cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) PROJECT (HDF5_TOOLS_H5DUMP) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup include Directories #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/lib) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (${HDF5_PROJECT_DIR}/test) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the h5dump executables # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD_EXECUTABLE (h5dump ${HDF5_TOOLS_H5DUMP_SOURCE_DIR}/h5dump.c) H5_NAMING (h5dump) IF (WIN32) IF (MSVC) IF (NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (h5dump PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "/NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT" ) ENDIF (NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) ENDIF (MSVC) ENDIF (WIN32) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (h5dump ${HDF5_TOOLS_LIB_TARGET} ${HDF5_LIB_TARGET}) SET (H5_DEP_EXECUTABLES h5dump) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### T E S T I N G ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## IF (BUILD_TESTING) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the h5dump test executable # -------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (HDF5_BUILD_GENERATORS AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) ADD_EXECUTABLE (h5dumpgentest ${HDF5_TOOLS_H5DUMP_SOURCE_DIR}/h5dumpgentest.c) H5_NAMING (h5dumpgentest) IF (WIN32) IF (MSVC) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (h5dumpgentest PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "/NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT" ) ENDIF (MSVC) ENDIF (WIN32) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (h5dumpgentest ${HDF5_LIB_TARGET} ${HDF5_TOOLS_LIB_TARGET}) #ADD_TEST (NAME h5dumpgentest COMMAND $) ENDIF (HDF5_BUILD_GENERATORS AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copy all the HDF5 files from the test directory into the source directory # -------------------------------------------------------------------- SET (HDF5_REFERENCE_FILES tall-1.ddl tall-2.ddl tall-2A.ddl tall-2B.ddl tall-3.ddl tall-4s.ddl tall-5s.ddl tallfilters.ddl tarray1.ddl tarray2.ddl tarray3.ddl tarray4.ddl tarray5.ddl tarray6.ddl tarray7.ddl tarray8.ddl tattr-1.ddl tattr-2.ddl tattr-3.ddl tattrreg.ddl tattrregR.ddl tbinregR.ddl tbigdims.ddl tboot1.ddl tboot2.ddl tchar1.ddl tchunked.ddl tcomp-1.ddl tcomp-2.ddl tcomp-3.ddl tcomp-4.ddl tcompact.ddl tcontents.ddl tcontiguos.ddl tdatareg.ddl tdataregR.ddl tdeflate.ddl tdset-1.ddl tdset-2.ddl tdset-3s.ddl tempty.ddl texternal.ddl textlinksrc.ddl textlinkfar.ddl tfamily.ddl tfill.ddl tfletcher32.ddl tfpformat.ddl tgroup-1.ddl tgroup-2.ddl tgrp_comments.ddl thlink-1.ddl thlink-2.ddl thlink-3.ddl thlink-4.ddl thlink-5.ddl thyperslab.ddl tindicesno.ddl tindicessub1.ddl tindicessub2.ddl tindicessub3.ddl tindicessub4.ddl tindicesyes.ddl tlarge_objname.ddl #tldouble.ddl tlonglinks.ddl tloop-1.ddl tmulti.ddl tnamed_dtype_attr.ddl tnestcomp-1.ddl tnbit.ddl tnofilename.ddl tnullspace.ddl tordergr1.ddl tordergr2.ddl tordergr3.ddl tordergr4.ddl tordergr5.ddl torderattr1.ddl torderattr2.ddl torderattr3.ddl torderattr4.ddl tperror.ddl treference.ddl tsaf.ddl tscaleoffset.ddl tshuffle.ddl tslink-1.ddl tslink-2.ddl tsplit_file.ddl tstr-1.ddl tstr-2.ddl tstring.ddl tstring2.ddl tstringe.ddl tszip.ddl tudlink-1.ddl tudlink-2.ddl tuserfilter.ddl tvldtypes1.ddl tvldtypes2.ddl tvldtypes3.ddl tvldtypes4.ddl tvldtypes5.ddl tvlstr.ddl tvms.ddl ) SET (HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_FILES tall.h5.xml tall-2A.h5.xml tarray1.h5.xml tarray2.h5.xml tarray3.h5.xml tarray6.h5.xml tarray7.h5.xml tattr.h5.xml tbitfields.h5.xml tcompound_complex.h5.xml tcompound.h5.xml tcompound2.h5.xml tdatareg.h5.xml tdset.h5.xml tdset2.h5.xml tempty.h5.xml tempty-dtd.h5.xml tempty-dtd-2.h5.xml tempty-dtd-uri.h5.xml tempty-nons.h5.xml tempty-nons-2.h5.xml tempty-nons-uri.h5.xml tempty-ns.h5.xml tempty-ns-2.h5.xml tenum.h5.xml textlink.h5.xml tfpformat.h5.xml tgroup.h5.xml thlink.h5.xml tloop.h5.xml tloop2.h5.xml tmany.h5.xml tname-amp.h5.xml tname-apos.h5.xml tnamed_dtype_attr.h5.xml tname-gt.h5.xml tname-lt.h5.xml tname-quot.h5.xml tname-sp.h5.xml tnestedcomp.h5.xml tnodata.h5.xml tobjref.h5.xml topaque.h5.xml torderattr1.h5.xml torderattr2.h5.xml torderattr3.h5.xml