#!/bin/bash -eu # This script is called by the oss-fuzz main project when compiling the fuzz # targets. This script is regression tested by travisoss.sh. # Save off the current folder as the build root. export BUILD_ROOT=$PWD echo "CC: $CC" echo "CXX: $CXX" echo "LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE: $LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE" echo "CFLAGS: $CFLAGS" echo "CXXFLAGS: $CXXFLAGS" echo "OUT: $OUT" export MAKEFLAGS+="-j$(nproc)" pushd ossfuzz make V=1 compress_fuzzer decompress_fuzzer popd # Copy the fuzzers to the target directory. cp -v ossfuzz/compress_fuzzer ossfuzz/decompress_fuzzer $OUT/