALSE,0,  NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #25 */
    /* Repeat the previous test with the flush invalidate flag.
    * Pico entries 50 and 150 pin pico entry 100, and also dirty
    * pico entry 100 on flush.
        int test_num            = 25;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
    int spec_size            = 3;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 3;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 3 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 0;
    size_t expected_index_size    = (size_t)0;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[3] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 100,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 50,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,100,FALSE,0,  NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 2,
            /* entry_type         = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 150,
        /* insert_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 1,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,100,FALSE,0,  NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ (size_t)0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE


    if(pass) /* test #26 */
    /* This one is complex.
    * In the following overvies table, VET stands for
    * In trying to follow what happens when we flush the
    * set of entries constructed below, recall that each
    * flush operation is executed the first time the
    * entry is flushed, and then not executed again.
    * This may be a weakness in the tests, but that
    * is the way it is for now.
    * After thinking about it for a while, I'm not sure that
    * the interaction between pins and flush operations needs
    * all that much testing, as the two are essentially
    * orthoginal.  Thus this is a bit of a smoke check to
    * verify that we get the expected results.
    * (VET, 100)    initially not resident in cache
    * (VET, 200)    initially clean and resident in cache
    * (VET, 300)    initially not resident in cache
    * (VET, 2100)    initially clean and resident in cache
    * (VET, 2200)    initially not resident in cache
    * (VET, 2300)    initially clean and resident in cache
    * (VET, 1000)    initially clean, and in cache
    *         dirties (VET, 100)
    *         resizes (VET, 200)
    *         dirty    (VET, 300) -- dirty first to bring into cache.
    *         moves (VET, 300)
    * (VET, 2000)    initially clean, and in cache
    *         dirties (VET, 2100)
    *         resizes (VET, 2200)
    *         moves (VET, 2300)
    * (VET, 350)    initially clean, and in cache
    *         pins    (VET, 1000)
    *         dirties (VET, 1000)
    *         resizes (VET, 350)
    *         pins    (VET, 2000)
    *         dirties (VET, 2000)
    * (VET, 450)    initially dirty, and in cache
    *         pins    (VET, 1000)
    *         dirties    (VET, 1000)
    *         moves (VET, 450)
    *         pins    (VET, 2000)
    *         dirties (VET, 2000)
    * (VET, 650)    initially clean, and in cache
    *         pins    (VET, 1000)
    *         dirties (VET, 1000)
    *         resizes (VET, 650)
    *         pins    (VET, 2000)
    *         dirties (VET, 2000)
    * (VET, 750)    initially dirty, and in cache
    *         pins    (VET, 1000)
    *         dirties (VET, 1000)
    *         resizes (VET, 750)
    *         pins    (VET, 2000)
    *         dirties    (VET, 2000)
    * (VET, 500)    initially dirty, and in cache
    *         dirties    (VET, 350)
    *         dirties    (VET, 450)
    *         dirties    (VET, 650)
    *         dirties (VET, 750)
        int test_num            = 26;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 10;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 10;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 10 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 13;
    size_t expected_index_size    = 9 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[10] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 200,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2100,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 2,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2300,
        /* insert_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 3,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1000,
        /* insert_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 4,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    100,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    300,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    300,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 4,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2000,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2100,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2300,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 5,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 350,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 2,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {1000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 6,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 450,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 2,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {1000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 7,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 650,
        /* insert_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 2,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {1000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 8,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 750,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 2,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {1000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 9,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 500,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 4,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    350,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    450,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    650,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    750,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 3;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[3] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 100,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 300,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
        /* entry_num          = */ 2,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2200,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ TRUE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE




    if(pass) /* test #27 */
    /* Repeat test #26 with the flush invalidate flag.
    * In the following overview table, VET stands for
    * In trying to follow what happens when we flush the
    * set of entries constructed below, recall that each
    * flush operation is executed the first time the
    * entry is flushed, and then not executed again.
    * This may be a weakness in the tests, but that
    * is the way it is for now.
    * After thinking about it for a while, I'm not sure that
    * the interaction between pins and flush operations needs
    * all that much testing, as the two are essentially
    * orthoginal.  The big thing is to verify that flushes of
    * pinned entries with flush ops result in the expected
    * updates of the cache.
    * Thus this is a bit of a smoke check to * verify that we
    * get the expected results.
    * (VET, 100)    initially not resident in cache
    * (VET, 200)    initially clean and resident in cache
    * (VET, 300)    initially not resident in cache
    * (VET, 2100)    initially clean and resident in cache
    * (VET, 2200)    initially not resident in cache
    * (VET, 2300)    initially clean and resident in cache
    * (VET, 1000)    initially clean, and in cache
    *         dirties (VET, 100)
    *         resizes (VET, 200)
    *         dirty    (VET, 300) -- dirty first to bring into cache.
    *         moves (VET, 300)
    * (VET, 2000)    initially clean, and in cache
    *         dirties (VET, 2100)
    *         resizes (VET, 2200)
    *         moves (VET, 2300)
    * (VET, 350)    initially clean, and in cache
    *         pins    (VET, 1000)
    *         dirties (VET, 1000)
    *         resizes (VET, 350)
    *         pins    (VET, 2000)
    *         dirties (VET, 2000)
    * (VET, 450)    initially dirty, and in cache
    *         pins    (VET, 1000)
    *         dirties    (VET, 1000)
    *         moves (VET, 450)
    *         pins    (VET, 2000)
    *         dirties (VET, 2000)
    * (VET, 650)    initially clean, and in cache
    *         pins    (VET, 1000)
    *         dirties (VET, 1000)
    *         resizes (VET, 650)
    *         pins    (VET, 2000)
    *         dirties (VET, 2000)
    * (VET, 750)    initially dirty, and in cache
    *         pins    (VET, 1000)
    *         dirties (VET, 1000)
    *         resizes (VET, 750)
    *         pins    (VET, 2000)
    *         dirties    (VET, 2000)
    * (VET, 500)    initially dirty, and in cache
    *         dirties    (VET, 350)
    *         dirties    (VET, 450)
    *         dirties    (VET, 650)
    *         dirties (VET, 750)
        int test_num            = 27;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
    int spec_size            = 10;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 10;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 10 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 0;
    size_t expected_index_size    = (size_t)0;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[10] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 200,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2100,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 2,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2300,
        /* insert_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 3,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 1000,
        /* insert_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 4,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    100,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    300,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    300,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 4,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2000,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2100,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2300,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 5,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 350,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 2,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {1000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 6,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 450,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 2,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {1000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 7,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 650,
        /* insert_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 2,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {1000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 8,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 750,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 2,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {1000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2000,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 9,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 500,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 4,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    350,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    450,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    650,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    750,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
    int check_size = 3;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[3] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 100,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
        /* entry_num          = */ 1,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 300,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
        /* entry_num          = */ 2,
        /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 2200,
        /* expected_size      = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ TRUE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE




    if(pass) /* test #28 */
    /* Test the expected fheap case, in which an entry dirties
    * and resizes itself, and dirties an entry which it has
    * pinned.
        int test_num            = 28;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    int spec_size            = 5;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 5;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 5;
    size_t expected_index_size    = 4 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[5] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 100,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 200,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    100,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    200,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 2,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 300,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    400,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    300,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 3,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 400,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
            /* entry_num          = */ 4,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 500,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    100,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    500,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ 0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE



    if(pass) /* test #29 */
    /* Repeat test #28 with the flush invalidate flag.
    * Test the expected fheap case, in which an entry dirties
    * and resizes itself, and dirties an entry which it has
    * pinned.
        int test_num            = 29;
    unsigned int flush_flags    = H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG;
    int spec_size            = 5;
    unsigned init_expected_index_len    = 5;
    size_t init_expected_index_size    = 3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    unsigned expected_index_len        = 0;
    size_t expected_index_size    = 0;
    struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[5] =
            /* entry_num          = */ 0,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 100,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 1,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 200,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    100,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    200,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 2,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 300,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    400,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    300,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 3,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 400,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
        /* resize_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* new_size           = */ 0,
        /* num_pins           = */ 0,
        /* pin_type           = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 0,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:    idx:    flag:    size: order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,    0,    FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
            /* entry_num          = */ 4,
            /* entry_type         = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* entry_index        = */ 500,
        /* insert_flag        = */ FALSE,
        /* flags          = */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
        /* resize_flag        = */ TRUE,
        /* new_size           = */ VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4,
        /* num_pins           = */ 1,
        /* pin_type           = */ {VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* pin_idx            = */ {100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        /* num_flush_ops      = */ 3,
        /* flush_ops          = */
        /*    op_code:        type:        idx:        flag:    size:    order_ptr: */
        { { FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    100,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__MOVE,        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    500,    FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL },
        { FLUSH_OP__NO_OP,    0,        0,        FALSE,    0,    NULL } },
        /* expected_deserialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ TRUE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ TRUE
    int check_size = 0;
    struct fo_flush_entry_check checks[1] =
        /* entry_num          = */ 0,
        /* entry_type         = */ 0,
        /* entry_index        = */ 0,
        /* expected_size      = */ 0,
        /* in_cache           = */ FALSE,
        /* at_main_addr       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_dirty              = */ FALSE,
        /* is_protected       = */ FALSE,
        /* is_pinned          = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_deserialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_serialized = */ FALSE,
        /* expected_destroyed = */ FALSE



    /* finally finish up with the flush ops eviction test */


} /* check_flush_cache__flush_ops() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__flush_op_test()
 * Purpose:    Run a flush op flush cache test.  Of the nature of
 *         flush operations, this is a multi-entry test.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              9/3/06
 * Modifications:

static void
check_flush_cache__flush_op_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                 int test_num,
                                 unsigned int flush_flags,
                                 int spec_size,
                                 const struct fo_flush_cache_test_spec spec[],
                unsigned init_expected_index_len,
                size_t init_expected_index_size,
                unsigned expected_index_len,
                size_t expected_index_size,
                int check_size,
                struct fo_flush_entry_check check[])
    H5C_t *       cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    static char    msg[128];
    herr_t       result;
    int            i;
    int            j;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

#if 0 /* This is useful debugging code -- lets keep it around. */
    HDfprintf(stdout, "check_flush_cache__flush_op_test: test %d\n",

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache_ptr NULL on entry to flush op test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
              (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

        pass = FALSE;

        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache not empty at beginning of flush op test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((spec_size < 1) || (spec == NULL)) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "missing/bad test spec on entry to flush op test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;

    i = 0;
    while(pass && (i < spec_size))
        if((spec[i].entry_num != i) ||
             (spec[i].entry_type < 0) ||
             (spec[i].entry_type >= NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_TYPES) ||
             (spec[i].entry_index < 0) ||
             (spec[i].entry_index > max_indices[spec[i].entry_type]) ||
        (spec[i].num_pins < 0) ||
        (spec[i].num_pins > MAX_PINS) ||
        (spec[i].num_flush_ops < 0) ||
        (spec[i].num_flush_ops > MAX_FLUSH_OPS)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                    "bad data in spec[%d] on entry to flush op test #%d.",
                    i, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    i = 0;
    while(pass && (i < check_size))
        if((check[i].entry_num != i) ||
             (check[i].entry_type < 0) ||
             (check[i].entry_type >= NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_TYPES) ||
             (check[i].entry_index < 0) ||
             (check[i].entry_index > max_indices[check[i].entry_type]) ||
                /* Check for nonsense values if hbool_t is an integral
                 * type instead of a real Boolean.
            ((check[i].in_cache != TRUE) &&
            (check[i].in_cache != FALSE)) ||
            ((check[i].at_main_addr != TRUE) &&
            (check[i].at_main_addr != FALSE)) ||
            ((check[i].is_dirty != TRUE) &&
            (check[i].is_dirty != FALSE)) ||
            ((check[i].is_protected != TRUE) &&
            (check[i].is_protected != FALSE)) ||
            ((check[i].is_pinned != TRUE) &&
            (check[i].is_pinned != FALSE)) ||
            ((check[i].expected_deserialized != TRUE) &&
            (check[i].expected_deserialized != FALSE)) ||
            ((check[i].expected_serialized != TRUE) &&
            (check[i].expected_serialized != FALSE)) ||
            ((check[i].expected_destroyed != TRUE) &&
            (check[i].expected_destroyed != FALSE)) ||
#endif /* H5_HAVE_STDBOOL_H */
             (check[i].expected_size <= (size_t)0)
        ) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                    "bad data in check[%d] on entry to flush op test #%d.",
                    i, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    i = 0;
    while(pass && (i < spec_size))
        if(spec[i].insert_flag) {

            insert_entry(file_ptr, spec[i].entry_type, spec[i].entry_index,

        } else {

            protect_entry(file_ptr, spec[i].entry_type, spec[i].entry_index);

                resize_entry(file_ptr, spec[i].entry_type, spec[i].entry_index,
                        spec[i].new_size, TRUE);

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, spec[i].entry_type, spec[i].entry_index,

    for (j = 0; j < spec[i].num_pins; j++)

    for (j = 0; j < spec[i].num_flush_ops; j++)


    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->index_len != init_expected_index_len) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != init_expected_index_size)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                "Unexpected cache len/size before flush in flush op test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, flush_flags);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                     "flush with flags 0x%x failed in flush op test #%d.",
                     flush_flags, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    i = 0;
    while(pass && (i < spec_size))
        base_addr = entries[spec[i].entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[spec[i].entry_index]);

        if((entry_ptr->deserialized != spec[i].expected_deserialized) ||
             (entry_ptr->serialized != spec[i].expected_serialized) ||
             (entry_ptr->destroyed != spec[i].expected_destroyed)) {

#if 0 /* This is useful debugging code.  Lets keep it around. */

              "desrlzd = %d(%d), srlzd = %d(%d), dest = %d(%d)\n",

        HDfprintf(stdout, "entry_ptr->header.is_dirty = %d\n",

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "Bad status on entry %d after flush op test #%d.",
                       i, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < check_size))
        if(check[i].in_cache != entry_in_cache(cache_ptr,
                            check[i].entry_index)) {

                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                           "Check1 failed on entry %d after flush op test #%d.",
                           i, test_num);
                failure_mssg = msg;

            base_addr = entries[check[i].entry_type];
            entry_ptr = &(base_addr[check[i].entry_index]);

        if((entry_ptr->size != check[i].expected_size) ||
        ((!entry_ptr->header.destroy_in_progress) &&
        (check[i].in_cache) &&
        (entry_ptr->header.size != check[i].expected_size)) ||
        (entry_ptr->at_main_addr != check[i].at_main_addr) ||
        (entry_ptr->is_dirty != check[i].is_dirty) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.is_dirty != check[i].is_dirty) ||
        (entry_ptr->is_protected != check[i].is_protected) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.is_protected != check[i].is_protected) ||
                 (entry_ptr->is_pinned != check[i].is_pinned) ||
                 (entry_ptr->header.is_pinned != check[i].is_pinned) ||
        (entry_ptr->deserialized != check[i].expected_deserialized) ||
        (entry_ptr->serialized != check[i].expected_serialized) ||
        (entry_ptr->destroyed != check[i].expected_destroyed)) {

#if 0 /* This is useful debugging code.  Lets keep it around for a while. */

        if(entry_ptr->size != check[i].expected_size) {
            HDfprintf(stdout, "entry_ptr->size (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
        if((!entry_ptr->header.destroy_in_progress) &&
            (check[i].in_cache) &&
                     (entry_ptr->header.size != check[i].expected_size)) {
                              "(!destroy in progress and in cache and size (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
        if(entry_ptr->at_main_addr != check[i].at_main_addr) {
            HDfprintf(stdout, "(%d,%d) at main addr (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
        if(entry_ptr->is_dirty != check[i].is_dirty) {
            HDfprintf(stdout, "entry_ptr->is_dirty (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
        if(entry_ptr->header.is_dirty != check[i].is_dirty) {
            HDfprintf(stdout, "entry_ptr->header.is_dirty (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
            if(entry_ptr->is_protected != check[i].is_protected) {
                    HDfprintf(stdout, "entry_ptr->is_protected (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
            if(entry_ptr->header.is_protected != check[i].is_protected) {
                    HDfprintf(stdout, "entry_ptr->header.is_protected (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
        if(entry_ptr->is_pinned != check[i].is_pinned) {
            HDfprintf(stdout, "entry_ptr->is_pinned (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
        if(entry_ptr->header.is_pinned != check[i].is_pinned) {
            HDfprintf(stdout, "entry_ptr->header.is_pinned (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
        if(entry_ptr->deserialized !=
                check[i].expected_deserialized) {
                "entry_ptr->deserialized (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
        if(entry_ptr->serialized != check[i].expected_serialized) {
                "entry_ptr->serialized (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
        if(entry_ptr->destroyed != check[i].expected_destroyed) {
            HDfprintf(stdout, "entry_ptr->destroyed (expected) = %d (%d).\n",
                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                           "Check2 failed on entry %d after flush op test #%d.",
                           i, test_num);
                failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        if((((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) == 0)
               ((cache_ptr->index_len != expected_index_len)
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != expected_index_size)
             (((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) != 0)
               ((cache_ptr->index_len != 0)
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)
          ) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                 "Unexpected cache len/size after flush in flush op test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;

    /* clean up the cache to prep for the next test */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "Flush failed on cleanup in flush op test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->clean_index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->dirty_index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
            "Unexpected cache len/size/cs/ds after cleanup in flush op test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;


    i = 0;
    while(pass && (i < spec_size))
        base_addr = entries[spec[i].entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[spec[i].entry_index]);

    entry_ptr->size      = entry_sizes[spec[i].entry_type];

        entry_ptr->deserialized = FALSE;
        entry_ptr->serialized   = FALSE;
        entry_ptr->destroyed    = FALSE;


    i = 0;
    while(pass && (i < check_size))
        base_addr = entries[check[i].entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[check[i].entry_index]);

    entry_ptr->size      = entry_sizes[check[i].entry_type];

        entry_ptr->deserialized = FALSE;
        entry_ptr->serialized   = FALSE;
        entry_ptr->destroyed    = FALSE;



} /* check_flush_cache__flush_op_test() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__flush_op_eviction_test()
 * Purpose:    Verify that flush operations work as expected when an
 *              entry is evicted.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              10/3/06
 * Modifications:
 *        Updated test for minor changes in the behaviour
 *        of H5C__flush_single_entry().
 *                    JRM -- 2/16/15

static void
check_flush_cache__flush_op_eviction_test(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t *        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    int           i;
    int           num_variable_entries = 10;
    int           num_monster_entries = 31;
    int           num_large_entries = 0;
    herr_t       result;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    struct expected_entry_status expected[10 + 31 + 14] =
      /* the expected array is used to maintain a table of the expected status of every
       * entry used in this test.  Note that since the function that processes this
       * array only processes as much of it as it is told to, we don't have to
       * worry about maintaining the status of entries that we haven't used yet.
      /* entry            entry                in    at main                                                flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:            index:    size:            cache:    addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:  par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order:     corked: */
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE/4,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,  {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE/4,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    3,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE/4,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    4,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    5,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE/4,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    6,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE/2,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    7,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE/2,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    8,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,  {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE,    9,    VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,  {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,  {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    1,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    3,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    4,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    5,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    6,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    7,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    8,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    9,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    11,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    13,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    14,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    15,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    16,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    17,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    18,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    19,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    20,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    21,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    22,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    23,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    24,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    25,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    26,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    27,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    28,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    29,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    30,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    1,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    3,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    4,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    5,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    6,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    7,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    8,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    9,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    11,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE,    13,    LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE}

    if(pass) {

         if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to flush ops test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache not empty at start of flush ops eviction test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
                  (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg =
            "unexpected cache config at start of flush op eviction test.";

        } else {

            /* set min clean size to zero for this test as it simplifies
        * computing the expected cache size after each operation.

            cache_ptr->min_clean_size = 0;

    if(pass) {

        /* the basic idea in this test is to insert a bunch of entries
         * with flush operations associated with them, and then load
         * other entries into the cache until the cache is full.  At
         * that point, load yet more entries into the cache, and see
         * if the flush operations are performed as expected.
    * To make things a bit more interesting, we also include a
    * couple of pins.

    /* reset the stats before we start.  If stats are enabled, we will
    * check to see if they are as expected at the end.

    /* load a few entries with pin relationships and flush ops.
    * Start by just loading the entries.

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0,
                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1,
                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3,
                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 4);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 4, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 5);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 5,
                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 5, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 6);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 6,
                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 6, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 7);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 7,
                (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 7, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 8);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 8, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 10) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (4 * (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4)) +
                                    (2 * (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2)) +
                                    (4 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 1.";

    if(pass) {

    /* Now set up the pinning relationships:
    * Briefly, (VET, 0) is pinned by (VET, 1), (VET, 3), and (VET, 5)
    *          (VET, 9) is pinned by (VET, 5), and (VET, 7)
    create_pinned_entry_dependency(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1,
                        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
    create_pinned_entry_dependency(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3,
                        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
    create_pinned_entry_dependency(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 5,
                        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
    create_pinned_entry_dependency(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 5,
                        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9);
    create_pinned_entry_dependency(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 7,
                        VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9);

    /* Next, set up the flush operations:
    * Briefly, (VET, 1) dirties (VET, 0)
    *                   resizes (VET, 0) to 3/4 VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE
    *          (VET, 3) dirties (VET, 0)
    *                   resizes (VET, 0) to VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE
    *                   moves (VET, 0) to its alternate address
    *          (VET, 5) dirties (VET, 0)
    *                   resizes itself to VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2
         *          (VET, 7) dirties (VET, 9)
    *          (VET, 9) dirties (VET, 8)
        add_flush_op(VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,
                     VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);
        add_flush_op(VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, FLUSH_OP__RESIZE,
                     VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, TRUE,
            3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4, NULL);

        add_flush_op(VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3, FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,
                     VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);
        add_flush_op(VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3, FLUSH_OP__RESIZE,
        add_flush_op(VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3, FLUSH_OP__MOVE,
                     VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);

        add_flush_op(VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 5, FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,
                     VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);
        add_flush_op(VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 5, FLUSH_OP__RESIZE,

        add_flush_op(VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 7, FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,
                     VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);

        add_flush_op(VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9, FLUSH_OP__DIRTY,
                     VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 8, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);

    if(pass) {

    /* to summarize, at present the following variable size entries
    * are in cache with the following characteristics:
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (VET, 0)     Y    2.5 KB    Y    Y    -    -
    * (VET, 1)    Y    2.5 KB    Y    N    0    dirty (VET, 0),
    *                             resize (VET, 0) to 7.5 KB
    * (VET, 2)     Y    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 3)    Y    2.5 KB    N    N    0    dirty (VET, 0)
    *                             resize (VET, 0) to 10 KB
    *                             move (VET, 0) to its alternate address
    * (VET, 4)     Y    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 5)    Y    2.5 KB    Y    N    0, 9    dirty (VET, 0)
    *                             resize (VET, 5) to 5 KB
    * (VET, 6)    Y     5 KB    Y    N    -    -
    * (VET, 7)    Y     5 KB    Y    N    9    dirty (VET, 9)
    * (VET, 8)    Y    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 9)    Y    10 KB    N    N    -    dirty (VET, 8)
    * Recall that in this test bed, flush operations are excuted the
    * first time the associated entry is flushed, and are then
    * deleted.

        /* Now fill up the cache with other, unrelated entries */
    for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    /* The cache should now be exactly full */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 42) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((4 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                    (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                                    (4 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                    (1 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 2.";

    } else {

        /* verify the expected status of all entries we have loaded to date: */
            num_large_entries = 1;
                    (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

    /* Now load a large entry.  This should result in the eviction
    * of (VET,2), and the increase in the size of (VET, 0) from .25
    * The following table illustrates the intended state of affairs
    * after the eviction:
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (VET, 0)     Y    7.5 KB    Y    Y    -    -
    * (VET, 1)    Y    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 2)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 3)    Y    2.5 KB    Y    N    0    dirty (VET, 0)
    *                             resize (VET, 0) to 10 KB
    *                             move (VET, 0) to its alternate address
    * (VET, 4)    Y    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 5)    Y    2.5 KB    Y    N    0, 9    dirty (VET, 0)
    *                             resize (VET, 5) to 5 KB
    * (VET, 6)    Y     5 KB    Y    N    -    -
    * (VET, 7)    Y     5 KB    Y    N    9    dirty (VET, 9)
    * (VET, 8)    Y    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 9)    Y    10 KB    N    Y    -    dirty (VET, 8)
    * Start by updating the expected table for the expected changes in entry status:
    expected[0].size       = 3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4;
    expected[1].is_dirty   = FALSE;
    expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
    expected[2].in_cache   = FALSE;
    expected[2].destroyed  = TRUE;

        num_large_entries = 2;

    protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 42) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                                    (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((1 * (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4)) +
                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                    (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                    (2 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {
            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 3.";

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

    /* Now load another large entry.  This should result in the eviction
    * of (VET, 4), the increase in the size of (VET, 0) from .75
    * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE to 1.0 VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE, and the renaming
    * of (VET, 0) to its alternate address.
    * The following table shows the expected states of the variable
    * size entries after the test.
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (VET, 0)     Y    10 KB    Y    Y    -    -
    * (VET, 1)    Y    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 2)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 3)    Y    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 4)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 5)    Y    2.5 KB    Y    N    0, 9    dirty (VET, 0)
    *                             resize (VET, 5) to 5 KB
    * (VET, 6)    Y     5 KB    Y    N    -    -
    * (VET, 7)    Y     5 KB    Y    N    9    dirty (VET, 9)
    * (VET, 8)    Y    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 9)    Y    10 KB    N    Y    -    dirty (VET, 8)
    * Start by updating the expected table for the expected changes in entry status:
    expected[0].size         = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE;
    expected[0].at_main_addr = FALSE;
    expected[3].is_dirty     = FALSE;
    expected[3].serialized   = TRUE;
    expected[4].in_cache     = FALSE;
    expected[4].destroyed    = TRUE;

        num_large_entries = 3;

    protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 42) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                                    (2 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                    (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                        (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (3 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 4.";

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

    /* load two more large entries.  This should result in (VET, 5) being
    * flushed, and increasing its size from 1/4 VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE to
    * As a result of this size increase, the cache will have to look
    * for another entry to evict.  After flushing (VET, 6) and (VET, 7),
    * it should evict (VET, 8), yielding the needed memory and dirtying
         * (VET, 9).
    * The following table shows the expected states of the variable
    * size entries after the test.
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (VET, 0)     Y    10 KB    Y    Y    -    -
    * (VET, 1)    Y    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 2)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 3)    Y    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 4)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 5)    Y     5 KB    N    N    0, 9    -
    * (VET, 6)    Y     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 7)    Y     5 KB    N    N    9    -
    * (VET, 8)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 9)    Y    10 KB    N    Y    -    dirty (VET, 8)
    * Start by updating the expected table for the expected changes in entry status:

    expected[5].size         = VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2;
    expected[5].is_dirty     = FALSE;
    expected[5].serialized   = TRUE;
    expected[6].is_dirty     = FALSE;
    expected[6].serialized     = TRUE;
    expected[7].is_dirty     = FALSE;
    expected[7].serialized     = TRUE;
    expected[8].in_cache     = FALSE;
        expected[8].destroyed     = TRUE;
        expected[9].is_dirty     = TRUE;

        num_large_entries = 5;

    protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 4);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 4, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* verify cache size */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 43) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                                    (4 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                        (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (5 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 5.";

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

        /* now touch all the non VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE entries in the
    * cache to bring all the VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE entries to the
    * end of the LRU list.
    * Note that we don't have to worry about (VET, 0) and (VET, 9)
    * as they are pinned and thus not in the LRU list to begin with.
    for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* verify cache size */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 43) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                                    (4 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                        (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (5 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 6.";

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

    /* Now load three more large entries.  This should result
    * in the evictions of (VET, 1), (VET, 3), and (VET, 5), and the
         * unpinning of (VET, 0)
    * The following table shows the expected states of the variable
    * size entries after the test.
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (VET, 0)     Y    10 KB    Y    N    -    -
    * (VET, 1)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 2)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 3)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 4)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 5)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 6)    Y     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 7)    Y     5 KB    N    N    9    -
    * (VET, 8)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 9)    Y    10 KB    N    Y    -    dirty (VET, 8)
    * Start by updating the expected table for the expected changes in entry status:

    expected[0].is_pinned    = FALSE;
    expected[1].in_cache     = FALSE;
    expected[1].destroyed    = TRUE;
    expected[3].in_cache     = FALSE;
    expected[3].destroyed    = TRUE;
    expected[5].in_cache     = FALSE;
    expected[5].destroyed    = TRUE;

        num_large_entries = 8;

    for (i = 5; i < 8; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* verify cache size */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 43) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (4 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4) +
                                    (7 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                    (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                    (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                    (8 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 7.";

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

    /* load another large entry.  (VET, 6) should be evicted.
    * The following table shows the expected states of the variable
    * size entries after the test.
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (VET, 0)     Y    10 KB    Y    N    -    -
    * (VET, 1)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 2)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 3)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 4)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 5)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 6)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 7)    Y     5 KB    N    N    9    -
    * (VET, 8)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 9)    Y    10 KB    N    Y    -    dirty (VET, 8)
    * Start by updating the expected table for the expected changes in entry status:

    expected[6].in_cache     = FALSE;
    expected[6].destroyed    = TRUE;

        num_large_entries = 9;

    for (i = 8; i < 9; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* verify cache size */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 43) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (3 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) -
                    (VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                                    (8 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2) +
                        (2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (9 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 8.";

