This file is part of MXE. See for licensing information. From db2da6e11d917fae648af3cd3c31190bc0fc8b74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Boris Nagaev <> Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 18:57:34 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] examples Makefile: split CFLAGS to DEFINE, INCDIR Changes of INCDIR (-I) and DEFINE (-D, -m, -f) are now independent. It is convenient for cross-compilation with MinGW. --- examples/Makefile | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/examples/Makefile b/examples/Makefile index af16fdb..81afc91 100644 --- a/examples/Makefile +++ b/examples/Makefile @@ -137,11 +137,15 @@ endif ifeq ($(notdir $(CC)),icpc) CIMG_OPENMP_CFLAGS = #-Dcimg_use_openmp -openmp -i-static # -> Seems to bug the compiler! else -CIMG_OPENMP_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_openmp -fopenmp +CIMG_OPENMP_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_openmp -fopenmp +CIMG_OPENMP_INCDIR = +CIMG_OPENMP_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_OPENMP_DEFINE) $(CIMG_OPENMP_INCDIR) endif # Flags to enable OpenCV support. -CIMG_OPENCV_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_opencv -I/usr/include/opencv +CIMG_OPENCV_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_opencv +CIMG_OPENCV_INCDIR = -I/usr/include/opencv +CIMG_OPENCV_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_OPENCV_DEFINE) $(CIMG_OPENCV_INCDIR) CIMG_OPENCV_LIBS = -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui #CIMG_OPENCV_LIBS = -lcv -lhighgui #-> Use this for OpenCV < 2.2.0 @@ -151,7 +155,9 @@ CIMG_NODISPLAY_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_display=0 # Flags to enable the use of the X11 library. # (X11 is used by CImg to handle display windows) # !!! For 64bits systems : replace -L$(X11PATH)/lib by -L$(X11PATH)/lib64 !!! -CIMG_X11_CFLAGS = -I$(X11PATH)/include +CIMG_X11_DEFINE = +CIMG_X11_INCDIR = -I$(X11PATH)/include +CIMG_X11_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_X11_DEFINE) $(CIMG_X11_INCDIR) CIMG_X11_LIBS = -L$(X11PATH)/lib -lpthread -lX11 # Flags to enable fast image display, using the XSHM library (when using X11). @@ -160,63 +166,87 @@ CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS = # -Dcimg_use_xshm CIMG_XSHM_LIBS = # -lXext # Flags to enable GDI32 display (Windows native). -CIMG_GDI32_CFLAGS = -mwindows +CIMG_GDI32_DEFINE = -mwindows +CIMG_GDI32_INCDIR = +CIMG_GDI32_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_GDI32_DEFINE) $(CIMG_GDI32_INCDIR) CIMG_GDI32_LIBS = -lgdi32 # Flags to enable screen mode switching, using the XRandr library (when using X11). # ( ) # !!! Not supported by the X11 server on MacOSX, so do not use it on MacOSX !!! -CIMG_XRANDR_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_xrandr +CIMG_XRANDR_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_xrandr +CIMG_XRANDR_INCDIR = +CIMG_XRANDR_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_XRANDR_DEFINE) $(CIMG_XRANDR_INCDIR) CIMG_XRANDR_LIBS = -lXrandr # Flags to enable native support for PNG image files, using the PNG library. # ( ) -CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_png +CIMG_PNG_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_png +CIMG_PNG_INCDIR = +CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_PNG_DEFINE) $(CIMG_PNG_INCDIR) CIMG_PNG_LIBS = -lpng -lz # Flags to enable native support for JPEG image files, using the JPEG library. # ( ) -CIMG_JPEG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_jpeg +CIMG_JPEG_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_jpeg +CIMG_JPEG_INCDIR = +CIMG_JPEG_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_JPEG_DEFINE) $(CIMG_JPEG_INCDIR) CIMG_JPEG_LIBS = -ljpeg # Flags to enable native support for TIFF image files, using the TIFF library. # ( ) -CIMG_TIFF_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_tiff +CIMG_TIFF_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_tiff +CIMG_TIFF_INCDIR = +CIMG_TIFF_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_TIFF_DEFINE) $(CIMG_TIFF_INCDIR) CIMG_TIFF_LIBS = -ltiff # Flags to enable native support for MINC2 image files, using the MINC2 library. # ( ) -CIMG_MINC2_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_minc2 -I${HOME}/local/include +CIMG_MINC2_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_minc2 +CIMG_MINC2_INCDIR = -I${HOME}/local/include +CIMG_MINC2_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_MINC2_DEFINE) $(CIMG_MINC2_INCDIR) CIMG_MINC2_LIBS = -lminc_io -lvolume_io2 -lminc2 -lnetcdf -lhdf5 -lz -L${HOME}/local/lib # Flags to enable native support for EXR image files, using the OpenEXR library. # ( ) -CIMG_EXR_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_openexr -I/usr/include/OpenEXR +CIMG_EXR_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_openexr +CIMG_EXR_INCDIR = -I/usr/include/OpenEXR +CIMG_EXR_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_EXR_DEFINE) $(CIMG_EXR_INCDIR) CIMG_EXR_LIBS = -lIlmImf -lHalf # Flags to enable native support for various video files, using the FFMPEG library. # ( ) -CIMG_FFMPEG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_ffmpeg -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -I/usr/include/libavcodec -I/usr/include/libavformat -I/usr/include/libswscale -I/usr/include/ffmpeg +CIMG_FFMPEG_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_ffmpeg -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS +CIMG_FFMPEG_INCDIR = -I/usr/include/libavcodec -I/usr/include/libavformat -I/usr/include/libswscale -I/usr/include/ffmpeg +CIMG_FFMPEG_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_FFMPEG_DEFINE) $(CIMG_FFMPEG_INCDIR) CIMG_FFMPEG_LIBS = -lavcodec -lavformat -lswscale # Flags to enable native support for compressed .cimgz files, using the Zlib library. # ( ) -CIMG_ZLIB_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_zlib +CIMG_ZLIB_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_zlib +CIMG_ZLIB_INCDIR = +CIMG_ZLIB_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_ZLIB_DEFINE) $(CIMG_ZLIB_INCDIR) CIMG_ZLIB_LIBS = -lz # Flags to enable native support for downloading files from the network. # ( ) -CIMG_CURL_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_curl +CIMG_CURL_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_curl +CIMG_CURL_INCDIR = +CIMG_CURL_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_CURL_DEFINE) CIMG_CURL_LIBS = -lcurl # Flags to enable native support of most classical image file formats, using the Magick++ library. # ( ) -CIMG_MAGICK_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_magick `Magick++-config --cppflags` `Magick++-config --cxxflags` +CIMG_MAGICK_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_magick +CIMG_MAGICK_INCDIR = `Magick++-config --cppflags` `Magick++-config --cxxflags` +CIMG_MAGICK_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_MAGICK_DEFINE) $(CIMG_MAGICK_INCDIR) CIMG_MAGICK_LIBS = `Magick++-config --ldflags` `Magick++-config --libs` # Flags to enable faster Discrete Fourier Transform computation, using the FFTW3 library # ( ) -CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_fftw3 +CIMG_FFTW3_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_fftw3 +CIMG_FFTW3_INCDIR = +CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_FFTW3_DEFINE) $(CIMG_FFTW3_INCDIR) ifeq ($(OSTYPE),msys) CIMG_FFTW3_LIBS = -lfftw3-3 else @@ -225,12 +255,16 @@ endif # Flags to enable the use of LAPACK routines for matrix computation # ( ) -CIMG_LAPACK_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_lapack +CIMG_LAPACK_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_lapack +CIMG_LAPACK_INCDIR = +CIMG_LAPACK_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_LAPACK_DEFINE) $(CIMG_LAPACK_INCDIR) CIMG_LAPACK_LIBS = -lblas -lg2c -llapack # Flags to enable the use of the Board library # ( ) -CIMG_BOARD_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_board -I/usr/include/board +CIMG_BOARD_DEFINE = -Dcimg_use_board +CIMG_BOARD_INCDIR = -I/usr/include/board +CIMG_BOARD_CFLAGS = $(CIMG_BOARD_DEFINE) $(CIMG_BOARD_INCDIR) CIMG_BOARD_LIBS = -lboard # Flags to compile on Sun Solaris -- 1.9.1