/* LZ4io.h - LZ4 File/Stream Interface Copyright (C) Yann Collet 2011-2016 GPL v2 License This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. You can contact the author at : - LZ4 source repository : https://github.com/lz4/lz4 - LZ4 public forum : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lz4c */ /* Note : this is stand-alone program. It is not part of LZ4 compression library, it is a user code of the LZ4 library. - The license of LZ4 library is BSD. - The license of xxHash library is BSD. - The license of this source file is GPLv2. */ #ifndef LZ4IO_H_237902873 #define LZ4IO_H_237902873 /*--- Dependency ---*/ #include /* size_t */ /* ************************************************** */ /* Special input/output values */ /* ************************************************** */ #define NULL_OUTPUT "null" static const char stdinmark[] = "stdin"; static const char stdoutmark[] = "stdout"; #ifdef _WIN32 static const char nulmark[] = "nul"; #else static const char nulmark[] = "/dev/null"; #endif /* ************************************************** */ /* ****************** Type Definitions ************** */ /* ************************************************** */ typedef struct LZ4IO_prefs_s LZ4IO_prefs_t; LZ4IO_prefs_t* LZ4IO_defaultPreferences(void); void LZ4IO_freePreferences(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs); /* Size in bytes of a legacy block header in little-endian format */ #define LZIO_LEGACY_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE 4 /* ************************************************** */ /* ****************** Functions ********************* */ /* ************************************************** */ /* if output_filename == stdoutmark, writes to stdout */ int LZ4IO_compressFilename(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, const char* input_filename, const char* output_filename, int compressionlevel); int LZ4IO_decompressFilename(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, const char* input_filename, const char* output_filename); /* if suffix == stdoutmark, writes to stdout */ int LZ4IO_compressMultipleFilenames(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, const char** inFileNamesTable, int ifntSize, const char* suffix, int compressionlevel); int LZ4IO_decompressMultipleFilenames(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, const char** inFileNamesTable, int ifntSize, const char* suffix); /* ************************************************** */ /* ****************** Parameters ******************** */ /* ************************************************** */ int LZ4IO_setDictionaryFilename(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, const char* dictionaryFilename); /* Default setting : passThrough = 0; return : passThrough mode (0/1) */ int LZ4IO_setPassThrough(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, int yes); /* Default setting : overwrite = 1; return : overwrite mode (0/1) */ int LZ4IO_setOverwrite(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, int yes); /* Default setting : testMode = 0; return : testMode (0/1) */ int LZ4IO_setTestMode(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, int yes); /* blockSizeID : valid values : 4-5-6-7 return : 0 if error, blockSize if OK */ size_t LZ4IO_setBlockSizeID(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, unsigned blockSizeID); /* blockSize : valid values : 32 -> 4MB return : 0 if error, actual blocksize if OK */ size_t LZ4IO_setBlockSize(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, size_t blockSize); /* Default setting : independent blocks */ typedef enum { LZ4IO_blockLinked=0, LZ4IO_blockIndependent} LZ4IO_blockMode_t; int LZ4IO_setBlockMode(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, LZ4IO_blockMode_t blockMode); /* Default setting : no block checksum */ int LZ4IO_setBlockChecksumMode(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, int xxhash); /* Default setting : stream checksum enabled */ int LZ4IO_setStreamChecksumMode(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, int xxhash); /* Default setting : 0 (no notification) */ int LZ4IO_setNotificationLevel(int level); /* Default setting : 0 (disabled) */ int LZ4IO_setSparseFile(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, int enable); /* Default setting : 0 == no content size present in frame header */ int LZ4IO_setContentSize(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, int enable); /* Default setting : 0 == src file preserved */ void LZ4IO_setRemoveSrcFile(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, unsigned flag); /* Default setting : 0 == favor compression ratio * Note : 1 only works for high compression levels (10+) */ void LZ4IO_favorDecSpeed(LZ4IO_prefs_t* const prefs, int favor); /* implement --list * @return 0 on success, 1 on error */ int LZ4IO_displayCompressedFilesInfo(const char** inFileNames, size_t ifnIdx); #endif /* LZ4IO_H_237902873 */