#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Test LZ4 interoperability between versions""" # # Copyright (C) 2011-present, Takayuki Matsuoka # All rights reserved. # GPL v2 License # import glob import subprocess import filecmp import os import shutil import sys import hashlib repo_url = 'https://github.com/lz4/lz4.git' tmp_dir_name = 'tests/abiTests' env_flags = ' ' # '-j MOREFLAGS="-g -O0 -fsanitize=address"' make_cmd = 'make' git_cmd = 'git' test_dat_src = ['README.md'] head = 'v999' def proc(cmd_args, pipe=True, env=False): if env == False: env = os.environ.copy() if pipe: s = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env = env) else: s = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, env = env) r = s.communicate() if s.poll() != 0: print(' s.poll() = ', s.poll()) sys.exit(1) return r def make(args, pipe=True, env=False): if env == False: env = os.environ.copy() # we want the address sanitizer for abi tests env["MOREFLAGS"] = "-fsanitize=address" return proc([make_cmd] + ['-j'] + ['V=1'] + args, pipe, env) def git(args, pipe=True): return proc([git_cmd] + args, pipe) def get_git_tags(): # Only start from first v1.7.x format release stdout, stderr = git(['tag', '-l', 'v[1-9].[0-9].[0-9]']) tags = stdout.decode('utf-8').split() return tags # https://stackoverflow.com/a/19711609/2132223 def sha1_of_file(filepath): with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: return hashlib.sha1(f.read()).hexdigest() if __name__ == '__main__': error_code = 0 base_dir = os.getcwd() + '/..' # /path/to/lz4 tmp_dir = base_dir + '/' + tmp_dir_name # /path/to/lz4/tests/versionsTest clone_dir = tmp_dir + '/' + 'lz4' # /path/to/lz4/tests/versionsTest/lz4 lib_dir = base_dir + '/lib' # /path/to/lz4/lib test_dir = base_dir + '/tests' os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) # since Travis clones limited depth, we should clone full repository if not os.path.isdir(clone_dir): git(['clone', repo_url, clone_dir]) # Retrieve all release tags print('Retrieve release tags >= v1.7.5 :') os.chdir(clone_dir) tags = [head] + get_git_tags() tags = [x for x in tags if (x >= 'v1.7.5')] print(tags) # loop across architectures for march in ['-m64', '-m32', '-mx32']: print(' ') print('=====================================') print('Testing architecture ' + march); print('=====================================') # Build all versions of liblz4 # note : naming scheme only works on Linux for tag in tags: print('building library ', tag) os.chdir(base_dir) # if not os.path.isfile(dst_liblz4) or tag == head: if tag != head: r_dir = '{}/{}'.format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/lz4/test/lz4test/ #print('r_dir = ', r_dir) # for debug os.makedirs(r_dir, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(clone_dir) git(['--work-tree=' + r_dir, 'checkout', tag, '--', '.']) os.chdir(r_dir + '/lib') # /path/to/lz4/lz4test//lib else: # print('lib_dir = {}', lib_dir) # for debug os.chdir(lib_dir) make(['clean']) build_env = os.environ.copy() build_env["CFLAGS"] = march build_env["MOREFLAGS"] = "-fsanitize=address" make(['liblz4'], env=build_env) print(' ') print('******************************') print('Round trip expecting current ABI but linking to older Dynamic Library version') print('******************************') os.chdir(test_dir) # Start with matching version : should be no problem build_env = os.environ.copy() build_env["CFLAGS"] = march build_env["LDFLAGS"] = "-L../lib" build_env["LDLIBS"] = "-llz4" # we use asan to detect any out-of-bound read or write build_env["MOREFLAGS"] = "-fsanitize=address" if os.path.isfile('abiTest'): os.remove('abiTest') make(['abiTest'], env=build_env, pipe=False) for tag in tags: print('linking to lib tag = ', tag) run_env = os.environ.copy() if tag == head: run_env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = '../lib' else: run_env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = 'abiTests/{}/lib'.format(tag) # check we are linking to the right library version at run time proc(['./check_liblz4_version.sh'] + ['./abiTest'], pipe=False, env=run_env) # now run with mismatched library version proc(['./abiTest'] + test_dat_src, pipe=False, env=run_env) print(' ') print('******************************') print('Round trip using current Dynamic Library expecting older ABI version') print('******************************') for tag in tags: print(' ') print('building using older lib ', tag) build_env = os.environ.copy() if tag != head: build_env["CPPFLAGS"] = '-IabiTests/{}/lib'.format(tag) build_env["LDFLAGS"] = '-LabiTests/{}/lib'.format(tag) else: build_env["CPPFLAGS"] = '-I../lib' build_env["LDFLAGS"] = '-L../lib' build_env["LDLIBS"] = "-llz4" build_env["CFLAGS"] = march build_env["MOREFLAGS"] = "-fsanitize=address" os.remove('abiTest') make(['abiTest'], pipe=False, env=build_env) print('run with CURRENT library version (head)') run_env = os.environ.copy() run_env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = '../lib' # check we are linking to the right library version at run time proc(['./check_liblz4_version.sh'] + ['./abiTest'], pipe=False, env=run_env) # now run with mismatched library version proc(['./abiTest'] + test_dat_src, pipe=False, env=run_env) if error_code != 0: print('ERROR') sys.exit(error_code)