/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root * * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the * * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and * * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at * * http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have * * access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> #include "H5private.h" #include "h5tools.h" #include "h5tools_utils.h" #include "h5diff.h" #include "ph5diff.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * printf formatting *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define F_FORMAT "%-15g %-15g %-15g\n" #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 #define LD_FORMAT "%-15Lf %-15Lf %-15Lf\n" #endif #define I_FORMAT "%-15d %-15d %-15d\n" #define C_FORMAT "%-16c %-17c\n" #define S_FORMAT "%-16s %-17s\n" #define UI_FORMAT "%-15u %-15u %-15u\n" #define LI_FORMAT "%-15ld %-15ld %-15ld\n" #define ULI_FORMAT "%-15lu %-15lu %-15lu\n" #define LLI_FORMAT "%-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d\n" #define ULLI_FORMAT "%-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"u %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"u %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"u\n" /* with -p option */ #define F_FORMAT_P "%-15.10g %-15.10g %-15.10g %-14.10g\n" #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 #define LD_FORMAT_P "%-15.10Lf %-15.10Lf %-15.10Lf %-14.10Lf\n" #endif #define I_FORMAT_P "%-15d %-15d %-15d %-14f\n" #define UI_FORMAT_P "%-15u %-15u %-15u %-14f\n" #define LI_FORMAT_P "%-15ld %-15ld %-15ld %-14f\n" #define ULI_FORMAT_P "%-15lu %-15lu %-15lu %-14f\n" #define LLI_FORMAT_P "%-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d %-14f\n" #define ULLI_FORMAT_P "%-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"u %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"u %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d %-14f\n" #define SPACES " " /* not comparable */ #define F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP "%-15.10g %-15.10g %-15.10g not comparable\n" #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 #define LD_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP "%-15.10Lf %-15.10Lf %-15.10Lf not comparable\n" #endif #define I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP "%-15d %-15d %-15d not comparable\n" #define UI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP "%-15u %-15u %-15u not comparable\n" #define LI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP "%-15ld %-15ld %-15ld not comparable\n" #define ULI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP "%-15lu %-15lu %-15lu not comparable\n" #define LLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP "%-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d not comparable\n" #define ULLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP "%-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"u %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"u %-15"H5_PRINTF_LL_WIDTH"d not comparable\n" /* if system EPSILON is defined, use the system EPSILON; otherwise, use constants that are close to most EPSILON values */ #ifndef FLT_EPSILON #define FLT_EPSILON 1.19209E-07 #endif #ifndef DBL_EPSILON #define DBL_EPSILON 2.22045E-16 #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -p relative error formula * * We assume the true value of a quantity to be A (value in first dataset) * and the measured or inferred value to be B (value in second dataset). * The relative error is defined by * * B - A * -------- * A * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int not_comparable; #define PER(A,B) { per=-1; \ not_comparable=0; \ both_zero=0; \ if (A==0 && B==0) \ both_zero=1; \ if (A!=0) \ per = (double)ABS( ( double)(B-A) / (double)A ); \ else \ not_comparable=1; \ } #define PER_UNSIGN(TYPE,A,B) { per=-1; \ not_comparable=0; \ both_zero=0; \ if (A==0 && B==0) \ both_zero=1; \ if (A!=0) \ per = ABS((double)((TYPE)(B-A)) / (double)A) ; \ else \ not_comparable=1; \ } #define BOTH_ZERO(A,B) { both_zero=0; \ if (A==0 && B==0) \ both_zero=1; \ } #define IS_ZERO(A) { is_zero=0; \ if (A==0) \ is_zero=1; \ } # define PDIFF(a,b) ( (b>a) ? (b-a) : (a-b)) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * local prototypes *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static hsize_t diff_region(hid_t obj1_id, hid_t obj2_id,hid_t region1_id, hid_t region2_id, diff_opt_t *options); static hbool_t all_zero(const void *_mem, size_t size); static int ull2float(unsigned long long ull_value, float *f_value); static hsize_t character_compare(unsigned char *mem1,unsigned char *mem2,hsize_t i,unsigned u,int rank,hsize_t *dims,hsize_t *acc,hsize_t *pos,diff_opt_t *options,const char *obj1,const char *obj2,int *ph); static hsize_t character_compare_opt(unsigned char *mem1,unsigned char *mem2,hsize_t i,int rank,hsize_t *dims,hsize_t *acc,hsize_t *pos,diff_opt_t *options,const char *obj1,const char *obj2,int *ph); static hbool_t equal_float(float value, float expected, diff_opt_t *options); static hbool_t equal_double(double value, double expected, diff_opt_t *options); #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 static hbool_t equal_ldouble(long double value, long double expected, diff_opt_t *options); #endif static int print_data(diff_opt_t *options); static void print_pos(int *ph,int pp,hsize_t curr_pos,hsize_t *acc,hsize_t *pos,int rank,hsize_t *dims,const char *obj1,const char *obj2 ); static void print_char_pos(int *ph,int pp,hsize_t curr_pos,unsigned u,hsize_t *acc,hsize_t *pos,int rank,hsize_t *dims,const char *obj1,const char *obj2 ); static void h5diff_print_char(char ch); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * NaN detection *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 typedef enum dtype_t { FLT_FLOAT, FLT_DOUBLE, FLT_LDOUBLE } dtype_t; #else typedef enum dtype_t { FLT_FLOAT, FLT_DOUBLE } dtype_t; #endif static int my_isnan(dtype_t type, void *val); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * XCAO, 11/10/2010 * added to improve performance for compound datasets */ static void set_comp_members(hid_t tid, mcomp_t *members); static void free_comp_members(mcomp_t *members); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_array * * Purpose: compare two memory buffers; * * Return: number of differences found * * Programmer: Pedro Vicente, pvn@ncsa.uiuc.edu * * Date: November 12, 2003 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_array( void *_mem1, void *_mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, diff_opt_t *options, const char *name1, const char *name2, hid_t m_type, hid_t container1_id, hid_t container2_id) /* dataset where the reference came from*/ { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ size_t size; /* size of datum */ unsigned char *mem1 = (unsigned char*)_mem1; unsigned char *mem2 = (unsigned char*)_mem2; hsize_t acc[32]; /* accumulator position */ hsize_t pos[32]; /* matrix position */ int ph=1; /* print header */ hsize_t i; int j; mcomp_t members; H5T_class_t type_class; /* get the size. */ size = H5Tget_size( m_type ); type_class = H5Tget_class(m_type); /* Fast comparison first for atomic type by memcmp(). * It is OK not to list non-atomic type here because it will not be caught * by the confition, but it gives more clarity for code planning */ if (type_class != H5T_REFERENCE && type_class != H5T_COMPOUND && type_class != H5T_STRING && type_class != H5T_VLEN && HDmemcmp(mem1, mem2, size*nelmts)==0) return 0; if ( rank > 0 ) { acc[rank-1]=1; for(j=(rank-2); j>=0; j--) { acc[j]=acc[j+1]*dims[j+1]; } for ( j = 0; j < rank; j++) pos[j]=0; } switch (type_class) { default: assert(0); break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * float and integer atomic types *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_FLOAT: if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT)) nfound=diff_float(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE)) nfound=diff_double(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_LDOUBLE)) nfound=diff_ldouble(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); #endif break; case H5T_INTEGER: if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR)) nfound=diff_schar(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR)) nfound=diff_uchar(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT)) nfound=diff_short(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_USHORT)) nfound=diff_ushort(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_INT)) nfound=diff_int(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_UINT)) nfound=diff_uint(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_LONG)) nfound=diff_long(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_ULONG)) nfound=diff_ulong(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG)) nfound=diff_llong(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); else if (H5Tequal(m_type, H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG)) nfound=diff_ullong(mem1,mem2,nelmts,hyper_start,rank,dims,acc,pos,options,name1,name2,&ph); break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Other types than float and integer *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_COMPOUND: case H5T_STRING: case H5T_BITFIELD: case H5T_OPAQUE: case H5T_ENUM: case H5T_ARRAY: case H5T_VLEN: case H5T_REFERENCE: HDmemset(&members, 0, sizeof (mcomp_t)); set_comp_members(m_type, &members); for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { nfound+=diff_datum( mem1 + i * size, mem2 + i * size, /* offset */ m_type, i, rank, dims, acc, pos, options, name1, name2, container1_id, container2_id, &ph, &members); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) { free_comp_members(&members); return nfound; } } /* i */ free_comp_members(&members); } /* switch */ return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_datum * * Purpose: compare the values pointed to in _MEM1 and _MEM2 of type M_TYPE * * Return: number of differences found * * Programmer: Pedro Vicente, pvn@ncsa.uiuc.edu * * Date: October 29, 2003 * * The comparison of the 2 buffers read from the files is made datum by datum. * * H5T_INTEGER and H5T_FLOAT * Copy the buffer into a compatible local datum and do a numerical * compare of this datum * H5T_COMPOUND * Recursively call this function for each member * H5T_ARRAY * Recursively call this function for each element * H5T_VLEN * Recursively call this function for each element * H5T_STRING * compare byte by byte in a cycle from 0 to type_size. this type_size is the * value obtained by the get_size function but it is the string lenght for * variable sized strings * H5T_OPAQUE * compare byte by byte in a cycle from 0 to type_size * H5T_BITFIELD * compare byte by byte in a cycle from 0 to type_size * H5T_ENUM * for each pair of elements being compared, both bit patterns are converted to * their corresponding enumeration constant and a string comparison is made * H5T_REFERENCE * Dereference the object and compare the type (basic object type). *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_datum(void *_mem1, void *_mem2, hid_t m_type, hsize_t i, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, hid_t container1_id, hid_t container2_id, /*where the reference came from*/ int *ph, /*print header */ mcomp_t *members) /*compound members */ { unsigned char *mem1 = (unsigned char*)_mem1; unsigned char *mem2 = (unsigned char*)_mem2; unsigned u; hid_t memb_type; size_t type_size; H5T_sign_t type_sign; H5T_class_t type_class; size_t offset; int nmembs; int j; hsize_t nelmts; size_t size=0; int iszero1; int iszero2; hid_t obj1_id; hid_t obj2_id; hsize_t nfound=0; /* differences found */ int ret=0; /* check return error */ float f1, f2; double per; int both_zero; type_size = H5Tget_size( m_type ); type_class = H5Tget_class(m_type); /* Fast comparison first for atomic type by memcmp(). * It is OK not to list non-atomic type here because it will not be caught * by the confition, but it gives more clarity for code planning */ if (type_class != H5T_REFERENCE && type_class != H5T_COMPOUND && type_class != H5T_STRING && type_class != H5T_VLEN && HDmemcmp(mem1, mem2, type_size)==0) return 0; switch (H5Tget_class(m_type)) { default: assert(0); break; case H5T_TIME: assert(0); break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_COMPOUND *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_COMPOUND: nmembs = members->n; for (j = 0; j < nmembs; j++) { offset = members->offsets[j]; memb_type = members->ids[j]; nfound+=diff_datum( mem1+offset, mem2+offset, memb_type, i, rank, dims, acc, pos, options, obj1, obj2, container1_id, container2_id, ph, members->m[j]); } break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_STRING *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_STRING: { H5T_str_t pad; char *s; char *s1; char *s2; size_t size1; size_t size2; /* if variable length string */ if(H5Tis_variable_str(m_type)) { /* Get pointer to first string */ s1 = *(char**) mem1; size1 = HDstrlen(s1); /* Get pointer to second string */ s2 = *(char**) mem2; size2 = HDstrlen(s2); } else { /* Get pointer to first string */ s1 = mem1; size1 = H5Tget_size(m_type); /* Get pointer to second string */ s2 = mem2; size2 = H5Tget_size(m_type); } /* * compare for shorter string * TODO: this code need to be improved to handle the difference * of length of strings. * For now mimic the previous way. */ if(size1 < size2) { size = size1; s = s1; } else { size = size2; s = s2; } /* check for NULL pointer for string */ if(s!=NULL) { /* try fast compare first */ if (HDmemcmp(s1, s2, size)==0) break; pad = H5Tget_strpad(m_type); for (u=0; u<size && (s[u] || pad!=H5T_STR_NULLTERM); u++) nfound+=character_compare( s1 + u, s2 + u, /* offset */ i, /* index position */ u, /* string character position */ rank, dims, acc, pos, options, obj1, obj2, ph); } } break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_BITFIELD *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_BITFIELD: /* byte-by-byte comparison */ for (u=0; u<type_size; u++) nfound+=character_compare_opt( mem1 + u, mem2 + u, /* offset */ i, /* index position */ rank, dims, acc, pos, options, obj1, obj2, ph); break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_OPAQUE *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_OPAQUE: /* byte-by-byte comparison */ for (u=0; u<type_size; u++) nfound+=character_compare_opt( mem1 + u, mem2 + u, /* offset */ i, /* index position */ rank, dims, acc, pos, options, obj1, obj2, ph); break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_ENUM *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_ENUM: /* For enumeration types we compare the names instead of the integer values. For each pair of elements being compared, we convert both bit patterns to their corresponding enumeration constant and do a string comparison */ { char enum_name1[1024]; char enum_name2[1024]; herr_t err1; herr_t err2; /* disable error reporting */ H5E_BEGIN_TRY { /* If the enum value cannot be converted to a string * it is set to an error string for later output. */ err1 = H5Tenum_nameof(m_type, mem1, enum_name1, sizeof enum_name1); if(err1 < 0) strcpy(enum_name1, "**INVALID VALUE**"); err2 = H5Tenum_nameof(m_type, mem2, enum_name2, sizeof enum_name2); if(err2 < 0) strcpy(enum_name2, "**INVALID VALUE**"); if(err1 < 0 || err2 < 0) { /* One or more bad enum values */ /* If the two values cannot be converted to a string * (probably due to them being invalid enum values), * don't attempt to convert them - just report errors. */ nfound += 1; if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(S_FORMAT,enum_name1,enum_name2); } } else { /* Both enum values were valid */ if (HDstrcmp(enum_name1,enum_name2)!=0) { nfound=1; if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(S_FORMAT,enum_name1,enum_name2); } } else { for (u=0; u<type_size; u++) nfound+=character_compare_opt( mem1 + u, mem2 + u, /* offset */ i, /* index position */ rank, dims, acc, pos, options, obj1, obj2, ph); } } /* enable error reporting */ } H5E_END_TRY; } break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_ARRAY *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_ARRAY: { hsize_t adims[H5S_MAX_RANK]; hsize_t ndims; /* get the array's base datatype for each element */ memb_type = H5Tget_super(m_type); size = H5Tget_size(memb_type); ndims = H5Tget_array_ndims(m_type); H5Tget_array_dims2(m_type, adims); assert(ndims >= 1 && ndims <= H5S_MAX_RANK); /* calculate the number of array elements */ for (u = 0, nelmts = 1; u <ndims; u++) nelmts *= adims[u]; for (u = 0; u < nelmts; u++) { nfound+=diff_datum( mem1 + u * size, mem2 + u * size, /* offset */ memb_type, i, /* index position */ rank, dims, acc, pos, options, obj1, obj2, container1_id, container2_id, ph, NULL); } H5Tclose(memb_type); } break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_REFERENCE *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_REFERENCE: iszero1=all_zero(_mem1, H5Tget_size(m_type)); iszero2=all_zero(_mem2, H5Tget_size(m_type)); if (iszero1 != iszero2) { return 1; } else if (!iszero1 && !iszero2) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_STD_REF_DSETREG * Dataset region reference *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (type_size==H5R_DSET_REG_REF_BUF_SIZE) { hid_t region1_id; hid_t region2_id; if ((obj1_id = H5Rdereference(container1_id, H5R_DATASET_REGION, _mem1))<0) ret= -1; if ((obj2_id = H5Rdereference(container2_id, H5R_DATASET_REGION, _mem2))<0) ret= -1; if ((region1_id = H5Rget_region(container1_id, H5R_DATASET_REGION, _mem1))<0) ret= -1; if ((region2_id = H5Rget_region(container2_id, H5R_DATASET_REGION, _mem2))<0) ret= -1; if (ret==-1) { options->err_stat=1; return 0; } nfound = diff_region(obj1_id,obj2_id,region1_id,region2_id,options); H5Oclose(obj1_id); H5Oclose(obj2_id); H5Sclose(region1_id); H5Sclose(region2_id); }/*dataset reference*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_STD_REF_OBJ * Object references. get the type and OID of the referenced object *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size == H5R_OBJ_REF_BUF_SIZE) { H5O_type_t obj1_type; H5O_type_t obj2_type; if(H5Rget_obj_type2(container1_id, H5R_OBJECT, _mem1, &obj1_type) < 0) ret = -1; if(H5Rget_obj_type2(container2_id, H5R_OBJECT, _mem2, &obj2_type) < 0) ret = -1; if(ret == -1) { options->err_stat = 1; return 0; } /* end if */ /* check object type */ if(obj1_type != obj2_type) { parallel_print("Different object types referenced: <%s> and <%s>", obj1, obj2); options->not_cmp = 1; return 0; } if((obj1_id = H5Rdereference(container1_id, H5R_OBJECT, _mem1)) < 0) ret = -1; if((obj2_id = H5Rdereference(container2_id, H5R_OBJECT, _mem2)) < 0) ret = -1; if(ret == -1) { options->err_stat = 1; return 0; } /* end if */ /* compare */ if(obj1_type == H5O_TYPE_DATASET) nfound = diff_datasetid(obj1_id, obj2_id, NULL, NULL, options); else { if(options->m_verbose) parallel_print("Warning: Comparison not possible of object types referenced: <%s> and <%s>\n", obj1, obj2); options->not_cmp = 1; } H5Oclose(obj1_id); H5Oclose(obj2_id); }/*object reference*/ }/*is zero*/ break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_VLEN *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_VLEN: /* get the VL sequences's base datatype for each element */ memb_type = H5Tget_super(m_type); size = H5Tget_size(memb_type); /* get the number of sequence elements */ nelmts = ((hvl_t *)mem1)->len; for (j = 0; j < (int)nelmts; j++) nfound+=diff_datum( ((char *)(((hvl_t *)mem1)->p)) + j * size, ((char *)(((hvl_t *)mem2)->p)) + j * size, /* offset */ memb_type, i, /* index position */ rank, dims, acc, pos, options, obj1, obj2, container1_id, container2_id, ph, NULL); H5Tclose(memb_type); break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_INTEGER *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_INTEGER: type_sign = H5Tget_sign(m_type); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (type_size==1 && type_sign!