cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) PROJECT (HDF5_TOOLS_H5DUMP) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup include Directories #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/lib) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (${HDF5_PROJECT_DIR}/test) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the h5dump executables # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD_EXECUTABLE (h5dump ${HDF5_TOOLS_H5DUMP_SOURCE_DIR}/h5dump.c) H5_NAMING (h5dump) TARGET_WIN_PROPERTIES (h5dump) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (h5dump ${HDF5_TOOLS_LIB_TARGET} ${HDF5_LIB_TARGET}) SET (H5_DEP_EXECUTABLES h5dump) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### T E S T I N G ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## IF (BUILD_TESTING) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the h5dump test executable # -------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (HDF5_BUILD_GENERATORS AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) ADD_EXECUTABLE (h5dumpgentest ${HDF5_TOOLS_H5DUMP_SOURCE_DIR}/h5dumpgentest.c) H5_NAMING (h5dumpgentest) TARGET_WIN_PROPERTIES (h5dumpgentest) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (h5dumpgentest ${HDF5_LIB_TARGET} ${HDF5_TOOLS_LIB_TARGET}) #ADD_TEST (NAME h5dumpgentest COMMAND $) ENDIF (HDF5_BUILD_GENERATORS AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copy all the HDF5 files from the test directory into the source directory # -------------------------------------------------------------------- SET (HDF5_REFERENCE_FILES tall-1.ddl tall-2.ddl tall-2A.ddl tall-2B.ddl tall-3.ddl tall-4s.ddl tall-5s.ddl tallfilters.ddl tarray1.ddl tarray2.ddl tarray3.ddl tarray4.ddl tarray5.ddl tarray6.ddl tarray7.ddl tarray8.ddl tattr-1.ddl tattr-2.ddl tattr-3.ddl tattrreg.ddl tattrregR.ddl tbinregR.ddl tbigdims.ddl tboot1.ddl tboot2.ddl tchar1.ddl tchunked.ddl tcomp-1.ddl tcomp-2.ddl tcomp-3.ddl tcomp-4.ddl tcompact.ddl tcontents.ddl tcontiguos.ddl tdatareg.ddl tdataregR.ddl tdeflate.ddl tdset-1.ddl tdset-2.ddl tdset-3s.ddl tempty.ddl texternal.ddl textlinksrc.ddl textlinkfar.ddl tfamily.ddl tfill.ddl tfletcher32.ddl tfpformat.ddl tgroup-1.ddl tgroup-2.ddl tgrp_comments.ddl thlink-1.ddl thlink-2.ddl thlink-3.ddl thlink-4.ddl thlink-5.ddl thyperslab.ddl tindicesno.ddl tindicessub1.ddl tindicessub2.ddl tindicessub3.ddl tindicessub4.ddl tindicesyes.ddl tlarge_objname.ddl #tldouble.ddl tlonglinks.ddl tloop-1.ddl tmulti.ddl tnamed_dtype_attr.ddl tnestcomp-1.ddl tnbit.ddl tnofilename.ddl tnullspace.ddl tordergr1.ddl tordergr2.ddl tordergr3.ddl tordergr4.ddl tordergr5.ddl torderattr1.ddl torderattr2.ddl torderattr3.ddl torderattr4.ddl tperror.ddl treference.ddl tsaf.ddl tscaleoffset.ddl tshuffle.ddl tslink-1.ddl tslink-2.ddl tsplit_file.ddl tstr-1.ddl tstr-2.ddl tstring.ddl tstring2.ddl tstringe.ddl tszip.ddl tudlink-1.ddl tudlink-2.ddl tuserfilter.ddl tvldtypes1.ddl tvldtypes2.ddl tvldtypes3.ddl tvldtypes4.ddl tvldtypes5.ddl tvlstr.ddl tvms.ddl ) SET (HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_FILES tall.h5.xml tall-2A.h5.xml tarray1.h5.xml tarray2.h5.xml tarray3.h5.xml tarray6.h5.xml tarray7.h5.xml tattr.h5.xml tbitfields.h5.xml tcompound_complex.h5.xml tcompound.h5.xml tcompound2.h5.xml tdatareg.h5.xml tdset.h5.xml tdset2.h5.xml tempty.h5.xml tempty-dtd.h5.xml tempty-dtd-2.h5.xml tempty-dtd-uri.h5.xml tempty-nons.h5.xml tempty-nons-2.h5.xml tempty-nons-uri.h5.xml tempty-ns.h5.xml tempty-ns-2.h5.xml tenum.h5.xml textlink.h5.xml tfpformat.h5.xml tgroup.h5.xml thlink.h5.xml tloop.h5.xml tloop2.h5.xml tmany.h5.xml tname-amp.h5.xml tname-apos.h5.xml tnamed_dtype_attr.h5.xml tname-gt.h5.xml tname-lt.h5.xml tname-quot.h5.xml tname-sp.h5.xml tnestedcomp.h5.xml tnodata.h5.xml tobjref.h5.xml topaque.h5.xml torderattr1.h5.xml torderattr2.h5.xml torderattr3.h5.xml torderattr4.h5.xml tref.h5.xml tref-escapes.h5.xml tref-escapes-at.h5.xml tsaf.h5.xml tslink.h5.xml tstr.h5.xml tstr2.h5.xml tstring.h5.xml tstring-at.h5.xml tudlink.h5.xml tvldtypes1.h5.xml tvldtypes2.h5.xml tvldtypes3.h5.xml tvldtypes4.h5.xml tvldtypes5.h5.xml tvlstr.h5.xml ) SET (HDF5_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES tbin1.ddl tbin1.ddl tbin2.ddl tbin3.ddl tbin4.ddl out3.h5import taindices.h5 tall.h5 tarray1.h5 tarray2.h5 tarray3.h5 tarray4.h5 tarray5.h5 tarray6.h5 tarray7.h5 tarray8.h5 tattr.h5 tattr2.h5 tattrreg.h5 tbigdims.h5 tbinary.h5 tchar.h5 tcompound.h5 tcompound_complex.h5 tdatareg.h5 tdset.h5 tempty.h5 