From 71592c1b156428e1f46d6d26b20f367644347188 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tony Theodore <>
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2018 18:01:31 +1100
Subject: qt4: openssl1.1 fixes

 src/qt-2-openssl-fixes.patch | 460 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/qt-test.qrc              |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 461 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 src/qt-2-openssl-fixes.patch

diff --git a/src/qt-2-openssl-fixes.patch b/src/qt-2-openssl-fixes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ef8a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qt-2-openssl-fixes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+This file is part of MXE. See for licensing information.
+Contains ad hoc patches for cross building.
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Tony Theodore <>
+Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2018 23:22:54 +1100
+Subject: [PATCH 19/20] compile with openssl-1.1.0
+Taken from:
+ * Most changes are related to openssl structures are now opaque.
+ * The network/ssl threading setup has been disabled because the
+   old openssl threading model has been removed and is apparently
+   no longer needed.
+ * A number of new functions had to be imported (see changes to
+   src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp)
+Author: Gert Wollny  <>
+Last-Update: 2016-06-28
+diff --git a/src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate.cpp b/src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate.cpp
+index 0f2314e2..96f6de43 100644
+--- a/src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate.cpp
++++ b/src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate.cpp
+@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ void QSslCertificate::clear()
+ QByteArray QSslCertificate::version() const
+ {
+     QMutexLocker lock(QMutexPool::globalInstanceGet(;
+-    if (d->versionString.isEmpty() && d->x509)
++    if (d->versionString.isEmpty() && d->x509) {
+         d->versionString =
+-            QByteArray::number(qlonglong(q_ASN1_INTEGER_get(d->x509->cert_info->version)) + 1);
++	    QByteArray::number(qlonglong(q_X509_get_version(d->x509)) + 1);
++    }
+     return d->versionString;
+ }
+@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ QByteArray QSslCertificate::serialNumber() const
+ {
+     QMutexLocker lock(QMutexPool::globalInstanceGet(;
+     if (d->serialNumberString.isEmpty() && d->x509) {
+-        ASN1_INTEGER *serialNumber = d->x509->cert_info->serialNumber;
++        ASN1_INTEGER *serialNumber = q_X509_get_serialNumber(d->x509);
+         // if we cannot convert to a long, just output the hexadecimal number
+         if (serialNumber->length > 4) {
+             QByteArray hexString;
+@@ -489,24 +489,33 @@ QSslKey QSslCertificate::publicKey() const
+     QSslKey key;
+     key.d->type = QSsl::PublicKey;
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+     X509_PUBKEY *xkey = d->x509->cert_info->key;
++    X509_PUBKEY *xkey = q_X509_get_X509_PUBKEY(d->x509);
+     EVP_PKEY *pkey = q_X509_PUBKEY_get(xkey);
+     Q_ASSERT(pkey);
+-    if (q_EVP_PKEY_type(pkey->type) == EVP_PKEY_RSA) {
++    int key_id;
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
++    key_id = q_EVP_PKEY_type(pkey->type);
++    key_id = q_EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey);
++    if (key_id == EVP_PKEY_RSA) {
+         key.d->rsa = q_EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey);
+         key.d->algorithm = QSsl::Rsa;
+         key.d->isNull = false;
+-    } else if (q_EVP_PKEY_type(pkey->type) == EVP_PKEY_DSA) {
++    } else if (key_id == EVP_PKEY_DSA) {
+         key.d->dsa = q_EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(pkey);
+         key.d->algorithm = QSsl::Dsa;
+         key.d->isNull = false;
+-    } else if (q_EVP_PKEY_type(pkey->type) == EVP_PKEY_DH) {
++    } else if (key_id == EVP_PKEY_DH) {
+         // DH unsupported
+     } else {
+         // error?
+     }
+     q_EVP_PKEY_free(pkey);
+     return key;
+ }
+@@ -687,7 +696,7 @@ static QMap<QString, QString> _q_mapFromX509Name(X509_NAME *name)
+         unsigned char *data = 0;
+         int size = q_ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8(&data, q_X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(e));
+         info[QString::fromUtf8(obj)] = QString::fromUtf8((char*)data, size);
+-        q_CRYPTO_free(data);
++        q_OPENSSL_free(data);
+     }
+     return info;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/network/ssl/qsslkey.cpp b/src/network/ssl/qsslkey.cpp
+index 437a177b..73753206 100644
+--- a/src/network/ssl/qsslkey.cpp
++++ b/src/network/ssl/qsslkey.cpp
+@@ -321,8 +321,19 @@ int QSslKey::length() const
+ {
+     if (d->isNull)
+         return -1;
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+     return (d->algorithm == QSsl::Rsa)
+            ? q_BN_num_bits(d->rsa->n) : q_BN_num_bits(d->dsa->p);
++    if (d->algorithm == QSsl::Rsa) {
++        return q_RSA_bits(d->rsa);
++    }else{
++        const BIGNUM *p = NULL;
++        q_DSA_get0_pqg(d->dsa, &p, NULL, NULL);
++	return q_BN_num_bits(p);
++    }
+ }
+ /*!
