@echo off rem rem Copyright by The HDF Group. rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. rem All rights reserved. rem rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at rem http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have rem access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. rem rem Tests for the h5copy tool rem rem Created: Scott Wegner, 8/16/07 rem Modified: Scott Wegner, 8/22/07 rem rem We don't currently build DLL version of h5copy, but this test script is rem setup to support it if we do in the future. --SJW 8/22/07 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion pushd %~dp0 set EXIT_SUCCESS=0 set EXIT_FAILURE=1 rem The tool name set h5copy=h5copy%2 rem The path of the tool binary set h5copy_bin=%CD%\%1\%h5copy% rem The h5diff tool name set h5diff=h5diff%2 rem The path of the h5diff too binary set h5diff_bin=%CD%\..\%h5diff%\%1\%h5diff% rem The h5ls tool name set h5ls=h5ls%2 rem Arguments to the h5ls tool set h5ls_args=-Svr rem The path of the h5ls tool binary set h5ls_bin=%CD%\..\%h5ls%\%1\%h5ls% set /a nerrors=0 set verbose=yes set srcfile1=h5copytst.h5 set srcfile2=h5copy_ref.h5 set hdf_ext_src_file=h5copy_extlinks_src.h5 set hdf_ext_trg_file=h5copy_extlinks_trg.h5 set indir=%CD%\testfiles set outdir=%CD%\..\testfiles if not exist %outdir% mkdir %outdir% goto main rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters rem beginning with the word "Testing". rem :testing set test_msg=Testing for %%a in (%*) do ( if %%a neq PASSED ( if %%a neq *FAILED* ( set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa ) ) ) set test_msg=%test_msg% echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1 exit /b rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters rem beginning with the word "Verifying". rem :verify set verify_msg=Verifying h5diff output for %%a in (%*) do ( if %%a neq PASSED ( if %%a neq *FAILED* ( set verify_msg=!verify_msg! %%~nxa ) ) ) set verify_msg=%verify_msg% echo.%verify_msg:~0,69% %1 exit /b rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters rem beginning with the word "Verifying". rem :verify_h5ls set verifyh5ls_msg=Verifying h5ls file structure for %%a in (%*) do ( if %%a neq PASSED ( if %%a neq *FAILED* ( set verifyh5ls_msg=!verifyh5ls_msg! %%~nxa ) ) ) set verifyh5ls_msg=%verifyh5ls_msg% echo.%verifyh5ls_msg:~0,69% %1 exit /b rem Run a test and print PASS or *FAIL*. If h5copy can complete rem with exit status 0, consider it pass. If a test fails then increment rem the `nerrors' global variable. rem Assumed arguments: rem $1 is -i rem $2 is input file rem $3 is -o rem $4 is output file rem $* everything else arguments for h5copy. :tooltest set runh5diff=yes if "%1"=="-i" ( set inputfile=%2 ) else ( set runh5diff=no ) if "%3"=="-o" ( set outputfile=%4 ) else ( set runh5diff=no ) ( echo.############################# echo. output for %h5copy% %* echo.############################# %h5copy_bin% %* ) > output.out if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( call :testing *FAILED* %h5copy% %* echo.failed result is: type output.out set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1 ) else ( call :testing PASSED %h5copy% %* rem Clean up output file if not defined HDF5_NOCLEANUP ( del /f output.out ) ) if %runh5diff% neq no ( call :h5difftest %inputfile% %outputfile% %7 %9 ) exit /b :tooltest_fail set runh5diff=yes if "%1"=="-i" ( set inputfile=%2 ) else ( set runh5diff=no ) if "%3"=="-o" ( set outputfile=%4 ) else ( set runh5diff=no ) ( echo.############################# echo. output for %h5copy% %* echo.############################# %h5copy_bin% %* ) > output.out if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( call :testing *FAILED* %h5copy% %* echo.failed result is: type output.out set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1 ) else ( call :testing PASSED %h5copy% %* rem Clean up output file if not defined HDF5_NOCLEANUP ( del /f output.out ) ) if %runh5diff% neq no ( call :h5difftest_fail %inputfile% %outputfile% %7 %9 ) exit /b rem Call the h5diff tool rem :h5difftest %h5diff_bin% -q %* if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( call :verify *FAILED* %* set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1 ) else ( call :verify PASSED %* ) exit /b rem Call the h5diff tool with a call that is expected to fail rem :h5difftest_fail %h5diff_bin% -q %* if %errorlevel% neq 1 ( call :verify *FAILED* %* set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1 ) else ( call :verify PASSED %* ) exit /b rem Call the h5ls tool to verify the correct output data in the destination file rem :h5lstest set expect=%indir%\%~n1.ls set expect_parsed=%expect%.parsed set actual=%outdir%\%~n1.out set actual_parsed=%actual%.parsed rem Stderr is included in stdout so that the diff can detect rem any unexpected output from that stream too. rem rem Note: The modification time and storage utilization are masked off rem so that the output is more portable ( echo.############################# echo.Expected output for %h5ls% %* echo.############################# %h5ls_bin% %h5ls_args% %* ) > %actual% 2>&1 rem Windows doesn't have "sed" command, and parsing the files line-by-line rem to emulate Unix takes a very long time. Instead, we simply remove lines rem with "Modified" or "Storage". We also remove lines "Opened (filename) rem with sec2 driver" and "Expected output for (h5ls test)", because Windows rem paths differ from Linux. Do this for actual and expected otput. rem If there is a better alternative in the future, we should use it instead. rem --SJW 8/22/07 for %%a in (expect actual) do ( findstr /v /c:" Modified:" !%%a! > tmp.txt findstr /v /c:" Storage:" tmp.txt > tmp2.txt findstr /v /b /c:"Expected output for " tmp2.txt > tmp.txt findstr /v /b /c:"Opened " tmp.txt > !