=H5T_SGN_NONE) { char temp1_char; char temp2_char; assert(type_size==sizeof(char)); memcpy(&temp1_char, mem1, sizeof(char)); memcpy(&temp2_char, mem2, sizeof(char)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if (ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_char,temp2_char,ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_char,temp2_char); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_char,temp2_char,ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_char,temp2_char,ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_char,temp2_char); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_char,temp2_char,ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_char,temp2_char,ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_char != temp2_char) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_char,temp2_char,ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==1 && type_sign==H5T_SGN_NONE) { unsigned char temp1_uchar; unsigned char temp2_uchar; assert(type_size==sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(&temp1_uchar, mem1, sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(&temp2_uchar, mem2, sizeof(unsigned char)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if ( PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed char,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed char,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_uchar != temp2_uchar) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_SHORT *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==2 && type_sign!=H5T_SGN_NONE) { short temp1_short; short temp2_short; assert(type_size==sizeof(short)); memcpy(&temp1_short, mem1, sizeof(short)); memcpy(&temp2_short, mem2, sizeof(short)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if (ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_short,temp2_short,ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_short,temp2_short); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_short,temp2_short,ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_short,temp2_short,ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_short,temp2_short); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_short,temp2_short,ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_short,temp2_short,ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_short != temp2_short) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_short,temp2_short,ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_SHORT*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_USHORT *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==2 && type_sign==H5T_SGN_NONE) { unsigned short temp1_ushort; unsigned short temp2_ushort; assert(type_size==sizeof(short)); memcpy(&temp1_ushort, mem1, sizeof(unsigned short)); memcpy(&temp2_ushort, mem2, sizeof(unsigned short)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if ( PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort,PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed short,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort, PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort,PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed short,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort,PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort,PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_ushort != temp2_ushort) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort,PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_USHORT*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_INT *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==4 && type_sign!=H5T_SGN_NONE) { int temp1_int; int temp2_int; assert(type_size==sizeof(int)); memcpy(&temp1_int, mem1, sizeof(int)); memcpy(&temp2_int, mem2, sizeof(int)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if (ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_int,temp2_int,ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_int,temp2_int); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_int,temp2_int,ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_int,temp2_int,ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_int,temp2_int); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_int,temp2_int,ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_int,temp2_int,ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_int != temp2_int) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_int,temp2_int,ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_INT*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_UINT *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==4 && type_sign==H5T_SGN_NONE) { unsigned int temp1_uint; unsigned int temp2_uint; assert(type_size==sizeof(int)); memcpy(&temp1_uint, mem1, sizeof(unsigned int)); memcpy(&temp2_uint, mem2, sizeof(unsigned int)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if ( PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(UI_FORMAT,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed int,temp1_uint,temp2_uint); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed int,temp1_uint,temp2_uint); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_uint != temp2_uint) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(UI_FORMAT,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_UINT*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_LONG *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==8 && type_sign!=H5T_SGN_NONE) { long temp1_long; long temp2_long; assert(type_size==sizeof(long)); memcpy(&temp1_long, mem1, sizeof(long)); memcpy(&temp2_long, mem2, sizeof(long)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if (ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT,temp1_long,temp2_long,ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_long,temp2_long); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_long,temp2_long, ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P,temp1_long,temp2_long,ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_long,temp2_long); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_long,temp2_long,ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P,temp1_long,temp2_long, ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long), per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_long != temp2_long) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT,temp1_long,temp2_long,ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_LONG*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_ULONG *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==8 && type_sign==H5T_SGN_NONE) { unsigned long temp1_ulong; unsigned long temp2_ulong; assert(type_size==sizeof(unsigned long)); memcpy(&temp1_ulong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long)); memcpy(&temp2_ulong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if ( PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULI_FORMAT,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed long,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULI_FORMAT_P,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed long,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULI_FORMAT_P,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_ulong != temp2_ulong) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULI_FORMAT,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_ULONG*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_LLONG *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==8 && type_sign!=H5T_SGN_NONE) { long long temp1_llong; long long temp2_llong; assert(type_size==sizeof(long long)); memcpy(&temp1_llong, mem1, sizeof(long long)); memcpy(&temp2_llong, mem2, sizeof(long long)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if (ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_llong,temp2_llong); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT_P,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER(temp1_llong,temp2_llong); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT_P,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_llong != temp2_llong) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_LLONG*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==8 && type_sign==H5T_SGN_NONE) { unsigned long long temp1_ullong; unsigned long long temp2_ullong; assert(type_size==sizeof(unsigned long long)); memcpy(&temp1_ullong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long long)); memcpy(&temp2_ullong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long long)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if ( PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong) > (unsigned long long)options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { ull2float(temp1_ullong,&f1); ull2float(temp2_ullong,&f2); PER(f1,f2); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT_P,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { ull2float(temp1_ullong,&f1); ull2float(temp2_ullong,&f2); PER(f1,f2); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong) > (unsigned long long)options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT_P,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_ullong != temp2_ullong) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG*/ break; /* H5T_INTEGER class */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_FLOAT *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ case H5T_FLOAT: /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (type_size==4) { float temp1_float; float temp2_float; int isnan1=0; int isnan2=0; assert(type_size==sizeof(float)); memcpy(&temp1_float, mem1, sizeof(float)); memcpy(&temp2_float, mem2, sizeof(float)); /* logic for detecting NaNs is different with options -d, -p and no options */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and !