/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2000 National Center for Supercomputing Applications. * All rights reserved. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /****************************************************************************** Description: 1. converter See HDF4 to HDF5 mapping specification at (http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/papers/h4toh5) for the default mapping from HDF4 object to HDF5 object. The whole converter includes 10 files, h4toh5util.h, h4toh5main.h, h4toh5util.c, h4toh5main.c, h4toh5sds.c, h4toh5image.c,h4toh5vdata.c,h4toh5vgroup.c,h4toh5pal.c and h4toh5anno.c. 2. this file converting an hdf4 annotation into an hdf5 attribute of the corresponding object. Author: Kent Yang(ymuqun@ncsa.uiuc.edu) *****************************************************************************/ #include "h4toh5main.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: Annofil_h4_to_h5 * * Purpose: translate file annotation object into hdf5 dataset * * Return: FAIL if failed, SUCCEED if successful. * * In : file_id: file identifier h5_group: hdf5 group id *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Annofil_h4_to_h5(int32 file_id,hid_t h5group){ int32 an_id; int32 ann_id; int32 i; int32 ann_length; int32 n_file_label = 0; int32 n_file_desc = 0; int32 n_data_label = 0; int32 n_data_desc = 0; int32 istat; char* ann_buf; char anno_labelname[30]; char anno_descname[30]; char index_str[5]; hid_t h5_sid; hid_t h5_aid; hid_t sh5str_type; hid_t sh5str1_type; hid_t ret; an_id = ANstart(file_id); if(an_id < 0) { printf("error in obtaining an_id. \n"); return FAIL; } istat = ANfileinfo(an_id,&n_file_label,&n_file_desc, &n_data_label,&n_data_desc); if(istat == FAIL) { printf("error getting file information.\n"); ANend(file_id); return FAIL; } for (i = 0; i < n_file_label; i++) { ann_id = ANselect(an_id,i,AN_FILE_LABEL); if(ann_id == FAIL) { printf("error in obtaining annotation id. \n"); ANend(file_id); return FAIL; } ann_length = ANannlen(ann_id); if(ann_length == FAIL) { printf("error in obtaining annotation length. \n"); ANend(file_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); return FAIL; } ann_buf = malloc((size_t)ann_length + 1); if(ann_buf == NULL) { printf("error in allocating memory. \n"); return FAIL; } h4toh5_ZeroMemory(ann_buf,(ann_length+1)*sizeof(char)); istat = ANreadann(ann_id,ann_buf,ann_length+1); if(istat==FAIL) { printf("fail to read file information. \n"); ANend(file_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } h5_sid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); if (h5_sid < 0) { printf("failed to create attribute space for"); printf(" HDF4 FILE ANNOTATION. \n"); ANend(file_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } if ((sh5str_type = mkstr(ann_length+1,H5T_STR_SPACEPAD))<0) { printf("error in making string at FILE lABEL ANNO. \n"); ANend(file_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } if(conv_int_str(i,index_str)== FAIL) { printf("fail to convert integer into character format.\n"); ANend(file_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } strcpy(anno_labelname,HDF4_FILE_LABEL); strcat(anno_labelname,"_"); strcat(anno_labelname,index_str); h5_aid = H5Acreate(h5group,anno_labelname,sh5str_type, h5_sid,H5P_DEFAULT); if (h5_aid <0) { printf("failed to obtain attribute id for"); printf(" File annotation. \n"); ANend(file_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } ret = H5Awrite(h5_aid,sh5str_type,(void *)ann_buf); if (ret <0) { printf("failed to obtain attribute.\n "); ANend(file_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } ret = H5Sclose(h5_sid); ret = H5Aclose(h5_aid); free(ann_buf); ANendaccess(ann_id); } for (i = 0; i < n_file_desc; i++) { ann_id = ANselect(an_id,i,AN_FILE_DESC); if(ann_id == FAIL) { printf("error in obtaining annotation id. \n"); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } ann_length = ANannlen(ann_id); if(ann_length == FAIL) { printf("error in obtaining annotation length. \n"); ANend(an_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); return FAIL; } ann_buf = malloc((size_t)ann_length+1); if(ann_buf == NULL) { printf("error in allocating memory. \n"); ANend(an_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); return FAIL; } h4toh5_ZeroMemory(ann_buf,ann_length+1); istat = ANreadann(ann_id,ann_buf,ann_length+1); if(istat == FAIL) { printf("error reading file information. \n"); ANend(an_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } if ((sh5str1_type = mkstr(ann_length+1,H5T_STR_SPACEPAD))<0) { printf("error in making string at FILE DESC. \n"); ANend(an_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } if(conv_int_str(i,index_str)==FAIL) { printf("fail to convert integer into character format.