1.8.1 Manual


  1. Introduction
  2. Version
  3. Tuning parameter
  4. Simple Functions
  5. Advanced Functions
  6. Streaming Compression Functions
  7. Streaming Decompression Functions
  8. Private definitions
  9. Obsolete Functions


  LZ4 is lossless compression algorithm, providing compression speed at 400 MB/s per core,
  scalable with multi-cores CPU. It features an extremely fast decoder, with speed in
  multiple GB/s per core, typically reaching RAM speed limits on multi-core systems.

  The LZ4 compression library provides in-memory compression and decompression functions.
  Compression can be done in:
    - a single step (described as Simple Functions)
    - a single step, reusing a context (described in Advanced Functions)
    - unbounded multiple steps (described as Streaming compression)

  lz4.h provides block compression functions. It gives full buffer control to user.
  Decompressing an lz4-compressed block also requires metadata (such as compressed size).
  Each application is free to encode such metadata in whichever way it wants.

  An additional format, called LZ4 frame specification (doc/lz4_Frame_format.md),
  take care of encoding standard metadata alongside LZ4-compressed blocks.
  If your application requires interoperability, it's recommended to use it.
  A library is provided to take care of it, see lz4frame.h.


int LZ4_versionNumber (void);  /**< library version number; useful to check dll version */

const char* LZ4_versionString (void);   /**< library version string; unseful to check dll version */

Tuning parameter

# define LZ4_MEMORY_USAGE 14

Memory usage formula : N->2^N Bytes (examples : 10 -> 1KB; 12 -> 4KB ; 16 -> 64KB; 20 -> 1MB; etc.) Increasing memory usage improves compression ratio Reduced memory usage may improve speed, thanks to cache effect Default value is 14, for 16KB, which nicely fits into Intel x86 L1 cache

Simple Functions

int LZ4_compress_default(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity);

Compresses 'srcSize' bytes from buffer 'src' into already allocated 'dst' buffer of size 'dstCapacity'. Compression is guaranteed to succeed if 'dstCapacity' >= LZ4_compressBound(srcSize). It also runs faster, so it's a recommended setting. If the function cannot compress 'src' into a more limited 'dst' budget, compression stops *immediately*, and the function result is zero. Note : as a consequence, 'dst' content is not valid. Note 2 : This function is protected against buffer overflow scenarios (never writes outside 'dst' buffer, nor read outside 'source' buffer). srcSize : max supported value is LZ4_MAX_INPUT_SIZE. dstCapacity : size of buffer 'dst' (which must be already allocated) return : the number of bytes written into buffer 'dst' (necessarily <= dstCapacity) or 0 if compression fails

int LZ4_decompress_safe (const char* src, char* dst, int compressedSize, int dstCapacity);

compressedSize : is the exact complete size of the compressed block. dstCapacity : is the size of destination buffer, which must be already allocated. return : the number of bytes decompressed into destination buffer (necessarily <= dstCapacity) If destination buffer is not large enough, decoding will stop and output an error code (negative value). If the source stream is detected malformed, the function will stop decoding and return a negative result. This function is protected against malicious data packets.

Advanced Functions

int LZ4_compressBound(int inputSize);

Provides the maximum size that LZ4 compression may output in a "worst case" scenario (input data not compressible) This function is primarily useful for memory allocation purposes (destination buffer size). Macro LZ4_COMPRESSBOUND() is also provided for compilation-time evaluation (stack memory allocation for example). Note that LZ4_compress_default() compresses faster when dstCapacity is >= LZ4_compressBound(srcSize) inputSize : max supported value is LZ4_MAX_INPUT_SIZE return : maximum output size in a "worst case" scenario or 0, if input size is incorrect (too large or negative)

int LZ4_compress_fast (const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int acceleration);

Same as LZ4_compress_default(), but allows selection of "acceleration" factor. The larger the acceleration value, the faster the algorithm, but also the lesser the compression. It's a trade-off. It can be fine tuned, with each successive value providing roughly +~3% to speed. An acceleration value of "1" is the same as regular LZ4_compress_default() Values <= 0 will be replaced by ACCELERATION_DEFAULT (currently == 1, see lz4.c).

int LZ4_sizeofState(void);
int LZ4_compress_fast_extState (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int acceleration);

Same compression function, just using an externally allocated memory space to store compression state. Use LZ4_sizeofState() to know how much memory must be allocated, and allocate it on 8-bytes boundaries (using malloc() typically). Then, provide it as 'void* state' to compression function.

int LZ4_compress_destSize (const char* src, char* dst, int* srcSizePtr, int targetDstSize);

