MXE Build Matrix

This is a table of all supported package/target matrix. Being supported means that this specific combination is working to the best of our knowledge, but does not mean that it is tested daily.

If you found that some package is not working properly, please file a ticket on GitHub. If you figured out a way to make the package work for unsupported targets, feel free to submit a pull request.

Package Version i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32 Native
static shared static shared
a52dec 0.7.4
agg 2.5
alure 1.2
apr 1.5.2
apr-util 1.5.4
armadillo 7.800.1
assimp 3.2
atk 2.16.0
atkmm 2.22.7
aubio 0.4.2
bfd 2.25.1
binutils 2.25.1
blas 3.5.0
boost 1.60.0
box2d 2.3.1
bullet 2.82-r2704
bzip2 1.0.6
cairo 1.15.4
cairomm 1.11.2
cblas 1
ccfits 2.4
cegui 9726a2b505fb
cfitsio 3370
cgal 4.6.3
check 0.10.0
chipmunk 6.2.2
chromaprint 1.1
cimg 1.6.3
cloog 0.18.4
cmake 3.7.2
cmake-conf 1
cminpack 1.3.4
coda 2.15.1
coin 3.1.3
cpp-netlib 0.11.2
cppunit 1.13.2
cryptopp 5.6.3
crystalhd 1
cunit 2.1-3
curl 7.53.1
db 6.1.26
dbus 1.11.10
dcmtk 3.6.0
devil 1.7.8
djvulibre 3.5.27
dlfcn-win32 e19bf07
eigen 3.2.5
exiv2 0.25
expat 2.2.0
faad2 2.7
fdk-aac 0.1.4
ffmpeg 3.2.4
fftw 3.3.6-pl1
file 5.24
flac 1.3.1
flann 1.8.4
fltk 1.3.3
fontconfig 2.12.1
freeglut 3.0.0
freeimage 3.15.4
freetds 1.00.26
freetype 2.7
freetype-bootstrap 2.7
fribidi 0.19.6
ftgl 2.1.3~rc5
gc 7.2e
gcc 5.4.0
gd 2.1.0
gdal 2.1.3
gdb 7.12.1
gdk-pixbuf 2.32.3
gendef 5.0.1
geoip-database 20150317-1
geos 3.4.2
ghostscript 9.19
giflib 5.1.4
glew 1.12.0
glfw2 2.7.9
glfw3 3.1.2
glib 2.50.2
glibmm 2.42.0
glpk 4.60
gmp 6.1.2
gnutls 3.5.10
googlemock 1.7.0
googletest 1.7.0
graphicsmagick 1.3.21
gsl 2.3
gsoap 2.8.22
gst-libav 1.6.2
gst-plugins-bad 1.6.2
gst-plugins-base 1.6.2
gst-plugins-good 1.6.2
gst-plugins-ugly 1.6.2
gstreamer 1.6.2
gta 1.0.7
gtk2 2.24.29
gtk3 3.22.7
gtkglarea 2.0.1
gtkglext 1.2.0
gtkglextmm 1.2.0
gtkimageview 1.6.4
gtkmm2 2.24.4
gtkmm3 3.14.0
gtksourceview 2.10.5
gtksourceviewmm2 2.10.3
guile 1.8.8
hamlib 3.0.1
harfbuzz 1.4.1
hdf-eos2 19v1.00
hdf-eos5 1.15
hdf4 4.2.10
hdf5 1.8.12
hunspell 1.3.3
hyperscan 4.3.2
icu4c 56.1
id3lib 3.8.3
ilmbase 2.2.0
imagemagick 6.9.0-0
isl 0.15
itk 4.10.1
jack 1.9.10
jansson 2.7
jasper 1.900.1
jpeg 9b
json-c 0.12
json-glib 1.0.4
json_spirit 4.08
jsoncpp 1.8.0
lame 3.99.5
