 * Copyright (C) 1997	National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
 *                      All rights reserved.
 * Created:		tstab.c
 * 			Aug  7 1997
 * 			Robb Matzke <matzke@llnl.gov>
 * Purpose:		
 * Modifications:	
#include <testhdf5.h>

#include <H5private.h>
#include <H5ACprivate.h>
#include <H5Fprivate.h> 
#include <H5Gprivate.h>
#include <H5Oprivate.h>

 * This file needs to access private datatypes from the H5G package.
#define H5G_PACKAGE
#include <H5Gpkg.h>

 * Function:	test_1
 * Purpose:	Tests the non-directory features of the HDF5 file.  If the
 *		file has just one non-directory object, then that object
 *		should be the root object and there is no directory.
 * Return:	void
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		robb@maya.nuance.com
 *		Aug 29 1997
 * Modifications:
static void
test_1 (void)
   hid_t	fid;
   H5F_t	*f;
   H5G_entry_t	*obj1=NULL, *obj2=NULL;
   H5G_entry_t	ent1, dir_ent;
   herr_t	status;
   H5O_name_t	name_mesg;
   void		*status_ptr;
   MESSAGE (2, ("........non-directory files\n"));

    * Test 1A: Create an empty file and add a non-directory object
    * to the file with the name `/'.  The object should become the
    * root object and should not have a name message.

   /* create the file */
   fid = H5Fcreate ("tstab1.h5", H5ACC_OVERWRITE, 0, 0);
   CHECK (fid, FAIL, "H5Fcreate");
   f = H5Aatom_object (fid);
   CHECK (f, NULL, "H5Aatom_object");

   /* create the object */
   obj1 = H5G_create (f, "/", 0);
   CHECK_PTR (obj1, "H5G_new");

   /* look for a name message -- it shouldn't be present */
   status_ptr = H5O_read (f, NO_ADDR, obj1, H5O_NAME, 0, &name_mesg);
   VERIFY (status_ptr, NULL, "H5O_read [didn't fail but should have]");
    * Test 1B: Attempt to read the root object using the name `/'.
   HDmemset (&dir_ent, 0, sizeof(H5G_entry_t));
   HDmemset (&ent1, 0, sizeof(H5G_entry_t));
   status = H5G_find (f, NULL, &dir_ent, "/", &ent1);
   CHECK_I (status, "H5G_find");
   VERIFY (dir_ent.header, 0, "H5G_find");
   VERIFY (ent1.header, obj1->header, "H5G_find");

   /* is it really the root symbol? */
   VERIFY (dir_ent.header, 0, "H5G_insert");
   VERIFY (obj1->header, f->shared->root_sym->header, "H5G_insert");

    * Test 1C: Add a second object to the file to see if the first object
    * gets moved into the new root directory along with the second object.

   /* create the object */
   obj2 = H5G_create (f,  "/second", 0);
   CHECK_PTR (obj2, "H5G_new");

   /* try to read the first object */
   HDmemset (&ent1, 0, sizeof(H5G_entry_t));
   status = H5G_find (f, NULL, NULL, "/Root Object", &ent1);
   CHECK_I (status, "H5G_find");
   VERIFY (ent1.header, obj1->header, "H5G_find");

   /* close the objects */
   H5G_close (f, obj1);
   obj1 = NULL;
   H5G_close (f, obj2);
   obj2 = NULL;
   /* close the file */
   H5Fclose (fid);

    * Test 1D: Create an empty file and add a non-directory object
    * to the file with the name `/foo'.  The object should become the
    * root object and should have a name message with the value `foo'.

   /* create the file */
   fid = H5Fcreate ("tstab1.h5", H5ACC_OVERWRITE, 0, 0);
   CHECK (fid, FAIL, "H5Fcreate");
   f = H5Aatom_object (fid);
   CHECK (f, NULL, "H5Aatom_object");

   /* create the object */
   obj1 = H5G_create (f, "/foo", 0);
   CHECK_PTR (obj1, "H5G_new");