torderattr4.h5.xml tref.h5.xml tref-escapes.h5.xml tref-escapes-at.h5.xml tsaf.h5.xml tslink.h5.xml tstr.h5.xml tstr2.h5.xml tstring.h5.xml tstring-at.h5.xml tudlink.h5.xml tvldtypes1.h5.xml tvldtypes2.h5.xml tvldtypes3.h5.xml tvldtypes4.h5.xml tvldtypes5.h5.xml tvlstr.h5.xml ) SET (HDF5_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES tbin1.ddl tbin1.ddl tbin2.ddl tbin3.ddl tbin4.ddl out3.h5import taindices.h5 tall.h5 tarray1.h5 tarray2.h5 tarray3.h5 tarray4.h5 tarray5.h5 tarray6.h5 tarray7.h5 tarray8.h5 tattr.h5 tattr2.h5 tattrreg.h5 tbigdims.h5 tbinary.h5 tchar.h5 tcompound.h5 tcompound_complex.h5 tdatareg.h5 tdset.h5 tempty.h5 textlinkfar.h5 textlinksrc.h5 textlinktar.h5 tfamily00000.h5 tfamily00001.h5 tfamily00002.h5 tfamily00003.h5 tfamily00004.h5 tfamily00005.h5 tfamily00006.h5 tfamily00007.h5 tfamily00008.h5 tfamily00009.h5 tfamily00010.h5 tfcontents1.h5 tfcontents2.h5 tfilters.h5 tfpformat.h5 tfvalues.h5 tgroup.h5 tgrp_comments.h5 thlink.h5 thyperslab.h5 tlarge_objname.h5 #tldouble.h5 tlonglinks.h5 tloop.h5 tmulti-b.h5 tmulti-g.h5 tmulti-l.h5 tmulti-o.h5 tmulti-r.h5 tmulti-s.h5 tnamed_dtype_attr.h5 tnestedcomp.h5 tnullspace.h5 torderattr.h5 tordergr.h5 tsaf.h5 tslink.h5 tsplit_file-m.h5 tsplit_file-r.h5 tstr.h5 tstr2.h5 tstr3.h5 tudlink.h5 tvldtypes1.h5 tvldtypes2.h5 tvldtypes3.h5 tvldtypes4.h5 tvldtypes5.h5 tvlstr.h5 tvms.h5 ) SET (HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES tbitfields.h5 tcompound2.h5 tdset2.h5 tenum.h5 textlink.h5 tloop2.h5 tmany.h5 tname-amp.h5 tname-apos.h5 tname-gt.h5 tname-lt.h5 tname-quot.h5 tname-sp.h5 tnodata.h5 tobjref.h5 topaque.h5 tref.h5 tref-escapes.h5 tref-escapes-at.h5 tstring.h5 tstring-at.h5 ) FOREACH (ddl_file ${HDF5_REFERENCE_FILES}) SET (ddldest "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${ddl_file}") #MESSAGE (STATUS " Translating ${ddl_file}") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${XLATE_UTILITY} ARGS ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/${ddl_file} ${ddldest} -l3 ) ENDFOREACH (ddl_file ${HDF5_REFERENCE_FILES}) FOREACH (xml_file ${HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_FILES}) SET (xmldest "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${xml_file}") #MESSAGE (STATUS " Translating ${xml_file}") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${XLATE_UTILITY} ARGS ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/${xml_file} ${xmldest} -l3 ) ENDFOREACH (xml_file ${HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_FILES}) FOREACH (h5_file ${HDF5_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES}) SET (dest "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${h5_file}") #MESSAGE (STATUS " Copying ${h5_file}") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/${h5_file} ${dest} ) ENDFOREACH (h5_file ${HDF5_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES}) FOREACH (h5_xml_file ${HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES}) SET (dest "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${h5_xml_file}") #MESSAGE (STATUS " Copying ${h5_xml_file}") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/${h5_xml_file} ${dest} ) ENDFOREACH (h5_xml_file ${HDF5_XML_REFERENCE_TEST_FILES}) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special file handling # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${HDF5_TOOLS_SOURCE_DIR}/testfiles/tbin1.ddl ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/tbin1LE.ddl ) IF (WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) FILE (READ ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/tbinregR.exp TEST_STREAM) FILE (WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/tbinregR.exp "${TEST_STREAM}") ELSE (WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND ( TARGET h5dump POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different ${HDF5_TOOLS_SRC_DIR}/testfiles/tbinregR.exp ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/tbinregR.exp ) ENDIF (WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### T H E T E S T S M A C R O S ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## MACRO (ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST skipresultfile skipresultcode testtype) IF (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-${skipresultfile} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "SKIP ${skipresultfile} ${ARGN}" ) ELSE (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ADD_H5_TEST (${skipresultfile} ${skipresultcode} ${ARGN}) ENDIF (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ENDMACRO (ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST) MACRO (ADD_H5_TEST resultfile resultcode) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-${resultfile} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -D "TEST_PROGRAM=$" -D "TEST_ARGS:STRING=${ARGN}" -D "TEST_FOLDER=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" -D "TEST_OUTPUT=${resultfile}.out" -D "TEST_EXPECT=${resultcode}" -D "TEST_REFERENCE=${resultfile}.ddl" -P "${HDF5_RESOURCES_DIR}/runTest.cmake" ) ENDMACRO (ADD_H5_TEST file) MACRO (ADD_H5_EXPORT_TEST resultfile targetfile resultcode) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-output-${resultfile} COMMAND $ -d /Dataset1 -s 0 -R -y -o ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${resultfile}.txt ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${targetfile} ) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-output-cmp-${resultfile} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E compare_files ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${resultfile}.txt ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${resultfile}.exp ) ENDMACRO (ADD_H5_EXPORT_TEST file) MACRO (ADD_XML_SKIP_H5_TEST skipresultfile skipresultcode testtype) IF (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-XML-${skipresultfile} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "SKIP ${skipresultfile}.xml --xml ${ARGN}" ) ELSE (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ADD_XML_H5_TEST (${skipresultfile} ${skipresultcode} ${ARGN}) ENDIF (${testtype} STREQUAL "SKIP") ENDMACRO (ADD_XML_SKIP_H5_TEST) MACRO (ADD_XML_H5_TEST resultfile resultcode) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-XML-${resultfile} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -D "TEST_PROGRAM=$" -D "TEST_ARGS:STRING=--xml;${ARGN}" -D "TEST_FOLDER=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" -D "TEST_OUTPUT=${resultfile}.out" -D "TEST_EXPECT=${resultcode}" -D "TEST_REFERENCE=${resultfile}.xml" -P "${HDF5_RESOURCES_DIR}/runTest.cmake" ) ENDMACRO (ADD_XML_H5_TEST file) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine which filters are available # -------------------------------------------------------------------- SET (USE_FILTER_SZIP H5_HAVE_FILTER_SZIP) SET (USE_FILTER_DEFLATE H5_HAVE_FILTER_DEFLATE) SET (USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE H5_HAVE_FILTER_SHUFFLE) SET (USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32 H5_HAVE_FILTER_FLETCHER32) SET (USE_FILTER_NBIT H5_HAVE_FILTER_NBIT) SET (USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET H5_HAVE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine if H5dump packed bits feature is included # -------------------------------------------------------------------- SET (USE_PACKED_BITS HDF5_USE_H5DUMP_PACKED_BITS) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### T H E T E S T S ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # test for displaying groups ADD_H5_TEST (tgroup-1 0 tgroup.h5) # test for displaying the selected groups ADD_H5_TEST (tgroup-2 1 --group=/g2 --group / -g /y tgroup.h5) # test for displaying simple space datasets ADD_H5_TEST (tdset-1 0 tdset.h5) # test for displaying selected datasets ADD_H5_TEST (tdset-2 1 -H -d dset1 -d /dset2 --dataset=dset3 tdset.h5) # test for displaying attributes ADD_H5_TEST (tattr-1 0 tattr.h5) # test for displaying the selected attributes of string type and scalar space ADD_H5_TEST (tattr-2 0 -a /attr1 --attribute /attr4 --attribute=/attr5 tattr.h5) # test for header and error messages ADD_H5_TEST (tattr-3 1 --header -a /attr2 --attribute=/attr tattr.h5) # test for displaying attributes in shared datatype (also in group and dataset) ADD_H5_TEST (tnamed_dtype_attr 0 tnamed_dtype_attr.h5) # test for displaying soft links and user-defined links ADD_H5_TEST (tslink-1 0 tslink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tudlink-1 0 tudlink.h5) # test for displaying the selected link ADD_H5_TEST (tslink-2 0 -l slink2 tslink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tudlink-2 0 -l udlink2 tudlink.h5) # tests for hard links ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-1 0 thlink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-2 0 -d /g1/dset2 --dataset /dset1 --dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset3 thlink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-3 0 -d /g1/g1.1/dset3 --dataset /g1/dset2 --dataset=/dset1 thlink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-4 0 -g /g1 thlink.