# This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information.

GIT_DIR = $(if $(patsubst .,,$($(1)_SUBDIR)) \

GIT_CMD = git \
    --work-tree='$(call GIT_DIR,$(1))' \
    --git-dir='$(call GIT_DIR,$(1))'/.git

PATCH_NAME = 1-fixes

# can't use PKG_PATCHES here, because it returns existing patches
# while export-patch creates new patch
PATCH_BY_NAME = $(patsubst %.mk,%-$(2).patch,$($(1)_MAKEFILE))

define INIT_GIT
    # unpack to gits/tmp/pkg
    rm -rf '$(GITS_DIR)/tmp'
    mkdir -p '$(GITS_DIR)/tmp/$(1)'
    cd '$(GITS_DIR)/tmp/$(1)' && $(call UNPACK_PKG_ARCHIVE,$(1))
    # if PKG_SUBDIR is ".", the following will move gits/tmp/pkg
    mv '$(abspath $(GITS_DIR)/tmp/$(1)/$($(1)_SUBDIR))' '$(call GIT_DIR,$(1))'
    rm -rf '$(GITS_DIR)/tmp'
    # rename existing .git directories if any
    find '$(call GIT_DIR,$(1))' -name .git -prune -exec sh -c 'mv "$$0" "$$0"_' {} \;
    # initialize git
    $(call GIT_CMD,$(1)) init
    $(call GIT_CMD,$(1)) add -A
    $(call GIT_CMD,$(1)) commit -m "init"
    $(call GIT_CMD,$(1)) tag dist

    cd '$(call GIT_DIR,$(1))' \
        && cat '$(2)' \
        | $(SED) '/^From/,$$  !d' \
        | $(SED) s/'^From: MXE'/"From: fix@me"/'g;' \
        | $(call GIT_CMD,$(1)) am --keep-cr ;

    cd '$(call GIT_DIR,$(1))' \
    && ( \
        echo 'This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information.'; \
        echo ''; \
        echo 'Contains ad hoc patches for cross building.'; \
        echo ''; \
        $(call GIT_CMD,$(1)) format-patch \
            --numbered \
            -p \
            --no-signature \
            --stdout \
            --text \
            -M9 \
            dist..HEAD \
        | $(SED) 's/^From [0-9a-f]\{40\} /From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 /' \
        | $(SED) 's/^index .......\.\......../index 1111111..2222222/' \
    ) > '$(PATCH_BY_NAME)'

_init-git-%: TIMESTAMP = patch
_init-git-%: download-only-%
	$(if $(call set_is_member,$*,$(PKGS)), \
	    $(if $(wildcard $(call GIT_DIR,$*)), \
	        $(error $(call GIT_DIR,$*) already exists), \
	        $(call INIT_GIT,$*)), \
	    $(error Package $* not found))

	$(if $(call set_is_member,$*,$(PKGS)), \
	    $(if $(wildcard $(call GIT_DIR,$*)), \
	        $(call IMPORT_PATCH,$*,$(call PATCH_BY_NAME,$*,$(PATCH_NAME))), \
	        $(error $(call GIT_DIR,$*) does not exist)), \
	    $(error Package $* not found))

	$(if $(call set_is_member,$*,$(PKGS)), \
	    $(if $(wildcard $(call GIT_DIR,$*)), \
	        $(foreach PKG_PATCH,$(call PKG_PATCHES,$*), \
	            $(call IMPORT_PATCH,$*,$(PKG_PATCH))), \
	        $(error $(call GIT_DIR,$*) does not exist)), \
	    $(error Package $* not found))

	$(if $(call set_is_member,$*,$(PKGS)), \
	    $(if $(wildcard $(call GIT_DIR,$*)), \
	        $(call EXPORT_PATCH,$*,$(PATCH_NAME)), \
	        $(error $(call GIT_DIR,$*) does not exist)), \
	    $(error Package $* not found))

# use .SECONDARY: when refreshing all patches if you don't
# want to unpack everything every time
init-git-%: $(PREFIX)/installed/patch/init-git-% ;
import-patch-%: $(PREFIX)/installed/patch/import-patch-% ;
import-all-patches-%: $(PREFIX)/installed/patch/import-all-patches-% ;
export-patch-%: $(PREFIX)/installed/patch/export-patch-% ;

refresh-patch-%: $(PREFIX)/installed/patch/refresh-patch-% ;
	@rm -rf $(PWD)/tmp-patch/$*
	@$(MAKE) -f '$(MAKEFILE)' init-git-$*     GITS_DIR=$(PWD)/tmp-patch/$*
	@$(MAKE) -f '$(MAKEFILE)' import-patch-$* GITS_DIR=$(PWD)/tmp-patch/$*
	@$(MAKE) -f '$(MAKEFILE)' export-patch-$* GITS_DIR=$(PWD)/tmp-patch/$*
	@# darwin sometimes chokes deleting large git repos
	@rm -rf $(PWD)/tmp-patch/$* || sleep 5; rm -rf $(PWD)/tmp-patch/$*
	+@mkdir -p '$(dir $@)'
	@touch '$@'

	@echo '[$*]'
	@[ -d '$(LOG_DIR)/patch' ] || mkdir -p '$(LOG_DIR)/patch'
	@(time $(MAKE) -f '$(MAKEFILE)' _$*) &> '$(LOG_DIR)/patch/$*'
	+@mkdir -p '$(dir $@)'
	@touch '$@'

PATCH_FORMAT_PATCHES := $(shell find $(MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS) plugins -name "*-$(PATCH_NAME).patch")
PATCH_FORMAT_PKGS    := $(sort $(subst -$(PATCH_NAME),,$(basename $(notdir $(PATCH_FORMAT_PATCHES)))))
PATCH_FORMAT_DIRS    := $(sort $(basename $(dir $(PATCH_FORMAT_PATCHES))))

.PHONY: refresh-patches
	@$(MAKE) -f '$(MAKEFILE)' -j '$(JOBS)'\
	    $(addprefix refresh-patch-,$(PATCH_FORMAT_PKGS)) \