Expected output for 'h5diff h5diff_test1.h5'
$h5diff h5diff_test1.h5
Number of arguments is only 2
Usage: h5diff [obj1_name] [obj2_name] [OPTIONS] file1_name file2_name
Items in [ ] are optional
[obj1_name]       Name of an HDF5 object
[obj2_name]       Name of an HDF5 object
file1_name        File name of the first HDF5 file
file2_name        File name of the second HDF5 file
[OPTIONS] are:
[-h ]             Print out this information
[-r ]             Print only what objects differ
[-n count]        Print difference up to count number for each variable
[-d delta]        Print difference when it is greater than limit delta
[-p relative]     Print differences which are within a relative error value
[-m ]             Print differences on a sequential match iteration