%%a_parsed! ) del /f tmp.txt tmp2.txt rem Don't special case non-existing expected output as Linux does, because rem we depend on it above to parse anyway. It should be an error if it rem doesn't exist. --SJW 8/22/07 rem if not exist %expect% ( rem rem Create the expect file if it doesn't yet exist rem call :verify_h5ls CREATED %* rem copy %actual% %expect% rem ) else ( fc %expect_parsed% %actual_parsed% > nul if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( call :verify_h5ls PASSED %* ) else ( call :verify_h5ls *FAILED* %* echo. Expected result ^(*.ls^) differs from actual result ^(*.out^) set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1 if "yes"=="%verbose%" fc %expect_parsed% %actual_parsed% ) rem ) rem Clean up output file if not defined HDF5_NOCLEANUP ( for %%a in (%actual% %actual_parsed% %expect_parsed%) do del /f %%a ) exit /b rem Copy single datasets of various forms from one group to another, rem adding object copied to the destination file each time rem rem Assumed arguments: rem :copyobjects set testfile=%indir%\%srcfile1% set fileout=%outdir%\%srcfile1:.h5=.out.h5% rem Remove any output file left over from previous test run del /f %fileout% 2> nul echo.Test copying various forms of datasets call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s simple -d simple call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s chunk -d chunk call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s compact -d compact call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s compound -d compound call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s compressed -d compressed call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s named_vl -d named_vl call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s nested_vl -d nested_vl echo.Test copying dataset within group in source file to root of destination call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s grp_dsets/simple -d simple_top echo.Test copying ^& renaming dataset. call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s compound -d rename echo.Test copying empty, 'full' ^& 'nested' groups call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s grp_empty -d grp_empty call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s grp_dsets -d grp_dsets call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s grp_nested -d grp_nested echo.Test copying dataset within group in source file to group in destination call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s /grp_dsets/simple -d /grp_dsets/simple_group echo.Test copying ^& renaming group call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s grp_dsets -d grp_rename echo.Test copying 'full' group hierarchy into group in destination file call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s grp_dsets -d /grp_rename/grp_dsets echo.Test copying objects into group hier. that doesn't exist yet in destination file call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -vp -s simple -d /A/B1/simple call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -vp -s simple -d /A/B2/simple2 call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -vp -s /grp_dsets/simple -d /C/D/simple call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -vp -s /grp_dsets -d /E/F/grp_dsets call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -vp -s /grp_nested -d /G/H/grp_nested rem Verify that the file created above is correct call :h5lstest %fileout% rem Remove output file created, if the "no cleanup" environment variable is rem not defined if not defined HDF5_NOCLEANUP ( del /f %fileout% ) exit /b rem Copy references in various way. rem adding to the destination file each time compare the result rem rem Assumed arguments: rem :copyreferences set testfile=%indir%\%srcfile2% set fileout=%outdir%\%srcfile2:.h5=.out.h5% rem Remove any output file left over from previous test run del /f %fileout% 2> nul echo.Test copying object and region references rem echo.TOOLTEST -f ref -i $TESTFILE -o $FILEOUT -v -s / -d /COPY call :tooltest -f ref -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s / -d /COPY rem Verify that the file created above is correct call :h5lstest %fileout% rem Remove output file created, if the "no cleanup" environment variable is rem not defined if not defined HDF5_NOCLEANUP ( del /f %fileout% ) exit /b rem Copy external links. rem adding to the destination file each time compare the result rem rem Assumed arguments: rem :copy_ext_links set testfile=%indir%\%hdf_ext_src_file% set fileout=%outdir%\%hdf_ext_src_file:.h5=.out.h5% rem Remove any output file left over from previous test run del /f %fileout% 2> nul echo.Test copying external link directly without -f ext call :tooltest -v -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -s /group_ext/extlink_dset -d /copy1_dset echo.Test copying external link directly with -f ext call :tooltest -f ext -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s /group_ext/extlink_dset -d /copy2_dset echo.Test copying dangling external link (no obj) directly without -f ext call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s /group_ext/extlink_notyet1 -d /copy_dangle1_1 echo.Test copying dangling external link (no obj) directly with -f ext call :tooltest -f ext -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s /group_ext/extlink_notyet1 -d /copy_dangle1_2 echo.Test copying dangling external link (no file) directly without -f ext call :tooltest -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s /group_ext/extlink_notyet2 -d /copy_dangle2_1 echo.Test copying dangling external link (no file) directly with -f ext call :tooltest -f ext -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -s /group_ext/extlink_notyet2 -d /copy_dangle2_2 echo.Test copying a group contains external links without -f ext call :tooltest -v -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -s /group_ext -d /copy1_group echo.Test copying a group contains external links with -f ext call :tooltest -f ext -i %testfile% -o %fileout% -v -f ext -s /group_ext -d /copy2_group rem Verify that the file created above is correct call :h5lstest %fileout% rem Remove output file created, if the "no cleanup" environment variable is rem not defined if not defined HDF5_NOCLEANUP ( del /f %fileout% ) exit /b rem ############################################################################## rem ### T H E T E S T S ### rem ############################################################################## :main call :copyobjects call :copyreferences call :copy_ext_links if %nerrors% equ 0 ( echo.All h5copy tests passed. ) popd endlocal & exit /b %nerrors%