@echo off rem rem Copyright by The HDF Group. rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. rem All rights reserved. rem rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at rem http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have rem access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. rem rem Tests for the h5jam/h5unjam tools rem rem Created: Scott Wegner, 8/27/07 rem Modified: rem rem We currently don't build DLL version of h5jam / h5unjam, but the test script rem is setup to handle it if we ever decide to. --SJW 8/27/07 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion pushd %~dp0 set h5pubconf=%CD%\..\..\src\h5pubconf.h rem Determine which filters are available rem On Windows, the function :detect_filter sets these for us call :detect_filter szip call :detect_filter deflate call :detect_filter shuffle call :detect_filter fletcher32 rem The dumper to use set dumper=..\h5dump%2\%1\h5dump%2 rem The path of the dumper binary set dumper_bin=%CD%\%dumper% rem Tool to test set jam=h5jam%2 rem Tool to test set unjam=h5unjam%2 rem The path of the jam binary set jam_bin=%CD%\..\%jam%\%1\%jam% rem The path of the unjam binary set unjam_bin=%CD%\..\%unjam%\%1\%unjam% rem The tellub to use set tellub=..\..\test\tellub%2\%1\tellub%2 rem The path of the tellub binary set tellub_bin=%CD%\%tellub% rem The getub to use set getub=..\..\test\getub%2\%1\getub%2 rem The path of the getub binary set getub_bin=%CD%\%getub% set nerrors=0 set verbose=yes set testfiles=%CD%\testfiles goto main rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters rem beginning with the word "Testing". rem :testing set test_msg=Testing for %%a in (%*) do ( if %%a neq PASSED ( if %%a neq *FAILED* ( set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa ) ) ) rem Replace ARROW_RIGHT with the correct symbol. If it was passed directly, rem our output would be incorrectly redirected. --SJW 8/27/07 set test_msg=!test_msg:ARROW_RIGHT=^>! echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1 exit /b rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters rem beginning with the word "Compare". rem :compare set test_msg=Compare for %%a in (%*) do ( if %%a neq PASSED ( if %%a neq *FAILED* ( set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa ) ) ) set test_msg=!test_msg! echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1 exit /b rem Print a "SKIP" message :skip call :testing -SKIP- %* exit /b rem rem COMPARE_FILES a.h5 b.h5 rem Compare two files, skipping the first line. This is used to rem compare the output of the dumper, skipping the file name which rem is different. rem The result is stored in 'compval'. rem :compare_files rem The easiest way to compare 2 files on Windows and skip the first line rem is to simply filter the first line differences from the output. If the rem first line is different, FC will also display the second line. rem --SJW 8/27/07 fc %1 %2 | findstr /v /b /c:"Comparing files" | findstr /v /b /c:"*****" > cmp1 findstr /v /b /c:" 1: " cmp1 | findstr /v /b /c:" 2: " > cmp2 findstr /b /c:" " cmp2 > nul if %errorlevel% neq 1 ( set cmpval=1 ) else ( set cmpval=0 ) del /f cmp1 cmp2 exit /b rem CLEANUP files rem Clean up named files :cleanup if not defined hdf5_nocleanup ( for %%a in (%*) do ( del /f %%a 2> nul ) ) exit /b rem SETUP file tocopy rem Clone a standard input file in the test directory rem :setup copy /y %1 %2 > nul exit /b rem rem CHECKFILE orig.h5 compar.h5 rem Check that the test file is the same as an original. rem The two files are dumped with the dumper, and the output rem compared with COMPARE_FILES. rem If the files are the same, the test reports " PASSED", rem otherwise, it reports "*FAILED*" :checkfile set expected=%~dpn2.out set expected_err=%~dpn2.err set actual=%~n1.out set actual_err=%~n1.err %dumper_bin% %1 >%expected% 2>%expected_err% type %expected_err% >> %expected% rem dump the test file %dumper_bin% %2 >%actual% 2>%actual_err% type %actual_err% >> %actual% rem compare the two files (ignore line 1) call :compare_files %actual% %expected% if "%cmpval%"=="0" ( call :compare PASSED %2 to %1 ) else ( call :compare *FAILED* %2 to %1 echo. Expected result ^(*.ddl^) differs from actual result ^(*.out^) set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1 if "yes"=="%verbose%" fc %expected% %actual% ) rem Clean up output files if not defined hdf5_nocleanup ( del /f %actual% %actual_err% del /f %expected% %expected_err% ) exit /b rem rem CHECK_UB file.h5 user_block_file origfile.h5 rem rem Check