/* * This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. * * based on: * http://articles.beltoforion.de/article.php?a=muparserx&hl=en&p=using&s=idInclude#idEval */ #include "mpParser.h" using namespace mup; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; // Create the parser instance ParserX p; // Create an array of mixed type Value arr(3, 0); arr.At(0) = 2.0; arr.At(1) = "this is a string"; // Create some basic values Value cVal(cmplx_type(1, 1)); Value sVal("Hello World"); Value fVal(1.1); // Now add the variable to muParser p.DefineVar("va", Variable(&arr)); p.DefineVar("a", Variable(&cVal)); p.DefineVar("b", Variable(&sVal)); p.DefineVar("c", Variable(&fVal)); p.SetExpr("va[0]+a*strlen(b)-c"); for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { // evaluate the expression and change the value of // the variable c in each turn cVal = 1.1 * i; Value result = p.Eval(); // print the result console() << result << "\n"; } }