# This file is part of MXE. # See index.html for further information. MAKEFILE := $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) TOP_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(MAKEFILE))) EXT_DIR := $(TOP_DIR)/ext # GNU Make Standard Library (http://gmsl.sourceforge.net/) # See doc/gmsl.html for further information include $(EXT_DIR)/gmsl MXE_TRIPLETS := i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32 MXE_LIB_TYPES := static shared MXE_TARGET_LIST := $(foreach TRIPLET,$(MXE_TRIPLETS),\ $(addprefix $(TRIPLET).,$(MXE_LIB_TYPES))) MXE_TARGETS := i686-w64-mingw32.static DEFAULT_MAX_JOBS := 6 SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR := downloads.sourceforge.net PKG_MIRROR := s3.amazonaws.com/mxe-pkg PKG_CDN := d1yihgixbnrglp.cloudfront.net PWD := $(shell pwd) SHELL := bash MXE_TMP := $(PWD) BUILD_CC := $(shell (gcc --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo gcc) || (clang --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo clang)) BUILD_CXX := $(shell (g++ --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo g++) || (clang++ --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo clang++)) DATE := $(shell gdate --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo g)date INSTALL := $(shell ginstall --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo g)install LIBTOOL := $(shell glibtool --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo g)libtool LIBTOOLIZE := $(shell glibtoolize --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo g)libtoolize PATCH := $(shell gpatch --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo g)patch SED := $(shell gsed --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo g)sed SORT := $(shell gsort --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo g)sort WGET := wget --no-check-certificate \ --user-agent=$(shell wget --version | \ $(SED) -n 's,GNU \(Wget\) \([0-9.]*\).*,\1/\2,p') REQUIREMENTS := autoconf automake autopoint bash bison bzip2 cmake flex \ $(BUILD_CC) $(BUILD_CXX) gperf intltoolize $(LIBTOOL) \ $(LIBTOOLIZE) $(MAKE) openssl $(PATCH) $(PERL) python \ ruby scons $(SED) $(SORT) unzip wget xz 7za gdk-pixbuf-csource PREFIX := $(PWD)/usr LOG_DIR := $(PWD)/log TIMESTAMP := $(shell date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) PKG_DIR := $(PWD)/pkg TMP_DIR = $(MXE_TMP)/tmp-$(1) PKGS := $(call set_create,\ $(shell $(SED) -n 's/^.* class="package">\([^<]*\)<.*$$/\1/p' '$(TOP_DIR)/index.html')) BUILD := $(shell '$(EXT_DIR)/config.guess') PATH := $(PREFIX)/$(BUILD)/bin:$(PREFIX)/bin:$(PATH) # All pkgs have (implied) order-only dependencies on MXE_CONF_PKGS. # These aren't meaningful to the pkg list in index.html so # use a list in case we want to separate autotools, cmake etc. MXE_CONF_PKGS := mxe-conf PKGS += $(MXE_CONF_PKGS) # define some whitespace variables define newline endef null := space := $(null) $(null) MXE_CONFIGURE_OPTS = \ --host='$(TARGET)' \ --build='$(BUILD)' \ --prefix='$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)' \ $(if $(BUILD_STATIC), \ --enable-static --disable-shared , \ --disable-static --enable-shared ) MXE_GCC_THREADS = \ $(if $(findstring posix,$(TARGET)),posix,win32) # Append these to the "make" and "make install" steps of autotools packages # in order to neither build nor install unwanted binaries, manpages, # infopages and API documentation (reduces build time and disk space usage). # NOTE: We don't include bin_SCRIPTS (and variations), since many packages # install files such as pcre-config (which we do want to be installed). MXE_DISABLE_PROGRAMS = \ bin_PROGRAMS= \ sbin_PROGRAMS= \ noinst_PROGRAMS= \ check_PROGRAMS= MXE_DISABLE_DOCS = \ man_MANS= \ man1_MANS= \ man2_MANS= \ man3_MANS= \ man4_MANS= \ man5_MANS= \ man6_MANS= \ man7_MANS= \ man8_MANS= \ man9_MANS= \ dist_man_MANS= \ dist_man1_MANS= \ dist_man2_MANS= \ dist_man3_MANS= \ dist_man4_MANS= \ dist_man5_MANS= \ dist_man6_MANS= \ dist_man7_MANS= \ dist_man8_MANS= \ dist_man9_MANS= \ notrans_dist_man_MANS= \ info_TEXINFOS= \ doc_DATA= \ dist_doc_DATA= \ html_DATA= \ dist_html_DATA= MXE_DISABLE_CRUFT = $(MXE_DISABLE_PROGRAMS) $(MXE_DISABLE_DOCS) MAKE_SHARED_FROM_STATIC = \ '$(TOP_DIR)/tools/make-shared-from-static' \ $(if $(findstring mingw,$(TARGET)),--windowsdll) \ --ar '$(TARGET)-ar' \ --ld '$(TARGET)-gcc' \ --install '$(INSTALL)' \ --libdir '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib' \ --bindir '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin' define MXE_GET_GITHUB_SHA $(WGET) -q -O- 'https://api.github.com/repos/$(strip $(1))/git/refs/heads/$(strip $(2))' \ | $(SED) -n 's#.*"sha": "\([^"]\{10\}\).*#\1#p' \ | head -1 endef define MXE_GET_GITHUB_TAGS $(WGET) -q -O- 'https://api.github.com/repos/$(strip $(1))/git/refs/tags/' \ | $(SED) -n 's#.*"ref": "refs/tags/\([^"]*\).*#\1#p' \ | $(SED) 's,^$(strip $(2)),,g' \ | $(SORT) -V \ | tail -1 endef # use a minimal whitelist of safe environment variables ENV_WHITELIST := PATH LANG MAKE% MXE% %PROXY %proxy LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_PRELOAD ACLOCAL_PATH unexport $(filter-out $(ENV_WHITELIST),$(shell env | cut -d '=' -f1)) # disable wine with readonly directory (created by mxe-conf) # see https://github.com/mxe/mxe/issues/841 export WINEPREFIX=$(PREFIX)/readonly SHORT_PKG_VERSION = \ $(word 1,$(subst ., ,$($(1)_VERSION))).$(word 2,$(subst ., ,$($(1)_VERSION))) UNPACK_ARCHIVE = \ $(if $(filter %.tgz, $(1)),tar xzf '$(1)', \ $(if $(filter %.tar.gz, $(1)),tar xzf '$(1)', \ $(if $(filter %.tbz2, $(1)),tar xjf '$(1)', \ $(if $(filter %.tar.bz2, $(1)),tar xjf '$(1)', \ $(if $(filter %.tar.lzma,$(1)),xz -dc -F lzma '$(1)' | tar xf -, \ $(if $(filter %.txz, $(1)),xz -dc '$(1)' | tar xf -, \ $(if $(filter %.tar.xz, $(1)),xz -dc '$(1)' | tar xf -, \ $(if $(filter %.7z, $(1)),7za x '$(1)', \ $(if $(filter %.zip, $(1)),unzip -q '$(1)', \ $(error Unknown archive format: $(1))))))))))) UNPACK_PKG_ARCHIVE = \ $(call UNPACK_ARCHIVE,$(PKG_DIR)/$($(1)_FILE)) # some shortcuts for awareness of MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS # plugins will need to set their own $(PKG)_MAKEFILE for updates # all files for extension plugins will be considered for outdated checks PKG_MAKEFILE = $(realpath $(or $($(1)_MAKEFILE),$(TOP_DIR)/src/$(1).mk)) PKG_MAKEFILES = $(realpath $(sort $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1).mk, $(TOP_DIR)/src $(MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS))))) PKG_TESTFILES = $(realpath $(sort $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1)-test*, $(TOP_DIR)/src $(MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS))))) PKG_PATCHES = $(realpath $(sort $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1)-[0-9]*.patch, $(TOP_DIR)/src $(MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS))))) define PREPARE_PKG_SOURCE cd '$(2)' && $(call UNPACK_PKG_ARCHIVE,$(1)) cd '$(2)/$($(1)_SUBDIR)' $(foreach PKG_PATCH,$(PKG_PATCHES), (cd '$(2)/$($(1)_SUBDIR)' && $(PATCH) -p1 -u) < $(PKG_PATCH)) endef PKG_CHECKSUM = \ openssl sha256 '$(PKG_DIR)/$($(1)_FILE)' 2>/dev/null | $(SED) -n 's,^.