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (thlink-5 0 -d /dset1 -g /g2 -d /g1/dset2 thlink.h5) # tests for compound data types ADD_H5_TEST (tcomp-1 0 tcompound.h5) # test for named data types ADD_H5_TEST (tcomp-2 0 -t /type1 --datatype /type2 --datatype=/group1/type3 tcompound.h5) # test for unamed type #ADD_H5_TEST (tcomp-3 0 -t /#6632 -g /group2 tcompound.h5) # test complicated compound datatype ADD_H5_TEST (tcomp-4 0 tcompound_complex.h5) #test for the nested compound type ADD_H5_TEST (tnestcomp-1 0 tnestedcomp.h5) # test for options ADD_H5_TEST (tall-1 0 tall.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tall-2 0 --header -g /g1/g1.1 -a attr2 tall.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tall-3 0 -d /g2/dset2.1 -l /g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/slink tall.h5) # test for loop detection ADD_H5_TEST (tloop-1 0 tloop.h5) # test for string ADD_H5_TEST (tstr-1 0 tstr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tstr-2 0 tstr2.h5) # test for file created by Lib SAF team ADD_H5_TEST (tsaf 0 tsaf.h5) # test for file with variable length data ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes1 0 tvldtypes1.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes2 0 tvldtypes2.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes3 0 tvldtypes3.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes4 0 tvldtypes4.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tvldtypes5 0 tvldtypes5.h5) #test for file with variable length string data ADD_H5_TEST (tvlstr 0 tvlstr.h5) # test for files with array data ADD_H5_TEST (tarray1 0 tarray1.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray2 0 tarray2.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray3 0 tarray3.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray4 0 tarray4.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray5 0 tarray5.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray6 0 tarray6.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray7 0 tarray7.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tarray8 0 tarray8.h5) # test for files with empty data ADD_H5_TEST (tempty 0 tempty.h5) # test for files with groups that have comments ADD_H5_TEST (tgrp_comments 0 tgrp_comments.h5) # test the --filedriver flag ADD_H5_TEST (tsplit_file 0 --filedriver=split tsplit_file) ADD_H5_TEST (tfamily 0 --filedriver=family tfamily%05d.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tmulti 0 --filedriver=multi tmulti) # test for files with group names which reach > 1024 bytes in size ADD_H5_TEST (tlarge_objname 0 -w157 tlarge_objname.h5) # test '-A' to suppress data but print attr's ADD_H5_TEST (tall-2A 0 -A tall.h5) # test '-r' to print attributes in ASCII instead of decimal ADD_H5_TEST (tall-2B 0 -A -r tall.h5) # test Subsetting ADD_H5_TEST (tall-4s 0 --dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.1 --start=1,1 --stride=2,3 --count=3,2 --block=1,1 tall.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tall-5s 0 -d "/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.2[0;2;10;]" tall.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tdset-3s 0 -d "/dset1[1,1;;;]" tdset.h5) # test printing characters in ASCII instead of decimal ADD_H5_TEST (tchar1 0 -r tchar.h5) # test failure handling # Missing file name IF (${USE_PACKED_BITS}) ADD_H5_TEST (tnofilename-with-packed-bits 1) ELSE (${USE_PACKED_BITS}) ADD_H5_TEST (tnofilename 1) ENDIF (${USE_PACKED_BITS}) # rev. 2004 # tests for super block ADD_H5_TEST (tboot1 0 -H -B -d dset tfcontents1.