# This file is part of MXE. # See index.html for further information. PKG := qtwebkit $(PKG)_IGNORE := $(PKG)_VERSION = $(qtbase_VERSION) $(PKG)_CHECKSUM := 9ca72373841f3a868a7bcc696956cdb0ad7f5e678c693659f6f0b919fdd16dfe $(PKG)_SUBDIR = $(subst qtbase,qtwebkit,$(qtbase_SUBDIR)) $(PKG)_FILE = $(subst qtbase,qtwebkit,$(qtbase_FILE)) $(PKG)_URL = $(subst /submodules/,/,$(subst official_releases/qt,community_releases,$(subst qtbase,qtwebkit,$(qtbase_URL)))) $(PKG)_DEPS := gcc qtbase qtmultimedia sqlite define $(PKG)_UPDATE echo $(qtbase_VERSION) endef define $(PKG)_BUILD_SHARED # looks for build tools with .exe suffix and tries to use win_flex $(SED) -i 's,\.exe,,' '$(1)/Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/functions.prf' # invoke qmake with removed debug options as a workaround for # https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30898 cd '$(1)' && mkdir -p .git && '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/qt5/bin/qmake' FLEX=flex CONFIG-='debug debug_and_release' $(MAKE) -C '$(1)' -j '$(JOBS)' $(MAKE) -C '$(1)' -j 1 install endef