*\([0-9a-f]\{64\}\)$$,\1,p' CHECK_PKG_ARCHIVE = \ [ '$($(1)_CHECKSUM)' == "`$$(call PKG_CHECKSUM,$(1))`" ] ESCAPE_PKG = \ echo '$($(1)_FILE)' | perl -lpe 's/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($$$$1))/seg' BACKUP_DOWNLOAD = \ (echo "MXE Warning! Downloading $(1) from backup." >&2 && \ ($(WGET) -O- $(PKG_MIRROR)/`$(call ESCAPE_PKG,$(1))` || \ $(WGET) -O- $(PKG_CDN)/`$(call ESCAPE_PKG,$(1))`)) DOWNLOAD_PKG_ARCHIVE = \ mkdir -p '$(PKG_DIR)' && ( \ $(WGET) -T 30 -t 3 -O- '$($(1)_URL)' \ $(if $($(1)_URL_2), \ || (echo "MXE Warning! Downloading $(1) from second URL." >&2 && \ $(WGET) -T 30 -t 3 -O- '$($(1)_URL_2)')) \ $(if $(MXE_NO_BACKUP_DL),, \ || $(BACKUP_DOWNLOAD)) \ ) \ $(if $($(1)_FIX_GZIP), \ | gzip -d | gzip -9n, \ ) \ > '$(PKG_DIR)/$($(1)_FILE)' || \ ( echo; \ echo 'Download failed!'; \ echo; \ rm -f '$(PKG_DIR)/$($(1)_FILE)'; ) ifneq ($(words $(PWD)),1) $(error GNU Make chokes on paths with spaces) endif ifeq ($(IGNORE_SETTINGS),yes) $(info [ignore settings.mk]) else ifeq ($(wildcard $(PWD)/settings.mk),$(PWD)/settings.mk) include $(PWD)/settings.mk else $(info [create settings.mk]) $(shell { \ echo '# This is a template of configuration file for MXE. See'; \ echo '# index.html for more extensive documentations.'; \ echo; \ echo '# This variable controls the number of compilation processes'; \ echo '# within one package ("intra-package parallelism").'; \ echo '#JOBS := $(JOBS)'; \ echo; \ echo '# This variable controls where intermediate files are created'; \ echo '# this is necessary when compiling inside a virtualbox shared'; \ echo '# directory. Some commands like strip fail in there with Protocol error'; \ echo '# default is the current directory'; \ echo '#MXE_TMP := /tmp'; \ echo; \ echo '# This variable controls the targets that will build.'; \ echo '#MXE_TARGETS := $(MXE_TARGET_LIST)'; \ echo; \ echo '# This variable controls the download mirror for SourceForge,'; \ echo '# when it is used. Enabling the value below means auto.'; \ echo '#SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR := downloads.sourceforge.net'; \ echo; \ echo '# The three lines below makes `make` build these "local'; \ echo '# packages" instead of all packages.'; \ echo '#LOCAL_PKG_LIST := boost curl file flac lzo pthreads vorbis wxwidgets'; \ echo '#.DEFAULT local-pkg-list:'; \ echo '#local-pkg-list: $$(LOCAL_PKG_LIST)'; \ } >'$(PWD)/settings.mk') endif # Numeric min and max list functions LIST_NMAX = $(shell echo '$(strip $(1))' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -n | tail -1) LIST_NMIN = $(shell echo '$(strip $(1))' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -n | head -1) NPROCS := $(shell nproc 2>/dev/null || sysctl -n hw.ncpu 2>/dev/null || echo 1) JOBS_AUTO := $(call LIST_NMIN, $(DEFAULT_MAX_JOBS) $(NPROCS)) JOBS := $(strip $(if $(findstring undefined,$(origin JOBS)),\ $(if $(and $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(filter $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(PKGS))), \ $(info [using autodetected $(JOBS_AUTO) job(s)])) \ $(JOBS_AUTO)\ ,\ $(JOBS))) # cache some target string manipulation functions # `memoize` and `uc` from gmsl _CHOP_TARGET = $(call merge,.,$(call chop,$(call split,.,$(1)))) CHOP_TARGET = $(call memoize,_CHOP_TARGET,$(1)) _UC_LIB_TYPE = $(call uc,$(word 2,$(subst ., ,$(1)))) UC_LIB_TYPE = $(call memoize,_UC_LIB_TYPE,$(1)) # finds a package build rule or deps by truncating the target elements # $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE, package, rule type ie. BUILD|DEPS|FILE, target,[lib type, original target to cache]) # returns variable name for use with $(value) # # caches result with gmsl associative arrays (`get` and `set` functions) # since `memoize` only works with single