lapack 3.6.0
lcms 2.8
lcms1 1.19
lensfun 0.3.2
levmar 2.6
libaacs 0.8.1
libarchive 3.1.2
libass 0.13.1
libbluray 0.9.2
libbs2b 3.1.0
libcaca 0.99.beta19
libcddb 1.3.2
libcdio 0.93
libcdio-paranoia 10.2+0.93+1
libcomm14cux 2.1.1
libcroco 0.6.2
libdnet 1.11
libdvbpsi 1.2.0
libdvdcss 1.3.0
libdvdetect 0.71.0
libdvdnav 5.0.1
libdvdread 5.0.0
libechonest 2.3.1
libepoxy 1.3.1
libevent 2.0.21
libf2c 1
libffi 3.2.1
libftdi 0.20
libftdi1 1.2
libgcrypt 1.7.6
libgda 4.2.13
libgdamm 4.1.3
libgee 0.5.0
libgeotiff 1.4.0
libgit2 0.23.2
libglade 2.6.4
libgnurx 2.6.1
libgpg_error 1.27
libgsasl 1.8.0
libgsf 1.14.30
libharu 2.2.1
libiberty 2.25.1
libical 2.0.0
libiconv 1.15
libid3tag 0.15.1b
libidn 1.33
libidn2 0.16
libieee1284 0.2.11
libircclient 1.8
libjpeg-turbo 1.5.1
liblastfm 1.0.9
liblastfm_qt4 1.0.9
liblaxjson 1.0.5
liblo 0.28
liblqr-1 0.4.2
liblsmash 2.9.1
libltdl 2.4.4
libmad 0.15.1b
libmicrohttpd 0.9.38
libmikmod 3.3.7
libmms 0.6.4
libmng 2.0.3
libmpcdec 1.2.6
libmysqlclient 6.1.6
libnice 0.1.13
libntlm 1.4
liboauth 1.0.3
libodbc++ 0.2.5
liboil 0.3.17
libotr 4.1.1
libpano13 2.9.18
libpaper 1.1.24+nmu4
libplist 1.12
libpng 1.6.29
librosco 0.1.11
librsvg 2.40.5
librtmp a107cef
libsamplerate 0.1.9
libshout 2.4.1
libsigc++ 2.4.0
libsndfile 1.0.27
libsodium 1.0.6
libsoup 2.57.1
libspectre 0.2.8
libssh2 1.8.0
libsvm 3.22
libtool 2.4.4
libtorrent-rasterbar 1.1.0
libunistring 0.9.7
libusb1 1.0.21
libuv 1.9.1
libvpx 1.5.0
libwebp 0.4.4
libwebsockets 1.4-chrome43…
libxml++ 2.37.2
libxml2 2.9.4
libxslt 1.1.29
libzip 1.1.3
llvm 3.4
log4cxx 0.10.0
lua 5.3.3
luabind 0.9.1
luajit 2.0.4
lzma 1604
lzo 2.09
matio 1.5.2
mdbtools 0.7.1
mingw-w64 5.0.1
miniupnpc 1.9
minizip 0b46a2b
mman-win32 b7ec370
mpc 1.0.2
mpfr 3.1.5
mpg123 1.22.4
muparser 2.2.5
muparserx 4.0.4
mxe-conf 1
mxml 2.9
ncurses e14300b
neon 0.30.2
netcdf 4.3.0
netpbm 10.35.96
nettle 3.3
nlopt 2.4.2
nsis 3.01
ocaml-cairo 1.2.0
ocaml-camlimages 4.0.1
ocaml-core 4.00.1
ocaml-findlib 1.4
ocaml-flexdll 0.31
ocaml-lablgl 1.05
ocaml-lablgtk2 2.16.0
ocaml-native 4.00.1
ocaml-xml-light 2.2
oce 0.17.2
ogg 1.3.2
old 0.17
openal 1.16.0
openblas 0.2.15
opencore-amr 0.1.3
opencsg 1.4.1
opencv 2.4.10
openexr 2.2.0
openjpeg 2.1.0
openmp-validation 3.1
openscenegraph 3.4.0
openssl 1.0.2k
openthreads 3.4.0
opus 1.1.1
opusfile 0.6
ossim 1.8.20
pango 1.37.4
pangomm 2.34.0
