path: root/programs/lz4cli.c
diff options
mode: <>2014-02-04 14:11:10 (GMT) <>2014-02-04 14:11:10 (GMT)
commit69dc85b8abe78246bea91a5ba1205e4c07b96a97 (patch)
tree0ed0250f8284861b90c2781aaa76172ebf97b6fd /programs/lz4cli.c
parent96a60a52eb3e7d7a4785ad1dfc4e0abe3d0e10a1 (diff)
Large decompression speed improvement for GCC 32-bits. Thanks to Valery Croizier !
LZ4HC : Compression Level is now a programmable parameter (CLI from 4 to 9) Separated IO routines from command line (lz4io.c) Version number into lz4.h (suggested by Francesc Alted) git-svn-id: 650e7d94-2a16-8b24-b05c-7c0b3f6821cd
Diffstat (limited to 'programs/lz4cli.c')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 750 deletions
diff --git a/programs/lz4cli.c b/programs/lz4cli.c
index f69c8a0..26e0111 100644
--- a/programs/lz4cli.c
+++ b/programs/lz4cli.c
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
#include "lz4hc.h"
#include "xxhash.h"
#include "bench.h"
+#include "lz4io.h"
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@
#define COMPRESSOR_NAME "LZ4 Compression CLI"
#ifndef LZ4_VERSION
-# define LZ4_VERSION "v1.1.0"
+# define LZ4_VERSION "v1.1.3"
#define AUTHOR "Yann Collet"
#define WELCOME_MESSAGE "*** %s %i-bits %s, by %s (%s) ***\n", COMPRESSOR_NAME, (int)(sizeof(void*)*8), LZ4_VERSION, AUTHOR, __DATE__
@@ -118,25 +119,7 @@
#define MB *(1U<<20)
#define GB *(1U<<30)
-#define _1BIT 0x01
-#define _2BITS 0x03
-#define _3BITS 0x07
-#define _4BITS 0x0F
-#define _8BITS 0xFF
-#define LZ4S_MAGICNUMBER 0x184D2204
-#define LZ4S_SKIPPABLE0 0x184D2A50
-#define LEGACY_MAGICNUMBER 0x184C2102
-#define CACHELINE 64
-#define MIN_STREAM_BUFSIZE (1 MB + 64 KB)
-#define LZ4S_EOS 0
@@ -156,28 +139,10 @@ static const int one = 1;
-// Special input/output
-#define NULL_OUTPUT "null"
-char stdinmark[] = "stdin";
-char stdoutmark[] = "stdout";
-#ifdef _WIN32
-char nulmark[] = "nul";
-char nulmark[] = "/dev/null";
// Local Parameters
static char* programName;
static int displayLevel = 2; // 0 : no display // 1: errors // 2 : + result + interaction + warnings ; // 3 : + progression; // 4 : + information
-static int overwrite = 0;
-static int blockSizeId = LZ4S_BLOCKSIZEID_DEFAULT;
-static int blockChecksum = 0;
-static int streamChecksum = 1;
-static int blockIndependence = 1;
@@ -201,8 +166,9 @@ static int blockIndependence = 1;
-#define DEFAULT_COMPRESSOR compress_file
+#define DEFAULT_COMPRESSOR LZ4IO_compressFilename
+#define DEFAULT_DECOMPRESSOR LZ4IO_decompressFilename
+int LZ4IO_compressFilename_Legacy(char* input_filename, char* output_filename, int compressionlevel);
@@ -314,705 +280,6 @@ int badusage()
-static int LZ4S_GetBlockSize_FromBlockId (int id) { return (1 << (8 + (2 * id))); }
-static unsigned int LZ4S_GetCheckBits_FromXXH (unsigned int xxh) { return (xxh >> 8) & _8BITS; }
-static int LZ4S_isSkippableMagicNumber(unsigned int magic) { return (magic & LZ4S_SKIPPABLEMASK) == LZ4S_SKIPPABLE0; }
-int get_fileHandle(char* input_filename, char* output_filename, FILE** pfinput, FILE** pfoutput)
- if (!strcmp (input_filename, stdinmark))
- {
- DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using stdin for input\n");
- *pfinput = stdin;
- }
- else
- {
- *pfinput = fopen(input_filename, "rb");
- }
- if (!strcmp (output_filename, stdoutmark))
- {
- DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using stdout for output\n");
- *pfoutput = stdout;
- SET_BINARY_MODE(stdout);
- }
- else
- {
- // Check if destination file already exists
- *pfoutput=0;
- if (output_filename != nulmark) *pfoutput = fopen( output_filename, "rb" );
- if (*pfoutput!=0)
- {
- fclose(*pfoutput);
- if (!overwrite)
- {
- char ch;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Warning : %s already exists\n", output_filename);
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Overwrite ? (Y/N) : ");
- if (displayLevel <= 1) EXM_THROW(11, "Operation aborted : %s already exists", output_filename); // No interaction possible