textlinkfar.h5 textlinksrc.h5 textlinktar.h5 tfamily00000.h5 tfamily00001.h5 tfamily00002.h5 tfamily00003.h5 tfamily00004.h5 tfamily00005.h5 tfamily00006.h5 tfamily00007.h5 tfamily00008.h5 tfamily00009.h5 tfamily00010.h5 tfcontents1.h5 tfcontents2.h5 tfilters.h5 tfpformat.h5 tfvalues.h5 tgroup.h5 tgrp_comments.h5 thlink.h5 thyperslab.h5 tlarge_objname.h5 #tldouble.h5 tlonglinks.h5 tloop.h5 tmulti-b.h5 tmulti-g.h5 tmulti-l.h5 tmulti-o.h5 tmulti-r.h5 tmulti-s.h5 tnamed_dtype_attr.h5 tnestedcomp.h5 tnullspace.h5 torderattr.h5 tordergr.h5 tsaf.h5 tslink.h5 tsplit_file-m.h5 tsplit_file-r.h5 tstr.h5 tstr2.h5 tstr3.h5 tudlink.h5 tvldtypes1.h5 tvldtypes2.h5 tvldtypes3.h5 tvldtypes4.h5 tvldtypes5.h5 tvlstr.h5 tvms.h5 ) SET (HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES tbitfields.h5 tcompound2.h5 tdset2.h5 tenum.h5 textlink.h5 tloop2.h5 tmany.h5 tname-amp.h5 tname-apos.h5 tname-gt.h5 tname-lt.h5 tname-quot.h5 tname-sp.h5 tnodata.h5 tobjref.h5 topaque.h5 tref.h5 tref-escapes.h5 tref-escapes-at.h5 tstring.h5 tstring-at.h5 ) FOREACH (ddl_file ${HDF5_REFERENCE_FILES}) SET (ddldest "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${ddl_file}") #MESSAGE (STATUS " Translating ${ddl_file}") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${XLATE_UTILITY} ARGS ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/${ddl_file} ${ddldest} -l3 ) ENDFOREACH (ddl_file ${HDF5_REFERENCE_FILES}) FOREACH (xml_file ${HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_FILES}) SET (xmldest "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${xml_file}") #MESSAGE (STATUS " Translating ${xml_file}") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${XLATE_UTILITY} ARGS ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/${xml_file} ${xmldest} -l3 ) ENDFOREACH (xml_file ${HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_FILES}) FOREACH (h5_file ${HDF5_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES}) SET (dest "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${h5_file}") #MESSAGE (STATUS " Copying ${h5_file}") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/${h5_file} ${dest} ) ENDFOREACH (h5_file ${HDF5_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES}) FOREACH (h5_xml_file ${HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES}) SET (dest "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${h5_xml_file}") #MESSAGE (STATUS " Copying ${h5_xml_file}") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/${h5_xml_file} ${dest} ) ENDFOREACH (h5_xml_file ${HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES}) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special file handling # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${HDF5_TOOLS_SOURCE_DIR}/testfiles/tbin1.ddl ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/tbin1LE.ddl ) IF (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) FILE (READ ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/tbinregR.exp TEST_STREAM) FILE (WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/tbinregR.exp "${TEST_STREAM}") ELSE (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/tbinregR.exp ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/tbinregR.exp ) ENDIF (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### T H E T E S T S M A C R O S ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## MACRO (ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST skipresultfile skipresultcode testtype) IF (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-${skipresultfile} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "SKIP ${skipresultfile} ${ARGN}" ) ELSE (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ADD_H5_TEST (${skipresultfile} ${skipresultcode} ${ARGN}) ENDIF (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ENDMACRO (ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST) MACRO (ADD_H5_TEST resultfile resultcode) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-${resultfile} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -D "TEST_PROGRAM=$" -D "TEST_ARGS:STRING=${ARGN}" -D "TEST_FOLDER=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" -D "TEST_OUTPUT=${resultfile}.out" -D "TEST_EXPECT=${resultcode}" -D "TEST_REFERENCE=${resultfile}.ddl" -P "${HDF5_RESOURCES_DIR}/runTest.cmake" ) ENDMACRO (ADD_H5_TEST file) MACRO (ADD_H5_EXPORT_TEST resultfile targetfile resultcode) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-output-${resultfile} COMMAND $ -d /Dataset1 -s 0 -R -y -o ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${resultfile}.txt ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${targetfile} ) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-output-cmp-${resultfile} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E compare_files ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${resultfile}.txt ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${resultfile}.exp ) ENDMACRO (ADD_H5_EXPORT_TEST file) MACRO (ADD_XML_SKIP_H5_TEST skipresultfile skipresultcode testtype) IF (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-XML-${skipresultfile} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "SKIP ${skipresultfile}.xml --xml ${ARGN}" ) ELSE (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ADD_XML_H5_TEST (${skipresultfile} ${skipresultcode} ${ARGN}) ENDIF (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ENDMACRO (ADD_XML_SKIP_H5_TEST) MACRO (ADD_XML_H5_TEST resultfile resultcode) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-XML-${resultfile} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -D "TEST_PROGRAM=$" -D "TEST_ARGS:STRING=--xml;${ARGN}" -D "TEST_FOLDER=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" -D "TEST_OUTPUT=${resultfile}.out" -D "TEST_EXPECT=${resultcode}" -D "TEST_REFERENCE=${resultfile}.xml" -P "${HDF5_RESOURCES_DIR}/runTest.cmake" ) ENDMACRO (ADD_XML_H5_TEST file) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine which filters are available # -------------------------------------------------------------------- SET (USE_FILTER_SZIP H5_HAVE_FILTER_SZIP) SET (USE_FILTER_DEFLATE H5_HAVE_FILTER_DEFLATE) SET (USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE H5_HAVE_FILTER_SHUFFLE) SET (USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32 H5_HAVE_FILTER_FLETCHER32) SET (USE_FILTER_NBIT H5_HAVE_FILTER_NBIT) SET (USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET H5_HAVE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine if H5dump packed bits feature is included # -------------------------------------------------------------------- SET (USE_PACKED_BITS HDF5_USE_H5DUMP_PACKED_BITS) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### T H E T E S T S ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Remove any output file left over from previous test run ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-clearall-objects COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove tall-1.out tall-1.out.err tall-2.out tall-2.out.err tall-2A.out tall-2A.out.err tall-2B.out tall-2B.out.err tall-3.out tall-3.out.err tall-4s.out tall-4s.out.err tall-5s.out tall-5s.out.err tallfilters.out tallfilters.out.err tarray1.out tarray1.out.err tarray2.out tarray2.out.err tarray3.out tarray3.out.err tarray4.out tarray4.out.err tarray5.out tarray5.out.err tarray6.out tarray6.out.err tarray7.out tarray7.out.err tarray8.out tarray8.out.err tattr-1.out tattr-1.out.err tattr-2.out tattr-2.out.err tattr-3.out tattr-3.out.err tattrreg.out tattrreg.out.err tattrregR.out tattrregR.out.err tbinregR.out tbinregR.out.err tbigdims.out tbigdims.out.err tboot1.out tboot1.out.err tboot2.out tboot2.out.err tchar1.out tchar1.out.err tchunked.out tchunked.out.err tcomp-1.out tcomp-1.out.err tcomp-2.out tcomp-2.out.err tcomp-3.out tcomp-3.out.err tcomp-4.out tcomp-4.out.err tcompact.out tcompact.out.err tcontents.out tcontents.out.err tcontiguos.out tcontiguos.out.err tdatareg.out tdatareg.out.err tdataregR.out tdataregR.out.err tdeflate.out tdeflate.out.err tdset-1.out tdset-1.out.err tdset-2.out tdset-2.out.err tdset-3s.out tdset-3s.out.err tempty.out tempty.out.err texternal.out texternal.out.err textlinksrc.out textlinksrc.out.err textlinkfar.out textlinkfar.out.err tfamily.out tfamily.out.err tfill.out tfill.out.err tfletcher32.out tfletcher32.out.err tfpformat.out tfpformat.out.err tgroup-1.out tgroup-1.out.err tgroup-2.out tgroup-2.out.err tgrp_comments.out tgrp_comments.out.err thlink-1.out thlink-1.out.err thlink-2.out thlink-2.out.err thlink-3.out thlink-3.out.err thlink-4.out thlink-4.out.err thlink-5.out thlink-5.out.err thyperslab.out thyperslab.out.err tindicesno.out tindicesno.out.err tindicessub1.out tindicessub1.out.err tindicessub2.out tindicessub2.out.err tindicessub3.out tindicessub3.out.err tindicessub4.out tindicessub4.out.err tindicesyes.out tindicesyes.out.err tlarge_objname.out tlarge_objname.out.err tldouble.out tldouble.out.err tlonglinks.out tlonglinks.out.err tloop-1.out tloop-1.out.err