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tboot2 0 -B tfcontents2.h5) # test -p with a non existing dataset ADD_H5_TEST (tperror 1 -p -d bogus tfcontents1.h5) # test for file contents ADD_H5_TEST (tcontents 0 -n tfcontents1.h5) # tests for storage layout # compact ADD_H5_TEST (tcompact 0 -H -p -d compact tfilters.h5) # contiguous ADD_H5_TEST (tcontiguos 0 -H -p -d contiguous tfilters.h5) # chunked ADD_H5_TEST (tchunked 0 -H -p -d chunked tfilters.h5) # external ADD_H5_TEST (texternal 0 -H -p -d external tfilters.h5) # fill values ADD_H5_TEST (tfill 0 -p tfvalues.h5) # several datatype, with references , print path ADD_H5_TEST (treference 0 tattr2.h5) # escape/not escape non printable characters ADD_H5_TEST (tstringe 0 -e tstr3.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tstring 0 tstr3.h5) # char data as ASCII with non escape ADD_H5_TEST (tstring2 0 -r -d str4 tstr3.h5) # array indices print/not print ADD_H5_TEST (tindicesyes 0 taindices.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tindicesno 0 -y taindices.h5) ########## array indices with subsetting # 1D case ADD_H5_TEST (tindicessub1 0 -d 1d -s 1 -S 10 -c 2 -k 3 taindices.h5) # 2D case ADD_H5_TEST (tindicessub2 0 -d 2d -s 1,2 -S 3,3 -c 3,2 -k 2,2 taindices.h5) # 3D case ADD_H5_TEST (tindicessub3 0 -d 3d -s 0,1,2 -S 1,3,3 -c 2,2,2 -k 1,2,2 taindices.h5) # 4D case ADD_H5_TEST (tindicessub4 0 -d 4d -s 0,0,1,2 -c 2,2,3,2 -S 1,1,3,3 -k 1,1,2,2 taindices.h5) # tests for filters # SZIP SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_SZIP) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_SZIP) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tszip 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d szip tfilters.h5) # deflate SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_DEFLATE) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_DEFLATE) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tdeflate 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d deflate tfilters.h5) # shuffle SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tshuffle 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d shuffle tfilters.h5) # fletcher32 SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tfletcher32 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d fletcher32 tfilters.h5) # nbit SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_NBIT) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_NBIT) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tnbit 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d nbit tfilters.h5) # scaleoffset SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tscaleoffset 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d scaleoffset tfilters.h5) # all SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT USE_FILTER_SZIP OR NOT USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE OR NOT USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32 OR NOT USE_FILTER_DEFLATE OR NOT USE_FILTER_NBIT OR NOT USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT USE_FILTER_SZIP OR NOT USE_FILTER_SHUFFLE OR NOT USE_FILTER_FLETCHER32 OR NOT USE_FILTER_DEFLATE OR NOT USE_FILTER_NBIT OR NOT USE_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tallfilters 0 ${TESTTYPE} -H -p -d all tfilters.h5) # user defined ADD_H5_TEST (tuserfilter 0 -H -p -d myfilter tfilters.h5) # test for displaying objects with very long names ADD_H5_TEST (tlonglinks 0 tlonglinks.h5) # dimensions over 4GB, print boundary ADD_H5_TEST (tbigdims 0 -d dset4gb -s 4294967284 -c 22 tbigdims.h5) # hyperslab read ADD_H5_TEST (thyperslab 0 thyperslab.h5) # test for displaying dataset and attribute of null space ADD_H5_TEST (tnullspace 0 tnullspace.h5) # test for long double (some systems do not have long double) #ADD_H5_TEST (tldouble 0 tldouble.h5) # test for vms ADD_H5_TEST (tvms 0 tvms.h5) # test for binary output ADD_H5_TEST (tbin1LE 0 -d integer -o out1LE.bin -b LE tbinary.h5) # NATIVE default. the NATIVE test can be validated with h5import/h5diff ADD_H5_TEST (tbin1 0 -d integer -o out1.bin -b tbinary.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-clear-out1 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove out1.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-h5import-out1 COMMAND h5import out1.bin -c out3.h5import -o out1.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-h5diff-out1 COMMAND h5diff tbinary.h5 out1.h5 /integer /integer) ADD_H5_TEST (tbin2 0 -b BE -d float -o out2.bin tbinary.h5) # the NATIVE test can be validated with h5import/h5diff ADD_H5_TEST (tbin3 0 -d integer -o out3.bin -b NATIVE tbinary.