- ch = (char)getchar();
- if ((ch!='Y') && (ch!='y')) EXM_THROW(11, "Operation aborted : %s already exists", output_filename);
- }
- }
- *pfoutput = fopen( output_filename, "wb" );
- }
- if ( *pfinput==0 ) EXM_THROW(12, "Pb opening %s", input_filename);
- if ( *pfoutput==0) EXM_THROW(13, "Pb opening %s", output_filename);
- return 0;
-int legacy_compress_file(char* input_filename, char* output_filename, int compressionlevel)
- int (*compressionFunction)(const char*, char*, int);
- unsigned long long filesize = 0;
- unsigned long long compressedfilesize = MAGICNUMBER_SIZE;
- char* in_buff;
- char* out_buff;
- FILE* finput;
- FILE* foutput;
- int displayLevel = (compressionlevel>0);
- clock_t start, end;
- size_t sizeCheck;
- // Init
- if (compressionlevel < 3) compressionFunction = LZ4_compress; else compressionFunction = LZ4_compressHC;
- start = clock();
- get_fileHandle(input_filename, output_filename, &finput, &foutput);
- if ((displayLevel==2) && (compressionlevel==1)) displayLevel=3;
- // Allocate Memory
- in_buff = (char*)malloc(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE);
- out_buff = (char*)malloc(LZ4_compressBound(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE));
- if (!in_buff || !out_buff) EXM_THROW(21, "Allocation error : not enough memory");
- // Write Archive Header
- *(unsigned int*)out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(LEGACY_MAGICNUMBER);
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, MAGICNUMBER_SIZE, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=MAGICNUMBER_SIZE) EXM_THROW(22, "Write error : cannot write header");
- // Main Loop
- while (1)
- {
- unsigned int outSize;
- // Read Block
- int inSize = (int) fread(in_buff, (size_t)1, (size_t)LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE, finput);
- if( inSize<=0 ) break;
- filesize += inSize;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\rRead : %i MB ", (int)(filesize>>20));
- // Compress Block
- outSize = compressionFunction(in_buff, out_buff+4, inSize);
- compressedfilesize += outSize+4;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\rRead : %i MB ==> %.2f%% ", (int)(filesize>>20), (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100);
- // Write Block
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(outSize);
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, outSize+4, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(outSize+4)) EXM_THROW(23, "Write error : cannot write compressed block");
- }
- // Status
- end = clock();
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2,"Compressed %llu bytes into %llu bytes ==> %.2f%%\n",
- (unsigned long long) filesize, (unsigned long long) compressedfilesize, (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100);
- {
- double seconds = (double)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Done in %.2f s ==> %.2f MB/s\n", seconds, (double)filesize / seconds / 1024 / 1024);
- }
- // Close & Free
- free(in_buff);
- free(out_buff);
- fclose(finput);
- fclose(foutput);
- return 0;
-int compress_file_blockDependency(char* input_filename, char* output_filename, int compressionlevel)
- void* (*initFunction) (const char*);
- int (*compressionFunction)(void*, const char*, char*, int, int);
- char* (*translateFunction) (void*);
- int (*freeFunction) (void*);
- void* ctx;
- unsigned long long filesize = 0;
- unsigned long long compressedfilesize = 0;
- unsigned int checkbits;
- char* in_buff, *in_start, *in_end;
- char* out_buff;
- FILE* finput;
- FILE* foutput;
- clock_t start, end;
- unsigned int blockSize, inputBufferSize;
- size_t sizeCheck, header_size;
- void* streamChecksumState=NULL;
- // Init
- start = clock();
- if ((displayLevel==2) && (compressionlevel>=3)) displayLevel=3;
- if (compressionlevel>=3)
- {
- initFunction = LZ4_createHC;
- compressionFunction = LZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput_continue;
- translateFunction = LZ4_slideInputBufferHC;
