# LZ4 API Example : Dictionary Random Access `dictionaryRandomAccess.c` is LZ4 API example which implements dictionary compression and random access decompression. Please note that the output file is not compatible with lz4frame and is platform dependent. ## What's the point of this example ? - Dictionary based compression for homogeneous files. - Random access to compressed blocks. ## How the compression works Reads the dictionary from a file, and uses it as the history for each block. This allows each block to be independent, but maintains compression ratio. ``` Dictionary + | v +---------+ | Block#1 | +----+----+ | v {Out#1} Dictionary + | v +---------+ | Block#2 | +----+----+ | v {Out#2} ``` After writing the magic bytes `TEST` and then the compressed blocks, write out the jump table. The last 4 bytes is an integer containing the number of blocks in the stream. If there are `N` blocks, then just before the last 4 bytes is `N + 1` 4 byte integers containing the offsets at the beginning and end of each block. Let `Offset#K` be the total number of bytes written after writing out `Block#K` *including* the magic bytes for simplicity. ``` +------+---------+ +---------+---+----------+ +----------+-----+ | TEST | Block#1 | ... | Block#N | 4 | Offset#1 | ... | Offset#N | N+1 | +------+---------+ +---------+---+----------+ +----------+-----+ ``` ## How the decompression works Decompression will do reverse order. - Seek to the last 4 bytes of the file and read the number of offsets. - Read each offset into an array. - Seek to the first block containing data we want to read. We know where to look because we know each block contains a fixed amount of uncompressed data, except possibly the last. - Decompress it and write what data we need from it to the file. - Read the next block. - Decompress it and write that page to the file. Continue these procedure until all the required data has been read.