# # Read-Only S3 Virtual File Driver (VFD) # Copyright (c) 2017-2018, The HDF Group. # # All rights reserved. # # NOTICE: # All information contained herein is, and remains, the property of The HDF # Group. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are # proprietary to The HDF Group. Dissemination of this information or # reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written # permission is obtained from The HDF Group. ## ## Makefile.am ## Run automake to generate a Makefile.in from this file. # # HDF5 Library Makefile(.in) # include $(top_srcdir)/config/commence.am # Include src and tools/lib directories AM_CPPFLAGS+=-I$(top_srcdir)/src -I$(top_srcdir)/tools/lib # All programs depend on the hdf5 and h5tools libraries LDADD=$(LIBH5TOOLS) $(LIBHDF5) # main target bin_PROGRAMS=h5tools_test_utils # check_PROGRAMS=$(TEST_PROG) include $(top_srcdir)/config/conclude.am