@echo off rem rem Copyright by The HDF Group. rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. rem All rights reserved. rem rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at rem http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have rem access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. rem rem Tests for the h5diff tool rem rem Created: Scott Wegner, 8/22/07 rem Modified: Allen Byrne, 2/23/10 rem setlocal enabledelayedexpansion pushd %~dp0 rem ############################################################################ rem test file names rem ############################################################################ set indir=%CD%\testfiles set srcfile1=h5diff_basic1.h5 set srcfile2=h5diff_basic2.h5 set srcfile3=h5diff_types.h5 set srcfile4=h5diff_dtypes.h5 set srcfile5=h5diff_attr1.h5 set srcfile6=h5diff_attr2.h5 set srcfile7=h5diff_dset1.h5 set srcfile8=h5diff_dset2.h5 set srcfile9=h5diff_hyper1.h5 set srcfile10=h5diff_hyper2.h5 set srcfile11=h5diff_empty.h5 set srcfile12=h5diff_links.h5 set srcfile13=h5diff_softlinks.h5 set srcfile14=h5diff_linked_softlink.h5 set srcfile15=h5diff_extlink_src.h5 set srcfile16=h5diff_extlink_trg.h5 set srcfile17=h5diff_ext2softlink_src.h5 set srcfile18=h5diff_ext2softlink_trg.h5 set srclnkfile1=h5diff_danglelinks1.h5 set srclnkfile2=h5diff_danglelinks2.h5 set file1=%indir%\h5diff_basic1.h5 set file2=%indir%\h5diff_basic2.h5 set file3=%indir%\h5diff_types.h5 set file4=%indir%\h5diff_dtypes.h5 set file5=%indir%\h5diff_attr1.h5 set file6=%indir%\h5diff_attr2.h5 set file7=%indir%\h5diff_dset1.h5 set file8=%indir%\h5diff_dset2.h5 set file9=%indir%\h5diff_hyper1.h5 set file10=%indir%\h5diff_hyper2.h5 set file11=%indir%\h5diff_empty.h5 set file12=%indir%\h5diff_links.h5 set file13=%indir%\h5diff_softlinks.h5 set file14=%indir%\h5diff_linked_softlink.h5 set file15=%indir%\h5diff_extlink_src.h5 set file16=%indir%\h5diff_extlink_trg.h5 set file17=%indir%\h5diff_ext2softlink_src.h5 set file18=%indir%\h5diff_ext2softlink_trg.h5 set lnkfile1=%indir%\h5diff_danglelinks1.h5 set lnkfile2=%indir%\h5diff_danglelinks2.h5 rem The tool name set h5diff=h5diff%2 rem The path of the tool binary set h5diff_bin=%CD%\..\%h5diff%\%1\%h5diff% set EXIT_SUCCESS=0 set EXIT_FAILURE=1 set /a nerrors=0 set verbose=yes rem default to run h5diff tests set pmode= rem following not needed for windows see #10 ADB 1/22/2009 rem mydomainname=`domainname 2>/dev/null` if not exist .\testfiles mkdir .\testfiles rem Parse options rem On Windows, we don't parse, because we only want to worry about rem debug/release and dll --SJW 9/5/07 goto main rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters rem beginning with the word "Testing". rem On Windows, simply set up the test_msg variable, so it can be printed later rem with the :results function. This is because Windows doesn't support rem printing without a linefeed. --SJW 6/20/08 rem :testing set test_msg=Testing for %%a in (%*) do ( set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa ) set test_msg=%test_msg% set test_msg=%test_msg:~0,69% exit /b rem Print the testing results. Simply echo the contents of test_msg (set up rem above), along with the passed parameter, generall PASSED, FAILED, or -SKIP- :results echo.%test_msg% %* exit /b rem Function STDOUT_FILTER isn't technically needed on Windows, because this rem script will never run on platforms that require it. However, include empty rem interface for consistency. --SJW 8/22/07 :stdout_filter exit /b rem Function STDERR_FILTER isn't technically needed on Windows, because this rem script will never run on platforms that require it. However, include empty rem interface for consistency. --SJW 8/22/07 :stderr_filter exit /b rem Run a test and print PASS or *FAIL*. If a test fails then increment rem the `nerrors' global variable and (if verbose is set) display the rem difference between the actual output and the expected output. The rem expected output is given as the first argument to this function and rem the actual output file is calculated by replacing the `.ddl' with rem `.out'. The actual output is not removed if HDF5_NOCLEANUP has a rem non-zero value. rem :tooltest set expect=%CD%\testfiles\%1 set actual=%CD%\testfiles\%~n1.out set actual_err=%CD%\testfiles\~n1.err set actual_sav=%actual%-sav set actual_err_sav=%actual_err%-sav rem We define %params% here because Windows `shift` command doesn't affect rem the %* variable. --SJW 8/22/07 set params= for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ("%*") do ( if "%%b"=="" ( set params=%%a ) else ( set params=%%a %%b ) ) rem Parallel mode not actually supported, but included for consistency. if defined pmode ( rem do nothing ) rem Run test. ( rem echo.############################# rem rem Remove quotes here, because Linux 'echo' command strips them rem echo.Expected output for 'h5diff %params:"=%' rem echo.