tmulti.out tmulti.out.err tnamed_dtype_attr.out tnamed_dtype_attr.out.err tnestcomp-1.out tnestcomp-1.out.err tnbit.out tnbit.out.err tnofilename.out tnofilename.out.err tnullspace.out tnullspace.out.err tordergr1.out tordergr1.out.err tordergr2.out tordergr2.out.err tordergr3.out tordergr3.out.err tordergr4.out tordergr4.out.err tordergr5.out tordergr5.out.err torderattr1.out torderattr1.out.err torderattr2.out torderattr2.out.err torderattr3.out torderattr3.out.err torderattr4.out torderattr4.out.err tperror.out tperror.out.err treference.out treference.out.err tsaf.out tsaf.out.err tscaleoffset.out tscaleoffset.out.err tshuffle.out tshuffle.out.err tslink-1.out tslink-1.out.err tslink-2.out tslink-2.out.err tsplit_file.out tsplit_file.out.err tstr-1.out tstr-1.out.err tstr-2.out tstr-2.out.err tstring.out tstring.out.err tstring2.out tstring2.out.err tstringe.out tstringe.out.err tszip.out tszip.out.err tudlink-1.out tudlink-1.out.err tudlink-2.out tudlink-2.out.err tuserfilter.out tuserfilter.out.err tvldtypes1.out tvldtypes1.out.err tvldtypes2.out tvldtypes2.out.err tvldtypes3.out tvldtypes3.out.err tvldtypes4.out tvldtypes4.out.err tvldtypes5.out tvldtypes5.out.err tvlstr.out tvlstr.out.err tvms.out tvms.out.err ) # test for displaying groups ADD_H5_TEST (tgroup-1 0 tgroup.h5) # test for displaying the selected groups ADD_H5_TEST (tgroup-2 1 --group=/g2 --group / -g /y tgroup.h5) # test for displaying simple space datasets ADD_H5_TEST (tdset-1 0 tdset.h5) # test for displaying selected datasets ADD_H5_TEST (tdset-2 1 -H -d dset1 -d /dset2 --dataset=dset3 tdset.h5) # test for displaying attributes ADD_H5_TEST (tattr-1 0 tattr.h5) # test for displaying the selected attributes of string type and scalar space ADD_H5_TEST (tattr-2 0 -a /attr1 --attribute /attr4 --attribute=/attr5 tattr.h5) # test for header and error messages ADD_H5_TEST (tattr-3 1 --header -a /attr2 --attribute=/attr tattr.h5) # test for displaying attributes in shared datatype (also in group and dataset) ADD_H5_TEST (tnamed_dtype_attr 0 tnamed_dtype_attr.h5) # test for displaying soft links and user-defined links ADD_H5_TEST (tslink-1 0 tslink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tudlink-1 0 tudlink.h5) # test for displaying the selected link ADD_H5_TEST (tslink-2 0 -l slink2 tslink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tudlink-2 0 -l udlink2 tudlink.h5) # tests for hard links ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-1 0 thlink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-2 0 -d /g1/dset2 --dataset /dset1 --dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset3 thlink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-3 0 -d /g1/g1.1/dset3 --dataset /g1/dset2 --dataset=/dset1 thlink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-4 0 -g /g1 thlink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-5 0 -d /dset1 -g /g2 -d /g1/dset2 thlink.h5) # tests for compound data types ADD_H5_TEST (tcomp-1 0 tcompound.h5) # test for named data types ADD_H5_TEST (tcomp-2 0 -t /type1 --datatype /type2 --datatype=/group1/type3 tcompound.h5) # test for unamed type #ADD_H5_TEST (tcomp-3 0 -t /#6632 -g /group2 tcompound.h5) # test complicated compound datatype ADD_H5_TEST (tcomp-4 0 tcompound_complex.h5) #test for the nested compound type ADD_H5_TEST (tnestcomp-1 0 tnestedcomp.h5) # test for options ADD_H5_TEST (tall-1 0 tall.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tall-2 0 --header -g /g1/g1.1 -a attr2 tall.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tall-3 0 -d /g2/dset2.1 -l /g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/slink tall.h5) # test for loop detection ADD_H5_TEST (tloop-1 0 tloop.h5) # test for string ADD_H5_TEST (tstr-1 0 tstr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tstr-2 0 tstr2.h5) # test for file created by Lib SAF team ADD_H5_TEST (tsaf 0 tsaf.h5) # test for file with variable length data ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes1 0 tvldtypes1.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes2 0 tvldtypes2.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes3 0 tvldtypes3.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes4 0 tvldtypes4.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes5 0 tvldtypes5.h5) #test for file with variable length string data ADD_H5_TEST (tvlstr 0 tvlstr.h5) # test for files with array data ADD_H5_TEST (tarray1 0 tarray1.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray2 0 tarray2.