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' href='#n35'>3536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * Copyright by The HDF Group.                                               *
 * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.         *
 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
 *                                                                           *
 * This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
 * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
 * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code       *
 * distribution tree, or in  *
 * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from     *
 *                                                        *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol <>
 *              Tuesday, May  2, 2006
 * Purpose:     This file contains declarations which are visible only within
 *              the H5FS package.  Source files outside the H5FS package should
 *              include H5FSprivate.h instead.
#if !(defined H5FS_FRIEND || defined H5FS_MODULE)
#error "Do not include this file outside the H5FS package!"

#ifndef _H5FSpkg_H
#define _H5FSpkg_H

/* Uncomment this macro to enable debugging output for free space manager */
/* #define H5FS_DEBUG */

/* Uncomment this macro to enable debugging output for free space sections */
/* #define H5FS_SINFO_DEBUG */

/* Uncomment this macro to enable extra sanity checking */
/* #define H5FS_DEBUG_ASSERT */

/* Get package's private header */
#include "H5FSprivate.h"    /* File free space                      */

/* Other private headers needed by this file */
#include "H5ACprivate.h"    /* Metadata cache                       */
#include "H5SLprivate.h"    /* Skip lists                           */

/* Package Private Macros */

/* Size of checksum information (on disk) */
#define H5FS_SIZEOF_CHKSUM      4

/* "Standard" size of prefix information for free space metadata */
#define H5FS_METADATA_PREFIX_SIZE (                                           \
    H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC   /* Signature */                                         \
    + 1 /* Version */                                                         \
    + H5FS_SIZEOF_CHKSUM /* Metadata checksum */                              \

/* Size of the fractal heap header on disk */
#define H5FS_HEADER_SIZE(f) (                                                 \
    /* General metadata fields */                                             \
    H5FS_METADATA_PREFIX_SIZE                                                 \
    /* Free space header specific fields */                                   \
    + 1 /* Client ID */                                                       \
    + (unsigned)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f) /* Total free space tracked */                       \
    + (unsigned)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f) /* Total # of sections tracked */                    \
    + (unsigned)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f) /* # of serializable sections tracked */             \
    + (unsigned)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f) /* # of ghost sections tracked */                    \
    + 2 /* Number of section classes */                                       \
    + 2 /* Shrink percent */                                                  \
    + 2 /* Expand percent */                                                  \
    + 2 /* Size of address space for sections (log2 of value) */              \
    + (unsigned)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f) /* Max. size of section to track */                  \
    + (unsigned)H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) /* Address of serialized free space sections */      \
    + (unsigned)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f) /* Size of serialized free space sections used */    \
    + (unsigned)H5F_SIZEOF_SIZE(f) /* Allocated size of serialized free space sections */ \

/* Size of the free space serialized sections on disk */
#define H5FS_SINFO_PREFIX_SIZE(f) (                                           \
    /* General metadata fields */                                             \
    H5FS_METADATA_PREFIX_SIZE                                                 \
    /* Free space serialized sections specific fields */                      \
    + (unsigned)H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) /* Address of free space header for these sections */ \

/* Package Private Typedefs */

/* Callback info for loading a free space header into the cache */
typedef struct H5FS_hdr_cache_ud_t {
    H5F_t *f;                  /* File that free space header is within */
    uint16_t nclasses;                            /* Number of section classes */
    const H5FS_section_class_t **classes;       /* Array of section class info */
    void *cls_init_udata;                       /* Pointer to class init user data */
    haddr_t addr;              /* Address of header */
} H5FS_hdr_cache_ud_t;

/* Callback info for loading free space section info into the cache */
typedef struct H5FS_sinfo_cache_ud_t {
    H5F_t *f;                  /* File that free space section info is within */
    H5FS_t *fspace;            /* free space manager */
} H5FS_sinfo_cache_ud_t;

/* Free space section bin info */
typedef struct H5FS_bin_t {
    size_t tot_sect_count;      /* Total # of sections in this bin */
    size_t serial_sect_count;   /* # of serializable sections in this bin */
    size_t ghost_sect_count;    /* # of un-serializable sections in this bin */
    H5SL_t *bin_list;           /* Skip list of differently sized sections */
} H5FS_bin_t;

/* Free space node for free space sections of the same size */
typedef struct H5FS_node_t {
    hsize_t sect_size;          /* Size of all sections on list */
    size_t serial_count;        /* # of serializable sections on list */
    size_t ghost_count;         /* # of un-serializable sections on list */
    H5SL_t *sect_list;          /* Skip list to hold pointers to actual free list section node */
} H5FS_node_t;

/* Free space section info */
typedef struct H5FS_sinfo_t {
    /* Information for H5AC cache functions, _must_ be first field in structure */
    H5AC_info_t cache_info;

/* Stored information */
    H5FS_bin_t *bins;           /* Array of lists of lists of free sections   */