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

    /* Load another large entry.
    * (VET, 7) should be evicted, and (VET, 9) should be unpinned.
    * The following table shows the expected states of the variable
    * size entries after the test.
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (VET, 0)     Y    10 KB    Y    N    -    -
    * (VET, 1)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 2)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 3)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 4)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 5)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 6)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 7)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 8)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 9)    Y    10 KB    Y    N    -    dirty (VET, 8)
    * Start by updating the expected table for the expected changes in entry status:

    expected[7].in_cache     = FALSE;
    expected[7].destroyed    = TRUE;
    expected[9].is_pinned    = FALSE;

        num_large_entries = 10;

    for (i = 9; i < 10; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* verify cache size */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 43) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (4 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (9 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (10 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 9.";

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

        /* Again, touch all the non VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE entries in the
    * cache to bring all the VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE entries to the
    * end of the LRU list.
    * Both (VET, 0) and (VET, 7) have been unpinned, so they are
    * now in the LRU list.
    for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* verify cache size */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 43) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (4 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (9 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((2 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        (10 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 10.";

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

    /* load two more large entries.  Things get a bit complicated here,
    * so I'll go through the operation step by step.
         * Initially, the cache has 4 KB of empty space, so the first entry
    * (LET, 10) is loaded via calls to H5C_protect() H5C_unprotect()
    * without causing any evictions.
         * However, this is not the case for the call of H5C_protect() on
    * (LET, 11).
         * Before inserting (LET, 11), H5C_protect(LET, 11) must try to
    * free up at least 4  KB of space.  To do this, it starts scanning
    * up the LRU list to find entries to evict.
         * (VET, 0) is at the bottom of the LRU list, and thus is the first
    * entry considered.  However, it is dirty, so it flushed to disk,
         * moved to the top of the LRU list, and marked clean.
         * (VET, 9) is the next entry on the bottom of the LRU list. It is
    * dirty too, calls its serialize callback function to construct an
         * on disk image of the entry, and moves it to the top of the LRU
         * list after the serialize callback returns.
         * However, (VET 9)'s serialize function needs to modify (VET, 8),
         * which is currently not in cache.  Thus it calls H5C_protect(VET, 8)
    * to gain access to it.  H5C_protect(VET, 8) loads (VET, 8), and
    * then attempts to evict entries to make space for it.
         * However, H5C_make_space_in_cache() now exits without taking
         * any action on re-entrant calls.  Thus H5C_protect(VET, 8) simply
         * loads the entry into the cache -- resulting in a cache that is
         * 10 KB oversize.  The subsequent unprotect puts (VET, 8) at the
         * head of the LRU and marks it dirty.
         * After (VET, 9) is serialized, it is flushed, and moved to the
         * head of the LRU.
         * At this point, the H5C_make_space_in_cache() call made by
         * H5C_protect(LET, 11) now has 14 KB of space to make.
         * The next entries on the LRU are (MET, 0) thru (MET, 30),
         * (LET, 0) thru (LET, 10), and (VET, 8) -- all of which are dirty,
         * and are therefore flushed and moved to the head of the LRU list.
         * The next entry on the bottom of the LRU list is (VET, 0), which
    * is clean, and is therefore evicted, leaving H5C_make_space_in_cache()
         * with 4 KB of space to create.
    * This space is sufficient, so H5C_protect(VET, 8) inserts
    * (VET, 8) into the cache's index, marks it as protected, and
    * returns to the serialize function for (VET, 9).
         * When the serialize function for (VET, 9) is done with (VET, 8), it
         * calls H5C_unprotect(VET, 8), which markes (VET, 8) as dirty and
         * unprotected, and places it at the head of the LRU.
         * (VET, 0) is the next item on the LRU -- it is clean and is therefore
         * evicted -- leaving 6 KB of free space after (LET, 11) is inserted
         * into the cache.
    * H5C_unprotect(LET, 11) marks (LET, 11) as unprotected, and then
    * returns as well.
    * The following table shows the expected states of the variable
    * size entries after the test.
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (VET, 0)     N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 1)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 2)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 3)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 4)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 5)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 6)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 7)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 8)    Y    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 9)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * Start by updating the expected table for the expected changes in
    * entry status:
    * Note that we reset the loaded, flushed, and destroyed
    * fields of (VET,8) so we can track what is happening.
    base_addr = entries[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE];
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[8]);
    entry_ptr->deserialized = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->deserialized = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->destroyed    = FALSE;

    expected[0].in_cache     = FALSE;
    expected[0].is_dirty     = FALSE;
    expected[0].serialized   = TRUE;
    expected[0].destroyed    = TRUE;
    expected[8].in_cache     = TRUE;
    expected[8].is_dirty     = FALSE;
    expected[8].deserialized = TRUE;
    expected[8].serialized   = TRUE;
    expected[8].destroyed    = FALSE;
    expected[9].in_cache     = FALSE;
    expected[9].is_dirty     = FALSE;
    expected[9].serialized   = TRUE;
    expected[9].destroyed    = TRUE;

    expected[10].in_cache     = TRUE;
    expected[10].is_dirty     = FALSE;
    expected[10].serialized   = TRUE;
    expected[10].destroyed    = FALSE;

        num_large_entries = 12;

    for (i = num_variable_entries;
        i < num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries - 1;
            expected[i].is_dirty   = FALSE;
        expected[i].serialized = TRUE;

    for (i = 10; i < 12; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* verify cache size  */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 44) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                        (2 * 1024) -
                                        (1 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                    (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                    (12 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 11.";

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries +

    if(pass) {

        /* protect and unprotect VET 9 to evict MET 0 */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        /* protect and unprotect VET 8 to dirty it and move it to the
         * top of the LRU.  Since we are dirtying it again, reset its
         * serialized flag.
        base_addr = entries[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[8]);
        entry_ptr->serialized = FALSE;

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 8);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 8, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* Again, touch all the non VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE entries in the
    * cache to evict VET 9 and move VET 8 to the bottom of the LRU.
         * Must do this twice to get the desired result.

        /* skip MET 0 in first pass so that we evict VET 9 when we
         * reload MET 0
         * Since we are reloading MET 0, reset its destroyed flag.
        base_addr = entries[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);
        entry_ptr->destroyed = FALSE;

    for (i = 1; i < num_monster_entries; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    for (i = 0; i < num_large_entries; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    for (i = 0; i < num_monster_entries; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    for (i = 0; i < num_large_entries; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    /* update the expected array to mark all these entries dirty again. */
    for (i = num_variable_entries;
        i < num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries - 1;
            expected[i].is_dirty = TRUE;

        /* update MET 0 to set its in cache flag, and reset
         * its destroyed flag
        expected[10].in_cache     = TRUE;

        /* pass through non variable entries will flush VET 8, and evict VET 9.
         * Update accordingly.
        expected[8].in_cache     = TRUE;
        expected[8].is_dirty     = TRUE;
        expected[8].serialized   = FALSE;
        expected[8].destroyed    = FALSE;
        expected[9].in_cache     = FALSE;
        expected[9].is_dirty     = FALSE;
        expected[9].serialized   = TRUE;
        expected[9].destroyed    = TRUE;

        /* verify cache size */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 44) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (5 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (11 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((1 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                    (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                    (12 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 12.";

        /* modifications to the H5C__flush_single_entry() function have
         * changed the behavior of the cache slightly, causing
         * this test to fail.  Comment out for now -- come back and
         * fix if all goes well.

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    if(pass) {

        /* Load two more large entries.
    * Since (VET, 8) is dirty, at first this will just cause (VET, 8)
    * to be flushed.
    * But all other entries in the cache are dirty, so the cache will
    * flush them all, and then evict (VET, 8) on the second pass.
    * The following table shows the expected states of the variable
    * size entries after the test.
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (VET, 0)     N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 1)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 2)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 3)    N    2.5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 4)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 5)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 6)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 7)    N     5 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 8)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (VET, 9)    N    10 KB    N    N    -    -
    * Start by updating the expected table for the expected changes in
    * entry status:

    expected[8].in_cache     = FALSE;
    expected[8].is_dirty     = FALSE;
    expected[8].serialized   = TRUE;
    expected[8].destroyed    = TRUE;

        num_large_entries = 14;

    /* a newly loaded entry is not inserted in the cache until after
    * space has been made for it.  Thus (LET, 13) will not be flushed.
    for (i = num_variable_entries;
        i < num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries - 1;
            expected[i].is_dirty   = FALSE;
        expected[i].serialized = TRUE;

    for (i = 12; i < 14; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* verify cache size  */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 45) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024) -
                                    (6 * VARIABLE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                    (13 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                    (14 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in flush op eviction test 13.";

        /* modifications to the H5C__flush_single_entry() function have
         * changed the behavior of the cache slightly, causing
         * this test to fail.  Comment out for now -- come back and
         * fix if all goes well.

    /* verify entry status */
                            (num_variable_entries + num_monster_entries + num_large_entries),

    /* at this point we have cycled all the variable size entries through
     * the cache.
     * flush the cache and end the test.

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Cache flush invalidate failed after flush op eviction test";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache len/size after cleanup of flush op eviction test";


    /* If we are collecting stats, check to see if we get the expected
     * values.
     * Testing the stats code is fairly new, but given the extent
     * to which I find myself depending on the stats, I've decided
     * to start testing the stats whenever it is convenient to do
     * so.
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->insertions[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 9) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 12) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 3) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 6) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected variable size entry stats in check_flush_cache__flush_op_eviction_test().";

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->insertions[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 25) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 14) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected large entry stats in check_flush_cache__flush_op_eviction_test().";

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 62) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster entry stats in check_flush_cache__flush_op_eviction_test().";

    if(pass) {



} /* check_flush_cache__flush_op_eviction_test() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__single_entry()
 * Purpose:    Verify that flush_cache behaves as expected when the cache
 *        contains only one element.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              1/12/05
 * Modifications:
 *         JRM -- 3/29/06
 *         Added tests for pinned entries.
 *         JRM -- 5/17/06
 *         Complete reqrite of pinned entry tests to accomodate
 *         the new H5C_mark_entry_dirty() call.

static void
check_flush_cache__single_entry(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to single entry case.";
    else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
              (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "cache not empty at beginning of single entry case.";

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 1,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 2,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 3,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 4,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 5,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 6,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 7,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 8,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 9,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 10,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 11,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 12,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 13,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 14,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 15,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                        H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 16,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                        H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 17,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 18,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 19,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 20,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 21,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 22,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 23,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 24,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 25,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 26,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 27,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 28,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 29,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 30,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 31,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                        H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 32,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ FALSE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG | H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                       H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ TRUE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 33,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 34,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 35,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 36,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 37,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 38,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 39,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 40,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 41,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 42,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 43,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 44,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 45,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 46,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 47,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                        H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 48,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                        H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 49,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 50,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 51,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 52,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 53,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 54,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 55,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 56,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 57,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 58,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 59,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 60,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ FALSE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 61,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 62,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ TRUE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 63,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                        H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    if(pass) {

            /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
            /* test_num              */ 64,
            /* entry_type            */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
            /* entry_idx             */ 0,
            /* insert_flag           */ TRUE,
            /* flags                 */ H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG,
            /* flush_flags           */ H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                        H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG |
            /* expected_deserialized */ FALSE,
            /* expected_serialized   */ FALSE,
            /* expected_destroyed    */ TRUE

    /* Now run single entry tests for pinned entries.  Test all combinations
     * of:
     *     1) Unpin by unprotect vs. unpin by call to H5C_unpin_entry().
     *     2) Marked dirty by unprotect or not.
     *     3) Marked dirty by call to H5C_mark_entry_dirty() or not.
     *  4) Marked dirty by call to H5C_mark_entry_dirty() while protected
     *     or not.
     *  5) Marked dirty by call to H5C_mark_entry_dirty() while pinned or not.
     *     6) Entry marked for flush or not.
     *     7) Call flush with H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG or not.
     *     8) Call flush with H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG or not.
     * This yields a total of 256 tests.
     * The tests and their expected results are given in the spec table
     * below.  The values assigned to the expected_serialized,
     * and expected_destroyed fields are somewhat arcane, so the following
     * overview may be useful.
     * In addition to simply checking to see if the test case runs,
     * we also check to see if the desired operations take place on the
     * cache entry.  Thus expected_serialized is set to TRUE if we
     * we expect the entry to be flushed, and expected_destroyed is set
     * to TRUE if we expect the entry to be destroyed.
     * In this test, we are working with pinned entries which can't be
     * evicted, so expected_destroyed is always FALSE.  We could pull it
     * from the table, but it is a hold over from the code this test
     * was adapted from, and it doesn't do any particular harm.
     * In general, we expect an entry to be flushed if it is dirty, and
     * flush in invoked WITHOUT the H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG.  However,
     * there are exceptions:  If flush is invoked with the
     * H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG, only marked entries will be flushed.
     * Further, unprotecting an entry with the H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG
     * will NOT mark the entry unless the entry has either been marked
     * dirty either before or durting the unprotect call.  This results in
     * some counterintuitive entries in the table.  It make be useful to
     * look in the test code to see the exact order of operations.
     * Similarly, we expect an entry to be cleared if it is dirty, and
     * flush is invoked WITH the H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG.  Again, there
     * are exceptions -- If flush is also invoked with the
     * H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG, only the marked entries will be
     * cleared.
     * The above comments about applying unprotect with the
     * H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG apply here as well.

    if(pass) {

    int i;
    struct pinned_single_entry_test_spec
            int         test_num;
            int            entry_type;
            int            entry_idx;
            hbool_t        dirty_flag;
            hbool_t        mark_dirty;
            hbool_t        pop_mark_dirty_prot;
            hbool_t        pop_mark_dirty_pinned;
            hbool_t        unprotect_unpin;
            unsigned int    flags;
            unsigned int    flush_flags;
            hbool_t        expected_serialized;
            hbool_t        expected_destroyed;
    } spec[256] =
    /*                                           pop    pop
    *                         ent unprot        mark   mark
    *  test  entry            -ry dirty  mark   dirty  dirty  unprot                             flush                                                         expect expect
         *  num   type             idx  flag  dirty  prot   pinned unpin  flags                       flags                                                         srlzd  destroy
    { {   1,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                           FALSE, FALSE },
    {   2,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                           FALSE, FALSE },
    {   3,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {   4,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {   5,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {   6,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {   7,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {   8,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {   9,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  10,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  11,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  12,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  13,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  14,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  15,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  16,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  17,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  18,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  19,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  20,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  21,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  22,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  23,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  24,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  25,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  26,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  27,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  28,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  29,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  30,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  31,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  32,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  33,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                           FALSE, FALSE },
    {  34,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                           FALSE, FALSE },
    {  35,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  36,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  37,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  38,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  39,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  40,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  41,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  42,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  43,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  44,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  45,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  46,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  47,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  48,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  49,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  50,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  51,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  52,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  53,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  54,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  55,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  56,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  57,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  58,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  59,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  60,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  61,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  62,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  63,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  64,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,                                            TRUE, FALSE },
    {  65,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  66,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  67,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  68,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  69,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  70,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  71,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  72,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  73,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  74,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  75,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  76,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  77,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  78,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  79,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  80,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  81,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  82,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  83,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  84,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  85,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  86,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  87,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  88,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  89,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  90,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  91,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  92,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  93,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  94,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  95,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    {  96,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                              FALSE, FALSE },
    { 128,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG,                               TRUE, FALSE },
    { 129,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 130,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 131,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 132,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 133,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 134,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 135,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 136,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 137,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 138,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 139,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 140,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 141,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 142,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 143,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 144,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 145,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 146,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 147,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 148,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 149,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 150,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 151,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 152,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 153,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 154,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 155,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 156,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 157,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 158,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 159,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 160,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET,          H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 164,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 166,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 167,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 168,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 170,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 171,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 172,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 173,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 174,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 175,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 176,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 178,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 179,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 180,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 181,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 182,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 183,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 184,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 185,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 186,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 187,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 188,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 189,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 190,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 191,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, FALSE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },
    { 192,  PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,  0,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE, H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG, H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG,                                  FALSE, FALSE },

    i = 0;
    while(pass && (i < 256))
                /* file_ptr             */ file_ptr,
                /* test_num              */ spec[i].test_num,
                /* entry_type            */ spec[i].entry_type,
                /* entry_idx             */ spec[i].entry_idx,
                /* dirty_flag            */ spec[i].dirty_flag,
            /* mark_dirty            */ spec[i].mark_dirty,
                /* pop_mark_dirty_prot   */ spec[i].pop_mark_dirty_prot,
                /* pop_mark_dirty_pinned */ spec[i].pop_mark_dirty_pinned,
            /* unprotect_unpin       */ spec[i].unprotect_unpin,
                /* flags                 */ spec[i].flags,
                /* flush_flags           */ spec[i].flush_flags,
                /* expected_serialized   */ spec[i].expected_serialized,
                /* expected_destroyed    */ spec[i].expected_destroyed


} /* check_flush_cache__single_entry() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__single_entry_test()
 * Purpose:    Run a single entry flush cache test.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              1/12/05
 * Modifications:

static void
check_flush_cache__single_entry_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                     int test_num,
                                     int entry_type,
                                     int entry_idx,
                                     hbool_t insert_flag,
                                     unsigned int flags,
                                     unsigned int flush_flags,
                                     hbool_t expected_deserialized,
                                     hbool_t expected_serialized,
                                     hbool_t expected_destroyed)
    H5C_t *        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    static char    msg[128];
    herr_t       result;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr = NULL;

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache_ptr NULL on entry to single entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
              (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache not empty at beginning of single entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((entry_type < 0) || (entry_type >= NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_TYPES) ||
              (entry_idx < 0) || (entry_idx > max_indices[entry_type])) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "Bad parameters on entry to single entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        base_addr = entries[entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[entry_idx]);

        if(insert_flag) {

            insert_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, entry_idx, flags);

        } else {

            protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, entry_idx);

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, entry_idx, flags);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, flush_flags);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "flush with flags 0x%x failed in single entry test #%d.",
                       flush_flags, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;
        else if((entry_ptr->deserialized != expected_deserialized) ||
                  (entry_ptr->serialized != expected_serialized) ||
                  (entry_ptr->destroyed != expected_destroyed)) {
#if 0 /* This is useful debugging code -- lets keep it for a while */

              "desrlzd = %d(%d), srlzd = %d(%d), dest = %d(%d)\n",
            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                "Unexpected entry status after flush in single entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;
        else if((((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) == 0)
                    ((cache_ptr->index_len != 1)
                      (cache_ptr->index_size != entry_sizes[entry_type])
                  (((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) != 0)
                    ((cache_ptr->index_len != 0)
                      (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)
               ) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
              "Unexpected cache len/size after flush in single entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;

    /* clean up the cache to prep for the next test */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "Flush failed on cleanup in single entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
            "Unexpected cache len/size after cleanup in single entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else {

            entry_ptr->deserialized = FALSE;
            entry_ptr->serialized   = FALSE;
            entry_ptr->destroyed    = FALSE;


} /* check_flush_cache__single_entry_test() */

 * Function:    check_flush_cache__pinned_single_entry_test()
 * Purpose:    Run a pinned single entry flush cache test.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              3/28/06
 * Modifications:
 *         JRM -- 5/17/06
 *         Added the pop_mark_dirty_prot and pop_mark_dirty_pinned
 *         flags and supporting code to allow us to test the
 *         H5C_mark_entry_dirty() call.  Use the
 *         call to mark the entry dirty while the entry is protected
 *         if pop_mark_dirty_prot is TRUE, and to mark the entry
 *         dirty while it is pinned if pop_mark_dirty_pinned is TRUE.

static void
check_flush_cache__pinned_single_entry_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                                            int test_num,
                                            int entry_type,
                                            int entry_idx,
                                            hbool_t unprot_dirty_flag,
                        hbool_t mark_dirty,
                        hbool_t pop_mark_dirty_prot,
                        hbool_t pop_mark_dirty_pinned,
                        hbool_t unprotect_unpin,
                                            unsigned int flags,
                                            unsigned int flush_flags,
                                            hbool_t expected_serialized,
                                            hbool_t expected_destroyed)
    H5C_t *       cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    static char    msg[128];
    hbool_t        expected_deserialized = TRUE;
    herr_t       result;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr = NULL;

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache_ptr NULL on entry to pinned single entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
              (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
               "cache not empty at beginning of pinned single entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;
    else if((entry_type < 0) || (entry_type >= NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_TYPES) ||
              (entry_idx < 0) || (entry_idx > max_indices[entry_type])) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "Bad parameters on entry to pinned single entry test #%d.",
        failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        base_addr = entries[entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[entry_idx]);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, entry_idx);

    if(pop_mark_dirty_prot) {

        mark_entry_dirty(entry_type, entry_idx);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, entry_idx,
                (unprot_dirty_flag ? H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG : H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET) |
                (flags | H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG));

    if(mark_dirty) {

            mark_entry_dirty(entry_type, entry_idx);

    if(pop_mark_dirty_pinned) {

        mark_entry_dirty(entry_type, entry_idx);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, flush_flags);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
               "flush with flags 0x%x failed in pinned single entry test #%d.",
               flush_flags, test_num);
            failure_mssg = msg;
        else if((entry_ptr->deserialized != expected_deserialized) ||
                  (entry_ptr->serialized != expected_serialized) ||
                  (entry_ptr->destroyed != expected_destroyed)) {
#if 0 /* this is useful debugging code -- keep it around */
              "desrlzd = %d(%d), srlzd = %d(%d), dest = %d(%d)\n",
            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                "Unexpected entry status after flush in pinned single entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;
        else if((((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) == 0)
                    ((cache_ptr->index_len != 1)
                      (cache_ptr->index_size != entry_sizes[entry_type])
                  (((flush_flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) != 0)
                    ((cache_ptr->index_len != 0)
                      (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)
               ) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
              "Unexpected cache len/size after flush in pinned single entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;

    /* clean up the cache to prep for the next test */
    if(pass) {

        if(unprotect_unpin) {

            protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, entry_idx);

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, entry_idx,
                (unprot_dirty_flag ? H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG : H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET) |

        } else {

            unpin_entry(entry_type, entry_idx);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                    "Flush failed on cleanup in pinned single entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
            "Unexpected cache len/size after cleanup in pinned single entry test #%d.",
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else {

            entry_ptr->deserialized = FALSE;
            entry_ptr->serialized   = FALSE;
            entry_ptr->destroyed    = FALSE;


} /* check_flush_cache__pinned_single_entry_test() */

 * Function:    check_get_entry_status()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_get_entry_status() behaves as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/28/06
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_get_entry_status(unsigned paged)
    static char   msg[128];
    herr_t        result;
    hbool_t      in_cache;
    hbool_t      is_dirty;
    hbool_t      is_protected;
    hbool_t      is_pinned;
    size_t      entry_size;
    H5F_t *       file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * base_addr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("H5C_get_entry_status() functionality (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("H5C_get_entry_status() functionality")

    pass = TRUE;

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

        if(file_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "file_ptr NULL from setup_cache.";

        else {

            base_addr = entries[0];
            entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);


    if(pass) {

        /* entry not in cache -- only in_cache should be touched by
         * the call.  Thus, only check that boolean.

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || is_dirty || is_protected || is_pinned) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || is_dirty || !is_protected || is_pinned) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || is_dirty || is_protected || !is_pinned) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        mark_entry_dirty(0, 0);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || !is_pinned) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        unpin_entry(0, 0);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || is_pinned) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_get_entry_status() */

 * Function:    check_expunge_entry()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_expunge_entry() behaves as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              7/5/06
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_expunge_entry(unsigned paged)
    static char   msg[128];
    herr_t        result;
    hbool_t      in_cache;
    hbool_t      is_dirty;
    hbool_t      is_protected;
    hbool_t      is_pinned;
    size_t      entry_size;
    H5F_t *       file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("H5C_expunge_entry() functionality (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("H5C_expunge_entry() functionality")

    pass = TRUE;

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

        base_addr = entries[0];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);

    if(pass) {

        /* entry not in cache -- only in_cache should be touched by
         * the status call.  Thus, only check that boolean.

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                                      &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected,
                    &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    /* protect an entry to force the cache to load it, and then unprotect
     * it without marking it dirty.

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || is_dirty || is_protected || is_pinned) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    /* Expunge the entry and then verify that it is no longer in the cache.
     * Also verify that the entry was loaded and destroyed, but
     * not flushed.
    if(pass) {

        expunge_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);


    if(pass) {

        /* entry shouldn't be in cache -- only in_cache should be touched
    * by the status call.  Thus, only check that boolean.

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (!entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    /* now repeat the process with a different entry.  On unprotect
     * mark the entry as dirty.  Verify that it is not flushed.

    base_addr = entries[0];
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[1]);

    if(pass) {

        /* entry not in cache -- only in_cache should be touched by
         * the status call.  Thus, only check that boolean.

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                                      &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected,
                    &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    /* protect the entry to force the cache to load it, and then unprotect
     * it with the dirty flag set.

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 1);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 1, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                                      &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected,
                    &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || is_pinned) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    /* Expunge the entry and then verify that it is no longer in the cache.
     * Also verify that the entry was loaded and destroyed, but not
     * flushed.
    if(pass) {

        expunge_entry(file_ptr, 0, 1);


    if(pass) {

        /* entry shouldn't be in cache -- only in_cache should be touched
    * by the status call.  Thus, only check that boolean.

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                                      &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected,
                    &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (!entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_expunge_entry() */

 * Function:    check_multiple_read_protect()
 * Purpose:    Verify that multiple, simultaneous read protects of a
 *         single entry perform as expectd.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/1/07
 * Modifications:
 *         None.
static unsigned
check_multiple_read_protect(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("multiple read only protects on a single entry (paged aggr)")
        TESTING("multiple read only protects on a single entry")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache.  Should succeed.
     * Then to start with, proceed as follows:
     * Read protect an entry.
     * Then read protect the entry again.  Should succeed.
     * Read protect yet again.  Should succeed.
     * Unprotect with no changes, and then read protect twice again.
     * Should succeed.
     * Now unprotect three times.  Should succeed.
     * If stats are enabled, verify that correct stats are collected at
     * every step.
     * Also, verify internal state of read protects at every step.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

        if((entry_ptr->header.is_protected) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.is_read_only) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 1.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 0)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 1.\n";

        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        if((!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) ||
        (!(entry_ptr->header.is_read_only)) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 1)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 2.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 1) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 1)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 2.\n";

        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        if((!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) ||
        (!(entry_ptr->header.is_read_only)) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 2)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 3.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 2) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 2)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 3.\n";

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) ||
        (!(entry_ptr->header.is_read_only)) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 1)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 4.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 2) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 2)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 4.\n";

        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        if((!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) ||
        (!(entry_ptr->header.is_read_only)) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 2)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 5.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 3) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 2)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 5.\n";

        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        if((!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) ||
        (!(entry_ptr->header.is_read_only)) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 3)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 6.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 4) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 3)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 6.\n";

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) ||
        (!(entry_ptr->header.is_read_only)) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 2)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 7.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 4) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 3)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 7.\n";

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) ||
        (!(entry_ptr->header.is_read_only)) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 1)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 8.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 4) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 3)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 8.\n";

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((entry_ptr->header.is_protected) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.is_read_only) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 9.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 0) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 4) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 3)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 9.\n";

    /* If we get this far, do a write protect and unprotect to verify
     * that the stats are getting collected properly here as well.

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        if((!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.is_read_only) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 10.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 1) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 4) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 3)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 10.\n";

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((entry_ptr->header.is_protected) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.is_read_only) ||
        (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected ro protected status 11.\n";

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 1) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 4) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 3)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 11.\n";

    /* Finally, mix things up a little, using a mix of reads and
     * and writes on different entries.  Also include a pin to verify
     * that it works as well.
     * Stats are looking OK, so we will only test them one more time
     * at the end to ensure that all is at it should be.