argument LOOKUP_PKG_RULE = $(strip \ $(or $(call get,LOOKUP_PKG_RULE_,$(1)_$(2)_$(or $(5),$(3))),\ $(if $(findstring undefined, $(flavor $(1)_$(2)_$(3))),\ $(if $(3),\ $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),$(2),$(call CHOP_TARGET,$(3)),$(or $(4),$(call UC_LIB_TYPE,$(3))),$(or $(5),$(3))),\ $(if $(4),\ $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),$(2),$(4),,$(5)),\ $(call set,LOOKUP_PKG_RULE_,$(1)_$(2)_$(5),$(1)_$(2))\ $(1)_$(2))),\ $(call set,LOOKUP_PKG_RULE_,$(1)_$(2)_$(or $(5),$(3)),$(1)_$(2)_$(3))\ $(1)_$(2)_$(3)))) .PHONY: all all: all-filtered .PHONY: check-requirements define CHECK_REQUIREMENT @if ! $(1) --help &>/dev/null; then \ echo 'Missing requirement: $(1)'; \ touch check-requirements-failed; \ fi endef define CHECK_REQUIREMENT_VERSION @if ! $(1) --version | head -1 | grep ' \($(2)\)$$' >/dev/null; then \ echo 'Wrong version of requirement: $(1)'; \ touch check-requirements-failed; \ fi endef $(shell [ -d '$(PREFIX)/installed' ] || mkdir -p '$(PREFIX)/installed') check-requirements: $(PREFIX)/installed/check-requirements $(PREFIX)/installed/check-requirements: $(MAKEFILE) @echo '[check requirements]' $(foreach REQUIREMENT,$(REQUIREMENTS),$(call CHECK_REQUIREMENT,$(REQUIREMENT))) $(call CHECK_REQUIREMENT_VERSION,autoconf,2\.6[8-9]\|2\.[7-9][0-9]) $(call CHECK_REQUIREMENT_VERSION,automake,1\.11\.[3-9]\|1\.[1-9][2-9]\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?) @if [ -e check-requirements-failed ]; then \ echo; \ echo 'Please have a look at "index.html" to ensure'; \ echo 'that your system meets all requirements.'; \ echo; \ rm check-requirements-failed; \ exit 1; \ fi @touch '$@' include $(patsubst %,$(TOP_DIR)/src/%.mk,$(PKGS)) # include files from MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS PLUGIN_FILES := $(realpath $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.mk,$(MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS)))) PLUGIN_PKGS := $(basename $(notdir $(PLUGIN_FILES))) include $(PLUGIN_FILES) PKGS := $(sort $(PKGS) $(PLUGIN_PKGS)) # create target sets for PKG_TARGET_RULE loop to avoid creating empty rules # and having to explicitly disable $(BUILD) for most packages CROSS_TARGETS := $(filter-out $(BUILD),$(MXE_TARGETS)) $(foreach PKG,$(PKGS), \ $(foreach TARGET,$(or $(sort $($(PKG)_TARGETS)),$(CROSS_TARGETS)), \ $(eval $(TARGET)_PKGS += $(PKG)) \ $(eval FILTERED_PKGS += $(PKG)))) # cross targets depend on native target $(foreach TARGET,$(CROSS_TARGETS),\ $(eval $(TARGET)_DEPS = $(BUILD))) # always add $(BUILD) to our targets override MXE_TARGETS := $(CROSS_TARGETS) $(BUILD) # set column widths for build status messages PKG_COL_WIDTH := $(call plus,2,$(call LIST_NMAX, $(sort $(call map, strlen, $(PKGS))))) MAX_TARGET_WIDTH := $(call LIST_NMAX, $(sort $(call map, strlen, $(MXE_TARGETS)))) TARGET_COL_WIDTH := $(call subtract,100,$(call plus,$(PKG_COL_WIDTH),$(MAX_TARGET_WIDTH))) PRINTF_FMT := printf '%-11s %-$(PKG_COL_WIDTH)s %-$(TARGET_COL_WIDTH)s %-15s %s\n' .PHONY: download download: $(addprefix download-,$(PKGS)) define TARGET_RULE $(if $(findstring i686-pc-mingw32,$(1)), $(error Deprecated target specified: "$(1)". Please use \ i686-w64-mingw32.[$(subst $(space),|,$(MXE_LIB_TYPES))] instead)) $(if $(filter $(addsuffix %,$(MXE_TARGET_LIST) $(BUILD) $(MXE_TRIPLETS)),$(1)),, $(error Invalid target specified: "$(1)")) $(if $(findstring 1,$(words $(subst ., ,$(filter-out $(BUILD),$(1))))), @echo @echo '------------------------------------------------------------' @echo 'Warning: Deprecated target name $(1) specified' @echo @echo 'Please use $(1).