/* Computed/cached values */
    hbool_t dirty;              /* Whether this info in memory is out of sync w/info in file */
    unsigned nbins;             /* Number of bins                             */
    size_t serial_size;         /* Total size of all serializable sections    */
    size_t tot_size_count;      /* Total number of differently sized sections */
    size_t serial_size_count;   /* Total number of differently sized serializable sections */
    size_t ghost_size_count;    /* Total number of differently sized un-serializable sections */
    unsigned sect_prefix_size;  /* Size of the section serialization prefix (in bytes) */
    unsigned sect_off_size;     /* Size of a section offset (in bytes)        */
    unsigned sect_len_size;     /* Size of a section length (in bytes)        */
    H5FS_t *fspace;             /* Pointer to free space manager that owns sections */

/* Memory data structures (not stored directly) */
    H5SL_t *merge_list;         /* Skip list to hold sections for detecting merges */
} H5FS_sinfo_t;

/* Free space header info */
struct H5FS_t {
    /* Information for H5AC cache functions, _must_ be first field in structure */
    H5AC_info_t cache_info;

/* Stored information */
    /* Statistics about sections managed */
    hsize_t tot_space;          /* Total amount of space tracked              */
    hsize_t tot_sect_count;     /* Total # of sections tracked                */
    hsize_t serial_sect_count;  /* # of serializable sections tracked         */
    hsize_t ghost_sect_count;   /* # of un-serializable sections tracked      */

    /* Creation parameters */
    H5FS_client_t client;       /* Type of user of this free space manager    */
    uint16_t nclasses;         /* Number of section classes handled          */
    unsigned shrink_percent;    /* Percent of "normal" serialized size to shrink serialized space at */
    unsigned expand_percent;    /* Percent of "normal" serialized size to expand serialized space at */
    unsigned max_sect_addr;     /* Size of address space free sections are within (log2 of actual value) */
    hsize_t max_sect_size;      /* Maximum size of section to track */

    /* Serialized section information */
    haddr_t sect_addr;          /* Address of the section info in the file    */
    hsize_t sect_size;          /* Size of the section info in the file       */
    hsize_t alloc_sect_size;    /* Allocated size of the section info in the file */

/* Computed/cached values */
    unsigned rc;                /* Count of outstanding references to struct  */
    haddr_t addr;               /* Address of free space header on disk       */
    size_t hdr_size;            /* Size of free space header on disk          */
    H5FS_sinfo_t *sinfo;        /* Section information                        */
    hbool_t swmr_write;         /* Flag indicating the file is opened with SWMR-write access */
    unsigned sinfo_lock_count;  /* # of times the section info has been locked */
    hbool_t sinfo_protected;    /* Whether the section info was protected when locked */
    hbool_t sinfo_modified;     /* Whether the section info has been modified while locked */
    unsigned sinfo_accmode;     /* Access mode for protecting the section info */
                                /* must be either H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET (i.e r/w)  */
				/* or H5AC__READ_ONLY_FLAG (i.e. r/o).         */
    size_t max_cls_serial_size; /* Max. additional size of serialized form of section */
    hsize_t    alignment;      	/* Alignment                            */
    hsize_t    align_thres;     /* Threshold for alignment              */

/* Memory data structures (not stored directly) */
    H5FS_section_class_t *sect_cls; /* Array of section classes for this free list */

/* Package Private Variables */

/* Declare a free list to manage the H5FS_node_t struct */

/* Declare a free list to manage the H5FS_bin_t sequence information */

/* Declare a free list to manage the H5FS_sinfo_t struct */

/* Declare a free list to manage the H5FS_t struct */

/* Package Private Prototypes */

/* Generic routines */
H5_DLL herr_t H5FS__create_flush_depend(H5AC_info_t *parent_entry, H5AC_info_t *child_entry);
H5_DLL herr_t H5FS__destroy_flush_depend(H5AC_info_t *parent_entry, H5AC_info_t *child_entry);

/* Free space manager header routines */
H5_DLL H5FS_t *H5FS__new(const H5F_t *f, uint16_t nclasses,
    const H5FS_section_class_t *classes[], void *cls_init_udata);
H5_DLL herr_t H5FS__incr(H5FS_t *fspace);
H5_DLL herr_t H5FS__decr(H5FS_t *fspace);
H5_DLL herr_t H5FS__dirty(H5FS_t *fspace);

/* Free space section routines */
H5_DLL H5FS_sinfo_t *H5FS__sinfo_new(H5F_t *f, H5FS_t *fspace);

/* Routines for destroying structures */
H5_DLL herr_t H5FS__hdr_dest(H5FS_t *hdr);
H5_DLL herr_t H5FS__sinfo_dest(H5FS_sinfo_t *sinfo);

/* Sanity check routines */
H5_DLL void H5FS__assert(const H5FS_t *fspace);
H5_DLL void H5FS__sect_assert(const H5FS_t *fspace);
#endif /* H5FS_DEBUG_ASSERT */

/* Testing routines */
H5_DLL herr_t H5FS__get_cparam_test(const H5FS_t *fh, H5FS_create_t *cparam);
H5_DLL int H5FS__cmp_cparam_test(const H5FS_create_t *cparam1, const H5FS_create_t *cparam2);
#endif /* H5FS_TESTING */

#endif /* _H5FSpkg_H */