\n"); ANend(an_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } strcpy(anno_descname,HDF4_FILE_DESC); strcat(anno_descname,"_"); strcat(anno_descname,index_str); h5_sid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); if (h5_sid < 0) { printf("failed to create attribute space for"); printf(" HDF4 FILE ANNOTATION. \n"); ANend(an_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } h5_aid = H5Acreate(h5group,anno_descname,sh5str1_type, h5_sid,H5P_DEFAULT); if (h5_aid <0) { printf("failed to obtain attribute id for"); printf(" File annotation. \n"); ANend(an_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); H5Sclose(h5_sid); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } ret = H5Awrite(h5_aid,sh5str1_type,(void *)ann_buf); if (ret <0) { printf("failed to obtain attribute.\n "); ANend(an_id); ANendaccess(ann_id); H5Sclose(h5_sid); H5Aclose(h5_aid); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } ret = H5Sclose(h5_sid); ret = H5Aclose(h5_aid); free(ann_buf); ANendaccess(ann_id); } ANend(an_id); return SUCCEED; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: Annoobj_h4_to_h5 * * Purpose: translate annotation object into attribute of hdf5 dataset * * Return: FAIL if failed, SUCCEED if successful. * * In : file_id: file identifier obj_ref: object reference obj_tag: object tag h5group: hdf5 group *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Annoobj_h4_to_h5(int32 file_id,int32 obj_ref, int32 obj_tag, hid_t h5group){ int32 an_id; int32 ann_id; int32 i; int32 status; int32 ann_length; int32 n_file_label =-1; int32 n_file_desc =-1; int32 n_data_label =-1; int32 n_data_desc =-1; int num_lab_anno; int num_des_anno; int32 istat; int32* des_anno_list=NULL; int32* lab_anno_list=NULL; char* ann_buf; char* ann_obj_name; char ann_labelname[30]; char index_str[5]; hid_t h5_sid; hid_t h5_aid; hid_t sh5str_type; hid_t ret; an_id = ANstart(file_id); if(an_id == FAIL) { printf("fail to start annotation interface.\n"); return FAIL; } istat = ANfileinfo(an_id,&n_file_label,&n_file_desc, &n_data_label,&n_data_desc); if(istat == FAIL ) { printf("error getting file information.\n"); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } num_lab_anno = ANnumann(an_id,AN_DATA_LABEL,obj_tag,obj_ref); num_des_anno = ANnumann(an_id,AN_DATA_DESC,obj_tag,obj_ref); if (num_lab_anno == FAIL) { printf("error getting number of annotation data label.\n"); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } if (num_des_anno == FAIL) { printf("error getting number of annotation object label.\n"); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } if(num_lab_anno > 0) { for(i=0; i<num_lab_anno;i++) { ann_id = ANselect(an_id,i,AN_DATA_LABEL); if(ann_id == FAIL) { printf("error in obtaining annotation id.\n"); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } ann_length = ANannlen(ann_id); if(ann_length == FAIL) { printf("error in getting annotation length. \n"); ANendaccess(ann_id); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } ann_buf = malloc((size_t)ann_length+1); if(ann_buf == NULL) { printf("error in allocating annotation memory.\n"); ANendaccess(ann_id); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } h4toh5_ZeroMemory(ann_buf,(ann_length+1)*sizeof(char)); status = ANreadann(ann_id,ann_buf,ann_length+1); if(status == FAIL) { printf("error in reading data.\n"); ANendaccess(ann_id); ANend(an_id); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } status = ANendaccess(ann_id); h5_sid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); if (h5_sid < 0) { printf("failed to create attribute space for"); printf(" HDF4 FILE ANNOTATION. \n"); ANend(an_id); free(lab_anno_list); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } if ((sh5str_type = mkstr(ann_length+1,H5T_STR_SPACEPAD))<0) { printf("error in making string at OBJ LABEL. \n"); ANend(an_id); free(lab_anno_list); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } if(conv_int_str(i,index_str)== FAIL) { printf("fail to convert annotation index into character format.