# ########################################################################## # LZ4 programs - Makefile # Copyright (C) Yann Collet 2011-2020 # # GPL v2 License # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # You can contact the author at : # - LZ4 homepage : http://www.lz4.org # - LZ4 source repository : https://github.com/lz4/lz4 # ########################################################################## # fuzzer : Test tool, to check lz4 integrity on target platform # frametest : Test tool, to check lz4frame integrity on target platform # fullbench : Precisely measure speed for each LZ4 function variant # datagen : generates synthetic data samples for tests & benchmarks # ########################################################################## LZ4DIR := ../lib PRGDIR := ../programs TESTDIR := versionsTest PYTHON ?= python3 DEBUGLEVEL?= 1 DEBUGFLAGS = -g -DLZ4_DEBUG=$(DEBUGLEVEL) CFLAGS ?= -O3 # can select custom optimization flags. Example : CFLAGS=-O2 make CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wshadow \ -Wswitch-enum -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wstrict-prototypes \ -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-aliasing=1 CFLAGS += $(DEBUGFLAGS) $(MOREFLAGS) CPPFLAGS+= -I$(LZ4DIR) -I$(PRGDIR) -DXXH_NAMESPACE=LZ4_ FLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) include ../Makefile.inc LZ4 := $(PRGDIR)/lz4$(EXT) # Default test parameters TEST_FILES := COPYING FUZZER_TIME := -T90s NB_LOOPS ?= -i1 .PHONY: default default: all all: fullbench fuzzer frametest roundTripTest datagen checkFrame decompress-partial all32: CFLAGS+=-m32 all32: all lz4: $(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) $@ CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" lib liblz4.pc: $(MAKE) -C $(LZ4DIR) $@ CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" lz4c unlz4 lz4cat: lz4 $(LN_SF) $(LZ4) $(PRGDIR)/$@ lz4c32: # create a 32-bits version for 32/64 interop tests $(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) $@ CFLAGS="-m32 $(CFLAGS)" %.o : $(LZ4DIR)/%.c $(LZ4DIR)/%.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@ fullbench : DEBUGLEVEL=0 fullbench : lz4.o lz4hc.o lz4frame.o xxhash.o fullbench.c $(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT) $(LZ4DIR)/liblz4.a: $(MAKE) -C $(LZ4DIR) liblz4.a fullbench-lib: fullbench.c $(LZ4DIR)/liblz4.a $(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT) fullbench-dll: fullbench.c $(LZ4DIR)/xxhash.c $(MAKE) -C $(LZ4DIR) liblz4 $(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT) -DLZ4_DLL_IMPORT=1 $(LZ4DIR)/dll/$(LIBLZ4).dll # test LZ4_USER_MEMORY_FUNCTIONS fullbench-wmalloc: CPPFLAGS += -DLZ4_USER_MEMORY_FUNCTIONS fullbench-wmalloc: fullbench fuzzer : lz4.o lz4hc.o xxhash.o fuzzer.c $(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT) frametest: lz4frame.o lz4.o lz4hc.o xxhash.o frametest.c $(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT) roundTripTest : lz4.o lz4hc.o xxhash.o roundTripTest.c $(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT) datagen : $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c datagencli.c $(CC) $(FLAGS) -I$(PRGDIR) $^ -o $@$(EXT) checkFrame : lz4frame.o lz4.o lz4hc.o xxhash.o checkFrame.c $(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT) decompress-partial: lz4.o decompress-partial.c $(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT) decompress-partial-usingDict: lz4.o decompress-partial-usingDict.c $(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT) .PHONY: clean clean: @$(MAKE) -C $(LZ4DIR) $@ > $(VOID) @$(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) $@ > $(VOID) @$(RM) -rf core *.o *.test tmp* \ fullbench-dll$(EXT) fullbench-lib$(EXT) \ fullbench$(EXT) fullbench32$(EXT) \ fuzzer$(EXT) fuzzer32$(EXT) \ frametest$(EXT) frametest32$(EXT) \ fasttest$(EXT) roundTripTest$(EXT) \ datagen$(EXT) checkTag$(EXT) \ frameTest$(EXT) decompress-partial$(EXT) \ abiTest$(EXT) \ lz4_all.c @$(RM) -rf $(TESTDIR) @echo Cleaning completed .PHONY: versionsTest versionsTest: $(PYTHON) test-lz4-versions.py .PHONY: listTest listTest: lz4 QEMU_SYS=$(QEMU_SYS) $(PYTHON) test-lz4-list.py abiTest: LDLIBS += -llz4 .PHONY: abiTests abiTests: $(PYTHON) test-lz4-abi.py checkTag: checkTag.c $(LZ4DIR)/lz4.h $(CC) $(FLAGS) $< -o $@$(EXT) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # validated only for Linux, OSX, BSD, Hurd and Solaris targets #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(POSIX_ENV),Yes) MD5:=md5sum ifneq (,$(filter $(shell $(UNAME)), Darwin )) MD5:=md5 -r endif # note : we should probably settle on a single compare utility CMP:=cmp GREP:=grep DIFF:=diff ifneq (,$(filter $(shell $(UNAME)),SunOS)) DIFF:=gdiff endif CAT:=cat DD:=dd DATAGEN:=./datagen .PHONY: list list: @$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' | xargs .PHONY: check check: test-lz4-essentials .PHONY: test test: test-lz4 test-lz4c test-frametest test-fullbench test-fuzzer test-amalgamation listTest test-decompress-partial .PHONY: test32 test32: CFLAGS+=-m32 test32: test .PHONY: test-amalgamation test-amalgamation: lz4_all.o lz4_all.c: $(LZ4DIR)/lz4.c $(LZ4DIR)/lz4hc.c $(LZ4DIR)/lz4frame.c $(CAT) $^ > $@ .PHONY: test-install test-install: lz4 lib liblz4.pc lz4_root=.. ./test_install.sh .PHONY: test-compile-with-lz4-memory-usage test-compile-with-lz4-memory-usage: $(MAKE) clean; CFLAGS=-O0 CPPFLAGS=-D'LZ4_MEMORY_USAGE=LZ4_MEMORY_USAGE_MIN' $(MAKE) all $(MAKE) clean; CFLAGS=-O0 CPPFLAGS=-D'LZ4_MEMORY_USAGE=LZ4_MEMORY_USAGE_MAX' $(MAKE) all .PHONY: test-lz4-sparse # Rules regarding Temporary test files : # Each test must use its own unique set of names during execution. # Each temporary test file must begin by an FPREFIX. # Each FPREFIX must be unique for each test. # All FPREFIX must start with `tmp`, for `make clean` # All tests must clean their temporary test files on successful completion, # and only their test files : do not employ sweeping statements such `rm tmp*` or `rm *.lz4` test-lz4-sparse: FPREFIX = tmp-tls test-lz4-sparse: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test sparse file support ----" $(DATAGEN) -g5M -P100 > $(FPREFIX)dg5M $(LZ4) -B4D $(FPREFIX)dg5M -c | $(LZ4) -dv --sparse > $(FPREFIX)cB4 $(DIFF) -s $(FPREFIX)dg5M $(FPREFIX)cB4 $(LZ4) -B5D $(FPREFIX)dg5M -c | $(LZ4) -dv --sparse > $(FPREFIX)cB5 $(DIFF) -s $(FPREFIX)dg5M $(FPREFIX)cB5 $(LZ4) -B6D $(FPREFIX)dg5M -c | $(LZ4) -dv --sparse > $(FPREFIX)cB6 $(DIFF) -s $(FPREFIX)dg5M $(FPREFIX)cB6 $(LZ4) -B7D $(FPREFIX)dg5M -c | $(LZ4) -dv --sparse > $(FPREFIX)cB7 $(DIFF) -s $(FPREFIX)dg5M $(FPREFIX)cB7 $(LZ4) $(FPREFIX)dg5M -c | $(LZ4) -dv --no-sparse > $(FPREFIX)nosparse $(DIFF) -s $(FPREFIX)dg5M $(FPREFIX)nosparse ls -ls $(FPREFIX)* $(DATAGEN) -s1 -g1200007 -P100 | $(LZ4) | $(LZ4) -dv --sparse > $(FPREFIX)odd # Odd size file (to generate non-full last block) $(DATAGEN) -s1 -g1200007 -P100 | $(DIFF) -s - $(FPREFIX)odd ls -ls $(FPREFIX)odd @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* @echo "\n Compatibility with Console :" echo "Hello World 1 !" | $(LZ4) | $(LZ4) -d -c echo "Hello World 2 !" | $(LZ4) | $(LZ4) -d | $(CAT) echo "Hello World 3 !" | $(LZ4) --no-frame-crc | $(LZ4) -d -c @echo "\n Compatibility with Append :" $(DATAGEN) -P100 -g1M > $(FPREFIX)dg1M $(CAT) $(FPREFIX)dg1M $(FPREFIX)dg1M > $(FPREFIX)2M $(LZ4) -B5 -v $(FPREFIX)dg1M $(FPREFIX)c $(LZ4) -d -v $(FPREFIX)c $(FPREFIX)r $(LZ4) -d -v $(FPREFIX)c -c >> $(FPREFIX)r ls -ls $(FPREFIX)* $(DIFF) $(FPREFIX)2M $(FPREFIX)r @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* test-lz4-contentSize: FPREFIX = tmp-lzc test-lz4-contentSize: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test original size support ----" $(DATAGEN) -g15M > $(FPREFIX) $(LZ4) -v $(FPREFIX) -c | $(LZ4) -t $(LZ4) -v --content-size $(FPREFIX) -c | $(LZ4) -d > $(FPREFIX)-dup $(DIFF) $(FPREFIX) $(FPREFIX)-dup $(LZ4) -f $(FPREFIX) -c > $(FPREFIX).lz4 # compressed with content size $(LZ4) --content-size $(FPREFIX) -c > $(FPREFIX)-wcz.lz4 ! $(DIFF) $(FPREFIX).lz4 $(FPREFIX)-wcz.lz4 # must differ, due to content size $(LZ4) --content-size < $(FPREFIX) > $(FPREFIX)-wcz2.lz4 # can determine content size because stdin is just a file $(DIFF) $(FPREFIX)-wcz.lz4 $(FPREFIX)-wcz2.lz4 # both must contain content size $(CAT) $(FPREFIX) | $(LZ4) > $(FPREFIX)-ncz.lz4 $(DIFF) $(FPREFIX).lz4 $(FPREFIX)-ncz.lz4 # both don't have content size $(CAT) $(FPREFIX) | $(LZ4) --content-size > $(FPREFIX)-ncz2.lz4 # can't determine content size $(DIFF) $(FPREFIX).lz4 $(FPREFIX)-ncz2.lz4 # both don't have content size @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* test-lz4-frame-concatenation: FPREFIX = tmp-lfc test-lz4-frame-concatenation: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test frame concatenation ----" @echo -n > $(FPREFIX)-empty @echo hi > $(FPREFIX)-nonempty $(CAT) $(FPREFIX)-nonempty $(FPREFIX)-empty $(FPREFIX)-nonempty > $(FPREFIX)-src $(LZ4) -zq $(FPREFIX)-empty -c > $(FPREFIX)-empty.lz4 $(LZ4) -zq $(FPREFIX)-nonempty -c > $(FPREFIX)-nonempty.lz4 $(CAT) $(FPREFIX)-nonempty.lz4 $(FPREFIX)-empty.lz4 $(FPREFIX)-nonempty.lz4 > $(FPREFIX)-concat.lz4 $(LZ4) -d $(FPREFIX)-concat.lz4 -c > $(FPREFIX)-result $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)-src $(FPREFIX)-result @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* @echo frame concatenation test completed test-lz4-multiple: FPREFIX = tmp-tml test-lz4-multiple: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test multiple files ----" @$(DATAGEN) -s1 > $(FPREFIX)1 2> $(VOID) @$(DATAGEN) -s2 -g100K > $(FPREFIX)2 2> $(VOID) @$(DATAGEN) -s3 -g200K > $(FPREFIX)3 2> $(VOID) # compress multiple files : one .lz4 per source file $(LZ4) -f -m $(FPREFIX)* test -f $(FPREFIX)1.lz4 test -f $(FPREFIX)2.lz4 test -f $(FPREFIX)3.lz4 # decompress multiple files : one output file per .lz4 mv $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)1-orig mv $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)2-orig mv $(FPREFIX)3 $(FPREFIX)3-orig $(LZ4) -d -f -m $(FPREFIX)*.lz4 $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)1-orig # must be identical $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)2-orig $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)3 $(FPREFIX)3-orig # compress multiple files into stdout $(CAT) $(FPREFIX)1.lz4 $(FPREFIX)2.lz4 $(FPREFIX)3.lz4 > $(FPREFIX)-concat1 $(RM) $(FPREFIX)*.lz4 $(LZ4) -m $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)3 -c > $(FPREFIX)-concat2 test ! -f $(FPREFIX)1.lz4 # must not create .lz4 artefact $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)-concat1 $(FPREFIX)-concat2 # must be equivalent # decompress multiple files into stdout $(RM) $(FPREFIX)-concat1 $(FPREFIX)-concat2 $(LZ4) -f -m $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)3 # generate .lz4 to decompress $(CAT) $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)3 > $(FPREFIX)-concat1 # create concatenated reference $(RM) $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)3 $(LZ4) -d -m $(FPREFIX)1.lz4 $(FPREFIX)2.lz4 $(FPREFIX)3.lz4 -c > $(FPREFIX)-concat2 test ! -f $(FPREFIX)1 # must not create file artefact $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)-concat1 $(FPREFIX)-concat2 # must be equivalent # compress multiple files, one of which is absent (must fail) ! $(LZ4) -f -m $(FPREFIX)-concat1 notHere $(FPREFIX)-concat2 # must fail : notHere not present # test lz4-compressed file $(LZ4) -tm $(FPREFIX)-concat1.lz4 $(LZ4) -tm $(FPREFIX)-concat1.lz4 $(FPREFIX)-concat2.lz4 # test multiple lz4 files, one of which is absent (must fail) ! $(LZ4) -tm $(FPREFIX)-concat1.lz4 notHere.lz4 $(FPREFIX)-concat2.lz4 @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* test-lz4-multiple-legacy: FPREFIX = tmp-lml test-lz4-multiple-legacy: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test multiple files (Legacy format) ----" @$(DATAGEN) -s1 > $(FPREFIX)1 2> $(VOID) @$(DATAGEN) -s2 -g100K > $(FPREFIX)2 2> $(VOID) @$(DATAGEN) -s3 -g200K > $(FPREFIX)3 2> $(VOID) # compress multiple files using legacy format: one .lz4 per source file $(LZ4) -f -l -m $(FPREFIX)* test -f $(FPREFIX)1.lz4 test -f $(FPREFIX)2.lz4 test -f $(FPREFIX)3.lz4 # decompress multiple files compressed using legacy format: one output file per .lz4 mv $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)1-orig mv $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)2-orig mv $(FPREFIX)3 $(FPREFIX)3-orig $(LZ4) -d -f -m $(FPREFIX)*.lz4 $(LZ4) -l -d -f -m $(FPREFIX)*.lz4 # -l mustn't impact -d option $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)1-orig # must be identical $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)2-orig $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)3 $(FPREFIX)3-orig # compress multiple files into stdout using legacy format $(CAT) $(FPREFIX)1.lz4 $(FPREFIX)2.lz4 $(FPREFIX)3.lz4 > $(FPREFIX)-concat1 $(RM) $(FPREFIX)*.lz4 $(LZ4) -l -m $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)3 -c > $(FPREFIX)-concat2 test ! -f $(FPREFIX)1.lz4 # must not create .lz4 artefact $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)-concat1 $(FPREFIX)-concat2 # must be equivalent # # # decompress multiple files into stdout using legacy format $(RM) $(FPREFIX)-concat1 $(FPREFIX)-concat2 $(LZ4) -l -f -m $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)3 # generate .lz4 to decompress $(CAT) $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)3 > $(FPREFIX)-concat1 # create concatenated reference $(RM) $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)3 $(LZ4) -d -m $(FPREFIX)1.lz4 $(FPREFIX)2.lz4 $(FPREFIX)3.lz4 -c > $(FPREFIX)-concat2 $(LZ4) -d -l -m $(FPREFIX)1.lz4 $(FPREFIX)2.lz4 $(FPREFIX)3.lz4 -c > $(FPREFIX)-concat2 # -l mustn't impact option -d test ! -f $(FPREFIX)1 # must not create file artefact $(CMP) $(FPREFIX)-concat1 $(FPREFIX)-concat2 # must be equivalent # # # compress multiple files, one of which is absent (must fail) ! $(LZ4) -f -l -m $(FPREFIX)-concat1 notHere-legacy $(FPREFIX)-concat2 # must fail : notHere-legacy not present @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* SKIPFILE = goldenSamples/skip.bin test-lz4-skippable: FPREFIX = tmp-lsk test-lz4-skippable: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test lz4 with skippable frames ----" $(LZ4) -dc $(SKIPFILE) $(LZ4) -dc < $(SKIPFILE) cat $(SKIPFILE) | $(LZ4) -dc echo "Hello from Valid Frame!\n" | $(LZ4) -c > $(FPREFIX).lz4 cat $(SKIPFILE) $(FPREFIX).lz4 $(SKIPFILE) | $(LZ4) -dc $(RM) $(FPREFIX)* test-lz4-basic: FPREFIX = tmp-tlb test-lz4-basic: lz4 datagen unlz4 lz4cat @echo "\n ---- test lz4 basic compression/decompression ----" $(DATAGEN) -g0 | $(LZ4) -v | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g16KB | $(LZ4) -9 | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g20KB > $(FPREFIX)-dg20k $(LZ4) < $(FPREFIX)-dg20k | $(LZ4) -d > $(FPREFIX)-dec $(DIFF) -q $(FPREFIX)-dg20k $(FPREFIX)-dec $(LZ4) --no-frame-crc < $(FPREFIX)-dg20k | $(LZ4) -d > $(FPREFIX)-dec $(DIFF) -q $(FPREFIX)-dg20k $(FPREFIX)-dec $(DATAGEN) | $(LZ4) -BI | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g6M -P99 | $(LZ4) -9BD | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g17M | $(LZ4) -9v | $(LZ4) -qt $(DATAGEN) -g33M | $(LZ4) --no-frame-crc | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g256MB | $(LZ4) -vqB4D | $(LZ4) -t @echo "hello world" > $(FPREFIX)-hw $(LZ4) --rm -f $(FPREFIX)-hw $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 test ! -f $(FPREFIX)-hw # must fail (--rm) test -f $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 $(PRGDIR)/lz4cat $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 | $(GREP) "hello world" $(PRGDIR)/unlz4 --rm $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 $(FPREFIX)-hw test -f $(FPREFIX)-hw test ! -f $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 # must fail (--rm) test ! -f $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4.lz4 # must fail (unlz4) $(PRGDIR)/lz4cat $(FPREFIX)-hw # pass-through mode test -f $(FPREFIX)-hw test ! -f $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 # must fail (lz4cat) $(LZ4) $(FPREFIX)-hw $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 # creates $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 $(PRGDIR)/lz4cat < $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 > $(FPREFIX)3 # checks lz4cat works with stdin (#285) $(DIFF) -q $(FPREFIX)-hw $(FPREFIX)3 $(PRGDIR)/lz4cat < $(FPREFIX)-hw > $(FPREFIX)2 # checks lz4cat works in pass-through mode $(DIFF) -q $(FPREFIX)-hw $(FPREFIX)2 cp $(FPREFIX)-hw ./-d $(LZ4) --rm -- -d -d.lz4 # compresses ./d into ./-d.lz4 test -f ./-d.lz4 test ! -f ./-d mv ./-d.lz4 ./-z $(LZ4) -d --rm -- -z $(FPREFIX)4 # uncompresses ./-z into $(FPREFIX)4 test ! -f ./-z $(DIFF) -q $(FPREFIX)-hw $(FPREFIX)4 ! $(LZ4) $(FPREFIX)2 $(FPREFIX)3 $(FPREFIX)4 # must fail: refuse to handle 3+ file names $(LZ4) -f $(FPREFIX)-hw # create $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4, for next tests $(LZ4) --list $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 # test --list on valid single-frame file $(LZ4) --list < $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 # test --list from stdin (file only) $(CAT) $(FPREFIX)-hw >> $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 ! $(LZ4) -f $(FPREFIX)-hw.lz4 # uncompress valid frame followed by invalid data (must fail now) $(LZ4) -BX $(FPREFIX)-hw -c -q | $(LZ4) -tv # test block checksum # $(DATAGEN) -g20KB generates the same file every single time # cannot save output of $(DATAGEN) -g20KB as input file to lz4 because the following shell commands are run before $(DATAGEN) -g20KB test "$(shell $(DATAGEN) -g20KB | $(LZ4) -c --fast | wc -c)" -lt "$(shell $(DATAGEN) -g20KB | $(LZ4) -c --fast=9 | wc -c)" # -1 vs -9 test "$(shell $(DATAGEN) -g20KB | $(LZ4) -c -1 | wc -c)" -lt "$(shell $(DATAGEN) -g20KB| $(LZ4) -c --fast=1 | wc -c)" # 1 vs -1 test "$(shell $(DATAGEN) -g20KB | $(LZ4) -c --fast=1 | wc -c)" -eq "$(shell $(DATAGEN) -g20KB| $(LZ4) -c --fast| wc -c)" # checks default fast compression is -1 ! $(LZ4) -c --fast=0 $(FPREFIX)-dg20K # lz4 should fail when fast=0 ! $(LZ4) -c --fast=-1 $(FPREFIX)-dg20K # lz4 should fail when fast=-1 # High --fast values can result in out-of-bound dereferences #876 $(DATAGEN) -g1M | $(LZ4) -c --fast=999999999 > /dev/null # Test for #596 @echo "TEST" > $(FPREFIX)-test $(LZ4) -m $(FPREFIX)-test $(LZ4) $(FPREFIX)-test.lz4 $(FPREFIX)-test2 $(DIFF) -q $(FPREFIX)-test $(FPREFIX)-test2 @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* test-lz4-dict: FPREFIX = tmp-dict test-lz4-dict: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test lz4 compression/decompression with dictionary ----" $(DATAGEN) -g16KB > $(FPREFIX) $(DATAGEN) -g32KB > $(FPREFIX)-sample-32k < $(FPREFIX)-sample-32k $(LZ4) -D $(FPREFIX) | $(LZ4) -dD $(FPREFIX) | diff - $(FPREFIX)-sample-32k $(DATAGEN) -g128MB > $(FPREFIX)-sample-128m < $(FPREFIX)-sample-128m $(LZ4) -D $(FPREFIX) | $(LZ4) -dD $(FPREFIX) | diff - $(FPREFIX)-sample-128m touch $(FPREFIX)-sample-0 < $(FPREFIX)-sample-0 $(LZ4) -D $(FPREFIX) | $(LZ4) -dD $(FPREFIX) | diff - $(FPREFIX)-sample-0 < $(FPREFIX)-sample-32k $(LZ4) -D $(FPREFIX)-sample-0 | $(LZ4) -dD $(FPREFIX)-sample-0 | diff - $(FPREFIX)-sample-32k < $(FPREFIX)-sample-0 $(LZ4) -D $(FPREFIX)-sample-0 | $(LZ4) -dD $(FPREFIX)-sample-0 | diff - $(FPREFIX)-sample-0 @echo "\n ---- test lz4 dictionary loading ----" $(DATAGEN) -g128KB > $(FPREFIX)-data-128KB set -e; \ for l in 0 1 4 128 32767 32768 32769 65535 65536 65537 98303 98304 98305 131071 131072 131073; do \ $(DATAGEN) -g$$l > $(FPREFIX)-$$l; \ $(DD) if=$(FPREFIX)-$$l of=$(FPREFIX)-$$l-tail bs=1 count=65536 skip=$$((l > 65536 ? l - 65536 : 0)); \ < $(FPREFIX)-$$l $(LZ4) -D stdin $(FPREFIX)-data-128KB -c | $(LZ4) -dD $(FPREFIX)-$$l-tail | $(DIFF) - $(FPREFIX)-data-128KB; \ < $(FPREFIX)-$$l-tail $(LZ4) -D stdin $(FPREFIX)-data-128KB -c | $(LZ4) -dD $(FPREFIX)-$$l | $(DIFF) - $(FPREFIX)-data-128KB; \ done @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* test-lz4hc-hugefile: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test HC compression/decompression of huge files ----" $(DATAGEN) -g4200MB | $(LZ4) -v3BD | $(LZ4) -qt test-lz4-fast-hugefile: FPREFIX = tmp-lfh test-lz4-fast-hugefile: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test huge files compression/decompression ----" $(DATAGEN) -g6GB | $(LZ4) -vB5D | $(LZ4) -qt # test large file size [2-4] GB @$(DATAGEN) -g3G -P100 | $(LZ4) -vv | $(LZ4) --decompress --force --sparse - $(FPREFIX)1 @ls -ls $(FPREFIX)1 @$(DATAGEN) -g3G -P100 | $(LZ4) --quiet --content-size | $(LZ4) --verbose --decompress --force --sparse - $(FPREFIX)2 @ls -ls $(FPREFIX)2 $(DIFF) -s $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* test-lz4-hugefile: test-lz4-fast-hugefile test-lz4hc-hugefile test-lz4-testmode: FPREFIX = tmp-ltm test-lz4-testmode: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- bench mode ----" $(LZ4) -bi0 $(DATAGEN) > $(FPREFIX) $(LZ4) -f $(FPREFIX) -c > $(FPREFIX).lz4 $(LZ4) -bdi0 $(FPREFIX).lz4 # test benchmark decode-only mode @echo "\n ---- test mode ----" ! $(DATAGEN) | $(LZ4) -t ! $(DATAGEN) | $(LZ4) -tf @echo "\n ---- pass-through mode ----" @echo "Why hello there " > $(FPREFIX)2.lz4 ! $(LZ4) -f $(FPREFIX)2.lz4 > $(VOID) ! $(DATAGEN) | $(LZ4) -dc > $(VOID) ! $(DATAGEN) | $(LZ4) -df > $(VOID) $(DATAGEN) | $(LZ4) -dcf > $(VOID) @echo "Hello World !" > $(FPREFIX)1 $(LZ4) -dcf $(FPREFIX)1 @echo "from underground..." > $(FPREFIX)2 $(LZ4) -dcfm $(FPREFIX)1 $(FPREFIX)2 @echo "\n ---- non-existing source (must fail cleanly) ----" ! $(LZ4) file-does-not-exist ! $(LZ4) -f file-does-not-exist ! $(LZ4) -t file-does-not-exist ! $(LZ4) -fm file1-dne file2-dne @$(RM) $(FPREFIX)* test-lz4-opt-parser: lz4 datagen @echo "\n ---- test opt-parser ----" $(DATAGEN) -g16KB | $(LZ4) -12 | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -P10 | $(LZ4) -12B4 | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g256K | $(LZ4) -12B4D | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g512K -P25 | $(LZ4) -12BD | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g1M | $(LZ4) -12B5 | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g1M -s2 | $(LZ4) -12B4D | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g2M -P99 | $(LZ4) -11B4D | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g4M | $(LZ4) -11vq | $(LZ4) -qt $(DATAGEN) -g8M | $(LZ4) -11B4 | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g16M -P90 | $(LZ4) -11B5 | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g32M -P10 | $(LZ4) -11B5D | $(LZ4) -t test-lz4-essentials : lz4 datagen test-lz4-basic test-lz4-multiple