+diff --git a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp
+index ce984945..c1ec979d 100644
+--- a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp
++++ b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp
+@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ bool QSslSocketPrivate::s_libraryLoaded = false;
+ bool QSslSocketPrivate::s_loadedCiphersAndCerts = false;
+ bool QSslSocketPrivate::s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = false;
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+ /* \internal
+     From OpenSSL's thread(3) manual page:
+@@ -174,6 +175,8 @@ static unsigned long id_function()
+ }
+ } // extern "C"
++#endif //OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
+ QSslSocketBackendPrivate::QSslSocketBackendPrivate()
+     : ssl(0),
+       ctx(0),
+@@ -222,9 +225,12 @@ QSslCipher QSslSocketBackendPrivate::QSslCipher_from_SSL_CIPHER(SSL_CIPHER *ciph
+             ciph.d->encryptionMethod =;
+         ciph.d->exportable = (descriptionList.size() > 6 && == QLatin1String("export"));
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+         ciph.d->bits = cipher->strength_bits;
+         ciph.d->supportedBits = cipher->alg_bits;
++	ciph.d->bits = q_SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, &ciph.d->supportedBits);
+     }
+     return ciph;
+ }
+@@ -363,7 +369,7 @@ init_context:
+         //
+         // See also: QSslContext::fromConfiguration()
+         if (caCertificate.expiryDate() >= QDateTime::currentDateTime()) {
+-            q_X509_STORE_add_cert(ctx->cert_store, (X509 *)caCertificate.handle());
++	  q_X509_STORE_add_cert(q_SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx), (X509 *)caCertificate.handle());
+         }
+     }
+@@ -500,8 +506,10 @@ void QSslSocketBackendPrivate::destroySslContext()
+ */
+ void QSslSocketPrivate::deinitialize()
+ {
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+     q_CRYPTO_set_id_callback(0);
+     q_CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(0);
+ }
+ /*!
+@@ -522,13 +530,17 @@ bool QSslSocketPrivate::ensureLibraryLoaded()
+         return false;
+     // Check if the library itself needs to be initialized.
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+     QMutexLocker locker(openssl_locks()->initLock());
+     if (!s_libraryLoaded) {
+         s_libraryLoaded = true;
+         // Initialize OpenSSL.
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+         q_CRYPTO_set_id_callback(id_function);
+         q_CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(locking_function);
+         if (q_SSL_library_init() != 1)
+             return false;
+         q_SSL_load_error_strings();
+@@ -567,7 +579,9 @@ bool QSslSocketPrivate::ensureLibraryLoaded()
+ void QSslSocketPrivate::ensureCiphersAndCertsLoaded()
+ {
+-    QMutexLocker locker(openssl_locks()->initLock());
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
++  QMutexLocker locker(openssl_locks()->initLock());
+     if (s_loadedCiphersAndCerts)
+         return;
+     s_loadedCiphersAndCerts = true;
+@@ -659,13 +673,18 @@ void QSslSocketPrivate::resetDefaultCiphers()
+     STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *supportedCiphers = q_SSL_get_ciphers(mySsl);
+     for (int i = 0; i < q_sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(supportedCiphers); ++i) {
+         if (SSL_CIPHER *cipher = q_sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(supportedCiphers, i)) {
+-            if (cipher->valid) {
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
++	  if (cipher->valid) {
+                 QSslCipher ciph = QSslSocketBackendPrivate::QSslCipher_from_SSL_CIPHER(cipher);
+                 if (!ciph.isNull()) {
+                     if (!"adh")))
+                         ciphers << ciph;
+                 }
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+             }
+         }
+     }
+diff --git a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
+index 3ee71060..0e9f7b29 100644
+--- a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
++++ b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
+@@ -111,16 +111,16 @@ DEFINEFUNC(int, ASN1_STRING_length, ASN1_STRING *a, a, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC2(int, ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8, unsigned char **a, a, ASN1_STRING *b, b, return 0, return);
+ DEFINEFUNC4(long, BIO_ctrl, BIO *a, a, int b, b, long c, c, void *d, d, return -1, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC(int, BIO_free, BIO *a, a, return 0, return)
+-DEFINEFUNC(BIO *, BIO_new, BIO_METHOD *a, a, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(BIO *, BIO_new, const BIO_METHOD *a, a, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC2(BIO *, BIO_new_mem_buf, void *a, a, int b, b, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC3(int, BIO_read, BIO *a, a, void *b, b, int c, c, return -1, return)
+-DEFINEFUNC(BIO_METHOD *, BIO_s_mem, void, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(const BIO_METHOD *, BIO_s_mem, void, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC3(int, BIO_write, BIO *a, a, const void *b, b, int c, c, return -1, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC(int, BN_num_bits, const BIGNUM *a, a, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC(int, CRYPTO_num_locks, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC(void, CRYPTO_set_locking_callback, void (*a)(int, int, const char *, int), a, return, DUMMYARG)