Reverse the logic : compresses as much data as possible from 'src' buffer into already allocated buffer 'dst' of size 'targetDestSize'. This function either compresses the entire 'src' content into 'dst' if it's large enough, or fill 'dst' buffer completely with as much data as possible from 'src'. *srcSizePtr : will be modified to indicate how many bytes where read from 'src' to fill 'dst'. New value is necessarily <= old value. return : Nb bytes written into 'dst' (necessarily <= targetDestSize) or 0 if compression fails

int LZ4_decompress_fast (const char* src, char* dst, int originalSize);

This function is a bit faster than LZ4_decompress_safe(), but doesn't provide any security guarantee. originalSize : is the uncompressed size to regenerate Destination buffer must be already allocated, and its size must be >= 'originalSize' bytes. return : number of bytes read from source buffer (== compressed size). If the source stream is detected malformed, the function stops decoding and return a negative result. note : This function respects memory boundaries for *properly formed* compressed data. However, it does not provide any protection against malicious input. It also doesn't know 'src' size, and implies it's >= compressed size. Use this function in trusted environment **only**.

int LZ4_decompress_safe_partial (const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int targetOutputSize, int dstCapacity);

This function decompress a compressed block of size 'srcSize' at position 'src' into destination buffer 'dst' of size 'dstCapacity'. The function will decompress a minimum of 'targetOutputSize' bytes, and stop after that. However, it's not accurate, and may write more than 'targetOutputSize' (but always <= dstCapacity). @return : the number of bytes decoded in the destination buffer (necessarily <= dstCapacity) Note : this number can also be < targetOutputSize, if compressed block contains less data. Therefore, always control how many bytes were decoded. If source stream is detected malformed, function returns a negative result. This function is protected against malicious data packets.

Streaming Compression Functions

LZ4_stream_t* LZ4_createStream(void);
int           LZ4_freeStream (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr);

LZ4_createStream() will allocate and initialize an `LZ4_stream_t` structure. LZ4_freeStream() releases its memory.

void LZ4_resetStream (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr);

An LZ4_stream_t structure can be allocated once and re-used multiple times. Use this function to start compressing a new stream.

int LZ4_loadDict (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr, const char* dictionary, int dictSize);

Use this function to load a static dictionary into LZ4_stream_t. Any previous data will be forgotten, only 'dictionary' will remain in memory. Loading a size of 0 is allowed, and is the same as reset. @return : dictionary size, in bytes (necessarily <= 64 KB)

int LZ4_compress_fast_continue (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int acceleration);

Compress 'src' content using data from previously compressed blocks, for better compression ratio. 'dst' buffer must be already allocated. If dstCapacity >= LZ4_compressBound(srcSize), compression is guaranteed to succeed, and runs faster. Important : The previous 64KB of compressed data is assumed to remain present and unmodified in memory! Special 1 : When input is a double-buffer, they can have any size, including < 64 KB. Make sure that buffers are separated by at least one byte. This way, each block only depends on previous block. Special 2 : If input buffer is a ring-buffer, it can have any size, including < 64 KB. @return : size of compressed block or 0 if there is an error (typically, cannot fit into 'dst'). After an error, the stream status is invalid, it can only be reset or freed.

int LZ4_saveDict (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr, char* safeBuffer, int maxDictSize);

If last 64KB data cannot be guaranteed to remain available at its current memory location, save it into a safer place (char* safeBuffer). This is schematically equivalent to a memcpy() followed by LZ4_loadDict(), but is much faster, because LZ4_saveDict() doesn't need to rebuild tables. @return : saved dictionary size in bytes (necessarily <= maxDictSize), or 0 if error.

Streaming Decompression Functions

  Bufferless synchronous API

LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_createStreamDecode(void);
int                 LZ4_freeStreamDecode (LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_stream);

creation / destruction of streaming decompression tracking structure. A tracking structure can be re-used multiple times sequentially.

int LZ4_setStreamDecode (LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_streamDecode, const char* dictionary, int dictSize);

An LZ4_streamDecode_t structure can be allocated once and re-used multiple times. Use this function to start decompression of a new stream of blocks. A dictionary can optionnally be set. Use NULL or size 0 for a reset order. @return : 1 if OK, 0 if error

int LZ4_decompress_safe_continue (LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_streamDecode, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity);
int LZ4_decompress_fast_continue (LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_streamDecode, const char* src, char* dst, int originalSize);