-p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (options->d && !options->p) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp1_float); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp2_float); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { if (ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * !-d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp1_float); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp2_float); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_float,temp2_float); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_float,temp2_float, ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float), ABS(1-temp2_float/temp1_float)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp1_float); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp2_float); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_float,temp2_float); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_float,temp2_float, ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_float,temp2_float, ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float), ABS(1-temp2_float/temp1_float)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * no -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (equal_float(temp1_float,temp2_float,options)==FALSE) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==8) { double temp1_double; double temp2_double; int isnan1=0; int isnan2=0; assert(type_size==sizeof(double)); memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(double)); /* logic for detecting NaNs is different with options -d, -p and no options */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and !-p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (options->d && !options->p) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { if (ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } } /* options->d && !options->p */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * !-d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_double,temp2_double); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double), ABS(1-temp2_double/temp1_double)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_double,temp2_double); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double), ABS(1-temp2_double/temp1_double)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * no -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (equal_double(temp1_double,temp2_double,options)==FALSE) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE*/ #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5T_NATIVE_LDOUBLE *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (type_size==8) { long double temp1_double; long double temp2_double; int isnan1=0; int isnan2=0; assert(type_size==sizeof(long double)); memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(long double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(long double)); /* logic for detecting NaNs is different with options -d, -p and no options */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and !-p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (options->d && !options->p) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { if (ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LD_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } } /* NaN */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * !-d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_double,temp2_double); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LD_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LD_FORMAT_P,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double), ABS(1-temp2_double/temp1_double)); } nfound++; } } /* NaN */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_double,temp2_double); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LD_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LD_FORMAT_P,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double), ABS(1-temp2_double/temp1_double)); } nfound++; } } /* NaN */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * no -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (equal_ldouble(temp1_double,temp2_double,options)==FALSE) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LD_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } } /*H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE*/ #endif /* H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE */ break; /* H5T_FLOAT class */ } /* switch */ return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: all_zero * * Purpose: Determines if memory is initialized to all zero bytes. * * Return: TRUE if all bytes are zero; FALSE otherwise * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static hbool_t all_zero(const void *_mem, size_t size) { const unsigned char *mem = (const unsigned char *)_mem; while(size-- > 0) if(mem[size]) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: print_region_block * * Purpose: print start coordinates and opposite corner of a region block * * Return: void * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void print_region_block(int i, hsize_t *ptdata, int ndims) { int j; parallel_print(" "); for (j = 0; j < ndims; j++) parallel_print("%s%lu", j ? "," : " (", (unsigned long)ptdata[i * 2 * ndims + j]); for (j = 0; j < ndims; j++) parallel_print("%s%lu", j ? "," : ")-(", (unsigned long)ptdata[i * 2 * ndims + j + ndims]); parallel_print(")"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: print_points * * Purpose: print points of a region reference * * Return: void * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void print_points(int i, hsize_t *ptdata, int ndims) { int j; parallel_print(" "); for (j = 0; j < ndims; j++) parallel_print("%s%lu", j ? "," : "(", (unsigned long)(ptdata[i * ndims + j])); parallel_print(")"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_region * * Purpose: diff a dataspace region * * Return: number of differences * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static hsize_t diff_region(hid_t obj1_id, hid_t obj2_id, hid_t region1_id, hid_t region2_id, diff_opt_t *options) { hssize_t nblocks1, npoints1; hssize_t nblocks2, npoints2; hsize_t alloc_size; hsize_t *ptdata1; hsize_t *ptdata2; int ndims1; int ndims2; int i, j; hsize_t nfound_b = 0; /* block differences found */ hsize_t nfound_p = 0; /* point differences found */ ndims1 = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(region1_id); ndims2 = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(region2_id); /* * These two functions fail if the region does not have blocks or points, * respectively. They do not currently know how to translate from one to * the other. */ H5E_BEGIN_TRY { nblocks1 = H5Sget_select_hyper_nblocks(region1_id); nblocks2 = H5Sget_select_hyper_nblocks(region2_id); npoints1 = H5Sget_select_elem_npoints(region1_id); npoints2 = H5Sget_select_elem_npoints(region2_id); } H5E_END_TRY; if(nblocks1 != nblocks2 || npoints1 != npoints2 || ndims1 != ndims2) { options->not_cmp = 1; return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * compare block information *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(nblocks1 > 0) { alloc_size = nblocks1 * ndims1 * 2 * sizeof(ptdata1[0]); assert(alloc_size == (hsize_t)((size_t)alloc_size)); /*check for overflow*/ ptdata1 = malloc((size_t)alloc_size); H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(nblocks1, hssize_t, hsize_t); H5Sget_select_hyper_blocklist(region1_id, (hsize_t)0, (hsize_t)nblocks1, ptdata1); ptdata2 = malloc((size_t)alloc_size); H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(nblocks2, hssize_t, hsize_t); H5Sget_select_hyper_blocklist(region2_id, (hsize_t)0, (hsize_t)nblocks2, ptdata2); for (i = 0; i < nblocks1; i++) { /* start coordinates and opposite corner */ for (j = 0; j < ndims1; j++) { hsize_t start1, start2, end1, end2; start1 = ptdata1[i * 2 * ndims1 + j]; start2 = ptdata2[i * 2 * ndims1 + j]; end1 = ptdata1[i * 2 * ndims1 + j + ndims1]; end2 = ptdata2[i * 2 * ndims1 + j + ndims1]; if (start1 != start2 || end1 != end2) nfound_b++; } } /* print differences if found */ if (nfound_b && options->m_verbose) { H5O_info_t oi1, oi2; H5Oget_info(obj1_id, &oi1); H5Oget_info(obj2_id, &oi2); parallel_print("Referenced dataset %lu %lu\n", (unsigned long)oi1.addr, (unsigned long)oi2.addr); parallel_print("------------------------------------------------------------\n"); parallel_print("Region blocks\n"); for (i = 0; i < nblocks1; i++) { parallel_print("block #%d", i); print_region_block(i, ptdata1, ndims1); print_region_block(i, ptdata2, ndims1); parallel_print("\n"); } } HDfree(ptdata1); HDfree(ptdata2); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * compare point information *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(npoints1 > 0) { alloc_size = npoints1 * ndims1 * sizeof(ptdata1[0]); assert(alloc_size == (hsize_t)((size_t)alloc_size)); /*check for overflow*/ ptdata1 = malloc((size_t)alloc_size); H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(npoints1,hssize_t,hsize_t); H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist(region1_id, (hsize_t)0, (hsize_t)npoints1, ptdata1); ptdata2 = malloc((size_t)alloc_size); H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(npoints1,hssize_t,hsize_t); H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist(region2_id, (hsize_t)0, (hsize_t)npoints2, ptdata2); for(i = 0; i < npoints1; i++) { hsize_t pt1, pt2; for(j = 0; j < ndims1; j++) { pt1 = ptdata1[i * ndims1 + j]; pt2 = ptdata2[i * ndims1 + j]; if(pt1 != pt2) nfound_p++; } } if(nfound_p && options->m_verbose) { parallel_print("Region points\n"); for(i = 0; i < npoints1; i++) { hsize_t pt1, pt2; int diff_data = 0; for(j = 0; j < ndims1; j++) { pt1 = ptdata1[i * ndims1 + j]; pt2 = ptdata2[i * ndims1 + j]; if(pt1 != pt2) { diff_data = 1; break; } } if(diff_data) { parallel_print("point #%d", i); print_points(i, ptdata1, ndims1); print_points(i, ptdata2, ndims1); parallel_print("\n"); } } } #if defined (H5DIFF_DEBUG) for (i = 0; i < npoints1; i++) { int j; parallel_print("%sPt%lu: " , i ? "," : "", (unsigned long)i); for (j = 0; j < ndims1; j++) parallel_print("%s%lu", j ? "," : "(", (unsigned long)(ptdata1[i * ndims1 + j])); parallel_print(")"); } #endif HDfree(ptdata1); HDfree(ptdata2); } nfound_b = nfound_b/ndims1; nfound_p = nfound_p/ndims1; return (nfound_p + nfound_b); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: character_compare * * Purpose: do a byte-by-byte comparison and print in char format * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static hsize_t character_compare(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t i, unsigned u, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* differences found */ unsigned char temp1_uchar; unsigned char temp2_uchar; memcpy(&temp1_uchar, mem1, sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(&temp2_uchar, mem2, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (temp1_uchar != temp2_uchar) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_char_pos(ph,0,i,u,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(" "); h5diff_print_char(temp1_uchar); parallel_print(" "); h5diff_print_char(temp2_uchar); parallel_print("\n"); } nfound++; } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: character_compare_opt * * Purpose: do a byte-by-byte comparison and print in numerical format * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t character_compare_opt(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t i, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* differences found */ unsigned char temp1_uchar; unsigned char temp2_uchar; double per; int both_zero; memcpy(&temp1_uchar, mem1, sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(&temp2_uchar, mem2, sizeof(unsigned char)); /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { if ( PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed char,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar); if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar),per); } nfound++; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { PER_UNSIGN(signed char,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar); if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar),per); } nfound++; } } else if (temp1_uchar != temp2_uchar) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_float * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_float(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ float temp1_float; float temp2_float; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; int isnan1=0; int isnan2=0; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and !-p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_float, mem1, sizeof(float)); memcpy(&temp2_float, mem2, sizeof(float)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp1_float); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp2_float); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { if (ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(float); mem2+=sizeof(float); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* i */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * !-d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_float, mem1, sizeof(float)); memcpy(&temp2_float, mem2, sizeof(float)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp1_float); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp2_float); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_float,temp2_float); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_float,temp2_float, ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_float,temp2_float, ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float), ABS(1-temp2_float/temp1_float)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(float); mem2+=sizeof(float); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* i */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_float, mem1, sizeof(float)); memcpy(&temp2_float, mem2, sizeof(float)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp1_float); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&temp2_float); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_float,temp2_float); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_float,temp2_float, ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_float,temp2_float, ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float), ABS(1-temp2_float/temp1_float)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(float); mem2+=sizeof(float); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* i */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * no -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_float, mem1, sizeof(float)); memcpy(&temp2_float, mem2, sizeof(float)); if (equal_float(temp1_float,temp2_float,options)==FALSE) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_float,temp2_float,ABS(temp1_float-temp2_float)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(float); mem2+=sizeof(float); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_double * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_double(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ double temp1_double; double temp2_double; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; int isnan1=0; int isnan2=0; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and !-p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(double)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { if (ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(double); mem2+=sizeof(double); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* i */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * !-d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(double)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_double,temp2_double); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double), ABS(1-temp2_double/temp1_double)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(double); mem2+=sizeof(double); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* i */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(double)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_double,temp2_double); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double), ABS(1-temp2_double/temp1_double)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(double); mem2+=sizeof(double); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* i */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * no -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(double)); if (equal_double(temp1_double,temp2_double,options)==FALSE) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(double); mem2+=sizeof(double); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_ldouble * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_LDOUBLE type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 hsize_t diff_ldouble(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ long double temp1_double; long double temp2_double; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; int isnan1=0; int isnan2=0; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and !-p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(long double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(long double)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { if (ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long double); mem2+=sizeof(long double); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* i */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * !-d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(long double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(long double)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_double,temp2_double); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double), ABS(1-temp2_double/temp1_double)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long double); mem2+=sizeof(long double); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* i */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(long double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(long double)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( options->do_nans ) { isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp1_double); isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ( isnan1==0 && isnan2==0) { PER(temp1_double,temp2_double); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT_P,temp1_double,temp2_double, ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double), ABS(1-temp2_double/temp1_double)); } nfound++; } } /* one is NaN, assume difference */ else if ( isnan1==1 || isnan2==1) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long double); mem2+=sizeof(long double); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* i */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * no -d and -p *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_double, mem1, sizeof(long double)); memcpy(&temp2_double, mem2, sizeof(long double)); if (equal_ldouble(temp1_double,temp2_double,options)==FALSE) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(F_FORMAT,temp1_double,temp2_double,ABS(temp1_double-temp2_double)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long double); mem2+=sizeof(long double); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } #endif /* H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_schar * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_schar(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ char temp1_char; char temp2_char; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_char, mem1, sizeof(char)); memcpy(&temp2_char, mem2, sizeof(char)); if (ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_char,temp2_char,ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(char); mem2+=sizeof(char); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_char, mem1, sizeof(char)); memcpy(&temp2_char, mem2, sizeof(char)); PER(temp1_char,temp2_char); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_char,temp2_char, ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_char,temp2_char, ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(char); mem2+=sizeof(char); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_char, mem1, sizeof(char)); memcpy(&temp2_char, mem2, sizeof(char)); PER(temp1_char,temp2_char); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_char,temp2_char, ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_char,temp2_char, ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(char); mem2+=sizeof(char); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_char, mem1, sizeof(char)); memcpy(&temp2_char, mem2, sizeof(char)); if (temp1_char != temp2_char) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_char,temp2_char,ABS(temp1_char-temp2_char)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(char); mem2+=sizeof(char); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_uchar * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_uchar(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ unsigned char temp1_uchar; unsigned char temp2_uchar; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_uchar, mem1, sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(&temp2_uchar, mem2, sizeof(unsigned char)); if ( PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned char); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned char); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_uchar, mem1, sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(&temp2_uchar, mem2, sizeof(unsigned char)); PER_UNSIGN(signed char,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar, PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar, PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned char); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned char); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_uchar, mem1, sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(&temp2_uchar, mem2, sizeof(unsigned char)); PER_UNSIGN(signed char,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar, PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar, PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned char); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned char); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_uchar, mem1, sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(&temp2_uchar, mem2, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (temp1_uchar != temp2_uchar) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar,PDIFF(temp1_uchar,temp2_uchar)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned char); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned char); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_short * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_SHORT type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_short(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ short temp1_short; short temp2_short; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_short, mem1, sizeof(short)); memcpy(&temp2_short, mem2, sizeof(short)); if (ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_short,temp2_short,ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(short); mem2+=sizeof(short); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_short, mem1, sizeof(short)); memcpy(&temp2_short, mem2, sizeof(short)); PER(temp1_short,temp2_short); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_short,temp2_short, ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_short,temp2_short, ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(short); mem2+=sizeof(short); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_short, mem1, sizeof(short)); memcpy(&temp2_short, mem2, sizeof(short)); PER(temp1_short,temp2_short); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_short,temp2_short, ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_short,temp2_short, ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(short); mem2+=sizeof(short); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_short, mem1, sizeof(short)); memcpy(&temp2_short, mem2, sizeof(short)); if (temp1_short != temp2_short) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_short,temp2_short,ABS(temp1_short-temp2_short)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(short); mem2+=sizeof(short); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_ushort * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_USHORT type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_ushort(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ unsigned short temp1_ushort; unsigned short temp2_ushort; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ushort, mem1, sizeof(unsigned short)); memcpy(&temp2_ushort, mem2, sizeof(unsigned short)); if ( PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort,PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned short); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned short); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ushort, mem1, sizeof(unsigned short)); memcpy(&temp2_ushort, mem2, sizeof(unsigned short)); PER_UNSIGN(signed short,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort, PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort, PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned short); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned short); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ushort, mem1, sizeof(unsigned short)); memcpy(&temp2_ushort, mem2, sizeof(unsigned short)); PER_UNSIGN(signed short,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort, PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort, PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned short); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned short); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ushort, mem1, sizeof(unsigned short)); memcpy(&temp2_ushort, mem2, sizeof(unsigned short)); if (temp1_ushort != temp2_ushort) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort,PDIFF(temp1_ushort,temp2_ushort)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned short); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned short); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_int * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_INT type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_int(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ int temp1_int; int temp2_int; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_int, mem1, sizeof(int)); memcpy(&temp2_int, mem2, sizeof(int)); if (ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_int,temp2_int,ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(int); mem2+=sizeof(int); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_int, mem1, sizeof(int)); memcpy(&temp2_int, mem2, sizeof(int)); PER(temp1_int,temp2_int); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_int,temp2_int, ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_int,temp2_int, ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(int); mem2+=sizeof(int); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_int, mem1, sizeof(int)); memcpy(&temp2_int, mem2, sizeof(int)); PER(temp1_int,temp2_int); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_int,temp2_int, ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_int,temp2_int, ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(int); mem2+=sizeof(int); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_int, mem1, sizeof(int)); memcpy(&temp2_int, mem2, sizeof(int)); if (temp1_int != temp2_int) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_int,temp2_int,ABS(temp1_int-temp2_int)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(int); mem2+=sizeof(int); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_uint * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_UINT type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_uint(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ unsigned int temp1_uint; unsigned int temp2_uint; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_uint, mem1, sizeof(unsigned int)); memcpy(&temp2_uint, mem2, sizeof(unsigned int)); if ( PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned int); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned int); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_uint, mem1, sizeof(unsigned int)); memcpy(&temp2_uint, mem2, sizeof(unsigned int)); PER_UNSIGN(signed int,temp1_uint,temp2_uint); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uint,temp2_uint, PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned int); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned int); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_uint, mem1, sizeof(unsigned int)); memcpy(&temp2_uint, mem2, sizeof(unsigned int)); PER_UNSIGN(signed int,temp1_uint,temp2_uint); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT_P,temp1_uint,temp2_uint, PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned int); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned int); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_uint, mem1, sizeof(unsigned int)); memcpy(&temp2_uint, mem2, sizeof(unsigned int)); if (temp1_uint != temp2_uint) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(I_FORMAT,temp1_uint,temp2_uint,PDIFF(temp1_uint,temp2_uint)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned int); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned int); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_long * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_LONG type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_long(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ long temp1_long; long temp2_long; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_long, mem1, sizeof(long)); memcpy(&temp2_long, mem2, sizeof(long)); if (ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT,temp1_long,temp2_long,ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long); mem2+=sizeof(long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_long, mem1, sizeof(long)); memcpy(&temp2_long, mem2, sizeof(long)); PER(temp1_long,temp2_long); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_long,temp2_long, ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P,temp1_long,temp2_long, ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long); mem2+=sizeof(long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_long, mem1, sizeof(long)); memcpy(&temp2_long, mem2, sizeof(long)); PER(temp1_long,temp2_long); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_long,temp2_long, ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P,temp1_long,temp2_long, ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long); mem2+=sizeof(long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_long, mem1, sizeof(long)); memcpy(&temp2_long, mem2, sizeof(long)); if (temp1_long != temp2_long) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT,temp1_long,temp2_long,ABS(temp1_long-temp2_long)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long); mem2+=sizeof(long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_ulong * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_ULONG type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_ulong(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ unsigned long temp1_ulong; unsigned long temp2_ulong; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ulong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long)); memcpy(&temp2_ulong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long)); if ( PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned long); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ulong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long)); memcpy(&temp2_ulong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long)); PER_UNSIGN(signed long,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong, PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned long); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ulong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long)); memcpy(&temp2_ulong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long)); PER_UNSIGN(signed long,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT_P,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong, PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong), per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned long); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ulong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long)); memcpy(&temp2_ulong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long)); if (temp1_ulong != temp2_ulong) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LI_FORMAT,temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong,PDIFF(temp1_ulong,temp2_ulong)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned long); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_llong * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_LLONG type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_llong(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ long long temp1_llong; long long temp2_llong; hsize_t i; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_llong, mem1, sizeof(long long)); memcpy(&temp2_llong, mem2, sizeof(long long)); if (ABS( temp1_llong-temp2_llong) > options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long long); mem2+=sizeof(long long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_llong, mem1, sizeof(long long)); memcpy(&temp2_llong, mem2, sizeof(long long)); PER(temp1_llong,temp2_llong); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT_P,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong),per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long long); mem2+=sizeof(long long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_llong, mem1, sizeof(long long)); memcpy(&temp2_llong, mem2, sizeof(long long)); PER(temp1_llong,temp2_llong); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong) > options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT_P,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong),per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long long); mem2+=sizeof(long long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_llong, mem1, sizeof(long long)); memcpy(&temp2_llong, mem2, sizeof(long long)); if (temp1_llong != temp2_llong) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(LLI_FORMAT,temp1_llong,temp2_llong,ABS(temp1_llong-temp2_llong)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(long long); mem2+=sizeof(long long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: diff_ullong * * Purpose: diff a H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG type * * Return: number of differences found * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hsize_t diff_ullong(unsigned char *mem1, unsigned char *mem2, hsize_t nelmts, hsize_t hyper_start, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, diff_opt_t *options, const char *obj1, const char *obj2, int *ph) { hsize_t nfound=0; /* number of differences found */ unsigned long long temp1_ullong; unsigned long long temp2_ullong; hsize_t i; float f1, f2; double per; int both_zero; /* -d and !-p */ if (options->d && !options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ullong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long long)); memcpy(&temp2_ullong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long long)); if ( PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong) > (unsigned long long) options->delta) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned long long); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned long long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* !-d and -p */ else if (!options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ullong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long long)); memcpy(&temp2_ullong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long long)); ull2float(temp1_ullong,&f1); ull2float(temp2_ullong,&f2); PER(f1,f2); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT_P,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong),per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned long long); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned long long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } /* -d and -p */ else if ( options->d && options->p) { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ullong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long long)); memcpy(&temp2_ullong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long long)); ull2float(temp1_ullong,&f1); ull2float(temp2_ullong,&f2); PER(f1,f2); if (not_comparable && !both_zero) /* not comparable */ { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT_P_NOTCOMP,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong)); } nfound++; } else if ( per > options->percent && PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong) > (unsigned long long)options->delta ) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,1,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT_P,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong),per); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned long long); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned long long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < nelmts; i++) { memcpy(&temp1_ullong, mem1, sizeof(unsigned long long)); memcpy(&temp2_ullong, mem2, sizeof(unsigned long long)); if (temp1_ullong != temp2_ullong) { if ( print_data(options) ) { print_pos(ph,0,hyper_start+i,acc,pos,rank,dims,obj1,obj2); parallel_print(SPACES); parallel_print(ULLI_FORMAT,temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong,PDIFF(temp1_ullong,temp2_ullong)); } nfound++; } mem1+=sizeof(unsigned long long); mem2+=sizeof(unsigned long long); if (options->n && nfound>=options->count) return nfound; } /* nelmts */ } return nfound; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: ull2float * * Purpose: convert unsigned long long to float * * Programmer: pvn * Mar 22, 2006 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ull2float(unsigned long long ull_value, float *f_value) { hid_t dxpl_id; unsigned char *buf; size_t src_size; size_t dst_size; if((dxpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER))<0) return -1; src_size = H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG); dst_size = H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT); buf = (unsigned char*)calloc(1, MAX(src_size, dst_size)); memcpy(buf, &ull_value, src_size); /* do conversion */ if(H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 1, buf, NULL, dxpl_id)<0) goto error; memcpy(f_value, buf, dst_size); if(buf) free(buf); return 0; error: H5E_BEGIN_TRY { H5Pclose(dxpl_id); } H5E_END_TRY; if(buf) free(buf); return -1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: equal_double * * Purpose: use a absolute error formula to deal with floating point * uncertainty * * Modifications: * 8/1/2007. handle NaNs * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static hbool_t