/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * Copyright by The HDF Group.                                               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
 *                                                                           *
 * This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
 * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
 * the files COPYING and Copyright.html.  COPYING can be found at the root   *
 * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the  *
 * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and   *
 * is linked from the top-level documents page.  It can also be found at     *
 * http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html.  If you do not have          *
 * access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.     *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* changes:
 * rename pio_timer.c as io_timer.c;
 * Removed pio_perf.h so that it is not dependant on it;
 * Removed set_timer_type() and get_timer_type() since no one calls them;
 * Merged sio_timer.c into io_timer.c;

 * Purpose:
 * This is a module of useful timing functions for performance testing.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "H5private.h"
#include "hdf5.h"

#include <mpi.h>

#include "io_timer.h"

 * The number to divide the tv_usec field with to get a nice decimal to add to
 * the number of seconds.
#define MICROSECOND     1000000.0F

/* global variables */
io_time_t   *timer_g;            /* timer: global for stub functions     */

 * Function:  sub_time
 * Purpose:   Struct two time values, and return the difference, in microseconds
 *         Note that the function assumes that a > b
 * Programmer: Leon Arber, 1/27/06
static double sub_time(struct timeval* a, struct timeval* b)
    return (((double)a->tv_sec +
     ((double)a->tv_usec) / MICROSECOND) -
  ((double)b->tv_sec +
   ((double)b->tv_usec) / MICROSECOND));

 * Function:    io_time_new
 * Purpose:     Build us a brand, spankin', new performance time object.
 *              The object is a black box to the user. They just tell us
 *              what type of timer they want (MPI_CLOCK for MPI_Wtime or
 *              SYS_CLOCK for system time).
 * Return:      Pointer to io_time object
 * Programmer:  Bill Wendling, 01. October 2001
 * Modifications:
io_time_t *
io_time_new(clock_type type)
    io_time_t *pt = (io_time_t *)HDcalloc(1, sizeof(struct io_time_t));

    /* set global timer variable */
    timer_g = pt;

    pt->type = type;
    return pt;

 * Function:    io_time_destroy
 * Purpose:     Remove the memory allocated for the io_time object. Only
 *              need to call on a pointer allocated with the ``io_time_new''
 *              function.
 * Return:      Nothing
 * Programmer:  Bill Wendling, 01. October 2001
 * Modifications:
io_time_destroy(io_time_t *pt)
    /* reset the global timer pointer too. */
    timer_g = NULL;

#if 0
/* no one is calling set_timer_type or get_timer_type ???*/
 * Function:    set_timer_type
 * Purpose:     Set the type of the timer to either MPI_CLOCK or SYS_CLOCK.
 *              This really only needs to be called if you didn't construct a
 *              timer with the pio_timer_new function (shame!).
 * Return:      Nothing
 * Programmer:  Bill Wendling, 04. October 2001
 * Modifications:
set_timer_type(io_time_t *pt, clock_type type)
    pt->type = type;

 * Function:    get_timer_type
 * Purpose:     Get the type of the timer.
 * Return:      MPI_CLOCK or SYS_CLOCK.
 * Programmer:  Bill Wendling, 04. October 2001
 * Modifications:
get_timer_type(io_time_t *pt)
    return pt->type;

 * Function:    set_time
 * Purpose:     Set the time in a ``io_time_t'' object.
 * Return:      Pointer to the passed in ``io_time_t'' object if SUCCEED; Null otherwise.
 * Programmer:  Bill Wendling, 01. October 2001
 * Modifications:
io_time_t *
set_time(io_time_t *pt, timer_type t, int start_stop)
    /* sanity check */

    case MPI_CLOCK:
	if (start_stop == TSTART) {
	    pt->mpi_timer[t] = MPI_Wtime();

	    /* When we start the timer for HDF5_FINE_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS or HDF5_FINE_READ_FIXED_DIMS
	     * we compute the time it took to only open the file */
		pt->total_time[HDF5_FILE_WRITE_OPEN] += pt->mpi_timer[t] - pt->mpi_timer[HDF5_GROSS_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS];
	    else if(t == HDF5_FINE_READ_FIXED_DIMS)
		pt->total_time[HDF5_FILE_READ_OPEN] += pt->mpi_timer[t] - pt->mpi_timer[HDF5_GROSS_READ_FIXED_DIMS];

	} else {
	    pt->total_time[t] += MPI_Wtime() - pt->mpi_timer[t];
	    pt->mpi_timer[t] = MPI_Wtime();

	    /* When we stop the timer for HDF5_GROSS_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS or HDF5_GROSS_READ_FIXED_DIMS
	     * we compute the time it took to close the file after the last read/write finished */
		pt->total_time[HDF5_FILE_WRITE_CLOSE] += pt->mpi_timer[t] - pt->mpi_timer[HDF5_FINE_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS];
	    else if(t == HDF5_GROSS_READ_FIXED_DIMS)
		pt->total_time[HDF5_FILE_READ_CLOSE] += pt->mpi_timer[t] - pt->mpi_timer[HDF5_FINE_READ_FIXED_DIMS];
    case MPI_CLOCK:
	    HDfprintf(stderr, "MPI clock set in serial library\n");
	    return NULL;
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
    case SYS_CLOCK:
            if (start_stop == TSTART) {
                HDgettimeofday(&pt->sys_timer[t], NULL);

		/* When we start the timer for HDF5_FINE_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS or HDF5_FINE_READ_FIXED_DIMS
		 * we compute the time it took to only open the file */
		    pt->total_time[HDF5_FILE_WRITE_OPEN] += sub_time(&(pt->sys_timer[t]), &(pt->sys_timer[HDF5_GROSS_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS]));
		else if(t == HDF5_FINE_READ_FIXED_DIMS)
		    pt->total_time[HDF5_FILE_READ_OPEN] += sub_time(&(pt->sys_timer[t]), &(pt->sys_timer[HDF5_GROSS_READ_FIXED_DIMS]));

            } else {
                struct timeval sys_t;

                HDgettimeofday(&sys_t, NULL);
                pt->total_time[t] += sub_time(&sys_t, &(pt->sys_timer[t]));

		/* When we stop the timer for HDF5_GROSS_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS or HDF5_GROSS_READ_FIXED_DIMS
		 * we compute the time it took to close the file after the last read/write finished */
		    pt->total_time[HDF5_FILE_WRITE_CLOSE] += sub_time(&(pt->sys_timer[t]), &(pt->sys_timer[HDF5_FINE_WRITE_FIXED_DIMS]));
		else if(t == HDF5_GROSS_READ_FIXED_DIMS)
		    pt->total_time[HDF5_FILE_READ_CLOSE] += sub_time(&(pt->sys_timer[t]), &(pt->sys_timer[HDF5_FINE_READ_FIXED_DIMS]));


	    HDfprintf(stderr, "Unknown time clock type (%d)\n", pt->type);
	    return NULL;
    } /* end switch */

#if 0
    /* this does not belong here. Need fix in h5perf code when set_time() is called. -AKC- */
    debug_start_stop_time(pt, t, start_stop);

    return pt;

 * Function:    get_time
 * Purpose:     Get the time from a ``io_time_t'' object.
 * Return:      The number of seconds as a DOUBLE.
 * Programmer:  Bill Wendling, 01. October 2001
 * Modifications:
get_time(io_time_t *pt, timer_type t)
    return pt->total_time[t];

#if 0
/* standalone is not working yet. Need fix later. -AKC- */
#include "pio_standalone.c"