diff options
authorNick Terrell <>2017-10-17 19:42:27 (GMT)
committerNick Terrell <>2017-10-17 20:55:35 (GMT)
commit74d8688bc8104d897f9c98fc747400e71fbe77bc (patch)
parentdccf8826f1d76efcbdc655e63cc04cdbd1123619 (diff)
[bench] Use higher resolution timer on POSIX
The timer used was only accurate up to 0.01 seconds. This timer is accurate up to 1 ns. It is a monotonic timer that measures the real time difference, not on CPU time. Copied the benchmark code from
2 files changed, 110 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/programs/bench.c b/programs/bench.c
index 5c83d59..fac2a87 100644
--- a/programs/bench.c
+++ b/programs/bench.c
@@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ static int BMK_benchMem(const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
void* const compressedBuffer = malloc(maxCompressedSize);
void* const resultBuffer = malloc(srcSize);
U32 nbBlocks;
- UTIL_time_t ticksPerSecond;
struct compressionParameters compP;
int cfunctionId;
@@ -176,7 +175,6 @@ static int BMK_benchMem(const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
/* init */
if (strlen(displayName)>17) displayName += strlen(displayName)-17; /* can only display 17 characters */
- UTIL_initTimer(&ticksPerSecond);
/* Init */
if (cLevel < LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MIN) cfunctionId = 0; else cfunctionId = 1;
@@ -229,17 +227,17 @@ static int BMK_benchMem(const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
size_t cSize = 0;
double ratio = 0.;
- UTIL_getTime(&coolTime);
+ coolTime = UTIL_getTime();
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
while (!cCompleted || !dCompleted) {
UTIL_time_t clockStart;
U64 clockLoop = g_nbSeconds ? TIMELOOP_MICROSEC : 1;
/* overheat protection */
- if (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(coolTime, ticksPerSecond) > ACTIVEPERIOD_MICROSEC) {
+ if (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(coolTime) > ACTIVEPERIOD_MICROSEC) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\rcooling down ... \r");
- UTIL_getTime(&coolTime);
+ coolTime = UTIL_getTime();
/* Compression */
@@ -247,8 +245,8 @@ static int BMK_benchMem(const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
if (!cCompleted) memset(compressedBuffer, 0xE5, maxCompressedSize); /* warm up and erase result buffer */
UTIL_sleepMilli(1); /* give processor time to other processes */
- UTIL_waitForNextTick(ticksPerSecond);
- UTIL_getTime(&clockStart);
+ UTIL_waitForNextTick();
+ clockStart = UTIL_getTime();
if (!cCompleted) { /* still some time to do compression tests */
U32 nbLoops = 0;
@@ -260,8 +258,8 @@ static int BMK_benchMem(const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
blockTable[blockNb].cSize = rSize;
- } while (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(clockStart, ticksPerSecond) < clockLoop);
- { U64 const clockSpan = UTIL_clockSpanMicro(clockStart, ticksPerSecond);
+ } while (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(clockStart) < clockLoop);
+ { U64 const clockSpan = UTIL_clockSpanMicro(clockStart);
if (clockSpan < fastestC*nbLoops) fastestC = clockSpan / nbLoops;
totalCTime += clockSpan;
cCompleted = totalCTime>maxTime;
@@ -282,8 +280,8 @@ static int BMK_benchMem(const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
if (!dCompleted) memset(resultBuffer, 0xD6, srcSize); /* warm result buffer */
UTIL_sleepMilli(1); /* give processor time to other processes */
- UTIL_waitForNextTick(ticksPerSecond);
- UTIL_getTime(&clockStart);
+ UTIL_waitForNextTick();
+ clockStart = UTIL_getTime();
if (!dCompleted) {
U32 nbLoops = 0;
@@ -300,8 +298,8 @@ static int BMK_benchMem(const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
blockTable[blockNb].resSize = regenSize;
- } while (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(clockStart, ticksPerSecond) < DECOMP_MULT*clockLoop);
- { U64 const clockSpan = UTIL_clockSpanMicro(clockStart, ticksPerSecond);
+ } while (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(clockStart) < DECOMP_MULT*clockLoop);
+ { U64 const clockSpan = UTIL_clockSpanMicro(clockStart);
if (clockSpan < fastestD*nbLoops) fastestD = clockSpan / nbLoops;
totalDTime += clockSpan;
dCompleted = totalDTime>(DECOMP_MULT*maxTime);
diff --git a/programs/util.h b/programs/util.h
index 5a69c55..1382cab 100644
--- a/programs/util.h
+++ b/programs/util.h
@@ -140,45 +140,116 @@ extern "C" {
* Time functions
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/times.h> /* times */
- typedef U64 UTIL_time_t;
- UTIL_STATIC void UTIL_initTimer(UTIL_time_t* ticksPerSecond) { *ticksPerSecond=sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); }
- UTIL_STATIC void UTIL_getTime(UTIL_time_t* x) { struct tms junk; clock_t newTicks = (clock_t) times(&junk); (void)junk; *x = (UTIL_time_t)newTicks; }
- UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t ticksPerSecond, UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { return 1000000ULL * (clockEnd - clockStart) / ticksPerSecond; }
- UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t ticksPerSecond, UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { return 1000000000ULL * (clockEnd - clockStart) / ticksPerSecond; }
-#elif defined(_WIN32) /* Windows */
- typedef LARGE_INTEGER UTIL_time_t;
- UTIL_STATIC void UTIL_initTimer(UTIL_time_t* ticksPerSecond) { if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(ticksPerSecond)) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: QueryPerformance not present\n"); }
- UTIL_STATIC void UTIL_getTime(UTIL_time_t* x) { QueryPerformanceCounter(x); }
- UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t ticksPerSecond, UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { return 1000000ULL*(clockEnd.QuadPart - clockStart.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart; }
- UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t ticksPerSecond, UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { return 1000000000ULL*(clockEnd.QuadPart - clockStart.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart; }
+#if defined(_WIN32) /* Windows */
+ typedef LARGE_INTEGER UTIL_time_t;
+ UTIL_STATIC UTIL_time_t UTIL_getTime(void) { UTIL_time_t x; QueryPerformanceCounter(&x); return x; }
+ UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd)
+ {
+ static LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond;
+ static int init = 0;
+ if (!init) {
+ if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ticksPerSecond))
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: QueryPerformanceFrequency() failure\n");
+ init = 1;
+ }
+ return 1000000ULL*(clockEnd.QuadPart - clockStart.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart;
+ }
+ UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd)
+ {
+ static LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond;
+ static int init = 0;
+ if (!init) {
+ if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ticksPerSecond))
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: QueryPerformanceFrequency() failure\n");
+ init = 1;
+ }
+ return 1000000000ULL*(clockEnd.QuadPart - clockStart.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart;
+ }
+#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
+ #include <mach/mach_time.h>
+ typedef U64 UTIL_time_t;
+ UTIL_STATIC UTIL_time_t UTIL_getTime(void) { return mach_absolute_time(); }
+ UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd)
+ {
+ static mach_timebase_info_data_t rate;
+ static int init = 0;
+ if (!init) {
+ mach_timebase_info(&rate);
+ init = 1;
+ }
+ return (((clockEnd - clockStart) * (U64)rate.numer) / ((U64)rate.denom))/1000ULL;
+ }
+ UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd)
+ {
+ static mach_timebase_info_data_t rate;
+ static int init = 0;
+ if (!init) {
+ mach_timebase_info(&rate);
+ init = 1;
+ }
+ return ((clockEnd - clockStart) * (U64)rate.numer) / ((U64)rate.denom);
+ }
+#elif (PLATFORM_POSIX_VERSION >= 200112L)
+ #include <time.h>
+ typedef struct timespec UTIL_time_t;
+ UTIL_STATIC UTIL_time_t UTIL_getTime(void)
+ {
+ UTIL_time_t now;
+ if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now))
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to get time\n"); /* we could also exit() */
+ return now;
+ }
+ UTIL_STATIC UTIL_time_t UTIL_getSpanTime(UTIL_time_t begin, UTIL_time_t end)
+ {
+ UTIL_time_t diff;
+ if (end.tv_nsec < begin.tv_nsec) {
+ diff.tv_sec = (end.tv_sec - 1) - begin.tv_sec;
+ diff.tv_nsec = (end.tv_nsec + 1000000000ULL) - begin.tv_nsec;
+ } else {
+ diff.tv_sec = end.tv_sec - begin.tv_sec;
+ diff.tv_nsec = end.tv_nsec - begin.tv_nsec;
+ }
+ return diff;
+ }
+ UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t begin, UTIL_time_t end)
+ {
+ UTIL_time_t const diff = UTIL_getSpanTime(begin, end);
+ U64 micro = 0;
+ micro += 1000000ULL * diff.tv_sec;
+ micro += diff.tv_nsec / 1000ULL;
+ return micro;
+ }
+ UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t begin, UTIL_time_t end)
+ {
+ UTIL_time_t const diff = UTIL_getSpanTime(begin, end);
+ U64 nano = 0;
+ nano += 1000000000ULL * diff.tv_sec;
+ nano += diff.tv_nsec;
+ return nano;
+ }
#else /* relies on standard C (note : clock_t measurements can be wrong when using multi-threading) */
- typedef clock_t UTIL_time_t;
- UTIL_STATIC void UTIL_initTimer(UTIL_time_t* ticksPerSecond) { *ticksPerSecond=0; }
- UTIL_STATIC void UTIL_getTime(UTIL_time_t* x) { *x = clock(); }
- UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t ticksPerSecond, UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { (void)ticksPerSecond; return 1000000ULL * (clockEnd - clockStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }
- UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t ticksPerSecond, UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { (void)ticksPerSecond; return 1000000000ULL * (clockEnd - clockStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }
+ typedef clock_t UTIL_time_t;
+ UTIL_STATIC UTIL_time_t UTIL_getTime(void) { return clock(); }
+ UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { return 1000000ULL * (clockEnd - clockStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }
+ UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { return 1000000000ULL * (clockEnd - clockStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }
/* returns time span in microseconds */
-UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_clockSpanMicro( UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t ticksPerSecond )
+UTIL_STATIC U64 UTIL_clockSpanMicro(UTIL_time_t clockStart)
- UTIL_time_t clockEnd;
- UTIL_getTime(&clockEnd);
- return UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(ticksPerSecond, clockStart, clockEnd);
+ UTIL_time_t const clockEnd = UTIL_getTime();
+ return UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(clockStart, clockEnd);
-UTIL_STATIC void UTIL_waitForNextTick(UTIL_time_t ticksPerSecond)
+UTIL_STATIC void UTIL_waitForNextTick(void)
- UTIL_time_t clockStart, clockEnd;
- UTIL_getTime(&clockStart);
+ UTIL_time_t const clockStart = UTIL_getTime();
+ UTIL_time_t clockEnd;
do {
- UTIL_getTime(&clockEnd);
- } while (UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(ticksPerSecond, clockStart, clockEnd) == 0);
+ clockEnd = UTIL_getTime();
+ } while (UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(clockStart, clockEnd) == 0);