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 2);        /* (0,2) write */
        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 4);      /* (0,4) read only (1) */
    protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 6);        /* (0,6) write */

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 2,         /* (0,2) unprotect */

        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 2);    /* (0,2) read only (1) */
    protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 1);         /* (0,1) write */
        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 4);    /* (0,4) read only (2) */
    protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);        /* (0,0) write */
        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 2);    /* (0,2) read only (2) */

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 2,         /* (0,2) read only (1) pin */
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 6,         /* (0,6) unprotect */

        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 4);    /* (0,4) read only (3) */

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 2,         /* (0,2) unprotect */
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 1,         /* (0,1) unprotect */

    if(pass) {

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[4]);

        if(H5C_pin_protected_entry((void *)entry_ptr) < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_pin_protected_entry() failed.\n";

        } else if(!(entry_ptr->header.is_pinned)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "entry (0,4) not pinned.\n";

        } else {

        /* keep test bed sanity checks happy */
        entry_ptr->is_pinned = TRUE;


        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 4,         /* (0,4) read only (2) */
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 4,         /* (0,4) read only (1) */

        if(pass && (entry_ptr->header.is_pinned)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "enty (0,4) still pinned.\n";


        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 4,         /* (0,4) unprotect */
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0,         /* (0,0) unprotect */

    unpin_entry(0, 2);

    if((cache_ptr->write_protects[0] != 5) ||
    (cache_ptr->read_protects[0] != 9) ||
    (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[0] != 3)) {

    pass = FALSE;
    failure_mssg = "Unexpected protect stats 11.\n";

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_multiple_read_protect() */

 * Function:    check_move_entry()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_move_entry behaves as expected.  In
 *         particular, verify that it works correctly with pinned
 *         entries.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/26/06

static unsigned
check_move_entry(unsigned paged)
    unsigned          u;
    H5F_t *      file_ptr = NULL;
    struct move_entry_test_spec test_specs[4] =
        /* int     entry_type      = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* int     entry_index     = */ 10,
    /* hbool_t is_pinned       = */ FALSE,
    /* hbool_t is_protected    = */ FALSE
        /* int     entry_type      = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* int     entry_index     = */ 20,
    /* hbool_t is_pinned       = */ TRUE,
    /* hbool_t is_protected    = */ FALSE
        /* int     entry_type      = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* int     entry_index     = */ 30,
    /* hbool_t is_pinned       = */ FALSE,
    /* hbool_t is_protected    = */ TRUE
        /* int     entry_type      = */ PICO_ENTRY_TYPE,
        /* int     entry_index     = */ 40,
    /* hbool_t is_pinned       = */ TRUE,
    /* hbool_t is_protected    = */ TRUE

        TESTING("H5C_move_entry() functionality (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("H5C_move_entry() functionality")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, load entries into it, and then move
     * them.  To the extent possible, verify that the desired
     * actions took place.
     * At present, we should do the following tests:
     * 1) Move an unprotected, unpinned entry.
     * 2) Move an unprotected, pinned entry.
     * 3) Move a protected, unpinned entry.
     * 4) Move a protected, pinned entry.
     * In all cases, the entry should have moved to its
     * new location, and have been marked dirty if it wasn't
     * already.
     * Unpinned entries should have been moved to the head
     * of the LRU list.
     * Pinned entries should remain untouched on the pinned entry
     * list.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

    u = 0;
    while(pass && (u < NELMTS(test_specs)))
        check_move_entry__run_test(file_ptr, u, &(test_specs[u]));

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);


        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;
} /* check_move_entry() */

 * Function:    check_move_entry__run_test()
 * Purpose:     Run a move entry test.
 *        Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              4/27/06
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static void
check_move_entry__run_test(H5F_t * file_ptr,
                             unsigned test_num,
                             struct move_entry_test_spec * spec_ptr)
    H5C_t *       cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    static char    msg[128];
    unsigned int   flags = H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_cache_entry_t * test_ptr = NULL;

    if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "cache_ptr NULL on entry to move test #%u.",
        failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(spec_ptr == NULL) {

        pass = FALSE;
        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                   "spec_ptr NULL on entry to move test #%u.",
        failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        base_addr = entries[spec_ptr->entry_type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[spec_ptr->entry_index]);

        if((entry_ptr->self != entry_ptr) ||
             ((entry_ptr->cache_ptr != cache_ptr) &&
               (entry_ptr->cache_ptr != NULL)) ||
             (!(entry_ptr->at_main_addr)) ||
             (entry_ptr->addr != entry_ptr->main_addr)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "bad entry_ptr in move test #%u.",
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, spec_ptr->entry_type, spec_ptr->entry_index);

            pin_entry(spec_ptr->entry_type, spec_ptr->entry_index);

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, spec_ptr->entry_type, spec_ptr->entry_index, flags);

        move_entry(cache_ptr, spec_ptr->entry_type, spec_ptr->entry_index, FALSE);


    if(pass) {

        /* verify that the move took place, and that the cache's internal
         * structures are as expected.  Note that some sanity checking is
         * done by move_entry(), so we don't have to repeat it here.

        if(spec_ptr->is_pinned) {

            if(!(entry_ptr->header.is_pinned)) {

                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                           "Pinned entry not pinned after move in test #%u.",
                failure_mssg = msg;

            if(pass) {

                if(spec_ptr->is_protected) {
                } /* end if */
                else {
                    /* Scan through the pinned entry list, looking for the entry */
                    test_ptr = cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr;
                    while((test_ptr != NULL) &&
                            (test_ptr != (H5C_cache_entry_t *)entry_ptr))
                        test_ptr = test_ptr->next;

                    if(test_ptr == NULL) {

                        pass = FALSE;
                        HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                               "Pinned entry not in pel after move in test #%u.",
                        failure_mssg = msg;
                } /* end else */

            unpin_entry(spec_ptr->entry_type, spec_ptr->entry_index);

        } else {

            if(entry_ptr->header.is_pinned) {

                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                           "Unpinned entry pinned after move in test #%u.",
                failure_mssg = msg;

            if(spec_ptr->is_protected) {
            } /* end if */
            else {
                if((entry_ptr->header.prev != NULL) ||
                     (cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr != (H5C_cache_entry_t *)entry_ptr))
                    pass = FALSE;
                    HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                               "Entry not at head of LRU after move in test #%u.",
                    failure_mssg = msg;
            } /* end else */

        if(spec_ptr->is_protected) {
            if(!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) {

                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                           "Protected entry not protected after move in test #%u.",
                failure_mssg = msg;

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, spec_ptr->entry_type, spec_ptr->entry_index, flags);

        } /* end if */
        else {
            if(entry_ptr->header.is_protected) {

                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                           "Unprotected entry not unprotected after move in test #%u.",
                failure_mssg = msg;
        } /* end else */

    /* put the entry back where it started from */
    move_entry(cache_ptr, spec_ptr->entry_type, spec_ptr->entry_index, TRUE);


} /* check_move_entry__run_test() */

 * Function:    check_pin_protected_entry()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_pin_protected_entry behaves as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/28/06
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_pin_protected_entry(unsigned paged)
    static char   msg[128];
    herr_t        result;
    H5F_t *       file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("H5C_pin_protected_entry() functionality (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("H5C_pin_protected_entry() functionality")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* Create a cache, protect an entry, and then use H5C_pin_protected_entry()
     * to pin it.  Verify that the entry is in fact pined.  Unprotect the entry
     * to unpin it, and then destroy the cache.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

        if(file_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "file_ptr NULL from setup_cache.";


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);


    if(pass) {

        base_addr = entries[0];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);

    result = H5C_pin_protected_entry((void *)entry_ptr);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_pin_protected_entry() reports failure.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!(entry_ptr->header.is_pinned)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "entry not pinned when it should be.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else {

        entry_ptr->is_pinned = TRUE;

    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_pin_protected_entry() */

 * Function:    check_resize_entry()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_resize_entry() and H5C_unprotect() resize
 *         entries as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              7/7/06

static unsigned
check_resize_entry(unsigned paged)
    static char    msg[128];
    herr_t         result;
    hbool_t       in_cache;
    hbool_t       is_dirty;
    hbool_t       is_protected;
    hbool_t       is_pinned;
    size_t       entry_size;
    size_t       reported_entry_size;
    H5F_t *        file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t *        cache_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("entry resize functionality (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("entry resize functionality")

    /* Setup a cache and verify that it is empty.
     * Then force the load of an entry by protecting it, and verify that
     * the entry and cache have the expected sizes.
     * Then unprotect the entry with the size changed flag and a reduced
     * size.  Verify that the entry and cache have the expected expected
     * sizes.
     * Use a second protect/unprotect cycle to restore the entry to
     * its original size.  Verify that the entry and cache have the
     * expected sizes.
     * Protect and unprotect the entry again to pin it.  Use
     * H5C_resize_entry to reduce its size.  Verify that the entry
     * and cache have the expected sizes.
     * Use H5C_resize_entry again to restore the entry to its original
     * size.  Verify that the entry  and cache have the expected sizes.
     * Use a protect / unprotect cycle to unpin and destroy the entry.
     * Verify that the entry  and cache have the expected sizes.
     * Obesrve that all the above tests have been done with only one
     * entry in the cache.  Repeat the tests with several entries in
     * the cache.

    pass = TRUE;

    /* tests with only one entry in the cache: */

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

        if(file_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "file_ptr NULL from setup_cache.";

            cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

            base_addr = entries[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE];
            entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);
            entry_size = LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE;

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || is_dirty || !is_protected || is_pinned) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2));

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "error(s) in H5C_resize_entry().");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else {

            result = H5C_unprotect(file_ptr,
                       entry_ptr->addr, (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

            if(result < 0) {

                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "H5C_unprotect() reports failure 1.");
                failure_mssg = msg;

            } else {

                /* tidy up so we play nice with the standard protect / unprotect
                 * calls.
                entry_ptr->is_protected = FALSE;
                entry_ptr->is_dirty = TRUE;
                entry_ptr->size = LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2;

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2)) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || is_pinned ||
            (reported_entry_size != (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "error(s) in H5C_resize_entry().");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else {

            result = H5C_unprotect(file_ptr,
                       entry_ptr->addr, (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

            if(result < 0) {

                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "H5C_unprotect() reports failure 2.");
                failure_mssg = msg;

            } else {

                /* tidy up so we play nice with the standard protect / unprotect
                 * calls.
                entry_ptr->is_protected = FALSE;
                entry_ptr->is_dirty = TRUE;
                entry_ptr->size = LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE;

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || is_pinned ||
            (reported_entry_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4));

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
            "H5C_resize_entry() reports failure 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4)) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || !is_pinned ||
            (reported_entry_size != (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
            "H5C_resize_entry() reports failure 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || !is_pinned ||
            (reported_entry_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0,
                        H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG | H5C__DELETED_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                                      &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected,
                    &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (!entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 7.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    /* now repeat the above tests with several entries in the cache: */

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 8.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        base_addr = entries[LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[3]);
    entry_size = LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE;

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 3) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 3 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 9.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3);


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 4 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 10.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 7.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || is_dirty || !is_protected || is_pinned) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 7.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 7.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2));

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "error(s) in H5C_resize_entry().");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else {

            result = H5C_unprotect(file_ptr,
                       entry_ptr->addr, (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

            if(result < 0) {

                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "H5C_unprotect() reports failure 3.");
                failure_mssg = msg;

            } else {

                /* tidy up so we play nice with the standard protect / unprotect
                 * calls.
                entry_ptr->is_protected = FALSE;
                entry_ptr->is_dirty = TRUE;
                entry_ptr->size = LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2;

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size !=
        ((3 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) + (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size !=

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 11.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 8.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || is_pinned ||
            (reported_entry_size != (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 8.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 8.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "error(s) in H5C_resize_entry().");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else {

            result = H5C_unprotect(file_ptr,
                       entry_ptr->addr, (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

            if(result < 0) {

                pass = FALSE;
                HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "H5C_unprotect() reports failure 4.");
                failure_mssg = msg;

            } else {

                /* tidy up so we play nice with the standard protect / unprotect
                 * calls.
                entry_ptr->is_protected = FALSE;
                entry_ptr->is_dirty = TRUE;
                entry_ptr->size = LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE;

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 4 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 2 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 12.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 9.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || is_pinned ||
            (reported_entry_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 9.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 9.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4));

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
            "H5C_resize_entry() reports failure 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size !=
        ((3 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) + (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4))) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size !=

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 13.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 10.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || !is_pinned ||
            (reported_entry_size != (LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 4))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 10.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 10.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
            "H5C_resize_entry() reports failure 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != (4 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != (2 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 14.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        &reported_entry_size, &in_cache,
                    &is_dirty, &is_protected, &is_pinned,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 11.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(!in_cache || !is_dirty || is_protected || !is_pinned ||
            (reported_entry_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 11.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 11.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3,
                        H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG | H5C__DELETED_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, &entry_size,
                                      &in_cache, &is_dirty, &is_protected,
                    &is_pinned, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 12.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 12.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (!entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 12.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 3) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != (3 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 15.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2, H5C__DELETED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__DELETED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__DELETED_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 16.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_resize_entry() */

 * Function:    check_evictions_enabled()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_get_evictions_enabled() and
 *         H5C_set_evictions_enabled() functions perform as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              8/2/07
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_evictions_enabled(unsigned paged)
    static char    msg[128];
    herr_t         result;
    hbool_t       show_progress = FALSE;
    hbool_t       evictions_enabled;
    hbool_t       in_cache;
    int        i;
    int           mile_stone = 1;
    H5F_t *        file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t *        cache_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * base_addr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("evictions enabled/disabled functionality (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("evictions enabled/disabled functionality")

    /* Setup a cache and verify that it is empty.
     * Use H5C_get_evictions_enabled() to determine if evictions are
     * currently enabled -- they should be.
     * Load entries until the cache is full.  Load one more.  Verify that
     * this caused an entry to be evicted.
     * Insert an entry.  Verify that this cases and entry to be evicted.
     * Used H5C_set_evictions_enabled() to disable evictions.  Verify
     * with a call to H5C_get_evictions_enabled().
     * Load another entry -- verify that this does not cause an entry
     * to be evicted.
     * Insert an entry -- verify that this does not cause an entry to
     * be evicted.
     * Use H5C_set_evictions_enabled() to re-enable evictions.  Verify
     * with a call to H5C_get_evictions_enabled().
     * Protect and unprotect some of the entries in the cache.  Verify
     * that there are no evictions (since we only try to make space
     * when we either insert or load a new entry).
     * Protect an entry not in the cache.  Verify that this causes
     * two evictions.
     * Used H5C_set_evictions_enabled() to disable evictions again.
     * Verify with a call to H5C_get_evictions_enabled().
     * Now flush and discard the cache -- should succeed.

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* create the cache */
    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(512 * 1024), paged);

        if(file_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "file_ptr NULL from setup_cache.";

            cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

            base_addr = entries[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE];

    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that it is empty */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != TRUE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that H5C_get_evictions_enabled() returns the expected value */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, &evictions_enabled);

    if((result != SUCCEED) || (evictions_enabled != TRUE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected evictions enabled 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* fill the cache */
        for (i = 0; i < 16 ; i++)
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that the cache is full */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 16) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 16 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != TRUE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* protect and unprotect another entry */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 16);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 16, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that an entry has been evicted */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 16) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 16 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != TRUE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        NULL, &in_cache, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (!entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* insert an entry */
        insert_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 17, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that another entry has been evicted */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 16) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 16 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != TRUE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[1]);

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        NULL, &in_cache, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (!entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 12 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* disable evictions */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

    if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "can't disable evictions 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(show_progress) /* 13 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that evictions are disabled */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 16) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 16 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 14 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* protect and unprotect another entry */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 18);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 18, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(show_progress) /* 15 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that no entry has been evicted */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 17) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 17 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 1) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 6.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 16 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* insert another entry */
        insert_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 19, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(show_progress) /* 17 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that no entry has been evicted */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 18) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 18 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 2 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 7.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 18 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* re-enable evictions */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, TRUE);

    if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "can't enable evictions 1.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(show_progress) /* 19 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* protect and unprotect an entry that is in the cache */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 19);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 19, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(show_progress) /* 20 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that no entries have been evicted */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 18) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 18 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 2 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != TRUE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 8.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 21 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* protect and unprotect an entry that isn't in the cache */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 20);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 20, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(show_progress) /* 22 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that the entries have been evicted to bring the
     * cache back down to its normal size.

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 16) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 16 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 2 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != TRUE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 9.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 23 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[2]);

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        NULL, &in_cache, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (!entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 24 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[3]);

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        NULL, &in_cache, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            (entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (!entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 4.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 25 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* disable evictions again */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

    if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "can't disable evictions 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(show_progress) /* 26 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* protect and unprotect an entry that isn't in the cache, forcing
         * the cache to grow.
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 21);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 21, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(show_progress) /* 27 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that the cache has grown */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 17) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 17 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 2) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 2 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 10.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 28 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* re-enable evictions again */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, TRUE);

    if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "can't enable evictions 2.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(show_progress) /* 29 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* insert an entry */
        insert_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 22, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(show_progress) /* 30 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* verify that the cache has returned to its maximum size */
    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 16) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 16 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_len != 3) ||
        (cache_ptr->slist_size != 3 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled != TRUE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected cache status 11.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 31 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[4]);

        result = H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr,
                        NULL, &in_cache, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
                       "H5C_get_entry_status() reports failure 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    } else if(in_cache) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected status 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

        } else if((!entry_ptr->deserialized) ||
            ( entry_ptr->serialized) ||
            (!entry_ptr->destroyed)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Unexpected entry history 5.");
            failure_mssg = msg;


    if(show_progress) /* 32 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* disable evictions one last time before we shut down */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

    if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "can't disable evictions 3.");
            failure_mssg = msg;

    if(show_progress) /* 33 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 34 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_evictions_enabled() */

 * Function:    check_flush_protected_err()
 * Purpose:    Verify that an attempt to flush the cache when it contains
 *        a protected entry will generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/24/04
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_flush_protected_err(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("flush cache with protected entry error (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("flush cache with protected entry error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry, and try to flush.  This
     * should fail.  Unprotect the entry and flush again -- should
     * succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        if(H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET) >= 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "flush succeeded on cache with protected entry.\n";

        } else {

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

            if(H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET) < 0) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "flush failed after unprotect.\n";

            } else {

                takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_flush_protected_err() */

 * Function:    check_destroy_pinned_err()
 * Purpose:    Verify that an attempt to destroy the cache when it contains
 *        a pinned entry that can't be unpined during the flush destroy
 *        will generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/7/06
 * Modifications:
static unsigned
check_destroy_pinned_err(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("destroy cache with permanently pinned entry error (pgd aggr)")
        TESTING("destroy cache with permanently pinned entry error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, pin an entry, and try to flush destroy.  This
     * should fail.  Unpin the entry and flush destroy again -- should
     * succeed.
    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

        if(H5C_prep_for_file_close(file_ptr) < 0) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected failure of prep for file close.\n";
        } /* end if */

        if(H5C_dest(file_ptr) >= 0) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "destroy succeeded on cache with pinned entry.\n";
        } /* end if */
    else {
        unpin_entry(0, 0);

            if(H5C_dest(file_ptr) < 0) {
                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "destroy failed after unpin.\n";
            } /* end if */
                file_ptr->shared->cache = NULL;
        } /* end else */

        if(saved_cache != NULL) {
            file_ptr->shared->cache = saved_cache;
            saved_cache = NULL;
        } /* end if */

    /* call takedown_cache() with a NULL file_ptr parameter.
    * This causes the function to close and delete the file,
    * while skipping the call to H5C_dest().
    takedown_cache(NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
    } /* end if */

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n", FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_destroy_pinned_err() */

 * Function:    check_destroy_protected_err()
 * Purpose:    Verify that an attempt to destroy the cache when it contains
 *        a protected entry will generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/24/04
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_destroy_protected_err(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("destroy cache with protected entry error (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("destroy cache with protected entry error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry, and try to flush.  This
     * should fail.  Unprotect the entry and flush again -- should
     * succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        /* Note: normally this call would go just before the series of
         * flushes prior to file close -- in particular, all entries
         * should be unprotected when this call is made.
         * Thus H5C_prep_for_file_close() contains an assert to verify
         * this.  Since this assert would be triggered by the condition
         * we are trying to test, put the call to H5C_prep_for_file_close()
         * prior to the final protect call.
        if(H5C_prep_for_file_close(file_ptr) < 0) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected failure of prep for file close.\n";
        } /* end if */

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        if(H5C_dest(file_ptr) >= 0) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "destroy succeeded on cache with protected entry.\n";
        } /* end if */
    else {
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);
            if(H5C_dest(file_ptr) < 0) {
                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "destroy failed after unprotect.\n";
            } /* end if */
        else {
                file_ptr->shared->cache = NULL;
        } /* end else */
    } /* end else */

        if(saved_cache != NULL) {
            file_ptr->shared->cache = saved_cache;
            saved_cache = NULL;
        } /* end if */

    /* call takedown_cache() with a NULL file_ptr parameter.
    * This causes the function to close and delete the file,
    * while skipping the call to H5C_dest().
    takedown_cache(NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
    } /* end if */

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n", FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_destroy_protected_err() */

 * Function:    check_duplicate_insert_err()
 * Purpose:    Verify that an attempt to insert and entry that is
 *        alread in the cache will generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/24/04
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_duplicate_insert_err(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result = -1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * base_addr;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("duplicate entry insertion error (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("duplicate entry insertion error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry, and then try to insert
     * the entry again.  This should fail.  Unprotect the entry and
     * destroy the cache -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        if(pass) {

            base_addr = entries[0];
            entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);

            result = H5C_insert_entry(file_ptr,
                                      types[0], entry_ptr->addr,
                                      (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

            if(result >= 0) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "insert of duplicate entry succeeded.\n";

            } else {

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

                takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_duplicate_insert_err() */

 * Function:    check_double_pin_err()
 * Purpose:    Verify that an attempt to pin an entry that is already
 *        pinned will generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/24/06
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static unsigned
check_double_pin_err(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("pin a pinned entry error (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("pin a pinned entry error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry, unprotect it with the pin flag,
     * protect it again, and then try to unprotect it again with the pin
     * flag.  This should fail.  Unpin the entry and destroy the cache
     * -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_unprotect(file_ptr,
                    entry_ptr->addr, (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to pin a pinned entry succeeded.\n";

        } else {

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_double_pin_err() */

 * Function:    check_double_unpin_err()
 * Purpose:    Verify that an attempt to unpin an unpinned entry will
 *         generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/24/06
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static unsigned
check_double_unpin_err(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("unpin an unpinned entry error (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("unpin an unpinned entry error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry, unprotect it with the unpin flag.
     * -- This should fail.
     * Try again with H5C_unpin_entry -- this should also fail.
     * Destroy the cache -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_unprotect(file_ptr,
                    entry_ptr->addr, (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to unpin an unpinned entry succeeded 1.\n";

        } else {

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

    result =  H5C_unpin_entry((void *)entry_ptr);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to unpin an unpinned entry succeeded 2.\n";


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_double_unpin_err() */

 * Function:    check_pin_entry_errs()
 * Purpose:    Verify that invalid calls to H5C_pin_protected_entry()
 *         generate errors as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/24/06
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static unsigned
check_pin_entry_errs(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("pin entry related errors (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("pin entry related errors")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* Allocate a cache, protect an entry, unprotect it with no flags,
     * and then call H5C_pin_protected_entry() to pin it -- This should fail.
     * Protect the entry again, unprotect it with a pin flag, protect it
     * again, and then call H5C_pin_protected_entry() to pin it -- This
     * should fail also.
     * Unprotect the entry with the unpin flag.
     * Destroy the cache -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_pin_protected_entry((void *)entry_ptr);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to pin an unprotected entry succeeded.\n";

        } else {

            protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

            protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_pin_protected_entry((void *)entry_ptr);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to pin a pinned, protected entry succeeded.\n";

        } else {

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_pin_entry_errs() */

 * Function:    check_double_protect_err()
 * Purpose:    Verify that an attempt to protect an entry that is already
 *        protected will generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/24/04

static unsigned
check_double_protect_err(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t * cache_entry_ptr;

        TESTING("protect a protected entry error (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("protect a protected entry error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry, and then try to protect
     * the entry again.  This should fail.  Unprotect the entry and
     * destroy the cache -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

    if(pass) {

        cache_entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5C_protect(file_ptr,
                        types[0], entry_ptr->addr,
                    &entry_ptr->addr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if(cache_entry_ptr != NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "attempt to protect a protected entry succeeded.\n";

    if(pass) {

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_double_protect_err() */

 * Function:    check_double_unprotect_err()
 * Purpose:    Verify that an attempt to unprotect an entry that is already
 *        unprotected will generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              6/24/04

static unsigned
check_double_unprotect_err(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("unprotect an unprotected entry error (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("unprotect an unprotected entry error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry, unprotect it, and then try to
     * unprotect the entry again.  This should fail.  Destroy the cache
     * -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_unprotect(file_ptr,
                    entry_ptr->addr, (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to unprotect an unprotected entry succeeded 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_double_unprotect_err() */

 * Function:    check_mark_entry_dirty_errs()
 * Purpose:    Verify that:
 *        1) a call to H5C_mark_entry_dirty with
 *           and unpinned and unprotected entry will generate an
 *           error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              5/17/06

static unsigned
check_mark_entry_dirty_errs(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("mark entry dirty related errors (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("mark entry dirty related errors")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry, unprotect the entry without
     * pinning it, and try to mark it dirty -- this should fail.
     * Destroy the cache -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);

    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

    if(pass) {

    result = H5C_mark_entry_dirty((void *)entry_ptr);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
            "attempt to dirty a unpinned and unprotected entry succeeded.\n";

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_mark_entry_dirty_errs() */

 * Function:    check_expunge_entry_errs()
 * Purpose:    Verify that invalid calls to H5C_expunge_entry()
 *         generate errors as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              7/6/06
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static unsigned
check_expunge_entry_errs(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("expunge entry related errors (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("expunge entry related errors")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* Allocate a cache, protect an entry, and then call H5C_expunge_entry()
     * to expunge it -- this should fail
     * Unprotect the entry with the pinned flag, and then call
     * H5C_expunge_entry() again.  This should fail too.
     * Finally, unpin the entry and call H5C_expunge_entry() yet again.
     * This should succeed.
     * Destroy the cache -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);


    if(pass) {

    result = H5C_expunge_entry(file_ptr,
                types[0], entry_ptr->addr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to expunge a protected entry succeeded.\n";

        } else {

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

    result = H5C_expunge_entry(file_ptr,
                types[0], entry_ptr->addr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to expunge a pinned entry succeeded.\n";

        } else {

        unpin_entry(0, 0);


    if(pass) {

    result = H5C_expunge_entry(file_ptr,
                types[0], entry_ptr->addr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
              "attempt to expunge an unpinned and unprotected entry failed.\n";


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_expunge_entry_errs() */

 * Function:    check_move_entry_errs()
 * Purpose:    Verify that invalid calls to H5C_move_entry()
 *         generates errors as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    Quincey Koziol
 *              12/10/16
static unsigned
check_move_entry_errs(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_0_0_ptr;
    test_entry_t * entry_0_1_ptr;
    test_entry_t * entry_1_0_ptr;

        TESTING("move entry related errors (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("move entry related errors")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, and insert several entries.  Try to move
     * entries to other entries resident in the cache.  This should
     * fail.  Destroy the cache -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {

        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

        insert_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        insert_entry(file_ptr, 0, 1, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        insert_entry(file_ptr, 1, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        entry_0_0_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);
        entry_0_1_ptr = &((entries[0])[1]);
        entry_1_0_ptr = &((entries[1])[0]);
    } /* end if */

    if(pass) {
        result = H5C_move_entry(cache_ptr, types[0], entry_0_0_ptr->addr, entry_0_1_ptr->addr);

        if(result >= 0) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "move to addr of same type succeeded.\n";
        } /* end if */
    } /* end if */

    if(pass) {
        result = H5C_move_entry(cache_ptr, types[0], entry_0_0_ptr->addr, entry_1_0_ptr->addr);

        if(result >= 0) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "move to addr of different type succeeded.\n";
        } /* end if */
    } /* end if */

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    /* Allocate a cache, protect an entry R/O, and then call
     * H5C_move_entry() to move it -- this should fail.
     * Finally, unprotect the entry and destroy the cache.
     * This should succeed.

    if(pass) {

        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

        insert_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);
    } /* end if */

    if(pass) {
    result = H5C_move_entry(cache_ptr, types[0], entry_ptr->header.addr, entry_ptr->header.addr + 10);

        if(result >= 0) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Call to H5C_move_entry on a R/O protected entry succeeded.\n";
        } /* end if */
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
    } /* end if */

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    else {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n", FUNC, failure_mssg);
    } /* end else */

    return (unsigned)!pass;
} /* check_move_entry_errs() */

 * Function:    check_resize_entry_errs()
 * Purpose:    Verify that invalid calls to H5C_resize_entry()
 *         generates errors as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              7/7/06

static unsigned
check_resize_entry_errs(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("resize entry related errors (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("resize entry related errors")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* Allocate a cache, protect an entry, and then call
     * H5C_resize_entry() to resize it -- this should succeed.
     * Unprotect the entry with the pinned flag, and then call
     * H5C_resize_entry() again with new size of zero.
     * This should fail.
     * Finally, unpin the entry and destroy the cache.
     * This should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0);


    if(pass) {

    result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, (size_t)1);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "Call to H5C_resize_entry on a protected entry failed.\n";

        } else {

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

    result = H5C_resize_entry((void *)entry_ptr, (size_t)0);

        if(result >= 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                 "Call to H5C_resize_entry with 0 new size succeeded.\n";

        } else {

        unpin_entry(0, 0);


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_resize_entry_errs() */

 * Function:    check_unprotect_ro_dirty_err()
 * Purpose:    If an entry is protected read only, verify that unprotecting
 *         it dirty will generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/3/07

static unsigned
check_unprotect_ro_dirty_err(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        TESTING("unprotect a read only entry dirty error (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("unprotect a read only entry dirty error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry read only, and then unprotect it
     * with the dirtied flag set.  This should fail.  Destroy the cache
     * -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_unprotect(file_ptr,
                    entry_ptr->addr, (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        if(result >= 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to unprotect a ro entry dirty succeeded 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    /* allocate a another cache, protect an entry read only twice, and
     * then unprotect it with the dirtied flag set.  This should fail.
     * Unprotect it with no flags set twice and then destroy the cache.
     * This should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 0);
        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_unprotect(file_ptr,
                    entry_ptr->addr, (void *)entry_ptr, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        if(result > 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "attempt to unprotect a ro entry dirty succeeded 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_unprotect_ro_dirty_err() */

 * Function:    check_protect_ro_rw_err()
 * Purpose:    If an entry is protected read only, verify that protecting
 *         it rw will generate an error.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/9/07
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static unsigned
check_protect_ro_rw_err(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;
    void * thing_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("protect a read only entry rw error (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("protect a read only entry rw error")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, protect an entry read only, and then try to protect
     * it again rw.  This should fail.
     * Unprotect the entry and destroy the cache -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        protect_entry_ro(file_ptr, 0, 0);

        entry_ptr = &((entries[0])[0]);

    if(pass) {

        thing_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5C_protect(file_ptr,
                    types[0], entry_ptr->addr,
                &entry_ptr->addr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if(thing_ptr != NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "attempt to protect a ro entry rw succeeded.\n";

    if(pass) {

    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, 0, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_protect_ro_rw_err() */