[$(subst $(space),|,$(MXE_LIB_TYPES))] instead' @echo 'See index.html for further information' @echo '------------------------------------------------------------' @echo) endef $(foreach TARGET,$(MXE_TARGETS),$(eval $(call TARGET_RULE,$(TARGET)))) define PKG_RULE .PHONY: download-$(1) download-$(1): $(addprefix download-,$($(1)_DEPS)) download-only-$(1) .PHONY: download-only-$(1) download-only-$(1): $(and $($(1)_URL), @[ -d '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)' ] || mkdir -p '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)' @if ! $(call CHECK_PKG_ARCHIVE,$(1)); then \ $(PRINTF_FMT) '[download]' '$(1)'; \ ($(call DOWNLOAD_PKG_ARCHIVE,$(1))) &> '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)/$(1)-download'; \ grep 'MXE Warning' '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)/$(1)-download'; \ ln -sf '$(TIMESTAMP)/$(1)-download' '$(LOG_DIR)/$(1)-download'; \ if ! $(call CHECK_PKG_ARCHIVE,$(1)); then \ echo; \ echo 'Download failed or wrong checksum of package $(1)!'; \ echo '------------------------------------------------------------'; \ $(if $(findstring undefined, $(origin MXE_VERBOSE)),\ tail -n 10 '$(LOG_DIR)/$(1)-download' | $(SED) -n '/./p';, \ $(SED) -n '/./p' '$(LOG_DIR)/$(1)-download';) \ echo '------------------------------------------------------------'; \ echo '[log] $(LOG_DIR)/$(1)-download'; \ echo; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi) endef $(foreach PKG,$(PKGS),$(eval $(call PKG_RULE,$(PKG)))) $(PREFIX)/lib/nonetwork.so: $(TOP_DIR)/tools/nonetwork.c @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @$(BUILD_CC) -shared -fPIC -o $@ $< define PKG_TARGET_RULE .PHONY: $(1) $(1): $(PREFIX)/$(3)/installed/$(1) $(PREFIX)/$(3)/installed/$(1): $(PKG_MAKEFILES) \ $(PKG_PATCHES) \ $(PKG_TESTFILES) \ $(addprefix $(PREFIX)/$(3)/installed/,$(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),DEPS,$(3)))) \ $(and $($(3)_DEPS),$(addprefix $(PREFIX)/$($(3)_DEPS)/installed/,$(filter-out $(MXE_CONF_PKGS),$($($(3)_DEPS)_PKGS)))) \ | $(if $(DONT_CHECK_REQUIREMENTS),,check-requirements) \ $(if $(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),URL,$(3))),download-only-$(1)) \ $(addprefix $(PREFIX)/$(3)/installed/,$(if $(call set_is_not_member,$(1),$(MXE_CONF_PKGS)),$(MXE_CONF_PKGS))) \ $(PREFIX)/lib/nonetwork.so @[ -d '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)' ] || mkdir -p '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)' $(if $(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),BUILD,$(3))), @$(PRINTF_FMT) '[build]' '$(1)' '$(3)', @$(PRINTF_FMT) '[no-build]' '$(1)' '$(3)') $(if $(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),MESSAGE,$(3))), @$(PRINTF_FMT) '[message]' '$(1)' '$(3) $($(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),MESSAGE,$(3)))') @touch '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)/$(1)_$(3)' @ln -sf '$(TIMESTAMP)/$(1)_$(3)' '$(LOG_DIR)/$(1)_$(3)' @if ! (time LD_PRELOAD="$(PREFIX)/lib/nonetwork.so" $(MAKE) -f '$(MAKEFILE)' 'build-only-$(1)_$(3)' WGET=false) &> '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)/$(1)_$(3)'; then \ echo; \ echo 'Failed to build package $(1) for target $(3)!'; \ echo '------------------------------------------------------------'; \ $(if $(findstring undefined, $(origin MXE_VERBOSE)),\ tail -n 10 '$(LOG_DIR)/$(1)_$(3)' | $(SED) -n '/./p';, \ $(SED) -n '/./p' '$(LOG_DIR)/$(1)_$(3)';) \ echo '------------------------------------------------------------'; \ echo '[log] $(LOG_DIR)/$(1)_$(3)'; \ echo; \ exit 1; \ fi $(if $(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),BUILD,$(3))), @$(PRINTF_FMT) '[done]' '$(1)' '$(3)' "`grep -a '^du:.