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray3 0 tarray3.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray4 0 tarray4.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray5 0 tarray5.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray6 0 tarray6.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray7 0 tarray7.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray8 0 tarray8.h5) # test for files with empty data ADD_H5_TEST (tempty 0 tempty.h5) # test for files with groups that have comments ADD_H5_TEST (tgrp_comments 0 tgrp_comments.h5) # test the --filedriver flag ADD_H5_TEST (tsplit_file 0 --filedriver=split tsplit_file) ADD_H5_TEST (tfamily 0 --filedriver=family tfamily%05d.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tmulti 0 --filedriver=multi tmulti) # test for files with group names which reach > 1024 bytes in size ADD_H5_TEST (tlarge_objname 0 -w157 tlarge_objname.h5) # test '-A' to suppress data but print attr's ADD_H5_TEST (tall-2A 0 -A tall.h5) # test '-r' to print attributes in ASCII instead of decimal ADD_H5_TEST (tall-2B 0 -A -r tall.h5) # test Subsetting ADD_H5_TEST (tall-4s 0 --dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.1 --start=1,1 --stride=2,3 --count=3,2 --block=1,1 tall.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tall-5s 0 -d "/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.2[0;2;10;]" tall.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tdset-3s 0 -d "/dset1[1,1;;;]" tdset.h5) # test printing characters in ASCII instead of decimal ADD_H5_TEST (tchar1 0 -r tchar.h5) # test failure handling # Missing file name ADD_H5_TEST (tnofilename 1) # rev. 2004 # tests for super block ADD_H5_TEST (tboot1 0 -H -B -d dset tfcontents1.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tboot2 0 -B tfcontents2.h5) # test -p with a non existing dataset ADD_H5_TEST (tperror 1 -p -d bogus tfcontents1.h5) # test for file contents ADD_H5_TEST (tcontents 0 -n tfcontents1.h5) # tests for storage layout # compact ADD_H5_TEST (tcompact 0 -H -p -d compact tfilters.h5) # contiguous ADD_H5_TEST (tcontiguos 0 -H -p -d contiguous tfilters.h5) # chunked ADD_H5_TEST (tchunked 0 -H -p -d chunked tfilters.h5) # external ADD_H5_TEST (texternal 0 -H -p -d external tfilters.h5) # fill values ADD_H5_TEST (tfill 0 -p tfvalues.h5) # several datatype, with references , print path ADD_H5_TEST (treference 0 tattr2.h5) # escape/not escape non printable characters ADD_H5_TEST (tstringe 0 -e tstr3.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tstring 0 tstr3.h5) # char data as ASCII with non escape ADD_H5_TEST (tstring2 0 -r -d str4 tstr3.h5) # array indices print/not print ADD_H5_TEST (tindicesyes 0 taindices.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tindicesno 0 -y taindices.h5) ########## array indices with subsetting # 1D case ADD_H5_TEST (tindicessub1 0 -d 1d -s 1 -S 10 -c 2 -k 3 taindices.h5) # 2D case ADD_H5_TEST (tindicessub2 0 -d 2d -s 1,2 -S 3,3 -c 3,2 -k 2,2 taindices.h5) # 3D case ADD_H5_TEST (tindicessub3 0 -d 3d -s 0,1,2 -S 1,3,3 -c 2,2,2 -k 1,2,2 taindices.h5) # 4D case ADD_H5_TEST (tindicessub4 0 -d 4d -s 0,0,1,2 -c 2,2,3,2 -S 1,1,3,3 -k 1,1,2,2 taindices.h5) # tests for filters # SZIP SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_SZIP) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_SZIP) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tszip 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d szip tfilters.h5) # deflate SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_DEFLATE) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_DEFLATE) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tdeflate 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d deflate tfilters.h5) # shuffle SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tshuffle 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d shuffle tfilters.h5) # fletcher32 SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tfletcher32 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d fletcher32 tfilters.h5) # nbit SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_NBIT) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_NBIT) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tnbit 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d nbit tfilters.h5) # scaleoffset SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tscaleoffset 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d scaleoffset tfilters.h5) # all SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_SZIP