- freeFunction = LZ4_freeHC;
- }
- else
- {
- initFunction = LZ4_create;
- compressionFunction = LZ4_compress_limitedOutput_continue;
- translateFunction = LZ4_slideInputBuffer;
- freeFunction = LZ4_free;
- }
- get_fileHandle(input_filename, output_filename, &finput, &foutput);
- blockSize = LZ4S_GetBlockSize_FromBlockId (blockSizeId);
- // Allocate Memory
- inputBufferSize = blockSize + 64 KB;
- if (inputBufferSize < MIN_STREAM_BUFSIZE) inputBufferSize = MIN_STREAM_BUFSIZE;
- in_buff = (char*)malloc(inputBufferSize);
- out_buff = (char*)malloc(blockSize+CACHELINE);
- if (!in_buff || !out_buff) EXM_THROW(31, "Allocation error : not enough memory");
- in_start = in_buff; in_end = in_buff + inputBufferSize;
- if (streamChecksum) streamChecksumState = XXH32_init(LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- ctx = initFunction(in_buff);
- // Write Archive Header
- *(unsigned int*)out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(LZ4S_MAGICNUMBER); // Magic Number, in Little Endian convention
- *(out_buff+4) = (1 & _2BITS) << 6 ; // Version('01')
- *(out_buff+4) |= (blockIndependence & _1BIT) << 5;
- *(out_buff+4) |= (blockChecksum & _1BIT) << 4;
- *(out_buff+4) |= (streamChecksum & _1BIT) << 2;
- *(out_buff+5) = (char)((blockSizeId & _3BITS) << 4);
- checkbits = XXH32((out_buff+4), 2, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- checkbits = LZ4S_GetCheckBits_FromXXH(checkbits);
- *(out_buff+6) = (unsigned char) checkbits;
- header_size = 7;
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, header_size, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=header_size) EXM_THROW(32, "Write error : cannot write header");
- compressedfilesize += header_size;
- // Main Loop
- while (1)
- {
- unsigned int outSize;
- unsigned int inSize;
- // Read Block
- if ((in_start+blockSize) > in_end) in_start = translateFunction(ctx);
- inSize = (unsigned int) fread(in_start, (size_t)1, (size_t)blockSize, finput);
- if( inSize==0 ) break; // No more input : end of compression
- filesize += inSize;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\rRead : %i MB ", (int)(filesize>>20));
- if (streamChecksum) XXH32_update(streamChecksumState, in_start, inSize);
- // Compress Block
- outSize = compressionFunction(ctx, in_start, out_buff+4, inSize, inSize-1);
- if (outSize > 0) compressedfilesize += outSize+4; else compressedfilesize += inSize+4;
- if (blockChecksum) compressedfilesize+=4;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\rRead : %i MB ==> %.2f%% ", (int)(filesize>>20), (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100);
- // Write Block
- if (outSize > 0)
- {
- int sizeToWrite;
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(outSize);
- if (blockChecksum)
- {
- unsigned int checksum = XXH32(out_buff+4, outSize, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- * (unsigned int*) (out_buff+4+outSize) = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(checksum);
- }
- sizeToWrite = 4 + outSize + (4*blockChecksum);
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, sizeToWrite, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(sizeToWrite)) EXM_THROW(33, "Write error : cannot write compressed block");
- }
- else // Copy Original
- {
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(inSize|0x80000000); // Add Uncompressed flag
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, 4, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(4)) EXM_THROW(34, "Write error : cannot write block header");
- sizeCheck = fwrite(in_start, 1, inSize, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(inSize)) EXM_THROW(35, "Write error : cannot write block");
- if (blockChecksum)
- {
- unsigned int checksum = XXH32(in_start, inSize, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(checksum);
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, 4, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(4)) EXM_THROW(36, "Write error : cannot write block checksum");
