 * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
 * Software Development Group                                               *
 * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
 * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
 * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
 *                                                                          *
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
 * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
 *                                                                          *

/* $Id$ */

   testhdf5.c - HDF5 testing framework main file.

   General test wrapper for HDF5 base library test programs

   Each test function should be implemented as function having no
   parameters and returning void (i.e. no return value).  They should be put
   into the list of InitTest() calls in main() below.  Functions which depend
   on other functionality should be placed below the InitTest() call for the
   base functionality testing.
   Each test module should include testhdf5.h and define a unique set of
   names for test files they create.


   Two variables are exported: num_errs, and Verbosity.


#if defined __MWERKS__
#include <console.h>

#include <stdarg.h>


/* Internal Variables */
static int              Index = 0;

/* Global variables */
int                     num_errs = 0;
int                     Verbosity;

/* ANY new test needs to have a prototype in tproto.h */
#include "testhdf5.h"

struct TestStruct {
    int    NumErrors;
    char   Description[64];
    int    SkipFlag;
    char   Name[16];
    void (*Call) (void);
    void (*Cleanup) (void);

static void             InitTest(const char *TheName, void (*TheCall) (void), void (*Cleanup) (void), const char *TheDescr);
static void             usage(void);

static void 
InitTest(const char *TheName, void (*TheCall) (void), void (*Cleanup) (void), const char *TheDescr)
    if (Index >= MAXNUMOFTESTS) {
        print_func("Uh-oh, too many tests added, increase MAXNUMOFTEST!\n");
    }                           /* end if */
    HDstrcpy(Test[Index].Description, TheDescr);
    HDstrcpy(Test[Index].Name, TheName);
    Test[Index].Call = TheCall;
    Test[Index].Cleanup = Cleanup;
    Test[Index].NumErrors = -1;
    Test[Index].SkipFlag = 0;

static void 
    intn                    i;

    print_func("Usage: testhdf5 [-v[erbose] (l[ow]|m[edium]|h[igh]|0-10)] \n");
    print_func("               [-[e]x[clude] name+] \n");
    print_func("               [-o[nly] name+] \n");
    print_func("               [-b[egin] name] \n");
    print_func("               [-s[ummary]]  \n");
    print_func("               [-c[leanoff]]  \n");
    print_func("               [-n[ocaching]]  \n");
    print_func("               [-h[elp]]  \n");
    print_func("verbose   controls the amount of information displayed\n");
    print_func("exclude   to exclude tests by name\n");
    print_func("only      to name tests which should be run\n");
    print_func("begin     start at the name of the test givin\n");
    print_func("summary   prints a summary of test results at the end\n");
    print_func("cleanoff  does not delete *.hdf files after execution of tests\n");
    print_func("nocaching do not turn on low-level DD caching\n");
    print_func("help      print out this information\n");
    print_func("This program currently tests the following: \n\n");
    print_func("%16s %s\n", "Name", "Description");
    print_func("%16s %s\n", "----", "-----------");
    for (i = 0; i < Index; i++)
        print_func("%16s %s\n", Test[i].Name, Test[i].Description);
}                               /* end usage() */

 * This routine is designed to provide equivalent functionality to 'printf'
 * and allow easy replacement for environments which don't have stdin/stdout
 * available.  (i.e. Windows & the Mac)
print_func(const char *format,...)
    va_list                 arglist;
    int                     ret_value;

    va_start(arglist, format);
    ret_value = vprintf(format, arglist);
    return (ret_value);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int                     CLLoop;     /* Command Line Loop */
    int                     Loop, Loop1;
    int                     Summary = 0;
    int                     CleanUp = 1;
    int                     Cache = 1;
    uintn                   major, minor, release;

#if !(defined MAC || defined __MWERKS__ || defined SYMANTEC_C)
    /* Un-buffer the stdout and stderr */
    setbuf(stderr, NULL);
    setbuf(stdout, NULL);

     * Turn off automatic error reporting since we do it ourselves.  Besides,
     * half the functions this test calls are private, so automatic error
     * reporting wouldn't do much good since it's triggered at the API layer.
    H5Eset_auto (NULL, NULL);

    /* Tests are generally arranged from least to most complexity... */
    InitTest("metadata", test_metadata, cleanup_metadata, "Encode/decode metadata code");
    InitTest("tbbt", test_tbbt, NULL,  "Threaded, Balanced, Binary Trees");
    InitTest("file", test_file, cleanup_file, "Low-Level File I/O");
    InitTest("h5s",  test_h5s,  cleanup_h5s,  "Dataspaces");
    InitTest("attr", test_attr, cleanup_attr,  "Attributes");
    InitTest("select", test_select, cleanup_select,  "Selections");
    InitTest("time", test_time, cleanup_time,  "Time Datatypes");
    InitTest("reference", test_reference, cleanup_reference,  "References");
    InitTest("vltypes", test_vltypes, cleanup_vltypes,  "Variable-Length Datatypes");
    InitTest("vlstrings", test_vlstrings, cleanup_vlstrings,  "Variable-Length Strings");
    InitTest("iterate", test_iterate, cleanup_iterate,  "Group & Attribute Iteration");
    InitTest("array", test_array, cleanup_array,  "Array Datatypes");
    InitTest("genprop", test_genprop, cleanup_genprop,  "Generic Properties");