\n"); ANend(an_id); free(lab_anno_list); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } /* obtain annotation object name. The name is defined based on object tag */ ann_obj_name = trans_tag_name(obj_tag,AN_DATA_LABEL); if(ann_obj_name != NULL) strcpy(ann_labelname,ann_obj_name); strcat(ann_labelname,"_"); strcat(ann_labelname,index_str); h5_aid = H5Acreate(h5group,ann_labelname,sh5str_type, h5_sid,H5P_DEFAULT); if (h5_aid <0) { printf("failed to obtain attribute id for"); printf(" file annotation. \n"); ANend(an_id); free(lab_anno_list); free(ann_buf); free(ann_obj_name); return FAIL; } ret = H5Awrite(h5_aid,sh5str_type,(void *)ann_buf); if (ret <0) { printf("failed to obtain attribute.\n "); ANend(an_id); free(lab_anno_list); free(ann_buf); free(ann_obj_name); return FAIL; } ret = H5Sclose(h5_sid); ret = H5Aclose(h5_aid); free(ann_obj_name); free(ann_buf); } } if(num_des_anno > 0) { for (i = 0; i< num_des_anno;i++) { ann_id = ANselect(an_id,i,AN_DATA_DESC); if(ann_id == FAIL) { printf("error in obtaining annotation id.\n"); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } ann_length = ANannlen(ann_id); if(ann_length == FAIL) { printf("error in getting annotation length. \n"); ANendaccess(ann_id); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } ann_buf = malloc((size_t)ann_length+1); if(ann_buf == NULL) { printf("error in allocating annotation memory.\n"); ANendaccess(ann_id); ANend(an_id); return FAIL; } h4toh5_ZeroMemory(ann_buf,(ann_length+1)*sizeof(char)); ANreadann(ann_id,ann_buf,ann_length+1); if ((sh5str_type = mkstr(ann_length+1,H5T_STR_SPACEPAD))<0) { printf("error in making string at OBJECT DESC. \n"); ANend(an_id); free(des_anno_list); free(ann_buf); return FAIL; } if(conv_int_str(i,index_str)== FAIL) { printf("fail to convert annotation index into character format.\n"); ANend(an_id); free(ann_buf); free(des_anno_list); return FAIL; } ann_obj_name = trans_tag_name(obj_tag,AN_DATA_DESC); if(ann_obj_name == NULL) { printf("error in obtaining tag name. \n"); ANend(an_id); free(ann_buf); free(des_anno_list); return FAIL; } strcpy(ann_labelname,ann_obj_name); strcat(ann_labelname,"_"); strcat(ann_labelname,index_str); h5_sid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); if (h5_sid < 0) { printf("failed to create attribute space for"); printf(" HDF4 OBJECT ANNOTATION. \n"); ANend(an_id); free(des_anno_list); free(ann_buf); free(ann_obj_name); return FAIL; } h5_aid = H5Acreate(h5group,ann_labelname,sh5str_type, h5_sid,H5P_DEFAULT); if (h5_aid <0) { ANend(an_id); free(ann_buf); free(des_anno_list); free(ann_obj_name); printf("failed to obtain attribute id for "); printf("File annotation. \n"); return FAIL; } ret = H5Awrite(h5_aid,sh5str_type,(void *)ann_buf); if (ret <0) { printf("failed to obtain attribute.\n "); ANend(an_id); free(ann_buf); free(des_anno_list); free(ann_obj_name); return FAIL; } ret = H5Sclose(h5_sid); ret = H5Aclose(h5_aid); free(ann_obj_name); free(ann_buf); } } ANend(an_id); return SUCCEED; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: trans_tag_name * * Purpose: in annotation routine, translate annotation object tag into corresponding HDF5 object name. * * Return: NULL if failed, HDF5 object name if successful. * * In : obj_tag: hdf4 object tag annot_type: hdf4 annotation type *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char* trans_tag_name(int32 obj_tag,ann_type annot_type){ char* obj_name; obj_name = malloc(strlen(HDF4_VGROUP_LABEL)+1); if(obj_name == NULL) { printf("error in obtaining tag name. \n"); return NULL; } if (obj_tag == DFTAG_NDG || obj_tag == DFTAG_SDG || obj_tag == DFTAG_SD) { if(annot_type == AN_DATA_LABEL) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_SDS_LABEL); else if(annot_type == AN_DATA_DESC) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_SDS_DESC); else return NULL; } else if(obj_tag == DFTAG_RIG || obj_tag == DFTAG_RI || obj_tag == DFTAG_RI8) { if(annot_type == AN_DATA_LABEL) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_IMAGE_LABEL); else if(annot_type == AN_DATA_DESC) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_IMAGE_DESC); else return NULL; } else if(obj_tag == DFTAG_VG) { if(annot_type == AN_DATA_LABEL) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_VGROUP_LABEL); else if(annot_type == AN_DATA_DESC) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_VGROUP_DESC); else return NULL; } else if(obj_tag == DFTAG_VS || obj_tag == DFTAG_VH) { if(annot_type == AN_DATA_LABEL) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_VDATA_LABEL); else if(annot_type == AN_DATA_DESC) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_VDATA_DESC); else return NULL; } else if(obj_tag == DFTAG_LUT) { if(annot_type == AN_DATA_LABEL) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_PAL_LABEL); else if(annot_type == AN_DATA_DESC) strcpy(obj_name,HDF4_PAL_DESC); else return NULL; } return obj_name; }