*KiB$$\' '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)/$(1)_$(3)' | cut -d ':' -f2 | tail -1`" \ "`grep -a '^real.*m.*s$$\' '$(LOG_DIR)/$(TIMESTAMP)/$(1)_$(3)' | tr '\t' ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | tail -1`") .PHONY: build-only-$(1)_$(3) build-only-$(1)_$(3): PKG = $(1) build-only-$(1)_$(3): TARGET = $(3) build-only-$(1)_$(3): BUILD_$(if $(findstring shared,$(3)),SHARED,STATIC) = TRUE build-only-$(1)_$(3): LIB_SUFFIX = $(if $(findstring shared,$(3)),dll,a) build-only-$(1)_$(3): BITS = $(if $(findstring x86_64,$(3)),64,32) build-only-$(1)_$(3): CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE = $(PREFIX)/$(3)/share/cmake/mxe-conf.cmake build-only-$(1)_$(3): CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_DIR = $(PREFIX)/$(3)/share/cmake/mxe-conf.d build-only-$(1)_$(3): CMAKE_STATIC_BOOL = $(if $(findstring shared,$(3)),OFF,ON) build-only-$(1)_$(3): CMAKE_SHARED_BOOL = $(if $(findstring shared,$(3)),ON,OFF) build-only-$(1)_$(3): $(if $(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),BUILD,$(3))), uname -a git show-branch --list --reflog=1 lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null || sw_vers 2>/dev/null || true autoconf --version 2>/dev/null | head -1 automake --version 2>/dev/null | head -1 rm -rf '$(2)' mkdir -p '$(2)' $$(if $(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),FILE,$(3))),\ $$(call PREPARE_PKG_SOURCE,$(1),$(2))) $$(call $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(1),BUILD,$(3)),$(2)/$($(1)_SUBDIR),$(TOP_DIR)/src/$(1)-test) @echo @find '$(2)' -name 'config.log' -print -exec cat {} \; @echo @echo 'settings.mk' @cat '$(TOP_DIR)/settings.mk' (du -k -d 0 '$(2)' 2>/dev/null || du -k --max-depth 0 '$(2)') | $(SED) -n 's/^\(\S*\).*/du: \1 KiB/p' rm -rfv '$(2)' ) touch '$(PREFIX)/$(3)/installed/$(1)' endef $(foreach TARGET,$(MXE_TARGETS), \ $(shell [ -d '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/installed' ] || mkdir -p '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/installed') \ $(foreach PKG,$($(TARGET)_PKGS), \ $(eval $(call PKG_TARGET_RULE,$(PKG),$(call TMP_DIR,$(PKG)-$(TARGET)),$(TARGET))))) # convenience set-like functions for unique lists SET_APPEND = \ $(eval $(1) := $(sort $($(1)) $(2))) SET_CLEAR = \ $(eval $(1) := ) # WALK functions accept a list of pkgs and/or wildcards WALK_UPSTREAM = \ $(strip \ $(foreach PKG,$(filter $(1),$(PKGS)),\ $(foreach DEP,$($(PKG)_DEPS) $(foreach TARGET,$(MXE_TARGETS),\ $(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(PKG),DEPS,$(TARGET)))),\ $(if $(filter-out $(PKGS_VISITED),$(DEP)),\ $(call SET_APPEND,PKGS_VISITED,$(DEP))\ $(call WALK_UPSTREAM,$(DEP))\ $(DEP))))) # not really walking downstream - that seems to be quadratic, so take # a linear approach and filter the fully expanded upstream for each pkg WALK_DOWNSTREAM = \ $(strip \ $(foreach PKG,$(PKGS),\ $(call SET_CLEAR,PKGS_VISITED)\ $(eval $(PKG)_DEPS_ALL := $(call WALK_UPSTREAM,$(PKG))))\ $(foreach PKG,$(PKGS),\ $(if $(filter $(1),$($(PKG)_DEPS_ALL)),$(PKG)))) # EXCLUDE_PKGS can be a list of pkgs and/or wildcards RECURSIVELY_EXCLUDED_PKGS = \ $(sort \ $(filter $(EXCLUDE_PKGS),$(PKGS))\ $(call SET_CLEAR,PKGS_VISITED)\ $(call WALK_DOWNSTREAM,$(EXCLUDE_PKGS))) .PHONY: all-filtered all-filtered: $(filter-out $(call RECURSIVELY_EXCLUDED_PKGS),$(FILTERED_PKGS)) # print a list of upstream dependencies and downstream dependents show-deps-%: $(if $(call set_is_member,$*,$(PKGS)),\ $(call SET_CLEAR,PKGS_VISITED)\ $(info $* upstream dependencies:$(newline)\ $(call WALK_UPSTREAM,$*)\ $(newline)$(newline)$* downstream