# This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. # Standardise GitHub downloads and updates # Download API has two forms: # Archive: # url = <owner>/<repo>/archive/<ref>.tar.gz # dir = <repo>-<ref> # if <ref> starts with a single `v`, it is removed from dir # # Tarball: # url = <owner>/<repo>/tarball/<ref>/output-file.tar.gz # dir = <owner>-<repo>-<short sha> # # TODO: also third api - `releases` see libass.mk # grep -l 'MXE_GET_GITHUB\|api.github.com\|github.com.*archive' src/*.mk | xargs grep -L 'GH_CONF' # # Filename doesn't matter as we stream the url to a name of our choosing. # # The archive API could be used for all packages, however, if the reference # is any sort of SHA, the full SHA is used for the directory. We could `cd` # into it without knowing the SHA beforehand, but the directory length would # be comical in logs etc. # # The tarball API accepts references to commits or tags, always using the # short SHA as the directory. In this case, tag tracking packages would have # to store the SHA (see #1002). However, this only works for lightweight # tags, not annotated tags that most projects use for releases. # # In summary, we have to use both. # The tarball API determines the short SHA length used in the directory name. # Chances of a collision on a "given" commit seem to decrease as the chance # of "any" collision increases. If that changes in the future, `make update` # will fix it. # Currently (2015-12) the API sets the short SHA length to: GITHUB_SHA_LENGTH := 7 # Packages must set the following metadata: # Track branch - Tarball API # GH_CONF := owner/repo/branch # updates will use the last commit from the specified branch as # a version string and bypass `sort -V` # # Track tags - Archive API # GH_CONF := owner/repo, tag prefix, tag suffix, tag filter-out, version separator # updates will construct a version number based on: # <tag prefix><s/<version sep>/./version><tag suffix> # common tag filtering is applied with `grep -v`: GITHUB_TAG_FILTER := alpha\|beta\|rc # More complex filters can fall back to `MXE_GET_GH_TAGS` which returns # a list for post-processing. # ...and finally, auto-configure packages based on above metadata: # - `eval` these snippets during PKG_RULE loop (where PKG is in scope). # - `call` or `eval` from package makefiles requires complex quoting # and looks out of place. # - don't redefine manually set standard variables (FILE, SUBDIR, URL, UPDATE) GH_OWNER = $(word 1,$(subst /,$(space),$(word 1,$(subst $(comma),$(space),$($(PKG)_GH_CONF))))) GH_REPO = $(word 2,$(subst /,$(space),$(word 1,$(subst $(comma),$(space),$($(PKG)_GH_CONF))))) GH_BRANCH = $(word 3,$(subst /,$(space),$(word 1,$(subst $(comma),$(space),$($(PKG)_GH_CONF))))) GH_TAG_VARS = $(call rest,$(subst $(comma),$(space)$(__gmsl_aa_magic),$(subst $(space),,$($(PKG)_GH_CONF)))) GH_TAG_PREFIX = $(subst $(__gmsl_aa_magic),,$(word 1,$(GH_TAG_VARS))) GH_TAG_SUFFIX = $(subst $(__gmsl_aa_magic),,$(word 2,$(GH_TAG_VARS))) GH_TAG_FILTER = $(subst $(__gmsl_aa_magic),,$(word 3,$(GH_TAG_VARS))) GH_VERSION_SEP = $(subst $(__gmsl_aa_magic),,$(word 4,$(GH_TAG_VARS))) define MXE_SETUP_GITHUB $(PKG)_GH_OWNER := $(GH_OWNER) $(PKG)_GH_REPO := $(GH_REPO) $(PKG)_BRANCH := $(GH_BRANCH) $(PKG)_TAG_VARS := $(GH_TAG_VARS) $(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX := $(GH_TAG_PREFIX) $(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX := $(GH_TAG_SUFFIX) $(PKG)_TAG_FILTER := $(GH_TAG_FILTER) $(PKG)_VERSION_SEP := $(or $(GH_VERSION_SEP),.) $(PKG)_FILE := $(or $($(PKG)_FILE),$(PKG)-$$($$(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX)$($(PKG)_VERSION)$$($$(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX).tar.gz) $(if $(and $(GH_BRANCH),$(GH_TAG_VARS)),\ $(error $(newline) $(PKG) specifies both branch and tag variables $(newline))) $(if $(GH_BRANCH),$(value MXE_SETUP_GITHUB_BRANCH),$(value MXE_SETUP_GITHUB_TAG)) endef define MXE_SETUP_GITHUB_BRANCH $(PKG)_SUBDIR := $(or $($(PKG)_SUBDIR),$($(PKG)_GH_OWNER)-$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)-$($(PKG)_VERSION)) $(PKG)_URL := $(or $($(PKG)_URL),https://github.com/$($(PKG)_GH_OWNER)/$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)/tarball/$($(PKG)_VERSION)/$($(PKG)_FILE)) $(PKG)_UPDATE := $(or $($(PKG)_UPDATE),$(call MXE_GET_GH_SHA,$($(PKG)_GH_OWNER)/$($(PKG)_GH_REPO),$($(PKG)_BRANCH))) endef define MXE_SETUP_GITHUB_TAG $(PKG)_SUBDIR := $(or $($(PKG)_SUBDIR),$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)-$(if $(call sne,v,$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX)),$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX))$(subst .,$($(PKG)_VERSION_SEP),$($(PKG)_VERSION))$($(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX)) $(PKG)_TAR_GZ := $(or $($(PKG)_TAR_GZ),$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)-$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX)$(subst .,$($(PKG)_VERSION_SEP),$($(PKG)_VERSION))$($(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX)) $(PKG)_URL := $(or $($(PKG)_URL),https://github.com/$($(PKG)_GH_OWNER)/$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)/archive/$(subst $($(PKG)_GH_REPO)-,,$($(PKG)_TAR_GZ)).tar.gz) $(PKG)_UPDATE := $(or $($(PKG)_UPDATE),$(call MXE_GET_GH_TAG,$($(PKG)_GH_OWNER)/$($(PKG)_GH_REPO),$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX),$($(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX),$(or $($(PKG)_TAG_FILTER),$(GITHUB_TAG_FILTER)),$($(PKG)_VERSION_SEP))) endef # called with owner/repo,branch define MXE_GET_GH_SHA $(WGET) -q -O- 'https://api.github.com/repos/$(strip $(1))/git/refs/heads/$(strip $(2))' \ | $(SED) -n 's#.*"sha": "\([^"]\{$(GITHUB_SHA_LENGTH)\}\).*#\1#p' \ | head -1 endef # called with owner/repo define MXE_GET_GH_TAGS $(WGET) -q -O- 'https://api.github.com/repos/$(strip $(1))/git/refs/tags/' \ | $(SED) -n 's#.*"ref": "refs/tags/\([^"]*\).*#\1#p' endef # called with owner/repo, tag prefix, tag suffix, filter-out, version sep define MXE_GET_GH_TAG $(MXE_GET_GH_TAGS) \ | $(if $(4),grep -vi '$(strip $(4))') \ | $(SED) -n 's,^$(strip $(2))\([^"]*\)$(strip $(3))$$,\1,p' \ | tr '$(strip $(5))' '.' \ | $(SORT) -V \ | tail -1 endef GITHUB_PKGS = $(patsubst %_GH_CONF,%,$(filter %_GH_CONF,$(.VARIABLES))) # check-gh-conf : test updates and source directory # check-gh-conf-dl: removes downloads and tests above # a test of many package updates may hit rate limit of 60/hr # https://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting .PHONY: check-gh-conf check-gh-conf-% check-gh-conf-dl: REMOVE_DOWNLOAD = true check-gh-conf-dl: MXE_NO_BACKUP_DL = true check-gh-conf-dl: check-gh-conf check-gh-conf-pkg-%: check-update-package-% download-only-% @$(PRINTF_FMT) '[prep-src]' '$(*)' | $(RTRIM) @($(MAKE) -f '$(MAKEFILE)' 'prepare-pkg-source-$(*)') > /dev/null @rm -rf '$(call TMP_DIR,$(*))' # secondexpansion here since this file is included before pkg makefiles .SECONDEXPANSION: check-gh-conf: $$(addprefix check-gh-conf-pkg-,$$(GITHUB_PKGS)) github-pkgs: $$(GITHUB_PKGS)