- Ensure that your Git repository is configured correctly: http://mxe.cc/#committers - Ensure all stable commits have been merged to master - run `make cleanup-style` - check html with http://validator.w3.org/ - get list of new packages: git diff --name-status stable..master | grep 'A.*.mk$' | gsed -n 's,A.*src/\(.*\)\.mk,\1\,,p' | tr '\n' ' ' - call for testers: github issue MXE mailing list use the following to check for new/changed requirements: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.github.com/mxe/mxe/master/docs/index.html ... - Fast-forward the stable branch to master: git checkout stable git merge --ff-only master git push - Announce in mailing lists, forums, etc. MXE mailing list Freecode.com (formerly Freshmeat.net) MinGW mailing list Hacker News (news.ycombinator.com)