dependents:$(newline)\ $(call WALK_DOWNSTREAM,$*))\ @echo,\ $(error Package $* not found in index.html)) # show upstream dependencies and downstream dependents separately # suitable for usage in shell with: `make show-downstream-deps-foo` # @echo -n suppresses the "Nothing to be done" without an eol show-downstream-deps-%: $(if $(call set_is_member,$*,$(PKGS)),\ $(call SET_CLEAR,PKGS_VISITED)\ $(info $(call WALK_DOWNSTREAM,$*))\ @echo -n,\ $(error Package $* not found in index.html)) show-upstream-deps-%: $(if $(call set_is_member,$*,$(PKGS)),\ $(call SET_CLEAR,PKGS_VISITED)\ $(info $(call WALK_UPSTREAM,$*))\ @echo -n,\ $(error Package $* not found in index.html)) # print first level pkg deps for use in build-pkg.lua .PHONY: print-deps-for-build-pkg print-deps-for-build-pkg: $(foreach TARGET,$(MXE_TARGETS), \ $(foreach PKG,$(sort $($(TARGET)_PKGS)), \ $(info for-build-pkg $(TARGET)~$(PKG) \ $(subst $(space),-,$($(PKG)_VERSION)) \ $(addprefix $(TARGET)~,$(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(PKG),DEPS,$(TARGET)))) \ $(addprefix $(TARGET)~,$(if $(call set_is_not_member,$(PKG),$(MXE_CONF_PKGS)),$(MXE_CONF_PKGS))) \ $(and $($(TARGET)_DEPS),$(addprefix $($(TARGET)_DEPS)~,$($($(TARGET)_DEPS)_PKGS)))))) @echo -n BUILD_PKG_TMP_FILES := *-*.list mxe-*.tar.xz mxe-*.deb* wheezy jessie .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf $(call TMP_DIR,*) $(PREFIX) build-matrix.html \ $(addprefix $(TOP_DIR)/, $(BUILD_PKG_TMP_FILES)) .PHONY: clean-pkg clean-pkg: rm -f $(patsubst %,'%', \ $(filter-out \ $(foreach PKG,$(PKGS),$(PKG_DIR)/$($(PKG)_FILE)), \ $(wildcard $(PKG_DIR)/*))) .PHONY: clean-junk clean-junk: clean-pkg rm -rf $(LOG_DIR) $(call TMP_DIR,*) .PHONY: update define UPDATE $(if $(2), $(if $(filter $($(1)_IGNORE),$(2)), $(info IGNORED $(1) $(2)), $(if $(filter $(2),$(shell printf '$($(1)_VERSION)\n$(2)' | $(SORT) -V | head -1)), $(if $(filter $(2),$($(1)_VERSION)), $(info . $(1) $(2)), $(info OLD $(1) $($(1)_VERSION) --> $(2) ignoring)), $(info NEW $(1) $($(1)_VERSION) --> $(2)) $(if $(findstring undefined, $(origin UPDATE_DRYRUN)), $(SED) -i 's/^\([^ ]*_VERSION *:=\).*/\1 $(2)/' '$(PKG_MAKEFILE)' $(MAKE) -f '$(MAKEFILE)' 'update-checksum-$(1)' \ || { $(SED) -i 's/^\([^ ]*_VERSION *:=\).*/\1 $($(1)_VERSION)/' '$(PKG_MAKEFILE)'; \ exit 1; }))), $(info Unable to update version number of package $(1) \ $(newline)$(newline)$($(1)_UPDATE)$(newline))) endef update: $(foreach PKG,$(PKGS),$(call UPDATE,$(PKG),$(shell $($(PKG)_UPDATE)))) update-package-%: $(if $(call set_is_member,$*,$(PKGS)), \ $(call UPDATE,$*,$(shell $($*_UPDATE))), \ $(error Package $* not found in index.html)) update-checksum-%: $(if $(call set_is_member,$*,$(PKGS)), \ $(call DOWNLOAD_PKG_ARCHIVE,$*) && \ $(SED) -i 's/^\([^ ]*_CHECKSUM *:=\).*/\1 '"`$(call PKG_CHECKSUM,$*)`"'/' '$(call PKG_MAKEFILE,$*)', \ $(error Package $* not found in index.html)) .PHONY: cleanup-style define CLEANUP_STYLE @$(SED) ' \ s/\r//g; \ s/[ \t]\+$$//; \ s,^#!/bin/bash$$,#!/usr/bin/env bash,; \ $(if $(filter %Makefile,$(1)),,\ s/\t/ /g; \ ) \ ' < $(1) > $(TOP_DIR)/tmp-cleanup-style @diff -u $(1) $(TOP_DIR)/tmp-cleanup-style >/dev/null \ || { echo '[cleanup] $(1)'; \ cp $(TOP_DIR)/tmp-cleanup-style $(1); } @rm -f $(TOP_DIR)/tmp-cleanup-style endef cleanup-style: $(foreach FILE,$(wildcard $(addprefix $(TOP_DIR)/,Makefile index.html CNAME src/*.mk src/*test.* tools/*)),$(call CLEANUP_STYLE,$(FILE))) .PHONY: cleanup-deps-style cleanup-deps-style: @grep '(PKG)_DEPS.*\\' '$(TOP_DIR)'/src/*.mk > $(TOP_DIR)/tmp-$@-pre @$(foreach PKG,$(PKGS), \ $(if $(call lne,$(sort $(filter-out gcc,$($(PKG)_DEPS))),$(filter-out gcc,$($(PKG)_DEPS))), \ $(info [cleanup] $(PKG)) \ $(SED) -i 's/^\([^ ]*_DEPS *:=\).