 * Function:    check_protect_retries()
 * Purpose:    To exercise checksum verification retries for an entry with
 *        a speculative load.
 * Return:
 * Programmer:
static unsigned
check_protect_retries(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t *cache_ptr = NULL;
    test_entry_t *base_addr = NULL;
    test_entry_t *entry_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_cache_entry_t * cache_entry_ptr = NULL;
    int32_t type;
    int32_t idx;

        TESTING("protect an entry to verify retries (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("protect an entry to verify retries")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* Set up the cache */
    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

    /* Set up read attempts for verifying checksum */
    file_ptr->shared->read_attempts = 10;
        file_ptr->shared->retries_nbins = 1;

    /* Test only for this type which has a speculative load */
    idx = 0;

    if(pass) {

    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    base_addr = entries[type];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[idx]);

    /* test case (1):
    *     --actual_len is smaller the initial length from get_load_size()
    *    --verify_chksum() returns TRUE after max_verify_ct is reached
    entry_ptr->actual_len = entry_ptr->size/2;
        entry_ptr->max_verify_ct = 3;
        entry_ptr->verify_ct = 0;

    cache_entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5C_protect(file_ptr,
                types[type], entry_ptr->addr, &entry_ptr->addr, H5C__READ_ONLY_FLAG);

    if((cache_entry_ptr != (void *)entry_ptr) ||
             (!(entry_ptr->header.is_protected)) ||
             (!(entry_ptr->header.is_read_only)) ||
             (entry_ptr->header.ro_ref_count <= 0) ||
             (entry_ptr->header.type != types[type]) ||
             (entry_ptr->size != entry_ptr->header.size) ||
             (entry_ptr->addr != entry_ptr->header.addr) ||
        (entry_ptr->verify_ct != entry_ptr->max_verify_ct))  {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "error from H5C_protect().";

        } else {

            HDassert((entry_ptr->cache_ptr == NULL) ||
                      (entry_ptr->cache_ptr == cache_ptr));

            entry_ptr->cache_ptr = cache_ptr;
            entry_ptr->file_ptr = file_ptr;
            entry_ptr->is_protected = TRUE;
            entry_ptr->is_read_only = TRUE;

        HDassert(((entry_ptr->header).type)->id == type);

    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, idx, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[++idx]);

    /* test case (2):
    *     --actual_len is greater the initial length from get_load_size()
    *    --verify_chksum() returns FALSE even after all tries is reached
    *       (file_ptr->shared->read_attempts is smaller then max_verify_ct)
    entry_ptr->actual_len = entry_ptr->size*2;
        entry_ptr->max_verify_ct = 11;
        entry_ptr->verify_ct = 0;

    cache_entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5C_protect(file_ptr,
                types[type], entry_ptr->addr, &entry_ptr->addr, H5C__READ_ONLY_FLAG);

    /* H5C_protect() should fail after all retries fail */
    if(cache_entry_ptr != NULL)
        pass = FALSE;

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_msg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_protect_retries() */

 * Function:    check_evictions_enabled_err()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_get_evictions_enabled() and
 *              H5C_set_evictions_enabled() generate errors as expected.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              8/3/07
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static unsigned
check_check_evictions_enabled_err(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    hbool_t evictions_enabled;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("get/set evictions enabled errors (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("get/set evictions enabled errors")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache.
     * Call H5C_get_evictions_enabled(), passing it a NULL cache_ptr,
     * should fail.
     * Repeat with a NULL evictions_enabled_ptr, should fail as well.
     * Configure the cache to use auto cache resize.  Call
     * H5C_set_evictions_enabled() to disable evictions.  Should fail.
     * Unprotect the entry and destroy the cache -- should succeed.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

    result = H5C_get_evictions_enabled(NULL, &evictions_enabled);

    if(result == SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_evictions_enabled succeeded() 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

    result = H5C_get_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, NULL);

    if(result == SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_evictions_enabled succeeded() 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

    result = H5C_set_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, TRUE);

    if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_evictions_enabled failed().\n";


    if(pass) {

        (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).incr_mode = H5C_incr__threshold;

    result = H5C_get_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

    if(result == SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_evictions_enabled succeeded() 1.\n";

        } else if(cache_ptr->evictions_enabled == TRUE) {


        (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).incr_mode = H5C_incr__off;

    if(pass) {

        (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode = H5C_decr__threshold;

    result = H5C_get_evictions_enabled(cache_ptr, FALSE);

    if(result == SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_evictions_enabled succeeded() 2.\n";

        (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode = H5C_decr__off;

    if(cache_ptr) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_evictions_enabled_err() */

 * Function:    check_auto_cache_resize()
 * Purpose:    Exercise the automatic cache resizing functionality.
 *        The objective is to operate the auto-resize code in
 *        all possible modes.  Unfortunately, there are quite
 *        a few of them.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              10/29/04

hbool_t rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
enum H5C_resize_status rpt_status;

static void test_rpt_fcn(H5_ATTR_UNUSED H5C_t * cache_ptr,
                  H5_ATTR_UNUSED int32_t version,
                  H5_ATTR_UNUSED double hit_rate,
                  enum H5C_resize_status status,
                  H5_ATTR_UNUSED size_t old_max_cache_size,
                  H5_ATTR_UNUSED size_t new_max_cache_size,
                  H5_ATTR_UNUSED size_t old_min_clean_size,
                  H5_ATTR_UNUSED size_t new_min_clean_size)
    rpt_fcn_called = TRUE;
    rpt_status = status;

static unsigned
check_auto_cache_resize(hbool_t cork_ageout, unsigned paged)
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    herr_t result;
    int32_t i;
    int32_t checkpoint = 0;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ test_rpt_fcn,

        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.5f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (14 * 1024 * 1024),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 1000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
    /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 2.0f,
    /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.5f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.1f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.05f

        TESTING("automatic cache resizing (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("automatic cache resizing")

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* allocate a cache, enable automatic cache resizing, and then force
     * the cache through all its operational modes.  Verify that all
     * performs as expected.

    if(pass) {

        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {
        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);
        if(result != SUCCEED) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(pass) {
        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after initialization.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache not full -- should result in not
     * full status.
    if(pass) {
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != not_full) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full -- should result in increase
     * of cache size from .5 to 1 meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache not full -- should result in not
     * full status.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != not_full) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 3.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full again -- should result in increase
     * of cache size from 1 to 2 meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 4.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full again -- should result in increase
     * of cache size from 2 to 4 meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 5.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full again -- should result in increase
     * of cache size from 4 to 8 meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 6.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full again -- should result in increase
     * of cache size from 8 to 12 meg.  Note that max increase reduced the
     * size of the increase.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (12 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 7.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full again -- should result in increase
     * of cache size from 12 to 14 meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (14 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (7 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 8.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full and at maximum size -- should
     * in no change in size and a result of at_max_size.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (14 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (7 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 9.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate with cache full and at maximum size -- should
     * result in a decrease from 14 to 13 Meg -- note that max decrease
     * reduced the size of the reduction
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (13 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024 + 512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 10.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* the current cache configuration is inconvenient for testing cache
     * size reduction, so lets change it some something easier to work
     * with.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1000 * 1000 + 10;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1000 * 1000;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 500 * 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1000 * 1000);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1000 * 1000);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);
        if(result != SUCCEED) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1000 * 1000 + 10)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (400 * 1000 + 1))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate  -- should result in a decrease from ~4 to ~3
     * M -- note that max decrease reduces the size of the reduction
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (3 * 1000 * 1000 + 10)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (300 * 1000 + 1))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 11.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate again  -- should result in a decrease from ~3
     * to ~2 M -- again note that max decrease reduces the size of the
     * reduction.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1000 * 1000 + 10)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (200 * 1000 + 1))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 12.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate again  -- should result in a decrease from ~2
     * to ~1 M -- again note that max decrease reduces the size of the
     * reduction, but only by five bites.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1 * 1000 * 1000 + 10)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (100 * 1000 + 1))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 13.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate again  -- should result in a decrease from ~1
     * to ~0.5 M -- max decrease is no longer a factor.  New size is five
     * bytes above the minimum.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (500 * 1000 + 5)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (50 * 1000))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 14.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate again  -- should result in a decrease of five
     * bytes to the minimum cache size.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (500 * 1000)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (50 * 1000))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 15.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate again -- Already at minimum size so no change in
     * cache size and result should be at_min_size.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_min_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (500 * 1000)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (50 * 1000))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 16.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force in range hit rate  -- should be no change in cache size,
     * and result should be in_spec.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 900))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i + 1000);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i + 1000, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (500 * 1000)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (50 * 1000))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 17.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full -- should
     * increase cache size from .5 to 1 M.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1 * 1000 * 1000)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (100 * 1000))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 18.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should result in a decrease to the
     * minimum cache size.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (500 * 1000)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (50 * 1000))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 19.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

     * now do some tests with the maximum increase and decrease sizes
     * disabled.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 4.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.25f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);
        if(result != SUCCEED) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 3.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should result in a decrease to the
     * minimum cache size.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 20.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full -- should increase cache size
     * from 1 to 4 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 21.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate again with cache full -- should increase cache
     * size from 4 to 16 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (16 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 22.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should result in a decrease cache size from
     * 16 to 4 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 23.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

     * We have tested the threshold increment and decrement modes.
     * must now test the ageout decrement mode.
     * Reconfigure the cache for this testing.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);
        if(result != SUCCEED) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 4.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 3.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    cork_entry_type(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE);

    /* fill the cache with 1024 byte entries -- nothing should happen
     * for three epochs while the markers are inserted into the cache
     * Note that hit rate will be zero, so the cache will attempt to
     * increase its size. Since we are already at max size, it will
     * not be able to.
    if(pass) { /* first epoch */
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 24.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* second epoch */
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1000;
        while(pass && (i < 2000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 25.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* third epoch */
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 2000;
        while(pass && (i < 3000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 26.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fourth epoch -- If the hit rate were above the lower threshold,
     * we would see cache size reduction now.  However, nothing will
     * happen until we get the hit rate above the lower threshold.
    if(pass) {
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 27.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fifth epoch -- force the hit rate to 100%.  We should see cache size
     * reduction now.
    if(pass) {
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2001 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(2001 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 28.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* sixth epoch -- force the hit rate to 100% again.
    if(pass) {
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1001 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(1001 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 29.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* seventh epoch -- force the hit rate to 100% again.
    if(pass) {
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(1000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 30.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* eigth epoch -- force the hit rate to 100% again -- should be steady
     * state.
    if(pass) {
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(1000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 31.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* now just bang on one entry -- after three epochs, this should
     * get all entries other than the one evicted, and the cache size
     * should be decreased to the minimum.
    if(pass) { /* ninth epoch */
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(1000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 32.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* tenth epoch */
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(1000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 33.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* eleventh epoch -- cache size reduction */
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size !=

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 34.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* twelth epoch -- at minimum size so no more ageouts */
        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000)) {
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_min_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size !=

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 35.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    uncork_entry_type(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE);

    /* repeat the above test, but with max_decrement enabled to see
     * if that features works as it should.  Note that this will change
     * the structure of the test a bit.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 5.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 4.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fill the cache with 1024 byte entries -- nothing should happen
     * for three epochs while the markers are inserted into the cache
     * Note that hit rate will be zero, so the cache will attempt to
     * increase its size. Since we are already at max size, it will
     * not be able to.
    if(pass) { /* first epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 36.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* second epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1000;
        while(pass && (i < 2000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 37.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* third epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 2000;
        while(pass && (i < 3000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 38.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fourth epoch -- If the hit rate were above the lower threshold,
     * we would see cache size reduction now.  However, nothing will
     * happen until we get the hit rate above the lower threshold.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 39.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fifth epoch -- force the hit rate to 100%.  We should see cache size
     * reduction now.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (7 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (7 * 512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 40.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* sixth epoch -- force the hit rate to 100% again.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 2000;
        while(pass && (i < 3000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (6 * 512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 41.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* seventh epoch -- keep hit rate at 100%, and keep 2K entries active.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (5 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (5 * 512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 42.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* eigth epoch -- still 100% hit rate
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 2000;
        while(pass && (i < 3000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 43.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* ninth epoch --hit rate at 100%.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 44.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* tenth epoch -- still 100% hit rate
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 2000;
        while(pass && (i < 3000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 45.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* eleventh epoch -- hit rate at 100% -- starting to stableize
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(2000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 46.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* twelth epoch -- force the hit rate to 100% again -- should be steady
     * state.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 2000;
        while(pass && (i < 3000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(2000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 47.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* now just bang on one entry -- after three epochs, this should
     * get all entries other than the one evicted, and the cache size
     * should be decreased to the minimum.
    if(pass) { /* thirteenth epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(2000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 48.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* fourteenth epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size !=
               (1001 * 1024 + MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size !=
               (1001 * 512 + MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 49.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* fifteenth epoch -- cache size reduction */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size !=

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 50.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* sixteenth epoch -- at minimum size so no more ageouts */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_min_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size !=

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 51.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* repeat the test yet again, this time with empty reserve enabled.
     * Again, some structural changes in the test are necessary.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.5f; /* for ease of testing */

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 6.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 5.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fill the cache with 1024 byte entries -- nothing should happen
     * for three epochs while the markers are inserted into the cache
     * Note that hit rate will be zero, so the cache will attempt to
     * increase its size. Since we are already at max size, it will
     * not be able to.
    if(pass) { /* first epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 52.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* second epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1000;
        while(pass && (i < 2000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 53.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* third epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 2000;
        while(pass && (i < 3000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 54.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fourth epoch -- If the hit rate were above the lower threshold,
     * we would see cache size reduction now.  However, nothing will
     * happen until we get the hit rate above the lower threshold.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 55.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fifth epoch -- force the hit rate to 100%.  We should see cache size
     * reduction now.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4002 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(4002 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 56.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* sixth epoch -- force the hit rate to 100% again.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2002 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(2002 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 57.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* seventh epoch -- force the hit rate to 100% again.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(2000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 58.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* eigth epoch -- force the hit rate to 100% again -- should be steady
     * state.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 3000;
        while(pass && (i < 4000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(2000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 59.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* now just bang on one entry -- after three epochs, this should
     * get all entries other than the one evicted, and the cache size
     * should be decreased to the minimum.
    if(pass) { /* ninth epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (int)(2000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 60.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* tenth epoch */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2000 * 512))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 61.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* eleventh epoch -- cache size reduction */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size !=

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 62.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* twelth epoch -- at minimum size so no more ageouts */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_min_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size !=

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 63.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Repeat the test again, this time using the age out with threshold
     * mode.  To simplify the testing, set epochs to eviction to 1.
     * Again, there are some minor structural changes in the test.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold;

        /* NOTE: upper_hr_threshold MUST be type double (not float)
         * or the cache test will fail on 64-bit systems.
        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = H5_DOUBLE(0.999); /* for ease of testing */

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 1; /* for ease of testing */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);
        if(result != SUCCEED) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 7.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 6.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fill the cache with 4K byte entries -- increment mode is off,
     * so cache size reduction should kick in as soon as we get the
     * hit rate above .999.
    if(pass) { /* first epoch -- hit rate 0 */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 64.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* second epoch -- hit rate 0 */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1000;
        while(pass && (i < 2000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 65.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* third epoch -- hit rate 1.0 -- should see decrease */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1001 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1001 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 66.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fourth epoch -- load up the cache again -- hit rate 0 */
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1001 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1001 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 67.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fifth epoch -- still loading up the cache -- hit rate 0 */
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1000;
        while(pass && (i < 2000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1001 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1001 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 68.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* sixth epoch -- force hit rate to .998 -- should be no reduction */
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1002;
        while(pass && (i < 2002))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1001 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1001 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 69.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* seventh epoch -- force hit rate to .999 -- should see reduction
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1003;
        while(pass && (i < 2003))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1000 * MEDIUM_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1000 * MEDIUM_ENTRY_SIZE / 2))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 70.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* We have now tested all the major ageout modes individually.
     * Lets try them all together to look for unexpected interactions
     * and/or bugs.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1000 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1000 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f; /* for ease of testing */

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1000 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 1; /* for ease of testing */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.5f; /* for ease of testing */

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);
        if(result != SUCCEED) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 8.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 7.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fill the cache with 4K byte entries -- increment mode is threshold,
     * so the decrease code will not be executed until the hit rate exceeds
     * .75.
    if(pass) { /* first epoch -- hit rate 0 */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 71.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { /* second epoch -- hit rate 0 */

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1000;
        while(pass && (i < 2000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 72.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* third epoch -- force the hit rate to 1.0.  Should be no change
     * in the cache size due to the combination of the empty reserve
     * and the max decrease.  Max decrease will limit the evictions
     * in any one epoch, and the empty reserve will not permit cache
     * size reduction unless the specified empty reserve is maintained.
     * In this epoch, all we should see is a reduction in the index size.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (7 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 73.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fourth epoch -- hit rate still 1.0.  Index size should decrease,
     * but otherwise no change expected.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (6 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 74.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fifth epoch -- hit rate still 1.0.  Index size should decrease,
     * but otherwise no change expected.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (5 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 75.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* sixth epoch -- hit rate still 1.0.  Index size should decrease,
     * but otherwise no change expected.  Note that the cache size is
     * now just on the edge of meeting the clean reserve.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 76.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* seventh epoch -- hit rate still 1.0.  No change in index size expected.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 77.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* eighth epoch -- start loading 1 KB entries.  Hit rate 0 so
     * decrease code shouldn't be called.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (5 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 78.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* ninth epoch -- access the 1 KB entries again, driving the hit rate
     * to 1.0.  Decrease code should be triggered, but the max decrease
     * should prevent the empty reserve from being met in this epoch.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 79.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* tenth epoch -- access the 1 KB entries yet again, forcing hit rate
     * to 1.0.  Decrease code should be triggered, and the empty reserve
     * should finally be met.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (7 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (7 * 1000 * 1024 / 2)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (3 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 80.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* eleventh epoch -- access the 1 KB entries yet again, forcing hit rate
     * to 1.0.  Decrease code should be triggered, and the empty reserve
     * should be met again.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 81.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* twelth  epoch -- hit rate 1.0 -- decrease as before.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (5 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (5 * 1000 * 1024 / 2)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (1 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 82.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* thirteenth  epoch -- hit rate 1.0 -- decrease as before.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (1 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 83.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fourteenth  epoch -- hit rate 1.0 -- decrease as before.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (3 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1000 * 1024 / 2)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (1 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 84.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* fifteenth  epoch -- hit rate 1.0 -- decrease as before.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (1 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 85.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* sixteenth  epoch -- hit rate 1.0 -- should be stable now
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1000 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (1 * 1000 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 86.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* now test the flash cache size increment code.  At least at present,
     * there should be no interaction between the regular auto-resize
     * code and the flash cache size increment code other than a reset
     * of the counter and stats collection used by the regular auto-resize
     * code.  Thus we do only limited tests of the two pieces of code
     * operating together.
     * Start with simple test to verify that the flash cache increment
     * code increases the cache size when and as expected.

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Place the cache in a known state via a flush-destroy on the cache
     * to clear out all entries, and then a reset on all the entries.
     * Then configure the cache for the flash cache size increase tests,
     * and force the flash size increase code through all its operational
     * modes.  Verify that all perform as expected.

    if(pass) {
        flush_cache(file_ptr, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* now repeat the above tests using the add space flash cache size
     * increment algorithm.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 64 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 5 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 100;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (32 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__add_space;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 1.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f; /* for ease of testing */

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1000 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 1; /* for ease of testing */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.5f; /* for ease of testing */

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);
        if(result != SUCCEED) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 12.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (64 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (32 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (0).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Load a huge entry into the cache */
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (64 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (32 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (1).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now load a monster entry.  Since a monster entry is larger than
     * half the size of the cache, and there is not sufficient space
     * for a monster entry in the cache, we will add space to the
     * cache to make room for the entry.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (80 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (40 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != (HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE +
                                    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (2).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Load a second monster entry.  Since the monster entry is larger
     * than half the size of the cache yet again, and there is not
     * sufficient space for the monster entry in the cache, we again
     * add space to the cache to make space for the entry.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (144 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (72 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 3) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != ((2 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                        HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (3).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Load a third moster entry.  Should be no cache size increase this
     * time.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 2);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 2, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (144 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (72 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 2)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (4).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* delete existing entries to prepare for next test, and reset
     * the size of the cache.
    if(pass) {

    expunge_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);
    expunge_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 2);

        if(pass) {

            result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);
            if(result != SUCCEED) {
                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 13.\n";

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (64 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (32 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (5).\n";

    /* repeat the above basic test, only this time, use inserts to add
     * entries to the cache, not protects.

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* insert a huge entry into the cache */
    if(pass) {

        insert_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    /* protect and unprotect a couple times to increment cache_accesses */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        protect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (64 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (32 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 2)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (6).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now insert a monster entry.  Since a monster entry is larger than
     * half the size of the cache, and there is not sufficient space
     * for a monster entry in the cache, we will add space to the
     * cache to make room for the entry.
    if(pass) {

        insert_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 4, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (80 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (40 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size !=
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (7).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Insert a second monster entry.  Cache size should increase again.
    if(pass) {

        insert_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 5, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (144 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (72 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 3) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size !=
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (8).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Insert a third monster entry.  Should be no cache size increase this
     * time.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 6);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 6, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (144 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (72 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != (2 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (9).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* delete existing entries to prepare for next test, and reset
     * the size of the cache.  We must also change the size of the needed
     * variable entries before we run the test, so will protect and
     * unprotect them now so as to get the correct initial size.
    if(pass) {

    expunge_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 5);
    expunge_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 6);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, 1024, TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, 1024, TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, 1024, TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 13);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 13, 1024, TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 13, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    flush_cache(file_ptr, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);

        if(pass) {

            auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 6 * 1024;
            result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

            if(result != SUCCEED) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 13.\n";

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (10).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now load the variable entries into the cache */
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 13);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 13, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 4 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 4)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (11).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* protect a variable entry, and re-size it to 3K.  Should be
     * no effect on the size of the cache.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, (3 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 6 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 5)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (12).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* protect the variable entry again, and re-size it to 10K.  Should
     * resize the cache to 13 KB.  Note that cache_accesses will be 0
     * in this case, since cache_accesses is incremented on the protect.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, (10 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (13 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (13 * 512)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 13 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (13).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* protect a second variable entry, and re-size it to 10K.  Should
     * resize to 22 KB.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, (10 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (22 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (11 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 22 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (14).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* protect a third variable entry, and re-size it to 10K.  Should
     * be no change in cache size.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, (10 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (22 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (11 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 31 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (15).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* re-size the variable entries back down to their initial size, and
     * restore the cache to its initial size as well, in preparation
     * for the next test.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, (1 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, (1 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, (1 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        if(pass) {

            auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 6 * 1024;
            result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

            if(result != SUCCEED) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 14.\n";

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 4 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (16).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now test flash cache resizes with pinned entries...
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);
        resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, 2 * 1024, TRUE);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (6 * 512)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 5 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (17).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, 10 * 1024, TRUE);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (13 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (13 * 512)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 13 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (18).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);
        resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, 10 * 1024, TRUE);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (22 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (11 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 22 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (19).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);
        resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, 10 * 1024, TRUE);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (22 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (11 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 31 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (20).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Unpin the entries.  Note that no entries are evicted as we don't
     * load any entries.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (22 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (11 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 31 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 4)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (21).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* re-size the variable entries back down to their initial size, and
     * restore the cache to its initial size as well, in preparation
     * for the next test.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, (1 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, (1 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
    resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, (1 * 1024), TRUE);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        if(pass) {

            auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 6 * 1024;
            result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

            if(result != SUCCEED) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 15.\n";

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 4 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (22).\n";

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);
        resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, 2 * 1024, TRUE);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (6 * 512)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 5 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (23).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, 10 * 1024, TRUE);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (13 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (13 * 512)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 13 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (24).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);
        resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, 10 * 1024, TRUE);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (22 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (11 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 22 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (25).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG);
        resize_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, 10 * 1024, TRUE);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (22 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (11 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 31 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (26).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Unpin the entries.  Note that no entries are evicted as we don't
     * load any entries.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

        protect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12, H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (22 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (11 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 31 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 4)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (27).\n";

    /* We have finished a basic check of the flash cache size increment
     * code.  Tidy up for a more extensive test...
    if(pass) {

    expunge_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10);
    expunge_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11);
    expunge_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12);
    expunge_entry(file_ptr, VARIABLE_ENTRY_TYPE, 13);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (22 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (11 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 4)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (28).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* ...and then reconfigure.   Note that we change the flash_multiple
     * and flash_threshold just to make sure that such changed perform
     * as expected.
    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 20 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  4 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 100;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__add_space;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.4f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f; /* for ease of testing */

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (2 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 1; /* for ease of testing */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.5f; /* for ease of testing */

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);
        if(result != SUCCEED) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 15.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 512)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != 0) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache after initialization 15.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* protect and unprotect a large entry -- no change in cache size since
     * a large entry will just fill the available space in the cache.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 512)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)  ||
        (rpt_fcn_called == TRUE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (29).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* protect and unprotect another a large entry -- should trigger a
     * flash cache size increase to 12 KB (remember that flash_multiple is
     * set to 2.0).
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (12 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (12 * 512)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 2 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)  ||
        (rpt_fcn_called != TRUE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (30).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* protect and unprotect two more large entries -- shouldnt trigger a
     * flash cache size increase.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (12 * 1024)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (12 * 512)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 3) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != 3 * LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 3)  ||
        (rpt_fcn_called != FALSE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (31).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* do many accesses of a single entry to talk the cache into reducing
     * its size to the minimum.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, TINY_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, TINY_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (1 * TINY_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (32).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Force another flash increase */
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass &&
        (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 + 128)) ||
        (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 + 64)) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size !=
        (cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1)  ||
        (rpt_fcn_called == FALSE) ||
                 (rpt_status != flash_increase)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (33).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force regular size increase up to maximum */
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 500))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, TINY_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, TINY_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (20 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (10 * 1024)) ||
        (rpt_fcn_called == FALSE) ||
             (rpt_status != at_max_size)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache config (34).\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {
    } /* end if */
    else {
    } /* end else */

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n", FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;
} /* check_auto_cache_resize() */

 * Function:    check_auto_cache_resize_disable()
 * Purpose:    Test the various ways in which the resize code can
 *        be disabled.  Unfortunately, there are quite a few of them.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              12/16/04
 * Modifications:
 *              Added code to include the flash cache size increment
 *              code in this test.
 *                                                      JRM -- 1/10/08

static unsigned
check_auto_cache_resize_disable(unsigned paged)
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    herr_t result;
    int32_t i;
    int32_t checkpoint = 0;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ test_rpt_fcn,

        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.5f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (14 * 1024 * 1024),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 1000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
        /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 1.0f,
        /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.25f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.1f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.05f

        TESTING("automatic cache resize disable (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("automatic cache resize disable")

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* allocate a cache, enable automatic cache resizing, and then force
     * the cache through all its operational modes.  Verify that all
     * performs as expected.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);

        if(file_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "file_ptr NULL from setup_cache.";

        else {

            cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after initialization.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

     * So far, we have forced the auto cache resize through all modes
     * other than increase_disabled and decrease_disabled.  Force these
     * modes now.  Note that there are several ways we can reach these
     * modes.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 1.0f; /* disable size increases */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full -- increase disabled so should
     * be no change in cache size, and result should be increase_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != increase_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- make sure that we haven't disabled decreases.
     * should result in a decrease cache size from 4 to 2 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate again -- increase disabled so should
     * be no change in cache size, and result should be increase_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != increase_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 3.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Repeat the above tests, disabling increase through the lower
     * threshold instead of the increment.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.0f; /* disable size increases */

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;
        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 3.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full -- increase disabled so should
     * be no change in cache size, and result should be in_spec.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 4.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- make sure that we haven't disabled decreases.
     * should result in a decrease cache size from 4 to 2 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 5.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate again -- increase disabled so should
     * be no change in cache size, and result should be increase_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 6.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Repeat the above tests yet again, disabling increase through the
     * incr_mode.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 4.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 3.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate with cache full -- increase disabled so should
     * be no change in cache size, and result should be in_spec.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 7.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- make sure that we haven't disabled decreases.
     * should result in a decrease cache size from 4 to 2 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 8.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate again -- increase disabled so should
     * be no change in cache size, and result should be increase_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 9.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now, disable size decreases, and repeat the above tests.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 1.0f; /* disable size decreases */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 5.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 4.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should be no change in cache size,
     * and result should be decrease_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 10.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- cache size should increase from 4 to 6 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 11.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate again -- should be no change in cache size,
     * and result should be decrease_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 12.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Repeat the above tests, disabling decrease through the upper
     * threshold instead of the decrement.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 1.0f; /* disable size decreases */

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 6.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 5.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should be no change in cache size,
     * and result should be in_spec.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 13.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- cache size should increase from 4 to 6 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 14.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate again -- should be no change in cache size,
     * and result should be in_spec.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 15.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Repeat the above tests, disabling decrease through the decr_mode.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 7.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 6.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should be no change in cache size,
     * and result should be in_spec.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 16.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- cache size should increase from 4 to 6 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 17.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate again -- should be no change in cache size,
     * and result should be in_spec.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 18.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now do tests disabling size decrement in age out mode.
     * Start by disabling size decrement by setting max_decrement to zero.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = 0; /* disable decrement */

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 1;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 8.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 7.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        /* flush the cache and destroy all entries so we start from a known point */
        flush_cache(file_ptr, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);