############################# pushd testfiles %h5diff_bin% %params% popd ) > %actual% 2> %actual_err% set EXIT_CODE=!errorlevel! rem save actual and actual_err in case they are needed later. copy /y %actual% %actual_sav% > nul call :stdout_filter %actual% copy /y %actual_err% %actual_err_sav% > nul call :stderr_filter %actual_err% type %actual_err% >> %actual% echo EXIT CODE: !EXIT_CODE! >> %actual% if not exist %expect% ( rem Create the expect file if it doesn't yet exist. call :results CREATED copy /y %actual% %expect% > nul ) else ( fc /w %expect% %actual% > nul if !errorlevel! equ 0 ( call :results PASSED ) else ( call :results *FAILED* echo. Expected result ^(%expect%^) differs from actual result ^(%actual%^) set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1 if "yes"=="%verbose%" fc /w %actual% %expect% ) ) rem Clean up output file if not defined hdf5_nocleanup ( del /f %actual% %actual_err% %actual_sav% %actual_err_sav% ) exit /b rem Print a "SKIP" message :skip call :testing -SKIP- %h5diff% %* exit /b :main rem ############################################################################ rem The tests rem To avoid the printing of the complete full path of the test file, that hides rem all the other parameters for long paths, the printing of the command line rem is done first in rem TESTING with the name only of the test file $TOOL, not its full path $TESTFILErem ############################################################################ rem ############################################################################ rem ############################################################################ rem # Common usage rem ############################################################################ rem 1.0 call :testing %h5diff% -h call :tooltest h5diff_10.txt -h rem 1.1 normal mode call :testing %h5diff% %srcfile1% %srcfile2% call :tooltest h5diff_11.txt %file1% %file2% rem 1.2 normal mode with objects call :testing %h5diff% %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset1 g1/dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_12.txt %file1% %file2% g1/dset1 g1/dset2 rem 1.3 report mode call :testing %h5diff% -r %srcfile1% %srcfile2% call :tooltest h5diff_13.txt -r %file1% %file2% rem 1.4 report mode with objects call :testing %h5diff% -r %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset1 g1/dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_14.txt -r %file1% %file2% g1/dset1 g1/dset2 rem 1.5 with -d call :testing %h5diff% --report --delta=5 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_15.txt --report --delta=5 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 1.6.1 with -p (int) call :testing %h5diff% -v -p 0.02 %srcfile1% %srcfile1% g1/dset5 g1/dset6 call :tooltest h5diff_16_1.txt -v -p 0.02 %file1% %file1% g1/dset5 g1/dset6 rem 1.6.2 with -p (unsigned long_long) call :testing %h5diff% --verbose --relative=0.02 %srcfile1% %srcfile1% g1/dset7 g1/dset8 call :tooltest h5diff_16_2.txt --verbose --relative=0.02 %file1% %file1% g1/dset7 g1/dset8 rem 1.6.3 with -p (double) call :testing %h5diff% -v -p 0.02 %srcfile1% %srcfile1% g1/dset9 g1/dset10 call :tooltest h5diff_16_3.txt -v -p 0.02 %file1% %file1% g1/dset9 g1/dset10 rem 1.7 verbose mode call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile1% %srcfile2% call :tooltest h5diff_17.txt -v %file1% %file2% rem 1.71 test 32-bit INFINITY call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile1% %srcfile1% /g1/fp19 call :tooltest h5diff_171.txt -v %file1% %file1% /g1/fp19 rem 1.72 test 64-bit INFINITY call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile1% %srcfile1% /g1/fp20 call :tooltest h5diff_172.txt -v %file1% %file1% /g1/fp20 rem 1.8 quiet mode call :testing %h5diff% -q %srcfile1% %srcfile2% call :tooltest h5diff_18.txt -q %file1% %file2% rem ############################################################################## rem # not comparable types rem ############################################################################## rem 2.0 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile3% %srcfile3% dset g1 call :tooltest h5diff_20.txt -v %file3% %file3% dset g1 rem 2.1 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile3% %srcfile3% dset l1 call :tooltest h5diff_21.txt -v %file3% %file3% dset l1 rem 2.2 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile3% %srcfile3% dset t1 call :tooltest h5diff_22.txt -v %file3% %file3% dset t1 rem ############################################################################## rem # compare groups, types, links (no differences and differences) rem ############################################################################## rem 2.3 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile3% %srcfile3% g1 g1 call :tooltest h5diff_23.txt -v %file3% %file3% g1 g1 rem 2.4 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile3% %srcfile3% t1 t1 call :tooltest h5diff_24.txt -v %file3% %file3% t1 t1 rem 2.5 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile3% %srcfile3% l1 l1 call :tooltest h5diff_25.txt -v %file3% %file3% l1 l1 rem 2.6 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile3% %srcfile3% g1 g2 call :tooltest h5diff_26.txt -v %file3% %file3% g1 g2 rem 2.7 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile3% %srcfile3% t1 