+ DEFINEFUNC(void, CRYPTO_set_id_callback, unsigned long (*a)(), a, return, DUMMYARG)
+-DEFINEFUNC(void, CRYPTO_free, void *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
++DEFINEFUNC(void, OPENSSL_free, void *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
+ DEFINEFUNC(void, DSA_free, DSA *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
+ #if  OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00908000L
+ DEFINEFUNC3(X509 *, d2i_X509, X509 **a, a, unsigned char **b, b, long c, c, return 0, return)
+@@ -286,6 +286,22 @@ DEFINEFUNC(void, OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMM
+ DEFINEFUNC(void, OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMMYARG)
+ DEFINEFUNC3(int, SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations, SSL_CTX *ctx, ctx, const char *CAfile, CAfile, const char *CApath, CApath, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC(long, SSLeay, void, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(X509_STORE *, SSL_CTX_get_cert_store, const SSL_CTX *ctx, ctx, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(ASN1_INTEGER *, X509_get_serialNumber, X509 *x, x, return 0, return)
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
++DEFINEFUNC(int, EVP_PKEY_id, const EVP_PKEY *pkey, pkey, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(int, EVP_PKEY_base_id, const EVP_PKEY *pkey, pkey, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC2(int, SSL_CIPHER_get_bits, const SSL_CIPHER *cipher, cipher, int *alg_bits, alg_bits, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC2(long, SSL_CTX_set_options, SSL_CTX *ctx, ctx, long options, options, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(long, X509_get_version, X509 *x, x, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(X509_PUBKEY *, X509_get_X509_PUBKEY, X509 *x, x, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(int, RSA_bits,  const RSA *rsa, rsa, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(int, DSA_security_bits, const DSA *dsa, dsa, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(ASN1_TIME *, X509_get_notAfter, X509 *x, x, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC(ASN1_TIME *, X509_get_notBefore, X509 *x, x, return 0, return)
++DEFINEFUNC4(void, DSA_get0_pqg, const DSA *d, d, const BIGNUM **p, p, const BIGNUM **q, q, const BIGNUM **g, g, return, return)
+ #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+ #define RESOLVEFUNC(func, ordinal, lib) \
+@@ -797,6 +813,7 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file)
++    RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_CTX_get_cert_store)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_accept)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_clear)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_connect)
+@@ -819,6 +836,23 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_set_connect_state)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_shutdown)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_write)
++    RESOLVEFUNC(X509_get_serialNumber)
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
++    RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_CTX_set_options)
++    RESOLVEFUNC(X509_get_version)
++    RESOLVEFUNC(X509_get_X509_PUBKEY)
++    RESOLVEFUNC(DSA_security_bits)
++    RESOLVEFUNC(DSA_get0_pqg)
++    RESOLVEFUNC(X509_get_notAfter)
++    RESOLVEFUNC(X509_get_notBefore)
+ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv2_client_method)
+ #endif
+diff --git a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h
+index 2bfe0632..828df379 100644
+--- a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h
++++ b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h
+@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@
+ #define DUMMYARG
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
++#define OPENSSL_NO_SSL2 1
+ #if !defined QT_LINKED_OPENSSL
+ // **************** Shared declarations ******************
+@@ -207,16 +210,16 @@ int q_ASN1_STRING_length(ASN1_STRING *a);
+ int q_ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8(unsigned char **a, ASN1_STRING *b);
+ long q_BIO_ctrl(BIO *a, int b, long c, void *d);
+ int q_BIO_free(BIO *a);
+-BIO *q_BIO_new(BIO_METHOD *a);
++BIO *q_BIO_new(const BIO_METHOD *a);
+ BIO *q_BIO_new_mem_buf(void *a, int b);
+ int q_BIO_read(BIO *a, void *b, int c);
+-BIO_METHOD *q_BIO_s_mem();
++const BIO_METHOD *q_BIO_s_mem();
+ int q_BIO_write(BIO *a, const void *b, int c);
+ int q_BN_num_bits(const BIGNUM *a);
+ int q_CRYPTO_num_locks();
+ void q_CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(void (*a)(int, int, const char *, int));
+ void q_CRYPTO_set_id_callback(unsigned long (*a)());
+-void q_CRYPTO_free(void *a);
++void q_OPENSSL_free(void *a);
+ void q_DSA_free(DSA *a);
+ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00908000L
+ // 0.9.8 broke SC and BC by changing this function's signature.