the user block in 'file.h5' is the same as rem 'user_block' (allowing for padding). rem rem If the original file had a user block before the test rem then 'compare.h5' is passed. The user block must be extracted rem and the test file compared to: rem cat compare_ub user_block_file. rem rem This test uses './getub' to extract the user block from rem 'file.h5', which is compared to the file described above. rem rem The result is set in variable 'result1'. rem :check_ub_1 set hfile=%1 set ufile=%2 rem check for third argument (the original file) set origfile= if not "%3"=="" ( set origfile="%3" ) rem find the length of the user block to check for /f "tokens=4" %%a in ('dir /-c %ufile% ^| findstr /v /b /c:" "') do ( set s1=%%a ) if "%s1%"=="0" ( echo.File %ufile% is empty set result1=1 ) rem Get the size of the original user block, if any if defined origfile ( rem 'tellub' calls H5Fget_user_block to get the size rem of the user block for /f %%a in ('%tellub_bin% %origfile%') do set s2=%%a if "!s2!"=="0" ( set size=%s1% set cmpfile=%ufile% ) else ( set cmpfile=tt2 set /a size=!s2!+%s1% %getub_bin% -c !s2! %origfile% > !cmpfile! type %ufile% >> !cmpfile! ) ) else ( rem assume no user block set s2=0 set size=%s1% set cmpfile=%ufile% ) rem Extract 'size' bytes from the front of 'hfile' rem Compare to 'cmpfile', result is set in result1 set tfile=tt1 %getub_bin% -c %size% %hfile% > %tfile% fc /w %cmpfile% %tfile% > nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( fc /w %cmpfile% %file% set result1=1 ) else ( set result1=0 ) rem clean up del /f %tfile% if not "%s2%"=="0" ( del /f %cmpfile% ) exit /b rem CHECK_NOUB file.h5 rem rem Check that 'file.h5' has no user block. rem Setst result2 to 1 if there is a user block (fail), 0 if none (pass) :check_noub set hfile=%1 rem call `ubsize` to get the size of the user block %tellub_bin% %hfile% > tmp.txt if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( rem error set result2=1 ) else ( for /f %%a in (tmp.txt) do set ubsize=%%a if "!ubsize!"=="0" ( rem pass set result2=0 ) else ( rem fail set result2=1 ) ) del /f tmp.txt 2> nul exit /b rem JAMTEST user_block file.h5 [--clobber] [ofile.h5] rem rem Test the 'jam' tool: rem 1. figure out the input and output, and the comparision rem that will be done. rem 2. call 'jam' with the appropriate arguments rem 3. check the user block is correct in the output (Check_UB) rem If the user block is correct, print "PASSED", else "*FAILED*" :jamtest set ufile=%1 set ifile=%2 rem the file to test set compare_test= rem the comparison to test against set compare_orig= set cleanup= rem sort out the arguments for the test and the check set do_clobber=no if "%3"=="--clobber" ( rem clobber overwrites and existing user block set do_clobber=yes set clobber=--clobber set compare_orig= if "%4"=="" ( rem output goes to infile, compare ubfile to infile set ofile= set compare_test=%ifile% ) else ( rem output goes to %4, compare ofile to ubfile set ofile=%4 set compare_test=!ofile! ) ) else ( set clobber= rem add user block to existing ub, if any if "%3"=="" ( rem output goes to infile, compare ubfile to infile set ofile= set compare_test=%ifile% copy /y %ifile% xxofile.h5 > nul set compare_orig=xxofile.h5 set cleanup=%cleanup% !compare_orig! ) else ( rem output goes to %4, compare ofile to ubfile set ofile=%3 set compare_test=!ofile! set compare_orig=%ifile% ) ) rem call 'jam' with the appropriate arguments if defined ofile ( %jam_bin% -u %ufile% -i %ifile% -o %ofile% %clobber% ) else ( %jam_bin% -u %ufile% -i %ifile% %clobber% ) call :check_ub_1 %compare_test% %ufile% %compare_orig% if "%result1%"=="0" ( if defined ofile ( call :testing PASSED %jam% -u %ufile% -i %ifile% -o %ofile% %clobber% ) else ( call :testing PASSED %jam% -u %ufile% -i %ifile% %clobber% ) ) else ( if defined ofile ( call :testing *FAILED* %jam% -u %ufile% -i %ifile% -o %ofile% %clobber% ) else ( call :testing *FAILED* %jam% -u %ufile% -i %ifile% %clobber% ) set /a nerrors=%nerrors%+1 ) call :cleanup %cleanup% exit /b rem UNJAMTEST file.h5 [- | --delete] ofile rem rem Test the 'unjam' tool rem rem ##fix the working directory here and in jamtest :unjamtest set infile=%1 set ofile=%3 if "%2%"=="-" ( set uofile=uofile %unjam_bin% -i %infile% -o %ofile% > !uofile! ) else if "%2"=="--delete" ( set uofile=none %unjam_bin% -i %infile% -o %ofile% --delete ) else ( set uofile=%2 %unjam_bin% -i %infile% -u !uofile! -o %ofile% ) set result1=0 set result2=0 set cleanup= if not "%uofile%"=="none" ( rem sets results1 call :check_ub_1 %infile% %uofile% call :cleanup %uofile% ) rem sets result2 call :check_noub %ofile% if "%result1% and %result2%"=="0 and 0" ( if "%2%"=="-" ( rem We use "ARROW_RIGHT" here and replace it in :testing because rem Windows interprets it as a pipe. --SJW 8/27/07 call :testing PASSED %unjam% -i %infile% -o %ofile% ARROW_RIGHT %uofile% ) else if "%2"=="--delete" ( call :testing PASSED %unjam% -i %infile% -o %ofile% --delete ) else ( call :testing PASSED %unjam% -i %infile% -u %uofile% -o %ofile% ) ) else ( if "%2%"=="-" ( rem We use "ARROW_RIGHT" here and replace it in :testing because rem Windows interprets it as a pipe. --SJW 8/27/07 call :testing *FAILED* %unjam% -i %infile% -o %ofile% ARROW_RIGHT %uofile% ) else if "%2"=="--delete" ( call :testing *FAILED* %unjam% -i %infile% -o %ofile% --delete ) else ( call :testing *FAILED* %unjam% -i %infile% -u %uofile% -o %ofile% ) set /a nerrors=%nerrors%+1 ) exit /b rem This is a Windows-specific function that detects if the filter passed rem should be enabled for this test script. It searches H5pubconf.h for the rem string "#define H5_HAVE_FILTER_%1" and sets the variable "use_filter_%1" rem accordingly. On other platforms, this variable is set in the Makefile. rem If we find a better way to test this in the future, we should use it. rem --SJW 9/4/07 :detect_filter findstr /b /i /c:"#define H5_HAVE_FILTER_%1" %h5pubconf% > nul if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( set use_filter_%1=yes ) else ( set use_filter_%1=no ) exit /b rem ############################################################################ rem ############################################################################ rem # T H E T E S T S ### rem ############################################################################ rem ############################################################################ :main call :jamtest %testfiles%\u10.txt %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta2.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta2.h5 call :cleanup ta2.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u511.txt %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta3.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta3.h5 call :cleanup ta3.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u512.txt %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta4.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta4.h5 call :cleanup ta4.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u513.txt %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta5.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta5.h5 call :cleanup ta5.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u10.txt ta.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u511.txt ta.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u512.txt ta.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u513.txt ta.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 ta.h5 call :cleanup ta.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u10.txt %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tax2.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tax2.h5 call :cleanup tax2.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u511.txt %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tax3.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tax3.h5 call :cleanup tax3.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u512.txt %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tax4.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tax4.h5 call :cleanup tax4.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u513.txt %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tax5.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tax5.h5 call :cleanup tax5.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u10.txt %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tax6.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tax6.h5 call :cleanup tax6.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u511.txt %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tax7.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tax7.h5 call :cleanup tax7.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u512.txt %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tax8.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tax8.h5 call :cleanup tax8.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u513.txt %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tax9.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tax9.h5 call :cleanup tax9.