- }
- }
- in_start += inSize;
- }
- // End of Stream mark
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LZ4S_EOS;
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, 4, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(4)) EXM_THROW(37, "Write error : cannot write end of stream");
- compressedfilesize += 4;
- if (streamChecksum)
- {
- unsigned int checksum = XXH32_digest(streamChecksumState);
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(checksum);
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, 4, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(4)) EXM_THROW(37, "Write error : cannot write stream checksum");
- compressedfilesize += 4;
- }
- // Status
- end = clock();
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Compressed %llu bytes into %llu bytes ==> %.2f%%\n",
- (unsigned long long) filesize, (unsigned long long) compressedfilesize, (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100);
- {
- double seconds = (double)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Done in %.2f s ==> %.2f MB/s\n", seconds, (double)filesize / seconds / 1024 / 1024);
- }
- // Close & Free
- freeFunction(ctx);
- free(in_buff);
- free(out_buff);
- fclose(finput);
- fclose(foutput);
- return 0;
-int compress_file(char* input_filename, char* output_filename, int compressionlevel)
- int (*compressionFunction)(const char*, char*, int, int);
- unsigned long long filesize = 0;
- unsigned long long compressedfilesize = 0;
- unsigned int checkbits;
- char* in_buff;
- char* out_buff;
- char* headerBuffer;
- FILE* finput;
- FILE* foutput;
- clock_t start, end;
- int blockSize;
- size_t sizeCheck, header_size, readSize;
- void* streamChecksumState=NULL;
- // Branch out
- if (blockIndependence==0) return compress_file_blockDependency(input_filename, output_filename, compressionlevel);
- // Init
- start = clock();
- if ((displayLevel==2) && (compressionlevel>=3)) displayLevel=3;
- if (compressionlevel < 3) compressionFunction = LZ4_compress_limitedOutput; else compressionFunction = LZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput;
- get_fileHandle(input_filename, output_filename, &finput, &foutput);
- blockSize = LZ4S_GetBlockSize_FromBlockId (blockSizeId);
- // Allocate Memory
- in_buff = (char*)malloc(blockSize);
- out_buff = (char*)malloc(blockSize+CACHELINE);
- headerBuffer = (char*)malloc(LZ4S_MAXHEADERSIZE);
- if (!in_buff || !out_buff || !(headerBuffer)) EXM_THROW(31, "Allocation error : not enough memory");
- if (streamChecksum) streamChecksumState = XXH32_init(LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- // Write Archive Header
- *(unsigned int*)headerBuffer = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(LZ4S_MAGICNUMBER); // Magic Number, in Little Endian convention
- *(headerBuffer+4) = (1 & _2BITS) << 6 ; // Version('01')
- *(headerBuffer+4) |= (blockIndependence & _1BIT) << 5;
- *(headerBuffer+4) |= (blockChecksum & _1BIT) << 4;
- *(headerBuffer+4) |= (streamChecksum & _1BIT) << 2;
- *(headerBuffer+5) = (char)((blockSizeId & _3BITS) << 4);
- checkbits = XXH32((headerBuffer+4), 2, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- checkbits = LZ4S_GetCheckBits_FromXXH(checkbits);
- *(headerBuffer+6) = (unsigned char) checkbits;
- header_size = 7;
- // Write header
- sizeCheck = fwrite(headerBuffer, 1, header_size, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=header_size) EXM_THROW(32, "Write error : cannot write header");
- compressedfilesize += header_size;
- // read first block
- readSize = fread(in_buff, (size_t)1, (size_t)blockSize, finput);
- // Main Loop
- while (readSize>0)
- {
- unsigned int outSize;
- filesize += readSize;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\rRead : %i MB ", (int)(filesize>>20));
- if (streamChecksum) XXH32_update(streamChecksumState, in_buff, (int)readSize);
- // Compress Block
- outSize = compressionFunction(in_buff, out_buff+4, (int)readSize, (int)readSize-1);