+@@ -326,7 +329,6 @@ void q_SSL_set_accept_state(SSL *a);
+ void q_SSL_set_connect_state(SSL *a);
+ int q_SSL_shutdown(SSL *a);
+ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+-const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_client_method();
+ const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_client_method();
+ const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_client_method();
+ const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_client_method();
+@@ -335,7 +337,6 @@ const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_server_method();
+ const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_server_method();
+ const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_server_method();
+ #else
+-SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_client_method();
+ SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_client_method();
+ SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_client_method();
+ SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_client_method();
+@@ -399,7 +400,25 @@ DSA *q_d2i_DSAPrivateKey(DSA **a, unsigned char **pp, long length);
+ 		PEM_ASN1_write_bio((int (*)(void*, unsigned char**))q_i2d_DSAPrivateKey,PEM_STRING_DSA,\
+ 			bp,(char *)x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u)
+ #endif
++X509_STORE * q_SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
++ASN1_INTEGER * q_X509_get_serialNumber(X509 *x);
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+ #define q_SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx,op) q_SSL_CTX_ctrl((ctx),SSL_CTRL_OPTIONS,(op),NULL)
++#define q_X509_get_version(x) X509_get_version(x)
++int q_EVP_PKEY_id(const EVP_PKEY *pkey);
++int q_EVP_PKEY_base_id(const EVP_PKEY *pkey);
++int q_SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher, int *alg_bits);
++long q_SSL_CTX_set_options(SSL_CTX *ctx, long options);
++long q_X509_get_version(X509 *x);
++X509_PUBKEY * q_X509_get_X509_PUBKEY(X509 *x);
++int q_RSA_bits(const RSA *rsa);
++int q_DSA_security_bits(const DSA *dsa);
++void q_DSA_get0_pqg(const DSA *d, const BIGNUM **p, const BIGNUM **q, const BIGNUM **g);
+ #define q_SKM_sk_num(type, st) ((int (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *))q_sk_num)(st)
+ #define q_SKM_sk_value(type, st,i) ((type * (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *, int))q_sk_value)(st, i)
+ #define q_sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(st) q_SKM_sk_num(GENERAL_NAME, (st))
+@@ -410,8 +429,15 @@ DSA *q_d2i_DSAPrivateKey(DSA **a, unsigned char **pp, long length);
+ #define q_sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(st, i) q_SKM_sk_value(SSL_CIPHER, (st), (i))
+ #define q_SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(ctx,x509) \
+         q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(ctx,SSL_CTRL_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERT,0,(char *)x509)
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
+ #define q_X509_get_notAfter(x) X509_get_notAfter(x)
+ #define q_X509_get_notBefore(x) X509_get_notBefore(x)
++ASN1_TIME *q_X509_get_notAfter(X509 *x);
++ASN1_TIME *q_X509_get_notBefore(X509 *x);
+ #define q_EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey,rsa) q_EVP_PKEY_assign((pkey),EVP_PKEY_RSA,\
+ 					(char *)(rsa))
+ #define q_EVP_PKEY_assign_DSA(pkey,dsa) q_EVP_PKEY_assign((pkey),EVP_PKEY_DSA,\
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Tony Theodore <>
+Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2018 23:25:25 +1100
+Subject: [PATCH 20/20] disable sslv3
+taken from:
+diff --git a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp
+index c1ec979d..1c03058d 100644
+--- a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp
++++ b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp
+@@ -273,7 +273,11 @@ init_context:
+ #endif
+         break;
+     case QSsl::SslV3:
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL3
+         ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv3_client_method() : q_SSLv3_server_method());
++        ctx = 0; // SSL 3 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
+         break;
+     case QSsl::SecureProtocols: // SslV2 will be disabled below
+     case QSsl::TlsV1SslV3: // SslV2 will be disabled below
+diff --git a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
+index 0e9f7b29..0b515318 100644
+--- a/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
++++ b/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
+@@ -228,13 +228,17 @@ DEFINEFUNC(int, SSL_shutdown, SSL *a, a, return -1, return)
+ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+ DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ #endif
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL3
+ DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+ DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ #endif
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL3
+ DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+ #else
+@@ -856,13 +860,17 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
+ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv2_client_method)
+ #endif
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL3
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv3_client_method)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv23_client_method)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_client_method)
+ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv2_server_method)
+ #endif
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL3
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv3_server_method)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv23_server_method)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_server_method)
+     RESOLVEFUNC(X509_NAME_entry_count)
diff --git a/src/qt-test.qrc b/src/qt-test.qrc
index 119d898..262ee92 100644
--- a/src/qt-test.qrc
+++ b/src/qt-test.qrc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
-    <file></file>
+    <file></file>
cgit v0.12