    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* load up the cache with small entries.  Note that it will take an
     * epoch for the ageout code to initialize itself if it is enabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != not_full) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 19.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Load up some more small entries.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1000;
        while(pass && (i < 2000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != not_full) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 20.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now force a high hit rate so that the size increase code is
     * is satisfied.  We would see a decrease here if decrease were
     * possible.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 21.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- cache size should increase from 4 to 6 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 22.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* just bang on a single entry.  This will see to it that there are
     * many entries that could be aged out were decreases enabled.
     * Should be no change in cache size, and result should be
     * decrease_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 23.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now disable size decrement in age out mode via the empty reserve.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 1;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 1.0f; /* disable decrement */

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 9.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 8.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        /* flush the cache and destroy all entries so we start from a known point */
        flush_cache(file_ptr, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);


    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* load up the cache with small entries.  Note that it will take an
     * epoch for the ageout code to initialize itself if it is enabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != not_full) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 24.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Load up some more small entries.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1000;
        while(pass && (i < 2000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != not_full) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 25.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now force a high hit rate so that the size increase code is
     * is satisfied.  We would see a decrease here if decrease were
     * possible.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 26.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- cache size should increase from 4 to 6 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 27.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* just bang on a single entry.  This will see to it that there are
     * many entries that could be aged out were decreases enabled.
     * Should be no change in cache size, and result should be
     * decrease_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 28.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now work with age out with threshold.  One can argue that we should
     * repeat the above age out tests with age out with threshold, but the
     * same code is executed in both cases so I don't see the point.  If
     * that ever changes, this test should be updated.
     * There is only one way of disabling decrements that is peculiar
     * to age out with threshold, which is to set the upper threshold
     * to 1.0.  Test this now.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 1.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 1;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 10.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 9.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        /* flush the cache and destroy all entries so we start from a known point */
        flush_cache(file_ptr, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);


    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* load up the cache with small entries.  Note that it will take an
     * epoch for the ageout code to initialize itself if it is enabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != not_full) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 29.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Load up some more small entries.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 1000;
        while(pass && (i < 2000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != not_full) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 30.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now force a high hit rate so that the size increase code is
     * is satisfied.  We would see a decrease here if decrease were
     * possible, but the upper threshold cannot be met, so no decrease.
     * rpt_status should be decrease_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_len != 2000) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != 2000 * SMALL_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 31.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- cache size should increase from 4 to 6 Meg.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != increase) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 32.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* just bang on a single entry.  This keeps the hit rate high, and sees
     * to it that there are many entries that could be aged out were
     * decreases enabled.
     * Should be no change in cache size, and result should be
     * decrease_disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 999);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 999, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease_disabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 33.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

     * Finally, use the auto cache resize code to set the size of the
     * cache and keep it there.  Again, due to the complexity of the
     * interface, there are lots of ways of doing this.  We have to
     * check them all.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 2 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.0f; /* disable size increases */

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 1.0f; /* disable size decreases */

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 11.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 10.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 34.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 35.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.25f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 1.0f; /* disable size increment */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 1.0f; /* disable size decrement */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 12.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 11.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 36.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 37.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 2 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 6 * 1024 * 1024; /* no resize */
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 6 * 1024 * 1024; /* no resize */

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 13.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 12.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 38.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (6 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (3 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 39.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.25f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 1.0f; /* disable size increment */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 1.0f; /* disable size decrement */

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 14.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 13.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 40.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 41.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.0f; /* disable size increment */

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 1.0f; /* disable size decrement */

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 15.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 14.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 42.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 43.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 16.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 15.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force low hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 44.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* force high hit rate -- should be no response as the auto-resize
     * code should be disabled.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (cache_ptr->resize_enabled) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 45.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now test the flash cache size increment code to verify that it
     * is disabled when it should be.
     * Since the flash size increase code doesn't look at hit rate, or
     * use epochs (other than to start a new epoch if a flash cache size
     * increase is triggered), we go about these tests somewhat differently
     * than the rest of the tests in this function.
     * As of this writing, there is only one flash cache size increment
     * mode (add space), which is triggered whenever the size of a newly
     * loaded or inserted entry, or the delta between old and new entry
     * sizes exceeds some fraction of the current maximum cache size, and
     * the cache doesn't have enough free space to accomodate the new/
     * resize entry without performing evictions.  The range of permissible
     * values for the flash_threshold (0.1 to 1.0 as of this writing), and
     * for the flash_multiple (0.1 to 10.0) do not permit the facility to
     * be turned off by configuration.  Thus, flash cache size increases
     * can be disabled only via the flash_incr_mode, and by setting the
     * current max_cache_size equal to max_size.
     * We have already tested the latter in check_auto_cache_resize(), so
     * we need only thest the former here.  Do this by disabling flash
     * cache size increments via the flash_incr_mode, and then creating
     * situations that would trigger flash cache size increases were that
     * code enabled.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 64 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 256 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  32 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 1.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.25f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 17.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (64 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (32 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 16.\n";

    /* We have reduced the max cache size to well below the current index
     * size.  Protect and unprotect an entry to allow the cache to evict
     * entries and get within bounds
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;

        protect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, LARGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if(pass &&
             (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (64 * 1024)) ||
                 (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (32 * 1024)) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
                 (rpt_fcn_called != FALSE)))) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "\nmax_cache_size = %ld.\n",
        HDfprintf(stdout, "min_clean_size = %ld.\n",
        HDfprintf(stdout, "index_len = %ld.\n",
        HDfprintf(stdout, "index_size = %ld.\n",
        HDfprintf(stdout, "rpt_fcn_called = %ld.\n",

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 46.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now protect and unprotect a monster entry.  If the flash cache
     * size increment code was active, this would trigger an increase.
     * Verify that it doesn't.
     * This finishes the additional tests needed for the flash cache
     * size increase code.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if(pass &&
             (((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (64 * 1024)) ||
                 (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (32 * 1024)) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_len != 1) ||
                 (cache_ptr->index_size != MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE) ||
                 (rpt_fcn_called != FALSE)))) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "\nmax_cache_size = %ld.\n",
        HDfprintf(stdout, "min_clean_size = %ld.\n",
        HDfprintf(stdout, "index_len = %ld.\n",
        HDfprintf(stdout, "index_size = %ld.\n",
        HDfprintf(stdout, "rpt_fcn_called = %ld.\n",

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 47.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_auto_cache_resize_disable() */

 * Function:    check_auto_cache_resize_epoch_markers()
 * Purpose:    Verify that the auto-resize code manages epoch markers
 *        correctly.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              12/16/04
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_auto_cache_resize_epoch_markers(unsigned paged)
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    herr_t result;
    int32_t i;
    int32_t j;
    int32_t checkpoint = 0;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ test_rpt_fcn,

        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.5f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (14 * 1024 * 1024),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 1000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
    /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 2.0f,
    /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.5f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.1f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.05f

        TESTING("automatic cache resize epoch marker management (paged aggr)")
        TESTING("automatic cache resize epoch marker management")

    pass = TRUE;

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after initialization.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Now make sure that we are managing the epoch markers correctly.

    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 10;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Since we just created the cache, there should be no epoch markers
     * active.  Verify that this is true.

    if(pass) {

        if(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active != 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected # of epoch markers 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MEDIUM_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (1 * 1000 * MEDIUM_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 0.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        j = 2;
        while(pass && (j <= 10))

            rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
            i = (j - 2) * 1000;
            while(pass && (i < (j - 1) * 1000))
                protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                if(pass) {
                    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

            if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
                 (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
                 (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active != j)) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Unexpected # of epoch markers 2.\n";


    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* we now have a full complement of epoch markers -- see if
     * we get the expected reduction.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 9000;
        while(pass && (i < 10000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size !=
               (10 * 1000 * SMALL_ENTRY_SIZE + MEDIUM_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size !=
               ((10 * 1000 * SMALL_ENTRY_SIZE + MEDIUM_ENTRY_SIZE) / 2)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size !=
               (10 * 1000 * SMALL_ENTRY_SIZE + MEDIUM_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 1.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* now reduce the epochs before eviction, and see if the cache
     * deletes the extra markers
    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 1;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 3.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* There should be exactly one active epoch marker at present.
    if(pass) {

        if(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active != 1) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected # of epoch markers 3.\n";

    /* Now do an epochs worth of accesses, and verify that everything
     * not accessed in this epoch gets evicted, and the cache size
     * is reduced.
    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 9000;
        while(pass && (i < 10000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
             (rpt_status != decrease) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (1 * 1000 * SMALL_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 2.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* There should be exactly one active epoch marker at present...
    if(pass) {

        if(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active != 1) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected # of epoch markers 4.\n";

    /* shift the decrement mode to threshold, and verify that we remove
     * all epoch markers.
    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 1;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 4.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after set resize re-config 3.\n";

    /* ... and now there should be none.
    if(pass) {

        if(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active != 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected # of epoch markers 5.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* shift the decrement mode to age out with threshold.  Set epochs
     * before eviction to 10 again.
    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 10;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 5.\n";

    /* Verify that there are no active epoch markers.
    if(pass) {

        if(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active != 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected # of epoch markers 6.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* build up a full set of epoch markers. */
    if(pass) {

        j = 1;
        while(pass && (j <= 10))

            rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
            i = (j - 1) * 1000;
            while(pass && (i < j * 1000))
                protect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

                if(pass) {
                    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, SMALL_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

            if((!rpt_fcn_called) ||
                 (rpt_status != in_spec) ||
                 (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active != j)) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Unexpected # of epoch markers 7.\n";


    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* Verify that there are now 10 active epoch markers.
    if(pass) {

        if(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active != 10) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected # of epoch markers 8.\n";

    /* shift the decrement mode to off.  This should cause all epoch
     * markers to be removed.
    if(pass) {

        auto_size_ctl.version                = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = test_rpt_fcn;

        auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
        auto_size_ctl.min_size               = 512 * 1024;

        auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 1000;

        auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (4 * 1024 * 1024);

    auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__off;

        auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.995f;

        auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 10;

        auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = FALSE;
        auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 6.\n";

    /* Verify that there are now no active epoch markers.
    if(pass) {

        if(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active != 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected # of epoch markers 9.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    /* verify that we still have the expected number of entries in the cache,
     * and that the cache is of the expected size.
    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (8 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024))||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (10 * 1000 * SMALL_ENTRY_SIZE)) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_len != 10000)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache size change results 3.\n";

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(show_progress) HDfprintf(stderr, "check point %d\n", checkpoint++);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_auto_cache_resize_epoch_markers() */

 * Function:    check_auto_cache_resize_input_errs()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config() detects
 *        and rejects invalid input.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              10/29/04
 * Modifications:
 *         Added code to verify that errors in the flash cache size
 *              increment related fields are caught as well.
 *                                              JRM -- 1/17/08

static unsigned
check_auto_cache_resize_input_errs(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t ref_auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ test_rpt_fcn,

        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.5f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 1000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
    /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 2.0f,
    /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.5f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.1f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.05f

    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t invalid_auto_size_ctl;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t test_auto_size_ctl;

        TESTING("automatic cache resize input errors (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("automatic cache resize input errors")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, and set a reference automatic cache control
     * configuration.  Then feed H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config()
     * invalid input, and verify that the correct error is returned,
     * and that the configuration is not modified.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &ref_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (512 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (256 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after initialization.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 1.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.7f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(NULL, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted NULL cache_ptr.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 2.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 2.";

    /* check bad version rejection. */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version                = -1; /* INVALID */
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.7f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad version.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 3.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 3.";

    /* check bad initial size rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 16 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;
                                                       /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad init size 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 4.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 4.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 1 * 1024 * 1024 - 1;
                                                       /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad init size 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 5.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 5.";

    /* test for invalid min clean fraction rejection. */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 1.00001f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
            "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad min clean frac 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 6.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 6.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = -0.00001f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
            "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad min clean frac 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 7.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 7.";

    /* test for invalid max_size and/or min_size rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size            = H5C__MAX_MAX_CACHE_SIZE + 1;
                                                    /* INVALID */
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad max_size.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 8.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 8.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size           = 1 * 1024 * 1024;/* INVALID */
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size           = 1 * 1024 * 1024 + 1;/*PAIR */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad size pair.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 9.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 9.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size            = H5C__MIN_MAX_CACHE_SIZE - 1;
                                                    /* INVALID */
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad min_size.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 10.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 10.";

    /* test for invalid epoch_length rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length       = H5C__MAX_AR_EPOCH_LENGTH + 1;
                                                   /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad epoch len 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 11.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 11.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length       = H5C__MIN_AR_EPOCH_LENGTH - 1;
                                                   /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad epoch len 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 12.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 12.";

    /* test for bad incr_mode rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              =
                    (enum H5C_cache_incr_mode) -1; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad incr_mode 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 13.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 13.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              =
                    (enum H5C_cache_incr_mode) 2; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad incr_mode 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 14.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 14.";

    /* check for bad upper and/or lower threshold rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.7f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 1.01f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
             "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad upper threshold.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 15.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 15.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.8f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.7f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
              "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad threshold pair.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 16.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 16.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = -0.0001f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
             "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad lower threshold.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 17.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 17.";

    /* test for bad increment rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 0.99999f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad increment.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 18.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 18.";

    /* test for bad flash_incr_mode rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        =
                (enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode) -1; /* INVALID */
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
             "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad flash_incr_mode.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 19.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 19.";

    /* test for bad flash_multiple rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        =
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 0.09f; /* INVALID */
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
           "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad flash_multiple(1).\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 20.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 20.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        =
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 10.01f; /* INVALID */
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
           "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad flash_multiple(2).\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 21.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 21.";

    /* test for bad flash_threshold rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        =
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 1.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.09f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
          "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad flash_threshold(1).\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 22.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 22.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        =
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 1.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 1.001f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
          "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad flash_threshold(2).\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 23.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 23.";

    /* test for bad decr_mode rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              =
                    (enum H5C_cache_decr_mode) -1; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad decr_mode 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 24.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 24.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              =
                    (enum H5C_cache_decr_mode) 4; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad decr_mode 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 25.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 25.";

    /* check for bad decrement rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 1.000001f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad decrement 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 26.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 26.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = -0.000001f; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad decrement 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 27.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 27.";

    /* check for rejection of bad epochs_before_eviction */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 0; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad epochs_before_eviction 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 28.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 28.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode      = H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction =
                                       H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS + 1; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad epochs_before_eviction 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 29.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 29.";

    /* Check for bad apply_empty_reserve rejection */

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode              = H5C_decr__age_out;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction = 3;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = -0.0000001f; /* INVALID */

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad empty_reserve 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 30.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 30.";

    if(pass) {

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.rpt_fcn                = NULL;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size       = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.initial_size           = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_clean_fraction     = 0.1f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_size               = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.min_size               =  1 * 1024 * 1024;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epoch_length           = 5000;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.incr_mode              = H5C_incr__threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.lower_hr_threshold     = 0.75f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.increment              = 2.0f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_increment    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_increment          = (2 * 1024 * 1024);

    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_incr_mode        = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_multiple         = 2.0f;
    invalid_auto_size_ctl.flash_threshold        = 0.5f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decr_mode      = H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.upper_hr_threshold     = 0.999f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.decrement              = 0.9f;

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.max_decrement          = (1 * 1024 * 1024);

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.epochs_before_eviction =
                                       H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS + 1; /* INVALID */

        invalid_auto_size_ctl.apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
        invalid_auto_size_ctl.empty_reserve          = 0.05f;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &invalid_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad empty_reserve 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed 31.";

        } else if(!resize_configs_are_equal(&test_auto_size_ctl, \
                                               &ref_auto_size_ctl, FALSE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected auto resize config 31.";

    /* finally, before we finish, try feeding
     * H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config invalid data.

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(NULL, &test_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config accepted NULL cache_ptr.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config((const H5C_t *)&test_auto_size_ctl,

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config accepted bad cache_ptr.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, NULL);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config accepted NULL config ptr.\n";

    if(cache_ptr) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_auto_cache_resize_input_errs() */

 * Function:    check_auto_cache_resize_aux_fcns()
 * Purpose:    Verify that the auxilary functions associated with
 *        the automatic cache resize capability are operating
 *        correctly.  These functions are:
 *            H5C_get_cache_size()
 *            H5C_get_cache_hit_rate()
 *            H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats()
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              11/4/04
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_auto_cache_resize_aux_fcns(unsigned paged)
    herr_t result;
    int32_t i;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    double hit_rate;
    size_t max_size;
    size_t min_clean_size;
    size_t cur_size;
    uint32_t cur_num_entries;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
#if 1
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ NULL,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ H5C_def_auto_resize_rpt_fcn,
        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.5f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (16 * 1024 * 1025),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (512 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 50000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__off,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
    /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 2.0f,
    /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.5f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__off,

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.9f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.5f

        TESTING("automatic cache resize auxilary functions (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("automatic cache resize auxilary functions")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, and then test the various auxilary functions.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (512 * 1024))) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad cache size after initialization.\n";

    /* lets start with the H5C_get_cache_hit_rate(),
     * H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats() pair.

    if(pass) {

        if((H5C_get_cache_hit_rate(NULL, &hit_rate) != FAIL) ||
             (H5C_get_cache_hit_rate(cache_ptr, NULL) != FAIL)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_hit_rate accepts bad params.\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_hit_rate(cache_ptr, &hit_rate);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_hit_rate failed.\n";

        } else if(!H5_DBL_ABS_EQUAL(hit_rate, (double)0.0f)) {   /* i.e. hit_rate != 0.0 */

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_hit_rate returned unexpected hit rate 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, i);

            if(pass) {

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_hit_rate(cache_ptr, &hit_rate);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_hit_rate failed.\n";

        } else if(!H5_DBL_ABS_EQUAL(hit_rate, (double)0.0f)) {   /* i.e. hit_rate != 0.0 */

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_hit_rate returned unexpected hit rate 2.\n";

        } else if((cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1000) ||
                    (cache_ptr->cache_hits != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache hit rate stats.\n";

        } else if(rpt_fcn_called) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Report function called?.\n";


    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

            if(pass) {

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_hit_rate(cache_ptr, &hit_rate);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_hit_rate failed.\n";

        } else if(!H5_DBL_ABS_EQUAL(hit_rate, (double)0.5f)) { /* i.e. hit_rate != 0.5 */

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_hit_rate returned unexpected hit rate 3.\n";

        } else if((cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 2000) ||
                    (cache_ptr->cache_hits != 1000)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache hit rate stats.\n";

        } else if(rpt_fcn_called) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Report function called?.\n";


    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats(NULL);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats accepted NULL cache_ptr.\n";

        } else if((cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 2000) ||
                    (cache_ptr->cache_hits != 1000)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
              "Failed call to H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats altered stats?\n";

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats(cache_ptr);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats failed.\n";

        } else if((cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 0) ||
                    (cache_ptr->cache_hits != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache hit rate stats.\n";


    if(pass) {

        rpt_fcn_called = FALSE;
        i = 0;
        while(pass && (i < 1000))
            protect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, i + 500);

            if(pass) {

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr, PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, i + 500, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_hit_rate(cache_ptr, &hit_rate);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_hit_rate failed.\n";

        } else if(!H5_DBL_ABS_EQUAL(hit_rate, (double)0.5F)) { /* i.e. hit_rate != 0.5 */

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_hit_rate returned unexpected hit rate 4.\n";

        } else if((cache_ptr->cache_accesses != 1000) ||
                    (cache_ptr->cache_hits != 500)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache hit rate stats.\n";

        } else if(rpt_fcn_called) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Report function called?.\n";


     * So much for testing H5C_get_cache_hit_rate() and
     * H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats().  Now on to
     * H5C_get_cache_size().

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_get_cache_size(NULL, &max_size, &min_clean_size,
                                    &cur_size, &cur_num_entries);

        if(result != FAIL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_size accepted NULL cache_ptr.\n";

    if(pass) {

        max_size        = 0;
        min_clean_size  = 0;
        cur_size        = 0;
        cur_num_entries = 0;

        result = H5C_get_cache_size(cache_ptr, &max_size, &min_clean_size,
                                    &cur_size, &cur_num_entries);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_size failed 1.\n";

        } else if(max_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected max_size 1.\n";

        } else if(min_clean_size != (512 * 1024)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected min_clean_size 1.\n";

        } else if(cur_size != (1500 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected cur_size 1.\n";

        } else if(cur_num_entries != 1500) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected cur_num_entries 1.\n";

    /* read a larger entry so that cur_size and cur_num_entries will be
     * different.
    if(pass) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);

    if(pass) {
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

        max_size        = 0;
        min_clean_size  = 0;
        cur_size        = 0;
        cur_num_entries = 0;

        result = H5C_get_cache_size(cache_ptr, &max_size, &min_clean_size,
                                    &cur_size, &cur_num_entries);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_size failed 2.\n";

        } else if(max_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected max_size 2.\n";

        } else if(min_clean_size != (512 * 1024)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected min_clean_size 2.\n";

        } else if(cur_size !=
                   ((1500 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE) + MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected cur_size 2.\n";

        } else if(cur_num_entries != 1501) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected cur_num_entries 2.\n";

    if(pass) {

        max_size        = 0;

        result = H5C_get_cache_size(cache_ptr, &max_size, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_size failed 3.\n";

        } else if(max_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected max_size 3.\n";


    if(pass) {

        min_clean_size  = 0;

        result = H5C_get_cache_size(cache_ptr, NULL, &min_clean_size,
                                    NULL, NULL);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_size failed 4.\n";

        } else if(min_clean_size != (512 * 1024)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected min_clean_size 4.\n";


    if(pass) {

        cur_size        = 0;

        result = H5C_get_cache_size(cache_ptr, NULL, NULL, &cur_size, NULL);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_size failed 5.\n";

        } else if(cur_size !=
                   ((1500 * PICO_ENTRY_SIZE) + MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected cur_size 5.\n";


    if(pass) {

        cur_num_entries = 0;

        result = H5C_get_cache_size(cache_ptr, NULL, NULL, NULL,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_size failed 6.\n";

        } else if(cur_num_entries != 1501) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg =
                "H5C_get_cache_size reports unexpected cur_num_entries 2.\n";


    if(cache_ptr) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_auto_cache_resize_aux_fcns() */

 * Function:    check_metadata_blizzard_absence()
 * Purpose:    Test to verify that a 'metadata blizzard' can not occur
 *              upon insertion into the cache.
 *              A 'metadata blizzard' in this context occurs when the cache
 *              gets completely filled with all dirty entries. Upon needing
 *              to make space in the cache, the cache then has no clean
 *              entries ready to evict, and must clean every dirty entry
 *              in the cache first, due to the second chance replacement
 *              policy. (i.e. after cleaning an entry, it is bumped to the
 *              top of the LRU to make a second pass before eviction).
 *              The massive amount of sequential writes to disk while
 *              flushing the entire cache is what constitutes a 'metadata
 *              blizzard'.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    Mike McGreevy
 *              <mamcgree@hdfgroup.org>
 *              12/16/08
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_metadata_blizzard_absence(hbool_t fill_via_insertion, unsigned paged)
    int entry_type = HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE;
    size_t entry_size = HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE; /* 16 KB */
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int32_t checkpoint = 0;
    int32_t entry_idx = 0;
    int32_t i;

    /* Expected deserialized status of entries depends on how they get into
     * the cache. Insertions = not deserialized, protect/unprotect = deserialized.
    hbool_t deserialized = (hbool_t)!(fill_via_insertion);

    /* Set up the expected array. This is used to maintain a table of the
     * expected status of every entry used in this test.
    struct expected_entry_status expected[150] =
      /* entry        entry            in    at main                                                flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:        index:    size:        cache:    addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:  par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order:     corked: */
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 4,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 5,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 6,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 7,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 8,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 13,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 14,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 15,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 16,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 17,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 18,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 19,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 20,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 21,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 22,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 23,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 24,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 25,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 26,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 27,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 28,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 29,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 30,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 31,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 32,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 33,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 34,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 35,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 36,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 37,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 38,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 39,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 40,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 41,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 42,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 43,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 44,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 45,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 46,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 47,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 48,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 49,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 50,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 51,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 52,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 53,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 54,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 55,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 56,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 57,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 58,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 59,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 60,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 61,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 62,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 63,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 64,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 65,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 66,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 67,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 68,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 69,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 70,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 71,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 72,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 73,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 74,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 75,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 76,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 77,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 78,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 79,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 80,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 81,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 82,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 83,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 84,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 85,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 86,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 87,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 88,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 89,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 90,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 91,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 92,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 93,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 94,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 95,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 96,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 97,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 98,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 99,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 100,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 101,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 102,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 103,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 104,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 105,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 106,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 107,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 108,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 109,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 110,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 111,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 112,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 113,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 114,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 115,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 116,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 117,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 118,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 119,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 120,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 121,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 122,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 123,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 124,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 125,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 126,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 127,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 128,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 129,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 130,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 131,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 132,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 133,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 134,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 135,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 136,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 137,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 138,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 139,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 140,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 141,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 142,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 143,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 144,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 145,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 146,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 147,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 148,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 149,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE}

    pass = TRUE;


    if(fill_via_insertion) {
            TESTING("to ensure metadata blizzard absence when inserting (pgd aggr)")
            TESTING("to ensure metadata blizzard absence when inserting")
    } /* end if */
    else {
            TESTING("to ensure metadata blizzard absence on protect/unprotect (pa)")
            TESTING("to ensure metadata blizzard absence on protect/unprotect")
    } /* end else */

    if(show_progress) /* 0 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "\n%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n", FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Set up the cache.
         * The max_cache_size should have room for 50 entries.
         * The min_clean_size is half of that, or 25 entries.
        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(50 * entry_size), (size_t)(25 * entry_size), paged);

        if(file_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad return from cache intialization.\n";

            cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    /* ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================
     *  Phase 1:
     *    Inserting dirty entries into an empty cache, until the cache
     *    violates the min_clean_size requirement. The expected result is
     *    that none of the inserted entries during this phase will get
     *    flushed or evicted.
     *    This verifies that while maintaining min_clean_size, we don't go
     *    overboard and flush entries that we don't need to flush.
     * ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert 26 entries (indexes 0 through 25) into the cache.
         * Note that we are inserting 26 entries, and not 25, because the cache
         * will only try to adhere to the min_clean_size if it's currently
         * being violated. Thus, on insertion of the 26th entry, since the
         * min_clean_size will not be violated, it will accept the insertion
         * without having to make clean space.

        for (entry_idx = 0; entry_idx < 26; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,            /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */

            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,           /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

            /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
             * after each insertion
            expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;

            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */

    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    /* ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================
     *  Phase 2:
     *    Inserting entries into a cache that violates the min_clean_size,
     *    until the cache is full. The expected result is that each insertion
     *    will result in the flushing of a dirty entry in the cache.
     *    This verifies that we maintain the min_clean_size. By doing so, we
     *    prevent building the situation in which a 'metadata blizzard' would
     *    occur (i.e., the cache being completely filled with dirty entries).
     * ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert the 27th entry (index = 26) into the cache.
         * This should cause the cache to flush its least recently used entry
         * before the insertion because it doesn't satisfy the min_clean_size
         * constraint.
        if(fill_via_insertion) {
            insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                         entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                         entry_idx++,          /* int32_t idx */
                         H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
        } else {
            protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                          entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                          entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                            entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                            entry_idx++,           /* int32_t idx */
                            H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

        /* Verify the status of the entries.
         * Expected status is that there are 27 entries in the cache, and
         * entry number 0 has been cleaned.
         * Changes from last entry verification:
         *   - entry w/ index 0 has now been flushed and is now clean.
         *   - entry w/ index 26 is now in the cache and dirty.

        /* entry w/ index 0 has now been flushed and is now clean. */
    expected[0].is_dirty  = FALSE;
    expected[0].serialized  = TRUE;

        /* entry w/ index 26 is now in the cache and dirty. */
    expected[26].in_cache = TRUE;
    expected[26].is_dirty = TRUE;
    expected[26].deserialized   = (unsigned char)deserialized;

        /* verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            26,        /* int tag */
                            150,       /* int num_entries */
                            expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert the 28th entry (index = 27) into the cache.
         * This should, once again, cause the cache to flush its least
         * recently used entry before the insertion as it again does not
         * satisfy the min_clean_size constraint.
        if(fill_via_insertion) {
            insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                         entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                         entry_idx++,          /* int32_t idx */
                         H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
        } else {
            protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                          entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                          entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                            entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                            entry_idx++,        /* int32_t idx */
                            H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

        /* Verify the status of the entries.
         * Expected status is that there are 28 entries in the cache, and
         * entry numbers 0 and 1 have been cleaned.
         * Changes from last entry verification:
         *   - entry w/ index 1 has now been flushed and is now clean.
         *   - entry w/ index 27 is now in the cache and dirty.