OR NOT USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE OR NOT USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32 OR NOT USE_FILTER_DEFLATE OR NOT USE_FILTER_NBIT OR NOT USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_SZIP OR NOT USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE OR NOT USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32 OR NOT USE_FILTER_DEFLATE OR NOT USE_FILTER_NBIT OR NOT USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tallfilters 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d all tfilters.h5) # user defined ADD_H5_TEST (tuserfilter 0 -H -p -d myfilter tfilters.h5) # test for displaying objects with very long names ADD_H5_TEST (tlonglinks 0 tlonglinks.h5) # dimensions over 4GB, print boundary ADD_H5_TEST (tbigdims 0 -d dset4gb -s 4294967284 -c 22 tbigdims.h5) # hyperslab read ADD_H5_TEST (thyperslab 0 thyperslab.h5) # test for displaying dataset and attribute of null space ADD_H5_TEST (tnullspace 0 tnullspace.h5) # test for long double (some systems do not have long double) #ADD_H5_TEST (tldouble 0 tldouble.h5) # test for vms ADD_H5_TEST (tvms 0 tvms.h5) # test for binary output ADD_H5_TEST (tbin1LE 0 -d integer -o out1LE.bin -b LE tbinary.h5) # NATIVE default. the NATIVE test can be validated with h5import/h5diff ADD_H5_TEST (tbin1 0 -d integer -o out1.bin -b tbinary.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-clear-out1 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove out1.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-h5import-out1 COMMAND h5import out1.bin -c out3.h5import -o out1.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-h5diff-out1 COMMAND h5diff tbinary.h5 out1.h5 /integer /integer) ADD_H5_TEST (tbin2 0 -b BE -d float -o out2.bin tbinary.h5) # the NATIVE test can be validated with h5import/h5diff ADD_H5_TEST (tbin3 0 -d integer -o out3.bin -b NATIVE tbinary.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-clear-out3 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove out3.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-h5import-out3 COMMAND h5import out3.bin -c out3.h5import -o out3.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-h5diff-out3 COMMAND h5diff tbinary.h5 out3.h5 /integer /integer -q) ADD_H5_TEST (tbin4 0 -d double -b FILE -o out4.bin tbinary.h5) # Clean up binary output files IF (NOT HDF5_NOCLEANUP) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-clear-objects COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove out1.bin out1LE.bin out2.bin out3.bin out4.bin out1.h5 out3.h5 ) ENDIF (NOT HDF5_NOCLEANUP) # test for dataset region references ADD_H5_TEST (tdatareg 0 tdatareg.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tdataregR 0 -R tdatareg.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tattrreg 0 tattrreg.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tattrregR 0 -R tattrreg.h5) ADD_H5_EXPORT_TEST (tbinregR tdatareg.h5 0 -d /Dataset1 -s 0 -R -y -o) # tests for group creation order # "1" tracked, "2" name, root tracked ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr1 0 --group=1 --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=ascending tordergr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr2 0 --group=1 --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=descending tordergr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr3 0 -g 2 -q name -z ascending tordergr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr4 0 -g 2 -q name -z descending tordergr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr5 0 -q creation_order tordergr.h5) # tests for attribute order ADD_H5_TEST (torderattr1 0 -H --sort_by=name --sort_order=ascending torderattr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (torderattr2 0 -H --sort_by=name --sort_order=descending torderattr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (torderattr3 0 -H --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=ascending torderattr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (torderattr4 0 -H --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=descending torderattr.h5) # tests for floating point user defined printf format ADD_H5_TEST (tfpformat 0 -m %.7f tfpformat.h5) # tests for traversal of external links ADD_H5_TEST (textlinksrc 0 textlinksrc.