    Verbosity = 4;              /* Default Verbosity is Low */
    H5get_libversion(&major, &minor, &release);

    print_func("\nFor help use: testhdf5 -help\n");
    print_func("Linked with hdf5 version %u.%u release %u\n",
	       (unsigned)major, (unsigned)minor, (unsigned)release);
    for (CLLoop = 1; CLLoop < argc; CLLoop++) {
        if ((argc > CLLoop + 1) && ((HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-verbose") == 0) ||
                                    (HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-v") == 0))) {
            if (argv[CLLoop + 1][0] == 'l')
                Verbosity = 4;
            else if (argv[CLLoop + 1][0] == 'm')
                Verbosity = 6;
            else if (argv[CLLoop + 1][0] == 'h')
                Verbosity = 10;
                Verbosity = atoi(argv[CLLoop + 1]);
        }                       /* end if */
        if ((argc > CLLoop) && ((HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-summary") == 0) ||
                                (HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-s") == 0)))
            Summary = 1;

        if ((argc > CLLoop) && ((HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-help") == 0) ||
                                (HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-h") == 0))) {
        if ((argc > CLLoop) && ((HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-cleanoff") == 0) ||
                                (HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-c") == 0)))
            CleanUp = 0;

        if ((argc > CLLoop) && ((HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-nocache") == 0) ||
                                (HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-n") == 0))) {
            Cache = 0;
	    printf ("Cache = %d\n", Cache);

        if ((argc > CLLoop + 1) && ((HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-exclude") == 0) ||
                                    (HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-x") == 0))) {
            Loop = CLLoop + 1;
            while ((Loop < argc) && (argv[Loop][0] != '-')) {
                for (Loop1 = 0; Loop1 < Index; Loop1++)
                    if (HDstrcmp(argv[Loop], Test[Loop1].Name) == 0)
                        Test[Loop1].SkipFlag = 1;
            }                   /* end while */
        }                       /* end if */
        if ((argc > CLLoop + 1) && ((HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-begin") == 0) ||
                                    (HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-b") == 0))) {
            Loop = CLLoop + 1;
            while ((Loop < argc) && (argv[Loop][0] != '-')) {
                for (Loop1 = 0; Loop1 < Index; Loop1++) {
                    if (HDstrcmp(argv[Loop], Test[Loop1].Name) != 0)
                        Test[Loop1].SkipFlag = 1;
                    if (HDstrcmp(argv[Loop], Test[Loop1].Name) == 0)
                        Loop1 = Index;
                }               /* end for */
            }                   /* end while */
        }                       /* end if */
        if ((argc > CLLoop + 1) && ((HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-only") == 0) ||
                                    (HDstrcmp(argv[CLLoop], "-o") == 0))) {
            for (Loop = 0; Loop < Index; Loop++)
                Test[Loop].SkipFlag = 1;
            Loop = CLLoop + 1;
            while ((Loop < argc) && (argv[Loop][0] != '-')) {
                for (Loop1 = 0; Loop1 < Index; Loop1++)
                    if (HDstrcmp(argv[Loop], Test[Loop1].Name) == 0)
                        Test[Loop1].SkipFlag = 0;
            }                   /* end while */
        }                       /* end if */
    }                           /* end for */

#ifdef NOT_YET
    if (Cache)                  /* turn on caching, unless we were instucted not to */
        Hcache(CACHE_ALL_FILES, TRUE);
#endif /* NOT_YET */

    for (Loop = 0; Loop < Index; Loop++) {
        if (Test[Loop].SkipFlag) {
            MESSAGE(2, ("Skipping -- %s \n", Test[Loop].Description));
        } else {
            MESSAGE(2, ("Testing  -- %s (%s) \n", Test[Loop].Description,
            MESSAGE(5, ("===============================================\n"));
            Test[Loop].NumErrors = num_errs;
            (*Test[Loop].Call) ();
            Test[Loop].NumErrors = num_errs - Test[Loop].NumErrors;
            MESSAGE(5, ("===============================================\n"));
            MESSAGE(5, ("There were %d errors detected.\n\n", (int) Test[Loop].NumErrors));
        }                       /* end else */
    }                           /* end for */

    MESSAGE(2, ("\n\n"))
        if (num_errs)
        print_func("!!! %d Error(s) were detected !!!\n\n", (int) num_errs);
        print_func("All tests were successful. \n\n");

    if (Summary) {
        print_func("Summary of Test Results:\n");
        print_func("Name of Test     Errors Description of Test\n");
        print_func("---------------- ------ --------------------------------------\n");

        for (Loop = 0; Loop < Index; Loop++) {
            if (Test[Loop].NumErrors == -1)
                print_func("%16s %6s %s\n", Test[Loop].Name, "N/A", Test[Loop].Description);
                print_func("%16s %6d %s\n", Test[Loop].Name, (int) Test[Loop].NumErrors,
        }                       /* end for */
    }                           /* end if */
    if (CleanUp && !getenv("HDF5_NOCLEANUP")) {
        MESSAGE(2, ("\nCleaning Up temp files...\n\n"));

        /* call individual cleanup routines in each source module */
        for (Loop = 0; Loop < Index; Loop++)
            if (!Test[Loop].SkipFlag && Test[Loop].Cleanup!=NULL)
                (*Test[Loop].Cleanup) ();
    return (num_errs);
}                               /* end main() */