pcl 1.8.0
pcre 8.40
pdcurses 3.4
pdflib_lite 7.0.5p3
pfstools 2.0.4
physfs 2.0.3
picomodel 1142ad8
pire 0.0.5
pixman 0.33.6
pkgconf da179fd
plib 1.8.5-rc1
plibc cd7ed09
plotmm 0.1.2
plotutils 2.6
poco 1.4.7p1
polarssl 1.3.9
poppler 0.51.0
popt 1.16
portablexdr 4.9.1
portaudio 190600_20161…
portmidi 217
postgresql 9.2.4
primesieve 5.5.0
proj 4.9.3
protobuf 3.2.0
pthreads POSIX 1003.1…
qdbm 1.8.78
qhttpengine 0.1.0
qjson 0.8.1
qscintilla2 2.8.4
qt 4.8.7
qt3d 5.8.0
qt5 5.8.0
qtactiveqt 5.8.0
qtbase 5.8.0
qtcanvas3d 5.8.0
qtcharts 5.8.0
qtconnectivity 5.8.0
qtdatavis3d 5.8.0
qtdeclarative 5.8.0
qtgamepad 5.8.0
qtgraphicaleffects 5.8.0
qtimageformats 5.8.0
qtlocation 5.8.0
qtmultimedia 5.8.0
qtofficeopenxml 02dda4a46f92…
qtpurchasing 5.8.0
qtquickcontrols 5.8.0
qtquickcontrols2 5.8.0
qtscript 5.8.0
qtscxml 5.8.0
qtsensors 5.8.0
qtserialbus 5.8.0
qtserialport 5.8.0
qtserialport_qt4 5c3b6cc
qtservice ad9bc46
qtsparkle 4c852e57061d…
qtsparkle_qt4 4c852e57061d…
qtsvg 5.8.0
qtsystems 4e3a7ed
qttools 5.8.0
qttranslations 5.8.0
qtvirtualkeyboard 5.8.0
qtwebchannel 5.8.0
qtwebkit 5.8.0
qtwebsockets 5.8.0
qtwebview 5.8.0
qtwinextras 5.8.0
qtxlsxwriter 37ef9dae209f…
qtxmlpatterns 5.8.0
qwt 6.1.3
qwt_qt4 6.1.3
qwtplot3d 0.2.7
ragel 6.9
readline 6.3
rubberband 1.8.1
rucksack 3.1.0
sdl 1.2.15
sdl2 2.0.5
sdl2_gfx 1.0.1
sdl2_image 2.0.0
sdl2_mixer 2.0.0
sdl2_net 2.0.0
sdl2_ttf 2.0.12
sdl_gfx 2.0.25
sdl_image 1.2.12
sdl_mixer 1.2.12
sdl_net 1.2.8
sdl_pango 0.1.2
sdl_rwhttp 0.2.0
sdl_sound 1.0.3
sdl_ttf 2.0.11
sfml 2.3.2
smpeg 0.4.5+cvs200…
smpeg2 2.0.0
sox 14.4.2
sparsehash 2.0.3
speex 1.2rc2
speexdsp 1.2rc3
sqlite 3170000
subversion 1.9.4
suitesparse 4.2.1
t4k_common 0.1.1
taglib 1.10
tclap 1.2.1
teem 1.11.0
termcap 1.3.1
theora 1.1.1
tiff 4.0.7
tinyxml 2.6.2
tinyxml2 4.0.1
tre 0.8.0
twolame 0.3.13
ucl 1.03
unrtf 0.21.9
upx 3.91
vamp-plugin-sdk 2.5
vcdimager 0.7.24
vidstab 0.98b
vigra 1.9.0
vmime 1bc9f45
vo-aacenc 0.1.3
vo-amrwbenc 0.1.3
vorbis 1.3.5
vtk 5.8.0
vtk6 6.3.0
waf 1.8.17
wavpack 4.75.2
wget 1.19.1
widl 5.0.1
winpcap 4_1_3
wt 3.3.6
wxwidgets 3.0.2
x264 20161130-224…
xapian-core 1.2.21
xerces 3.1.4
xmlrpc-c d4364f4
xmlwrapp 0.7.0
xorg-macros 1.19.0
xvidcore 1.3.4
xxhash 0.6.1
xz 5.2.3
yaml-cpp 0.5.3
yasm 1.3.0
zlib 1.2.11
zziplib 0.13.62
Total: 423
(+5 virtual +6 native-only)
417 325 403 325 19