cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.12)
project (HDF5_TOOLS_SRC C)

#-- Add the h5diff and test executables
add_subdirectory (h5diff)

#-- Add the h5ls executable
add_subdirectory (h5ls)

#-- Misc Executables
add_subdirectory (misc)

#-- Add the h5import and test executables
add_subdirectory (h5import)

#-- h5Repack executables
add_subdirectory (h5repack)

#-- Add the h5dump and test executables
add_subdirectory (h5jam)

#-- Add the h5copy and test executables
add_subdirectory (h5copy)

#-- Add the h5stat and test executables
add_subdirectory (h5stat)

#-- Add the h5dump and test executables
add_subdirectory (h5dump)

#-- Add the h5format_convert and test executables
add_subdirectory (h5format_convert)