        /* entry w/ index 1 has now been flushed and is now clean. */
    expected[1].is_dirty  = FALSE;
    expected[1].serialized  = TRUE;

        /* entry w/ index 27 is now in the cache and dirty. */
    expected[27].in_cache = TRUE;
    expected[27].is_dirty = TRUE;
    expected[27].deserialized   = (unsigned char)deserialized;

        /* verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            27,        /* int tag */
                            150,       /* int num_entries */
                            expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Fill out the rest of the cache with entries */
        /* Verify expected status of entries after each insertion */
        for (entry_idx = entry_idx; entry_idx < 50; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,            /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,           /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

            /* Expected staus is that after each insertion, the entry
             * inserted 26 insertions ago has been flushed, and the
             * entry currently getting inserted is now in the cache and
             * dirty.
            expected[entry_idx - 26].is_dirty = FALSE;
            expected[entry_idx - 26].serialized = TRUE;

        expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx].deserialized   = (unsigned char)deserialized;

            /* verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* expected */

        /* Verify that the cache is now full */
        if(cache_ptr->cache_full != TRUE) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache not completely filled.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    /* ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================
     *  Phase 3:
     *    Inserting entries into a cache that is completely full. Insertions
     *    of new entries will force evictions of old entries, but since the
     *    min_clean_size has been maintained, doing so will not result in
     *    the entire cache getting flushed in order to evict a single entry,
     *    as a clean entry will be available to flush reasonably close to
     *    the bottom of the LRU.
     *    This verifies that with a maintained min_clean_size, a metadata
     *    blizzard does not occur on insertion.
     * ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert the 51st entry (index = 50) into the cache.
         * The cache is full prior to the insertion, so it will
         * have to evict in order to make room for the new entry.
        if(fill_via_insertion) {
            insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                         entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                         entry_idx++,          /* int32_t idx */
                         H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
        } else {
            protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                          entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                          entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                            entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                            entry_idx++,        /* int32_t idx */
                            H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

        /* Verify the status of the entries.
         * Changes from last entry verification:
         *   - entry w/ index 0 has been evicted.
         *   - entries w/ indices 24,25 have now been flushed and are clean.
         *   - entry w/ index 50 is now in the cache and dirty.

        /* entry w/ index 0 has been evicted. */
    expected[0].in_cache  = FALSE;
    expected[0].destroyed = TRUE;

        /* entries w/ indices 24,25 have now been flushed and are clean. */
    expected[24].is_dirty = FALSE;
    expected[24].serialized = TRUE;
    expected[25].is_dirty = FALSE;
    expected[25].serialized = TRUE;

        /* entry w/ index 50 is now in the cache and dirty */
    expected[50].in_cache = TRUE;
    expected[50].is_dirty = TRUE;
    expected[50].deserialized   = (unsigned char)deserialized;

        /* verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            50,        /* int tag */
                            150,       /* int num_entries */
                            expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert 49 more entries (indices 51-99) into the cache.
         * The cache will be flushing an entry on each insertion, and
         * evicting an entry on each insertion.
         * After each insertion, verify the expected status of the
         * entries in the cache.
        for (entry_idx = entry_idx; entry_idx < 100; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,          /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,        /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

            /* This past inserted entry is now in the cache and dirty */
        expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx].deserialized   = (unsigned char)deserialized;

            /* The entry inserted 50 insertions ago has been evicted */
        expected[entry_idx - 50].in_cache  = FALSE;
        expected[entry_idx - 50].destroyed = TRUE;

            /* If the newly inserted entry is among the first 24
             * insertions in this loop, then the insertion will
             * have resulted in a flush of the entry inserted
             * 25 insertions ago. */
            if(entry_idx < 75) {

                expected[entry_idx - 25].is_dirty = FALSE;
                expected[entry_idx - 25].serialized = TRUE;
            /* If the newly inserted entry is among the last
             * 25 insertions in this loop, then the insertion will
             * have resulted in a flush of the entry inserted 26
             * insertions ago. This switch is because there was two
             * consecutive clean entries in the cache (due to 51/49
             * dirty/clean ratio when full), so instead of
             * flush-then-evict, it switches to evict-then-flush. */
            else {

                expected[entry_idx - 26].is_dirty = FALSE;
                expected[entry_idx - 26].serialized = TRUE;

            /* Verify this expected status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    /* ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================
     *  Phase 4:
     *    Flushing the entire cache, and then inserting entries into a cache
     *    that is completely full, but all clean.
     *    Phases 1 and 2 are then repeated. Rather than inserting dirty entries
     *    into an empty cache, we're inserting into a full cache that's all
     *    clean, thus an eviction occurs before each insertion.
     *    When the cache finally hits the point of violating the
     *    min_clean_size, the bottom half of the LRU will be filled with
     *    clean entries and the top half will be filled with recently inserted
     *    dirty entries. We'll then verify that an insertion will only evict
     *    one entry and flush one entry, and no more.
     * ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================

    if(pass) {

        /* Flush the cache.
         * We're doing this so we can repeat the above insertions, but
         * starting from a cache filled with clean entries as opposed
         * to an empty cache.

        flush_cache(file_ptr, /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                    FALSE,     /* hbool_t destory_entries */
                    FALSE,     /* hbool_t dump_stats */
                    FALSE);    /* hbool_t dump_detailed_stats */

        /* Verify that the cache is clean */

        /* Verify the status of the entries.
         * Changes from last entry verification:
         *   - entries w/ indices 74-99 have been flushed.

        /* entries w/ indices 74-99 have been flushed. */
        for (i = 74; i < 100; i++) {

            expected[i].is_dirty = FALSE;
            expected[i].serialized = TRUE;
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            0,         /* int tag */
                            150,       /* int num_entries */
                            expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert 26 entries (indexes 100 through 125) into the cache.
         * The cache will evict 26 entries since it's currently full with
         * all clean entries. None of the entries we're inserting now
         * will get cleaned, however.

        for (entry_idx = 100; entry_idx < 126; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,            /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */

            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,           /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

            /* This past inserted entry is now in the cache and dirty */
        expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx].deserialized   = (unsigned char)deserialized;

            /* The entry with ID minus 50 will have been evicted */
        expected[entry_idx - 50].in_cache  = FALSE;
        expected[entry_idx - 50].destroyed = TRUE;

            /* verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert the 127th entry (index = 126) into the cache. */
        if(fill_via_insertion) {
            insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                         entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                         entry_idx++,          /* int32_t idx */
                         H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
        } else {
            protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                          entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                          entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                            entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                            entry_idx++,           /* int32_t idx */
                            H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

        /* Verify the status of the entries.
         * Changes from last entry verification:
         *   - entry w/ index 76 is evicted.
         *   - entry w/ index 100 is cleaned.
         *   - entry w/ index 126 is now in the cache and dirty.

        /* entry w/ index 76 has been evicted. */
    expected[76].in_cache  = FALSE;
    expected[76].destroyed = TRUE;

        /* entry w/ index 100 has now been flushed and is now clean. */
    expected[100].is_dirty  = FALSE;
    expected[100].serialized   = TRUE;

        /* entry w/ index 26 is now in the cache and dirty. */
    expected[126].in_cache = TRUE;
    expected[126].is_dirty = TRUE;
    expected[126].deserialized   = (unsigned char)deserialized;

        /* verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            126,        /* int tag */
                            150,       /* int num_entries */
                            expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert entries w/ indices 127 through 149 into the cache */
        for (entry_idx = 127; entry_idx < 150; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,            /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */

            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,           /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

            /* This past inserted entry is now in the cache and dirty */
        expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx].deserialized   = (unsigned char)deserialized;

            /* The entry with ID minus 50 will have been evicted */
        expected[entry_idx - 50].in_cache  = FALSE;
        expected[entry_idx - 50].destroyed = TRUE;

            /* The entry with ID minus 26 will now be clean */
            expected[entry_idx - 26].is_dirty = FALSE;
            expected[entry_idx - 26].serialized = TRUE;

            /* verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */


    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(cache_ptr) {

        /* We're done with testing. We can take down the cache. */
        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 12 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   FUNC, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_metadata_blizzard_absence() */

 * Function:    check_flush_deps()
 * Purpose:    Exercise the flush dependency routines.
 * Return:    0 on success, non-zero on failure
 * Programmer:    Quincey Koziol
 *               3/12/09

static unsigned
check_flush_deps(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;            /* File for this test */
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;           /* Metadata cache for this test */
    test_entry_t *base_addr;            /* Base address of entries for test */
    int entry_type = PICO_ENTRY_TYPE;   /* Use very small entry size (size of entries doesn't matter) */
    unsigned u;                         /* Local index variable */
    struct expected_entry_status expected[5] =
      /* entry            entry        in    at main                                                        flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:        index:    size:        cache:    addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:  par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order:    corked: */
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 0,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 1,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 2,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 3,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 4,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE}

        TESTING("flush dependencies (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("flush dependencies")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, build up flush dependency hierarchy and tear it down.
     * Verify that all performs as expected.

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    base_addr = entries[entry_type];

    if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("setup_cache failed")

    /* Insert entries to work with into the cache */
    for(u = 0; u < 5; u++) {
        insert_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, (int32_t)u, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("insert_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after each insertion
        expected[u].in_cache = TRUE;
        expected[u].is_dirty = TRUE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)u,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")
    } /* end for */

/* Test Case #1 - Single flush dependency relationship */

    /* Create flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        hbool_t in_cache, is_flush_dep_parent, is_flush_dep_child;
        test_entry_t * entry_ptr;

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        /* Check the parent's entry status */
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[1]);
    if(H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, NULL, &in_cache,
                NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &is_flush_dep_parent, &is_flush_dep_child, NULL) < 0)
            CACHE_ERROR("H5C_get_entry_status() failed")
        if(!in_cache || is_flush_dep_parent || is_flush_dep_child)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid entry status")

        /* Check the child's entry status */
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);
    if(H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, NULL, &in_cache,
                NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &is_flush_dep_parent, &is_flush_dep_child, NULL) < 0)
            CACHE_ERROR("H5C_get_entry_status() failed")
        if(!in_cache || is_flush_dep_parent || is_flush_dep_child)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid entry status")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Check the parent's entry status */
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[1]);
    if(H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, NULL, &in_cache,
                NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &is_flush_dep_parent, &is_flush_dep_child, NULL) < 0)
            CACHE_ERROR("H5C_get_entry_status() failed")
        if(!in_cache || !is_flush_dep_parent || is_flush_dep_child)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid entry status")

        /* Check the child's entry status */
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);
    if(H5C_get_entry_status(file_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, NULL, &in_cache,
                NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &is_flush_dep_parent, &is_flush_dep_child, NULL) < 0)
            CACHE_ERROR("H5C_get_entry_status() failed")
        if(!in_cache || is_flush_dep_parent || !is_flush_dep_child)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid entry status")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd =0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #2 - Multiple children for one parent flush dependency relationship */

    /* Create flush dependency between entries 0, 1 (children) & 2 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 2;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries 0, 1 (children) & 2 (parent) */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #3a1 - Single chain of flush dependencies, 4 entries tall
 *      created from the "bottom up" and destroyed from the "top down"

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2->3 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 3;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[3].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[3].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, from the "top down" */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        3,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[3].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[3].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #3a2 - Single chain of flush dependencies, 4 entries tall
 *      created from the "bottom up" and destroyed from the "bottom up"

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2->3 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 3;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[3].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[3].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, from the "bottom up" */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        3,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[3].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[3].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #3b1 - Single chain of flush dependencies, 4 entries tall
 *      created from the "top down" and destroyed from the "top down"

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2->3 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 3;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[3].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[3].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, from the "top down" */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        3,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[3].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[3].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #3b2 - Single chain of flush dependencies, 4 entries tall
 *      created from the "top down" and destroyed from the "bottom up"

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2->3 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 3;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[3].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[3].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, from the "bottom up" */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        3,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[3].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[3].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #4 - Multiple children for a single parent */

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0,1,2,3->4 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        for(u = 0; u < 4; u++) {
            create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, (int32_t)u);
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

            /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
             * after creating flush dependency
            expected[u].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
            expected[u].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 4;
            expected[u].flush_dep_npar = 1;
            expected[4].is_protected = TRUE;
            expected[4].is_pinned = TRUE;

            /* Verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                (int)0,     /* int tag */
                                (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                                expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")
        } /* end for */

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries */
        for(u = 0; u < 4; u++) {
            destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, (int32_t)u);
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

            /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
             * after destroying flush dependency
            expected[u].flush_dep_npar = 0;

            /* Check for destroying flush dependency on last entry */
            if(3 == u) {
                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                4,                  /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

                /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
                 * after destroying flush dependency
                expected[4].is_protected = FALSE;
                expected[4].is_pinned = FALSE;
            } /* end if */

            /* Verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                (int)0,     /* int tag */
                                (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                                expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")
        } /* end for */

/* Test Case #5a - Join two flush dependency chains together, creating a single
 *      un-forked dependency chain

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1 and 3->4 (parent)
     *  then add entry 4 as a child of 0
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 4;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[4].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[4].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[4].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 0;
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[0].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[0].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")


    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, detaching 3->4 from 0 first */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[0].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[0].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        4,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[4].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[4].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[4].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #5b - Join two flush dependency chains together, creating a
 *      forked dependency chain

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2 and 3->4 (parent)
     *  then add entry 4 as a child of 1
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5F_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 4;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[4].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[4].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[4].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")


    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, detaching 3->4 from 1 first */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        4,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[4].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[4].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[4].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #5c - Join two flush dependency chains together, creating a
 *      forked dependency chain

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2 and 3->4 (parent)
     *  then add entry 4 as a child of 2
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 4;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[4].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[4].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[4].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 2;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")


    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, detaching 3->4 from 2 first */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        4,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[4].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[4].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[4].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #6a - Make certain that flush dependency relationship with parent
 *      already pinned works (unpin ater destroying flush dependency)

    /* Create flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        pin_entry(entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("pin_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Unpin entry & destroy flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unpin_entry(entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unpin_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #6b - Make certain that flush dependency relationship with parent
 *      already pinned works (unpin before destroying flush dependency)

    /* Create flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        pin_entry(entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("pin_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Unpin entry & destroy flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        unpin_entry(entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unpin_entry failed")

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #7 - Simple multiple parents

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0 and 1, 2 (parents)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[1] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[1] = 2;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 2;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    else {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s.\n", failure_mssg);
    } /* end else */

    return (unsigned)!pass;
} /* check_flush_deps() */

 * Function:    check_flush_deps_err()
 * Purpose:    Check  the flush dependency routines for error conditions.
 * Return:    0 on success, non-zero on failure
 * Programmer:    Quincey Koziol
 *               3/16/09

static unsigned
check_flush_deps_err(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;            /* File for this test */
    int entry_type = PICO_ENTRY_TYPE;   /* Use very small entry size (size of entries doesn't matter) */
    unsigned test_count;                /* Test iteration variable */

        TESTING("flush dependency errors (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("flush dependency errors")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* Loop over test cases, check for various errors in configuring flush
     *  dependencies.  Verify that all performs as expected.
    for(test_count = 0; test_count < 7; test_count++) {
        unsigned u;             /* Local index variable */
        herr_t result;          /* Generic return value */

        /* Allocate a cache */
        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("setup_cache failed")

        /* Insert entries to work with into the cache */
        for(u = 0; u < 10; u++) {
            insert_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, (int32_t)u, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("insert_entry failed")
        } /* end for */

        /* Various test cases */
        switch(test_count) {
            /* Verify that parent entry in flush dependency must be protected */
            case 0:
                result = H5C_create_flush_dependency(&((entries[entry_type])[0]), &((entries[entry_type])[1]));
                if(result != FAIL) CACHE_ERROR("Creating flush dependency with unprotected entry succeeded")

            /* Verify that entry can't have flush dependency on itself */
            case 1:
                protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

                result = H5C_create_flush_dependency(&((entries[entry_type])[0]), &((entries[entry_type])[0]));
                if(result != FAIL) CACHE_ERROR("Creating flush dependency with parent == child")

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

            /* Verify that parent entry must be protected */
            case 2:
                result = H5C_destroy_flush_dependency(&((entries[entry_type])[0]), &((entries[entry_type])[1]));
                if(result != FAIL) CACHE_ERROR("Destroying [non-existant] dependency when parent isn't protected")

            /* Verify that parent entry has flush dependency */
            case 3:
                protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

                result = H5C_destroy_flush_dependency(&((entries[entry_type])[0]), &((entries[entry_type])[1]));
                if(result != FAIL) CACHE_ERROR("Destroying dependency when parent isn't in relationship")

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

            /* Verify that child entry is in flush dependency relationship */
            case 4:
                protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

                create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

                result = H5C_destroy_flush_dependency(&((entries[entry_type])[0]), &((entries[entry_type])[2]));
                if(result != FAIL) CACHE_ERROR("Destroying dependency when child isn't in relationship")

                destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

            /* Verify that parent has child as direct descendant */
            case 5:
                protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

                create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

                protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

                create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 2);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

                protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

                create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 4);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

                result = H5C_destroy_flush_dependency(&((entries[entry_type])[0]), &((entries[entry_type])[4]));
                if(result != FAIL) CACHE_ERROR("Destroying dependency when child is not a direct descendant has no children at child's height")

                destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

                destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 2);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

                destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 4);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                3,                  /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

            /* Verify that child entry is child of parent */
            case 6:
                protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

                create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

                protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

                create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 3);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

                result = H5C_destroy_flush_dependency(&((entries[entry_type])[0]), &((entries[entry_type])[3]));
                if(result != FAIL) CACHE_ERROR("Destroying dependency when child isn't in relationship")

                destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

                destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 3);
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
                if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

                CACHE_ERROR("Unknown test case!")
        } /* end switch */

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("takedown_cache failed")
        file_ptr = NULL;
    } /* end for */

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    else {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s.\n", failure_mssg);
    } /* end else */

    return (unsigned)!pass;
} /* check_flush_deps_err() */

 * Function:    check_flush_deps_order()
 * Purpose:    Verify that the order that entries with flush dependencies
 *              is correct
 * Return:    0 on success, non-zero on failure
 * Programmer:    Quincey Koziol
 *               3/17/09

static unsigned
check_flush_deps_order(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;            /* File for this test */
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;           /* Metadata cache for this test */
    int entry_type = PICO_ENTRY_TYPE;   /* Use very small entry size (size of entries doesn't matter) */
    unsigned u;                         /* Local index variable */
    struct expected_entry_status expected[5] =
      /* entry            entry        in    at main                                                        flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:        index:    size:        cache:    addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:  par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order:    corked: */
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 0,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 1,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 2,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 3,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { PICO_ENTRY_TYPE, 4,    PICO_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE}
    unsigned flush_order;       /* Index for tracking flush order */

        TESTING("flush dependencies flush order (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("flush dependencies flush order")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, build up flush dependency hierarchy and tear it down.
     * Verify that all performs as expected.

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("setup_cache failed")

    /* Insert entries to work with into the cache */
    for(u = 0; u < 5; u++) {
        insert_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, (int32_t)u, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("insert_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after each insertion
        expected[u].in_cache = TRUE;
        expected[u].is_dirty = TRUE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)u,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")
    } /* end for */

/* Test Case #1a - Single flush dependency relationship, increasing addr order */

    /* Create flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 0;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_ndirty_chd =0;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[4].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[4].serialized = TRUE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #1b - Single flush dependency relationship, decreasing addr order */

    /* Create flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[0].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0 & 1 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, FALSE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 1;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries 0 (child) & 1 (parent) */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #2a - Multiple children for one parent flush dependency relationship
 *      increasing addr order

    /* Create flush dependency between entries 0, 1 (children) & 2 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0, 1 & 2 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, TRUE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 0;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 1;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 2;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries 0, 1 (children) & 2 (parent) */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #2b - Multiple children for one parent flush dependency relationship
 *      decreasing addr order

    /* Create flush dependency between entries 1, 2 (children) & 0 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[0].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0, 1 & 2 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, FALSE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 2;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 0;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries 1, 2 (children) & 0 (parent) */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #3a - Single chain of flush dependencies, 4 entries tall,
 *      increasing addr order

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2->3 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 3;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[3].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 3, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        3,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0-3 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, TRUE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;
        expected[3].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 0;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 2;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_order = 3;
        expected[3].is_protected = FALSE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, from the "top down" */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[3].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #3b - Single chain of flush dependencies, 4 entries tall
 *      decreasing addr order

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2->3 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[0].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 3, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0-3 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, FALSE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;
        expected[3].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 3;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 2;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_order = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, from the "bottom up" */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #4a - Multiple children for a single parent, increasing addr order  */

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0,1,2,3->4 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        for(u = 0; u < 4; u++) {
            create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, (int32_t)u);
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

            /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
             * after creating flush dependency
            expected[u].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
            expected[u].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 4;
            expected[u].flush_dep_npar = 1;
            expected[4].is_protected = TRUE;
            expected[4].is_pinned = TRUE;
            expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = u + 1;

            /* Verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                (int)0,     /* int tag */
                                (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                                expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")
        } /* end for */

    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 3, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 4, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        4,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0-4 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4, TRUE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;
        expected[3].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_order = -1;
        expected[4].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 0;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 1;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 2;
        expected[3].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_order = 3;
        expected[4].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[4].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_order = 4;
        expected[4].is_protected = FALSE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries */
        for(u = 0; u < 4; u++) {
            destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, (int32_t)u);
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

            /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
             * after destroying flush dependency
            expected[u].flush_dep_npar = 0;
            expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 3 - u;

            /* Check for destroying flush dependency on last entry */
            if(3 == u) {
                /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
                 * after destroying flush dependency
                expected[4].is_pinned = FALSE;
            } /* end if */

            /* Verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                (int)0,     /* int tag */
                                (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                                expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")
        } /* end for */

/* Test Case #4b - Multiple children for a single parent, decreasing addr order  */

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0,1,2,3->4 (parent) */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        for(u = 1; u < 5; u++) {
            create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, (int32_t)u);
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

            /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
             * after creating flush dependency
            expected[u].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
            expected[u].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 0;
            expected[u].flush_dep_npar = 1;
            expected[0].is_protected = TRUE;
            expected[0].is_pinned = TRUE;
            expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = u;

            /* Verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                (int)0,     /* int tag */
                                (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                                expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")
        } /* end for */

    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 3, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 4, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0-4 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4, FALSE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;
        expected[3].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_order = -1;
        expected[4].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 4;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 0;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 1;
        expected[3].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_order = 2;
        expected[4].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[4].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_order = 3;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries */
        for(u = 1; u < 5; u++) {
            destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, (int32_t)u);
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

            /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
             * after destroying flush dependency
            expected[u].flush_dep_npar = 0;
            expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 4 - u;

            /* Check for destroying flush dependency on last entry */
            if(4 == u) {
                /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
                 * after destroying flush dependency
                expected[0].is_pinned = FALSE;
            } /* end if */

            /* Verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                (int)0,     /* int tag */
                                (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                                expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
            if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")
        } /* end for */

/* Test Case #5a - Join two flush dependency chains together, creating a single
 *      un-forked dependency chain

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1 and 3->4 (parent)
     *  then add entry 4 as a child of 0
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 4;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[4].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[4].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 0;
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[0].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[0].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")


    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 3, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 4, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        4,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0 & 1, 3 & 4 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4, TRUE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;
        expected[3].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_order = -1;
        expected[4].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 2;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 3;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_order = 0;
        expected[4].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[4].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_order = 1;
        expected[4].is_protected = FALSE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, detaching 3->4 from 0 first */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[0].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[4].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #5b - Join two flush dependency chains together, creating a
 *      forked dependency chain

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2 and 3->4 (parent)
     *  then add entry 4 as a child of 1
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 4;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[4].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[4].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")


    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 3, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 4, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        4,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0-4 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4, TRUE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;
        expected[3].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_order = -1;
        expected[4].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 0;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 3;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 4;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_order = 1;
        expected[4].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[4].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_order = 2;
        expected[4].is_protected = FALSE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, detaching 3->4 from 1 first */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[4].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #5c - Join two flush dependency chains together, creating a
 *      forked dependency chain

    /* Create flush dependency between entries (child) 0->1->2 and 3->4 (parent)
     *  then add entry 4 as a child of 2
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 4;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[4].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[4].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[4].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")


    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 3, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 4, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        4,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0-4 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 4, TRUE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'serialized' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;
        expected[3].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_order = -1;
        expected[4].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 0;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 4;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_order = 2;
        expected[4].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[4].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[4].flush_order = 3;
        expected[4].is_protected = FALSE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, detaching 3->4 from 2 first */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 4);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[4].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 4, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[4].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[4].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #6a - Interlocked multiple parents, increasing addr order

    /* Create flush dependencies between entries 0-3, with each entry a child
     * of every entry with a higher number.
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[1] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[1] = 2;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 2;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_type[2] = entry_type;
        expected[0].flush_dep_par_idx[2] = 3;
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 3;
        expected[3].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[3].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[1] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[1] = 3;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 2;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 3;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 3;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")


    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 3, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        3,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0-3 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, FALSE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'flushed' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;
        expected[3].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 0;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 1;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 2;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_order = 3;
        expected[3].is_protected = FALSE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, in reverse order */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 3, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 2;
        expected[3].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[0].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

/* Test Case #6b - Interlocked multiple parents, decreasing addr order

    /* Create flush dependencies between entries 0-3, with each entry a parent
     * of every entry with a higher number.
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 2;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[2].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[1] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[1] = 1;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 2;
        expected[1].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[1].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 1;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_type[2] = entry_type;
        expected[3].flush_dep_par_idx[2] = 0;
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 3;
        expected[0].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[0].is_pinned = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_type[1] = entry_type;
        expected[2].flush_dep_par_idx[1] = 0;
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 2;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        create_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("create_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after creating flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_type[0] = entry_type;
        expected[1].flush_dep_par_idx[0] = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 3;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")


    /* Flush the cache and verify that the entries were flushed in correct order */
        herr_t result;                  /* Generic return value */

        add_flush_op(entry_type, 0, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 1, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 2, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);
        add_flush_op(entry_type, 3, FLUSH_OP__ORDER,
                     entry_type, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, &flush_order);

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        0,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        1,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                        entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                        2,                  /* int32_t idx */
                        H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET); /* unsigned int flags */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Mark entries 0-3 dirty, so they are flushed */
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 0, FALSE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 1, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 2, TRUE);
        dirty_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, 3, FALSE);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("dirty_entry failed")

        /* Reset 'flushed' flag & 'flush_order' value in expected array */
        expected[0].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_order = -1;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_order = -1;
        expected[2].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_order = -1;
        expected[3].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[3].flush_order = -1;

        /* Reset index for tracking flush order */
        flush_order = 0;

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(result < 0) CACHE_ERROR("flushing entries with flush dependendices")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroy flush dependency
        expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[0].flush_order = 3;
        expected[0].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[1].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[1].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[1].flush_order = 2;
        expected[1].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[2].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[2].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[2].flush_order = 1;
        expected[2].is_protected = FALSE;
        expected[3].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[3].serialized = TRUE;
        expected[3].flush_order = 0;
        expected[3].is_protected = FALSE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

    /* Destroy flush dependency between entries, in reverse order */
        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 1);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[1].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 2;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 0, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 2;
        expected[0].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[0].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 2);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[2].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 1;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 1, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 1;
        expected[1].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[1].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        destroy_flush_dependency(entry_type, 2, entry_type, 3);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("destroy_flush_dependency failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after destroying flush dependency
        expected[3].flush_dep_npar = 0;
        expected[2].is_pinned = FALSE;
        expected[2].flush_dep_nchd = 0;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)0,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    else {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s.\n", failure_mssg);
    } /* end else */

    return (unsigned)!pass;
} /* check_flush_deps_order() */

 * Function:    check_notify_cb()
 * Purpose:    Exercise the client 'notify' callback.
 * Return:    0 on success, non-zero on failure
 * Programmer:    Quincey Koziol
 *               4/28/09

static unsigned
check_notify_cb(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;            /* File for this test */
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;           /* Metadata cache for this test */
    test_entry_t *base_addr;            /* Base address of entries for test */
    test_entry_t * entry_ptr;           /* Cache entry to examine/manipulate */
    int entry_type = NOTIFY_ENTRY_TYPE;   /* Use entry w/notify callback (size of entries doesn't matter) */
    unsigned u;                         /* Local index variable */
    struct expected_entry_status expected[5] =
      /* entry            entry           in     at main                                               flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:        index:    size:           cache: addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:  par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order:    corked: */
      { NOTIFY_ENTRY_TYPE, 0,    NOTIFY_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE, TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { NOTIFY_ENTRY_TYPE, 1,    NOTIFY_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE, TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { NOTIFY_ENTRY_TYPE, 2,    NOTIFY_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE, TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { NOTIFY_ENTRY_TYPE, 3,    NOTIFY_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE, TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { NOTIFY_ENTRY_TYPE, 4,    NOTIFY_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE, TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE}

        TESTING("'notify' callback (paged)")
        TESTING("'notify' callback")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* Allocate a cache, insert & remove entries, triggering 'notify' callback.
     * Verify that all performs as expected.