t2 call :tooltest h5diff_27.txt -v %file3% %file3% t1 t2 rem 2.8 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile3% %srcfile3% l1 l2 call :tooltest h5diff_28.txt -v %file3% %file3% l1 l2 rem ############################################################################## rem # Dataset datatypes rem ############################################################################## rem 5.0 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile4% %srcfile4% dset0a dset0b call :tooltest h5diff_50.txt -v %file4% %file4% dset0a dset0b rem 5.1 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile4% %srcfile4% dset1a dset1b call :tooltest h5diff_51.txt -v %file4% %file4% dset1a dset1b rem 5.2 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile4% %srcfile4% dset2a dset2b call :tooltest h5diff_52.txt -v %file4% %file4% dset2a dset2b rem 5.3 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile4% %srcfile4% dset3a dset4b call :tooltest h5diff_53.txt -v %file4% %file4% dset3a dset4b rem 5.4 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile4% %srcfile4% dset4a dset4b call :tooltest h5diff_54.txt -v %file4% %file4% dset4a dset4b rem 5.5 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile4% %srcfile4% dset5a dset5b call :tooltest h5diff_55.txt -v %file4% %file4% dset5a dset5b rem 5.6 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile4% %srcfile4% dset6a dset6b call :tooltest h5diff_56.txt -v %file4% %file4% dset6a dset6b rem 5.7 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile4% %srcfile4% dset7a dset7b call :tooltest h5diff_57.txt -v %file4% %file4% dset7a dset7b rem 5.8 (region reference) call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile7% %srcfile8% refreg call :tooltest h5diff_58.txt -v %file7% %file8% refreg rem ############################################################################## rem # Error messages rem ############################################################################## rem 6.0: Check if the command line number of arguments is less than 3 call :testing %h5diff% %srcfile1% call :tooltest h5diff_600.txt %file1% rem ############################################################################## rem # -d rem ############################################################################## rem 6.3: negative value call :testing %h5diff% -d -4 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_603.txt -d -4 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.4: zero call :testing %h5diff% -d 0 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_604.txt -d 0 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.5: non number call :testing %h5diff% -d u %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_605.txt -d u %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.6: hexadecimal call :testing %h5diff% -d 0x1 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_606.txt -d 0x1 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.7: string call :testing %h5diff% -d "1" %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_607.txt -d "1" %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.8: repeated option call :testing %h5diff% --use-system-epsilon %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_608.txt --use-system-epsilon %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.9: number larger than biggest difference call :testing %h5diff% -d 200 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_609.txt -d 200 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.10: number smaller than smallest difference call :testing %h5diff% -d 1 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_610.txt -d 1 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem ############################################################################## rem # -p rem ############################################################################## rem 6.12: negative value call :testing %h5diff% -p -4 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_612.txt -p -4 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.13: zero call :testing %h5diff% -p 0 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_613.txt -p 0 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.14: non number call :testing %h5diff% -p u %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_614.txt -p u %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.15: hexadecimal call :testing %h5diff% -p 0x1 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_615.txt -p 0x1 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.16: string call :testing %h5diff% -p "0.21" %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_616.txt -p "0.21" %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.17: repeated option call :testing %h5diff% -p 0.21 -p 0.22 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_617.txt -p 0.21 -p 0.22 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.18: number larger than biggest difference call :testing %h5diff% -p 2 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_618.txt -p 2 