- if (outSize > 0) compressedfilesize += outSize+4; else compressedfilesize += readSize+4;
- if (blockChecksum) compressedfilesize+=4;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\rRead : %i MB ==> %.2f%% ", (int)(filesize>>20), (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100);
- // Write Block
- if (outSize > 0)
- {
- int sizeToWrite;
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(outSize);
- if (blockChecksum)
- {
- unsigned int checksum = XXH32(out_buff+4, outSize, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- * (unsigned int*) (out_buff+4+outSize) = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(checksum);
- }
- sizeToWrite = 4 + outSize + (4*blockChecksum);
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, sizeToWrite, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(sizeToWrite)) EXM_THROW(33, "Write error : cannot write compressed block");
- }
- else // Copy Original Uncompressed
- {
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(((unsigned long)readSize)|0x80000000); // Add Uncompressed flag
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, 4, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(4)) EXM_THROW(34, "Write error : cannot write block header");
- sizeCheck = fwrite(in_buff, 1, readSize, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=readSize) EXM_THROW(35, "Write error : cannot write block");
- if (blockChecksum)
- {
- unsigned int checksum = XXH32(in_buff, (int)readSize, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(checksum);
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, 4, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(4)) EXM_THROW(36, "Write error : cannot write block checksum");
- }
- }
- // Read next block
- readSize = fread(in_buff, (size_t)1, (size_t)blockSize, finput);
- }
- // End of Stream mark
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LZ4S_EOS;
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, 4, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(4)) EXM_THROW(37, "Write error : cannot write end of stream");
- compressedfilesize += 4;
- if (streamChecksum)
- {
- unsigned int checksum = XXH32_digest(streamChecksumState);
- * (unsigned int*) out_buff = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(checksum);
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, 4, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(4)) EXM_THROW(37, "Write error : cannot write stream checksum");
- compressedfilesize += 4;
- }
- // Close & Free
- free(in_buff);
- free(out_buff);
- free(headerBuffer);
- fclose(finput);
- fclose(foutput);
- // Final Status
- end = clock();
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Compressed %llu bytes into %llu bytes ==> %.2f%%\n",
- (unsigned long long) filesize, (unsigned long long) compressedfilesize, (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100);
- {
- double seconds = (double)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Done in %.2f s ==> %.2f MB/s\n", seconds, (double)filesize / seconds / 1024 / 1024);
- }
- return 0;
-unsigned long long decodeLegacyStream(FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
- unsigned long long filesize = 0;
- char* in_buff;
- char* out_buff;
- unsigned int blockSize;
- // Allocate Memory
- in_buff = (char*)malloc(LZ4_compressBound(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE));
- out_buff = (char*)malloc(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE);
- if (!in_buff || !out_buff) EXM_THROW(51, "Allocation error : not enough memory");
- // Main Loop
- while (1)
- {
- int decodeSize;
- size_t sizeCheck;
- // Block Size
- sizeCheck = fread(&blockSize, 1, 4, finput);
- if (sizeCheck==0) break; // Nothing to read : file read is completed
- blockSize = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(blockSize); // Convert to Little Endian
- { // Cannot read next block : maybe new stream ?