    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024), paged);
    if(!file_ptr) CACHE_ERROR("setup_cache returned NULL")
    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    base_addr = entries[entry_type];

    if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("setup_cache failed")

    /* Insert entries to work with into the cache */
    for(u = 0; u < 5; u++) {
        insert_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, (int32_t)u, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("insert_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after each insertion
        expected[u].in_cache = TRUE;
        expected[u].is_dirty = TRUE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)u,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        /* Check the entry's 'after insert' count */
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[u]);
        if(1 != entry_ptr->notify_after_insert_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify after insert count")
        if(0 != entry_ptr->notify_before_evict_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify before evict count")
    } /* end for */

    /* Remove entries from the cache */
    for(u = 0; u < 5; u++) {
        expunge_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, (int32_t)u);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("expunge_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after each expunge
        expected[u].in_cache = FALSE;
        expected[u].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[u].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[u].destroyed = TRUE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)u,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        /* Check the entry's 'before evict' count */
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[u]);
        if(1 != entry_ptr->notify_after_insert_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify after insert count")
        if(1 != entry_ptr->notify_before_evict_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify before evict count")
    } /* end for */

    /* Protect entries to bring them into the cache */
    for(u = 0; u < 5; u++) {
        protect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, (int32_t)u);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("protect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after each insertion
        expected[u].in_cache = TRUE;
        expected[u].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[u].is_protected = TRUE;
        expected[u].deserialized = TRUE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)u,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        /* Check the entry's 'after insert' count */
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[u]);
        if(2 != entry_ptr->notify_after_insert_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify after insert count")
        if(1 != entry_ptr->notify_before_evict_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify before evict count")
    } /* end for */

    /* Unprotect entries, evicting them from the cache */
    for(u = 0; u < 5; u++) {
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, (int32_t)u, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("unprotect_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after each insertion
        expected[u].in_cache = TRUE;
        expected[u].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[u].is_protected = FALSE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)u,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        /* Check the entry's 'after insert' count */
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[u]);
        if(2 != entry_ptr->notify_after_insert_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify after insert count")
        if(1 != entry_ptr->notify_before_evict_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify before evict count")
    } /* end for */

    /* Remove entries from the cache */
    for(u = 0; u < 5; u++) {
        expunge_entry(file_ptr, entry_type, (int32_t)u);
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("expunge_entry failed")

        /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
         * after each expunge
        expected[u].in_cache = FALSE;
        expected[u].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[u].serialized = FALSE;
        expected[u].destroyed = TRUE;

        /* Verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr,  /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            (int)u,     /* int tag */
                            (int)5,     /* int num_entries */
                            expected);  /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
        if(!pass) CACHE_ERROR("verify_entry_status failed")

        /* Check the entry's 'before evict' count */
    entry_ptr = &(base_addr[u]);
        if(2 != entry_ptr->notify_after_insert_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify after insert count")
        if(2 != entry_ptr->notify_before_evict_count)
            CACHE_ERROR("invalid notify before evict count")
    } /* end for */

    takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    else {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s.\n", failure_mssg);
    } /* end else */

    return (unsigned)!pass;
} /* check_notify_cb() */

 * Function:    check_metadata_cork
 * Purpose:    To verify that dirty corked entries are not evicted from the cache
 *        but clean corked entries can be evicted from the cache.
 *        The min_clean_size does not have effect.
 *        NOTE: This is a modification of check_metadata_blizzard_absence().
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    Vailin Choi
static unsigned
check_metadata_cork(hbool_t fill_via_insertion, unsigned paged)
    const char * fcn_name = "check_metadata_cork";
    int entry_type = HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE;
    size_t entry_size = HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE; /* 16 KB */
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int32_t checkpoint = 0;
    int32_t entry_idx = 0;
    int32_t i;

    /* Expected deserialized status of entries depends on how they get into
     * the cache. Insertions = not deserialized, protect/unprotect = deserialized.
    hbool_t deserialized = (hbool_t)!(fill_via_insertion);

    /* Set up the expected array. This is used to maintain a table of the
     * expected status of every entry used in this test.
    struct expected_entry_status expected[150] =
      /* entry            entry        in    at main                                                flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:        index:    size:        cache:    addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:  par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order: corked: */
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 2,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 3,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 4,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 5,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 6,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 7,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 8,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 9,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 10,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 11,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 12,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 13,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 14,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 15,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 16,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 17,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 18,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 19,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 20,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 21,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 22,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 23,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 24,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 25,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 26,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 27,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 28,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 29,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 30,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 31,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 32,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 33,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 34,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 35,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 36,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 37,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 38,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 39,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 40,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 41,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 42,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 43,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 44,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 45,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 46,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 47,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 48,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 49,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 50,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 51,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 52,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 53,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 54,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 55,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 56,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 57,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 58,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 59,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 60,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 61,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 62,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 63,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 64,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 65,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 66,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 67,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 68,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 69,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 70,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 71,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 72,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 73,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 74,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 75,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 76,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 77,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 78,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 79,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 80,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 81,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 82,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 83,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 84,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 85,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 86,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 87,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 88,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 89,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 90,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 91,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 92,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 93,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 94,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 95,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 96,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 97,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 98,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 99,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 100,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 101,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 102,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 103,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 104,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 105,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 106,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 107,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 108,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 109,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 110,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 111,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 112,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 113,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 114,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 115,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 116,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 117,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 118,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 119,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 120,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 121,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 122,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 123,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 124,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 125,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 126,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 127,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 128,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 129,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 130,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 131,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 132,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 133,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 134,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 135,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 136,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 137,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 138,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 139,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 140,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 141,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 142,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 143,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 144,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 145,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 146,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 147,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 148,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 149,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE, FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},      0, 0, 0,          -1, FALSE}
    } ;

    pass = TRUE;


        TESTING("to ensure cork/uncork metadata when inserting")
        TESTING("to ensure cork/uncork metadata on protect/unprotect")

    if(show_progress) /* 0 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "\n%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Set up the cache.
         * The max_cache_size should have room for 50 entries.
         * The min_clean_size is half of that, or 25 entries.
        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(50 * entry_size), (size_t)(25 * entry_size), paged);

        if(file_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "bad return from cache intialization.\n";

            cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    /* Cork the cache entry type */
    cork_entry_type(file_ptr, entry_type);

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    /* ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================
     *  Phase 1:
     *    Inserting dirty corked entries into an empty cache, until the cache
     *    violates the min_clean_size requirement.
     *      Since entries are all dirty and corked, no entry will get flushed or
     *      evicted.
     * ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert 26 entries (indexes 0 through 25) into the cache.  */
        for (entry_idx = 0; entry_idx < 26; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,            /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */

            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,           /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

            /* Change expected values, and verify the status of the entries
             * after each insertion
            expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;
            expected[entry_idx].is_corked = TRUE;

            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */

    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    /* ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================
     *  Phase 2:
     *    Inserting entries into a cache that violates the min_clean_size,
     *    until the cache is full.
     *      Since entries are all dirty and corked, no entry during this phase
     *      will get flushed or evicted.
     * ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert the 27th entry (index = 26) into the cache.  */
        if(fill_via_insertion) {
            insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                         entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                         entry_idx++,          /* int32_t idx */
                         H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
        } else {
            protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                          entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                          entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                            entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                            entry_idx++,           /* int32_t idx */
                            H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

        /* Verify the status of the entries.
         * Expected status is that there are 27 entries in the cache, and
         * all entries remain the same as before since they are all corked
    * and dirty

        /* entry w/ index 26 is now in the cache and dirty. */
    expected[26].in_cache = TRUE;
    expected[26].is_dirty = TRUE;
    expected[26].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;
    expected[26].is_corked = TRUE;

        /* verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            26,        /* int tag */
                            150,       /* int num_entries */
                            expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert the 28th entry (index = 27) into the cache.  */
        if(fill_via_insertion) {
            insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                         entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                         entry_idx++,          /* int32_t idx */
                         H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
        } else {
            protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                          entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                          entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                            entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                            entry_idx++,        /* int32_t idx */
                            H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

        /* Verify the status of the entries.
         * Expected status is that there are 28 entries in the cache, and
         * all entries are dirty corked entries.
    expected[27].in_cache = TRUE;
    expected[27].is_dirty = TRUE;
    expected[27].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;
    expected[27].is_corked = TRUE;

        /* verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            27,        /* int tag */
                            150,       /* int num_entries */
                            expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Fill out the rest of the cache with entries */
        /* Verify expected status of entries after each insertion */
        for (entry_idx = entry_idx; entry_idx < 50; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,            /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,           /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

        * Expected status: all entries are dirty corked entries.
        expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;
            expected[entry_idx].is_corked = TRUE;

            /* Verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* expected */

        /* Verify that the cache is now full */
        if(cache_ptr->cache_full != TRUE) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache not completely filled.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    /* ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================
     *  Phase 3:
     *    Inserting entries into a cache that is completely full.
     *      No entry is flushed or evicted because all entries are dirty & corked.
     * ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert 50 more entries (indices 50-99) into the cache.  */
        for (entry_idx = entry_idx; entry_idx < 100; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,          /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */
            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,        /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

            /* This past inserted entry is now in the cache: dirty and corked */
        expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;
        expected[entry_idx].is_corked = TRUE;

            /* Verify this expected status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    /* ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================
     *  Phase 4:
     *    Flushing the entire cache, and then inserting entries into a cache
     *    that is completely full, but all clean.
     * ========================================================================
     * ========================================================================

    if(pass) {

        /* Flush the cache.
         * We're doing this so we can repeat the above insertions, but
         * starting from a cache filled with clean entries as opposed
         * to an empty cache.

        flush_cache(file_ptr, /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                    FALSE,     /* hbool_t destory_entries */
                    FALSE,     /* hbool_t dump_stats */
                    FALSE);    /* hbool_t dump_detailed_stats */

        /* Verify that the cache is clean */

        /* Verify the status of the entries.  */
    /* All entries are flushed, clean but still corked */
        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            expected[i].serialized = TRUE;
            expected[i].is_dirty = FALSE;
            expected[i].is_corked = TRUE;
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            0,         /* int tag */
                            150,       /* int num_entries */
                            expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

    /* Will evict 50 clean "corked" entries all at once when inserting the 100th entry */
    for(i = 0; i < 51; i++) {
        expected[i].in_cache  = FALSE;
        expected[i].destroyed = TRUE;
        expected[i].is_corked = TRUE;

    /* Insert the 100th entry */
    if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,        /* int32_t type */
                             100,                /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */

    } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              100);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                100,           /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

    /* The 100th inserted entry is now in the cache and dirty */
    expected[100].in_cache = TRUE;
    expected[100].is_dirty = TRUE;
    expected[100].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;
    expected[100].is_corked = TRUE;

    /* verify the status */
    verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                100,   /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */


    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert 25 more corked entries (indexes 101 through 125) into the cache. */
    /* Clean entry will be evicted one a time */
        for (entry_idx = 101; entry_idx < 126; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,                /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */

            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,           /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

            /* The inserted entry is now in the cache and dirty */
        expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;
            expected[entry_idx].is_corked = TRUE;

        expected[entry_idx - 50].in_cache  = FALSE;
        expected[entry_idx - 50].destroyed = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx - 50].is_corked = TRUE;

            /* verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */
    } /* end for */


    if(show_progress) /* 10 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert the 127th entry (index = 126) into the cache. */
        if(fill_via_insertion) {
            insert_entry(file_ptr,               /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                         entry_type,              /* int32_t type */
                         126,                  /* int32_t idx */
                         H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);      /* unsigned int flags */
        } else {
            protect_entry(file_ptr,       /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                          entry_type,      /* int32_t type */
                          126);       /* int32-t idx */

            unprotect_entry(file_ptr,              /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                            entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                            126,               /* int32_t idx */
                            H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

        /* Verify the status of the entries.  */
    expected[126].in_cache = TRUE;
    expected[126].is_dirty = TRUE;
    expected[126].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;
    expected[126].is_corked = TRUE;

    expected[126 - 50].in_cache  = FALSE;
    expected[126 - 50].destroyed = TRUE;
    expected[126 - 50].is_corked = TRUE;

        /* verify the status */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                            126,        /* int tag */
                            150,       /* int num_entries */
                            expected); /* expected */

    if(show_progress) /* 11 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* Insert entries w/ indices 127 through 149 into the cache */
        for (entry_idx = 127; entry_idx < 150; entry_idx++) {

            if(fill_via_insertion) {
                insert_entry(file_ptr,           /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                             entry_type,          /* int32_t type */
                             entry_idx,            /* int32_t idx */
                             H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);  /* unsigned int flags */

            } else {
                protect_entry(file_ptr,   /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                              entry_type,  /* int32_t type */
                              entry_idx);   /* int32-t idx */

                unprotect_entry(file_ptr,          /* H5F_t * file_ptr */
                                entry_type,         /* int32_t type */
                                entry_idx,           /* int32_t idx */
                                H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG); /* unsigned int flags */

            /* This past inserted entry is now in the cache, dirty and corked */
        expected[entry_idx].in_cache = TRUE;
            expected[entry_idx].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx].deserialized = (unsigned char)deserialized;
            expected[entry_idx].is_corked = TRUE;

        /* Entry that is 50 entries away will be evicted since it is clean even though corked */
        expected[entry_idx - 50].in_cache  = FALSE;
        expected[entry_idx - 50].destroyed = TRUE;
        expected[entry_idx - 50].is_corked = TRUE;

            /* verify the status */
            verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, /* H5C_t * cache_ptr */
                                entry_idx, /* int tag */
                                150,       /* int num_entries */
                                expected); /* struct expected_entry_staus[] */


    if(show_progress) /* 12 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    /* We're done with testing. We can take down the cache. */
    takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(show_progress) /* 13 */
         HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: check point %d -- pass %d\n",
                   fcn_name, checkpoint++, pass);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_metadata_cork() */

 * Function:    check_entry_deletions_during_scans()
 * Purpose:    With the addition of the H5C__TAKE_OWNERSHIP_FLAG, it is
 *        possible for an entry to be removed from the cache as a
 *        side effect of flushing an entry.
 *        For the most part, this doesn't cause problems.  However,
 *        during the scans of lists, it is possible that the entry
 *        removed will be the next entry in the scan -- which if not
 *        detected, will typeically cause the cache to attempt to flush
 *        an entry that is no longer in the cache, and which may have
 *        been deleted.
 *        This function contans tests for correct handling on this
 *        situation.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/3/15
 * Modifications:
 *        None.
static unsigned
check_entry_deletions_during_scans(unsigned paged)
    H5F_t *      file_ptr = NULL;

        TESTING("entry deletion during list scan detection and adaption (par)")
        TESTING("entry deletion during list scan detection and adaption")

    pass = TRUE;

    /* allocate a cache, and flush it under various circumstances.
     * To the extent possible, verify that the desired actions took
     * place.

    if(pass) {


        file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

    /* run the tests.  This set of tests is somewhat eclectic, as
     * we are trying to test all locations where the deletion of
     * an entry from the cache as a side effect of the fluch of
     * a different entry could cause problems.

    if(pass) {


    if(pass) {


    if(pass) {


    if(pass) {


    takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);

    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_entry_deletions_during_scans() */

 * Function:    cedds__expunge_dirty_entry_in_flush_test()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C_flush_cache() can handle the removal of
 *        a dirty entry from the cache during its scan of the
 *        skip list.
 *        Do this by setting up a full cache, with the last entry
 *        on the LRU being both dirty and having a flush operation
 *        that deletes the second to last entry on the LRU.  Then
 *        flush the cache, triggering the flush of the last
 *        item, and thereby the deletion of the second to last item.
 *        H5C_flush_cache() should handle this deletion gracefully.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/4/15
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static void
cedds__expunge_dirty_entry_in_flush_test(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t *        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    int           i;
    herr_t       result;
    struct expected_entry_status expected[36] =
      /* the expected array is used to maintain a table of the expected status of every
       * entry used in this test.  Note that since the function that processes this
       * array only processes as much of it as it is told to, we don't have to
       * worry about maintaining the status of entries that we haven't used yet.
      /* entry            entry                in    at main                                                   flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:            index:    size:            cache:    addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:     par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order:     corked: */
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE,     0,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE,     TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,  {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE,     1,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE,     TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,  {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE,     2,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE,     TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,  {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE,     3,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE,     TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,  {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE}

    if(pass) {

         if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to cedds expunge dirty entry in flush test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache not empty on entry to cedds expunge dirty entry in flush test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
                  (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg =
            "unexpected cache config at start of cedds expunge dirty entry in flush test.";

        } else {

            /* set min clean size to zero for this test as it simplifies
        * computing the expected cache size after each operation.

            cache_ptr->min_clean_size = 0;

    if(pass) {

    /* The basic idea of this test is to setup the cache such
    * that:
    * 1) the cache contains several dirty entries.
    * 2) the first entry on the slist is dirty, and has a flush
    *    operation that will remove the second entry on the
         *    slist.
         * Then load flush the cache.  Cache should handle the
    * removal of the next entry in the slist scan gracefully.

    /* reset the stats before we start.  If stats are enabled, we will
    * check to see if they are as expected at the end.

    /* Load four huge entries into the cache.  Recall that huge entries
         * are one fourth the size of monster entries (16 KB vs. 64 KB).
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (4 * HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;

        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in cedds expunge dirty entry in flush test (1)";

    if(pass) {

    /* Next, set up the flush operation:
    *     (HET, 0) expunges (HET, 1)
        add_flush_op(HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, FLUSH_OP__EXPUNGE,
                     HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);


    if(pass) {

    /* to summarize, at present the following entries
    * are in cache with the following characteristics:
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (HET, 0)     Y    16 KB    Y    N    -    expunge (HET 1)
    * (HET, 1)    Y    16 KB    Y    N    -    -
    * (HET, 2)    Y    16 KB    Y    N    -    -
    * (HET, 3)    Y    16 KB    Y    N    -    -
    * Recall that in this test bed, flush operations are excuted the
    * first time the associated entry is flushed, and are then
    * deleted.

    /* verify the expected status of all entries we have loaded to date: */
    verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, 0, 4, expected);

    /* flush the cache to run the test.  In the process, clean up after test. */

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Cache flush invalidate failed in cedds expunge dirty entry in flush test";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache len/size after cedds expunge dirty entry in flush test";


    /* If we are collecting stats, check to see if we get the expected
     * values.
    if((cache_ptr->insertions[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 3) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 4) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected huge size entry stats in cedds__expunge_dirty_entry_in_flush_test().";
        } /* end if */

    if((cache_ptr->slist_scan_restarts != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->LRU_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_scan_restarts != 0)) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected scan restart stats in cedds__expunge_dirty_entry_in_flush_test().";
        } /* end if */


        /* reset cache min clean size to its expected value */
        cache_ptr->min_clean_size = (1 * 1024 * 1024);


} /* cedds__expunge_dirty_entry_in_flush_test() */

 * Function:    cedds__H5C_make_space_in_cache()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C__make_space_in_cache() can handle the
 *        removal from the cache of the next item in its reverse scan
 *        of the LRU list.
 *        Do this by setting up a full cache, with the last entry
 *        on the LRU being both dirty and having a flush operation
 *        that deleted the second to last entry on the LRU.  Then
 *        load an additional entry, triggering the flush of the last
 *        item, and thereby the deletion of the second to last item.
 *        H5C__make_space_in_cache() should detect this deletion, and
 *        restart its scan of the LRU from the tail, instead of
 *        examining the now deleted next item up on the LRU.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/4/15
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static void
cedds__H5C_make_space_in_cache(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t *        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    int           i;
    const int       num_huge_entries = 4;
    const int       num_monster_entries = 32;
    herr_t       result;
    struct expected_entry_status expected[36] =
      /* the expected array is used to maintain a table of the expected status of every
       * entry used in this test.  Note that since the function that processes this
       * array only processes as much of it as it is told to, we don't have to
       * worry about maintaining the status of entries that we haven't used yet.
      /* entry            entry                in    at main                                                flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:            index:    size:            cache:    addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:  par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order:     corked: */
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE,     0,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE,     TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE,     1,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE,     TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE,     2,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE,     TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE,     3,    HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE,     TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    1,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    3,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    4,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    5,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    6,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    7,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    8,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    9,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    11,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    13,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    14,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    15,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    16,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    17,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    18,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    19,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    20,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    21,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    22,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    23,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    24,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    25,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    26,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    27,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    28,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    29,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    30,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    31,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},

    if(pass) {

         if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to cedds for H5C__make_space_in_cache() test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache not empty at start of flush ops eviction test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
                  (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg =
            "unexpected cache config at start of cedds H5C__make_space_in_cache() test.";

        } else {

            /* set min clean size to zero for this test as it simplifies
        * computing the expected cache size after each operation.

            cache_ptr->min_clean_size = 0;

    if(pass) {

    /* The basic idea of this test is to setup the cache such
    * that:
    * 1) the cache is full
    * 2) the last entry on the LRU is dirty, and has a flush
    *    operation that will remove the second to last entry
         *    on the LRU from the cache.
         * Then load another entry into the cache.  See if
    * H5C__make_space_in_cache() detects the removal of
    * the next item in the scan, and restarts the scan
         * from the bottom of the LRU.  Note that the newly
         * loaded entry must be large enough to require that
         * the scan continue after the entry is expunged.

    /* reset the stats before we start.  If stats are enabled, we will
    * check to see if they are as expected at the end.

    /* Load four huge entries into the cache.  Recall that huge entries
         * are one fourth the size of monster entries (16 KB vs. 64 KB).
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 4) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != (4 * HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;

        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in H5C__make_space_in_cache() test (1)";

    if(pass) {

    /* Next, set up the flush operation:
    *     (HET, 0) expunges (HET, 1)
        add_flush_op(HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, FLUSH_OP__EXPUNGE,
                     HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);


    if(pass) {

    /* to summarize, at present the following entries
    * are in cache with the following characteristics:
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (HET, 0)     Y    16 KB    Y    N    -    expunge (HET 1)
    * (HET, 1)    Y    16 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (HET, 2)    Y    16 KB    N    N    -    -
    * (HET, 3)    Y    16 KB    N    N    -    -
    * Recall that in this test bed, flush operations are excuted the
    * first time the associated entry is flushed, and are then
    * deleted.

        /* Now fill up the cache with other, unrelated entries.  Recall
         * that the cache size is 2 MB and 31 * 64 KB  + 4 * 16 KP == 2 MB.
    for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    /* The cache should now be exactly full */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 35) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != ((4 * HUGE_ENTRY_SIZE) +
                                         (31 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE)))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in H5C__make_space_in_cache() test (2)";

    } else {

        /* verify the expected status of all entries we have loaded to date: */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, 0, 35, expected);

    if(pass) {

        /* now load another monster entry.  This should cause
    * H5C__make_space_in_cache() to be called.  (HET 0) is dirty, and is at
    * the bottom of the LRU.  * Thus it will be flushed, and moved to the
    * head of the LRU.  However, during the flush, (HET 1) should be expunged
    * from the cache.  Since (MET 1) is the next item in
    * H5C__make_space_in_cache(), must detect its removal from the cache,
         * and refrain from trying to flush it.
         * Since all entries in the cache are dirty, all entries will be flushed,
         * and HET 0, 2, and 3 will be evicted to make room for the new
         * monster entry (MET, 31).
         * Verify this.  If H5C__make_space_in_cache() chokes, failure will
         * be detected in protect_entry().  Thus end the "if(pass)" clause
         * there so the error message will not be overwritten.

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31);

    if(pass) {

        /* if the protect succeeded, unprotect and verify that all is at
         * it should be.

        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    /* The cache should now be exactly full */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != (32 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in H5C__make_space_in_cache() test (3)";

    } else {

        /* modify the expected table to match the new situation, and
             * then call verify_entry_status().
            for (i = 0; i < num_huge_entries; i++)
        expected[i].in_cache = FALSE;
        expected[i].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[i].serialized = TRUE;
            expected[i].destroyed = TRUE;

            /* (HET, 1) was expunged, so touch its entry up accordingly */
        expected[1].is_dirty = TRUE;
        expected[1].serialized = FALSE;

            for (i = num_huge_entries; i < num_huge_entries + num_monster_entries - 1; i++)
        expected[i].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[i].serialized = TRUE;

        /* verify the expected status of all entries: */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, 0, 36, expected);

    /* flush the cache and end the test. */

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Cache flush invalidate failed after flush op eviction test";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache len/size after cleanup of flush op eviction test";


    /* If we are collecting stats, check to see if we get the expected
     * values.

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->insertions[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 3) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 4) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[HUGE_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected large entry stats in cedds__H5C_make_space_in_cache().";

    if((cache_ptr->insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster entry stats in cedds__H5C_make_space_in_cache().";
        } /* end if */

    if((cache_ptr->slist_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->LRU_scan_restarts != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_scan_restarts != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected scan restart stats in cedds__H5C_make_space_in_cache().";
        } /* end if */



        /* reset cache min clean size to its expected value */
        cache_ptr->min_clean_size = (1 * 1024 * 1024);


} /* cedds__H5C_make_space_in_cache() */

 * Function:    cedds__H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries()
 * Purpose:    Verify that H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries()
 *        can handle the removal from the cache of the next item in
 *        its reverse scan of the LRU list.
 *        Do this by setting up a full cache, with the last entry
 *        on the LRU being both dirty and having a flush operation
 *        that deletes the second to last entry on the LRU.  Then
 *        access the first item in the LRU repeatedly until the
 *        item, and thereby the deletion of the second to last item.
 *        H5C__make_space_in_cache() should detect this deletion, and
 *        restart its scan of the LRU from the tail, instead of
 *        examining the now deleted next item up on the LRU.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/4/15
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static void
cedds__H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t *        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    int           i;
    herr_t       result;
    struct expected_entry_status expected[36] =
      /* the expected array is used to maintain a table of the expected status of every
       * entry used in this test.  Note that since the function that processes this
       * array only processes as much of it as it is told to, we don't have to
       * worry about maintaining the status of entries that we haven't used yet.
      /* entry            entry                in    at main                                                flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:            index:    size:            cache:    addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:  par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order:    corked: */
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    0,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    1,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    2,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    3,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    4,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    5,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    6,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    7,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    8,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    9,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    10,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    11,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    12,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    13,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    14,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    15,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    16,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    17,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    18,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    19,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    20,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    21,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    22,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    23,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    24,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    25,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    26,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    27,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    28,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    29,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    30,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,    31,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},     0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t saved_auto_size_ctl;
    H5C_auto_size_ctl_t test_auto_size_ctl =
        /* int32_t     version                = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
        /* H5C_auto_resize_report_fcn rpt_fcn = */ test_rpt_fcn,

        /* hbool_t     set_initial_size       = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      initial_size           = */ (2 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* double      min_clean_fraction     = */ 0.5f,

        /* size_t      max_size               = */ (8 * 1024 * 1024),
        /* size_t      min_size               = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int64_t     epoch_length           = */ 1000,

        /* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,

        /* double     lower_hr_threshold      = */ 0.75f,

        /* double      increment              = */ 2.0f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_increment    = */ TRUE,
        /* size_t      max_increment          = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* enum H5C_cache_flash_incr_mode       */
    /*                    flash_incr_mode = */ H5C_flash_incr__off,
    /* double      flash_multiple         = */ 2.0f,
    /* double      flash_threshold        = */ 0.5f,

        /* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out,

        /* double      upper_hr_threshold     = */ 0.995f,

        /* double      decrement              = */ 0.5f,

        /* hbool_t     apply_max_decrement    = */ FALSE,
        /* size_t      max_decrement          = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),

        /* int32_t     epochs_before_eviction = */ 1,

        /* hbool_t     apply_empty_reserve    = */ TRUE,
        /* double      empty_reserve          = */ 0.05f

    if(pass) {

         if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to cedds for H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries() test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache not empty at start cedds for H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries() test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
                  (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg =
            "unexpected cache config at start of cedds H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries() test.";

        } else {

            /* set min clean size to zero for this test as it simplifies
        * computing the expected cache size after each operation.

            cache_ptr->min_clean_size = 0;

    /* save the initial resize configuration so we can restore it later */
    if(pass) {

        saved_auto_size_ctl.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;

        result = H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr,

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config failed.";


    /* set the resize configuration we will be using in the test */
    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &test_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 1.\n";

    if(pass) {

    /* The basic idea of this test is to setup the cache such
    * that:
    * 1) the cache is full
    * 2) the last entry on the LRU is dirty, and has a flush
    *    operation that will remove the second to last entry
         *    on the LRU from the cache.
         * Then access the first item in the LRU until the epoch
    * and H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries()
         * is invoked.  Verify that the function deals with the
    * deletion of the next item in its scan cleanly.

    /* reset the stats before we start.  If stats are enabled, we will
    * check to see if they are as expected at the end.

        /* load the first entry -- mark it dirty */
    protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

        /* Then load the rest of the entries to fill the cache:
         * Recall that the cache size is 2 MB and 32 * 64 KB == 2 MB.
    for (i = 1; i < 32; i++)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

    /* Next, set up the flush operation:
    *     (MET, 0) expunges (MET, 1)
        add_flush_op(MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, FLUSH_OP__EXPUNGE,
                     MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);


    if(pass) {

    /* to summarize, at present the following entries
    * are in cache with the following characteristics:
    *         in
    * entry:    cache?    size:    dirty?    pinned?    pins:    flush operations:
    * (MET, 0)     Y    64 KB    Y    N    -    expunge (MET 1)
    * (MET, 1-31)    Y    64 KB    N    N    -    -
    * Recall that in this test bed, flush operations are excuted the
    * first time the associated entry is flushed, and are then
    * deleted.