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-clear-out3 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove out3.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-h5import-out3 COMMAND h5import out3.bin -c out3.h5import -o out3.h5) ADD_TEST (NAME H5DUMP-h5diff-out3 COMMAND h5diff tbinary.h5 out3.h5 /integer /integer -q) ADD_H5_TEST (tbin4 0 -d double -b FILE -o out4.bin tbinary.h5) # Clean up binary output files IF (NOT HDF5_NOCLEANUP) ADD_TEST ( NAME H5DUMP-clear-objects COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove out1.bin out1LE.bin out2.bin out3.bin out4.bin out1.h5 out3.h5 ) ENDIF (NOT HDF5_NOCLEANUP) # test for dataset region references ADD_H5_TEST (tdatareg 0 tdatareg.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tdataregR 0 -R tdatareg.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tattrreg 0 tattrreg.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tattrregR 0 -R tattrreg.h5) ADD_H5_EXPORT_TEST (tbinregR tdatareg.h5 0 -d /Dataset1 -s 0 -R -y -o) # tests for group creation order # "1" tracked, "2" name, root tracked ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr1 0 --group=1 --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=ascending tordergr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr2 0 --group=1 --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=descending tordergr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr3 0 -g 2 -q name -z ascending tordergr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr4 0 -g 2 -q name -z descending tordergr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (tordergr5 0 -q creation_order tordergr.h5) # tests for attribute order ADD_H5_TEST (torderattr1 0 -H --sort_by=name --sort_order=ascending torderattr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (torderattr2 0 -H --sort_by=name --sort_order=descending torderattr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (torderattr3 0 -H --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=ascending torderattr.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (torderattr4 0 -H --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=descending torderattr.h5) # tests for floating point user defined printf format ADD_H5_TEST (tfpformat 0 -m %.7f tfpformat.h5) # tests for traversal of external links ADD_H5_TEST (textlinksrc 0 textlinksrc.h5) ADD_H5_TEST (textlinkfar 0 textlinkfar.h5) # test for dataset packed bits SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT ${USE_PACKED_BITS}) SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT ${USE_PACKED_BITS}) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tpackedbits 0 ${TESTTYPE} -d /dset1 -M 0,2 tdset.h5) ADD_SKIP_H5_TEST (tpackedbits2 0 ${TESTTYPE} -d /dset1 -M 0,2,2,1 tdset.h5) ########## test XML ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tall.h5 0 tall.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tattr.h5 0 tattr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tbitfields.h5 0 tbitfields.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tcompound.h5 0 tcompound.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tcompound2.h5 0 tcompound2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tdatareg.h5 0 tdatareg.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tdset.h5 0 tdset.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tdset2.h5 0 tdset2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tenum.h5 0 tenum.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tgroup.h5 0 tgroup.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (thlink.h5 0 thlink.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tloop.h5 0 tloop.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tloop2.h5 0 tloop2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tmany.h5 0 tmany.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tnestedcomp.h5 0 tnestedcomp.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tcompound_complex.h5 0 tcompound_complex.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tobjref.h5 0 tobjref.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (topaque.h5 0 topaque.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tslink.h5 0 tslink.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tudlink.h5 0 tudlink.