- fseek(finput, -4, SEEK_CUR);
- break;
- }
- // Read Block
- sizeCheck = fread(in_buff, 1, blockSize, finput);
- // Decode Block
- decodeSize = LZ4_decompress_safe(in_buff, out_buff, blockSize, LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE);
- if (decodeSize < 0) EXM_THROW(52, "Decoding Failed ! Corrupted input detected !");
- filesize += decodeSize;
- // Write Block
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, decodeSize, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck != (size_t)decodeSize) EXM_THROW(53, "Write error : cannot write decoded block into output\n");
- }
- // Free
- free(in_buff);
- free(out_buff);
- return filesize;
-unsigned long long decodeLZ4S(FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
- unsigned long long filesize = 0;
- char* in_buff;
- char* out_buff, *out_start, *out_end;
- unsigned char descriptor[LZ4S_MAXHEADERSIZE];
- size_t nbReadBytes;
- int decodedBytes=0;
- unsigned int maxBlockSize;
- size_t sizeCheck;
- int blockChecksumFlag, streamChecksumFlag, blockIndependenceFlag;
- void* streamChecksumState=NULL;
- int (*decompressionFunction)(const char*, char*, int, int) = LZ4_decompress_safe;
- unsigned int prefix64k = 0;
- // Decode stream descriptor
- nbReadBytes = fread(descriptor, 1, 3, finput);
- if (nbReadBytes != 3) EXM_THROW(61, "Unreadable header");
- {
- int version = (descriptor[0] >> 6) & _2BITS;
- int streamSize = (descriptor[0] >> 3) & _1BIT;
- int reserved1 = (descriptor[0] >> 1) & _1BIT;
- int dictionary = (descriptor[0] >> 0) & _1BIT;
- int reserved2 = (descriptor[1] >> 7) & _1BIT;
- int blockSizeId = (descriptor[1] >> 4) & _3BITS;
- int reserved3 = (descriptor[1] >> 0) & _4BITS;
- int checkBits = (descriptor[2] >> 0) & _8BITS;
- int checkBits_xxh32;
- blockIndependenceFlag=(descriptor[0] >> 5) & _1BIT;
- blockChecksumFlag = (descriptor[0] >> 4) & _1BIT;
- streamChecksumFlag= (descriptor[0] >> 2) & _1BIT;
- if (version != 1) EXM_THROW(62, "Wrong version number");
- if (streamSize == 1) EXM_THROW(64, "Does not support stream size");
- if (reserved1 != 0) EXM_THROW(65, "Wrong value for reserved bits");
- if (dictionary == 1) EXM_THROW(66, "Does not support dictionary");
- if (reserved2 != 0) EXM_THROW(67, "Wrong value for reserved bits");
- if (blockSizeId < 4) EXM_THROW(68, "Unsupported block size");
- if (reserved3 != 0) EXM_THROW(67, "Wrong value for reserved bits");
- maxBlockSize = LZ4S_GetBlockSize_FromBlockId(blockSizeId);
- // Checkbits verification
- descriptor[1] &= 0xF0;
- checkBits_xxh32 = XXH32(descriptor, 2, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- checkBits_xxh32 = LZ4S_GetCheckBits_FromXXH(checkBits_xxh32);
- if (checkBits != checkBits_xxh32) EXM_THROW(69, "Stream descriptor error detected");
- }
- if (!blockIndependenceFlag)
- {
- decompressionFunction = LZ4_decompress_safe_withPrefix64k;
- prefix64k = 64 KB;
- }
- // Allocate Memory
- {
- unsigned int outbuffSize = prefix64k+maxBlockSize;
- in_buff = (char*)malloc(maxBlockSize);
- if (outbuffSize < MIN_STREAM_BUFSIZE) outbuffSize = MIN_STREAM_BUFSIZE;
- out_buff = (char*)malloc(outbuffSize);
- out_end = out_buff + outbuffSize;
- out_start = out_buff + prefix64k;
- if (!in_buff || !out_buff) EXM_THROW(70, "Allocation error : not enough memory");
- }
- if (streamChecksumFlag) streamChecksumState = XXH32_init(LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- // Main Loop
- while (1)
- {
- unsigned int blockSize, uncompressedFlag;
- // Block Size
- nbReadBytes = fread(&blockSize, 1, 4, finput);
- if( nbReadBytes != 4 ) EXM_THROW(71, "Read error : cannot read next block size");
- if (blockSize == LZ4S_EOS) break; // End of Stream Mark : stream is completed
- blockSize = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(blockSize); // Convert to little endian
- uncompressedFlag = blockSize >> 31;
- blockSize &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
- if (blockSize > maxBlockSize) EXM_THROW(72, "Error : invalid block size");
- // Read Block
- nbReadBytes = fread(in_buff, 1, blockSize, finput);
- if( nbReadBytes != blockSize ) EXM_THROW(73, "Read error : cannot read data block" );
- // Check Block
- if (blockChecksumFlag)
- {