*/\1 '"$(strip $(filter gcc,$($(PKG)_DEPS)) $(sort $(filter-out gcc,$($(PKG)_DEPS))))"'/' '$(TOP_DIR)/src/$(PKG).mk'; \ )) @grep '(PKG)_DEPS.*\\' '$(TOP_DIR)'/src/*.mk > $(TOP_DIR)/tmp-$@-post @diff -u $(TOP_DIR)/tmp-$@-pre $(TOP_DIR)/tmp-$@-post >/dev/null \ || echo '*** Multi-line deps are mangled ***' && comm -3 tmp-$@-pre tmp-$@-post @rm -f $(TOP_DIR)/tmp-$@-* build-matrix.html: $(foreach PKG,$(PKGS), $(TOP_DIR)/src/$(PKG).mk) @echo '' > $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo 'MXE Build Matrix' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '

MXE Build Matrix

' >> $@ @echo '

' >> $@ @echo 'This is a table of all supported package/target' >> $@ @echo 'matrix. Being supported means that this specific' >> $@ @echo 'combination is working to the best of our knowledge,' >> $@ @echo 'but does not mean that it is tested daily.' >> $@ @echo '

' >> $@ @echo '

' >> $@ @echo 'If you found that some package is not working properly,'>> $@ @echo 'please file a ticket on GitHub. If you figured out a' >> $@ @echo 'way to make the package work for unsupported targets,' >> $@ @echo 'feel free to submit a pull request.' >> $@ @echo '

' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @$(foreach TRIPLET,$(MXE_TRIPLETS), \ echo '' >> $@;) @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @$(foreach TRIPLET,$(MXE_TRIPLETS), \ $(foreach LIB, $(MXE_LIB_TYPES), \ echo '' >> $@;)) @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ # It is important to remember that the PKGCOUNT variables # are expressed in unary terms. So, after 5 virtual packages, # the content of $(VIRTUAL_PKGCOUNT) would be "x x x x x" and not "5". # Therefore, when using the PKGCOUNT, you have to use # $(words $(VIRTUAL_PKGCOUNT)) # The same operations are included in GMSL "Integer Arithmetic Functions." # I chose not to use most of them because their names are too long. # $(eval $(VIRTUAL_PKGCOUNT += x)) # vs # $(eval $(VIRTUAL_PKGCOUNT := $(call int_inc,$(VIRTUAL_PKGCOUNT)))) @$(foreach PKG,$(PKGS), \ $(eval $(PKG)_VIRTUAL := $(true)) \ $(eval $(PKG)_BUILD_ONLY := $(true)) \ echo -e '\n \ \n \ \n\ $(foreach TARGET,$(MXE_TARGET_LIST), \ $(if $(value $(call LOOKUP_PKG_RULE,$(PKG),BUILD,$(TARGET))), \ $(eval $(TARGET)_PKGCOUNT += x) \ $(eval $(PKG)_VIRTUAL := $(false)) \ $(eval $(PKG)_BUILD_ONLY := $(false)) \ , \ )\n) \ $(if $(call set_is_member,$(PKG),$($(BUILD)_PKGS)), \ $(eval $(PKG)_VIRTUAL := $(false)) \ , \ )\n \ \n' >> $@ $(newline) \ $(if $($(PKG)_VIRTUAL), \ $(eval VIRTUAL_PKGCOUNT += x) \ $(eval $(PKG)_BUILD_ONLY := $(false))) \ $(if $($(PKG)_BUILD_ONLY), \ $(eval BUILD_ONLY_PKGCOUNT += x))) @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @$(foreach TARGET,$(MXE_TARGET_LIST), \ echo '' >> $@;) @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '
$(PKG)$(call substr,$($(PKG)_VERSION),1,12)$(if $(call gt,$(call strlen,$($(PKG)_VERSION)),12),…)
' >> $@ # TOTAL_PKGCOUNT = PKGS - (VIRTUAL + BUILD_ONLY) @echo 'Total: $(call subtract, \ $(words $(PKGS)), \ $(words $(VIRTUAL_PKGCOUNT) $(BUILD_ONLY_PKGCOUNT)))'\ >> $@ @echo '
(+$(words $(VIRTUAL_PKGCOUNT)) virtual' >> $@ @echo '+$(words $(BUILD_ONLY_PKGCOUNT)) native-only)' >> $@ @echo '
$(words $($(TARGET)_PKGCOUNT))$(words $($(BUILD)_PKGS))
' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ .PHONY: versions.json versions.json: $(foreach PKG,$(PKGS), $(TOP_DIR)/src/$(PKG).mk) @echo '{' > $@ @{$(foreach PKG,$(PKGS), \ echo ' "$(PKG)": \ "$($(PKG)_VERSION)",';)} >> $@ @echo ' "": null' >> $@ @echo '}' >> $@