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (textlink.h5 0 textlink.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tstr.h5 0 tstr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tstr2.h5 0 tstr2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tref.h5 0 tref.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-amp.h5 0 tname-amp.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-apos.h5 0 tname-apos.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-gt.h5 0 tname-gt.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-lt.h5 0 tname-lt.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-quot.h5 0 tname-quot.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tname-sp.h5 0 tname-sp.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tstring.h5 0 tstring.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tstring-at.h5 0 tstring-at.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tref-escapes.h5 0 tref-escapes.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tref-escapes-at.h5 0 tref-escapes-at.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tnodata.h5 0 tnodata.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray1.h5 0 tarray1.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray2.h5 0 tarray2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray3.h5 0 tarray3.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray6.h5 0 tarray6.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tarray7.h5 0 tarray7.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes1.h5 0 tvldtypes1.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes2.h5 0 tvldtypes2.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes3.h5 0 tvldtypes3.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes4.h5 0 tvldtypes4.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvldtypes5.h5 0 tvldtypes5.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tvlstr.h5 0 tvlstr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tsaf.h5 0 tsaf.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty.h5 0 tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tnamed_dtype_attr.h5 0 tnamed_dtype_attr.h5) ##Test dataset and attribute of null space. Commented out: ## wait until the XML schema is updated for null space. ## ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tnullspace.h5 0 tnulspace.h5) # other options for xml ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-dtd.h5 0 --use-dtd tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-dtd-2.h5 0 -u tempty.h5) # The lone colon here confuses some systems (Cray X1). Skip # it if configure detects that this is a problem. SET (TESTTYPE "TEST") IF (NOT "H5_LONE_COLON") SET (TESTTYPE "SKIP") ENDIF (NOT "H5_LONE_COLON") ADD_XML_SKIP_H5_TEST (tempty-nons.h5 0 ${TESTTYPE} -X : tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-nons-2.h5 0 --xml-ns=: tempty.h5) ## Some of these combinations are syntactically correct but ## the URLs are dummies ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-ns.h5 0 -X thing: tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-ns-2.h5 0 --xml-ns=thing: tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-nons-uri.h5 0 --xml-ns=: --xml-dtd= tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tempty-dtd-uri.h5 0 --use-dtd --xml-dtd= tempty.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tall-2A.h5 0 -A tall.h5) # tests for attribute order ADD_XML_H5_TEST (torderattr1.h5 0 -H --sort_by=name --sort_order=ascending torderattr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (torderattr2.h5 0 -H --sort_by=name --sort_order=descending torderattr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (torderattr3.h5 0 -H --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=ascending torderattr.h5) ADD_XML_H5_TEST (torderattr4.h5 0 -H --sort_by=creation_order --sort_order=descending torderattr.h5) # tests for floating point user defined printf format ADD_XML_H5_TEST (tfpformat.h5 0 -u -m %.7f tfpformat.h5) ENDIF (BUILD_TESTING) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### I N S T A L L A T I O N ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rules for Installation of tools using make Install target #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL ( TARGETS h5dump RUNTIME DESTINATION bin/tools COMPONENT toolsapplications )