- unsigned int checksum = XXH32(in_buff, blockSize, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED);
- unsigned int readChecksum;
- sizeCheck = fread(&readChecksum, 1, 4, finput);
- if( sizeCheck != 4 ) EXM_THROW(74, "Read error : cannot read next block size");
- readChecksum = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(readChecksum); // Convert to little endian
- if (checksum != readChecksum) EXM_THROW(75, "Error : invalid block checksum detected");
- }
- if (uncompressedFlag)
- {
- // Write uncompressed Block
- sizeCheck = fwrite(in_buff, 1, blockSize, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck != (size_t)blockSize) EXM_THROW(76, "Write error : cannot write data block");
- filesize += blockSize;
- if (streamChecksumFlag) XXH32_update(streamChecksumState, in_buff, blockSize);
- if (!blockIndependenceFlag)
- {
- if (blockSize >= prefix64k)
- {
- memcpy(out_buff, in_buff + (blockSize - prefix64k), prefix64k); // Required for reference for next blocks
- out_start = out_buff + prefix64k;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy(out_start, in_buff, blockSize);
- decodedBytes = blockSize;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Decode Block
- decodedBytes = decompressionFunction(in_buff, out_start, blockSize, maxBlockSize);
- if (decodedBytes < 0) EXM_THROW(77, "Decoding Failed ! Corrupted input detected !");
- filesize += decodedBytes;
- if (streamChecksumFlag) XXH32_update(streamChecksumState, out_start, decodedBytes);
- // Write Block
- sizeCheck = fwrite(out_start, 1, decodedBytes, foutput);
- if (sizeCheck != (size_t)decodedBytes) EXM_THROW(78, "Write error : cannot write decoded block\n");
- }
- if (!blockIndependenceFlag)
- {
- out_start += decodedBytes;
- if ((size_t)(out_end - out_start) < (size_t)maxBlockSize)
- {
- memcpy(out_buff, out_start - prefix64k, prefix64k);
- out_start = out_buff + prefix64k;
- }
- }
- }
- // Stream Checksum
- if (streamChecksumFlag)
- {
- unsigned int checksum = XXH32_digest(streamChecksumState);
- unsigned int readChecksum;
- sizeCheck = fread(&readChecksum, 1, 4, finput);
- if (sizeCheck != 4) EXM_THROW(74, "Read error : cannot read stream checksum");
- readChecksum = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(readChecksum); // Convert to little endian
- if (checksum != readChecksum) EXM_THROW(75, "Error : invalid stream checksum detected");
- }
- // Free
- free(in_buff);
- free(out_buff);
- return filesize;
-unsigned long long selectDecoder( FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
- unsigned int magicNumber, size;
- int errorNb;
- size_t nbReadBytes;
- // Check Archive Header
- nbReadBytes = fread(&magicNumber, 1, MAGICNUMBER_SIZE, finput);
- if (nbReadBytes==0) return 0; // EOF
- if (nbReadBytes != MAGICNUMBER_SIZE) EXM_THROW(41, "Unrecognized header : Magic Number unreadable");
- magicNumber = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(magicNumber); // Convert to Little Endian format
- if (LZ4S_isSkippableMagicNumber(magicNumber)) magicNumber = LZ4S_SKIPPABLE0; // fold skippable magic numbers
- switch(magicNumber)
- {
- return DEFAULT_DECOMPRESSOR(finput, foutput);
- DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Detected : Legacy format \n");
- return decodeLegacyStream(finput, foutput);
- DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Skipping detected skippable area \n");
- nbReadBytes = fread(&size, 1, 4, finput);
- if (nbReadBytes != 4) EXM_THROW(42, "Stream error : skippable size unreadable");
- size = LITTLE_ENDIAN_32(size); // Convert to Little Endian format
- errorNb = fseek(finput, size, SEEK_CUR);
- if (errorNb != 0) EXM_THROW(43, "Stream error : cannot skip skippable area");
- return selectDecoder(finput, foutput);
- default:
- if (ftell(finput) == MAGICNUMBER_SIZE) EXM_THROW(44,"Unrecognized header : file cannot be decoded"); // Wrong magic number at the beginning of 1st stream
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Stream followed by unrecognized data\n");
- return 0;
- }
-int decodeFile(char* input_filename, char* output_filename)
- unsigned long long filesize = 0, decodedSize=0;
- FILE* finput;
- FILE* foutput;
- clock_t start, end;
- // Init
- start = clock();