    /* The cache should now be exactly full */
    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
        (cache_ptr->index_size != (32 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE))) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries() test (1)";

    } else {

        /* verify the expected status of all entries we have loaded to date: */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, 0, 32, expected);

    /* protect and unprotect (MET, 31) repeatedly until the end of the first epoch */
    while(pass && (cache_ptr->cache_accesses > 0)) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    /* at this point, an epoch marker entry should have been inserted into the LRU */

    if(pass) {

        /* protect and unprotect (MET, 31) again to get cache_accesses > 0 */
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    /* protect and unprotect (MET, 31) repeatedly until the end of the second epoch */
    while(pass && (cache_ptr->cache_accesses > 0)) {

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    /* at this point, only (MET, 0) and (MET, 31) should remain in the cache,
     * all other entries having been evicted by the ageout adaptive cache
     * resizing algorithm. (Since (MET, 0) was dirty, it was flushed and
     * moved to the head of the LRU by the ageout algorithm.)

    if(pass) {

    if((cache_ptr->index_len != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_size != 2 * MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE)) {

            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected size/len in H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries() test (2)";

    } else {

            /* update the expected table to reflect the expected values at
             * this point, and then verify.

            expected[0].is_dirty = FALSE;
        expected[0].serialized = TRUE;

            for (i = 1; i < 31; i++)
        expected[i].in_cache = FALSE;
        expected[i].is_dirty = FALSE;
            expected[i].destroyed = TRUE;

        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, 0, 32, expected);

    /* restore the initial resize configuration */
    if(pass) {

        saved_auto_size_ctl.set_initial_size = TRUE;
        saved_auto_size_ctl.initial_size     = 2 * 1024 * 1024;

        result = H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(cache_ptr, &saved_auto_size_ctl);

        if(result != SUCCEED) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config failed 2.\n";

    /* flush the cache and end the test. */

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Cache flush invalidate failed after flush op eviction test";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache len/size after cleanup of flush op eviction test";


    /* If we are collecting stats, check to see if we get the expected
     * values.

    if((cache_ptr->insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster entry stats in cedds__H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries().";
        } /* end if */

    if((cache_ptr->slist_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->LRU_scan_restarts != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_scan_restarts != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected scan restart stats in cedds__H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries().";
        } /* end if */



        /* reset cache min clean size to its expected value */
        cache_ptr->min_clean_size = (1 * 1024 * 1024);


} /* cedds__H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries() */

 * Function:    cedds__H5C_flush_invalidate_cache__bucket_scan()
 * Purpose:    Note:      We now use the index list when we scan the
 *            contents of the metadata cache, so in principal,
 *            this test is obsolete.  However, even using the
 *            index list, restarts are possible, and must be
 *            handled gracefully.
 *            As it turns out, this test triggers index list
 *            scan restarts, and thus with minor changes is
 *            still a useful test.
 *            For this reason, with the exception of changing
 *            to check the index_scan_restart stat instead of
 *            hash bucket restarts, I'm leaving the test
 *            alone.  If and when it starts to fail due to
 *            other changes, we can re-work it to test
 *            index list scan restarts explicitly.
 *                        JRM -- 11/2/16
 *        Verify that H5C_flush_invalidate_cache() can handle
 *        the removal from the cache of the next item in
 *        its scans of hash buckets.
 *        !!!!!!!!!!WARNING !!!!!!!!!!
 *        This test may fail to function correctly if the hash
 *        table size or hash function is altered.
 *        To setup the test, this function depends on the fact that
 *        H5C_flush_invalidate_cache() does alternating scans of the
 *        slist and the index.  If this changes, the test will likely
 *        also cease to function correctly.
 *        The test relies on a known hash function and hash table
 *        size to select a set of test entries that will all hash
 *        to the same hash bucket -- call it the test hash bucket.
 *        It also relies on known behavior of the cache to place
 *        the entries in the test bucket in a known order.
 *        To avoid pre-mature flushes of the entries in the
 *        test hash bucket, all entries are initially clean,
 *        with the exception of the first entry which is dirty.
 *        It avoids premature flushing by being the parent in
 *        a flush dependency.  The first entry in the test bucket
 *        also has a flush op which expunges the second entry --
 *        setting up the failure.
 *        An additional dirty entry is added (which must hash
 *        to a different bucket, and must have a higher address
 *        than at least the first entry in the test hash bucket.
 *        This entry is the child in a flush dependency with the
 *        first entry in the above hash bucket, and contains
 *        a flush op to destroy this flush dependency.
 *        Since the first entry in the test hash bucket has a lower
 *        address that the other dirty entry, the scan of the
 *        slist encounters it first, and passes over it because
 *        it has a flush dependency height of 1.
 *        The scan then encounters the second dirty entry and flushes
 *        it -- causing it to destroy the flush dependency and thus
 *        reducing the flush dependency height of the first entry in
 *        the test hash bucket to zero.
 *        After completing a scan of the slist,
 *        H5C_flush_invalidate_cache() then scans the index,
 *        flushing all entries of flush dependency height zero.
 *        This sets up the potential error when the first entry
 *        in the test hash bucket is flushed -- expunging the
 *        second entry as a side effect.  If
 *        H5C_flush_invalidate_cache() fails to detect this,
 *        it will attempt to continue its scan of the bucket with
 *        an entry that has been deleted from the cache.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/9/15
 * Modifications:
 *        None.

static void
cedds__H5C_flush_invalidate_cache__bucket_scan(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t *                    cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    int                       i;
    int                       expected_hash_bucket = 0;
    herr_t                   result;
    haddr_t                    entry_addr;
    test_entry_t *             entry_ptr;
    test_entry_t *             base_addr = NULL;
    struct H5C_cache_entry_t * scan_ptr;
    struct expected_entry_status expected[5] =
      /* the expected array is used to maintain a table of the expected status of every
       * entry used in this test.  Note that since the function that processes this
       * array only processes as much of it as it is told to, we don't have to
       * worry about maintaining the status of entries that we haven't used yet.
      /* entry            entry                in    at main                                                  flush dep flush dep child flush   flush       flush */
      /* type:            index:    size:            cache:    addr:    dirty:    prot:    pinned:    dsrlzd:    srlzd:    dest:     par type[]: par idx[]: dep npart: dep nchd: dep ndirty chd: order:     corked: */
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,     0,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,      {-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},                 {-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0, 1, 1, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,     8,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,      {-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},                 {-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,     16,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,      {-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},                 {-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,     24,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,      {-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},                 {-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},
      { MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,     31,    MONSTER_ENTRY_SIZE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,    TRUE,    FALSE,    FALSE,         {MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},  1, 0, 0, -1, FALSE},

    if(pass) {

         if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to cedds for cedds__H5C_flush_invalidate_cache__bucket_scan() test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache not empty at start cedds for cedds__H5C_flush_invalidate_cache__bucket_scan() test.";
        else if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
                  (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg =
            "unexpected cache config at start of cedds cedds__H5C_flush_invalidate_cache__bucket_scan() test.";

        } else {

            /* set min clean size to zero for this test as it simplifies
        * computing the expected cache size after each operation.

            cache_ptr->min_clean_size = 0;

    if(pass) {

    /* reset the stats before we start.  If stats are enabled, we will
    * check to see if they are as expected at the end.


    /* load one dirty and three clean entries that should hash to the
         * same hash bucket.

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    for (i = 8; i <= 24; i += 8)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

        /* verify that the above entries hash to the same bucket */
        base_addr = entries[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE];
        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[0]);
        entry_addr = entry_ptr->header.addr;

        HDassert(entry_addr == entry_ptr->addr);

        expected_hash_bucket = H5C__HASH_FCN(entry_addr);

        for (i = 8; i <= 24; i += 8) {

            entry_ptr = &(base_addr[i]);
            entry_addr = entry_ptr->header.addr;

            if(expected_hash_bucket != H5C__HASH_FCN(entry_addr)) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Test entries don't map to same bucket -- hash table size or hash fcn change?";

    if(pass) {

       /* setup the expunge flush operation:
    *     (MET, 0) expunges (MET, 8)
        add_flush_op(MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, FLUSH_OP__EXPUNGE,
                     MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 8, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);

    if(pass) {

        /* load the entry that will have a flush dependencey with (MET, 0),
         * thus preventing it from being flushed on the first pass through
         * the skip list.

    protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31);
    unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);

    if(pass) {

        /* verify that the dirty entry doesn't map to the same
         * hash bucket as the clean entries.

        entry_ptr = &(base_addr[31]);
        entry_addr = entry_ptr->header.addr;

        if(expected_hash_bucket == H5C__HASH_FCN(entry_addr)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Dirty entry maps to same hash bucket as clean entries?!?!";

    if(pass) {

    /* Next, create the flush dependency requiring (MET, 31) to
         * be flushed prior to (MET, 0).

        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0);
        create_flush_dependency(MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);


    if(pass) {

        /* Then, setup the flush operation to take down the flush
         * dependency when (MET, 31) is flushed.
    *     (MET, 31) destroys flush dependency with (MET, 8)
        add_flush_op(MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 31, FLUSH_OP__DEST_FLUSH_DEP,
                     MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 0, FALSE, (size_t)0, NULL);


    if(pass) {

    /* verify the expected status of all entries we have loaded to date: */
        verify_entry_status(cache_ptr, 0, 5, expected);

    if(pass) {

        /* now do some protect / unprotect cycles to force the
         * entries into the desired order in the hash bucket.
         * Recall that entries are moved to the head of the
         * hash bucket list on lookup.

    for (i = 24; i >= 0; i -= 8)
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
            unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

    if(pass) {

        /* scan the hash bucket to verify that the expected entries appear
         * in the expected order.
        scan_ptr = cache_ptr->index[expected_hash_bucket];

        i = 0;

        while(pass && (i <= 24))
            entry_ptr = &(base_addr[i]);

            if(scan_ptr == NULL) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "premature end of hash bucket list?!?!";

            } else if((scan_ptr == NULL) ||
                        (scan_ptr != &(entry_ptr->header))) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "bad test hash bucket setup?!?!";

            if(pass) {

                scan_ptr = scan_ptr->ht_next;
                i += 8;

    /* test setup complete -- flush the cache to run and end the test. */

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Cache flush invalidate failed after flush op eviction test";
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache len/size after cleanup of flush op eviction test";


    /* If we are collecting stats, check to see if we get the expected
     * values.

    if((cache_ptr->insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 5) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster entry stats in cedds__H5C_flush_invalidate_cache__bucket_scan().";
        } /* end if */

        /* as this test is now checking for index list scan restarts,
         * the following has been modified to check this instead of
         * hash bucket scan restarts.
    if((cache_ptr->slist_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->LRU_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_scan_restarts != 1)) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected scan restart stats in cedds__H5C_flush_invalidate_cache__bucket_scan().";



        /* reset cache min clean size to its expected value */
        cache_ptr->min_clean_size = (1 * 1024 * 1024);


} /* cedds__H5C_flush_invalidate_cache__bucket_scan() */

 * Function:    check_stats()
 * Purpose:    If stats are enabled, conduct tests to verify correct
 *        functioning of the cache statistics collection code.
 *        Skip the test if stats are not enabled.
 *        At present this test is a shell -- fill it out at time
 *        permits.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/12/15
 * Modifications:

static unsigned
check_stats(unsigned paged)


    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;


        TESTING("metadata cache statistics collection (paged aggregation)")
        TESTING("metadata cache statistics collection")


    pass = TRUE;


    file_ptr = setup_cache((size_t)(2 * 1024 * 1024), (size_t)(1 * 1024 * 1024), paged);

    if(pass) {


    if(pass) {

        takedown_cache(file_ptr, FALSE, FALSE);

    if(pass) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }

    if(!pass) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s(): failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
                  FUNC, failure_mssg);



    HDfprintf(stdout, "    Statistics collection disabled.\n");


    return (unsigned)!pass;

} /* check_stats() */

 * Function:    check_stats__smoke_check_1()
 * Purpose:    Test to see if the statistics collection code is working
 *        more or less as expected.  Do this by performing a number
 *        of operations in the cache, and checking to verify that
 *        they result in the expected statistics.
 *        Note that this function is not intended to be a full test
 *        of the statistics collection facility -- only a cursory
 *        check that will serve as a place holder until more complete
 *        tests are implemented.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              4/22/15
 * Modifications:
 *        None.
static void
check_stats__smoke_check_1(H5F_t * file_ptr)
    H5C_t *        cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
    int           i;
    herr_t       result;

    if(pass) {
        if(cache_ptr == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache_ptr NULL on entry to check_stats__smoke_check_1().";
        } /* end if */
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "cache not empty on entry to check_stats__smoke_check_1().";
        } /* end else-if */
        else if((cache_ptr->max_cache_size != (2 * 1024 * 1024)) ||
                  (cache_ptr->min_clean_size != (1 * 1024 * 1024))) {

        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "unexpected cache config at start of check_stats__smoke_check_1().";

        } /* end else-if */
    else {

            /* set min clean size to zero for this test as it simplifies
        * computing the expected cache size after each operation.
            cache_ptr->min_clean_size = 0;
        } /* end else */
    } /* end if */

        /* first fill the cache with monster entryies via insertion */
        for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
            insert_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);

        if((cache_ptr->hits[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->misses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->write_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->read_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster size entry stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(1).";
        } /* end if */

        if((cache_ptr->total_ht_insertions != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_ht_deletions != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->successful_ht_searches != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_successful_ht_search_depth != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->failed_ht_searches != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_failed_ht_search_depth != 48) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_index_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_clean_index_size != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_dirty_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_slist_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_slist_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pl_len != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pl_size != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pel_len != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pel_size != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->calls_to_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_entries_skipped_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_entries_scanned_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_entries_skipped_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_entries_scanned_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entries_scanned_to_make_space != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->slist_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->LRU_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_scan_restarts != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(1).";
        } /* end if */

        /* Note that most entry level stats are only updated on entry eviction */
        if((cache_ptr->max_accesses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_accesses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1000000) || /* initial value */
             (cache_ptr->max_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_size[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 64 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster entry level stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(1).";
        } /* end if */

        /* protect and unprotect each entry once. Note
         * that all entries are already dirty, as they
         * entered the cache via insertion
        for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, i, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET);
        } /* end for */

        if((cache_ptr->hits[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->misses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->write_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->read_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster size entry stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(2).";
        } /* end if */

        if((cache_ptr->total_ht_insertions != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_ht_deletions != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->successful_ht_searches != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_successful_ht_search_depth != 96) ||
             (cache_ptr->failed_ht_searches != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_failed_ht_search_depth != 48) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_index_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_clean_index_size != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_dirty_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_slist_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_slist_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pl_len != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pl_size != 64 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pel_len != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pel_size != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->calls_to_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_entries_skipped_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_entries_scanned_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_entries_skipped_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_entries_scanned_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entries_scanned_to_make_space != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->slist_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->LRU_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_scan_restarts != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(2).";
        } /* end if */

        /* Note that most entry level stats are only updated on entry eviction */
        if((cache_ptr->max_accesses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_accesses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1000000) || /* initial value */
             (cache_ptr->max_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_size[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 64 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster entry level stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(2).";
        } /* end if */

    if(pass) {
        /* protect and unprotect an entry that is not currently
         * in the cache.  Since the cache is full and all entries
         * are dirty, this will force a flush of each entry, and
         * the eviction of (MET, 0).
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 32);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 32, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);
    } /* end if */

        if((cache_ptr->hits[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->misses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->write_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->read_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster size entry stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(3).";
        } /* end if */

        if((cache_ptr->total_ht_insertions != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_ht_deletions != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->successful_ht_searches != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_successful_ht_search_depth != 96) ||
             (cache_ptr->failed_ht_searches != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_failed_ht_search_depth != 52) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_index_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_clean_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_dirty_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_slist_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_slist_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pl_len != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pl_size != 64 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pel_len != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pel_size != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->calls_to_msic != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_entries_skipped_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_entries_scanned_in_msic != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_entries_skipped_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_entries_scanned_in_msic != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->entries_scanned_to_make_space != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->slist_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->LRU_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_scan_restarts != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(3).";
        } /* end if */

        /* Note that most entry level stats are only updated on entry eviction */
        if((cache_ptr->max_accesses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_accesses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_size[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 64 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster entry level stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(3).";
        } /* end if */


    if(pass) {
        /* protect and unprotect dirty (MET, 1), and then flush destroy
         * the cache.
        protect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 1);
        unprotect_entry(file_ptr, MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE, 1, H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG);
    } /* end if */

    /* flush the cache to end the test and collect all entry stats */

    if(pass) {

        result = H5C_flush_cache(file_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

        if(result < 0) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Cache flush invalidate failed in check_stats__smoke_check_1()";
        } /* end if */
        else if((cache_ptr->index_len != 0) ||
                  (cache_ptr->index_size != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache len/size after check_stats__smoke_check_1()";

        } /* end else-if */
    } /* end if */

        if((cache_ptr->hits[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->misses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->write_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 34) ||
             (cache_ptr->read_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_read_protects[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_insertions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 34) ||
             (cache_ptr->evictions[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->take_ownerships[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_moves[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->unpins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->dirty_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->pinned_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_increases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->size_decreases[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->entry_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->cache_flush_size_changes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster size entry stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(4).";
        } /* end if */

        if((cache_ptr->total_ht_insertions != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_ht_deletions != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->successful_ht_searches != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_successful_ht_search_depth != 99) ||
             (cache_ptr->failed_ht_searches != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_failed_ht_search_depth != 52) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_index_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_clean_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_dirty_index_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_slist_len != 32) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_slist_size != 2 * 1024 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pl_len != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pl_size != 64 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pel_len != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pel_size != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->calls_to_msic != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_entries_skipped_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->total_entries_scanned_in_msic != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_entries_skipped_in_msic != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_entries_scanned_in_msic != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->entries_scanned_to_make_space != 33) ||
             (cache_ptr->slist_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->LRU_scan_restarts != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->index_scan_restarts != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected cache stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(4).";
        } /* end if */

        /* Note that most entry level stats are only updated on entry eviction */
        if((cache_ptr->max_accesses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->min_accesses[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 1) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_clears[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_flushes[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 2) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_size[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 64 * 1024) ||
             (cache_ptr->max_pins[MONSTER_ENTRY_TYPE] != 0)) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected monster entry level stats in check_stats__smoke_check_1(4).";
        } /* end if */



        /* reset cache min clean size to its expected value */
        cache_ptr->min_clean_size = (1 * 1024 * 1024);


} /* check_stats__smoke_check_1() */


/* Call back functions: */

 * Function:    check_if_write_permitted
 * Purpose:     Determine if a write is permitted under the current
 *              circumstances, and set *write_permitted_ptr accordingly.
 *              As a general rule it is, but when we are running in parallel
 *              mode with collective I/O, we must ensure that a read cannot
 *              cause a write.
 *              In the event of failure, the value of *write_permitted_ptr
 *              is undefined.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 5/15/04
static herr_t
check_write_permitted(const H5F_t H5_ATTR_UNUSED *f, hbool_t *write_permitted_ptr)
    HDassert( write_permitted_ptr );

    *write_permitted_ptr = write_permitted;

} /* check_write_permitted() */

 * Function:    setup_cache()
 * Purpose:     Open an HDF file.  This will allocate an instance and
 *         initialize an associated instance of H5C_t.  However,
 *         we want to test an instance of H5C_t, so allocate and
 *         initialize one with the file ID returned by the call to
 *         H5Fcreate().  Return a pointer to this instance of H5C_t.
 *        Observe that we open a HDF file because the cache now
 *        writes directly to file, and we need the file I/O facilities
 *        associated with the file.
 *        To avoid tripping on error check code, must allocate enough
 *        space in the file to hold all the test entries and their
 *        alternates.  This is a little sticky, as the addresses of
 *        all the test entries are determined at compile time.
 *        Deal with this by choosing BASE_ADDR large enough that
 *        the base address of the allocate space will be less than
 *        or equal to BASE_ADDR, and then requesting an extra BASE_ADDR
 *        bytes, so we don't have to wory about exceeding the allocation.
 * Return:      Success:        Ptr to H5C_t
 *              Failure:        NULL
 * Programmer:  JRM -- 9/13/07

H5F_t *
setup_cache(size_t max_cache_size,
            size_t min_clean_size,
            unsigned paged)
    char filename[512];
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    hbool_t verbose = TRUE;
    int mile_stone = 1;
    hid_t fid = -1;
    H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5F_t * ret_val = NULL;
    haddr_t actual_base_addr;
    hid_t fapl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;
    hid_t fcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;

    if(show_progress) /* 1 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    saved_fid = -1;

    if(pass) {
        if((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) == FAIL) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE) failed.\n";

    if(pass && paged) {
        /* Set up paged aggregation strategy */
        if(H5Pset_file_space_strategy(fcpl_id, H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_PAGE, 1, (hsize_t)1) == FAIL) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_file_space_strategy() failed.\n";
        fcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;

    if(pass && paged) {
        /* Set up file space page size to BASE_ADDR */
        if(H5Pset_file_space_page_size(fcpl_id, (hsize_t)BASE_ADDR) == FAIL) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_file_space_page_size() failed.\n";
        fcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;

        saved_fcpl_id = fcpl_id;

    /* setup the file name */
    if(pass) {
        if(NULL == h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename))) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";

    if(show_progress) /* 2 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass && try_core_file_driver) {
    if((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) == FAIL) {
        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS) failed.\n";
    else if(H5Pset_fapl_core(fapl_id, MAX_ADDR, FALSE) < 0) {
        fapl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;
        pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5P_set_fapl_core() failed.\n";
    else if((fid = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) {
        core_file_driver_failed = TRUE;

                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: H5Fcreate() with CFD failed.\n", FUNC);
        } else {
        saved_fapl_id = fapl_id;

    if(show_progress) /* 3 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    /* if we either aren't using the core file driver, or a create
     * with the core file driver failed, try again with a regular file.
     * If this fails, we are cooked.
    if(pass && fid < 0) {
        fid = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id);
        saved_fid = fid;

        if(fid < 0) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fcreate() failed.";

                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: H5Fcreate() failed.\n", FUNC);
        } /* end if */
    } /* end if */

    /* Push API context */

    if(show_progress) /* 4 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {
        HDassert(fid >= 0);
        saved_fid = fid;
        if(H5Fflush(fid, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL) < 0) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fflush() failed.";

                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: H5Fflush() failed.\n", FUNC);
        else {
            file_ptr = (H5F_t *)H5VL_object_verify(fid, H5I_FILE);
            if(file_ptr == NULL) {
                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Can't get file_ptr.";

                    HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: H5Fflush() failed.\n", FUNC);

    if(show_progress) /* 5 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {

        /* A bit of fancy footwork here:
         * The call to H5Fcreate() allocates an instance of H5C_t,
         * initializes it, and stores its address in f->shared->cache.
         * We don't want to use this cache, as it has a bunch of extra
         * initialization that may change over time, and in any case
         * it will not in general be configured the way we want it.
         * We used to deal with this problem by storing the file pointer
         * in another instance of H5C_t, and then ignoring the original
         * version.  However, this strategy doesn't work any more, as
         * we can't store the file pointer in the instance of H5C_t,
         * and we have modified many cache routines to use a file
         * pointer to look up the target cache.
         * Thus we now make note of the address of the instance of
         * H5C_t created by the call to H5Fcreate(), set
         * file_ptr->shared->cache to NULL, call H5C_create()
         * to allocate a new instance of H5C_t for test purposes,
         * and store than new instance's address in
         * file_ptr->shared->cache.
         * On shut down, we call H5C_dest on our instance of H5C_t,
         * set file_ptr->shared->cache to point to the original
         * instance, and then close the file normally.

        HDassert(saved_cache == NULL);
        saved_cache = file_ptr->shared->cache;
        file_ptr->shared->cache = NULL;

        cache_ptr = H5C_create(max_cache_size,
                               (NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_TYPES - 1),

        file_ptr->shared->cache = cache_ptr;

    if(show_progress) /* 6 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {
        if(cache_ptr == NULL) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5C_create() failed.";

                 HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: H5C_create() failed.\n", FUNC);
        else if(cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC) {
            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Bad cache_ptr magic.";

                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: Bad cache_ptr magic.\n", FUNC);

    if(show_progress) /* 7 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) { /* allocate space for test entries */
        actual_base_addr = H5MF_alloc(file_ptr, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, (hsize_t)(ADDR_SPACE_SIZE + BASE_ADDR));

    if(actual_base_addr == HADDR_UNDEF) {
            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5MF_alloc() failed.";

                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: H5MF_alloc() failed.\n", FUNC);
    } else if(actual_base_addr > BASE_ADDR) {
        /* If this happens, must increase BASE_ADDR so that the
        * actual_base_addr is <= BASE_ADDR.  This should only happen
        * if the size of the superblock is increase.
            pass = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "actual_base_addr > BASE_ADDR";

                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: actual_base_addr > BASE_ADDR.\n", FUNC);

        saved_actual_base_addr = actual_base_addr;

    if(show_progress) /* 8 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

    if(pass) {
        /* Need to set this else all cache tests will fail */
        cache_ptr->ignore_tags = TRUE;

        ret_val = file_ptr;

    if(show_progress) /* 9 */
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s() - %0d -- pass = %d\n",
                  FUNC, mile_stone++, (int)pass);

} /* setup_cache() */

 * Function:    takedown_cache()
 * Purpose:    Flush the specified cache and destroy it.  If requested,
 *        dump stats first.  Then close and delete the associate
 *        file.
 *        If pass is FALSE, do nothing.
 * Return:    void
 * Programmer:    John Mainzer
 *              9/14/07

takedown_cache(H5F_t * file_ptr,
               hbool_t dump_stats,
               hbool_t dump_detailed_stats)
    char filename[512];

    if ( file_ptr != NULL ) {
        H5C_t * cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

        if ( dump_stats ) {

            H5C_stats(cache_ptr, "test cache", dump_detailed_stats);

        if ( H5C_prep_for_file_close(file_ptr) < 0 ) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected failure of prep for file close.\n";

        flush_cache(file_ptr, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);


        if ( saved_cache != NULL ) {

            file_ptr->shared->cache = saved_cache;
            saved_cache = NULL;


    if ( saved_fapl_id != H5P_DEFAULT ) {

        saved_fapl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;

    if ( saved_fcpl_id != H5P_DEFAULT ) {
        saved_fcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;

    if ( saved_fid != -1 ) {

        if ( H5F_addr_defined(saved_actual_base_addr) ) {

            if ( NULL == file_ptr )  {
                file_ptr = (H5F_t *)H5VL_object_verify(saved_fid, H5I_FILE);
                HDassert ( file_ptr );

            H5MF_xfree(file_ptr, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, saved_actual_base_addr,
                                          (hsize_t)(ADDR_SPACE_SIZE + BASE_ADDR));
            saved_actual_base_addr = HADDR_UNDEF;

        if ( H5Fclose(saved_fid) < 0  ) {

            pass = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "couldn't close test file.";

        } else {

            saved_fid = -1;


        /* Pop API context */

        if ( ( ! try_core_file_driver ) || ( core_file_driver_failed ) ) {

            if ( h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename))
                 == NULL ) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";

            if ( HDremove(filename) < 0 ) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "couldn't delete test file.";



} /* takedown_cache() */

 * Function:    main
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              6/24/04

    unsigned nerrs = 0;
    unsigned paged;
    int express_test;


    express_test = GetTestExpress();

    HDprintf("Internal cache tests\n");
    HDprintf("        express_test = %d\n", express_test);

    if(create_entry_arrays() < 0) {

        HDprintf("ERROR: Unable to create entries arrays. Aborting.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    } /* end if */

    /* Test with paged aggregation enabled or not */
    /* Each test will call setup_cache() which set up the file space strategy according to "paged" */
    for(paged = FALSE; paged <= TRUE; paged++) {

        if ( paged ) {

                      "\n\nRe-running tests with paged aggregation:\n");

            if ( express_test > 0 )
                HDfprintf(stdout, "    Skipping smoke checks.\n");

            HDfprintf(stdout, "\n");

        nerrs += smoke_check_1(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += smoke_check_2(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += smoke_check_3(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += smoke_check_4(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += smoke_check_5(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += smoke_check_6(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += smoke_check_7(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += smoke_check_8(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += smoke_check_9(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += smoke_check_10(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += write_permitted_check(express_test, paged);
        nerrs += check_insert_entry(paged);
        nerrs += check_flush_cache(paged);
        nerrs += check_get_entry_status(paged);
        nerrs += check_expunge_entry(paged);
        nerrs += check_multiple_read_protect(paged);
        nerrs += check_move_entry(paged);
        nerrs += check_pin_protected_entry(paged);
        nerrs += check_resize_entry(paged);
        nerrs += check_evictions_enabled(paged);
        nerrs += check_flush_protected_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_destroy_pinned_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_destroy_protected_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_duplicate_insert_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_double_pin_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_double_unpin_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_pin_entry_errs(paged);
        nerrs += check_double_protect_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_double_unprotect_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_mark_entry_dirty_errs(paged);
        nerrs += check_expunge_entry_errs(paged);
        nerrs += check_move_entry_errs(paged);
        nerrs += check_resize_entry_errs(paged);
        nerrs += check_unprotect_ro_dirty_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_protect_ro_rw_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_protect_retries(paged);
        nerrs += check_check_evictions_enabled_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_auto_cache_resize(FALSE, paged);
        nerrs += check_auto_cache_resize(TRUE, paged);
        nerrs += check_auto_cache_resize_disable(paged);
        nerrs += check_auto_cache_resize_epoch_markers(paged);
        nerrs += check_auto_cache_resize_input_errs(paged);
        nerrs += check_auto_cache_resize_aux_fcns(paged);
        nerrs += check_metadata_blizzard_absence(TRUE, paged);
        nerrs += check_metadata_blizzard_absence(FALSE, paged);
        nerrs += check_flush_deps(paged);
        nerrs += check_flush_deps_err(paged);
        nerrs += check_flush_deps_order(paged);
        nerrs += check_notify_cb(paged);
        nerrs += check_metadata_cork(TRUE, paged);
        nerrs += check_metadata_cork(FALSE, paged);
        nerrs += check_entry_deletions_during_scans(paged);
        nerrs += check_stats(paged);
    } /* end for */

    /* can't fail, returns void */

    if(nerrs > 0)
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

} /* main() */