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (textlinkfar 0 textlinkfar.h5) ####### test for dataset packed bits ###### IF (HDF5_USE_H5DUMP_PACKED_BITS) # Remove any output file left over from previous test run ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP_PACKED_BITS-clearall-objects COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove tpackedbits.out tpackedbits.out.err tpackedbits2.out tpackedbits2.out.err ) ADD_H5_TEST (tpackedbits 0 -d /dset1 -M 0,2 tdset.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tpackedbits2 0 -d /dset1 -M 0,2,2,1 tdset.h5) ENDIF (HDF5_USE_H5DUMP_PACKED_BITS) # Remove any output file left over from previous test run ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-XML-clearall-objects COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove tall.h5.out tall.h5.out.err tall-2A.h5.out tall-2A.h5.out.err tarray1.h5.out tarray1.h5.out.err tarray2.h5.out tarray2.h5.out.err tarray3.h5.out tarray3.h5.out.err tarray6.h5.out tarray6.h5.out.err tarray7.h5.out tarray7.h5.out.err tattr.h5.out tattr.h5.out.err tbitfields.h5.out tbitfields.h5.out.err tcompound.h5.out tcompound.h5.out.err tcompound2.h5.out tcompound2.h5.out.err tcompound_complex.h5.out tcompound_complex.h5.out.err tdatareg.h5.out tdatareg.h5.out.err tdset.h5.out tdset.h5.out.err tdset2.h5.out tdset2.h5.out.err tempty-dtd-2.h5.out tempty-dtd-2.h5.out.err tempty-dtd-uri.h5.out tempty-dtd-uri.h5.out.err tempty-dtd.h5.out tempty-dtd.h5.out.err tempty-nons-2.h5.out tempty-nons-2.h5.out.err tempty-nons-uri.h5.out tempty-nons-uri.h5.out.err tempty-nons.h5.out tempty-nons.h5.out.err tempty-ns-2.h5.out tempty-ns-2.h5.out.err tempty-ns.h5.out tempty-ns.h5.out.err tempty.h5.out tempty.h5.out.err tenum.h5.out tenum.h5.out.err textlink.h5.out textlink.h5.out.err tfpformat.h5.out tfpformat.h5.out.err tgroup.h5.out tgroup.h5.out.err thlink.h5.out thlink.h5.out.err tloop.h5.out tloop.h5.out.err tloop2.h5.out tloop2.h5.out.err tmany.h5.out tmany.h5.out.err tname-amp.h5.out tname-amp.h5.out.err tname-apos.h5.out tname-apos.h5.out.err tname-gt.h5.out tname-gt.h5.out.err tname-lt.h5.out tname-lt.h5.out.err tname-quot.h5.out tname-quot.h5.out.err tname-sp.h5.out tname-sp.h5.out.err tnamed_dtype_attr.h5.out tnamed_dtype_attr.h5.out.err tnestedcomp.h5.out tnestedcomp.h5.out.err tnodata.h5.out tnodata.h5.out.err tnoname.h5.out tnoname.h5.out.err tobjref.h5.out tobjref.h5.out.err topaque.h5.out topaque.h5.out.err torderattr1.h5.out torderattr1.h5.out.err torderattr2.h5.out torderattr2.h5.out.err torderattr3.h5.out torderattr3.h5.out.err torderattr4.h5.out torderattr4.h5.out.err tref-escapes-at.h5.out tref-escapes-at.h5.out.err tref-escapes.h5.out tref-escapes.h5.out.err tref.h5.out tref.h5.out.err tsaf.h5.out tsaf.h5.out.err tslink.h5.out tslink.h5.out.err tstr.h5.out tstr.h5.out.err tstr2.h5.out tstr2.h5.out.err tstring.h5.out tstring.h5.out.err tstring-at.h5.out tstring-at.h5.out.err tudlink.h5.out tudlink.h5.out.err tvldtypes1.h5.out tvldtypes1.h5.out.err tvldtypes2.h5.out tvldtypes2.h5.out.err tvldtypes3.h5.out tvldtypes3.h5.out.err tvldtypes4.h5.out tvldtypes4.h5.out.err tvldtypes5.h5.out tvldtypes5.h5.out.err tvlstr.h5.out tvlstr.h5.out.err ) ########## test XML ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tall.h5 0 tall.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tattr.h5 0 tattr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tbitfields.h5 0 tbitfields.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tcompound.h5 0 tcompound.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tcompound2.h5 0 tcompound2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tdatareg.h5 0 tdatareg.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tdset.h5 0 tdset.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tdset2.h5 0 tdset2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tenum.h5 0 tenum.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tgroup.h5 0 tgroup.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (thlink.h5 0 thlink.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tloop.h5 0 tloop.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tloop2.h5 0 tloop2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tmany.h5 0 tmany.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tnestedcomp.h5 0 tnestedcomp.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tcompound_complex.h5 0 tcompound_complex.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tobjref.h5 0 tobjref.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (topaque.h5 0 topaque.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tslink.h5 0 tslink.