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.19: number smaller than smallest difference call :testing %h5diff% -p 0.005 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_619.txt -p 0.005 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem ############################################################################## rem # -n rem ############################################################################## rem 6.21: negative value call :testing %h5diff% -n -4 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_621.txt -n -4 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.22: zero call :testing %h5diff% -n 0 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_622.txt -n 0 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.23: non number call :testing %h5diff% -n u %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_623.txt -n u %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.24: hexadecimal call :testing %h5diff% -n 0x1 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_624.txt -n 0x1 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.25: string call :testing %h5diff% -n "2" %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_625.txt -n "2" %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.26: repeated option call :testing %h5diff% -n 2 -n 3 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_626.txt -n 2 -n 3 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.27: number larger than biggest difference call :testing %h5diff% --count=200 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_627.txt --count=200 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem 6.28: number smaller than smallest difference call :testing %h5diff% -n 1 %srcfile1% %srcfile2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_628.txt -n 1 %file1% %file2% g1/dset3 g1/dset4 rem This is disabled on *nix platforms rem 6.29 non valid files call :testing %h5diff% file1.h6 file2.h6 call :tooltest h5diff_629.txt file1.h6 file2.h6 rem ############################################################################## rem 7. attributes rem ############################################################################## call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile5% %srcfile6% call :tooltest h5diff_70.txt -v %file5% %file6% rem ############################################################################## rem 8. all dataset datatypes rem ############################################################################## call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile7% %srcfile8% call :tooltest h5diff_80.txt -v %file7% %file8% rem 9. compare a file with itself call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile2% %srcfile2% call :tooltest h5diff_90.txt -v %file2% %file2% rem 10. read by hyperslab, print indexes rem ############################################################################## rem Not skipped on windows as this has not been a problem - ADB 1/22/2009 rem if test -n "$pmode" -a "$mydomainname" = hdfgroup.uiuc.edu; then rem # skip this test which sometimes hangs in some THG machines rem SKIP -v $SRCFILE9 $SRCFILE10 rem else rem ############################################################################## call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile9% %srcfile10% call :tooltest h5diff_100.txt -v %file9% %file10% rem fi rem 11. floating point comparison rem Not tested on Windows due to difference in formatting of scientific rem notation --SJW 8/23/07 call :testing h5diff_101.txt -v %srcfile1% %srcfile1% g1/d1 g1/d2 rem call :tooltest h5diff_101.txt -v %file1% %file1% g1/d1 g1/d2 call :results -SKIP- call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile1% %srcfile1% g1/fp1 g1/fp2 rem call :tooltest h5diff_102.txt -v %file1% %file1% g1/fp1 g1/fp2 call :results -SKIP- rem New option added #1368(E1) - ADB 2/5/2009 rem not compable -c flag call :testing %h5diff% %srcfile2% %srcfile2% g2/dset1 g2/dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_200.txt %file2% %file2% g2/dset1 g2/dset2 call :testing %h5diff% -c %srcfile2% %srcfile2% g2/dset1 g2/dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_201.txt -c %file2% %file2% g2/dset1 g2/dset2 call :testing %h5diff% -c %srcfile2% %srcfile2% g2/dset2 g2/dset3 call :tooltest h5diff_202.txt -c %file2% %file2% g2/dset2 g2/dset3 call :testing %h5diff% -c %srcfile2% %srcfile2% g2/dset3 g2/dset4 call :tooltest h5diff_203.txt -c %file2% %file2% g2/dset3 g2/dset4 call :testing %h5diff% -c %srcfile2% %srcfile2% g2/dset4 g2/dset5 call :tooltest h5diff_204.txt -c %file2% %file2% g2/dset4 g2/dset5 call :testing %h5diff% -c %srcfile2% %srcfile2% g2/dset5 g2/dset6 call :tooltest h5diff_205.txt -c %file2% %file2% g2/dset5 g2/dset6 rem New option added - ADB 2/11/2009 rem # not comparable in compound call :testing %h5diff% -c %srcfile2% %srcfile2% g2/dset7 g2/dset8 call :tooltest h5diff_206.txt -c %file2% %file2% g2/dset7 g2/dset8 call :testing %h5diff% -c %srcfile2% %srcfile2% g2/dset8 g2/dset9 call :tooltest h5diff_207.txt -c %file2% %file2% g2/dset8 g2/dset9 rem ############################################################################## rem # Links compare without --follow-links nor --no-dangling-links rem ############################################################################## rem test for bug1749 call :testing %h5diff% -v %srcfile12% %srcfile12% /link_g1 /link_g2 call :tooltest h5diff_300.txt -v %file12% %file12% /link_g1 /link_g2 rem ############################################################################## rem # Links compare with --follow-links Only rem ############################################################################## rem soft links file to file call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile13% %srcfile13% call :tooltest h5diff_400.txt --follow-links -v %file13% %file13% rem softlink vs dset" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile13% %srcfile13% /softlink_dset1_1 /target_dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_401.txt --follow-links -v %file13% %file13% /softlink_dset1_1 /target_dset2 rem dset vs softlink" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile13% %srcfile13% /target_dset2 /softlink_dset1_1 call :tooltest h5diff_402.txt --follow-links -v %file13% %file13% /target_dset2 /softlink_dset1_1 rem softlink vs softlink" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile13% %srcfile13% /softlink_dset1_1 /softlink_dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_403.txt --follow-links -v %file13% %file13% /softlink_dset1_1 /softlink_dset2 rem extlink vs extlink (FILE)" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile15% %srcfile15% call :tooltest h5diff_404.txt --follow-links -v %file15% %file15% rem extlink vs dset" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile15% %srcfile16% /ext_link_dset1 /target_group2/x_dset call :tooltest h5diff_405.txt --follow-links -v %file15% %file16% /ext_link_dset1 /target_group2/x_dset rem dset vs extlink" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile16% %srcfile15% /target_group2/x_dset /ext_link_dset1 call :tooltest h5diff_406.txt --follow-links -v %file16% %file15% /target_group2/x_dset /ext_link_dset1 rem extlink vs extlink" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile15% %srcfile15% /ext_link_dset1 /ext_link_dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_407.txt --follow-links -v %file15% %file15% /ext_link_dset1 /ext_link_dset2 rem softlink vs extlink" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile13% %srcfile15% /softlink_dset1_1 /ext_link_dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_408.txt --follow-links -v %file13% %file15% /softlink_dset1_1 /ext_link_dset2 rem extlink vs softlink " call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile15% %srcfile13% /ext_link_dset2 /softlink_dset1_1 call :tooltest h5diff_409.txt --follow-links -v %file15% %file13% /ext_link_dset2 /softlink_dset1_1 rem linked_softlink vs linked_softlink (FILE)" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile14% %srcfile14% call :tooltest h5diff_410.txt --follow-links -v %file14% %file14% rem dset2 vs linked_softlink_dset1" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile14% %srcfile14% /target_dset2 /softlink1_to_slink2 call :tooltest h5diff_411.txt --follow-links -v %file14% %file14% /target_dset2 /softlink1_to_slink2 rem rem linked_softlink_dset1 vs dset2" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile14% %srcfile14% /softlink1_to_slink2 /target_dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_412.txt --follow-links -v %file14% %file14% /softlink1_to_slink2 /target_dset2 rem linked_softlink_to_dset1 vs linked_softlink_to_dset2" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile14% %srcfile14% /softlink1_to_slink2 /softlink2_to_slink2 call :tooltest h5diff_413.txt --follow-links -v %file14% %file14% /softlink1_to_slink2 /softlink2_to_slink2 rem group vs linked_softlink_group1" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile14% %srcfile14% /target_group /softlink3_to_slink2 call :tooltest h5diff_414.txt --follow-links -v %file14% %file14% /target_group /softlink3_to_slink2 rem linked_softlink_group1 vs group" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile14% %srcfile14% /softlink3_to_slink2 /target_group call :tooltest h5diff_415.txt --follow-links -v %file14% %file14% /softlink3_to_slink2 /target_group rem linked_softlink_to_group1 vs linked_softlink_to_group2" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile14% %srcfile14% /softlink3_to_slink2 /softlink4_to_slink2 call :tooltest h5diff_416.txt --follow-links -v %file14% %file14% /softlink3_to_slink2 /softlink4_to_slink2 rem non-exist-softlink vs softlink" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile13% %srcfile13% /softlink_noexist /softlink_dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_417.txt --follow-links -v %file13% %file13% /softlink_noexist /softlink_dset2 rem softlink vs non-exist-softlink" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile13% %srcfile13% /softlink_dset2 /softlink_noexist call :tooltest h5diff_418.txt --follow-links -v %file13% %file13% /softlink_dset2 /softlink_noexist rem non-exist-extlink_file vs extlink" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile15% %srcfile15% /ext_link_noexist2 /ext_link_dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_419.txt --follow-links -v %file15% %file15% /ext_link_noexist2 /ext_link_dset2 rem exlink vs non-exist-extlink_file" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile15% %srcfile15% /ext_link_dset2 /ext_link_noexist2 call :tooltest h5diff_420.txt --follow-links -v %file15% %file15% /ext_link_dset2 /ext_link_noexist2 rem extlink vs non-exist-extlink_obj" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile15% %srcfile15% /ext_link_dset2 /ext_link_noexist1 call :tooltest h5diff_421.txt --follow-links -v %file15% %file15% /ext_link_dset2 /ext_link_noexist1 rem non-exist-extlink_obj vs extlink" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile15% %srcfile15% /ext_link_noexist1 /ext_link_dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_422.txt --follow-links -v %file15% %file15% /ext_link_noexist1 /ext_link_dset2 rem extlink_to_softlink_to_dset1 vs dset2" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile17% %srcfile18% /ext_link_to_slink1 /dset2 call :tooltest h5diff_423.txt --follow-links -v %file17% %file18% /ext_link_to_slink1 /dset2 rem dset2 vs extlink_to_softlink_to_dset1" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile18% %srcfile17% /dset2 /ext_link_to_slink1 call :tooltest h5diff_424.txt --follow-links -v %file18% %file17% /dset2 /ext_link_to_slink1 rem extlink_to_softlink_to_dset1 vs extlink_to_softlink_to_dset2" call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srcfile17% %srcfile17% /ext_link_to_slink1 /ext_link_to_slink2 call :tooltest h5diff_425.txt --follow-links -v %file17% %file17% /ext_link_to_slink1 /ext_link_to_slink2 rem ############################################################################## rem # Dangling links compare (--follow-links and --no-dangling-links) rem ############################################################################## rem dangling links --follow-links (FILE to FILE) call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v %srclnkfile1% %srclnkfile2% call :tooltest h5diff_450.txt --follow-links -v %lnkfile1% %lnkfile2% rem dangling links --follow-links and --no-dangling-links (FILE to FILE) call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %srclnkfile1% %srclnkfile2% call :tooltest h5diff_451.txt --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %lnkfile1% %lnkfile2% rem try --no-dangling-links without --follow-links options call :testing %h5diff% --no-dangling-links %srcfile13% %srcfile13% call :tooltest h5diff_452.txt --no-dangling-links %file13% %file13% rem dangling link found for soft links (FILE to FILE) call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %srcfile13% %srcfile13% call :tooltest h5diff_453.txt --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %file13% %file13% rem dangling link found for soft links (obj to obj) call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %srcfile13% %srcfile13% /softlink_dset2 /softlink_noexist call :tooltest h5diff_454.txt --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %file13% %file13% /softlink_dset2 /softlink_noexist rem dangling link found for soft links (obj to obj) Both dangle links call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %srcfile13% %srcfile13% /softlink_noexist /softlink_noexist call :tooltest h5diff_455.txt --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %file13% %file13% /softlink_noexist /softlink_noexist rem dangling link found for ext links (FILE to FILE) call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %srcfile15% %srcfile15% call :tooltest h5diff_456.txt --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %file15% %file15% rem dangling link found for ext links (obj to obj). target file exist call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %srcfile15% %srcfile15% /ext_link_dset1 /ext_link_noexist1 call :tooltest h5diff_457.txt --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %file15% %file15% /ext_link_dset1 /ext_link_noexist1 rem dangling link found for ext links (obj to obj). target file NOT exist call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %srcfile15% %srcfile15% /ext_link_dset1 /ext_link_noexist2 call :tooltest h5diff_458.txt --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %file15% %file15% /ext_link_dset1 /ext_link_noexist2 rem dangling link found for ext links (obj to obj). Both dangle links call :testing %h5diff% --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %srcfile15% %srcfile15% /ext_link_noexist1 /ext_link_noexist2 call :tooltest h5diff_459.txt --follow-links -v --no-dangling-links %file15% %file15% /ext_link_noexist1 /ext_link_noexist2 rem ############################################################################## rem # END rem ############################################################################## if %nerrors% equ 0 ( echo.All %h5diff% tests passed. ) popd endlocal & exit /b %nerrors%