These decoding functions allow decompression of consecutive blocks in "streaming" mode. A block is an unsplittable entity, it must be presented entirely to a decompression function. Decompression functions only accept one block at a time. The last 64KB of previously decoded data *must* remain available and unmodified at the memory position where they were decoded. If less than 64KB of data has been decoded all the data must be present. Special : if application sets a ring buffer for decompression, it must respect one of the following conditions : - Exactly same size as encoding buffer, with same update rule (block boundaries at same positions) In which case, the decoding & encoding ring buffer can have any size, including very small ones ( < 64 KB). - Larger than encoding buffer, by a minimum of maxBlockSize more bytes. maxBlockSize is implementation dependent. It's the maximum size of any single block. In which case, encoding and decoding buffers do not need to be synchronized, and encoding ring buffer can have any size, including small ones ( < 64 KB). - _At least_ 64 KB + 8 bytes + maxBlockSize. In which case, encoding and decoding buffers do not need to be synchronized, and encoding ring buffer can have any size, including larger than decoding buffer. Whenever these conditions are not possible, save the last 64KB of decoded data into a safe buffer, and indicate where it is saved using LZ4_setStreamDecode() before decompressing next block.

int LZ4_decompress_safe_usingDict (const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapcity, const char* dictStart, int dictSize);
int LZ4_decompress_fast_usingDict (const char* src, char* dst, int originalSize, const char* dictStart, int dictSize);

These decoding functions work the same as a combination of LZ4_setStreamDecode() followed by LZ4_decompress_*_continue() They are stand-alone, and don't need an LZ4_streamDecode_t structure.

Private definitions

 Do not use these definitions.
 They are exposed to allow static allocation of `LZ4_stream_t` and `LZ4_streamDecode_t`.
 Using these definitions will expose code to API and/or ABI break in future versions of the library.

typedef struct {
    uint32_t hashTable[LZ4_HASH_SIZE_U32];
    uint32_t currentOffset;
    uint32_t initCheck;
    const uint8_t* dictionary;
    uint8_t* bufferStart;   /* obsolete, used for slideInputBuffer */
    uint32_t dictSize;
} LZ4_stream_t_internal;

typedef struct {
    const uint8_t* externalDict;
    size_t extDictSize;
    const uint8_t* prefixEnd;
    size_t prefixSize;
} LZ4_streamDecode_t_internal;

typedef struct {
    unsigned int hashTable[LZ4_HASH_SIZE_U32];
    unsigned int currentOffset;
    unsigned int initCheck;
    const unsigned char* dictionary;
    unsigned char* bufferStart;   /* obsolete, used for slideInputBuffer */
    unsigned int dictSize;
} LZ4_stream_t_internal;

typedef struct {
    const unsigned char* externalDict;
    size_t extDictSize;
    const unsigned char* prefixEnd;
    size_t prefixSize;
} LZ4_streamDecode_t_internal;

#define LZ4_STREAMSIZE_U64 ((1 << (LZ4_MEMORY_USAGE-3)) + 4)
#define LZ4_STREAMSIZE     (LZ4_STREAMSIZE_U64 * sizeof(unsigned long long))
union LZ4_stream_u {
    unsigned long long table[LZ4_STREAMSIZE_U64];
    LZ4_stream_t_internal internal_donotuse;
} ;  /* previously typedef'd to LZ4_stream_t */

information structure to track an LZ4 stream. init this structure before first use. note : only use in association with static linking ! this definition is not API/ABI safe, it may change in a future version !

#define LZ4_STREAMDECODESIZE     (LZ4_STREAMDECODESIZE_U64 * sizeof(unsigned long long))
union LZ4_streamDecode_u {
    unsigned long long table[LZ4_STREAMDECODESIZE_U64];
    LZ4_streamDecode_t_internal internal_donotuse;
} ;   /* previously typedef'd to LZ4_streamDecode_t */

information structure to track an LZ4 stream during decompression. init this structure using LZ4_setStreamDecode (or memset()) before first use note : only use in association with static linking ! this definition is not API/ABI safe, and may change in a future version !

Obsolete Functions

#  define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message)   /* disable deprecation warnings */
#  define LZ4_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__)
#  if defined (__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201402) /* C++14 or greater */
#    define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message) [[deprecated(message)]]
#  elif (LZ4_GCC_VERSION >= 405) || defined(__clang__)
#    define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message) __attribute__((deprecated(message)))
#  elif (LZ4_GCC_VERSION >= 301)
#    define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message) __attribute__((deprecated))
#  elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#    define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message) __declspec(deprecated(message))
#  else
#    pragma message("WARNING: You need to implement LZ4_DEPRECATED for this compiler")
#    define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message)
#  endif

Should deprecation warnings be a problem, it is generally possible to disable them, typically with -Wno-deprecated-declarations for gcc or _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS in Visual. Otherwise, it's also possible to define LZ4_DISABLE_DEPRECATE_WARNINGS