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u10.txt %testfiles%\twithub.h5 --clobber taz2.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taz2.h5 call :cleanup taz2.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u511.txt %testfiles%\twithub.h5 --clobber taz3.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taz3.h5 call :cleanup taz3.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u512.txt %testfiles%\twithub.h5 --clobber taz4.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taz4.h5 call :cleanup taz4.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u513.txt %testfiles%\twithub.h5 --clobber taz5.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taz5.h5 call :cleanup taz5.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u10.txt %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 --clobber taz6.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taz6.h5 call :cleanup taz6.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u511.txt %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 --clobber taz7.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taz7.h5 call :cleanup taz7.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u512.txt %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 --clobber taz8.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taz8.h5 call :cleanup taz8.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u513.txt %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 --clobber taz9.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taz9.h5 call :cleanup taz9.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tay2.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u10.txt tay2.h5 --clobber call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tay2.h5 call :cleanup tay2.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tay3.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u511.txt tay3.h5 --clobber call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tay3.h5 call :cleanup tay3.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tay4.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u512.txt tay4.h5 --clobber call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tay4.h5 call :cleanup tay4.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tay5.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u513.txt tay5.h5 --clobber call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tay5.h5 call :cleanup tay5.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tay6.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u10.txt tay6.h5 --clobber call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tay6.h5 call :cleanup tay6.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tay7.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u511.txt tay7.h5 --clobber call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tay7.h5 call :cleanup tay7.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tay8.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u512.txt tay8.h5 --clobber call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tay8.h5 call :cleanup tay8.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tay9.h5 call :jamtest %testfiles%\u513.txt tay9.h5 --clobber call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tay9.h5 call :cleanup tay9.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tai1.h5 call :unjamtest tai1.h5 o10.txt taa1.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taa1.h5 call :cleanup taa1.h5 tai1.h5 o10.txt call :setup %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tai2.h5 call :unjamtest tai2.h5 o512.txt taa2.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taa2.h5 call :cleanup taa2.h5 tai2.h5 o512.txt call :setup %testfiles%\twithub.h5 tai3.h5 call :unjamtest tai3.h5 - taa3.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taa3.h5 call :cleanup taa3.h5 tai3.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 tai4.h5 call :unjamtest tai4.h5 - taa4.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 taa4.h5 call :cleanup taa4.h5 tai4.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub.h5 taj2.h5 call :unjamtest taj2.h5 --delete tac2.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tac2.h5 call :cleanup tac2.h5 taj2.h5 call :setup %testfiles%\twithub513.h5 taj3.h5 call :unjamtest taj3.h5 --delete tac3.h5 call :checkfile %testfiles%\tall.h5 tac3.h5 call :cleanup tac3.h5 taj3.h5 if %nerrors% equ 0 ( echo.All %jam% tests passed. ) popd endlocal & exit /b %nerrors%