/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code * * distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. * * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from * * help@hdfgroup.org. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #include "H5private.h" #include "h5diff.h" #include "h5diff_common.h" #include "h5tools.h" #include "h5tools_utils.h" static int check_n_input(const char *); static int check_p_input(const char *); static int check_d_input(const char *); /* * Command-line options: The user can specify short or long-named * parameters. */ static const char * s_opts = "hVrv*qn:d:p:NcelxE:A:S"; static struct long_options l_opts[] = {{"help", no_arg, 'h'}, {"version", no_arg, 'V'}, {"report", no_arg, 'r'}, {"verbose", optional_arg, 'v'}, {"quiet", no_arg, 'q'}, {"count", require_arg, 'n'}, {"delta", require_arg, 'd'}, {"relative", require_arg, 'p'}, {"nan", no_arg, 'N'}, {"compare", no_arg, 'c'}, {"use-system-epsilon", no_arg, 'e'}, {"follow-symlinks", no_arg, 'l'}, {"no-dangling-links", no_arg, 'x'}, {"exclude-path", require_arg, 'E'}, {"exclude-attribute", require_arg, 'A'}, {"enable-error-stack", no_arg, 'S'}, {"vol-value-1", require_arg, '1'}, {"vol-name-1", require_arg, '2'}, {"vol-info-1", require_arg, '3'}, {"vol-value-2", require_arg, '4'}, {"vol-name-2", require_arg, '5'}, {"vol-info-2", require_arg, '6'}, {NULL, 0, '\0'}}; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: check_options * * Purpose: parse command line input *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void check_options(diff_opt_t *opts) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------- * check for mutually exclusive options *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* check between -d , -p, --use-system-epsilon. * These options are mutually exclusive. */ if ((opts->delta_bool + opts->percent_bool + opts->use_system_epsilon) > 1) { HDprintf("%s error: -d, -p and --use-system-epsilon options are mutually-exclusive;\n", PROGRAMNAME); HDprintf("use no more than one.\n"); HDprintf("Try '-h' or '--help' option for more information or see the %s entry in the 'HDF5 " "Reference Manual'.\n", PROGRAMNAME); h5diff_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: parse_hsize_list * * Purpose: Parse a list of comma or space separated integers and return * them in a list. The string being passed into this function * should be at the start of the list you want to parse. You are * responsible for freeing the array returned from here. * * Lists in the so-called "terse" syntax are separated by * semicolons (;). The lists themselves can be separated by * either commas (,) or white spaces. * * Return: *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void parse_hsize_list(const char *h_list, subset_d *d) { hsize_t * p_list; const char * ptr; unsigned int size_count = 0; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int last_digit = 0; if (!h_list || !*h_list || *h_list == ';') return; H5TOOLS_START_DEBUG(" - h_list:%s", h_list); /* count how many integers do we have */ for (ptr = h_list; ptr && *ptr && *ptr != ';' && *ptr != ']'; ptr++) if (HDisdigit(*ptr)) { if (!last_digit) /* the last read character wasn't a digit */ size_count++; last_digit = 1; } else last_digit = 0; if (size_count == 0) { /* there aren't any integers to read */ H5TOOLS_ENDDEBUG("No integers to read"); return; } H5TOOLS_DEBUG("Number integers to read=%ld", size_count); /* allocate an array for the integers in the list */ if ((p_list = (hsize_t *)HDcalloc(size_count, sizeof(hsize_t))) == NULL) H5TOOLS_INFO("Unable to allocate space for subset data"); for (ptr = h_list; i < size_count && ptr && *ptr && *ptr != ';' && *ptr != ']'; ptr++) if (HDisdigit(*ptr)) { /* we should have an integer now */ p_list[i++] = (hsize_t)HDstrtoull(ptr, NULL, 0); while (HDisdigit(*ptr)) /* scroll to end of integer */ ptr++; } d->data = p_list; d->len = size_count; H5TOOLS_ENDDEBUG(""); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: parse_subset_params * * Purpose: Parse the so-called "terse" syntax for specifying subsetting parameters. * * Return: Success: struct subset_t object * Failure: NULL *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct subset_t * parse_subset_params(const char *dset) { struct subset_t *s = NULL; char * brace; H5TOOLS_START_DEBUG(" - dset:%s", dset); if ((brace = HDstrrchr(dset, '[')) != NULL) { *brace++ = '\0'; s = (struct subset_t *)HDcalloc(1, sizeof(struct subset_t)); parse_hsize_list(brace, &s->start); while (*brace && *brace != ';') brace++; if (*brace) brace++; parse_hsize_list(brace, &s->stride); while (*brace && *brace != ';') brace++; if (*brace) brace++; parse_hsize_list(brace, &s->count); while (*brace && *brace != ';') brace++; if (*brace) brace++; parse_hsize_list(brace, &s->block); } H5TOOLS_ENDDEBUG(""); return s; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: parse_command_line * * Purpose: parse command line input *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parse_command_line(int argc, const char *argv[], const char **fname1, const char **fname2, const char **objname1, const char **objname2, diff_opt_t *opts) { int i; int opt; struct exclude_path_list *exclude_head, *exclude_prev, *exclude_node; struct exclude_path_list *exclude_attr_head, *exclude_attr_prev, *exclude_attr_node; H5TOOLS_START_DEBUG(""); /* process the command-line */ HDmemset(opts, 0, sizeof(diff_opt_t)); /* assume equal contents initially */ opts->contents = 1; /* NaNs are handled by default */ opts->do_nans = 1; /* not Listing objects that are not comparable */ opts->mode_list_not_cmp = 0; /* initially no not-comparable. */ /**this is bad in mixing option with results**/ opts->not_cmp = 0; /* init for exclude-path option */ exclude_head = NULL; /* init for exclude-attribute option */ exclude_attr_head = NULL; /* parse command line options */ while ((opt = get_option(argc, argv, s_opts, l_opts)) != EOF) { switch ((char)opt) { default: usage(); h5diff_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'h': usage(); h5diff_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'V': print_version(h5tools_getprogname()); h5diff_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'v': opts->mode_verbose = 1; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { /* * special check for short opt */ if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { if (opt_arg != NULL) opt_ind--; opts->mode_verbose_level = 0; break; } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-v", (size_t)2)) { if (opt_arg != NULL) opt_ind--; opts->mode_verbose_level = atoi(&argv[i][2]); break; } else { if (opt_arg != NULL) opts->mode_verbose_level = HDatoi(opt_arg); else opts->mode_verbose_level = 0; } } break; case 'q': /* use quiet mode; supress the message "0 differences found" */ opts->mode_quiet = 1; break; case 'r': opts->mode_report = 1; break; case 'l': opts->follow_links = TRUE; break; case 'x': opts->no_dangle_links = 1; break; case 'S': enable_error_stack = 1; break; case 'E': opts->exclude_path = 1; /* create linked list of excluding objects */ if ((exclude_node = (struct exclude_path_list *)HDmalloc(sizeof(struct exclude_path_list))) == NULL) { HDprintf("Error: lack of memory!\n"); h5diff_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* init */ exclude_node->obj_path = opt_arg; exclude_node->obj_type = H5TRAV_TYPE_UNKNOWN; exclude_prev = exclude_head; if (NULL == exclude_head) { exclude_head = exclude_node; exclude_head->next = NULL; } else { while (NULL != exclude_prev->next) exclude_prev = exclude_prev->next; exclude_node->next = NULL; exclude_prev->next = exclude_node; } break; case 'A': opts->exclude_attr_path = 1; /* create linked list of excluding objects */ if ((exclude_attr_node = (struct exclude_path_list *)HDmalloc(sizeof(struct exclude_path_list))) == NULL) { HDprintf("Error: lack of memory!\n"); h5diff_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* init */ exclude_attr_node->obj_path = opt_arg; exclude_attr_node->obj_type = H5TRAV_TYPE_UNKNOWN; exclude_attr_prev = exclude_attr_head; if (NULL == exclude_attr_head) { exclude_attr_head = exclude_attr_node; exclude_attr_head->next = NULL; } else { while (NULL != exclude_attr_prev->next) exclude_attr_prev = exclude_attr_prev->next; exclude_attr_node->next = NULL; exclude_attr_prev->next = exclude_attr_node; } break; case 'd': opts->delta_bool = 1; if (check_d_input(opt_arg) == -1) { HDprintf("<-d %s> is not a valid option\n", opt_arg); usage(); h5diff_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } opts->delta = HDatof(opt_arg); /* do not check against default, the DBL_EPSILON is being replaced by user */ break; case 'p': opts->percent_bool = 1; if (check_p_input(opt_arg) == -1) { HDprintf("<-p %s> is not a valid option\n", opt_arg); usage(); h5diff_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } opts->percent = HDatof(opt_arg); /* -p 0 is the same as default */ if (H5_DBL_ABS_EQUAL(opts->percent, (double)0.0F)) opts->percent_bool = 0; break; case 'n': opts->count_bool = 1; if (check_n_input(opt_arg) == -1) { HDprintf("<-n %s> is not a valid option\n", opt_arg); usage(); h5diff_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } opts->count = HDstrtoull(opt_arg, NULL, 0); break; case 'N': opts->do_nans = 0; break; case 'c': opts->mode_list_not_cmp = 1; break; case 'e': opts->use_system_epsilon = 1; break; case '1': opts->vol_info[0].type = VOL_BY_VALUE; opts->vol_info[0].u.value = (H5VL_class_value_t)HDatoi(opt_arg); opts->custom_vol[0] = TRUE; break; case '2': opts->vol_info[0].type = VOL_BY_NAME; opts->vol_info[0].u.name = opt_arg; opts->custom_vol[0] = TRUE; break; case '3': opts->vol_info[0].info_string = opt_arg; break; case '4': opts->vol_info[1].type = VOL_BY_VALUE; opts->vol_info[1].u.value = (H5VL_class_value_t)HDatoi(opt_arg); opts->custom_vol[1] = TRUE; break; case '5': opts->vol_info[1].type = VOL_BY_NAME; opts->vol_info[1].u.name = opt_arg; opts->custom_vol[1] = TRUE; break; case '6': opts->vol_info[1].info_string = opt_arg; break; } } /* check options */ check_options(opts); /* if exclude-path option is used, keep the exclude path list */ if (opts->exclude_path) opts->exclude = exclude_head; /* if exclude-attribute option is used, keep the exclude attr list */ if (opts->exclude_attr_path) opts->exclude_attr = exclude_attr_head; /* check for file names to be processed */ if (argc <= opt_ind || argv[opt_ind + 1] == NULL) { error_msg("missing file names\n"); usage(); h5diff_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } *fname1 = argv[opt_ind]; *fname2 = argv[opt_ind + 1]; *objname1 = argv[opt_ind + 2]; H5TOOLS_DEBUG("file1 = %s", *fname1); H5TOOLS_DEBUG("file2 = %s", *fname2); if (*objname1 == NULL) { *objname2 = NULL; H5TOOLS_ENDDEBUG("No obj names"); return; } H5TOOLS_DEBUG("objname1 = %s", *objname1); if (argv[opt_ind + 3] != NULL) { *objname2 = argv[opt_ind + 3]; } else { *objname2 = *objname1; } H5TOOLS_DEBUG("objname2 = %s", *objname2); /* * TRILABS_227 is complete except for an issue with printing indices * the following calls will enable subsetting */ opts->sset[0] = parse_subset_params(*objname1); opts->sset[1] = parse_subset_params(*objname2); H5TOOLS_ENDDEBUG(""); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: print_info * * Purpose: print several information messages after h5diff call *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void print_info(diff_opt_t *opts) { if (opts->mode_quiet || opts->err_stat) return; if (opts->cmn_objs == 0) { HDprintf("No common objects found. Files are not comparable.\n"); if (!opts->mode_verbose) HDprintf("Use -v for a list of objects.\n"); } if (opts->not_cmp == 1) { if (opts->mode_list_not_cmp == 0) { HDprintf("--------------------------------\n"); HDprintf("Some objects are not comparable\n"); HDprintf("--------------------------------\n"); if (opts->mode_verbose) HDprintf("Use -c for a list of objects without details of differences.\n"); else HDprintf("Use -c for a list of objects.