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tudlink.h5 0 tudlink.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (textlink.h5 0 textlink.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tstr.h5 0 tstr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tstr2.h5 0 tstr2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tref.h5 0 tref.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-amp.h5 0 tname-amp.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-apos.h5 0 tname-apos.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-gt.h5 0 tname-gt.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-lt.h5 0 tname-lt.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-quot.h5 0 tname-quot.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-sp.h5 0 tname-sp.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tstring.h5 0 tstring.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tstring-at.h5 0 tstring-at.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tref-escapes.h5 0 tref-escapes.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tref-escapes-at.h5 0 tref-escapes-at.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tnodata.h5 0 tnodata.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray1.h5 0 tarray1.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray2.h5 0 tarray2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray3.h5 0 tarray3.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray6.h5 0 tarray6.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray7.h5 0 tarray7.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes1.h5 0 tvldtypes1.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes2.h5 0 tvldtypes2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes3.h5 0 tvldtypes3.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes4.h5 0 tvldtypes4.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes5.h5 0 tvldtypes5.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvlstr.h5 0 tvlstr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tsaf.h5 0 tsaf.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty.h5 0 tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tnamed_dtype_attr.h5 0 tnamed_dtype_attr.h5) ##Test dataset and attribute of null space. Commented out: ## wait until the XML schema is updated for null space. ## ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tnullspace.h5 0 tnulspace.h5) # other options for xml ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-dtd.h5 0 --use-dtd tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-dtd-2.h5 0 -u tempty.h5) # The lone colon here confuses some systems (Cray X1). Skip # it if configure detects that this is a problem. SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT "H5_LONE_COLON") SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT "H5_LONE_COLON") ADD_XML_SKIP_H5_TEST (tempty-nons.h5 0 ${TESTTYPE} -X : tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-nons-2.h5 0 --xml-ns=: tempty.h5) ## Some of these combinations are syntactically correct but ## the URLs are dummies ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-ns.h5 0 -X thing: tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-ns-2.h5 0 --xml-ns=thing: tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-nons-uri.h5 0 --xml-ns=: --xml-dtd= tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-dtd-uri.h5 0 --use-dtd --xml-dtd= tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tall-2A.h5 0 -A tall.h5) # tests for attribute order ADD_XML_H5_TEST (torderattr1.h5 0 -H --sort_by=name --sort_order=ascending torderattr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (torderattr2.h5 0 -H --sort_by=name --sort_order=descending torderattr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (torderattr3.h5 0 -H --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=ascending torderattr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (torderattr4.h5 0 -H --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=descending torderattr.h5) # tests for floating point user defined printf format ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tfpformat.h5 0 -u -m %.7f tfpformat.h5) ENDIF (BUILD_TESTING) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### I N S T A L L A T I O N ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rules for Installation of tools using make Install target #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL ( TARGETS h5dump RUNTIME DESTINATION ${HDF5_INSTALL_BIN_DIR}/tools COMPONENT toolsapplications )