- get_fileHandle(input_filename, output_filename, &finput, &foutput);
- // Loop over multiple streams
- do
- {
- decodedSize = selectDecoder(finput, foutput);
- filesize += decodedSize;
- } while (decodedSize);
- // Final Status
- end = clock();
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
- DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Successfully decoded %llu bytes \n", filesize);
- {
- double seconds = (double)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Done in %.2f s ==> %.2f MB/s\n", seconds, (double)filesize / seconds / 1024 / 1024);
- }
- // Close
- fclose(finput);
- fclose(foutput);
- // Error status = OK
- return 0;
void waitEnter()
DISPLAY("Press enter to continue...\n");
@@ -1036,9 +303,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
char* dynNameSpace=0;
char nullOutput[] = NULL_OUTPUT;
char extension[] = LZ4_EXTENSION;
+ int blockSize;
// Init
programName = argv[0];
+ LZ4IO_setOverwrite(0);
+ blockSize = LZ4IO_setBlockSizeID(LZ4_BLOCKSIZEID_DEFAULT);
for(i=1; i<argc; i++)
@@ -1065,7 +335,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if ((argument[0]=='c') && (argument[1]=='0')) { cLevel=0; argument++; continue; } // -c0 (fast compression)
if ((argument[0]=='c') && (argument[1]=='1')) { cLevel=9; argument++; continue; } // -c1 (high compression)
if ((argument[0]=='h') && (argument[1]=='c')) { cLevel=9; argument++; continue; } // -hc (high compression)
- if (*argument=='y') { overwrite=1; continue; } // -y (answer 'yes' to overwrite permission)
+ if (*argument=='y') { LZ4IO_setOverwrite(1); continue; } // -y (answer 'yes' to overwrite permission)
if (*argument=='s') { displayLevel=1; continue; } // -s (silent mode)
@@ -1089,7 +359,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
- case '9': cLevel=*argument -'0'; break;
+ case '9':
+ case 'A': /* non documented (hidden) */
+ cLevel=*argument -'0'; break;
// Use Legacy format (for Linux kernel compression)
case 'l': legacy_format=1; break;
@@ -1104,7 +376,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
case 't': decode=1; output_filename=nulmark; break;
// Overwrite
- case 'f': overwrite=1; break;
+ case 'f': LZ4IO_setOverwrite(1); break;
// Verbose mode
case 'v': displayLevel=4; break;
@@ -1130,12 +402,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
int B = argument[1] - '0';
int S = 1 << (8 + 2*B);
- blockSizeId = B;
+ LZ4IO_setBlockSizeID(B);
- case 'D': blockIndependence = 0, argument++; break;
- case 'X': blockChecksum = 1, argument ++; break;
+ case 'D': LZ4IO_setBlockMode(independentBlocks); argument++; break;
+ case 'X': LZ4IO_setBlockChecksumMode(1); argument ++; break;
default : exitBlockProperties=1;
if (exitBlockProperties) break;
@@ -1143,7 +415,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Modify Stream properties
- case 'S': if (argument[1]=='x') { streamChecksum=0; argument++; break; } else { badusage(); }
+ case 'S': if (argument[1]=='x') { LZ4IO_setStreamChecksumMode(0); argument++; break; } else { badusage(); }
// Benchmark
case 'b': bench=1; break;
@@ -1183,7 +455,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
- DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Blocks size : %i KB\n", (1 << ((blockSizeId*2)-2)));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Blocks size : %i KB\n", blockSize>>10);
// No input filename ==> use stdin
if(!input_filename) { input_filename=stdinmark; }
@@ -1235,15 +507,16 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (!strcmp(input_filename, stdinmark) && IS_CONSOLE(stdin) ) badusage();
if (!strcmp(output_filename,stdoutmark) && IS_CONSOLE(stdout) && !forceStdout) badusage();
- // Decompress input if selected
- if (decode) decodeFile(input_filename, output_filename);
+ // IO Stream/File
+ LZ4IO_setNotificationLevel(displayLevel);
+ if (decode) DEFAULT_DECOMPRESSOR(input_filename, output_filename);
// compression is default action
if (legacy_format)
DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "! Generating compressed LZ4 using Legacy format (deprecated !) ! \n");
- legacy_compress_file(input_filename, output_filename, cLevel);
+ LZ4IO_compressFilename_Legacy(input_filename, output_filename, cLevel);