\n"); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: check_n_input * * Purpose: check for valid input * * Return: 1 for ok, -1 for fail *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ H5_ATTR_PURE static int check_n_input(const char *str) { unsigned i; char c; for (i = 0; i < HDstrlen(str); i++) { c = str[i]; if (i == 0) { if (c < 49 || c > 57) /* ascii values between 1 and 9 */ return -1; } else if (c < 48 || c > 57) /* 0 also */ return -1; } return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: check_p_input * * Purpose: check for a valid p option input * * Return: 1 for ok, -1 for fail *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int check_p_input(const char *str) { double x; /* * the atof return value on a hexadecimal input is different * on some systems; we do a character check for this */ if (HDstrlen(str) > 2 && str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x') return -1; x = HDatof(str); if (x < 0) return -1; return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: check_d_input * * Purpose: check for a valid d option input * * Return: 1 for ok, -1 for fail *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int check_d_input(const char *str) { double x; /* * the atof return value on a hexadecimal input is different * on some systems; we do a character check for this */ if (HDstrlen(str) > 2 && str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x') return -1; x = HDatof(str); if (x < 0) return -1; return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: usage * * Purpose: print a usage message * * Return: void *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void usage(void) { PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "usage: h5diff [OPTIONS] file1 file2 [obj1[ obj2]]\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " file1 File name of the first HDF5 file\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " file2 File name of the second HDF5 file\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " [obj1] Name of an HDF5 object, in absolute path\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " [obj2] Name of an HDF5 object, in absolute path\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " OPTIONS\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -h, --help\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Print a usage message and exit.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -V, --version\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Print version number and exit.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -r, --report\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Report mode. Print differences.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -v --verbose\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Verbose mode. Print differences information and list of objects.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -vN --verbose=N\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Verbose mode with level. Print differences and list of objects.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Level of detail depends on value of N:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 0 : Identical to '-v' or '--verbose'.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 1 : All level 0 information plus one-line attribute status summary.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 2 : All level 1 information plus extended attribute status report.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 3 : All level 2 information plus file names.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -q, --quiet\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Quiet mode. Do not produce output.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --enable-error-stack\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Prints messages from the HDF5 error stack as they occur.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --vol-value-1 Value (ID) of the VOL connector to use for opening the\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " first HDF5 file specified\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --vol-name-1 Name of the VOL connector to use for opening the first\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " HDF5 file specified\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --vol-info-1 VOL-specific info to pass to the VOL connector used for\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " opening the first HDF5 file specified\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --vol-value-2 Value (ID) of the VOL connector to use for opening the\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " second HDF5 file specified\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --vol-name-2 Name of the VOL connector to use for opening the second\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " HDF5 file specified\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --vol-info-2 VOL-specific info to pass to the VOL connector used for\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " opening the second HDF5 file specified\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --follow-symlinks\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Follow symbolic links (soft links and external links and compare the)\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " links' target objects.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If symbolic link(s) with the same name exist in the files being\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " compared, then determine whether the target of each link is an existing\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " object (dataset, group, or named datatype) or the link is a dangling\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " link (a soft or external link pointing to a target object that does\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " not yet exist).\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " - If both symbolic links are dangling links, they are treated as being\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " the same; by default, h5diff returns an exit code of 0.