equal_double(double value, double expected, diff_opt_t *options) { if ( options->do_nans ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&value); int isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_DOUBLE,&expected); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * we consider NaN == NaN to be true *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( isnan1 && isnan2 ) { return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * one is a NaN, do not compare but assume difference *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( (isnan1 && !isnan2) || ( !isnan1 && isnan2 ) ) { return FALSE; } } if (value == expected) return TRUE; if (options->use_system_epsilon) { if ( ABS( (value-expected) ) < DBL_EPSILON) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: equal_ldouble * * Purpose: use a absolute error formula to deal with floating point * uncertainty * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 static hbool_t equal_ldouble(long double value, long double expected, diff_opt_t *options) { if ( options->do_nans ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&value); int isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_LDOUBLE,&expected); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * we consider NaN == NaN to be true *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( isnan1 && isnan2 ) { return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * one is a NaN, do not compare but assume difference *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( (isnan1 && !isnan2) || ( !isnan1 && isnan2 ) ) { return FALSE; } } if (value == expected) return TRUE; if (options->use_system_epsilon) { if ( ABS( (value-expected) ) < DBL_EPSILON) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #endif /* #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE !=0 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: equal_float * * Purpose: use a absolute error formula to deal with floating point * uncertainty * * Modifications: * 8/1/2007. handle NaNs * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static hbool_t equal_float(float value, float expected, diff_opt_t *options) { if ( options->do_nans ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int isnan1 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&value); int isnan2 = my_isnan(FLT_FLOAT,&expected); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * we consider NaN == NaN to be true *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( isnan1 && isnan2 ) { return TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * one is a NaN, do not compare but assume difference *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( (isnan1 && !isnan2) || ( !isnan1 && isnan2 ) ) { return FALSE; } } if (value == expected) return TRUE; if (options->use_system_epsilon) { if ( ABS( (value-expected) ) < FLT_EPSILON) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: my_isnan * * Purpose: Determines whether VAL points to NaN. * * Return: TRUE or FALSE * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Monday, July 6, 1998 * * Modifications: * Pedro Vicente, 12 October 2007. * Add a string detection type for WIN32 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int my_isnan(dtype_t type, void *val) { int retval = 0; char s[256]; if (FLT_FLOAT==type) { float x; HDmemcpy(&x, val, sizeof(float)); retval = (x!=x); } else if (FLT_DOUBLE==type) { double x; HDmemcpy(&x, val, sizeof(double)); retval = (x!=x); #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE!=H5_SIZEOF_DOUBLE && H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE!=0 } else if (FLT_LDOUBLE==type) { long double x; HDmemcpy(&x, val, sizeof(long double)); retval = (x!=x); #endif } else { return 0; } /* * Sometimes NaN==NaN (e.g., DEC Alpha) so we try to print it and see if * the result contains a NaN string. */ if (!retval) { if (FLT_FLOAT==type) { float x; HDmemcpy(&x, val, sizeof(float)); sprintf(s, "%g", x); } else if (FLT_DOUBLE==type) { double x; HDmemcpy(&x, val, sizeof(double)); sprintf(s, "%g", x); #if H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE!=H5_SIZEOF_DOUBLE && H5_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE!=0 } else if (FLT_LDOUBLE==type) { long double x; HDmemcpy(&x, val, sizeof(long double)); sprintf(s, "%Lg", x); #endif } else { return 0; } if ( HDstrstr(s, "NaN") || HDstrstr(s, "NAN") || HDstrstr(s, "nan") || HDstrstr(s, "-1.#IND") /* WIN32 */ ) { retval = 1; } } #ifdef H5_VMS /* For "float" and "double" on OpenVMS/Alpha, NaN is * actually a valid value of maximal value.*/ if(!retval) { if (FLT_FLOAT==type) { float x; HDmemcpy(&x, val, sizeof(float)); retval = (x==FLT_MAX || x==-FLT_MAX); } else if (FLT_DOUBLE==type) { double x; HDmemcpy(&x, val, sizeof(double)); retval = (x==DBL_MAX || x==-DBL_MAX); } else { return 0; } } #endif /*H5_VMS*/ return retval; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Local functions * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: print_data * * Purpose: print data only in report or verbose modes, and do not print in quiet mode *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int print_data(diff_opt_t *options) { return ( (options->m_report || options->m_verbose) && !options->m_quiet)?1:0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: print_header * * Purpose: print header for difference * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void print_header(int pp, /* print percentage */ int rank, hsize_t *dims, const char *obj1, const char *obj2 ) { /* print header */ parallel_print("%-16s","size:"); print_dimensions (rank,dims); parallel_print("%-11s",""); print_dimensions (rank,dims); parallel_print("\n"); if(pp) { parallel_print("%-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s\n", "position", (obj1!=NULL) ? obj1 : " ", (obj2!=NULL) ? obj2 : " ", "difference", "relative"); parallel_print("------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { parallel_print("%-15s %-15s %-15s %-20s\n", "position", (obj1!=NULL) ? obj1 : " ", (obj2!=NULL) ? obj2 : " ", "difference"); parallel_print("------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: print_pos * * Purpose: print in matrix notation, converting from an array index position * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void print_pos( int *ph, /* print header */ int pp, /* print percentage */ hsize_t curr_pos, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, int rank, hsize_t *dims, const char *obj1, const char *obj2 ) { int i; /* print header */ if ( *ph==1 ) { *ph=0; print_header(pp, rank, dims, obj1, obj2); } /* end print header */ for ( i = 0; i < rank; i++) { pos[i] = curr_pos/acc[i]; curr_pos -= acc[i]*pos[i]; } assert( curr_pos == 0 ); if ( rank > 0 ) { parallel_print("[ " ); for ( i = 0; i < rank; i++) { parallel_print(HSIZE_T_FORMAT, (unsigned long long)pos[i]); parallel_print(" "); } parallel_print("]" ); } else { parallel_print(" "); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: print_char_pos * * Purpose: print character position in string * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void print_char_pos( int *ph, /* print header */ int pp, /* print percentage */ hsize_t curr_pos, unsigned u, hsize_t *acc, hsize_t *pos, int rank, hsize_t *dims, const char *obj1, const char *obj2 ) { int i; /* print header */ if ( *ph==1 ) { *ph=0; print_header(pp, rank, dims, obj1, obj2); } /* end print header */ for ( i = 0; i < rank; i++) { pos[i] = curr_pos/acc[i]; curr_pos -= acc[i]*pos[i]; } assert( curr_pos == 0 ); parallel_print("[ " ); if ( rank > 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < rank; i++) { parallel_print(HSIZE_T_FORMAT, (unsigned long long)pos[i]); parallel_print(" "); } } else { parallel_print("%u", (unsigned)u); } parallel_print("]" ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: h5diff_print_char. Adapted from h5tools_print_char * * Purpose: Print a char * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void h5diff_print_char(char ch) { switch (ch) { case '"': parallel_print("\\\""); break; case '\\': parallel_print( "\\\\"); break; case '\b': parallel_print("\\b"); break; case '\f': parallel_print("\\f"); break; case '\n': parallel_print("\\n"); break; case '\r': parallel_print("\\r"); break; case '\t': parallel_print("\\t"); break; default: if (isprint(ch)) parallel_print( "%c", ch); else parallel_print( "\\%03o", ch); break; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * XCAO, 11/10/2010 * added to improve performance for compound datasets * set up compound datatype structures. */ static void set_comp_members(hid_t tid, mcomp_t *members) { int i; if (tid <=0 || !members) return; if (H5Tget_class(tid) != H5T_COMPOUND) return; members->n = H5Tget_nmembers( tid ); if (members->n <=0) return; members->ids = HDcalloc(members->n, sizeof(hid_t)); members->flags = HDcalloc(members->n, sizeof(unsigned char)); members->offsets = HDcalloc(members->n, sizeof(size_t)); members->m = HDcalloc(members->n, sizeof(mcomp_t *)); for (i=0; i< members->n; i++) { members->ids[i] = H5Tget_member_type( tid, i ); members->flags[i] = H5Tis_variable_str( members->ids[i] ); members->offsets[i] = H5Tget_member_offset( tid, i ); if (H5Tget_class( members->ids[i])==H5T_COMPOUND) { members->m[i] = (mcomp_t *)HDmalloc(sizeof(mcomp_t)); set_comp_members(members->ids[i], members->m[i]); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * XCAO, 11/10/2010 * added to improve performance for compound datasets * clean and close compound members. */ static void free_comp_members(mcomp_t *members) { int i; if (!members || members->n<=0 || !members->ids) return; for (i=0; i<members->n; i++) { if (members->m[i]) { free_comp_members(members->m[i]); HDfree(members->m[i]); } H5Tclose(members->ids[i]); } HDfree (members->m); HDfree (members->ids); HDfree (members->flags); HDfree (members->offsets); }