test-lz4-multiple-legacy \ test-lz4-frame-concatenation test-lz4-testmode \ test-lz4-contentSize test-lz4-dict test-lz4: lz4 datagen test-lz4-essentials test-lz4-opt-parser \ test-lz4-sparse test-lz4-hugefile test-lz4-dict \ test-lz4-skippable test-lz4c: LZ4C = $(LZ4)c test-lz4c: lz4c datagen @echo "\n ---- test lz4c variant ----" $(DATAGEN) -g256MB | $(LZ4C) -l -v | $(LZ4C) -t test-lz4c32: CFLAGS+=-m32 test-lz4c32: test-lz4 test-interop-32-64: lz4 lz4c32 datagen @echo "\n ---- test interoperability 32-bits -vs- 64 bits ----" $(DATAGEN) -g16KB | $(LZ4)c32 -9 | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -P10 | $(LZ4) -9B4 | $(LZ4)c32 -t $(DATAGEN) | $(LZ4)c32 | $(LZ4) -t $(DATAGEN) -g1M | $(LZ4) -3B5 | $(LZ4)c32 -t $(DATAGEN) -g256MB | $(LZ4)c32 -vqB4D | $(LZ4) -qt $(DATAGEN) -g1G -P90 | $(LZ4) | $(LZ4)c32 -t $(DATAGEN) -g6GB | $(LZ4)c32 -vq9BD | $(LZ4) -qt test-lz4c32-basic: lz4c32 datagen @echo "\n ---- test lz4c32 32-bits version ----" $(DATAGEN) -g16KB | $(LZ4)c32 -9 | $(LZ4)c32 -t $(DATAGEN) | $(LZ4)c32 | $(LZ4)c32 -t $(DATAGEN) -g256MB | $(LZ4)c32 -vqB4D | $(LZ4)c32 -qt $(DATAGEN) -g6GB | $(LZ4)c32 -vqB5D | $(LZ4)c32 -qt test-platform: @echo "\n ---- test lz4 $(QEMU_SYS) platform ----" $(QEMU_SYS) $(DATAGEN) -g16KB | $(QEMU_SYS) $(LZ4) -9 | $(QEMU_SYS) $(LZ4) -t $(QEMU_SYS) $(DATAGEN) | $(QEMU_SYS) $(LZ4) | $(QEMU_SYS) $(LZ4) -t $(QEMU_SYS) $(DATAGEN) -g256MB | $(QEMU_SYS) $(LZ4) -vqB4D | $(QEMU_SYS) $(LZ4) -qt ifneq ($(QEMU_SYS),qemu-arm-static) $(QEMU_SYS) $(DATAGEN) -g3GB | $(QEMU_SYS) $(LZ4) -vqB5D | $(QEMU_SYS) $(LZ4) -qt endif test-fullbench: fullbench ./fullbench --no-prompt $(NB_LOOPS) $(TEST_FILES) test-fullbench32: CFLAGS += -m32 test-fullbench32: test-fullbench test-fuzzer: fuzzer ./fuzzer $(FUZZER_TIME) test-fuzzer32: CFLAGS += -m32 test-fuzzer32: test-fuzzer test-frametest: frametest ./frametest -v $(FUZZER_TIME) test-frametest32: CFLAGS += -m32 test-frametest32: test-frametest VALGRIND = valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 test-mem: FPREFIX = tmp-tvm test-mem: lz4 datagen fuzzer frametest fullbench @echo "\n ---- valgrind tests : memory analyzer ----" $(VALGRIND) $(DATAGEN) -g50M > $(VOID) $(DATAGEN) -g16KB > $(FPREFIX)dg16K $(VALGRIND) $(LZ4) -9 -BD -f $(FPREFIX)dg16K $(VOID) $(DATAGEN) -g16KB -s2 > $(FPREFIX)dg16K2 $(DATAGEN) -g16KB -s3 > $(FPREFIX)dg16K3 $(VALGRIND) $(LZ4) --force --multiple $(FPREFIX)dg16K $(FPREFIX)dg16K2 $(FPREFIX)dg16K3 $(DATAGEN) -g7MB > $(FPREFIX)dg7M $(VALGRIND) $(LZ4) -9 -B5D -f $(FPREFIX)dg7M $(FPREFIX)dg16K2 $(VALGRIND) $(LZ4) -t $(FPREFIX)dg16K2 $(VALGRIND) $(LZ4) -bi1 $(FPREFIX)dg7M $(VALGRIND) ./fullbench -i1 $(FPREFIX)dg7M $(FPREFIX)dg16K2 $(VALGRIND) $(LZ4) -B4D -f -vq $(FPREFIX)dg7M $(VOID) $(VALGRIND) $(LZ4) --list -m $(FPREFIX)*.lz4 $(VALGRIND) $(LZ4) --list -m -v $(FPREFIX)*.lz4 $(RM) $(FPREFIX)* $(VALGRIND) ./fuzzer -i64 -t1 $(VALGRIND) ./frametest -i256 test-mem32: lz4c32 datagen # unfortunately, valgrind doesn't seem to work with non-native binary... test-decompress-partial : decompress-partial decompress-partial-usingDict @echo "\n ---- test decompress-partial ----" ./decompress-partial$(EXT) @echo "\n ---- test decompress-partial-usingDict ----" ./decompress-partial-usingDict$(EXT) endif