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If, however, --no-dangling-links is used with --follow-symlinks,\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " this situation is treated as an error and h5diff returns an\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " exit code of 2.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " - If only one of the two links is a dangling link,they are treated as\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " being different and h5diff returns an exit code of 1.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If, however, --no-dangling-links is used with --follow-symlinks,\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " this situation is treated as an error and h5diff returns an\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " exit code of 2.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " - If both symbolic links point to existing objects, h5diff compares the\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " two objects.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If any symbolic link specified in the call to h5diff does not exist,\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " h5diff treats it as an error and returns an exit code of 2.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --no-dangling-links\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Must be used with --follow-symlinks option; otherwise, h5diff shows\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " error message and returns an exit code of 2.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Check for any symbolic links (soft links or external links) that do not\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " resolve to an existing object (dataset, group, or named datatype).\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If any dangling link is found, this situation is treated as an error\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " and h5diff returns an exit code of 2.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -c, --compare\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " List objects that are not comparable\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -N, --nan\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Avoid NaNs detection\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -n C, --count=C\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Print differences up to C. C must be a positive integer.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -d D, --delta=D\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Print difference if (|a-b| > D). D must be a positive number. Where a\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " is the data point value in file1 and b is the data point value in file2.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Can not use with '-p' or '--use-system-epsilon'.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -p R, --relative=R\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Print difference if (|(a-b)/b| > R). R must be a positive number. Where a\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " is the data point value in file1 and b is the data point value in file2.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Can not use with '-d' or '--use-system-epsilon'.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --use-system-epsilon\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM( rawoutstream, " Print difference if (|a-b| > EPSILON), EPSILON is system defined value. Where a\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " is the data point value in file1 and b is the data point value in file2.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If the system epsilon is not defined,one of the following predefined\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " values will be used:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " FLT_EPSILON = 1.19209E-07 for floating-point type\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045E-16 for double precision type\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Can not use with '-p' or '-d'.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --exclude-path \"path\"\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Exclude the specified path to an object when comparing files or groups.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If a group is excluded, all member objects will also be excluded.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " The specified path is excluded wherever it occurs.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " This flexibility enables the same option to exclude either objects that\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " exist only in one file or common objects that are known to differ.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " When comparing files, \"path\" is the absolute path to the excluded;\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " object; when comparing groups, \"path\" is similar to the relative\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " path from the group to the excluded object. This \"path\" can be\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " taken from the first section of the output of the --verbose option.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " For example, if you are comparing the group /groupA in two files and\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " you want to exclude /groupA/groupB/groupC in both files, the exclude\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " option would read as follows:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --exclude-path \"/groupB/groupC\"\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If there are multiple paths to an object, only the specified path(s)\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " will be excluded; the comparison will include any path not explicitly\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " excluded.