   /* does it have the correct name message? */
   status_ptr = H5O_read (f, NO_ADDR, obj1, H5O_NAME, 0, &name_mesg);
   CHECK_PTR (status_ptr, "H5O_read");
   CHECK_PTR (name_mesg.s, "H5O_read");
   VERIFY (strcmp(name_mesg.s, "foo"), 0, "H5O_read");
   if (status_ptr) H5O_reset (H5O_NAME, &name_mesg); /*free message data*/

    * Test 1E: Try to read the root object with the name `/' and `/foo'
   HDmemset (&dir_ent, 0, sizeof(H5G_entry_t));
   HDmemset (&ent1, 0, sizeof(H5G_entry_t));
   status = H5G_find (f, NULL, &dir_ent, "/", &ent1);
   CHECK_I (status, "H5G_find");
   VERIFY (dir_ent.header, 0, "H5G_find");
   VERIFY (ent1.header, obj1->header, "H5G_find");

   /* is it really the root symbol? */
   VERIFY (dir_ent.header, 0, "H5G_insert");
   VERIFY (obj1->header, f->shared->root_sym->header, "H5G_insert");

   /* now as `/foo' */
   HDmemset (&dir_ent, 0, sizeof(H5G_entry_t));
   HDmemset (&ent1, 0, sizeof(H5G_entry_t));
   status = H5G_find (f, NULL, &dir_ent, "/foo", &ent1);
   CHECK_I (status, "H5G_find");
   VERIFY (dir_ent.header, 0, "H5G_find");
   VERIFY (ent1.header, obj1->header, "H5G_find");

   /* is it really the root symbol? */
   VERIFY (dir_ent.header, 0, "H5G_insert");
   VERIFY (obj1->header, f->shared->root_sym->header, "H5G_insert");

    * Test 1F: Create another object.  This should create a root directory
    * and move the previous root object into that directory.

   /* create the object */
   obj2 = H5G_create (f, "/second", 0);
   CHECK_PTR (obj2, "H5G_new");

   /* try to read the first object */
   HDmemset (&ent1, 0, sizeof(H5G_entry_t));
   status = H5G_find (f, NULL, NULL, "/foo", &ent1);
   CHECK_I (status, "H5G_find");
   VERIFY (ent1.header, obj1->header, "H5G_find");

   /* the first object should not have a name message */
   status_ptr = H5O_read (f, NO_ADDR, obj1, H5O_NAME, 0, &name_mesg);
   VERIFY (status_ptr, NULL, "H5O_read [didn't fail but should have]");

   /* close the objects */
   H5G_close (f, obj1);
   obj1 = NULL;
   H5G_close (f, obj2);
   obj2 = NULL;

   /* close the file */
   status = H5Fclose (fid);
   CHECK_I (status, "H5Fclose");

 * Function:	test_2
 * Purpose:	Creates a really large directory.
 * Return:	void
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		robb@maya.nuance.com
 *		Aug 29 1997
 * Modifications:
static void
test_2 (void)
   hid_t	fid;
   H5F_t	*f;
   H5G_entry_t	*obj1=NULL;
   int		i;
   char		name[256];
   herr_t	status;
   int		nsyms = 5000;
   MESSAGE (2, ("........large directories\n"));

   /* create the file */
   fid = H5Fcreate ("tstab2.h5", H5ACC_OVERWRITE, 0, 0);
   CHECK (fid, FAIL, "H5Fcreate");
   f = H5Aatom_object (fid);
   CHECK (f, NULL, "H5Aatom_object");

    * Create a directory that has so many entries that the root
    * of the B-tree ends up splitting.
   obj1 = H5G_mkdir (f, "/big", nsyms*12+2);
   CHECK_PTR (obj1, "H5G_mkdir");
   H5G_close (f, obj1);
   obj1 = NULL;
   for (i=0; i<nsyms; i++) {

      sprintf (name, "/big/%05d%05d", rand()%100000, i);
      MESSAGE (8, ("%s\n", name));
      obj1 = H5G_create (f, name, 0);
      CHECK_PTR (obj1, "H5G_mkdir");
      H5G_close (f, obj1);
      obj1 = NULL;

   /* close the file */
   status = H5Fclose (fid);
   CHECK_I (status, "H5Fclose");

 * Function:	test_stab
 * Purpose:	Test symbol tables
 * Return:	void
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		matzke@viper.llnl.gov
 *		Aug  7 1997
 * Modifications:
test_stab (void)