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " This option can be used repeatedly to exclude multiple paths.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " --exclude-attribute \"path/to/object/with/attribute\"\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM( rawoutstream, " Exclude attributes on the specified path to an object when comparing files or groups.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If there are multiple paths to an object, only the specified path(s)\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " will be excluded; the comparison will include any path not explicitly\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " excluded.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " This option can be used repeatedly to exclude multiple paths.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Modes of output:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Default mode: print the number of differences found and where they occured\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -r Report mode: print the above plus the differences\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -v Verbose mode: print the above plus a list of objects and warnings\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " -q Quiet mode: do not print output\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " File comparison:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " If no objects [obj1[ obj2]] are specified, the h5diff comparison proceeds as\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " a comparison of the two files' root groups. That is, h5diff first compares\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " the names of root group members, generates a report of root group objects\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " that appear in only one file or in both files, and recursively compares\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " common objects.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Object comparison:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 1) Groups\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " First compares the names of member objects (relative path, from the\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " specified group) and generates a report of objects that appear in only\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " one group or in both groups. Common objects are then compared recursively.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 2) Datasets\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Array rank and dimensions, datatypes, and data values are compared.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 3) Datatypes\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " The comparison is based on the return value of H5Tequal.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 4) Symbolic links\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " The paths to the target objects are compared.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " (The option --follow-symlinks overrides the default behavior when\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " symbolic links are compared.).\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); /* * TRILABS_227 is complete except for an issue with printing indices * the following will be needed for subsetting */ PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Subsetting options:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Subsetting is available by using the fcompact form of subsetting, as follows:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " obj1 /foo/mydataset[START;STRIDE;COUNT;BLOCK]\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " It is not required to use all parameters, but until the last parameter value used,\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM( rawoutstream, " all of the semicolons (;) are required, even when a parameter value is not specified. Example:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " obj1 /foo/mydataset[START;;COUNT;BLOCK]\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " obj1 /foo/mydataset[START]\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " The STRIDE, COUNT, and BLOCK parameters are optional and will default to 1 in\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " each dimension. START is optional and will default to 0 in each dimension.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM( rawoutstream, " Each of START, STRIDE, COUNT, and BLOCK must be a comma-separated list of integers with\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " one integer for each dimension of the dataset.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Exit code:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 0 if no differences, 1 if differences found, 2 if error\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Examples of use:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 1) h5diff file1 file2 /g1/dset1 /g1/dset2\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Compares object '/g1/dset1' in file1 with '/g1/dset2' in file2\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 2) h5diff file1 file2 /g1/dset1\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Compares object '/g1/dset1' in both files\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " 3) h5diff file1 file2\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Compares all objects in both files\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Notes:\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " file1 and file2 can be the same file.\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " Use h5diff file1 file1 /g1/dset1 /g1/dset2 to compare\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, " '/g1/dset1' and '/g1/dset2' in the same file\n"); PRINTVALSTREAM(rawoutstream, "\n"); }